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Ike and Zelgius on different banners at the same time?  Why couldn't Zelgius have been on the legendary banner?  Well, I think I'll have to pass on Zelgius's banner...  My Marth is 4*+10 and I don't really need another Sigurd.  And I guess the last time Ike and Zelgius were on the same banner I got 3 H!Nowi's.  3.  And only 1 Ike and possibly 1 Zelgius, I can't remember exactly.  But I do remember the 3 Nowi's I had absolutely no interest in.  That was very annoying.

Anyway, legendary banner has been somewhat successful!  1 each of Ike, Hector, and Myrrh, which I guess is okay for 160 orbs.  Wanted mostly Ikes, but Hector (+Res/-Spd) and Myrrh (+Def/-Atk) are both new, which is nice.  The IVs, not as good.  Hoping to get at least one more Ike with whatever orbs I can scrounge up...

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Decided to spend 200 orbs on the Death Blow banner the Legendary banner.

Death Blow banner was weird because I was trying to pull only blue to get more Delthea merges but I got pity broken 3 times by red stones. The first two were Swordhardts (one was +Atk,-HP which is probably the best I could hope for) and then got POR Ike (didn't need him so I need to decide if I want to fodder off his Aether to one of my dragons or Celica).

Hector's Legendary Banner gave me 2 V!Roys like I thought it would, then F!Morgan and then I ended with Elise (which will bring her to +3 now) before I decided to quit. The search for Grima will have to continue on the next Legendary banner.

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Got myself Brave Ike as fodder for my MaskedMarth, Myrrh as fodder for whomever, and Legendary Hector. All in all, a good day. In spite of Hector’s -Def, +Res.

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Y'all, this is that bullsh....

I've been trying to get Summer Corrin, which I tried to get all last summer to no avail, on my main account.  Then I spent some more orbs trying to get Hector, also to no avail (instead I got like 2938742983472398 3* green units in the process).  Ended up with nothing to show for my efforts.

THEN TODAY, I tried to pull from the Legendary Banner with my alternate account, and Legendary Hector appears as the free unit.  I went back to Summer Corrin's banner in hopes of getting her, but there were no blue orbs.  I pulled a red one, thinking how hysterical it would be if I pulled Summer!Leo, who I also tried to get all last summer with no results.  Guess who decided to come home?

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Two Red, two Blue, one colorless... I'll let you guess which had something of absolute value to me...

...guessed? Cause if you guessed Colorless with a +Atk -Res Love Abounds Roy, then you would be right.

I checked a damage sim, and there doesn't actually seem to be any difference between +Atk -Spd and +Atk -Res for a standard Brave set, plus it's only a loss of 3 res on a horse unit who already has a Res refined Guard Bow and Distant Def 3 already learned.

So I've already merged my old +HP -Spd LA!Roy into the new and have him trained a bit. I'll give him a Brave Bow later, when I can afford to promote one again. Just hope they don't try to release a Bow Dancer anytime soon...

Edited by Xenomata
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So, I gathered some orbs.

To the legendary banner!


4* Mae (Phew. +Def/-HP, fodder.)


9% here.

5* Winter Tharja (WELL HOHOHO! Took a bloody half year for her! +Spd/-Res though. OF COURSE.), 4* Cecilia (I don't know who wants Escape route. +Hp/-Def), 3* Gunter (Could... Could you stop? +Res/-Spd, I'd like other fodder), 3* Cecilia (COULD I GET GOOD FODDER? PLEASE? +Spd/-Res, also meh), 5* L'Ephraim (Oh look, a legendary! One I have already! +Spd/-Res, this man is fodder.)

You just know next time around there'll be no greens. I'm done with this banner. I'd have liked a D!Ike but no thanks.

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I actually got both my targets in one session?! (gathered some free orbs and also bought a few...) I've spent too much money on the game right now at this point though. Praying I get this job I'm interviewing for today...

Anyway, only problem is, both of these guys' IVs are ass... ;_; +Res, -Spd for Elise and +Spd, -Def for Hector. On top of that, Hector's IVs are what Elise would've wanted... Useless. They won't be very good, so I'm not sure what to do with them. Unless they're actually salvageable?

@Rezzy @Arcanite Maybe you two have ideas?

Edited by Anacybele
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27 minutes ago, Anacybele said:



I actually got both my targets in one session?! (gathered some free orbs and also bought a few...) I've spent too much money on the game right now at this point though. Praying I get this job I'm interviewing for today...

Anyway, only problem is, both of these guys' IVs are ass... ;_; +Res, -Spd for Elise and +Spd, -Def for Hector. On top of that, Hector's IVs are what Elise would've wanted... Useless. They won't be very good, so I'm not sure what to do with them. Unless they're actually salvageable?

@Rezzy @Arcanite Maybe you two have ideas?

Hector is basically IV unscrewable. He may not be optimal but the difference in performance is negligible. You don't have to do anything special for him, his base kit is great as is, just give him bonfire and an assist.

Elise will still be fine, I'd say -Atk is more detrimental. 

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42 minutes ago, Anacybele said:



I actually got both my targets in one session?! (gathered some free orbs and also bought a few...) I've spent too much money on the game right now at this point though. Praying I get this job I'm interviewing for today...

Anyway, only problem is, both of these guys' IVs are ass... ;_; +Res, -Spd for Elise and +Spd, -Def for Hector. On top of that, Hector's IVs are what Elise would've wanted... Useless. They won't be very good, so I'm not sure what to do with them. Unless they're actually salvageable?

