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17 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

You can't 'drastically inflate' the bulk of someone with 49 physical bulk (after L&D 3). This is everyone and their grandmother 1HKOs her range. Not being doubled doesn't matter if only one hit is needed, kind of like how breaker skills don't work properly if you're facing people who 1HKO you. Speed is an important defense stat, yes, but only if you can avoid the 1HKO.

Rein's higher defense stats (and 4 higher hp), means he gets the bigger gains from standing on a fort tile, and even when he's not standing on a fort tile, +6 all stats Rein only dies to 13 units (due to being +def/-res, IRRC, but =Rein is the same, basically he avoids 2 physical KOs but dies to 2 more magic units).

Olwen dies to 24 despite her better speed. (Also +6 buffed to all). Without L&D the number drops to 17. (Interestingly, without buffs, L&D does help her avoid some 2HKOs due to her boosted speed.)

Alright, I will grant that Olwen is squishy. This is still largely irrelevant since you shouldn't be letting either of them tank hits, and I don't think it makes sense to assume a player is going to mess up when giving them advice. 

In any case, it seems like Sleypnyr has decided on Olwen, so I think we're done here.

21 minutes ago, Sleypnyr said:

For my optimal cavalry team it's look liked Olwen/Xander/Eliwood/Cecilia?

I'm pretty ok with levelling anything. Have a 5* Peri, also go ursula, Frederick, Clarine, Priscilla, Sully and stuff as well....or should there be a unit I should focus on trying to pull? I know you gave an Olwen rollout, what would you run on the other 3?

My $0.02 on what sets of skills to run:


  • Weapon: Dire Thunder
  • Assist: Ardent Sacrifice/Draw Back/Reposition
  • Special: Luna
  • A-slot: Life and Death
  • B-slot: Desperation
  • C-slot: Fortify Cavalry
  • Seal: Atk +1


  • Weapon: Siegfried
  • Assist: Swap/Draw Back/Reposition
  • Special: Bonfire
  • A-slot: Fury
  • B-slot: Quick Riposte
  • C-slot: Hone Cavalry
  • Seal: HP +3


  • Weapon: Durandal
  • Assist: Swap/Draw Back/Reposition
  • Special: Draconic Aura 
  • A-slot: Life and Death
  • B-slot: Swordbreaker
  • C-slot: Ward Cavalry (optionally Goad Cavalry if Cecilia is given Hone Cavalry)


  • Weapon: Gronnblade+
  • Assist: Ardent Sacrifice/Draw Back/Reposition
  • Special: Moonbow
  • A-slot: Life and Death
  • B-slot: Desperation
  • C-slot: Goad Cavalry (optionally Hone Cavalry so that Xander can also receive the Hone Cavalry buff) 
  • Seal: Spd +1

Assists are largely dependent on personal preference, but Draw Back and Reposition are generally what I consider the best of the positioning assists (though Swap is quite useful on a tanky Distant Counter unit like Xander). Ardent Sacrifice is optional to get Olwen/Cecilia into Desperation range without them needing to enter combat first.

The C auras are flexible and can be switched around at will. As long as Olwen is getting a Hone Cavalry buff, Xander is getting a Fortify Cavalry buff, and Cecilia is getting both (though preferably at least Hone), then everyone's pretty happy. Eliwood also benefits a little more from Hone than Fortify, but he appreciates both. Likewise Xander benefits a little more from Fortify than Hone, but he would also be happy with both. Olwen doesn't really benefit from Fortify, and Cecilia is a blade-tome unit and so wants as many buffs on her as possible.

The Atk +1 seal was given to Olwen because as a Brave unit (especially one that will often be quad-attacking), she benefits the most from it. HP +3 was given to Xander to help him keep QR up. Cecilia was given Spd +1 because as a Desperation unit she appreciates the speed more than Eliwood.

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Alright, I will grant that Olwen is squishy. This is still largely irrelevant since you shouldn't be letting either of them tank hits, and I don't think it makes sense to assume a player is going to mess up when giving them advice. 

