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I don't know why I keep going for a "plus one" after completing my primary objective. It literally never goes well. After getting Edelgard to +10, I decided to pull for one more copy of Micaiah... which took 77 pulls (~170 USD). But even with the poor luck on the plus one, I still ended up quite a bit below budget due to insane luck before that.

311 pulls excluding the plus one:

  • 10 Edelgard (+1 spark for a total of 11)
  • 2 Micaiah
  • 1 Dimitri
  • 3 5-star Claude
  • 8 4-star Claude

And lots of other things:


From the 5-star pool:

  • Volke
  • 2 Brave Claude
  • Ferry
  • Fiora
  • Marianne
  • 3 Brave Lysithea
  • Ascended Laegjarn
  • Galzus
  • Constanze
  • Echoes Palla
  • Nyx
  • Fallen Male Morgan
  • Yuri
  • Fallen Rhea
  • Lakche
  • Mahnya
  • Hugh

From the 4-star SR pool:

  • Brave Veronica
  • Linde
  • Karel
  • Karla
  • Shiro
  • Cuan
  • Laevatein
  • Hector
  • Leo
  • Lethe
  • Lene
  • Claude
  • Velouria
  • Ryoma

5.1% 5-star Focus rate, which is well above average. 11.6% total 5-star rate, which is ever more well above average.

77 pulls for the plus one:

  • 1 Dimitri
  • 1 Micaiah

From the 5-star pool:

  • Louise
  • Fallen Edelgard

And from the 4-star SR pool:

  • Mist
  • Innes

2.6% 5-star Focus rate, which is below average. 5.2% total 5-star rate, which is also below average.

However, overall, I still had a 4.6% 5-star Focus rate and 10.3% total 5-star rate, which are both still well above average, so things ultimately went well despite the plus one going to shit.


Other notes:

  • My first Micaiah was [+Atk, -Def], so I'm set for a merge base.
  • Echoes Palla was [+Atk, -Spd], which is (1) perfect and (2) my first +Atk copy of her.
  • Brave Claude is now +9 and Brave Lysithea is now +7.
  • Both copies of Dimitri have the same awful [+Res, -Spd] nature. Seriously, game?
  • This is my third copy of Nyx. All three of them are +HP.
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Started with around 80 orbs. I now have 8.

Anyway, still, I got pretty lucky! Of the notable summons, I managed to get a +spd (albeit -atk) 5* Summer Claude pretty fast, as well as my first Green Olwen and an Astrid (whom I manual'd since I already had one and her boon wasn't better than the one I already had, I think.) Still wanting to go for Summer Dimitri, so I guess it's time to go earning more orbs.

Edit: Also just pulled my first Zeke (he's +res, which I think is good?)

Edit again: Managed to get Summer Dimitri! Also my first Midori, so that's a thing. Done with this banner. I'd go for another Claude but I really need to save orbs again in order to go for Axe Valor.

Edited by Mercakete
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I think my game has forgotten what a focus unit is.

After the absolute fiasco that was the Brave banner rerun, with a shitload of 5-stars and 4-star specials but not a single focus unit, the FE7 banner gave me Ascended Idunn and regular Lyn on my last circle (with the exact same natures for both that I already had, wtf) and ... uh, not a single 4-star Kent was pulled the entire time. I'd also pulled weird off-focuses on previous pulls like Selena, Shinon, and Mia. At least this one DID cough up an Ascended Florina earlier so I could choose someone else with my spark. (Normally I wouldn't go for the Heroes OC if I didn't already get the other 5-stars on the banner, but ... I just hate Sain that much.)

Then on the few pulls I did do on the summer banner, the game decided that it'd give me fallen Hardin instead of Claude.

Edited by Sunwoo
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19 pulls, roughly 60 orbs, and no luck for the Summer banner. I usually try not to pull on banners I can't spark on, so this isn't surprising to me. 

I was able to pull a 4*+1 Minerva (new) and a Melady, but everything else has been Feather Fodder. (Although at this rate I'll get 950k or so when it's time to do all of the merges.) 

I'm stopping here for today, but I'll circle back at the end of the summer if I have enough left over. If not, there's always next year. 

