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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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1 minute ago, Book Bro said:

I have two questions:

1. What's best for Ike's C skill? I was checking what I've got and decided Fortify Defense or Spur Attack would be good. Which is the better option, or is there something better?

2. Whilst looking at my units I noticed I have two Tikis with different backgrounds. Is there something special about the blue one? Pic below.



It means you merged Tiki with another Tiki at some point

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3 minutes ago, Book Bro said:

I have two questions:

1. What's best for Ike's C skill? I was checking what I've got and decided Fortify Defense or Spur Attack would be good. Which is the better option, or is there something better?

2. Whilst looking at my units I noticed I have two Tikis with different backgrounds. Is there something special about the blue one? Pic below.


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1) Your C-skill depends entirely on the team you're running him with, so that's not something I can answer just by knowing you have an Ike. If it helps you at all, I personally put Hone Spd on my Ike since he's replacing Ryoma this season, and no one else on my team provides a speed buff (though I do have someone else providing Hone Atk). 

Just pick an aura your team needs but doesn't currently have.

2) Units with blue backgrounds have been merged with duplicate units, so your Tiki is probably +1 or something (merged with another Tiki). 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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43 minutes ago, SaMaster14 said:

Anyone have thoughts on a good B skill for Hector? Finally got him 5* and trying to make him as much of a beast as possible! 

Wings of mercy

Wary fighter


Quick Riposte

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12 hours ago, Bartozio said:

So, after suddenly getting several new 5-stars over the span of two weeks, I could use some help with building a team. While I have good units of each color, I assume building a team around one or two good units should be a lot better than just trowing 4 good units toghether and hope it works...

Anyhow, here is what I have to work with:

- Ike (+atk, -res)

- Nino (+def, -res)

- Reinhard (+atk, -spd)

- Sharena

- Hector (+spd, -hp)

- Ryoma (+atk, -res)

- Takumi (+res, -atk)

- Klein (+res, -atk)

- M!Corrin (+spd, -def)

- Roy (+spd, -res)

- Elise (+spd, -atk)

I also have a 4-star Olivia who I plan to promote soon, but it'll take me at least two more weeks to get the required feathers. I should mention that they are all vanilla, apart from M!Corrin who I gave reposition to help Nino out. I think I've build up a decent amount of skill fodder for at least most level 2 skills though, so any advice on what to give people is more then welcome. Finally, if you guys feel that there is certain niche none of my guys can fill, I have a good collection of 4-stars who I could promote instead of Olivia, but I feel these 11 characters should be able to cover most things.


My usual team includes Nino/Sharena/Lyn, and I think I can give a few tips.

Nino+Sharena is a team with great chemistry. Vanilla Sharena can give Nino +12 attack on her own (Rally Attack gives Gronnblade +8 in practice), which is enough to kill most things her way, especially if she's got Desperation (and she can activate that very easily, especially with Fury). Sharena herself is no slouch, either, as she can reliably deal with most red units you'll find, alongside a good chunk of close-range blues. Plus, Sharena's fairly flexible when it comes to skills, so different builds can fit nicely into different types of teams.

I mentioned Lyn, because I think your Ryoma can fulfill a similar function. He's a speedy, powerful swordsman who works better when injured, and also increases teammates' speeds (all of which is true for Lyn). This is important for Nino, who might need the speed boost to kill someone (Sharena also makes good use of that boost, by the way). As a fighter, Ryoma himself should be no slouch against enemy reds (remember to give him Vantage), as well as being instrumental against tricky greens like Hector, Camilla, Julia and... Nino.

The fourth spot could be taken by Ike, Hector or Reinhardt. Of those three, Reinhardt seems like the better choice (more range, also makes good use of attack boosts given by Nino and/or Sharena, and should be better at dealing with Red Mages better than anyone else I mentioned). Hector doesn't sound like he'd gel with that team, and Ike would act much like a second Ryoma on the team (which maybe wouldn't be a bad thing, either).

So yeah, I'd recommend using Nino/Sharena/Ryoma/Reinhardt. Do take note that these suggestions are coloured by my own experiences and playstyle (my Nino is +Spd/-Def, for example, which could make a difference), but feel free to try that as a starting point, see if it works for you.