In any case, it seems like Sleypnyr has decided on Olwen, so I think we're done here.

My $0.02 on what sets of skills to run:


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  • Weapon: Dire Thunder
  • Assist: Ardent Sacrifice/Draw Back/Reposition
  • Special: Luna
  • A-slot: Life and Death
  • B-slot: Desperation
  • C-slot: Fortify Cavalry
  • Seal: Atk +1


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  • Weapon: Siegfried
  • Assist: Swap/Draw Back/Reposition
  • Special: Bonfire
  • A-slot: Fury
  • B-slot: Quick Riposte
  • C-slot: Hone Cavalry
  • Seal: HP +3


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  • Weapon: Durandal
  • Assist: Swap/Draw Back/Reposition
  • Special: Draconic Aura 
  • A-slot: Life and Death
  • B-slot: Swordbreaker
  • C-slot: Ward Cavalry (optionally Goad Cavalry if Cecilia is given Hone Cavalry)


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  • Weapon: Gronnblade+
  • Assist: Ardent Sacrifice/Draw Back/Reposition
  • Special: Moonbow
  • A-slot: Life and Death
  • B-slot: Desperation
  • C-slot: Goad Cavalry (optionally Hone Cavalry so that Xander can also receive the Hone Cavalry buff) 
  • Seal: Spd +1

Assists are largely dependent on personal preference, but Draw Back and Reposition are generally what I consider the best of the positioning assists (though Swap is quite useful on a tanky Distant Counter unit like Xander). Ardent Sacrifice is optional to get Olwen/Cecilia into Desperation range without them needing to enter combat first.

The C auras are flexible and can be switched around at will. As long as Olwen is getting a Hone Cavalry buff, Xander is getting a Fortify Cavalry buff, and Cecilia is getting both (though preferably at least Hone), then everyone's pretty happy. Eliwood also benefits a little more from Hone than Fortify, but he appreciates both. Likewise Xander benefits a little more from Fortify than Hone, but he would also be happy with both. Olwen doesn't really benefit from Fortify, and Cecilia is a blade-tome unit and so wants as many buffs on her as possible.

What is the loss between Gronnblade and Gronnblade+, I don't have a 5* Nino to inherit from. I have a couple 4 star, and my best one is my Tharja comp. Are all 3 of them going to be fine with only Life and Death 2? I'll have to use 2 Hana's and my Zephiel to get it to them. 

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2 minutes ago, Sleypnyr said:

What is the loss between Gronnblade and Gronnblade+, I don't have a 5* Nino to inherit from. I have a couple 4 star, and my best one is my Tharja comp. Are all 3 of them going to be fine with only Life and Death 2? I'll have to use 2 Hana's and my Zephiel to get it to them. 

4 damage (irrelevant since full buffs gives +30 damage), and a bit of arena score. (Like... 2 a match or smth? Don't worry about it, to be honest, since tiers are based on population now, 1 point or 2 here and there won't change your rank too much.) L&D 2 is fine, but consider running Fury 3 instead---you lose 1 atk, 1 spd, but get a ton of bulk in return. (If you have 4* Hinatas).


Off-topic: Running the numbers, Armor-Slayer+ Selena is actually almost as good (by 1 win), as Wo Dao+ Selena with Ignis charged. Probably going to build a great-wall build that just sits on a tile to charge Ignis and kill people.

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5 minutes ago, Sleypnyr said:

What is the loss between Gronnblade and Gronnblade+, I don't have a 5* Nino to inherit from. I have a couple 4 star, and my best one is my Tharja comp. Are all 3 of them going to be fine with only Life and Death 2? I'll have to use 2 Hana's and my Zephiel to get it to them. 

It depends on how many buffs you're able to stack on her. 

