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Best thing I got was a 3* Hinata. I still have 1 ticket left to collect so we'll see if I can get something out of this banner at the very least. I kinda want a copy of A!Mareeta now that I learned her special is inheritable. That special would be absolutely bonkers on my Karla.

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Well, I managed to get August off of my third ticket (in case you’re wondering, there wasn’t any reds in this summoning set).

Unfortunately, he got a memetastic +Spd/-Def combo. I’ll just choose to be happy that I got a new unit from my free pulls.

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47 pulls on this banner to grab the spark and then clear my pity rate.

Got 1 copy of Mareeta, who was a perfect [+Spd, -Res], and 2 copies of Galzus, one [+Atk, -Def] and the other [+Def, -Atk]. Picked Mareeta for the spark, of course.


I think Leaf thinks he's on this banner because I also got 2 copies of him for whatever reason.

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All tickets plus 12 orbs (two red-less sessions annoyingly) got me a Sanaki of all people. Okay fine. +Atk but then so is my other copy, she goes to +1.

(On a happier note, the grinding got me the papers to get Spring Fir to +1, wiping out her Def superbane)

Edited by Humanoid
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Spending about 150 orbs (and my tickets) to pull red and colorless up to the spark only got me duplicates of Malice/Tiki/Nina. At least the spark means I finally have a non-fallen Mareeta.

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13 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Well i... tried a little bit to get Mareeta.

...I took a colorless orb on a no-reds session and got Igrene instead.

...welp, guess I'll keep the rest of these orbs to get spring Marisa instead.

Wait... how did you get Igrene, who is red, off of a colorless orb?

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8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Wait... how did you get Igrene, who is red, off of a colorless orb?

Er wait... uh Pents wife... Louise! Whoops my bad.

...what? How did I get Louise and Igrene confused? Well uh... there's a perfectly reasonable explanation LOOK A +10 +5 HEGEMON

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got an Ascended Mareeta (+hp -res) thanks to a ticket
glad i got an ascended flower for my +10 Brave Ike, an arena bonus unit and an excellent fodder unit for my +10 Ayra for free

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Time for more pulls. Azura's the only unit I'm missing from her remix banner, so blue it is.

  1. 4* Ogma: Or not.

Blue again for Familial Festivities.

  1. 3* Miriel: No.

Grey for the Oath banner.

  1. 4* Olivia: No.

Every single other orb there was blue...Grey for Weekly Revival 3.

  1. 3* Natasha: No.

Red for Weekly Revival 14.

  1. 4* Sakura: Wrong sibling.

And now for the New Heroes banner. Red for obvious reasons.

  1. 4* Roy: No.
  2. 5* Flavia: Not quite right, but still very nice! +Spd/-HP is good as well.
  3. 4* Kagero: No.
  4. 3* Soleil: No.
  5. 4* Lilina: No.

No Mareeta or Galzus, but Flavia's a nice consolation pull. Now back to stockpiling.

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Free summon on the Fates set gave me ...+Res -HP Fiora?

On the one hand, eldest of three is always good. On the other hand, that kit... I didn't even know she was in the 5-star pool. Why is she even in the 5-star pool? At least there's some hope for a refine that leverages that 41 Res alongside Pegasus Flight I guess.

I need to go check who's still in what pool these days.

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So, I wound up spending 8 orbs on the banner, but no Allied Lance. That's okay, though. I just kind of regret opening those nodes and only getting feathers when I was trying to save up for the next special banner. Hopefully I'll get that lance for Fernand someday soon.

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10 hours ago, Humanoid said:

On the one hand, eldest of three is always good. On the other hand, that kit... I didn't even know she was in the 5-star pool. Why is she even in the 5-star pool? At least there's some hope for a refine that leverages that 41 Res alongside Pegasus Flight I guess.

I need to go check who's still in what pool these days.

Yeah, she’s probably the worst 5* blue at this point. Her lance isn’t even unique to her at this point either, because they gave it to Galle (a past FE6 GHB).

To save you time, any 5* exclusive from the September 2019 New Heroes banner (Phina/Sirius/Nagi/Norne) on is in the 5* pool.

Edited by Tybrosion
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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Yeah, she’s probably the worst 5* blue at this point. Her lance isn’t even unique to her at this point either, because they gave it to Galle (a past FE6 GHB).

To save you time, any 5* exclusive from the September 2019 New Heroes banner (Phina/Sirius/Nagi/Norne) on is in the 5* pool.

Only just got a Phina too, naturally.

I'm mildly surprised they're doing the demotions twice a year, but very much looking forward to the next batch being done away with, assuming the prediction on this chart is correct. "Highlights" being Phina, Ewan, Eyvel, Fiora, Gerik and Larum. (Will be glad to be rid of Forsyth and Mamori too, but that's just my anti-armour bias showing)

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3 hours ago, Humanoid said:

(Will be glad to be rid of Forsyth and Mamori too, but that's just my anti-armour bias showing)

Armors have come a long way. Save tank teams are very fun and brain dead to use, and it makes PvE a walk in the park. You will want two damage reduction supports (Flayns and/or Elimines), and one Near Save and one Far Save tank. 99% of Abyssal foes in PvE simply melt away when they touch your formation. And in the off chance you encounter a PvE map that hard counters Save tanks, those maps are piss easy to deal with using player phase teams.

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23 minutes ago, XRay said:

Armors have come a long way. Save tank teams are very fun and brain dead to use, and it makes PvE a walk in the park. You will want two damage reduction supports (Flayns and/or Elimines), and one Near Save and one Far Save tank. 99% of Abyssal foes in PvE simply melt away when they touch your formation. And in the off chance you encounter a PvE map that hard counters Save tanks, those maps are piss easy to deal with using player phase teams.

