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Weekly Arena Tickets:

Week 1: Kjelle
Week 2: Lute
Week 3: Olwen

Tickets on the rerun Winter banners got me nothing worthwhile.

Decided to do some full circle pulls on the new Legendary Banner, and after exactly 80 orbs and 25 pulls I got:

Medeus (+HP/-Spd) (First!)
Legendary Ninian (+HP/-Atk)
Brave F!Byleth (+HP/-Def)
Legendary F!Shez (+HP/-Spd) (First!)

Yes, ALL of them are +HP.

Now I wonder if I should go for the spark on the Legendary Banner. I have every focus unit on it, but I'm only 60 orbs away of a free Merge or Fodder (Honestly I haven't even decided whom I would take).

Edited by Jave
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1 hour ago, Jave said:

Now I wonder if I should go for the spark on the Legendary Banner. I have every focus unit on it, but I'm only 60 orbs away of a free Merge or Fodder (Honestly I haven't even decided whom I would take).

Given that on a normal 3% banner, it costs an average of about 110-120 orbs to pull a single focus unit (when not sniping), 60 orbs for a guaranteed unit is a really good deal, especially when the options are so good.

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Weekly Arena Tickets:

Week 1: Ophelia

Week 2: Adrift Camilla

Week 3: Duo!Ephraim


I think I got good ones overall? I mean, I don't know about A!Camilla but Duo!Ephraim just got a refine that I hear's good and I think Ophelia's still good if invested, right? hi still new


Used up the free Winter tickets aaaaand...got nothing note worthy.


Now the important one for me...the Legendary banner! Because I want L!Claude. So I sniped on colorless (and on blue if there wasn't any). After about...all those tickets and 100+ orbs (i kinda lost track cause i made sure to be at 20 orbs and above whenever i summoned), I got him! And with +Spd. Also got two copies of B!Byleth on the way. I might try to push push my luck later to get L!F!Shez 'cause like her as a character, but for now I'm gonna hold that off.

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26 minutes ago, Wyvern Fang said:

I think I got good ones overall? I mean, I don't know about A!Camilla but Duo!Ephraim just got a refine that I hear's good and I think Ophelia's still good if invested, right? hi still new

Duo Ephraim, being the only Duo character on the weekly Arena banner, is likely the single most desirable unit there is available, so simply getting him is already a win regardless of anything else. đŸ˜‰

Ophelia is one of the few old units skipped over for a refine because presumably IS feel her weapon is still very strong. I believe she shares that distinction with Reinhardt, Surtr and for some reason, Hector. She has a very specific schtick, and does it well: special spamming. With the help of the right team setup and Special Spiral, she's able to make every single attack of hers trigger her special.

I'm not too familiar with Adrift Camilla since I don't have her, but she's relatively rare class and has received a modern refine. Her base kit seems a bit awkward though as her weapon now tries to focus on compensating for her lack of speed, but none of her other skills help her at all in this regard, making it a potentially expensive exercise.

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Summoned from the Shez banner way more than I originally intended trying to get her, but it did reward more than a few 5* units:

  • 5 copies of LegMyrrh, one of which was +Atk -Spd
  • 4 copies of Brave Chrom, two of which were +Atk and +Spd
  • Brave Seliph +Atk -Def
  • Fodder copies of Brave Tiki and Medeus
  • Legendary Ninian +Spd -Def.

Since I renewed my Feh Pass, I also sparked a copy of Ninian, mostly because I decided I'd rather have her than Shez in the end... which didn't stop me from summoning even more...

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I'm at a 9 or 9.5% for my pity rate on the double seasonal banner, but I'm dancing around 100 orbs and I really want to make sure I have some for the New Years banner coming up. Not sure if I should keep going and hope for a Summer Nifl or if I should just stop and save orbs.

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Was disappointed that Duo Elice didn't get into the AHR lineup. But then I opened the three grey orbs on her winter re-run banner, and good thing I did, because she was in the final one. +Atk -HP even.

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Me: I'm not that fond of Three Houses characters save for a few (no opinion on Three Hopes characters), so I'd rather not summon anymore of them for as long as I can. I will summon colorless from this banner.
Glorious Gifts banner: NO MARTH. You want a freebie Winter Sothis :3 ?

Conclusion: Fire Emblem Heroes has mind-reading technology, and is a massive troll.

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Green for Weekly Revival 1.

  1. 5* Nagi: She shows up as a 4* Special once again. +Spd/-Def is horrid, so merge fodder for my +2 +Atk copy.

Grey for Weekly Revival 44.

  1. 4* Tethys: No.

Grey again for the Fury banner.

  1. 3* Kagero: No.

Blue for Glorious Gifts.

  1. 4* Bantu: Or not.

