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I pulled a +Hp/-Spd Effie and I started to wonder, does anyone know how much better a +Atk Effie is? Are there any red/blue units Effie doesn't already one-shot if she isn't +Atk, barring she is using Brave Lance+ and Death Blow 3? Thanks.

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This one's for the gacha veterans.


What are the chances of IS implementing something a la SP style in a couple months' time, badges actually meaning something, and whoever has Xander has it MADE?

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16 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

All I can tell you is my experience with focusing on one color: I spent about 120 orbs in the last focus trying to get Ninian (the key word there being 'trying' lol) and have about 30 units' worth of skill fodder (plus an Effie and a really good-natured Cherche at least) to show for it. On average I was getting 1-2 blues per summon session; occasionally (but not often, thankfully) I got no blues and pulled a green instead, and on two occasions (one of them being when I had my last 5 orbs lol, the final insult) I got 3 blue nodes. 

If you REALLY need/want those colors specifically, then I would advise to do it-- with all the greens and blues as focus characters, I think your odds of getting those nodes are higher (I got a lot of greys on the Blazing Shadows banner that I avoided like the plague to preserve my increased focus odds, not that it mattered lol; though maybe I just had bizarre luck), but just be aware that it's quite luck-dependent, both for the number of desired nodes that show up as well  as your pulls themselves. In your case, since you're going for both colors and all 4 heroes by the sound of things, your odds of getting what you want should be pretty good, with only a 1/4 chance of getting some shit (that being Xander and his crest-amplifying skill lol). 

A carrot is a long reddish-yellow vegetable which has several thin leaves on a long stem, and which belongs to the parsely family. Carrots are grown all over the world in gardens, and in the wild in the fields.

Don't you diss Carrot Lord himself, he's the best of them all.

Thanks for the advice. I figure now might be the best time to cherry-pick colors since getting even one focus unit will put me ahead of the curve, bad stat deviations notwithstanding. All four focus units in this banner fill a niche I need, so I wouldn't lose out if I pulled unless I got an Abel or something, haha.

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2 minutes ago, Rezanator said:

If I combine a 4* unit with others to make it 40+1 lvl, does the unit remain lvl +1 if it is upgraded to 5* in the future?

No, merge bonuses are lost upon promotion.

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Yo so is my 4* Donnel worth saving for potentially giving someone (don't have anyone who particularly cares about it 'cept maybe Effie but dunno if it's good on her) Brave Lance+? Or can I safely sack him to give someone Reciprocal Aid without regrets

Actually, relating to that, who MOST wants a Brave Lance that doesn't already get one? If it's no one I care about I'll prob just sack him anyway. 

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14 minutes ago, Rezanator said:

Well that is a bummer. Might as well keep the extra units for extra skills. Thanks for the answer. 

If it helps, the feathers that the unit would have been worth sending home gets taken from the total feathers cost for upgrading.

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On my cavalry account I pulled another 4* Reinhardt.  I can upgrade him to 5*, but should I:

1.  Feed him to my 5* Reinhardt (or vice versa depending on nature)

2.  Wait, feed him to another cavalry with better stat totals for goad cavalry.

3.  Just use two, get rid of Olwen.

Edited by Lushen
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49 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

What Special is most advised/commonly run on Hector?

Hector's default Pavise is good as is, but if you're optimizing then he will want a special that improves his enemy phase offense, especially in tandem with Armad's Quick Riposte. Moonbow is always a safe choice, but Bonfire / Ignis is also worth consideration for 18 / 29 extra damage assuming neutral. Bonfire is preferred due to the lower CD and Hector's naturally low speed.

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So, sorry if this is the wrong thread for this, I just tried to purchase some Orbs, but when I did the game gave me an error and sent me back to the title screen.

The purchase went through, since the money's not in my account any more, but I didn't get the Orbs. I've restarted the app several times like the FAQ said to do, and it's been about 7 hours, but the total still hasn't gone up. What do I do?

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14 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

So, sorry if this is the wrong thread for this, I just tried to purchase some Orbs, but when I did the game gave me an error and sent me back to the title screen.

The purchase went through, since the money's not in my account any more, but I didn't get the Orbs. I've restarted the app several times like the FAQ said to do, and it's been about 7 hours, but the total still hasn't gone up. What do I do?

You call Nintendo and cuss them out!


But seriously, call Nintendo. There is also a customer feedback in the settings I think so go there too


Seriously though,

Call Nintendo 

Edit: *adds to list of reasons to stay F2P*

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@Arcanite Sent. Thanks for the help, mate.

