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I had enough extra orbs for a Spark here; since none of the other banners really interested me and there was a chance to Thorr - and since the CYL5 Banner rerun isn't until May - I decided to splurge here. 

Before Sparking I ended up with:

Myrrh (4 *+1)

Colm (4*) (New)

2 Orochi (3* and a 4* for my future merge project)

Basilio (4* for my future merge project)

Shinon because he always seems to ruin everything (5*)

F!Kana (4* + 1) (New)

Ninja Corrin

Ascended Idunn (New)

Legendary M!Byleth


There was something amusing and somewhat fulfilling about pulling half of the banner before Sparking on a mono-color banner, but I'd have honestly preferred just pulling Thorr earlier on. 

My orb count dipped into the red a little for this, but I'll recover by the end of the night most likely. If not, most certainly by the end of the week. Now the goal is to build up another good spark buffer for May while still building my stock for CYL 6 all without Dolphining...hmm...

As a last piece of useless pondering, I'm amuse at the fact that my green units seem to be the easiest merge projects. My current Seteth and Knoll merges are stalled by about two illusive copies, but future projects like Lex and Mustafa are ready to be completed now. With a few more copies, which at this rate may be the next banner I Spark on, Basilio and Orochi will join them. Outside of them, the next closest ones are Seliph, Ilyana, and Sakura. If all goes well, though, I can finish up my currents and a few future merges by the end of CYL 6. That will free up some space and allow me to see how much I really want to go forward on some potential Heroic Grail-based merge projects. 


Edited by Use the Falchion
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Went a little bit after the spark and this is what I got:

5 Thorr (had none of her before)
4 M!Byleth (one of them being the sparked unit)
1 Ninjorrin
1 H!Azura
1 Selena
1 Ranulf (4* Special)
1 Deirdre (4* Special)
1 Shiro (4* Special)

I'm really happy with it, overall. Byleth will be my 2nd Legendary hero for Water season and Thorr is now on my main Astra core. The score boost from her merges will help T39 on Astra less of a close call.

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Literally the only thing I got of interest is Quan, whom I was missing and wanted but come on game. This is looking like it's gonna be a repeat of the Ascended Mareeta banner, where I ended up with a stupid 5% after free-pulling a Lethe (whom I also didn't have) and getting a single 4-star Karin. Still have 6 pulls left, I'm not super optimistic.

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everyone here and the rest of the universe is going after Mareeta for her special, meanwhile i'm here just wanting her for the great art from the second i saw her; but tragedy could not resist the opportunity to strike and i ended up having to spark her on the Thraccia banner, even worse the only other on-focus 5* i got was Karin, the demote. This is what pain looks like.


well, on the legendary azura banner, azura was my one and only target, and i got her on 9 pulls! i even pulled a -atk brave marth, so i stopped while i'm ahead, although i don't have either Gatekeeper or Marianne or Alm.

finally, i got a pretty good haul in the current AHR banner i think. In 29 pulls, i got all the units plus a second Thorr. The assets are not the best, but hey i'm just glad i got them. In total, i think about 4 circles had no green orbs to pull at all, meanwhile the avarage was probably about 1.5 green orbs for any circle where i did get green orbs. I did not get any off-focus 5*s or special 4*s.

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Got jebaited into pulling the three blue circles on the skills banner because I wanted that NFU and Atk/Spd Solo fodder that's recently been discussed, but no luck. At least I have Roshea now?

Decided on a palate cleanser back on AHR and was rewarded by another focus Byleth for just 9 orbs. Really is the best banner ever. +Res -Def is whatever, my current +1 is already +Spd. Can't decide what to do with him at the moment, seems foddering now would be silly as Atk/Def Ideal 3 on a common unit doesn't exist yet. The sensible thing to do might by to just leave him be until that skill is available so I can pass both Ideal 4 and Time's Pulse?

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21 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Decided on a palate cleanser back on AHR and was rewarded by another focus Byleth for just 9 orbs. Really is the best banner ever. +Res -Def is whatever, my current +1 is already +Spd. Can't decide what to do with him at the moment, seems foddering now would be silly as Atk/Def Ideal 3 on a common unit doesn't exist yet. The sensible thing to do might by to just leave him be until that skill is available so I can pass both Ideal 4 and Time's Pulse?