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Awhile back, I was contemplating promoting a Camilla to put a Brave Axe+ on Cherche, but that dream will be postponed for at least the next 3 5* promotions. But I realized--hey, I can do a budget version, and put just a regular Brave Axe on her! Plus, that means she could inherit through Draconic Aura, which looks like it would be good for Cherche, given her ungodly strength. That's all good. Or is there a better skill?

But my question is this. I want to put Death Blow on her (an obvious choice for a brave user), but my source would have to be my 5* Hawkeye. Is there any good reason I shouldn't sac Hawkeye? I mean, I have a 5* Cherche, Camilla, Hector, and Beruka, so I don't see what I would be using him for. I have a 4* version of him, so my collector instincts are fine with providing snack time for Minerva sending him back to the desert. Any reason to keep him around?

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I pulled a 5* star Hawkeye that I don't really want. I was going to sacrifice him for Death Blow 3 but then I thought it might be a waste of a 5* not to gift his weapon to someone. So the question is, is there any character that would appreciate Killer Axe+ and Deathblow? (I also have a spare Effie for the first two ranks of Death Blow)

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11 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

I pulled a 5* star Hawkeye that I don't really want. I was going to sacrifice him for Death Blow 3 but then I thought it might be a waste of a 5* not to gift his weapon to someone. So the question is, is there any character that would appreciate Killer Axe+ and Deathblow? (I also have a spare Effie for the first two ranks of Death Blow)

There isn't a character that wants both off the top of my head. 

Units that want Death Blow are generally going to prefer a Brave weapon (such as Cherche) while units that want a Killer weapon are generally units with low base attack that rely on skill procs for damage (such as Beruka). 

The only unit I would even consider transferring both to would be Frederick because he has the stats to run either an offensive set with Brave Axe+ and Death Blow or a defensive set with Killer Axe+, Quick Riposte, and Bonfire. But even he's a maybe since he would only use one of those sets and not run with both Killer Axe+ and Death Blow 3.

I would honestly just decide on whether you have a character that wants Death Blow 3 more or Killer Axe+ more as no unit really wants both at the same time since they're used for completely different sets. 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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8 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

I pulled a 5* star Hawkeye that I don't really want. I was going to sacrifice him for Death Blow 3 but then I thought it might be a waste of a 5* not to gift his weapon to someone. So the question is, is there any character that would appreciate Killer Axe+ and Deathblow? (I also have a spare Effie for the first two ranks of Death Blow)

Eh, I can't really think of anyone who would want both of these at once, really. DB3 has a lot of synergy with Brave weapons, so using a Killer Axe with it is just kind of meh. 

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12 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

 So the question is, is there any character that would appreciate Killer Axe+ and Deathblow?

Death Blow is honestly a more valuable resource than Killer+. Slow Brave users like Reinhardt appreciate Death Blow especially, though outside of Bonfire + Quick Riposte--done better by Eldigan, Minerva, and Michalis because of their weapons--Killer Axe isn't great.


EDIT: Ninja'd

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18 minutes ago, Otorio said:

Eh, I can't really think of anyone who would want both of these at once, really. DB3 has a lot of synergy with Brave weapons, so using a Killer Axe with it is just kind of meh. 

17 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Death Blow is honestly a more valuable resource than Killer+. Slow Brave users like Reinhardt appreciate Death Blow especially, though outside of Bonfire + Quick Riposte--done better by Eldigan, Minerva, and Michalis because of their weapons--Killer Axe isn't great.

Hm, you're probably right. Killer weapons seem more enemy phase oriented and Death Blow is for the player phase. Minerva and Michalis have better weapons already which leaves pretty much just Frederick or Cherche for Quick Riposte + Bonfire. Would Raven be able to use a killer axe? He has 35 base speed but he's pretty fragile too so maybe he would prefer his brave axe.



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15 hours ago, Astellius said:

Reinhardt is really good, and the first thing you should do is give him Death Blow. If you have a spare 4* Klein, that would give him Death Blow 3, or you do have a 5* one capable of doing the same... Reinhardt has a spot pretty much on any team.

