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It's Christmas, I have Feh Pass thanks to Nowi and Ishtar, and... eh I really only needed the two reasons, may as well take advantage of the Feh-Pass-Sparking while I can.
In doing so, I also got...

  1. Gatekeeper. Neat, still waiting on a solid defensive asset, but in any other scenario +Atk -Spd would not be bad.
  2. Yuri. Pretty much just C Duel Infantry fodder.
  3. Seiros. Hm... 3 copies of her manual and I still don't know what to do with this skill...
  4. 4* Special Takumi.

So... not a bad haul, and I still got LegF!Byleth. The best part is that I didn't have to summon more than 40 times to completely exhaust my pity rate. Always sucks when I still have a relatively notable pity rate and  I still have to summon using orbs...

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Well Deirdre's revival banner finally dropped and....it was bad. i only went in with 208 orbs on hand, so it wasn't much to begin with, i suppose that looking at it now that i have spent everything i could not have expected a lot, i was at least hoping for 3 may be even 4 merges. sadly, my luck was pretty bad this time, took 130~ orbs before she showed up.

5*'s: 2 Deirdre, 1 Y!Tiki

4*'s: 1 Rhajat

that young Tiki really made me mad; i thought to just delete her, but what's the point. At least one of my Deirdre's is +Atk.

I have 5 orbs left, i wish i had enough to may be take advantage of the spark in the legendary banner, but i doubt i'll be able to and i'm most likely to try for more copies of Deirdre anyways. You need to let me choose what banners to spark on IS; i fully expect that from you.

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I finally got Christmas Tharja! I'm so happy that I can start training up my red tome users now! ^_^ She's +def, I think, but I don't know if I'm going to just feed her skills to Dancing Sigurd or not, though. I have to admit, her lines about being normal are pretty funny, but her "outfit" makes me uncomfortable, so I'm on the fence. That said, I didn't think her fodder was as good as it is, so that's a pleasant surprise. (I was only pulling her for the Valor skill.)

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It seems my lucky streak is at an end. I thought I had a really good shot for the fallen banner. I wanted either Fedelgard or the Morgans so I thought I had a good chance pulling at least one of those. But I went through all my orbs without getting any of them them, and mostly just gaining crappy three stars. 

So rather than comfortably pulling one before the spark it seems I'll spend all my orbs just to gain the spark and get only one of em.

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Blue for Weekly Revival 2.

  1. 4* Jagen: No.

Red for the Duel banner.

  1. 4* Hana: No.

Red again for the TT banner.

  1. 5* Katarina: Hey, a nice 4* Special! +HP/-Def is meh, so merge fodder for my +Res/-Spd copy.

And now to spark while getting merges for Morgan and Morgan. I'm starting with 348 orbs, so I should be fine for the future as long as I don't splurge more later.

  1. 4* Ogma: No.

Not a good start. Ticket 1.

  1. 4* Selena: Reposition fodder.
  2. 5* Surtr: Huh, that's a surprise. I wasn't even aware he was a 4* Special. +Res/-Def is subpar but acceptable.
  3. 4* Cecilia: No.

Not bad, I suppose. Ticket 2, 340 orbs left.

  1. 4* Silvia: No.
  2. 3* Reyson: No.
  3. 5* Fallen!F!Morgan: Yes! +Res/-Atk isn't great, so merge fodder for my +HP +1 copy.

Things are looking good now. Ticket 3, 332 orbs left.

  1. 4* Knoll: No.

Ticket 4.

  1. 4* Caeda: No.
  2. 4* Bantu: No.
  3. 3* Stahl: No.
  4. 4* Lilina: No.
  5. 3* Tatiana: No.

Oof. 317 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ogma: No.
  2. 5* Lethe: Aren't you on the wrong banner? Full neutral, so merge fodder for my +Atk/-Def copy.
  3. 3* Eliwood: No.
  4. 3* Mustafa: No.
  5. 4* Kagero: No.

An interesting session indeed. 297 orbs left.

  1. 3* Boey: No.

292 orbs left.

  1. 4* Erk: No.
  2. 4* Henry: No.
  3. 3* Beruka: No.

279 orbs left.

  1. 3* Caeda: No.
  2. 3* Orochi: No.

270 orbs left.

  1. 4* Nino: No.

265 orbs left.

  1. 4* Echdina: No.

260 orbs left.

  1. 5* Tibarn: Another laguz 4* Special? Full neutral like Lethe, so merge for my +Atk +1 copy.
  2. 3* Hawkeye: No.
  3. 3* Reyson: No.
  4. 4* Cherche: No.

What is this banner right now? 243 orbs left.

  1. 4* L'Arachel: No.

238 orbs left.

  1. 4* Nino: No.
  2. 4* Orochi: No.