I'd hold onto him, but do note that there aren't too many units that actually want Atk/Def Ideal.

Atk/Def Ideal is the strongest reliable Atk/Def skill for dual-phase units (as long as the unit doesn't need Distant Counter in their A slot either because it's already on their weapon or they don't care to counterattack ranged units). It's stronger than Atk/Def Solo in that it has an easier activation condition and also grants an additional +2 Atk/Def on at least the first round of combat. It's weaker than a fully powered Atk/Def Unity, but Atk/Def Unity's conditional bonus stats are extremely unreliable outside of Aether Raids and maps with fixed enemy spawns.

The main issue with Atk/Def Ideal is the fact that there aren't many dual-phase units that build for Atk/Def, and a large number of them would still prefer to focus on a single phase due to the fact that the single-phase skills have useful secondary effects in exchange for a few points of stats. Player phase has Sturdy Impact with follow-up prevention and Sturdy Surge with healing, and enemy phase has Sturdy Stance with Guard.

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I just can't help myself and picked up yet another Harmonic Azura for 23 orbs. +Def -Atk this time, so in total two +HP copies and two +Def copies, figures. (All-in-all, 4x Azura, 3x Byleth, 2x Thorr, 0x Corrin)

On one hand, getting Far Trace fodder this easily is just amazing as Canto is a borked skill. As I was already sitting on one copy, it makes it easier to fodder off the other without feeling I'm making a mistake. On the other hand, frittering away orbs when a rare opportunity to get Legendary Sigurd is just around the corner is probably not ideal for my slim chances of getting him.


P.S. Zero blues or reds on the BHB banner, figures.

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12 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

On one hand, getting Far Trace fodder this easily is just amazing as Canto is a borked skill. As I was already sitting on one copy, it makes it easier to fodder off the other without feeling I'm making a mistake. On the other hand, frittering away orbs when a rare opportunity to get Legendary Sigurd is just around the corner is probably not ideal for my slim chances of getting him.

Not sure if you have seen my other comment in the other thread, but I recommend keeping multiple copies of her, since having Dancers/Singers that can Dance/Sing each other is extremely powerful. Dancers/Singers normally cannot Dance/Sing to each other, let alone do it from two spaces away. It makes one turn clears and Galeforce strategies in general a lot easier.

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Just now, XRay said:

Not sure if you have seen my other comment in the other thread, but I recommend keeping multiple copies of her, since having Dancers/Singers that can Dance/Sing each other is extremely powerful. Dancers/Singers normally cannot Dance/Sing to each other, let alone do it from two spaces away. It makes one turn clears and Galeforce strategies in general a lot easier.

Yeah, what I'll probably end up doing is to get paralysed by indecision and therefore always end up having a spare anyway. I do have a Duo Peony as another double-dancer though, and I wouldn't be surprised if they keep adding more duo dancers with similar functionality.

Hell, even just getting down to one spare copy has traditionally been a challenge for me I've held onto two spare Shinons, two spare Kirias, two spare Nagis, and going back further, two spare Hardins, two spare Amelias, two spare Bridelyns, and, uh, two spare OG Ikes.

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Spending 4 orbs on the revival banner to try to get CYL Alm now that I hear he's got a great refine. Got CYL Celica instead, wrong Valentian CYL sword unit, but new to me all the same so why not? +Spd -HP too is nice.

Then as is habit, I went for a daily fix of the AHR banner. Here 10 orbs got me ...my fifth Harmonic Azura. Feels like I'm posting here every day saying I got another one. This one is neutral though, so I might make her the new base merge for a +2. It's nice and all, but the one I really wanted to improve was Ninja Corrin, but chances of that are running out.

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Let's see what the AHR banner gives me...

  1. 3* Lukas: Three blues and two reds...

Screw you too, AHR. That's just insulting. Anyway, red for the Null Follow-Up banner.

  1. 3* Selena: Reposition fodder.

Blue for the BHB banner.

  1. 4* Ferdinand: More Reposition fodder.

Green for Weekly Revival 15.

  1. 4* Camilla: No.

