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Since I was up to 5.75% (11.5% combined) from pulling only reds for Ike, I finally gave up on him and decided to go for a full pull since I want to move on from that banner.  Got a Hector (yay!) and Priscilla (already have her, but another 5* is always welcome I suppose!).  Both are +Atk/-HP.  No PoR peeps, but I'll survive.

Now I'm going to go for the mage girls on my next pull since my only two 5* mages are Reinhardt and Olwen.  Need some reds and greens! 

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The fortune-teller orbs have arrived, bringing me to 20, and thus I came to try my luck for Julia again.

Pull 1: 2 grey, 2 blue, 1 red — 4⋆ Stahl (20→15). Hmm.
Pull 2: 3 red, 1 grey, 1 green — 3⋆ Arthur (15→10). Seriously.
Pull 3: 2 grey, 3 red — 3⋆ Stahl (10→5). Why.
Pull 4: 3 grey, 1 blue, 1 red — 3⋆ Olivia (5→0). Welp.

⋆⋆⋆⋆ Stahl C +HP −Atk
⋆⋆⋆ Arthur   +Res −Spd
⋆⋆⋆ Stahl C +Atk −HP
⋆⋆⋆ Olivia   +Res −Atk

I'm struggling to find any ability to even. Oh well, Swap fodder.

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So I have literally no self-control and I noticed that my last pull (that gave me a 3* Lon'qu) raised my percentage to 4%... So like the temptation was too great. I did two more summons because...once again, i have no self control. No red orbs the first time. No red orbs the second time, but my second pull gave me....

A +SPD -DEF NINO!!!!! I've been hoping for a +SPD Nino to merge into my current one. I just about died with happiness when I saw her! I'm thinking my current 20k feathers will go towards Xander...but the next 20k are definitely for her. 

On the bright side, I've managed to save 40 orbs for Celica.

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Got lucky there with those free 10 orbs and pulled 5* Tharja (+res/-SPD) and Sanaki (+SPD/-HP). Edit: Also 5* Reinhardt (+res/-def) in the same draw.

Edited by Zelgius
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And I'm up to 168 units pulled.  Thank you bonus orbs~!





Est (+Atk/-Res): . . .wow.  Life and Death Brave Lance+, anyone?
Laslow (+Res/-Def): What is this, a competent Laslow?  Seriously considering G Tomebreaker, since he has a chance in hell of surviving!
Fir (+Def/-HP): Look, you're Fir the Fifth.  I don't think I need that much Speed +3 fodder.  Thank you for all you've done.  Please take a break!
Selena (+Spd/-HP): This is where I give her something like Swordbreaker, right?  Would rather have +Atk, if at all possible!
Cherche (+HP/-Def): You tried.  Zephiel will appreciate Pivot and Fortify Defense.

Est redeemed this pull nicely. Laslow was a fun surprise.


Edited by eclipse
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After the fortune telling orbs got me to 22 again, I decided to try for Sanaki in mage girls banner:

first set had one red orb: a 3-star Eliwood (Already have him, is he good for SI?)

second set had three red orbs:

- a 4-star Lonque (eh, more vantage fodder is always good)

- a 3-star Laslow (axe breaker fodder I guess? Don't know who would want that though)

- a 5-star Marth (bit annoyed he reset my chances, he's also -atk. At least I have a Falchion user now)

Not to happy with this pull, as Marth really isn't gonna replace Ike or Ryoma anytime soon (to much well rounded sword users). Could be worse though, since Marth is new and I have more vantage fodder.

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Caved in and spent some cash because I could and because I want Julia.

Pull 1. 1 red, 1 blue, 3 green: 4⋆ Nino (23→18), 3⋆ Nino (18→14), 4⋆ Cecilia (14→10). I now have 6 Ninos.
Pull 2. 2 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 grey: 3⋆ Cecilia (10→5). I now have 10 Cecilias.
Pull 3. 2 blue, 1 red, 2 grey: 5⋆ Sanaki (5→0). Well, hello there.

⋆⋆⋆⋆ Nino   +Res −Def
⋆⋆⋆ Nino   +Res −Spd
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Cecilia C +Def −Atk
⋆⋆⋆ Cecilia C +HP −Atk
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Sanaki   +Atk −Spd

My previous/current Nino is +Def, −Res. Guess I'm going to merge them into a mega-4⋆ Nino?

This Sanaki. Wow. First a +Atk Lilina, now her. Wonderful. I'm still joining team Julia in the gauntlet

Edited by Vaximillian
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13 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Caved in and spent some cash because I could and because I want Julia.

Pull 1. 1 red, 1 blue, 3 green: 4⋆ Nino (23→18), 3⋆ Nino (18→14), 4⋆ Cecilia (14→10). I now have 6 Ninos.
Pull 2. 2 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 grey: 3⋆ Cecilia (10→5). I now have 10 Cecilias.
Pull 3. 2 blue, 1 red, 2 grey: 5⋆ Sanaki (5→0). Well, hello there.