229 orbs left.

  1. 4* Marcia: +Atk/-Def is fine, so you can stay.

224 orbs left.

  1. 3* Arthur: No.

4% pity rate. 219 orbs left.

  1. 5* Fallen!F!Morgan: Yay! +Spd/-Def is terrible, so another merge then.

214 orbs left.

  1. 3* Tharja: No.
  2. 4* Olivia: No.
  3. 4* Marth: No.
  4. 3* Luthier: No.
  5. 4* Kagero: No.

154 orbs later I'm simultaneously pleased and disappointed. I got two copies of Fallen!F!Morgan, which brings her up to +3, so I guess I'll spark for her brother to bring him to +3 as well. I also ended up getting a bunch of miscellaneous stuff: merges for Tibarn and Lethe, plus a new Surtr. I would have preferred better "pitybreakers", but I'm not going to question 3 of them. Combined with Katarina today was a good day.

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Got the remaining three tickets (I used my free pull and the first ticket the other day) for the latest Fallen banner and decided to pull a little extra to see if I could stretch my luck and get either FallenF!Morgan or F!Edelgard. I ended up with a Vanilla Claude on the one time I went outside the tickets, and a F!Edelgard on that final ticket! Claude makes me happy because now I have all Claudes, Dimitris, and Edelgards. AND NOW I CAN JOIN THE UPPER ECHELON OF ARENA AND AR USERS WITH FALLEN EDELGARD LEADING THE WAY! Jk I actually don't care too much about AR and Arena stuff. I'm very happy where I am so long as I can maintain a steady rhythm.

Since I now have F!Edelgard, I won't be pulling anymore on this banner, clearly. I'm still undecided on whether or not I want to pull on the New Year banner or go for the Christmas banner and see if I can spark Manuela for a +10 merge project. I don't think the New Year banner has a Spark on it, so I may just go back to the Christmas banner...

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I already got a New Year's Fafnir! He's neutral in boons and banes. I still had a ticket left so I spent that and a few orbs, but didn't get anything else. That's fine, though! I'm glad I got him! ^_^

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Not too bad for the start of the new year, despite catching (hopefully not covid) a horrible cough and fever. Tickets landed me 3 5* units! One was off-banner, being Annand, but I did get Dagr+Nótt...even with a terrible -Atk. Still gonna try to find Fafnir. The other 5* was Duo Peony+Triandra from the revival. Still need to gather the other tickets.

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My luck this year has been pretty storming good! Dolphined on the cheapest NY Orb packages so now I'm right back to where I was before getting F!Edelgard. I used the tickets plus a few of those orbs to pull on the new NY banner, and got the Dagr/Nott Duo! (I also pulled a 4*+1 Adrift!F!Corrin.) I'm tempted to pull for either Fafnir or Reginn, but neither are THAT tempting. I'd rather wait until Fafnir (hopefully) gets a Mythic or Legendary alt/base kit of his own. (Just Lord please don't have a New Heroes banner where it's all of the guys FEH OC guys, because then I'll want them all.) On the the Revival banner, I got both of the major pulls I was looking for with a few tickets and a few orbs, on the SAME SUMMON. I got both NY!Alfonse & Sharena and NY!Peony & Tiandra. Between the three Duos and F!Edelgard, I'm feel pretty good going into the new year...and pretty sure I've already used up any luck on every future banner...here's to hoping the future banners have super uninteresting characters for me, but CYL6 gives me everything I need and want!

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Time for the first pulls of the New Year. Starting with the BHB banner...

  1. 3* Odin: No.

Grey for Weekly Revival 3.

  1. 4* Niles: No.

Green for the Moonbow banner.

  1. 3* Natasha: No.

Grey for the Omega NY banner tickets.

  1. 4* Kagero: No.
  2. 5* NY!Selkie: Nice. How appropriate that my first 5* of the year is a NY Hero. +Spd/-Atk isn't great, but she's already pretty weak anyway.
  3. 4* Maria: No.
  4. 3* Emmeryn: No.
  5. 4* Legault: No.
  6. 4* Raven: No.
  7. 3* Mercedes: No.
  8. 4* Kagero: No.
  9. 3* Arthur: No.
  10. 4* Leon: No.
  11. 4* Clarine: No.

Not bad, not bad. And now red for the Clockwork banner tickets. Maybe I'll get Fafnir.

  1. 4* Lon'qu: No.
  2. 3* Seth: No.
  3. 4* Sophia: No.
  4. 5* Perceval: Huh, okay. +Def/-Atk isn't great, so I'll just merge him into my +1 neutral copy since I'm lazy.
  5. 4* Orochi: No.
  6. 3* Soleil: No.

Two free 5*s is pretty good for 20 pulls. I'm happy with this result.

