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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I got Mila -Atk/+Def.  Not good, but in all honesty my favourite grouchy fell dragon will enjoy the fodder lol XD

Is it your 2nd Mila? If it's your first one, I would recommend to save her. She can be useful in AR and AA, and even Legendary/Mythic Hero Battles because she inflicts Isolation based on Def and not HP.

And I still think Sturdy Stance 3 is better for Grima than Bracing Stance.

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The bond skill banner has units I'd rather pull for other fodder.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Mordecai (Shoo kitty. +Spd/-Res)

Meanwhile, Mila.

3 Red, 2 Blue (0/10)

4* Stahl (I have never been so relieved to see him at 4*. Neutral)

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11 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Is it your 2nd Mila? If it's your first one, I would recommend to save her. She can be useful in AR and AA, and even Legendary/Mythic Hero Battles because she inflicts Isolation based on Def and not HP.

And I still think Sturdy Stance 3 is better for Grima than Bracing Stance.

I don't need her since I have both Eir and Peony, XD

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Sitting at a nasty 4.5% on Owain’s banner, but I got him to +5 regardless so that’s a win for me! Only two pity breakers, an unwelcome Luke and a pretty welcome Lethe. 
Also got my first Python, completely neutral! He’s very awesome, armored boots can stay active because of his Sol Lance lol

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1 hour ago, SockPuppet said:

Also got my first Python, completely neutral! He’s very awesome, armored boots can stay active because of his Sol Lance lol

You mean Forsyth, right? Python is the Blue guy that is a Green Archer, fo some reason...

I wish Python has Sol Lance as well. lol

Anyway, congrats for your summons!

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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6 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

You mean Forsyth, right? Python is the Blue guy that is a Green Archer, fo some reason...

I wish Python has Sol Lance as well. lol

Anyway, congrats for your summons!

LOL thank you! Yes, yes I meant Forsyth, Python is on the mind for whatever reason though 😅

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Bridal Bloom has returned. I'm not much for dancers, so let's see if I can get Tharja.

  1. 3* Selena: Reposition fodder.

That's good too. Now another circle on the Mythic banner. 23 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* Virion: Go away.
  2. 5* L!Eliwood: Great! Finally a Wind Pair-up Hero to join Guunthra, Hrid, Lyn, and Lucina. Unfortunately he's +HP/-Atk, but Death Blow 4 and his general focus on team support mean it's not quite so bad.
  3. 3* Roy: How fitting...
  4. 3* Lukas: Feathers.
  5. 4* Oscar: Ugh.

A merge for L!Julia and a poor L!Eliwood were definitely not worth the 135 orbs I spent on this banner. I did get a few nice pieces of skill fodder, but I really would have liked at least one more 5*.

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Oh look, the second bridal banner.

I only would take a Ninian merge. Though foddering Sanaki sounds like a mean thing to do.

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless

3* Odin (I chose poorly. +Spd/-Res)

It's Mila time.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Gordin (It's a shame so many weapons have not been refineable. +Def/-Atk), 4* Azama (I do not like this cruel man, his showing up is not to plan. +Res/-Spd)

3 Blue, 2 Red (WHY GAME? WHY DO THIS?)

4* M!Corrin (Just.... go. +HP/-Spd)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless (Stop with the blues. Also reds.)

4* Raven (Just go away. +Spd/-Atk), 3* Leon (Leohno. +Res/-Spd)


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I've been forced into tapping my rainy day orb stash, with about a few dozen orbs from CCs and Hard Story Maps consumed. That, and I've claimed every single June quest orb as well. Nothing to show for it other than a 12% rate. It's all rather depressing, over 300 orbs for two 5-stars so far.

3* Ares
3* Eirika
3* Maria
4* Mercedes
4* Eliwood
3* Tethys
4* Mercedes
3* Brady
4* Chrom
3* Eirika
3* Roy
4* Tanya
3* Sakura
4* Soleil
3* Gordin
4* Maria
4* Saizo
4* Laslow
4* Sakura
4* Palla
3* Tiki
3* Gordin
3* Lucius
3* Tethys
3* Hinata
4* Azama
4* Seliph
4* Lon'qu
4* Saizo
4* Selena
3* Saizo

P.S. Other new banner freebies were 4* Clair and 3* Mordecai.


EDIT: Screw it, I know I shouldn't keep playing while tilted, but I went ahead and finished all of the Book 3 Chain Challenges, the Paralogue Chain Challenges up to chapter 26 and Book 3 hard maps to chapter 8. That's was quite a few stamina potions and I'd forgotten how frustrating 10-map CCs can be, but I was "rewarded" finally with a dual 5-star pull to salvage the banner. Mila +Res -Def (happy to have her go to +1, need to pick between Atk and Res) and Legendary Alm +Def -Atk (not really after him but fine, goes to +2). Rest of the circle was just 4* Mae and 3*s Roy and Lilina.

I think my next few hundred orbs over the next few months will be dedicated solely to New Heroes banners because I feel I need the guarantee to be secure these days.

Edited by Humanoid
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I skipped legendary banner despite colourless was really tempting. Got a +spd Larcei for four orbs which equals out my pain in last month's LB.

I used the orbs for the Tellius brides instead. For 220 I got nine 5* units which is insanely good although seven were pitybrakers (among two Lewyns in a row). Though these pitybrakers were mainly great (Bernadetta, Eleanora, F!Byleth and mentioned Lewyn (all +atk)). I did not get Micky, but at least Nailah and some other new / improved stuff. 

Edited by Falcom Knight
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I been lowkey summoning the past few days hoping to get another Mila (really, why would anyone want -Def on a unit whose exclusive skill RELIES on Defense?), and instead...

