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One free summon, four tickets, only wanna summon off Green orbs. Shouldn't be that big a dea- shoot the session off the 4th ticket has no green orbs. Ugh, guess I'll take this lone Colorle- and it's Wolf. +Atk -HP.

...remind me to strangle Fjorm if I ever summon her... in the future of course, I'm not wasting orbs on this banner.

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Summoned exactly 40 Heroes on this banner, in addition to the usual fodder, I got the following 5*s:

- Selena (FE8) +HP -Spd
- Pent +Spd -Res
- Roshea +Spd -Res (Plus two 4* Rosheas)
- Brave Ike +Atk -Res
- Lysethia +HP -Res
- Catherine +Atk -Res
- Ascended Fjorm (Spark)

I have very mixed feelings about this, but I'll take it!

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Only used the free summon and tickets. I thought I'd get nothing out of this, but the last ticket gave me this:


This nature is amazing. I'll give her +Atk after I train her, but the -Def is a win because it makes Ice Mirror better when she faces archers. Double win because I needed a Far Save unit for Astra season. 

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So, three of my free summon sets had a green while two did not. I only really wanted new Fjorm and couldn’t care less about the other three. Naturally, this and this happened:


Asset/Flaw: +Res/-Def

If I wasn’t lazy, I’d have put a Star Fox 64 joke here.


Asset/Flaw: +Spd/-Def

Man, these guys with Spurn really don’t want to be foddered.

Good to know my luck was wasted on a banner I had no intentions of spending orbs on rather than, I dunno, the Halloween 2021 one where I have gotten no focus units after at least 100 orbs spent.

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Haven't updated in forever, probably forgetting some things. 

Halloween banner I believe I got up to 4.25-4.50% but managed to grab 5*Kurthnaga (!) (+Res -HP) and 5*FR!Robin (!) (+Atk -HP), who were the two main heroes I was interested in so fine with me! 

On the Double Heroes banner I had some more weird luck and had to get up to 7.50% before pulling OL!Henriette (I forget the IVs, already foddered her to Bector after enlisting her help in the Abyssal Limited Hero battle), AWP!Catria (+Res -Spd iirc, merged onto my +Atk -Spd copy), and SoJ!L'Arachel (!) (+Spd -Res) in one circle. 

At some point, I Special summoned 5* Minerva (+Def -Spd), Rhajat (+HP -Atk), and most satisfactorily Zelgius (!) (+HP -Spd).

Finally, free summoned IA!Fjorm (!) (+Def -HP). Haven't spent any orbs or tickets here yet so maybe more cool stuff is in the works. 

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Spent 250 orbs on the new banner and got three copies of Wolf, A/R Far Save Fodder Ascendant Fjorm, Midori and Academy Edelgard. I'm happy I summoned Wolf a lot (why wasn't this lucky when summoning for Duo Sothis?). Midori will probably hand her Spendthrift Bow over to Sedgar tomorrow. Fjorm is going to fodder her Save skill off to someone though I don't know if Nagi or B!Hector is better for Far Save.

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Time to do a bunch of pulls, starting with red on the Double Special banner.

  1. 5* Ayra: Another 4* Special. +Hp/-Def is meh, but she's merge fodder for my +1 +Spd copy anyway.

A nice start. Now blue on the Rein banner.

  1. 4* Robin: No.

My Keaton is -Atk, so red on Weekly Revival 37.

  1. 3* Setsuna: No.

Red again for the daily Odd Wave banner.

  1. 3* Hinata: No.

And now for finding Fjorm. 223 orbs to start sniping greens with, here's hoping I don't need to go all the way to the spark this time.


Starting with the free pull...

  1. 4* Lissa: No.

A bad sign. Ticket 1...

  1. 3* Libra: No.
  2. 3* Fae: No.
  3. 3* Ross: No.

That was awful. Ticket 2, 215 orbs left.

  1. 3* Orochi: No.

Ticket 3...

  1. 4* Lex: Reposition fodder.

Ticket 4...

  1. 3* Cherche: No.

So much for that. Now to spend properly.