Assuming both Hone/Fortify Cavalry, neutral Cecilia with the Spd +1 seal (since I don't know the nature of yours) has a matchup spread of 112/2/11 with Gronnblade+ and 107/3/15 with Gronnblade. Assuming just Hone, she has 97/6/22 with Gronnblade+ and 92/6/27 with Gronnblade. 

Life and Death 3 is obviously optimal, but you should be fine if you only have 2. 

Olwen still kills all reds (and most if not all blue and colorless), Xander and Eliwood still kill all greens (and a good chunk of red and colorless), and Cecilia still kills all blues (and a good chunk of green and colorless). 

Even when not 100% optimal, Horse Emblem is still terrifying.

EDIT: If you don't have enough LD fodder, Eliwood is fine with Fury. 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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5 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

It depends on how many buffs you're able to stack on her. 

Assuming both Hone/Fortify Cavalry, neutral Cecilia with the Spd +1 seal (since I don't know the nature of yours) has a matchup spread of 112/2/11 with Gronnblade+ and 107/3/15 with Gronnblade. Assuming just Hone, she has 97/6/22 with Gronnblade+ and 92/6/27 with Gronnblade. 

Life and Death 3 is obviously optimal, but you should be fine if you only have 2. 

Olwen still kills all reds (and most if not all blue and colorless), Xander and Eliwood still kill all greens (and a good chunk of red and colorless), and Cecilia still kills all blues (and a good chunk of green and colorless). 

Even when not 100% optimal, Horse Emblem is still terrifying.

EDIT: If you don't have enough LD fodder, Eliwood is fine with Fury. 

I have 3 Cecilia's actually.  I have 1 at 40, that is +Spd/-HP, a +Atk/-Res, +Res/-Spd

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5 minutes ago, Sleypnyr said:

I have 3 Cecilia's actually.  I have 1 at 40, that is +Spd/-HP, a +Atk/-Res, +Res/-Spd

Oh that's great! +Spd/-HP is actually her best nature for a Horse Emblem Gronnblade set. 

+Spd with LD (even LD 2) and Desperation nets her more ORKOs than +Atk, and the -HP helps her get into Desperation range more easily!

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Which A-skill would you suggest for a +Atk/-Res Ninian? I know Triangle Adept is a popular suggestion, but it seems pointless, as she can already survive reds just fine, and it actively hinders her ability to survive axes (which she has done on occasion).

I was thinking something out of left field, like Darting Blow + Moonbow (which would allow her to have more offensive utility against a variety of opponents, and possibly trigger Escape Route in the process). But I'd like to know if there are better alternatives.

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12 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

Which A-skill would you suggest for a +Atk/-Res Ninian? I know Triangle Adept is a popular suggestion, but it seems pointless, as she can already survive reds just fine, and it actively hinders her ability to survive axes (which she has done on occasion).

I was thinking something out of left field, like Darting Blow + Moonbow (which would allow her to have more offensive utility against a variety of opponents, and possibly trigger Escape Route in the process). But I'd like to know if there are better alternatives.

The reason Ninian commonly uses Triangle Adept is the same reason Azura sticks with her default Sapphire Lance+. The dancers' Atk stats are rather abysmal, even with +Atk, and Triangle Adept both helps boost their offensive ability to combat-usable levels as well as turning merely "surviving" encounters against red units into tanking them outright.

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I could use some advice on some inexpensive team comps for arena and challenges/bonus maps.

I have two Hectors.  I may keep one, but the other will be fed to a defensive/resistive unit in the future. 

SP!Camilla is a mess.  She has 400 SP and Gronnraven+ unlocked but I'm thinking of giving her Nino's weapon instead.  I could make a defensive flier team and buff her defense/resistance up by 14 points from nearby allies and observe as she gets +14 def, +14 res, and +14 atk.  Either way, she needs more SP because she needs to buy Gronnraven+ and Triangle Adept 3 still. Problem is, I don't have enough feathers to work on her anymore.

So, I need to get a relatively inexpensive team together so I can get my more ambitious goals achieved faster.  Does anyone see a good team in this box, cause I'm not.  