Blue for Gifts of Winter.

  1. 3* Ross: Ugh.

Red for the TT banner.

  1. 4* Orochi: No.

Blue for Winter's Envoy.

  1. 3* Est: No.

And lastly grey again for the weekly Arena ticket.

  1. 5* Mareeta: Hey, nice! She's new, which is lucky on my part. Full neutral will do just fine.

Nice to see non!Fallen Mareeta show up at last. The fact that my previous 5* happened to be Galzus tickles my heart. I suppose her father wanted to make sure things were safe for her.

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And now the New Year's Banner is live and I had 160+ orbs ready along with tickets to snipe for Duo Askr! And...OH MY GOSH. I got them in 6 summons!!! im so happy it was painless. And even better I got Atk+ Spd- IVs! Not the absolute best I think? Since they're a bulky unit, so I assume Def+ or Res+ is bettrr. But I think they're also like a nuke too, or at least a good attacker, so I'll definitely take it (and the easy summoning). At least it's not Def- or something. Ah but I'm rambling at this point... I am. SO tempted to keep sniping to see if I can maybe get one other copy for a +1, maybe +2 because I love 'em but I think I'll wait on that for a while. The banner will last the whole month after all.

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Sniping grey only on all NY ticket rounds gave me a +Spd CYL Byleth on the final circle, my third copy of her with none of them being intentional pulls. I'll take it I suppose, though I'll have to decide if I want to merge my neutral one into this new base. Leaning towards merge and might even Ascend her since she's now clearly my best flying mage by some distance. Chances of pulling more on the banner are nil, so that's that. Might try to spark for Cordelia if I can afford to (I'm on just under 50 orbs at the moment), depending on what else shows up in the next couple of weeks.

Weekly revivals and the first pull on the NY revival gave nothing.

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So I'm still collecting some tickets and stuff, but so far I've gotten:

5-star NY!Panne
Bow Hinoka
NY!Peony and Triandra
4-star NY!Kaden

Just off the tickets

I guess this is where all my Christmas luck went.

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Summer Nifl is more antisocial towards my barracks than Embla. XD I'm at a 10.5% pity rate and out of orbs. Hopefully I can get her before the double special banner goes away (and not be a repeat of Legendary Robin, whom I did not get even at 11% pity rate.) Colorless deities, am I right? X3

On the flipside, I got New Years Elm and New Years Askr pretty quickly. I'll hold off on building them, maybe, since I'd like to get 1 more copy of each (and, if possible, New Years Ash, too!) and hopefully I won't have to use fruit on them that way. Still, all in all, pretty happy! đŸ˜„

Edit: earned some more orbs, but now I'm out again. 11% pity rate. Really hope I get Summer Nifl and not Thief Nina, but it's impossible to say if colorless nodes will even show up. Well, I can only do my best. Once my pity rate or the banner goes away, I'll just stop. đŸ˜›

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Ticket pulls on the Rerun NY banner gave me NY!Reggin and NY!Velouria.

40 pulls on the new NY banner gave me Duo Askr, 4* Special Hinoka, two 4* NY!Pannes, Pent, 4* Special Brave Veronica and finally NY!Ash for the spark.

Not a bad way to start the year.

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New year, and literally nothing has changed.

In addition to the above image, the "best" I got from my NY tickets was just one 4* Lyre. Engage can't arrive soon enough because I am so done with this garbage gacha and my garbage luck right now.

Anyways, see y'all in about a week when the next Special Heroes banner drops.

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Well, here's what happened on the winter's banner and everything since about then:

Winter 2022:

1 Duessel

2 Zeke

1 F!Kris

1 Pent

1 V!Est

1 Ingrid

1 4* Mamori

1 Catherine

1 F!Dimitri

1 Melady

1 4* Lethe

1 B!Chrom

1 Say'ri

1 Hardin

1 Erinys

Look, I know this is not necessarily bad luck. But its still trash luck. 120 summons, not ONE focus unit. What are the odds of that? Im actually curious, because its ridiculous. You cant pull 14 5* units and not have even one of them be a focus unit. I ended sparking BK, Cordelia, and Dorothea. smh. Hardin, B!Chrom, and F!Dimitri are my consolation pulls  and Erinys is always nice, so at least there's that.

On New Years banner, i got.....nothing. Whatever.

In the omega New Years banner, hoping for Duo Peony, i got:

1 A!Eir

2 Duo Dagr

I have no words. Just, nothing.




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Boy have I got a long list of bullshit for y'all.

SeiĂ°r and More:

  • B!Marth (+HP/-Def)
  • SeiĂ°r (+Def/-HP)
  • MĂºspell (+Atk/-Spd)
  • Siegbert (4* Special) (+Atk/-Def)
  • Ranulf (4* Special) (+Def/-Res)
  • B!Eirika (Neutral)
  • Asc!Ophelia (Spark) (Neutral)

 (one long break later...)