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I pulled a little on the double special new years banner for fun, but didn't really get anything. Just another Adrift F!Corrin (this one was +def instead of +res, though. I don't know why I'm such a magnet for those ladies.) But then I spent a ticket today and got New Years Plumeria. She has +atk, which is good, but... Didn't want her. Eh, guess I didn't really need Selkie anyway. Should've just stuck with green and hoped for Lethe... Ah well. Can't complain about it, really, since she's a focus unit I didn't have and I'm sure there are plenty of people who wanted her. If only for their sake, I should see this as a gift and be happy with it.

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Not feeling a need to spark on the FE8 banner, so I put my orbs into a second spark on the winter banner instead. Got Artur on my last session at a 5.25% rate, then since I was almost to 80 summons with Manuela as my only missing unit from the lineup I picked her as my spark. That felt weird, but whatever.

If I can get Legendary Eirika crazy fast without needing to go for the spark, maybe I'll still be able to do one here? Funny how it ends up getting pushed out for two other FE8 units.

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Unless if I'm mistaken, my last pull I shared here was sparking for Volke. Damn, I've got some catching up to do:

5* / New Unit Pulls since December 2021
Plumeria, +Def/-HP [New]: from Eitri & Thorr banner
Dagr, +Def/-Res [New]: from Eitri & Thorr banner
Thorr, +HP/-Def [New]: from Eitri & Thorr banner

Fallen M!Morgan, +Atk/-Spd: from Ash & Friends banner, ticket pull
Priam, +HP/-Res [New]: from Ash & Friends banner, ticket pull
4* Basilio, +HP/-Res [New]: from Ash & Friends banner

4* Tanith, +Res/-Def [New]: from Winter Dreamland
4* Winter Manuela, +HP/-Res [New]: from Winter Dreamland
Winter Lysithea & Lute, +Def/-HP [New]: from Winter Dreamland
CYL Claude, now a manual: from Winter Dreamland, summoned immediately after Lysithea & Lute

Freyja, +Spd [New]: from Legendary F!Byleth banner
Freyja, merged into the first: from Legendary F!Byleth banner
CYL Marth, now a manual [New]: from Legendary F!Byleth banner
Legendary Lilina, +Atk: from Legendary F!Byleth banner
Legendary F!Byleth, +HP/-Res [New]: from Legendary F!Byleth banner
Azura, used as a merge: from Legendary F!Byleth banner, 4* Special and summoned immediately after Legendary F!Byleth
CYL Marth, neutral: from Legendary F!Byleth banner
Legendary M!Byleth, neutral [New]: from Legendary F!Byleth banner, spark

Fallen F!Morgan, neutral: from Forces of Will re-run, ticket pull

3* Marcia, made into a manual after getting a 4*, +Spd Marcia [New]: from Like Clockwork
4* New Year's Lyre, now a manual [New]: from Like Clockwork
New Year's Reginn, merged into the second [New]: from Like Clockowrk
5* New Year's Lyre, +Spd/-Def: from Like Clockwork
New Year's Dagr & Nott, neutral [New]: from Like Clockwork, spark
New Year's Reginn, +Spd: from Like Clockwork

New Year's Peony & Triandra, +HP/-Def [New]: from w Special Heroes, ticket pull
New Year's Velouria, now a manual: from w Special Heroes, ticket pull

New Year's Fjorm, +HP/-Atk [New]: from New Year's of Fire and Ice, free pull

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Well I... WAS going to summon up to the spark and get Joshua cause frankly every other part of the Ascended Joshua banner doesn't excite me in any way (one unit with all the skill fodder, one demote, and whatever Neimi is supposed to be... not exactly stellar bannermates Joshie)... except I summoned him twice in 25 summons. One is +Atk -Res and the other is +Spd -Res.

Oh boy I wonder which asset I should take? Oh wait I don't have to pick cause Joshua is an ascended hero and can just take the other asset free of charge. WELP. Boy doesn't even need a merge...

...so now what? I guess I can go get a THIRD Joshua? Take Rennac, get his lv40 convo, and find someone who would want not-Courtly Fan+ and ASsolo4? Take Neimi and find... SOMETHING for her to do? I mean I guess she could maybe pass for a support unit?

In other summoning news, I did wind up with all 4 Like Clockwork units (summoned Lyre and Dagr, sparked Reginn, and bought Fafnir from the orb pack), and from the New Year Revival banner I got some... interesting results.
Two NY!Alfonses, one being +Def -HP that I merged into. Finally, he always seemed like an interesting unit to have, being able to immediately setup thanks to being a Duo unit. Also got NY!Veronica, which is... less noteworthy, but hey I'm not one to turn down DC/NFU fodder.
Kaden was there... got booked immediately, but he did appear.
And NY!Lethe appeared... like 4 times. Combined with her manuel in the monthly code shop, my base copy will be +6.

