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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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2 hours ago, Zero1000 said:

How well would a +Def -Res Abel fare?

In the arena?  He's going to get wrecked by F!Robin if he's on the defense team. Otherwise, keep him away from mages.  Ideal would be +Atk.

8 minutes ago, Ewwgene said:

Is (+spd / -def ) considered as a good Boon/bane for Eldigan?

More information about Eldigan than I could ever hope to post.

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16 hours ago, Birdy said:

I'd say apart from +RES and maybe +DEF, +HP -SPD is the worst IV to have. Still, I can tell you with a -SPD Lucina myself (+ATK though) that she's still really good. 33 SPD with defiant SPD is nothing to sneeze at. with ~50 ATK and Falchion, she'll still wreck quite some faces.

Yeah I really need a good red sword unit. Was kinda sad about the nature though... and the only other 5* i  had was Roy. She seems to be doing good so far in training tower though.

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Yesterday I got Sakura at one of my summoning session twice and now it would be great if someone could tell me, which of them is the better one.

And while I'm at it, I though I could ask for some other 4* too.

4* Barst +SPD/-ATK or +DEF/-SPD   

4*Jeorge +HP/-SPD or +ATK/-SPD

4*Sakura +ATK/-RES or +RES/-DEF

4*Sheena +DEF/-ATK or +ATK/-HP

Thanks in advance

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Barst - Honestly, they're both bad.  You'll want +Atk on him, since he's got a Brave Axe and a burning desire to rearrange faces.

Jeorge - Neither.  He can't afford the Spd hit.  But if you absolutely insist on using him, banes be damned, use the +Atk one.

Sakura - I'm going to say +Atk, for the sole reason that you can possibly make a stupid gimmick team to take advantage of this.  She really doesn't like -Def.

Sheena - Since her job is to be a giant wall, +Def/-Atk.

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1 hour ago, M.T. Cicero said:

Yesterday I got Sakura at one of my summoning session twice and now it would be great if someone could tell me, which of them is the better one.

And while I'm at it, I though I could ask for some other 4* too.

4* Barst +SPD/-ATK or +DEF/-SPD   

4*Jeorge +HP/-SPD or +ATK/-SPD

4*Sakura +ATK/-RES or +RES/-DEF

4*Sheena +DEF/-ATK or +ATK/-HP

Thanks in advance

This is just my opinion and I don't know much about these characters but:

+Def barst

+Atk Jeorge

+Res Sakura

+Atk sheena

Reasoning in spoiler:


Barst: since he already has low speed cause of brave he gets pretty laced up by most sword users. I don't think getting even less would make a difference, and even if it did, now you have some more bulk to take the pain a little better!

Jeorge: both are -spd so it all comes down to sustain or power. 41 hp is cool but since he has the same attack as takumi I'd go with that.

Sakura: the extra res can give her more bulk towards tomes, as she is already a pretty nice resistance tank

Sheena: she already has a lot of health and her attack is good already so to me this is perfect for her! -Atk is too much of a burden to me


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30 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Barst - Honestly, they're both bad.  You'll want +Atk on him, since he's got a Brave Axe and a burning desire to rearrange faces.

Jeorge - Neither.  He can't afford the Spd hit.  But if you absolutely insist on using him, banes be damned, use the +Atk one.

Sakura - I'm going to say +Atk, for the sole reason that you can possibly make a stupid gimmick team to take advantage of this.  She really doesn't like -Def.

Sheena - Since her job is to be a giant wall, +Def/-Atk.

Thanks a lot

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Just now, Arcanite said:

This is just my opinion and I don't know much about these characters but:

+Def barst

+Atk Jeorge

+Res Sakura

+Atk sheena

Reasoning in spoiler:


Also many thanks to you:):. I will take all advices into consideration

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20 minutes ago, M.T. Cicero said:

Also many thanks to you:):. I will take all advices into consideration

I know you mean well, but don't double-post.  It's possible (albeit clunky) to edit quotes into your most recent post.

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3 minutes ago, Ewwgene said:

Is the crystal quest bugged? 

Although I cleared 1-5 and 2-5 in hard mode a long time ago. 



If you completed them before you unlocked the hard quests then the game doesn't count them. 

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1 minute ago, pianime94 said:

I'd recommend Robin or Nino since you're lacking some magic damage.

Hold it off if you want to roll the new banner tho.

Gaiden is my second Fire Emblem, so I actually thought of save my orbs until Shadows of Valentia japanese release next month to see if they released the characters by then.. I'm F2P so I can only save my free orbs.

Though Ninian is tempting.

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TLDR: I'm wondering if I should spend some money on the Sibling Bonds Focus as I have a 3.75% (7.5%) chance at getting a 5* unit. I don't particularly want the "bonus" to be wasted, but I do not have enough "free orbs" to spend before it expires.
* * * * *
I know the Sibling Bonds focus closes out on March 14, 2:00 AM (US Central Time || Tonight or Early Tomorrow Morning). However, this is also when a "new day" starts, like resetting Dueling Crests, Tower Rewards, and Login-Bonuses. This is due to Daylight Savings Time, because previously it was 1:00 AM for the "reset," at least for me.

