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Got Neph in 50 orbs, but of course, she comes -ATK+DEF. But I guess it's still fine as attacking should be a secondary concern, or I would just use Alm.

Nevertheless, I'm happy, no orb dumping to get exactly the only one I cared for.

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Hero's path got some orbs.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Nanna (PLEASE BE GOOD. +Def/-Res, why is she always +Def?), 4* Cordelia (When will she get a refine? +Res/-HP), 3* Catria (So much meh fodder. +Def/-HP), 5* DONG ALMER (IT'S THE DONG! +Atk/-Def, maximum fucking pain.), 4* Cherche (I may merge some day. Linus first though. +Res/-Spd)

THE DONG HAS ARRIVED. So soon after Bravica as well. Guess I broke a rate already.

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8 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Sunwoo Oh wow congrats on that perfect Reinhardt! He must have appreciated your avatar.

Maybe! XD Not gonna lie, I thought I was in for a long, miserable summoning session where I either got nothing, got pity broken repeatedly, or it took me until the end of the banner to pull Reinhardt. This was ... beyond expectations.

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Ooh, a pile of orbs from Heroes' Path.

Main: A pile of feathers and a Sumia. Yuck.

Alt: Just trying for one more copy of Klein. End up with Nephenee +Spd -Def. Why does my alt get all the luck? I've gotten Zelgius, Brave Lyn, Celica, Lewyn, Deirdre, and Kaden within the first five pulls on recent banners.

Edited by Chrom-ulent
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So I went into the Banner trying for Ishtar~ I was on Circle #3 which had no Reds, so I went for Green~


The good tiny hands man is here! And like all of my Reins, he is +Atk. He loves me, I swear~

Pulled a bit more and got a Leif who is clearly mad he still doesn't have an alt. +Spd, so I merged my Neutral into him~ He's +2~ I find it hilarious how long he evaded me only to keep showing up now~ Well I won't complain.

Pulled a bit more and


She is here! -Atk unfortunately, but nothing an Atk+3 Seal won't fix~ Happy to get them both so I can be done here and keep saving for October~

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I decided it might be beneficial for me to have a green flying refresher that isn't Reyson (because Reyson is obviously best off being with other beasts), and I never had any luck trying to get NY Azura, so I've given dancer Reinhardt a few tries after collecting the Heroes' Path orbs. Didn't get him yet. xP

Edited by Anacybele
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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I decided it might be beneficial for me to have a green flying refresher that isn't Reyson (because Reyson is obviously best off being with other beasts), and I never had any luck trying to get NY Azura, so I've given dancer Reinhardt a few tries after collecting the Heroes' Path orbs. Didn't get him yet. xP


I use Leanne and Reyson on any and all team comps.  - don't let that stop you!

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52 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

I use Leanne and Reyson on any and all team comps.  - don't let that stop you!

Yeah, but they're still at their best on beast teams. Besides, I find Reinhardt interesting as a character from what I've seen of him in just Heroes.

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46 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, but they're still at their best on beast teams. Besides, I find Reinhardt interesting as a character from what I've seen of him in just Heroes.

if by best you mean the one extra move - i suppose. - i'm just saying. - I very much do not use beasts, and i use Leanne a lot. not having the extra 1 move doesn't bug me (or - it's easy to keep her isolated so she can tranform) - that's all.- and honestly if i didn't have orb plans, I'd totally go for Reinhardt. he looks awesome


@mcsilas - nothing in the Calendar interests me, so  - I went for Nephy  and I got her!
dead neutral(bless). I also snagged Elincia (out of Ryoma, Xander and she - that's the one i wanted the most). 

back to saving. 

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3,152 total pulled units.


Catria (+Def/-Res): Luna's relevant, at least.
Roy (+Res/-Atk): The other way around!
Cherche (+Spd/-Def): One of the few units that doesn't like this.
Nepheenee (+Def/-Spd): So she follows Elincia.  But hey, at least I got a banner unit.  Will most likely ditch Dance for arena purposes, since Azura does it better.

Donnel (+HP/-Spd): Eeep, no.
Lukas (+HP/-Spd): Definitely better on him.
Roy (+Spd/-HP): Much better.  Merge fodder, though.
Ares (+Spd/-Def): Also merge fodder. . .even if this is pretty good. . .
Kaze (+Res/-Spd): And end it on a disappointing note. ;/

I have no idea what to do with Neph. . .besides cry. . .