⋆⋆⋆⋆ Nino   +Res −Def
⋆⋆⋆ Nino   +Res −Spd
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Cecilia C +Def −Atk
⋆⋆⋆ Cecilia C +HP −Atk
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Sanaki   +Atk −Spd

My previous/current Nino is +Def, −Res. Guess I'm going to merge them into a mega-4⋆ Nino?

This Sanaki. Wow. First a +Atk Lilina, now her. Wonderful. I'm still joining team Julia in the gauntlet

Then at least let me keep the Sanaki. Even though Lilina's already been fed Raourblade+.

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Caved in and spent some cash because I could and because I want Julia.

Pull 1. 1 red, 1 blue, 3 green: 4⋆ Nino (23→18), 3⋆ Nino (18→14), 4⋆ Cecilia (14→10). I now have 6 Ninos.
Pull 2. 2 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 grey: 3⋆ Cecilia (10→5). I now have 10 Cecilias.
Pull 3. 2 blue, 1 red, 2 grey: 5⋆ Sanaki (5→0). Well, hello there.

⋆⋆⋆⋆ Nino   +Res −Def
⋆⋆⋆ Nino   +Res −Spd
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Cecilia C +Def −Atk
⋆⋆⋆ Cecilia C +HP −Atk
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Sanaki   +Atk −Spd

My previous/current Nino is +Def, −Res. Guess I'm going to merge them into a mega-4⋆ Nino?

This Sanaki. Wow. First a +Atk Lilina, now her. Wonderful. I'm still joining team Julia in the gauntlet

Now the question is: Sanaki or Lilina?

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With the bonus orbs, I managed to do another pull:

3* Selena

3* Hana (idk how many I've gotten now, at least 4 or 5)

4* Virion

4* Eirika

Once again they are all duplicates that I've pulled from the Ike banner (would've pulled from Hero Fest, but it's been discontinued).  I haven't actually tried to pull any blue units since I got Reinhardt, though mostly since I don't really feel a strong urge to.  I don't feel like I have a super strong connection with any of the remaining 5* blue characters or have the confidence to target them successfully lol

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All Fortune telling orbs spent (about 32) and....no new 5 stars or any outstanding units.

Tried hunting for Ike but alas.

Did get a better Adult Tiki (current one was -Def) and a new Henry though so now I have more Bonfire fodder since I was running out after decking out Xander.

My 6th or 7th Sophia...urgh I have too many. Also 2 Gordins one after another (4 star then 3 star). I wanted Klein...so I foddered one of them straight away to my 4 star Jeorge (he seems to get more kills with Brave Bow).

Also have a neutral Odin. More Moonbow is welcome. A new Draug is also good for amour quest or Brave Sword fodder. Extra Olivia....maybe Hone Atk fodder or merge fodder depending on feather count.

The only 4 stars I got was a +Spd 4 star Lucius (better than my -Spd 5 star Lucius), a +Spd/-HP Niles and a +Atk/-HP Roy.

That +Spd Niles seems to be the best nature, so now I can fodder the free Niles to Sanaki  for Iceberg (unfortunately Lilina is -Res, so Sanaki gets better use of it).

Extra Roy also means I can give his Triangle Adept away...I think Male Robin gets the most use out of it compared to anyone?

+Atk Roy is decent, so I may train him up but no plans to 5 star him anytime soon. How is a +Atk Roy?

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After getting the defense map orbs and buying 23 orbs, I made two pulls from World of Radiance on Tuesday in vain hopes of getting Ike not that I have a huge need for him what with having Ryoma and 5* Xander but Ike is still one of favorites.

First Pull: 3* Gaius, 4* Virion, 3* Donnel, 4* Jakob, 4* Roy Triangle Adept fodder

Second Pull: 3* Sully Swordbreaker fodder, 4* Arthur, 4* Cherche, 4* Olivia, 3* Draug

I swear at times it really feels like I only get Gaius and Virion from colorless stones yes I know I also got a Jakob but these two will seriously not leave me alone. The Roy, which was first one pulled since my 5* back during the first banners, was immediately handed over to Soren for that sweet Triangle Adept. I also quite liked getting a replacement 4* Olivia (+ATK, -DEF) for the one I sacked for Hone Atk shortly after getting my Ninian. Cherche was fed to Ephraim to give him Attack +3 as well as Fortify Def 1 and 2 and the Sully will provide Swordbreaker to a certain someone I got from pulling from Female Mages this morning thanks to the fortune telling orbs. The results from that pull were:

4* Eirika Hone Spd fodder, 5* Sanaki (new), 4* Fae Renewal fodder, 3* Tiki Bonfire fodder, 3* Gunter

Sanaki (+SPD, -HP) has finally decided to grace me with her presence and is the aforementioned someone who will be getting Swordbreaker. It does make me sad that I can't be on Team Sanaki as well as Team Leo but I suppose I'll have to settle with being on Team Sanaki in spirit. I also feel kinda bad about getting a third Eirika when I do not like her at all (her art and VA are both amazing though) when there are plenty of others on this site who legitimately like her but still don't have her. Oh well, she and Fae will be thrown onto my skill fodder pile as they are both -ATK and thus worse than my preexisting Eirika and Fae. My Effie also thanks Tiki in advance for Bonfire.

