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It took a lot of orbs but I did it:



He's neutral natured which I'm fine with considering the amount of -Atk or -Spd units I've been pulling lately.

Notable pulls were a 5* Camilla, which promptly became Brave Axe+ food for my Cherche since I had already had one, another 4* Roy for Triangle Adept fodder and my second ever Tharja who I might make into a Raudhrblade+ fodder for Leo or Sanaki.

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Goal: An Ike
Secondary Goal: Any ofo the other 3

What I got was none of that.

Pull #1: 3* Barst, 4* Reinhardt (!), 4 star Kagero, 5 * Jeorge (!!!), 5* Elise (!!!!)

On one hand, no what why you do this. On the other hand I can't say no to a free daggerbreaker for someone, or a 4 star version of one of hte game's better characters. And Jeorge & Elise may not be the best but dang it they're five stars and I like them just for that. I'm pretty sure everyone has decent natures except the kagero which is fine I already have a 5 star. Please note: not a single red orb, for extra vindictiveness.

Pull #2: 4 star corrin-M (new), 3* Azama, 3*Azama again, 3* Wendy, 5* Olwen (!!)

Reinhardt & Olwen back to back are you kidding me here. The 3*s are all trash and I'm not sure I'll find any use for them being extra hero merit bodies. Corrin I'm not thrilled with since it feels like if you're a main lord, like Marth or w/e, you're kind of mediocre until you get your 5* weapon.

You know I tried pretty hard on sibling bonds trying to get either of the thunder twins and even kept pulling blues on Ninian's banner just to try for 'em. And now I get them back to back here...so silly.

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Oooh, a little show and Tellius?

Just burnt 67 of the 91 orbs I've been saving and got Titania. -Atk/+Spd. Also Sakura who's new to my collection. Was specifically pulling greens since I want other 5 star only greens like Hector and Fa. And that's why I waited on the Alm banner. But Titania is a good get, I voted for her in the Heroes Poll!

Edited by Gustavos
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11 hours ago, OKigen said:

I'm done.


So, decided to pull once more to see if I can snatch another Ike. No red orb? Great, green should be fine then. And here she is...

3 5* in a row, I should really stop pulling. Can't get luckier than this.


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Had like 20 orbs leftover from the last banner; decided to let wifey burn them trying to get Soren and....



Checked her IVs this morning and it looks like she's Spd+/HP-.

Man... Care though I mightn't about Horse Emblem this game just keeps giving me options for it lmao. Now I have a 5* cavalier of each color ;; 

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Ok, I decided to use some orbs on the new banner and keep saving the rest

*3 Palla - man, one is fine, now I have 3...

*3 Cherche - WHY?!!! This is like the 10 Cherche I got!! And is always a 3* ! In my bench are 4 now, the others where sacrificed for feathers... This girl really wants to be in my team mmmm

*3 Tiki - First Manakete I got (that is not free Corrin) ! She is -Hp +Spd

*4 Tharja - Another new one for me... But she is -Atk +Res arf... That is not good right? Well, at least is new for me

And I stopped here since the last one was a blue orb and I decided it was better to save the orbs.

Maaaan, I really wanted an Alm! But I checked and he is still a 5* only :( , now I'm going to feel jealouse of my friend who started playing and his first summon was Alm haha

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46 minutes ago, OKigen said:

So, decided to pull once more to see if I can snatch another Ike. No red orb? Great, green should be fine then. And here she is...

3 5* in a row, I should really stop pulling. Can't get luckier than this.


Holy..Congrats on getting the two units I currently want most in one day

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First pull on my search for an Ike and a Soren!

  • 3* Gunter (Armored Blow fodder! I finally have something I can put on my Seliph...)
  • 5* Mist +Def, -Res (Oh. Uh. Cool, I guess? But what the hell is that bane/boon combination, Mist?)
  • 5* Karel +Atk, -HP (Wow, a useful nature for once. Lol. I'm not sure how direly I need another red sword, but...I guess I can set up the classic Fury/Desperation build that'll work wonders on him due to his vanilla special and having Desperation for free.)
  • 3* Odin (Moar skill fodder. And that makes 3 Odins I currently have...)
  • 3* Stahl (Skill fodder. He's Stahl number 4 at the moment...)

Uh... Well I got a Tellius character first go round! ...And it's the one I didn't really want. Blah, oh well. I weirdly get insanely lucky (two 5*s in the same pull, let alone a banner character), but at the same time don't get exactly what I want.