  • Priam (+HP/-Def)
  • FM!Morgan (+HP/-Spd)
  • Julia (4* Special) (+Def/-Spd)
  • SeiĂ°r (+Atk/-Spd)
  • Asc!Ophelia (+Spd/-Def)
  • Caeldori (Neutral)

I mainly dove into this one because of Special Spiral 4 so that Phina would go even further beyond. Funny enough, if she didn't desperately need Distant Counter, then Atk/Res Finish 3 (since SS4 takes an inherit slot) is actually better for her than Finish 4 because she doesn't want the healing. I also chased a second Asc!Ophelia in case I ever decide I want to finish Sanaki, which ran me right to the banner's end with snipes.

Winter Dreamland (Revival):

  • B!Ephraim (4* Special) (+HP/-Atk)
  • W!Artur (+Res/-Atk)
  • W!Mirabilis #8 (+Res/-Def)
  • Caeldori (+HP/-Spd) (I'm sorry but your banner JUST ended, what the fuck?)
  • B!Eirika (+Spd/-Atk)
  • F!Gustav (+Res/-HP)
  • W!Mirabilis #9 (+HP/-Spd)
  • Valentia!Est (+Atk/-Spd)
  • Asc!Idunn (Neutral)
  • Duessel (+Spd/-Def)
  • W!Mirabilis #10 (Def/-HP)
  • W!Lysithea (+Res/-Def)
  • W!Lysithea (+Def/-HP)
  • W!Mirabilis #11 (I didn't check the IVs)
  • SeiĂ°r (+Atk/-Spd) (from a b8% banner ticket around the same time)

The game seriously almost made me trip at the finish line by zeroing out my orbs at +9. I had to plug away at the banner with whatever orbs I could scrounge up before it finally gave me the final merge just before New Years.

Gods Renewed:

  • NY!Panne (4*) (+Spd/-Res)
  • Malice (+Spd/-Def)
  • Nephenee (4* Special) (+Spd/-Res)
  • Guinivere (+Spd/-Def)
  • NY!Panne (4*) (+Spd/-Def)
  • Deirdre (4* Special) (+HP/-Spd)
  • NY!Elm (+Spd/-Res)
  • NY!Ash (Spark) (Neutral)

Wasn't originally gonna pull on this one because I thought I'd have to buy the New Years Orb Packs to keep chasing Merrybilis, but I lucked out on that last merge and decided that NY!Ash was good eatin' for Olivia.

Before y'all grab your torches and pitchforks and try to expose me as a spawn of Satan even though you wouldn't be wrong, know that this luck is coming at the expense of my New Year: ω Special Heroes ticket pulls. I've only been sniping Colorless and have somehow managed to pull two 5* NY!Lyres when the only thing I want from it is NY!Plumeria -- it's been over two years now and I still don't have even one copy of her because the colorshare unit won't leave me alone!

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6-7 tickets into the NY revival banner sniping purely green and I have a neutral CYL Edelgard so far.

Halfway to the spark on the Winter banner now, +HP -Def Festive BK showed up as pull 20, first thing of value since Dorothea turned up as the initial freebie. That's pretty good going since it means I'll have all three 5* exclusives even if nothing else happens.

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I'm convinced that focus units don't actually exist on the New Year banner. I've spent all of the orbs from the limited orb packs and have gotten literally nothing so far.

136 pulls:

  • 0 Askr (+1 spark)
  • 0 Ash
  • 0 Elm
  • 0 5-star Panne
  • 4 4-star Panne
  • 6 pity breakers:
    • Galzus
    • Fallen Ike
    • Brave Byleth
    • Shinon
    • Brave Chrom
    • Fallen Lilith

0% focus rate is 4 and a half pulls below average. 4.4% total 5-star rate is still 3 pulls below average.

This makes my decision on whether to pull for merges for Ash a lot easier. With luck this bad, I don't think I'll have enough budget to spare. I'll be going for +10 Askr, +10 Panne, and +0 Ash from this banner. If I have any budget left over, it'll go to Shez instead.


I should probably stop procrastinating on cleaning up my barracks and reserves. I'll probably do the rest of the pulls for this banner after I do my Arena runs later today.

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Actually was pretty lucky with my first 15 pulls from new years. Only units I truly "wanted" were Panne and Askr, and lo and behold I got both of them in just the first 10 pulls. And then I got a better asset/flaw for Panne in the next session, PLUS a Guinivere because I guess my luck had dried up.

Haven't been quite so lucky since, but thanks to free orbs and summoning tickets I'm well on my way to sparking Ashe!

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