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10 hours ago, eclipse said:

And I'm up to 168 units pulled.  Thank you bonus orbs~!

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Est (+Atk/-Res): . . .wow.  Life and Death Brave Lance+, anyone?
Laslow (+Res/-Def): What is this, a competent Laslow?  Seriously considering G Tomebreaker, since he has a chance in hell of surviving!
Fir (+Def/-HP): Look, you're Fir the Fifth.  I don't think I need that much Speed +3 fodder.  Thank you for all you've done.  Please take a break!
Selena (+Spd/-HP): This is where I give her something like Swordbreaker, right?  Would rather have +Atk, if at all possible!
Cherche (+HP/-Def): You tried.  Zephiel will appreciate Pivot and Fortify Defense.

Est redeemed this pull nicely. Laslow was a fun surprise.


That Selena is the one I'm working on now, actually, and she's quite nice. (+Atk doesn't seem to matter much when Ignis explodes everything anyway, since +Spd doubles to finish if needed.)




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20 hours ago, Ragnell17 said:

Thank you. Not the worst iv at least but certainly not the best, I'm just happy to have my favorite lord who got me into Fire Emblem in the first place. Now just to train him up.

At least he's not -Atk.

16 hours ago, Suichimo said:

Decided to pull on the Female Mage banner:



She is neutral on her IVs.

I never noticed that Julia and Sofia look almost identical.

16 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

So I have literally no self-control and I noticed that my last pull (that gave me a 3* Lon'qu) raised my percentage to 4%... So like the temptation was too great. I did two more summons because...once again, i have no self control. No red orbs the first time. No red orbs the second time, but my second pull gave me....

A +SPD -DEF NINO!!!!! I've been hoping for a +SPD Nino to merge into my current one. I just about died with happiness when I saw her! I'm thinking my current 20k feathers will go towards Xander...but the next 20k are definitely for her. 

On the bright side, I've managed to save 40 orbs for Celica.

Congrats, that the same Nino I've got.

14 hours ago, eclipse said:

And I'm up to 168 units pulled.  Thank you bonus orbs~!

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Est (+Atk/-Res): . . .wow.  Life and Death Brave Lance+, anyone?
Laslow (+Res/-Def): What is this, a competent Laslow?  Seriously considering G Tomebreaker, since he has a chance in hell of surviving!
Fir (+Def/-HP): Look, you're Fir the Fifth.  I don't think I need that much Speed +3 fodder.  Thank you for all you've done.  Please take a break!
Selena (+Spd/-HP): This is where I give her something like Swordbreaker, right?  Would rather have +Atk, if at all possible!
Cherche (+HP/-Def): You tried.  Zephiel will appreciate Pivot and Fortify Defense.

Est redeemed this pull nicely. Laslow was a fun surprise.


Est makes everything better.  I think I have the only 5* Est on SF.

I'll take your extra Firs.  I can always use Speed +3.


I have enough Orbs for at least 3 Pulls when the Celica Banner drops.  There haven't been any leaks on the next Banner, yet, have there?

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So i decided to use some of my orbs and i wanted a full summon because why notScreenshot_2017-03-07-18-56-01.thumb.png.532c300decb7a2cb0c45d40abfb49453.png



Fury Foder i guess

Next summon okay I'll only go with greens.   Titania will come.Screenshot_2017-03-30-17-37-22.thumb.png.29994a1b78e9d1fc785bc165b82ab5f7.png

Fine.  I wanted Titania but this works.  Might as well finish the summon.Screenshot_2017-03-30-17-39-10.thumb.png.63841aaf66236160e2fc79c79d8f6724.png

Not bad not bad.  But i need Titania for my horse emblem team.  Lets try again and only pull green.Screenshot_2017-04-07-09-38-07.thumb.png.e85342e12f7f819ee8212f98d77f5b26.png

I wont complain.  I love Ninian.  So now mine is 40+1. Time to play side quests for orbs.Screenshot_2017-04-13-14-11-19.thumb.png.03e4ef5afe0b10e0b64cdee6f0c0b52b.png

Why???? I'll take it though.  Might sacrifice her to Leo though.  Lets try again.Screenshot_2017-04-20-17-50-21.thumb.png.e539693fb63d4165dc4cb280af5319c0.png

Not bad not bad at all.  But no Titania.  The other green was soren but i didn't get a picture.  Later i got 5*Fae too. I tried.  So.  Hard.  But Titania elludes me!!!

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6 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

@Anime27Arts ....omg. You didn't get exactly what you wanted, but dang. How many orbs did you end up using?

Let's see, 2 full summons two of just one and two of two sooo 68 i believe.  Not too bad

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3 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

Let's see, 2 full summons two of just one and two of two sooo 68 i believe.  Not too bad

So you got 7 (because Soren right?) five star characters from less than 70 orbs. That's some INSANE luck. I mean I have a friend that basically gets a five star or two every summon. >.> I need to worship whatever god demon you're talking to.

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