Ike and Ryoma are both really good, but I'm not sure you'd be fielding them both at the same time all that often. And, since you have those two, I doubt Roy or Corrin will be seeing much action.

Sharena or Hector would probably occupy the next slot. Sharena is a great support unit, and she would work well with Nino, since Nino needs buffs for Gronnblade. Sharena's support utility means she's useful even if she's not engaging the enemy. My Sharena has Quick Riposte, and I've found that to be really good on her.

If you're fielding Hector, you'd likely want to your teammates to have support moves like Reposition to help you move him around. Dancers can help too. With Hector there, Takumi or Klein would probably help round out the team. I personally don't like using armor units because of the maneuverability issues, that's not my preferred play style.

Dancers go really well with Reinhardt, because he can destroy most things in one move, so they can either help him destroy two enemies in one turn, or else destroy an enemy and run to safety, since he's so fragile.

So some possible teams I think would work well together: Reinhardt, Ike/Ryoma, Sharena, & Nino/Olivia/Klein/Takumi; Reinhardt, Ike/Ryoma, Hector, & Olivia/Klein/Takumi. Those are my thoughts on it.


9 hours ago, Jonnas said:

My usual team includes Nino/Sharena/Lyn, and I think I can give a few tips.

Nino+Sharena is a team with great chemistry. Vanilla Sharena can give Nino +12 attack on her own (Rally Attack gives Gronnblade +8 in practice), which is enough to kill most things her way, especially if she's got Desperation (and she can activate that very easily, especially with Fury). Sharena herself is no slouch, either, as she can reliably deal with most red units you'll find, alongside a good chunk of close-range blues. Plus, Sharena's fairly flexible when it comes to skills, so different builds can fit nicely into different types of teams.

I mentioned Lyn, because I think your Ryoma can fulfill a similar function. He's a speedy, powerful swordsman who works better when injured, and also increases teammates' speeds (all of which is true for Lyn). This is important for Nino, who might need the speed boost to kill someone (Sharena also makes good use of that boost, by the way). As a fighter, Ryoma himself should be no slouch against enemy reds (remember to give him Vantage), as well as being instrumental against tricky greens like Hector, Camilla, Julia and... Nino.

The fourth spot could be taken by Ike, Hector or Reinhardt. Of those three, Reinhardt seems like the better choice (more range, also makes good use of attack boosts given by Nino and/or Sharena, and should be better at dealing with Red Mages better than anyone else I mentioned). Hector doesn't sound like he'd gel with that team, and Ike would act much like a second Ryoma on the team (which maybe wouldn't be a bad thing, either).

So yeah, I'd recommend using Nino/Sharena/Ryoma/Reinhardt. Do take note that these suggestions are coloured by my own experiences and playstyle (my Nino is +Spd/-Def, for example, which could make a difference), but feel free to try that as a starting point, see if it works for you.

Thanks for the help guys, this gave me some good ideas. I've run a team of Ike, Nino, Sharena and Reinhard for this week that worked pretty good when I got used to it, but now that I have a deadless run done, I'll give Rein, Ike, Hector and Klein/Takumi a shot for the remainder of the weekend. I'll decide what to go with next week based on that. I've never used armour units in the arena either, but after Hector carried me through the 10th stratum armour quest, I think he deserves a chance :).

A Nino, Sharena and Ryoma pair sounds pretty nice as well, and Reinhard just makes everything better. I'll definitly give this team a shot when Sharena (or any of the other three of course) is a bonus unit again. I'll probably use the first three and a bonus unit (most likely Xander) after the Ike season ends. Time to grind some SP in the meantime.

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Hi guys I have a question! I inherited Draconic Aura from Female Corrin to my Nino. I know Draconic Aura is a 3 cooldown special but when i click on it it has a number 4 highlighted in red, what does this mean? 

Screenshot_20170505-105117 (1).png

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10 minutes ago, RipTide said:

Hi guys I have a question! I inherited Draconic Aura from Female Corrin to my Nino. I know Draconic Aura is a 3 cooldown special but when i click on it it has a number 4 highlighted in red, what does this mean? 