EDIT: And now the of Orbs are in my account, so I guess your advice worked (or I didn't wait long enough).

Still, yeah, annoying errors are a good reason to stay F2P, haha.

But, here's another question (whih hopefully belongs here): I want to raise up Henry (+DEF/-RES), since the next Grand Hero Battle will probably be easier with him, since there aren't any Blue units to worry about (and there's a Green axe user who would probably kill my M!Robin after he's been softened up by the thieves). Are there any good skills to put on Henry? He has Raudhrraven, so I'm assuming Triangle Adept would be a good choice because it works on M!Robin, but would that work for Henry too?

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So, what's a better nature for Fat between +Attack and +Resistance? I've got two I'm trying to choose between with -Defence.

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31 minutes ago, Dayni said:

So, what's a better nature for Fat between +Attack and +Resistance? I've got two I'm trying to choose between with -Defence.

...Fat? Do you mean Fae?

Are you running Ninian with Fortify Dragons on your team? Because if you are, maybe +RES to make her sturdier vs mages (read: Julia) and other dragons. If not, I'd go +ATK for extra power since I think Fae's neutral RES is pretty good.

Of course, ultimately, it depends on your team's needs, though. Who are you using her with.

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Can someone explain to me how desperation exactly works? I was training SP for Minerva on a map and she had 10HP left (I had Desperation 2 at the moment). For some reason, when I was about to have Minerva initiate an attack, she doesn't seem to follow-up on her attack. Any explanation?

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8 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

...Fat? Do you mean Fae?

Are you running Ninian with Fortify Dragons on your team? Because if you are, maybe +RES to make her sturdier vs mages (read: Julia) and other dragons. If not, I'd go +ATK for extra power since I think Fae's neutral RES is pretty good.

Of course, ultimately, it depends on your team's needs, though. Who are you using her with.

As is I only have A!Tiki for dragons so no dragon squad right now. 

Also I'm too used to Fa as her name, no wonder I got it wrong.

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16 minutes ago, Dayni said:

As is I only have A!Tiki for dragons so no dragon squad right now. 

Also I'm too used to Fa as her name, no wonder I got it wrong.

That's alright, I just wasn't sure who you were referring to.

So, you don't have Ninian. Does your team have any high-RES units? If not, keep +RES Fae, so you have something of a magic tank. If you do, keep +ATK for added power. I don't really know how Fae is supposed to be used, but hopefully this helped a bit.

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So, guys, I gave my account to a friend of mine

She already installed it and my account is on her cellphone just fine

So, it means that I can delete all the data on my cellphone now and start a new account? (im ready for the rerolls lol)

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30 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Can someone explain to me how desperation exactly works? I was training SP for Minerva on a map and she had 10HP left (I had Desperation 2 at the moment). For some reason, when I was about to have Minerva initiate an attack, she doesn't seem to follow-up on her attack. Any explanation?

Normally if you can double someone, player phase goes attack -> enemy counterattack -> attack. With Desperation, the second hit happens before the enemy counterattack, so it looks like this attack -> attack -> enemy counterattack. All it does though is make your second attack happen first if you would normally double. If you don't have the speed to double, then Desperation doesn't do anything. 

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13 minutes ago, Maymeimai said:

So, guys, I gave my account to a friend of mine

She already installed it and my account is on her cellphone just fine

So, it means that I can delete all the data on my cellphone now and start a new account? (im ready for the rerolls lol)

Yes you can start rerolls and when you find the account you want you can add me at 0630095947 I use my +8 catria as a starter unit. :)

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2 minutes ago, Shiro said:

Yes you can start rerolls and when you find the account you want you can add me at 0630095947 I use my +8 catria as a starter unit. :)

I will! Thank you ^^ My name will be "May", just so you know its me (:

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33 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Normally if you can double someone, player phase goes attack -> enemy counterattack -> attack. With Desperation, the second hit happens before the enemy counterattack, so it looks like this attack -> attack -> enemy counterattack. All it does though is make your second attack happen first if you would normally double. If you don't have the speed to double, then Desperation doesn't do anything. 

Oh ok. Well that kinda sucks. For some reason I thought Desperation was a better Brash Assault. Should've realized that the developers would never do something like that. Now I feel like I wasted Iote's Shield...

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10 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Oh ok. Well that kinda sucks. For some reason I thought Desperation was a better Brash Assault. Should've realized that the developers would never do something like that. Now I feel like I wasted Iote's Shield...

Desperation is better on faster characters, and Brash Assault/Quick Riposte is better on slower basically. But yeah that sucks :/

At least you know for future reference now!

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