I was hoping that we would get the "Voting Gauntlet" rewards today so I could spend them on the Sibling Bonds banner since I have a 3.75% chance (7.50%) of obtaining a 5 star unit, and a part of me does not want that bonus to be "wasted" when the focus changes.

Everyone in the focus looks interesting, and I'm hoping for Reinhardt, Lachesis, and Klein. Eldigan would be nice for Arena, but I don't remember if the current "Bonus Heroes" stays for another week or rotates to a different pool. Olwen and Sanaki are all right, but I am not looking for them in particular.

So, should I take the plunge and try to purchase some Orbs or get my chance at a 5* hero another day?

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2 minutes ago, Sire said:

I was hoping that we would get the "Voting Gauntlet" rewards today so I could spend them on the Sibling Bonds banner since I have a 3.75% chance (7.50%) of obtaining a 5 star unit, and a part of me does not want that bonus to be "wasted" when the focus changes.

I feel you. I have the same 3.75% rate on the Sibling Bonds banner and only five orbs.
Do I YOLO this one now, roll the dice tomorrow when the orbs arrive, or try for the FE7 banner? Committing to a decision is hard.

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Well, I can't decide for you guys, but I'll leave a gacha-centric question for you two.

Do you want the characters really really badly? If yes, splurge, if not, save it..

What's Daylight Saving?

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4 minutes ago, pianime94 said:

Do you want the characters really really badly? If yes, splurge, if not, save it..

What's Daylight Saving?

I want all of them really, really badly. The odds are against me, however.

It's when you shift your clock one hour forward (in the spring) or backward (in the autumn) to prolong the day and save on artificial lighting.

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I went for money to not waste the focus amount, since I really wanted a few of the characters. It took me four pulls of five (all paid) to get a five star... so if your luck is as bad as mine... Nope!

However, I got the Reinhardt I wanted... so yup xD

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8 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I want all of them really, really badly. The odds are against me, however.

It's when you shift your clock one hour forward (in the spring) or backward (in the autumn) to prolong the day and save on artificial lighting.

If Anna is kind enough you'll chance upon them somehow.

Hm, guess it shouldn't affect me since it doesn't occur in my country.

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Hi I'm trying to come up with a good team composition but I dont know what is best out of the characters I have. I have bought orbs and I have a lot of heroes mostly 4star and level 20+


4* (red melee then magic)---Marth-- Ogma--Fir--Chrom--Lon'qu--Olivia--Hana--Laslow--Draug--Eliwood--Caeda--Lilina--Raigh--Sofia--Tiki (dragon)

4* blue (melee then magic)---Donnel--Oboro--Gwendolyn--Jagen--Est--Florina--Subaki--Robin (male)--Odin--Corrin (dragon)

4* green (melee then magic)---Barst--Bartre--Hawkeye--Arthur--Frederick--Cherche--Camilla--Beruka--Merrick--Nino--Camilia

4* healers---Maria--Wrys--Clarine--Sakura--Serra--Azama--Lissa--

4* ranged---Gordin--Jeorge--Setsuna--Niles--Matthew--Felicia--Saizo

3* Henry--Gaius--Anna--Shanna--Sully--Sharena--Palla--Selena--Hinata--Alfonse--Stahl

most of them are level 20+ please help me wit building a team!

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Okay so after the Ursula business and my last batch of pulls I have a pretty good crop of cavalry units at my disposal. My question is, what is/are my best team composition options?

My calvary units include Leo 5*, Abel 5*, Ursula 4*, Eliwood 4*, Cecilia 3*+1, and Gunter 1*&2*. I've heard Gunter is good as far as Goad Cavalry goes, so how high would I want to upgrade him if using him? Would 3* suffice or should I be going for 4? (chances are I won't want to prioritize him over other units I like better but I'll entertain the idea if it's well-advised enough) Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I also have a 4* Olivia; if there are any other good non-cavalry utility units feel free to suggest those as well

1 hour ago, Emerence said:

What hero should I evolve next? What would be some good team combinations with what I have?

Uhhh Corrin.

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Got 20k feathers again, any advice on who to 5*? Or should I wait for who I get in the next banner and save feathers for any potentially new 4*? 



(yes my roster is very small lol)

Edit: I just realized sharena isn't in the roster thing itself. Whoops. She's a 4* right now.

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29 minutes ago, Reloaded said:

Got 20k feathers again, any advice on who to 5*? Or should I wait for who I get in the next banner and save feathers for any potentially new 4*? 

  Hide contents


(yes my roster is very small lol)

Edit: I just realized sharena isn't in the roster thing itself. Whoops. She's a 4* right now.

It would be kinda nice to see that top row of yours, just so we know what you're working with atm :P

Based on what is shown, Adult Tiki might be a decent choice, given the rest of your 5 star options, but I would honestly wait if I were you.

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