And red for Weekly Revival 45.

  1. 3* Athena: No.

With all of that over with, I'm heading back to the Spring banner to see if I can get Sonya or Maria a merge. 218 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* Echidna: No.

Hmph. 213 orbs left.

  1. 4* Hawkeye: No.
  2. 4* Fae: No.

204 orbs left.

  1. 4* Libra: No.

199 orbs left.

  1. 4* Spring!Henry: Sure. +Def/-Res is pretty good too.

That was a nice pull. 194 orbs left.

  1. 4* Merric: No.
  2. 3* Merric: Really?

185 orbs left.

  1. 3* Arthur: No.
  2. 3* Barst: Reposition fodder.

176 orbs left.

  1. 4* Benny: No.

171 orbs left.

  1. 3* Catria: No.

166 orbs left.

  1. 3* Lucius: No.

161 orbs left.

  1. 4* Hawkeye: No.

156 orbs left.

  1. 3* Balthus: No.
  2. 3* Cecilia: No.

147 orbs left.

  1. 3* Boey: No.
  2. 3* Cath: You're new. +Res/-Atk is bad, but then she's hardly a great unit anyway.
  3. 3* Cherche: No.

That 3* rate is lying to me. 134 orbs left.

  1. 4* Soren: No.
  2. 3* Balthus: No.

125 orbs left.

  1. 5* Osian: Fine. +Atk/-Spd is good, but my current copy is already +Atk/-Res. Merge it is then.

There goes my pity rate. 120 orbs left.

  1. 3* Forrest: No.

115 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lukas: No.

110 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tailtiu: No.

105 orbs left.

  1. 4* Beruka: No.

100 orbs left.

  1. 3* Gaius: No.

I think the game is actively choosing to not give me greens at this point. 95 orbs left.

  1. 4* Arthur: No.

90 orbs left.

  1. 3* Camilla: No.

85 orbs left.

  1. 4* Colm: No.

80 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lex: Reposition fodder.
  2. 4* Basilio: No.
  3. 4* Cath: +Spd/-Res is a much better master copy.

67 orbs left.

  1. 4* Balthus: No.
  2. 4* Arthur: No.
  3. 4* Titania: No.
  4. 4* Luthier: No.

That was incredibly disappointing. 50 orbs left...

  1. 5* Erinys: Seriously? +Atk/-Spd is a great master copy though, so I think I'll merge my +1 +Def copy in.

And there goes my pity rate again. I should give up at this point, but whatever. 45 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tanya: No.

40 orbs left.

  1. 5* Shamir: Huh. +Spd/-HP is great, so I think I'll merge my +Def/-Res copy in.
  2. 4* Frederick: No.

31 orbs left.

  1. 4* Reyson: No.

26 orbs left.

  1. 4* Balthus: No.
  2. 5* Dieck: Another pity-breaker... +Res/-Atk is crap, so merge fodder for my neutral copy.

17 orbs left. One more try...

  1. 3* Rath: No.
  2. 4* Cecilia: No.

I think this banner's rates are broken. I spent 210 orbs and got 4 separate pity-breakers without getting a single focus unit aside from a 4* Spring!Henry. Combined with my previous attempts I ended up spending 540 orbs to get 7 pity-breakers and 2 actual focus units. There go all of my future pulling plans...

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Sometimes my luck is so obscure it's hilarious. So, free-pulled on that banner rerunning Idunn and got...Ascended Idunn (and her floret.) Like, "okay, then." (Ascended heroes seem to really like randomly coming to me. I think Joshua is the only one I got intentionally and Mareeta is the only one I don't have.) Also, my Ascended Idunn is +spd -def, I think. This whole thing is so weird. XD

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Thankfully I'm finished with AHR banner nonsense because I finally got a focus unit, Harmonic Azura. She was the one I wanted the most, and that let me spark Thorr after hitting 40 pulls. Missing Byleth is a bit of a bummer, but I'm just glad my pity got broken and I didn't have to choose between Azura and Thorr on spark.

EDIT: Also I free pulled Brave Eliwood on the BHB banner. Not completely sure why the dude seems to like me so much, but it's not a problem since he's not a pity breaker and has good fodder. (I'm keeping this one though, he's +atk.)