It's never really been about effectiveness, not back when I played more seriously and certainly not now. The type of content they excel in isn't the type of content I'm really interested in playing. Right now I'm mostly interested in hyper-mobile player-phase teams with novel new mechanics to steamroll fairly easy content, with the most challenging thing I do probably being the 10-map Chain Challenges (plus I haven't even done any of the the multi-map Blessed Grounds yet). I mean, yeah, Canto has been around a while now but given I stopped playing not long after Reginn was introduced, I'd never really played with it until now. And I'm still exploring the full potential of Bride Catria shenanigans (I'd neglected her Harmonic button until now) and hopefully soon will do the same with Thorr and hopefully Legendary Sigurd. Unique mechanics like those three units are what I'm looking to spend my resources on, and I'm on the lookout for other interesting special mechanics (Duo Hinoka is another unit I've been having fun using).

That said, I did get my first Save unit in Dedue fairly recently. Just finished levelling him in Forging Bonds, where he got plenty of accidental kill steals so I can definitely see the utility. But I will never be able to justify intentionally spending orbs (or Divine Codes) to build a properly invested unit around Saves, so if it happens it'll be purely through happenstance. Given that the only Far Save unit in the general pool appears to be Ascendant Fjorm, odds are that's not happening for a while yet. (Won't complain if I get her tomorrow from the AHR green spree of course)

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No green orbs in 10 circles straight. Those orbs could've gone into building the spark for VA fodder...I think I value the fodder more than a Thorr or L!M!Byleth so I'll focus on the Thracia banner rather than AHR. Then it's straight up saving until CYL5 rerun unless the bridal banner has Eirika in it

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So, setting goals. I'm looking at minimum to add Azura and Thorr to my collection, and am hopeful of getting one or the other before the spark to ensure that outcome. The ideal outcome is to get all focus heroes to +1, but we'll see how close I get to that by the time I get the spark. Byleth is a significantly lesser priority than the others but I'll happily take him of course. Incidentally, I'd prepared for this by savagely cutting my barracks, shoving 400+ units into the reserves, bless that feature.

4* Libra
4* Echidna

5* +Spd -Def Brave Ike
4* Camilla

5* +Spd -Def Legendary Byleth
5* +Def -HP Thorr

Well, technically goal already accomplished. But hey, sparking is the minimum so we forge on.

5* +Def -Res Harmonic Azura
4* Cecilia

I can't believe it, I got all three focus units I was missing in consecutive summons.

4* Echidna
4* Mustafa
3* Merric

3* Chrom

4* Forrest

4* Raven
4* Libra
3* Rath

4* Selena

4* Python

3* Camilla

4* Fir

4* Fae

4* Camilla
5* +HP -Atk Dieck
3* Titania

Oof, little barren run there ended by a pity-breaker. Not the worst possible one at least.

4* Arthur

4* Bartre

4* Tharja

3* Ross
4* Cecilia

4* Arthur
3* Fae
4* Lex

3* Tiki

5* +HP -Atk Harmonic Azura

Boy, that was a long time between drinks.

4* Beruka

4* Soren
5* +Def -Spd Legendary Byleth
4* Raven

4* Chrom

3* Arthur

Spark time.It's really unfortunate that I still am on +0 for both Ninja Corrin and Thorr because they're the two I really want to +1. But when it comes down to it, Corrin is the more powerful unit and so practicality dictates I spark her.

Spark - Neutral Ninja Corrin

I feel like making one last run for a +1 Thorr though, so I'm going until the next 5-star, whoever that may be.

3* Nino

3* Eirika

3* Rath

3* Rath

5* Neutral Thorr

Well well well, what are the odds. Very pleased with that. For about 210 orbs, all the focus units (including the previously obtained freebie) go to +1 exactly. The natures aren't perfect except for Byleth I guess, but the merge ensures no one is crippled. And I'm a little stunned at there only being one off-focus pull in the entire lot, that being Dieck who is okay I guess, he also goes to +1. Only one 4-star SR unit is maybe low, but they're unimportant.

135 orbs remaining so I'm probably done. I'd have gone further if red on the upcoming Legendary banner didn't look so stacked, but it is with likely three desirable units all completely new to me. That also means I kind of break my intention to go back to hibernation after AHR, so I'll be around for another week or two at least.

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I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry at whatever this misshapen thing is that calls itself my luck. But, I finished below budget with a favorable end result, so that's something to celebrate.


At the start of the banner, I had Thorr at +10, Byleth at +6, and Corrin and Azura both at +3. My goal was to get three of the four Focus units to +10 and then pull one more 5-star after that and call it at that. Total 219 pulls.


  • 11 Thorr
  • 7 Corrin
  • 7 Azura (+1 spark for a total of 8)
  • 1 Byleth


  • Selena
  • Jill
  • Dieck
  • Fallen Morgan (F)
  • Fallen Lyon

4-star SR:

  • Adrift Corrin (F)
  • Levn
  • Kaden
  • Sue

That's a 12.8% Focus rate, which is quite a bit above expected value (accounting for sessions with no green orbs), and a 2.3% off-Focus rate, which is a bit below expected value (not like I care).

And as usual, I pull the most copies of the unit that I already have at +10. Because of course I do.

Also, that 1 Byleth was that "then pull one more 5-star after that" pull. Which means I went 27 Focus pulls with no Byleths. The probability of going 27 Focus pulls with no Byleths is 0.04% or, more precisely, 1 in 2,362. That said, I'm glad Byleth was the one that didn't reach +10 because he's the easiest of the three to accidentally get more copies of.

I'm also left with one spare copy of Azura, which I guess means I have my first ever Trace fodder. Yay.

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