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Grinding out the Tempest Trials orbs paid off for me this time:



Summer Dimitri: +HP/-Atk.....which I trait changed to +Spd/-Res. It's amazing how terrible my IV luck is with Dimitri (my first copy of every version was either -Atk or -Spd, except Boar Dimitri but that was because I sparked him)

Summer Edelgard & Altina: +HP/-Res

So since I'm just missing Micaiah and 4* Focus Claude combined with the fact that this banner is sticking around until August 9th, I'm actually going to go back and finish things up on Letizia & More (spark counter at 28/40, 4% pity rate) and hopefully get both of A!Florina and Sain.

Speaking of which, here's a summary of my 5* / new pulls over the last month (because I've being slacking again and didn't post them here):


From Letizia & More: Letizia (+HP/-Res, New)
                                      two 4-star copies of Kent (New)

From Bridal Blossoms: four 4-star copies of Bride Cecilia (two were +Atk, New)
                                          4-star Special F!Kana
                                          first copy of Colm (4-star, neutral)
                                          4-star Special Julia
                                          4-star Special Micaiah
                                          4-star Special Lute
                                          Bride Lilina (Sparked, New)
                                          Groom Eliwood & Roy (+Def/-HP, New)
                                          first copy of Scathach (4-star, +Res/-HP)
                                          Bride Sophia (+HP/-Def, New)

From Beyond Control: CYL Claude
                                        Fallen Rhea (Sparked, New)
                                        Louise (was trying to snipe for Fallen Lilith, but I got a set with no reds)

Free Pulls: Mia (from Weekly Revival 23)
                    CYL Eirika (from the CYL5 re-run)
                    4-star Special CYL Lucina on the very next ticket pull from that re-run
                    Legendary F!Byleth (from Legendary Myrrh's banner)
                    Hubert (from his Three Hopes Celebration banner)
                    Edelgard (from this month's Tempest Trials banner)


Edited by Tybrosion
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Got Edelgard/Altina and traited her to +ATK.

Wanted Micaiah, but didn't get her. I'll actually get the pass spark for her.

Thank goodness Elincia is the freebie, I'll +10 her as soon as I can.

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I got two Sain and Ascended Florina from the Blazing Blade banner, I'm pleased with that and done summoning for now. I won't be spending anymore orbs until a character comes along that I REALLY want, whether it be a character like Brom that's only just getting in to Heroes or a character like Lyn getting another variant.

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I think Ascended Idunn and Ascended Laegjarn are competing to see which of them will be my most often pulled Ascended unit. I'm not exactly complaining because they're both really good units with really good fodder, but I'm baffled. And the game still doesn't know what a focus unit is. Guess I won't be getting an Awakening Harmonic unit yet.

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Time for the last of the Three Hopes banners. Grey for #11.

  1. 4* Kaze: No.

Green for #12.

  1. 4* Cath: Reposition fodder.

And lastly blue for #13.

  1. 3* Nanna: No.

No blues or greens...Red for Weekly Revival 27.

  1. 4* Sothe: No.

Grey for Weekly Revival 51.

  1. 4* Benny: That was an entirely blue circle.

Red for Summer Passing.

  1. 3* Erk: No.

Grey for Summer Returns.

  1. 4* Jeorge: No.

That was a very unimpressive set of pulls. Back to stockpiling.

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Coincidentally, I already had all of the units on the banner at +10 except for Chrom, Shinon, and Mirabilis, so sniping for red was obvious. I was only able to get Chrom up to +3 on his original banner because I was focusing on Lucina and Robin as Save tanks, so this was the perfect chance to get merges for Chrom and aim for +10.

98 pulls on the Double Special Heroes banner:

  • 6 Chrom (+1 spark)
  • 5 Shinon
  • 1 Reginn

12.2% focus rate is well above average. Holy crap.

Chrom hits +10, but I didn't pull a single +Atk copy, so he'll have to stick with +Spd. Meanwhile, 3 of the 5 copies of Shinon are +Atk. What a jerk, stealing all of the Atk Assets for himself. Shinon himself will hit +5. Reginn was already +10, so this one just gets to hang out in reserves or something as I resist the urge to fodder Cross Spur to Duo Peony or something like that.

Also pulled a Brave Celica, Laegjarn, and Meister Reinhardt from the 4-star SR pool, all of which are already +10.


It's going to be hard picking between Harmonized Edelgard and Duo Chrom for my last Arena slot now. Chrom scores better with his Duel effect being one bucket above Edelgard's stat total and having an exclusive Assist skill, but Edelgard's pseudo-Canto is insanely useful.