Edited by Sunwoo
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Heh, I thought she was just a random demote when she popped up because of how plain her outfit and art in general is, but actually it's a free +Res -Atk Jill from the Spring re-run banner. Rubbish nature which makes it awkward as my one other copy is +Def -Atk, so I can either merge to get rid of that eyesore, or fodder her off for that Push and Rein combo. She wouldn't displace Bride Catria or even Thorr as the premiere flying axe so leaning towards fodder. I lack an obvious beneficiary though, maybe Trio Palla or at a push, Seteth (Cordelia if they ever hand out a freebie resplendent token, ha).

Went back to AHR and spent about 30 orbs to get a +Atk -Res Dedue. Slightly regret the spend but not a big deal, and I finally have Save fodder once I decide which of that or my +Def -HP copy to keep.

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So, what are the odds of this? Anyone know?

Free summoned an off focus Rennac on the weekly revival Olwen banner. And now my free summon on one of the VG banners... Another Rennac.

Literally free summoned him off focus. 2 banners in a row

I doubt he's even any good, being a pref-less 5 star.

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54 minutes ago, Faellin said:

So, what are the odds of this? Anyone know?

Free summoned an off focus Rennac on the weekly revival Olwen banner. And now my free summon on one of the VG banners... Another Rennac.

Literally free summoned him off focus. 2 banners in a row

I doubt he's even any good, being a pref-less 5 star.

Two Rennac in particular, about 1 in 500,000.

Two of the same 5-star green character, about 1 in 25,000.

Rennac is decent as a unit. His lack of an exclusive weapon is not a huge problem for him due to the fact that his default weapon is Vicious Dagger, which is one of the best inheritable weapons in the game (across all weapon types, not just daggers). His stats are his primary shortcoming, as he lags behind Legault, Volke, and Joshua in Atk and is nearly identical to Cath, who is significantly easier to merge.

Rennac himself is valuable specifically because of his weapon. Personally, I'd toss one copy of him at Cath to give her his weapon.

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In light of the somewhat damp squib the legendary banner turned out to be, I decided to just go for it on the AHR banner with my remaining orbs since I don't think there'll be a better banner in whatever time I have left with the game. That's about 200 orbs, with the ideal outcome being a +Atk or +Spd Corrin. The yield, in chronological order

+Spd -Def Harmonic Azura : Wrong +Spd duo, but welcome all the same. I think she becomes the base of my new +2 primary copy. I'm glad I didn't rush into making the neutral copy I got a few days ago into the base, I'll now keep that neutral one as a secondary, and fodder off the +HP one.

+Def -Spd Dieck : You again. My fourth copy I think. Y'know I used to have no NFU fodder once upon a time. Need to decide which of my HP, Def or Res one to keep though.

+Res -Spd Legendary Byleth : That makes two spares of him for questionable fodder.

+Atk -Spd Ranulf : Already have a +1 +Atk copy in my Barracks and I don't think I've used him besides manually levelling him to 40 originally. I don't see any reason to start either, but then his fodder holds no real appeal either. Meh.

+HP - Atk Harmonic Azura : I know I said she was my most wanted unit before the banner started, but six copies?

+Spd -Res Osian : New to me. A better Dorcas I guess?

All in all a relatively disappointing result for those ~200 orbs but I had a good run in the piecemeal summons on it prior to this, so it all balances out. Total 5* units from a spend of somewhere in the region of 450-500 orbs is:

6x Azura
4x Byleth
2x Thorr
0x Corrin (sparked one)
2x Dieck
1x Brave Ike
1x Dedue
1x Ranulf
1x Osian

A little below average in terms of the expected outcome I think, but I did get the right units at least and they ended up with at least decent natures. Oh well, time to move on regardless. I think will have enough orbs to hopefully grab one or two red legendaries on tomorrow's banner (farmed back about 50 already today) but I'm not hugely fussed about that. I've now been actively playing for about a month and I think I've seen all the new things I care to see, and Sigurd aside, have explored the various new skills and gimmicks added to the game in the past year. However I do want to pick up a CYL Eirika on the way out, so I'll grab some low-hanging orbs over the coming month in order to spark the CYL re-run in May. Besides that though I'll be mostly inactive once more after this week is through.