~From the Mila banner, I got a copy of Legendary Julia (who I guess is good fodder for... someone... but still don't like getting 5* exclusives that I already +10ed), as well as a copy of Osian. Later I got a copy of Leif, Lif, Leif, and later still another Leif, and ohey is that a leaf oh wait no it's another Leif. Everyone was +Res except the last Leif, who was +Atk.
~At some point I decided screw it, wedding banner, getting Rafiel would be neat. I instead got +Atk -Def Wedding Micaiah. I already had a +Def -Res copy, so obviously I was happy with this impulsive decision.

Lesson learned, I'll never look a gift free Mythic in the mouth again, even if their Flaw is real bad.

...still don't have Rafiel...

Edited by Xenomata
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Wow, I pulled one Lucina, two Julia's, one Alm, one Larcei, one Lif, off the legendary banner, not too bad! Also, my first Alm that's not bad at attack! Finally!

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Back to the mother's succor.

Or is it a curse?

I'm not sure with these banners.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue (Break my pity rate please.)

5* L!Alm (I am okay with a merge for busted bow. +Res/-Spd, doesn't matter, have +Atk.), 4* Matthew (Chad would have been cool. +Atk/-Res), 3* Soren (Go back into your books. +Spd/-Res), 4* Titania (Go back and take the Greil (mercs). +Atk/-Def), 4* F!Corrin (Blegh. +Spd/-Res)

I'd say I'm done. I got Lif and an Alm merge, I've done worse.

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Me: I can't resist going for all the reds because fairy dancer is nice even if I don't like them
Also me: Fallen Ike is the only Ike I'm not going after

Fallen Ike: shows up on a ticket
Also Fallen Ike: -atk

Edited by Sunwoo
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4,087 total pulled units


Caeda (+Spd/-Atk): Now that's just unfortunate.

Camilla (+Atk/-Def): Hey, that's not bad!

Marth (+Res/-Atk): The exact opposite of what he wants.
Sully (+Res/-Spd): That's neither of what she wants.
Soleil (+Spd/-Def): That. . .might work.
Python (+Spd/-Res): And suddenly they're competent.
Kagero (+HP/-Spd): I take that back.

Tiki (+Spd/-HP): This is one of the few units that doesn't want this.
Olivia (+HP/-Spd): Awakening unit?  Check.  Flying dancer?  Check.  Do I feel slightly trolled?  CHECK.
Lukas (+Res/-Def): And back to Opposite Day.
Rath (+Res/-Spd): At least I have the copy I want.
Tanya (+Atk/-Spd): I think I'll keep her.

Tharja (+Atk/-Res): Dammit she's competent.
Oboro (neutral): You can do better than that!
L'arachel (+Spd/-Def): And I was JUST talking about a better base for you!
Camilla (+HP/-Atk): NO.
Lissa (+Res/-Spd): Hmm.  Interesting.

Tharja (+Atk/-Spd): She's trying to make up for it, I guess.
Florina (+Def/-Atk): That's unfortunate.
Echinda (+HP/-Def): So's that, but at least I like her fodder.
Lachesis (+Def/-Spd): Doesn't mind the bane, does mind the boon.
Serra (+Atk/-Res): I think I have one already.

Silas (+HP/-Def): GOOD FODDER!
Mustafa (+HP/-Res): Uhhh. . .he's new, I guess.
Reyson (+Res/-Def): No thanks.
Azama (+Res/-Atk): Interesting, but not quite.

Say'ri (+HP/-Spd): What is it with the Awakening sword ladies?  But I'm not going to complain, because her VA amuses me.
Marth (+Res/-HP): This isn't as amusing.
Subaki (+HP/-Def): QR FODDER!
Jeorge (+Spd/-Res): Dammit, this is half-competent.
Niles (+Spd/-Atk): Nope.

Favoritism get~!


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So, we just got 5 tokens for the new banner.

I'm definitely saving up for that now.

For now, the new daily banners. I have all three for this one.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Nowi (I mean, I think we're past the point of using Lightning Breath+ +Def/-Spd)

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Opened reds with all the current tickets, with a dozen orbs added over the course. Nothing happened, but whatever, I'm almost certainly skipping the new summer units, not because I don't want them, but because I see no reason to summon on regular seasonal banners anymore. That, and both June and July legendary banners seem to be write-offs.

3* Athena
4* Hana
3* Seliph
4* Morgan
3* Raigh
3* Laslow
4* Tiki
3* Bantu
4* Laslow

Daily banner is 4* Roderick.

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Daily banner was a Seliph. 

As for the new one, my free summon was a +Hp -Res Petra. While I adore Petra, her FEH art is kinda eeeehhh for me so she's probably going to be Ground Orders fodder. I still have 2 tickets left to collect but the only noteworthy stuff I got from the ones already used were 1 Altena and 1 Mordecai. 

...I kinda want to spark the new fairy and make a serious Anima defense team because it gets tiring to have a good offense week and then see that ugly -280 lift every week I wouldn't need the fairy if I hadn't merged Thrasir twice, but that's on me

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No time really wasted on my end, took forever for Say'ri to give me her ticket, though.


I think she wanted to taunt me because of how much I bullied her for the ticket


Didn't stop best girlie from coming soon after~ She's +Def, -Spd. I think I'll merge the Neutral into her since I love how thicc she is

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In addition to Fallen Ike, I pushed my luck on the legendary a bit further and got a duplicate legendary Julia.

And just now, I got Mirabilis on a free ticket.

... She's +spd -HP though, lol

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I got the one unit I wanted off of this Banner, with competent IVs to boot.  Mufasta will be +1 and I'm not sure if I want Anna or Say'ri screw the fairy, I don't like fairies.  I almost can't believe that green is being so generous, first Grimmy get to 9+ and now two copies of Mufasta, one being 5 star XD.

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