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Game gave me a Sothis for free pull! Yay.

-moments later-

-Spd. Ugh. Welp, someone in my barracks will be getting Time's Pulse.

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Well I spent 19 orbs on the legendary banner and managed to snag L!Seliph!  -atk,+res though still usable so I will quit while ahead.  I also tried for S!Joshua but was pity broken by M!Byleth or DC and ruptured sky fodder so I will stop there too.  I will now try and save orbs for CYL.

Edited by EricaofRenais
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In case anyone was wondering why I’ve been silent about my pulls:



My luck has gone as dry as the Texas summer heat.

The only 5* I’ve pulled so far is Summer Lute (plus two 4* copies).

And if that wasn’t enough, I also had this on my two month old side account:



I also got pity broken by Mikoto prior to this abomination.

The only respite was that this did end with a Mia + Marth (+Atk/-Def too). Too bad they were the only 5* obtained from that pity rate.

So yeah, I kinda despise this banner at this point.

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Man, that stinks for you guys. 😞

I noticed that I got my legendary Seliph's IVs wrong. lol He's actually +Res, -Def, not the other way around. Oops. XD

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28 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Man, that stinks for you guys 😞

I manage to get my pity broken thanks to the forma soul.


I got Fallen Corrin female.

This wasn't worth it at all. Never summoning for fodder ever again, I guess Cynthia is going to wait for a tier 4 A skill

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1 minute ago, Nym said:

I manage to get my pity broken thanks to the forma soul.


I got Fallen Corrin female.

This wasn't worth it at all. Never summoning for fodder ever again, I guess Cynthia is going to wait for a tier 4 A skill

Oh, wow. Female Fallen Corrin is really good though. At least I'd think so, since I often have trouble when she's present on the enemy's side.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Oh, wow. Female Fallen Corrin is really good though. At least I'd think so, since I often have trouble when she's present on the enemy's side.

She's Attack and I can merge her which is a consolation.

And I got Joshua when my pity was low, but he wasn't the main target. It was Summer Mia or Selena.

Still not worth it, this is why those banners need the spark system

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2 minutes ago, Nym said:

She's Attack and I can merge her which is a consolation.

And I got Joshua when my pity was low, but he wasn't the main target. It was Summer Mia or Selena.

Still not worth it, this is why those banners need the spark system

Oh okay then.

And dang, I see. Bummer.

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48 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Man, that stinks for you guys. 😞

Yeah, but for me at least it was to be expected. My luck had been really good from the picnic tickets until now including on the Mirabilis banner, which I would’ve entirely skipped if it didn’t have tickets, naturally.

It’s still frustrating, but I’ve gotten through dry spells before. 

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Welp, it happened.  I fell for the bait, because I like Seliph too much.  I knew these legendary focuses were horrible, so I only have myself to blame.  But getting to 12% and then having my pity break because no reds showed up, and it being by a standard pool 5* like Sety is... really disheartening, to say the least.  This happens every.  single.  time.

I really need to avoid these like the plague.

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Was keeping my free summon as I wasn't sure weather to skip or not as this was one of the best red and blue pools and I wanted pretty much anyone spent 10 orbs or and I got a -Atk +Def Legendary Azura. I didn't have her so I was simply fine with it. Then I ended up using her and I cleared again all Abyssals with her and FF Corrin in less that 5 turns. She is a mistake.

Now it's simply saving time for CYL. 

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4,197 total pulled units.


Oboro (+HP/-Res): No thanks.
Chad (+Res/-Def): At least he's decent fodder.
Laslow (+Spd/-Atk): That's not going to work!
Gunter (+HP/-Res): Well, uh, he's still good fodder?
Boey (+HP/-Def): Why.

Jagen (+Def/-Res): You weren't meant to be a dual tank!
Oboro (+Atk/-Res): That's better!
Lachesis (+HP/-Def): That's unfortunate.
Seliph (+HP/-Def): So's that.
Corrin (+Res/-Atk): And that's a waifu. ;/

Oboro (+Def/-Res): She likes me a little too much.
Lute (+Spd/-Def): Well, uh, that wasn't quite what I had in mind!  I guess I'll keep those copies separate, and fodder thie mediocre one.
Virion (+Def/-Res): No.
Tanya (+Def/-Res): Did the RNG break?
Seth (+Res/-Atk): BIG SIGH.

Kagero (+Res/-Spd): No.

Sophia (+Def/-Spd): That's, uh, something.  Probably not going to keep her, but it's not the worst.
Olivia (+Spd/-Res): Hey, not bad!

Fir (+Atk/-Spd): I'd need a merge, but it's better than nothing.
Selena (+HP/-Spd): FODDER!
Clair (+Res/-HP): Not what she wants.
Maria (+HP/-Def): NO.
Boey (+Res/-Def): Also no.

Ares (+Res/-HP): Well, merges are nice.
Priscilla (neutral): Eeep.
Catria (+Def/-HP): Perfect, someone needs Luna.
Mae (+Res/-Atk): And Draw Back.

Mathilda (+Atk/-Res): That's competent.

Sophia (+HP/-Atk): That's unfortunate.
Ferdinand (+Res/-Def): Merges!
Matthew (+Atk/-Res): Also perfect!
Kagero (+Def/-HP): Well, uh, no.
Klein (+Spd/-Def): Dammit, this one's good.