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Free pulled green in the hopes of getting an Inigo or a 4* Boey (because it's more practical, though I'd rather have Shigure.) I got a PA!Azura. ... At least I finally have a PA unit. (Yes, this is my first.) Not going to complain.

She's +spd/-res. That's good for her, right?

Edited by Mercakete
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I'm now only two units away from having them all*!

*Not counting new units starting from the second Three Houses banner.

Managed two copies of Olivia, the only Performing Arts unit I didn't have. One is +Def, one is +Spd, and both are -HP. Hold the phone guys, I need to call Sherlock Holmes to find out which of the two is gonna live.
I don't even need Olivia aside from the collect-athon thing, but just having her around is nice.

Now only two remain... Halloween Henry and Bullcrap Jakob...

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Back to Performing Arts. I picked up Inigo from a Legendary banner way back, so lets try for his mother.

  1. 4* Azama: Garbage.

There were 3 other grey orbs, but I don't really care about Olivia. Heroes' Path got me up to 20 orbs, so another shot for Ishtar.

  1. 4* Odin: Moonbow fodder again.
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Performing Arts got a relaunch.

I'm okay with a free pull.

4 Colourless, 1 Green (So.... Not the colourless)

3* Camilla (the 3* Green pool sucks, fight me. Neutral)

Let's try again for more dancers, much as my dancer luck is awful.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Tailtiu (More decent fodder. +Spd/-HP), 4* Sothe (L&D. I would love to get more of this. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Serra (Launch units need better fodder or some way to use them to get said fodder. +Spd/-Atk), 3* Draug (I have loads of him. Stop. +Res/-HP), 3* Seliph (Ew. +Spd/-HP)


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Didn't expect any unit in the full circle, but got Ishtar (+HP/-Res, whatever) regardless, so it's a nice surprise (wish that luck was there for any Myrrh copies, oh well). Rest was the usual uninteresting manual candidates (henry, roderick, olivia and uuhh... some healer).

I have loads of dancers now, so I don't know if I really want to keep her, but she is a competent unit, so I'll probably have her around as long as no one REALLY needs Swift Sparrow 3 or her C-Skill (Something Order).

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 93

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7 hours ago, daisy jane said:

nothing in the Calendar interests me, so  - I went for Nephy  and I got her!
dead neutral(bless). I also snagged Elincia (out of Ryoma, Xander and she - that's the one i wanted the most). 

back to saving.

Congrats, seems a lucky banner for us. I knew you wanted both. 

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Of course, I get a pity rate with what small amount of orbs I could get the other day trying for dancer Reinhardt and that goes away thanks to a -Atk Lewyn. This banner doesn't seem to like me.

I guess someone's getting Special Spiral though.

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7 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Free pulled green in the hopes of getting an Inigo or a 4* Boey (because it's more practical, though I'd rather have Shigure.) I got a PA!Azura. ... At least I finally have a PA unit. (Yes, this is my first.) Not going to complain.

She's +spd/-res. That's good for her, right?

yeah - she'd rather be neutral in her res because she can take a hit or two from blues  - but +spd is great. my one i chased so hard for last year is +hp/-spd, so i'd happily take yours. 

48 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Congrats, seems a lucky banner for us. I knew you wanted both. 

yeah. it was very much a relief. Reinhardt as much as i'd like him can wait until legendary. 

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...I got pitybroken again.

But this time:


BY KITTY CAT MAN! I would definitely love to +10 him! ❤️ He's +Spd too! So I ditched the +Def one I had before and made this one the new base. +1 Ranulf!

But now I'm wondering if I should just stop now because I'm just getting pitybreakers instead of Reinhardt... >_<

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I tried to get some CC fodder after the Lancina refine because I wanted to try some fun builds with W!Cecilia or Alolan Peri but sadly I was unable to get Xander. On brighter news I got a +Atk Horse Chrom and this beauty: 


That nature really made my day, now I just need to think on whether she'll be on my light or my astra team (I don't have any Dark/Anima mythics so there's no need to give her those kinds of blessings). 

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