  1. 4* Lex: Again? +Atk/-HP is good though, so I think I'll keep you.
  2. 4* Camilla: No.

206 orbs left.

  1. 3* Cherche: No.

201 orbs left.

  1. 3* Merlinus: Reposition fodder.

196 orbs left.

  1. 3* Orochi: No.

I'm pretty sure the 3* rate is broken at this point. 191 orbs left.

  1. 4* Fae: No.

186 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cecilia: No.
  2. 4* Balthus: First time pulling you. +Atk is pretty good, so maybe I'll merge you.

177 orbs left.

  1. 4* Python: No.

172 orbs left.

  1. 4* Bartre: No.

167 orbs left.

  1. 4* Caeda: No.

162 orbs left.

  1. 4* Reyson: No.
  2. 4* Camilla: No.

Why can the game not just give me a focus unit quickly for once? 153 orbs left.

  1. 4* Raven: No.
  2. 3* Bartre: No.
  3. 4* Raven: No.

Ugh...140 orbs left.

  1. 5* Sonya: Finally a 5*, even if she's a 4* Special. +Spd/-Def, so merge fodder for my +2 +Spd copy.

135 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cherche: No.

4.25% pity rate now. 130 orbs left.

  1. 3* Nino. No.

125 orbs left.

  1. 4* Maria: No.

120 orbs left.

  1. 5* Ascendant!Fjorm: Yay! It cost me 108 orbs, but she's here. Full neutral is fine for what she needs to do. Now for the rest of the circle.
  2. 5* Mamori: Another axe armor. +Atk/-Def is fine, but I'd rather merge her into my +Res/-Def copy.
  3. 3* Bartre: Way to drag things down.
  4. 4* Gaius: No.
  5. 4* Gwendolyn: No.

That went pretty well. I've already pulled 32 units, so I think I'll just go for the spark with whatever comes to me. 100 orbs left.

  1. 4* Python: No.
  2. 4* Ares: No.
  3. 5* Ishtar: Another 4* Special! +HP/-Spd is awful, but I've got a +2 +Res version already to merge into.
  4. 4* Jeorge: No.
  5. 4* Natasha: No.

Almost there. 80 orbs left.

  1. 4* Gunter: No.
  2. 4* Clarine: No.
  3. 3* Sothe: No.
  4. 3* Raigh: No.
  5. 4* Palla: No.

No 5* to cap things off, but I'll take Wolf with the spark and be content.

So for the first time in a while my spending didn't go too horribly. I got Fjorm, plus merges for Mamori, Sonya, and Ishtar, and sparked for Wolf. For 163 orbs that's not too bad.

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I got my pityrate up to six percent and was pitybroken previously by Dedue and Edelgard, but still no Fjorm: Ice Ascendent. I think that might be the highest pity rate I have gotten for normal Foci.

Edited by XRay
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i really can't remember the last time the game gave me a focus unit

got a Silque and Louise while trying to pull Fjorm

and i got a free Zeke from the bonds banner

although in these cases I'll admit I like them more than the banner's focus

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Ugh... I've not been looking forward to this at all, yet I was still looking forward to it... currently my Halloween Female Grima sits at +7 merge, which is... you know, alright and all that. But when I have investment in a unit and the power to +10 merge them... well, my sig tells a lot of that story by itself.
And so I have 107 orbs to work with at first, between what I had grinded out from the Tempest Trials and bought from the Forma Soul pack, and 15 days to try and snipe 3 dupes of Halloween Female Grima if I want to pay her the due respect she deserves after the half year she has proven herself.
...I'll just get it done now.

Maybe 10 summons in at 72 orbs left, and I got the first copy of Grima. She is now +8, only 2 more merges to go.
...oh dip, next session (12 total summons) had another Grima. This is looking... hopeful? No not the right word... doable.

...well, maybe it looks possible now, but I still dumped a lot of orbs into nothing but Fredericks, Ninos, and Barsts I don't need. Time to grind some orbs from the chain challenges I didn't do yet.