Laslow (+Res/-Spd): Name his two worst stats.
Marth (+Res/-Spd): Still bad.
Lukas (+HP/-Atk): Ouch.
Priscilla (+HP/-Spd): This is a showcase of how now to do things.

Stahl (+Atk/-Res): Better!
Soleil (+Res/-HP): And back to fodder.
Roy (+Atk/-Res): And back to better!
Peri (+Spd/-HP): That's, uh, not bad.
Saizo (+Spd/-Atk): I think he wants it the other way around.

Silas (+Atk/-Res): That's perfect.

Ares (neutral): That's not.
Mae (+Atk/-HP): That reminds me of my old one.
Catria (neutral): FODDER!

Sophia (+HP/-Def): She sure shows up a lot.
Cordelia (+Def/-Res): Well Galeforce is a thing.
Sully (+Spd/-Res): I like her as +Atk.

Thea (+Res/-Atk): Ugh, no.
L'Arachel (+HP/-Spd): Also no.

Hinata (+Spd/-HP): I'm not interested in that kind of gimmick build.
Athena (+Res/-HP): Someone will want Moonbow.
Chrom (+Def/-HP): Aether!
Effie (+Res/-Def): Bleh.
Shigure (+Spd/-Def): Not bad.

Libra (+Res/-Def): Could be a lot better.

Hinata (+HP/-Spd): Hmmm. . .might work if I want a ton of HP for no good reason.
Helbindi (+Spd/-Atk): I DO NOT CARE I FINALLY GOT HIM!
Lon'qu (neutral): No thanks.
Serra (+HP/-Def): NO.
Libra (+HP/-Res): Well that's just disappointing.

Innes (+Spd/-HP): WOOHOO!  FREE PULL!  And a damn good combo, too.  Will merge the manual with him and make him awesome~!

Bantu (+Atk/-HP): HELLO THERE!  I like this one!
Henry (+HP/-Def): This one's far more disappointing.
Cecilia (+Spd/-Def): She wasn't that fast to begin with.
Robin (+Def/-Atk): NO.
Oscar (+Hp/-Def): Also no.

Selena (+Atk/-Def): Dammit this one's workable.  Why does she have to be such good fodder?
Hinata (+HP/-Atk): Yay, Fury fodder~!
Legault (+HP/-Def): More good fodder~!
Eleonora (+Def/-HP): Damn I got lucky.  Effectively neutral.  Welp, time for ALL the speed~!
Brady (+Atk/-Spd): I'll take it.

Clair (+Atk/-HP): Hey, free pull on a banner I forgot about gave me a good one!

I'm out of orbs but I got what I was looking for.


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I decided to go break a pity rate I left on Ephraim's revival banner, even though that banner seemed to hate me given all the pitybreakers I got instead of Ephraim himself. Four pitybreakers to two Ephraims. But I actually got an Ephraim this time! Yayz! I also still have a few orbs left! Now to see what summer 2020 round 2 has in store.

Edited by Anacybele
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Did a couple of sessions and got Eleaonora, the one I wanted the most from this banner. Now I have all the TMS characters!

+Atk/-HP too!

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Tuesday: *vented about my shit luck*

Yesterday (Wednesday): 



IVs: neutral

Huh weird, I'm pretty sure I was supposed to get a Loki here.

Snark aside, oh sweet, sweet relief. I was getting worried that I'd have to pull orbs from the next banner's Paralogue and TT. Now, I get to wait and see if that banner has anything that'll entice me.


Edited by Tybrosion
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Congrats on getting a decent Mia at least. Banners that get you to ridiculous pity rates and give you nothing suck.

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11 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Congrats on getting a decent Mia at least. Banners that get you to ridiculous pity rates and give you nothing suck.


And yeah, I have had banners like that this year like the Genealogy one that ended with a 5* Echidna and zero focus units pulled. That one was pure misery.

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Draconic Aura of all things, I do have none of these units though.

3 Green, 2 Colourless (Oh well)

4* Sheena (She does get a refine, but I don't care. +Res/-Def)

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You know, I remembered something I thought about a while back, and the end result of that thought?
"Thinking about who the best and the worst and who's worth summoning for and who isn't, which banners would be theoretically useful to me and which ones aren't...
"THAT'S FUCKING BORING. I don't need the best damn units, I got 61 of the best damn units a summoner could ask for, and most of them were accidents!"

So screw saving orbs for the "best" units, I'm going for this damn Legendary Seliph banner, and damn be the consequences I'll freaking be prouder of THAT then thinking so elite about everythi-
ohey Legendary Seliph was summoned. +HP -Def. That's cool, and I can say with certainty I sure as hell wouldn't even have this dude if I kept to my original word and skipped this banner.

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I got an Ellie! It took a few orbs, but I’m happy to have gotten a new unit from the colorless pool. 

I also tried for Seliph and got my fourth Sothis... ahh, who even wants all this time pulse / Atk Spd solo??

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On 6/30/2020 at 12:08 PM, Fabulously Olivier said:

A couple hundred orbs on weekly revival banner yielded 2 Ephraims and a Dimitri. My Ephraim is +2 now, which is a fair head start for me to potentially long term +10 him.

Pulled 2 more Ephraims since on a relatively low number of orbs. 


Assuming he gets a Resplendent, which he will, that puts me over the halfway point. I think I can rest on this banner now, as I'm unlikely to earn a substantial number of orbs before the banner ends.

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