@Rezzy @Arcanite Maybe you two have ideas?

Both can work for you just fine.  Cavalry buffs will compensate for Elise, and Hector's stats are so power crept that even with -Def, Hector reaches 38 Def unbuffed.

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32 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

Hector is basically IV unscrewable. He may not be optimal but the difference in performance is negligible. You don't have to do anything special for him, his base kit is great as is, just give him bonfire and an assist.

Elise will still be fine, I'd say -Atk is more detrimental. 

Okay, I hope you're right then. I'm not that good with armors, so I was hoping Hector might make using an armor team a bit easier for me. As much as I would've liked my current one to be great since I love Halloween Jakob and Henry, as well as Christmas Robin. They're so amusing. lol And of course, Black Knight is badass.

-Atk is more detrimental for Elise though? I figured -Spd would be her worst because it could be the difference between doubling/not getting doubled and not doubling/getting doubled. Though Elise doesn't want to take hits from anything not magic, I admit that. I guess I'll just focus on that +Res and make her a mage sponge. I don't have many of those anyway.

21 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Both can work for you just fine.  Cavalry buffs will compensate for Elise, and Hector's stats are so power crept that even with -Def, Hector reaches 38 Def unbuffed.

Okay, I hope so! Yeah, I noticed 38 Def was the -Def stat which isn't bad, it was the +Spd that made me more upset. Hector ain't doubling stuff no matter what. xP

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

@Anacybele Cool pull, congratulations!

Good luck getting the job!

Thanks on both counts! I need work not so much because I want to keep spending a bit on Heroes once in awhile (that is one little thing though, of course. lol), but I want to be able to keep buying food, clothes, eventually get my own place, get a driver's license and car, take a vacation when I need to, etc. Heroes is just one of a bunch of things I want to spend money on!

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14 hours ago, Anacybele said:



I actually got both my targets in one session?! (gathered some free orbs and also bought a few...) I've spent too much money on the game right now at this point though. Praying I get this job I'm interviewing for today...

Anyway, only problem is, both of these guys' IVs are ass... ;_; +Res, -Spd for Elise and +Spd, -Def for Hector. On top of that, Hector's IVs are what Elise would've wanted... Useless. They won't be very good, so I'm not sure what to do with them. Unless they're actually salvageable?

@Rezzy @Arcanite Maybe you two have ideas?

First of all, let me say you're doing a lot better than I am on this focus LOL

But for Elise I dont think you have to worry too much, rezzy mentioned horse buffs with go a long way but in case you want to use her outside a horse team you can give her the dazzling refine on whatever weapon she has so she always hits and never gets doubled in return nonetheless 

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Threw some units at RD for quick monthly quest orbs and straight back into the Legendary banner:

5* Myrrh +Def -Spd (!!!)
3* Hinata +Atk -Def
3* Hinata +Atk -Res
4* Titania +Def -Res
5* Horse Ephraim +HP -Spd

Delighted with that Myrrh, fixes my +Res -Atk one with pretty much an ideal copy. And Ephraim again... three of my four 5-stars on this banner have been him. And double Hinata on top is like manna from heaven. Titania allows me to complete my 4*+10 but in light of yesterday's announcement, I'll need to wait and promote this one before merging her. If no 5* units had turned up from the blue and green orbs, I wouldn't have opened the reds so that's doubly fortunate.

The Ephraim is mediocre again but he goes to +4 either way, crazy when I don't even have a +3 of anyone else. Current one is +Spd -HP, the new one is the exact opposite, any opinions on which should be the base? Sure speed seems to be a dump stat considering his guaranteed doubles, but I figure it'll prevent some doubles, especially with horse buffs, and that might be worth more than HP.

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I'm still on this banner. Hoping for a Hector, maybe an Ephraim, but gave up hope on getting anything else. I'm out of orbs, and up to 9.5%, but I still see some room to collect orbs before the finish. After I get one more 5*, I'm out.

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Another Myrrh? This banner is way too kind, especially since I only saved like 9 orbs for it and had to scrape orbs from events and quests to roll

I don't really mind not getting any legendaries here, I've kinda given up on trying to get them.

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Did another 60 orbs summon on the legendary banner and it finally paid off. I got my LA!Lyn that I missed on the actual banner and a L!Ephraim which is -spd. I don't understand what is with my ability to summon -spd units most of the time. Also partially salty that I can't still get W!Tharja.

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8 hours ago, Arcanite said:

First of all, let me say you're doing a lot better than I am on this focus LOL

But for Elise I dont think you have to worry too much, rezzy mentioned horse buffs with go a long way but in case you want to use her outside a horse team you can give her the dazzling refine on whatever weapon she has so she always hits and never gets doubled in return nonetheless 

Aw, sorry. D:

Yeah, true. But I prefer Wrathful for actual damage.

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So Hector in his banner is green. 
(i can also get a Fell Dragon Robin). 

Do i get ANY Grey or Green orbs? No. All i get are blue.
(I did get another 5 star Lass from a Far Morgan. What do you do with duplicates anyway?) 


I've been trying to get Delthea from the other banner. I keep getting 3 Star Shanna. ALL the time. 
thankfully i don't buy orbs or i'd be more pissed than i already am

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I'm going to try and get Summer Corrin.

I know, I never had the luck before.


3* Virion (Nothing elite about him. +HP/-Atk)

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