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My DSH loot:

  • Merrybilis (+Res/-HP)
  • Merrybilis (+Def/-Atk)
  • Pega!Nino (+Res/-Atk)
  • Ninjinon (+Atk/-HP)
  • Chrobin (Neutral)
  • Valucina (+Res/-HP)
  • Beirika (Neutral -- Not from DSH! I accidentally used the CYL5 spark first, fuck! And I knew I'd do it eventually too!)
  • Merrybilis (Neutral -- Spark)

This went far better than my DSH pulls usually do. Merrybilis is now +6.

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1 hour ago, jameslove001 said:

I pulled Valentines Chrom and Lucina in one go. Are they worth investing in?

Yes. Duo Chrom is one of the strongest wall breakers in the game and is one of the most obnoxious units to deal with on defense teams due to his exclusive Assist skill. Valentine Lucina is one of the best Near Save tanks in the game, if not the best.

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Got a free Duo Dagr on the Double Seasonal banner, which is nice but +Res -Atk hurts. Then burned about 120 orbs (which is all of them) on trying to get another Red or Green hero from it, and only ended up with OG Idunn (+Def -HP, identical to my existing one), so that was a big mistake. Oh well, still time to break the rate over the next week and a bit if I can be bothered to.

Not sure really, I'm not really active anymore, so much so that I think I've missed three entire days of the TT (and HoF) so far due to either forgetting or just not caring enough to play for the day. Oh god it's the last day of the TT and I'm not at 50k yet.

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Let's see what the Double Special banner has to offer me this time...

  1. 3* Mordecai: Nope.

I wanted green or red, the circle had two blues and three greys. Figures. Red for the Moonbow banner.

  1. 3* Raigh: No.

Green for Weekly Revival 10.

  1. 4* Merric: No.

And grey for Weekly Revival 28.

  1. 4* Tanya: No.
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Decided to try to break that 8.5% on the double seasonal banner. Aaaand, got it straight away on the very first summon of the session, with a +Res -Atk Duo Dagr. Yep, absolutely identical to the first one. Rest of the circle was a waste of orbs so the final damage is ~140 orbs for those dual duo Dagrs plus that random OG Idunn. Not great, but at least it yieled the equal-best unit on the banner (the other being Duo Chrom of course, he'll get his chance next time).

And then I went to Gamepress to check whether she had Distant Counter in her default kit to judge whether Res was workable for her. Because I completely blanked that she wasn't a melee unit. /facepalm

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Earned my orbs, logged into the new Xander pull - somehow got FIVE GREENS!!! Two 3* Barsts, 1 4* Ross, 1 4* Cherche. Thanks math. Thanks for reminding me that statistics are still statistics or that the game actively cheats. I literally have none of the Legendaries, although the Double Banner intrigues me more.

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My luck was pretty bad for the Legendary banner too, which I probably should've expected after my crazy looting of Double Special. I went for an Asc!Ishtar spark, and all I got on the way was a spare Nott (+Spd/-Atk).

But, I have to look at the bright side. Dancer Neph now has Atk/Spd Menace, and I'm no longer missing any Ascendant Florets.

Edited by Some Jerk
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Freebie 5* unit! The following is true about this unit:

  • He is not a 4* special.
  • He is a focus unit.
  • I did not have a single copy of him before now.
  • He is a servant of Grima.
  • I am still shocked that I got a free Fallen Morgan.

+Atk -Res isn't horrible either.

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Let's see what the VG banner has to offer.

  1. 4* Seteth: Not a single green.

Green for the Solo banner.

  1. 3* Mamui: No greens again.

Red for Weekly Revival 29.

  1. 4* Sully: No reds...

Red again for Weekly Revival 52.

  1. 4* Linhardt: No reds again.

Somehow four circles in a row refused to give me the color I wanted. Hopefully that's not a bad omen for the Legendary banner. I'm fine with anything, so let's see where my luck takes me. 310 orbs to start.

  1. 3* Roy: No.
  2. 3* Caeda: No.
  3. 4* Arthur: No.
  4. 4* Cecilia: No.
  5. 4* Tethys: No.

Not a good sign at all. 295 orbs left.

  1. 4* Eliwood: No.
  2. 4* Marth: No.
  3. 4* Subaki: No.
  4. 3* Sakura: No.
  5. 4* Leon: No.