Nino's Gronnblade increases special trigger by 1, so Draconic Aura would take 4 actions to proc instead of 3. All of the -Blade tomes carry this penalty, as well as a few other weapons, like Lightning Breath.

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How useful is +spd -hp Kagero?  

She is obv great vs infantry but she would take a mage position and they are good vs everything.  I do like how she can bait and kill them handily herself though, but horses and hectros make her look like a joke.  Cant give her DB3 right now either.  I forsee a greater rise in cavalry teams as well since Xander is such a boon for them.

I want to put LnD 3 on Lindie? is this her best option? i have +hp -def and she can survive single hits fairly often as no one can double her, wondering if its worth the trade off.  

Is Desperation realy so usefull? seems like a lot of set up, taking away a repostion support for Sacrifice.  Then u have to heal some one who was dmgd, then you have to attack some one who can counter.  The calculator didnt show much change with this situation.

I like the idea of Fury and escapee route on the glass mages, has anyone tried it?  Could work on the Kagero fairly well too...


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1 hour ago, Chromatone said:

I want to put LnD 3 on Lindie? is this her best option?

Yes. Fury also works if you aren't good at keeping your glass cannons alive.


1 hour ago, Chromatone said:

Is Desperation realy so usefull? seems like a lot of set up, taking away a repostion support for Sacrifice.  Then u have to heal some one who was dmgd, then you have to attack some one who can counter.  The calculator didnt show much change with this situation.

You can drop Ardent Sacrifice when running Fury or if you routinely set yourself up to take non-lethal damage.

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The game has seen fit to deny me Ike or Ryoma while giving me two Alms, so let's ride with him. Their natures are :

+Def, -Res for a stat line of 45/33/30/31/19

Neutral  for a stat line of 45/33/30/28/22. 

Which is better to stick with?  I know they're very similar.  I'm kind of leaning towards the +Def one because he'd have slightly above stats in almost everything, which would be boosted if I give him Fury. 

Also up for grabs is the build. Fury for sure, but what B-skill?  His speed would be too low for Windsweep to be of much use. 

Thanks in advance!

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28 minutes ago, Eridras said:

The game has seen fit to deny me Ike or Ryoma while giving me two Alms, so let's ride with him. Their natures are :

+Def, -Res for a stat line of 45/33/30/31/19

Neutral  for a stat line of 45/33/30/28/22. 

Which is better to stick with?  I know they're very similar.  I'm kind of leaning towards the +Def one because he'd have slightly above stats in almost everything, which would be boosted if I give him Fury. 

Also up for grabs is the build. Fury for sure, but what B-skill?  His speed would be too low for Windsweep to be of much use. 

Thanks in advance!

I'd go with the +Def one. B skill can be your favorite -breaker.

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1 hour ago, Eridras said:

The game has seen fit to deny me Ike or Ryoma while giving me two Alms, so let's ride with him. Their natures are :

+Def, -Res for a stat line of 45/33/30/31/19

Neutral  for a stat line of 45/33/30/28/22. 

Which is better to stick with?  I know they're very similar.  I'm kind of leaning towards the +Def one because he'd have slightly above stats in almost everything, which would be boosted if I give him Fury. 

Also up for grabs is the build. Fury for sure, but what B-skill?  His speed would be too low for Windsweep to be of much use. 

Thanks in advance!

The B skill will always be one of two things with distant counter:

1. Vantage

2. Quick Riposte

Eclipse said it right with the which nature to take!

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so i have 10k feathers now, and i'm thinking about whom to promote.

should i:

  1. promote 4* catria to 5* and merge?
  2. promote 4* neutral nowi?
  3. promote 4* michalis?
  4. save them

please and thank you

ofc im talkinga bout when i get 20k

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6 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:
  1. promote 4* michalis?

I think you should promote King Michalis of Macedon. He's cool.

EDIT: I fucked up with formatting!

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

I'm pretty sure that wasn't my #1 choice on my list :P

hmmm. Why do you think so? Does he counter anyone?

I don't really have any idea about your team composition, but he counters all kinds of lances and opens so many cans, especially with Bonfire and Quick Riposte.

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