...damnit, Erinys appeared... there goes the little pityrate I had...
Ephraim 4* special summoned...ugh, I don't want this luck off blue orbs.
Xane appeared 5*. Jokes on you joker, I didn't even have a pity rate started up.

...UGH why is Ranulf still in the pitybreaker pool. He ate the little pity I had...

And... there she is, the last Grima needed. THANK GOD.

I am a terrible orb saver, but at least I didn't spend more than... hm, 60$. Coulda been worse...

Edited by Xenomata
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I finally got Gustav yesterday! He's +spd, but at least I finally have everyone from that banner! Tempted to try for Young L'Arachel, but I want to try to get someone from this year's Halloween banner, too. Not sure where to spend my orbs. That said, I should maybe save up for Christmas Tharja so I can give her R Tome Valor to Dancing Sigurd.

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Well i actually like the designs of most of the halloween banner units, especially Rhea, and I'm trying to save orbs so i only went for the free summons off the new heroes banner. Here's how that went:

Halloween banner: got Rhea in 30 something orbs, pretty amazing luck!

New Heroes banner: spent all 5 free summons, got Ascended Fjorn in my very last free ticket lol.

This is some incredible luck ngl, but now i fear next time i do try to summon seriously it may not go so well.

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Nothing else free on IA!Fjorm's banner, but I got another copy of SA!Marianne around my 10th summon. +Atk +5 now! That about wrapped up my interest on the New Heroes banner.

Decided to go back to the new Halloween banner, having only gotten Kurthnaga and Robin so far from it. I'd've been fine with just that, but I figure I'd take as many copies of Kurthnaga's Lantern Breath+ as I can get. I'd like to be able to spare one for Ena, Dheginsea, and SM!Myrrh. 

Well virtually no red choices so far, but I've managed to pull the following without even getting any kind of pity rate so can't complain: Rinkah (+HP -Res, definitely fodder), LoV!Louise (neutral, I could merge her to +4 now but I've kind of lost interest in her character and might could use the A/S Ideal 4), and another FR!M!Robin (+Spd -HP, merged onto my +Atk -HP copy). 

EDIT: With this Sunday's two free summons I got another Dieck (+HP -Res, fodder for sure) and Elincia (now +2 +Spd)! Idk what's going on. 

Edited by zoologicwoo
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I've been having the weirdest summon luck ever.

Pulled Brave Alm and Osian on the New Heroes banner. No focus units, not even a Roshea.
On the Odd Wave 1-day banner, free pulled Fallen Dimitri instead of Fallen Berkut (which was kind of funny).
Free pulled Apotheosis Anna off a banner where she wasn't the focus. Don't remember exactly which one, but I'm pretty sure it was the 1-day Moonbow banner.
Just now, free pulled Say'ri from the 1-day Special Spiral banner that had two red focuses. And neither are Say'ri.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'm just confused as to why everything is off-focus.

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Yesterday's Rally banner gave me a 4* Seliph, today's Special Spiral banner...

  1. 3* Sophia: Ugh.

Now grey on Weekly Revival 28.

  1. 3* Klein: No.

And red on Treat Fiends.

  1. 3* Chrom: No.


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Freebie Igrene! Woo, that's some extra LnD4/Pulse Smoke fo-

Wait... shoot she's +Atk -Res, that's not a bad asset/flaw combo at all...

...oh wait the Igrene I have is completely neutral and has like no SI, as in literally just Reposition. Sweet, no harm done! aside from the infinite pain I'm pretty sure the Neutral Igrene will feel when her flesh is converted into a book

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2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

That I spend about half my orb only for those clowns to pity break me and making me give up on getting Dheginsea. 

Swordhart can't pitybreak you at this point because he's a 4* Special pull now. Nah, on the other hand, very much can (until she too gets yeeted into the 4* Special pool sometime next year).

Regardless, any chance you need a drinking buddy? Because this game very much hates me too (at least when I'm spending orbs):



No, I wasn't even pulling for blues at this point. I just wanted either Myrrh + Nah or baby L'Arachel but instead just got a new lance for my +10 Tana (because you better believe that this Minerva was foddered off immediately and with no hesitation).

This game can go pound sand.


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