I just want Selkie man...

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I can't believe it. I actually pulled a +spd ascended Joshua. Well! Guess I'm done with this banner for now! XD Hopefully I'll pick up Colm over time.

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Used my free pull, tickets, and two 4 orb pulls to see if I could get Joshua cheaply. Nope. At least I got a Sakura for her future merge project. Still, I may try again towards the end of the banner. And if not, here's to hoping I get him during CYL later this year. 

Edited by Use the Falchion
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Bleh. And here I thought I'd just pull until I clear my pity rate after getting the spark. Which didn't happen until 30 pulls later.

70 pulls total.

  • 3 Neimi
  • 1 Joshua (+1 from spark)
  • 3 pitybreakers (Lysithea, Shannan, female Byleth)

5.7% focus rate, which is well above average, and it's still 4.3% if I just count Neimi, though it was 7.5% (5% just Neimi) at the spark.

Best copy of Neimi is +Atk. Best copy of Joshua is neutral.

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I got a duplicate Phina while pulling for Fafnir. Man, she's lowkey one of the worst units to get pitybroken by after getting her once these days (at least my pity rate was only 3.25% in this case). Spd/Def Form 3 is the 4* unlock on Roshea and Geyser Dance (like all the Dance skills) is such a waste of the B slot.

I know she's a 4* Special pull now, but even Lene unironically has better skill fodder (Safeguard+, Firestorm Dance, Sword Valor).

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Red for the Fire and Ice NY banner.

  1. 3* Eliwood: No.

Red again for Happy New Year!

  1. 3* Henry: No.

And now to go for Neimi and Ascendant!Joshua. I've got 314 orbs, so I might spark depending on how well things go.

  1. 4* Miranda: No.
  2. 3* Lucius: No.
  3. 3* Maria: No.
  4. 4* Merlinus: Reposition fodder.
  5. 4* Colm: Well, that's about what I expected. +Def/-HP is meh, but welcome aboard.

Ticket 1, 299 orbs left.

  1. 4* Eliwood: No.
  2. 4* Saizo: No.
  3. 3* Lucius: No.
  4. 5* B!Marianne: This is a surprise! +Atk/-Res is pretty good too. Now I'm once again only missing B!Veronica amongst the CYL units.
  5. 4* Soren: No.

How nice getting Marianne. Ticket 2, 284 orbs left.

  1. 3* Ares: No.
  2. 4* Natasha: No.
  3. 3* Jeorge: No.
  4. 3* Chad: No.
  5. 3* Jeorge: No.

A big blonde circle that one was. Ticket 3, 269 orbs left.

  1. 3* Natasha: No.
  2. 4* Wrys: No.
  3. 4* Norne: Reposition fodder.

Ticket 4, 261 orbs left.

  1. 3* Hana: No.
  2. 3* Bantu: No.
  3. 5* Velouria: Another 4* Special. +Res/-HP is bad, so merge fodder for my +Atk/-Def copy.

253 orbs left.

  1. 4* Selena: Reposition fodder.
  2. 3* Tanith: No.

244 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tharja: No.
  2. 3* Eirika: No.
  3. 4* Jeorge: No.
  4. 4* Emmeryn: No.
  5. 4* Gwendolyn: No.

224 orbs left.

  1. 4* Bantu: No.
  2. 4* Stahl: No.
  3. 4* Brady: No.

211 orbs left.

  1. 4* Forrest: No.

206 orbs left.

  1. 5* Neimi: Yay, finally! Full neutral is just fine.
  2. 4* Stahl: No.
  3. 4* Caeda: No.

Alright, one down and one to go at 35 pulls. 193 orbs left.

  1. 3* Sophia: No.
  2. 4* Norne: Reposition fodder.
  3. 4* Gordin: No.

180 orbs left.

  1. 4* A!Tiki: No.
  2. 3* Jeorge: No.
  3. 3* Emmeryn: No. Might as well take the other two orbs.
  4. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder.
  5. 4* L'Arachel: No.

Alright, that went pretty well. For 154 orbs I got B!Marianne, Velouria, Neimi, and a 4* Colm, then sparked for Joshua.

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I can't believe it. I still had a couple of tickets from the FB to spend, so I did, and I happened to get a +spd 4* Colm. I may just have to build him! Now the question is whether I pull a bit to try to get another Joshua so I can get rid of his bane. I'm leaning toward not since it's possible to pull him from the general summoning pool and I'm probably going to want whatever the next seasonal is (not to mention Summer Adult Tiki for that Axe Valor and whenever Mirabelle comes back so I can get Staff Valor.)

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