P.S. Got a free focus Amelia off the TT banner, fine I guess, not that I have any obvious users of Armor March since I've basically stopped using armoured units completely.

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Got L!Nanna as my free summon. Neutral nature, which is good. I think I'll try for the spark on this banner, after all I still need L!Sigurd and I like the red/blue/green lineup (sans Rennac) on this banner. 

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Alright, Legendary banner time. I started the session with exactly 200 orbs, with a target of Sigurd, and then just playing it by ear afterwards depending on how it goes.

After an inauspicious start where I got maybe 3 red orbs in the first 10 pulls, I got a +Atk -Def Legendary Lilina. She might be the least desirable of the focus units here, but I have a odd sort of fondness for her. Not because of her character or anything like that (I've never played FE6), but because a 4-star Lilina was my best unit in the first few weeks of FEH.

At about 100 orbs in, I hit the motherlode, getting in three consecutive pulls a +Def -HP Legendary Sigurd, a +HP -Res Leo, and a Neutral Legendary Nanna. So all three focus units, all new to me, in just over 100 orbs, can't complain about that. Leo is whatever of course, but that really turned around the session. A bonus is that the luck with red orb availability really turned around too, and I got a welcome haul of 4 Selenas Repositions.

About 5 minutes later I had the urge to pull again, thinking since +1 merges are nice, I'll pull until I get a merge for any of the focus units. Was starting to regret it but then pulled another +Atk -Spd Lilina. Then decided to finish the circle despite only being at 8.5% and finished the session with a +Atk -HP Mila, so well worth it in the end. I do already have a +Res +1 Mila so it's a tricky decision on which to use as the base.

Final spend: 146 orbs for 5 focus units plus the Leo, good rate.

Edited by Humanoid
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I'm done with this piece of shit banner.

268 pulls.

  • 4 Nanna (+1 spark for 5 total)
  • 9 Lilina
  • 10 Sigurd
  • 1 Seiros
  • 1 Rennac
  • 1 Ash

26 total focus pulls for a 9.7% focus rate, which is a good amount above average.

Nanna rate is complete shit, as the expected value of Nannas in this number of pulls should be 6 or 7.

At this point, I'm pretty sure these banners are weighted against the new unit.

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First, red on the Regal Rabbits banner that I still don't have anyone from.

  1. 4* Ross: No.

Green for Impenetrable Defenses 2.

  1. 4* Hawkeye: No.

Blue for Impenetrable Defenses 1.

  1. 3* Marcia: No.

Green for Hares at the Fair.

  1. 4* Brady: No.

And now to pull a bit from L!Nanna's banner. Thanks to the spring banner I only have 50 orbs, so I'll stick to reds and blues.

  1. 4* Nowi: No.

And of course the other four orbs were grey...Time to try again.

  1. 3* Marth: No.
  2. 3* Knoll: No.
  3. 4* Palla: No.
  4. 3* Tanith: No.
  5. 4* Henry: No.

My disappointment is immeasurable...One more time since I only have 30 orbs left.

  1. 4* Miranda: No.
  2. 4* Marth: No.
  3. 3* Henry: No.
  4. 3* Robin: No.
  5. 3* Merric: No.

Are the focus rates bugged or something? I think in the last 600 or such orbs I've spent I've only gotten 3 or 4 focus units. At least this banner is going on for quite a while so I have time to scrape together a few more orbs.

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After the free L!Nanna, I got a +Atk -Def L!Lilina and a +Atk -Spd B!Eliwood from the 4* rate. Lilina is super fun to use and pretty menacing on SD, I can't believe I went so long without having such a fun unit. 

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It's uh... kinda weird this weeks weekly revivals both have Genny on them... but whatever, also I free summoned Genny!

But just as cool, I spent a stray 9 orbs on the legendary banner and got +atk -def Legendary Nanna!

Very, very nice indeed.

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10 hours ago, Xenomata said:

It's uh... kinda weird this weeks weekly revivals both have Genny on them... but whatever, also I free summoned Genny!

I got a free Genny too right after reading your post, nice! Thanks for sharing the luck!

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