I have a foreboding feeling about this...275 orbs left.

  1. 3* Palla: No.
  2. 4* Donnel: No.
  3. 3* Est: No.
  4. 4* Orochi: No.
  5. 3* Linhardt: No.

255 orbs left.

  1. 3* Valbar: No.
  2. 4* Frederick: No.
  3. 5* B!Ike: Finally a 5*, and it's a 4* Special...Figures. +Res/-Atk is awful, so merge fodder for my +1 +Def copy.
  4. 4* Hawkeye: No.
  5. 3* Saizo: No.

Up to a 10% pity rate now. 235 orbs left.

  1. 4* Caeda: No.
  2. 5* Nott: Finally somebody worthwhile! +Res/-Spd is trash, but I'm not going to be picky at this point.
  3. 4* L'Arachel: No.
  4. 3* Mae: No.
  5. 5* Niime: Alright! +Atk/-HP is pretty good, so I'll settle for that.

It took 95 orbs to get any focus units, a lot more than I would have liked, but in the end I did pretty well. Nott and Niime plus a 4* Special B!Ike could definitely be worse. Before I blow the rest of my stockpile on the BHB banner to get merges for the Morgans I think I'll wait to see who's on the upcoming Special banner.

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Freebie +Spd -Res Loki on the newer revival banner. Wrong busty healer and one I have no real use for, but free is free.

Only going to have ~80 orbs for the second summer banner launch so it'll be an uneventful month summon-wise, though if nothing else interesting appears then it's probably worth a go in a few weeks time.

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With the second summer banner on the cusp of being revealed, I just got Summer Micaiah (+Res/-Spd) from the first one:



.....when I was just 9 orbs away (the Beruka was pulled after Micaiah) from the spark anyways.

I'll still redeem the spark at this point, but now it'll be a choice between a Micaiah merge or a Dimitri for fodder (because since I have a spare Lyre manual, I can get both Atk/Spd Catch 4 and Spd/Def Menace from one Dimitri).

My other recent pulls: 

Summer Selena (New): free pull from the Summer Passing revival
Ascended Florina (New): sparked from Letizia and More, where I wasn't able to pull Sain (I did leave a 4.75% pity rate behind though)
4* Summer Claude x2 (New): it took until pull #31 to get the first one, and they both got shit Asset/Flaw combos too (something like +Res/-Spd and +Def/-Atk if I remember correctly)
Eitri: second pull from Legendary Xander's banner and could've been my free pull (actual free pull was a 4* Arthur)
CYL Micaiah: 4* Special pull from Legendary Xander's banner

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I guess the Legendary Hero banner is forgiven this time. The second half of the my pulls made up for the awful luck of the first half.

Sniping green with priority given to colorless and then red if there was no green until I pulled 1 copy of Leaf. Then switched the backup priority to red then blue afterwards.

Goals were 11 Xander, 2 Freyja, 1 Leaf, and as many Lif and Reginn as the game will give me, and I managed to hit all of them under budget.

339 pulls:

  • 10 Xander (+1 spark)
  • 6 Eitri
  • 7 Freyja
  • 1 Leaf
  • 1 Nimue
  • 1 August
  • 4 Lif
  • 0 Reginn
  • 0 Sigurd

2.9% Xander rate, which is a decent amount above average (average is around 2.5% counting forced pulls of the wrong color). 8.8% focus rate, which is slightly above average (average is about 8.3%).

Also got my first +Spd Ranulf. And somehow got 4 copies of flying Nino, which was more copies than I got of Xander at the time.

I feel like this is me on every banner with Eitri on it minus attempting to another Eitri:




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The only person I'm missing on the returning summer banner is Noire, so I pulled a colorless stone to see if I could free-pull her.

And I got a 4-star special seasonal hero.

... And that 4-star special seasonal hero was Summer Noire.

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Ten pulls on the new Summer banner is twice what I had intended to do, and yielded a +HP -Spd Forsyth and a +Spd -Atk OG Azura. Well, the former is new to me at least, even if he looks to be a completely generic unit.

I probably won't go back to the banner, the more I look at the units the less interesting they seem, and the less regret I feel about using orbs on the double seasonal banner. 35 pulls into that one, but alas, no FEH Pass or else I'd finally have Duo Chrom.

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