Well, at least with my Lon'qu and Navarres, I've got the full "I'm an edgy, antisocial myrmidon club."

I'm probably gonna whale a bit come May, once I get paid... Gotta get that Ike and Soren...

Edited by Extrasolar
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Have been making some modest attempts at Ike throughout my day and I can't say I'm disappointed. I don't have him as of yet, sadly, but I have obtained a plethora of other reds with good asset/flaw combos, probably as consolation. 

I've pulled today:

3* Raigh +Spd/-Hp

3* Fir +Atk/-Res

3* Hinata +Atk/-Spd

3* Selena +Atk/-Hp

4* Raigh Neutral

4* Marth (!) +Spd/-Hp

4* A!Tiki +Atk/-Hp

At this point I'll even give Raigh a chance at glory. Maybe he'll even be decent at 4* +10 cause Naga knows that's where my summon luck is taking me. 

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Got up to 20 orbs and got Titania on my very first pull. Hopefully I'll have this luck for the rest of the banner. Sakura and Lilina too so that's cool.

Titania: +Res/-Def (Thats fine ig)

Sakura: +Spd/-Atk (Pretty gud)

Lilina: +Res/-Def (Wow same IVs.)

I really hope Titania doesn't disappoint because Spring Camilla was my only 5* green.

Edited by KongDude88
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I've made three pulls under this banner so far and let's just say I did not come out of it two 5 stars richer like my first three pulls under the last banner.

Pull 1: Lukas (4*), Gaius (3*), Henry (3*), Marth (4*, new), Henry again (4*)

Pull 2: Virion (3*), Catria (4*), Saizo (3*), Fae (4*, new); only had 17 orbs for this one so a colorless stone went unopened, which knowing my luck was probably either the other Faye or Mist

Pull 3: Arthur (3*), Peri (4*), Sophia (3*), Henry... (4*), Azama (3*)



I do like how Lukas was the first character I got from this banner like how Eldigan was the first character I got from the banner that replaced his. I unfortunately found that 4* Lukas has Obstruct 3 and not Fortress Def 3 because we totally were in dire need of another character who can give Obstruct 3. Though my first one, Marth is sadly -ATK (+DEF though) but considering I have Chrom (5*) and Alm that doesn't bother me as much as it could. Fae is +HP, -DEF while the duplicate Peri, like my first one, is also +ATK but -RES instead of -HP so I'm going to keep this one and use the first for skill fodder. Aside from Marth, Fae and Peri all of these guys will probably end up in my skill grinder at some point if they haven't already. My 5* Lukas will certainly appreciate Ignis that's for sure. 


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Time to blow some orbs!

Pull 1

  • 3* Fir: Bleh.
  • 3* Azama: Bleh.
  • 3* Niles: Ugh.
  • 4* Arthur: He might be useful for something.
  • 3* Robin: Damn movie tricked me...

Pull 2

  • 3* Gordin: Meh.
  • 3* Azama: No! Go away!
  • 3* Felicia: Meh.
  • 3* Frederick: Meh.
  • 4* Fae: Renewal 3, yay!

Pull 3

  • 3* Raigh: Meh.
  • 3* Saizo: I'm starting to hate this guy on principle. Almost 10 times now.
  • 4* Klein: Shame he's not a 5*, but he can join my other 4* copy of him.
  • 3* Gordin: Stahp.
  • 3* Bartre: Meh.

Pull 4

  • 3* Olivia: Go away.
  • 3* A!Tiki: Meh.
  • 4* Cain: Bleh.
  • 3* Arthur: No.
  • 3* Sully: Bleh.

Wow...20 units, 4 4-stars and 16 3-stars. Should have gotten at least one 5* from all of that, but I guess not. Time to gather up the new orbs.

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2 minutes ago, KMT4ever said:

Time to blow some orbs!

Pull 1

  • 3* Fir: Bleh.
  • 3* Azama: Bleh.
  • 3* Niles: Ugh.
  • 4* Arthur: He might be useful for something.
  • 3* Robin: Damn movie tricked me...

Pull 2

  • 3* Gordin: Meh.
  • 3* Azama: No! Go away!
  • 3* Felicia: Meh.
  • 3* Frederick: Meh.
  • 4* Fae: Renewal 3, yay!

Pull 3

  • 3* Raigh: Meh.
  • 3* Saizo: I'm starting to hate this guy on principle. Almost 10 times now.
  • 4* Klein: Shame he's not a 5*, but he can join my other 4* copy of him.
  • 3* Gordin: Stahp.
  • 3* Bartre: Meh.

Pull 4

  • 3* Olivia: Go away.
  • 3* A!Tiki: Meh.
  • 4* Cain: Bleh.
  • 3* Arthur: No.
  • 3* Sully: Bleh.

Wow...20 units, 4 4-stars and 16 3-stars. Should have gotten at least one 5* from all of that, but I guess not. Time to gather up the new orbs.

Damn... That sucks... One 4* per pull. I hope luck comes your way with your next pulls.

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4 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I got a 4* neutral IV Seliph. How is he? i heard he's not that good of a unit

If you already have ANY 5 star sword user, I'll bet any amount of money they're better than him Except maybe alfonse

5 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

the rest of the units i pulled are ones i already had... sigh

At least now you have more skill fodder, right? ;)

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Just now, Arcanite said:

If you already have ANY 5 star sword user, I'll bet any amount of money they're better than him Except maybe alfonse

Even Roy?

Just now, Arcanite said:

At least now you have more skill fodder, right? ;)

I dunno. Felicia, Lachesis, Raigh, and Donnel... I guess I can get Felicia to pass on Glacies, or just use Felicia if she's good

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

Even Roy?

Just take of his T-Adept and give him Fury 3 Roy is in the same tier as Seliph actually heh heh

3 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I dunno. Felicia, Lachesis, Raigh, and Donnel... I guess I can get Felicia to pass on Glacies, or just use Felicia if she's good

Yeah that's actually pretty bad

Raigh has rally attack

Lachesis has...............

Felicia has Glacies and breath of life (I wouldn't use her if you have Kagero or literally any other dagger user

Donnel could be brave lance fodder or reciprocal aid for a desperation set (I'm trying my best here)

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4 hours ago, Gustavos said:

Oooh, a little show and Tellius?

Just burnt 67 of the 91 orbs I've been saving and got Titania. -Atk/+Spd. Also Sakura who's new to my collection. Was specifically pulling greens since I want other 5 star only greens like Hector and Fa. And that's why I waited on the Alm banner. But Titania is a good get, I voted for her in the Heroes Poll!

I couldn't help but laugh at the pun -.- 

Incidentally, Fa is available at 4*. I know, because she likes to appear for me every now and then xD 

Congrats on the Titania. I'm currently hunt summoning green and red :) 


I've completed all quests and threw a few more orbs in in the hopes of getting some none dupe characters. Two blues showed up and were promptly ignored, one red, two greens. 

1 Red - 3* Fir. Not sure if she's useful at all, even as fodder and is a dupe. Will likely send her home. 

1 Green - 3* Cherche. Dupe. I think she has pivot, which might be useful. I'll keep her for now. 

2 Green - 4* Merric. Another none dupe on the same banner! Considering I've got nearly every non-exclusive now, pulling both Caeda and Merric so soon after each other feels like a lucky streak to me ^.^ I'll pull again if I hit 20, but otherwise, not too bothered. 



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Just now, Arcanite said:

Raigh has rally attack

Lachesis has...............

Felicia has Glacies and breath of life (I wouldn't use her if you have Kagero or literally any other dagger user

Donnel could be brave lance fodder or reciprocal aid for a desperation set (I'm trying my best here)

I admire your optimism 

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Got myself a +Def/-Spd Ike during my 4th summoning session, which isn't the best, but Ike is Ike and he's my fav.  But I also got a Ryoma.





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I just did a pull and I got Cecilia (3*), Shanna (4*) and Corrin-F (*3); all duplicates...

For new folks joining my posse, I got Soren (5*) and Cain (4*) which is pretty cool, I guess?

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

I couldn't help but laugh at the pun -.- 

Incidentally, Fa is available at 4*. I know, because she likes to appear for me every now and then xD 

Oh really? That gives me hope. I just noticed Serenes has a character list by rarity chart that I should get to know so I can hunt smarter for what I'm missing.

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Just now, Gustavos said:

Oh really? That gives me hope. I just noticed Serenes has a character list by rarity chart that I should get to know so I can hunt smarter for what I'm missing.

Yup. I've made a list of the characters I have yet to get. 24 left (23 if you don't include bunny Lucina), 9 of whom are 4* availability. The rest are 5*, although that's due to change when this current banner comes to an end and at least two characters are invariably demoted (I'm hoping Mist and either Titania or Soren, since I really don't want another 5* exclusive healer... Elise is at least justified as being possibly the best healer, if not very close to).

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