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2 hours ago, Lushen said:

I could use some advice on some inexpensive team comps for arena and challenges/bonus maps.

I have two Hectors.  I may keep one, but the other will be fed to a defensive/resistive unit in the future. 

SP!Camilla is a mess.  She has 400 SP and Gronnraven+ unlocked but I'm thinking of giving her Nino's weapon instead.  I could make a defensive flier team and buff her defense/resistance up by 14 points from nearby allies and observe as she gets +14 def, +14 res, and +14 atk.  Either way, she needs more SP because she needs to buy Gronnraven+ and Triangle Adept 3 still. Problem is, I don't have enough feathers to work on her anymore.

So, I need to get a relatively inexpensive team together so I can get my more ambitious goals achieved faster.  Does anyone see a good team in this box, cause I'm not.

I use a Gronnraven+ B Camilla myself and she's been outstanding and has had a spot on my core team ever since I got her. Gronnblade+ in a flier team is certainly great too, but that'll take a lot of SP, inheritance, and feathers to get a full meme team running really well, so I don't think you need to prioritize feathers for that.(unless you really want a flier team anyway) She'll still be a very solid blue/colorless wrecker just as you're already building her. I'd sacrifice that 4* Henry too, to drop G Tomebreaker on her so she can also stand up to Julia, Nino and herself if they don't run their own GTB.

You have a bunch of good units, and out of what you have (and mostly going by their initial skill sets since you want to be inexpensive) I'd probably say Leo/Ninian/Effie/Camilla. Kind of a tossup between Leo and Corrin but Corrin's base skills are pretty meh, and if you can't afford to skill inheritance him right now I think Leo will serve you better since he needs less help. (already comes with Quick Riposte and such) If you can, just try to put Swap/Pivot on Effie if you haven't already, so she's less of a burden to move around, and I think that'll be perfectly fine team.

Running Hector instead of Camilla is another consideration, and he doesn't need much inheritance help, but running 2 slow armors if you also use Effie might be a bit frustrating to move both around.

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On 6.5.2017 at 7:05 AM, MaskedAmpharos said:

For her B-slot, you generally want to run a breaker to make up for her middling speed. G Tomebreaker is the most common option, but if you have no issues with Nino or Spring Camilla then something like Bowbreaker is an option. However, it should be noted that since you have a -Def nature, this would be unadvisable if you aren't running Fury. Without Fury, neutral Jeorge and Takumi both OHKO you, rendering Bowbreaker completely useless. Lancebreaker is another option as well, as it does grant her several ORKOs that she would not normally achieve, so decide based on whether bows or lance users give you more trouble. 

Speaking of Fury, that is generally the most used A-skill on her as it gives her a little bit of everything. The speed boost helps her avoid getting doubled by a range of units in the low 30s speed range that would normally double her if she doesn't have Fury (such as Jaffar, Takumi, Jeorge, Soren, and Merric). The def/res boost are also helpful as they just barely prevent her from getting OHKOd by a few key units, such as the archers from earlier as well as neutral attack Hector (with Fury, she survives with just 1 HP and ORKOs him). The slight damage boost also secures OHKOs on the counterattack on Spring Lucina and Linde (both of whom survive if you don't have Fury), who are both common threats in Arena. Triangle Adept is generally not considered a good A-skill on her because her main niche is to be a dragonslaying mage, and T-Adept greatly reduces her ability to take down the Tikis, both of whom she can normally chunk significantly despite WTD. 

Breath of Life is an okay skill, but it's honestly pretty meh in most scenarios. I would opt to give her a Hone/Fortify/Spur skill that your team wants but isn't currently running as that would give a lot more utility overall than what Breath of Life offers. 

I would say that in most cases, Iceberg is superior to Dragon Fang (and is always superior to Draconic Aura on Julia, especially on a +Res one like yours). Iceberg is generally enough to OHKO most non-red units when charged, and that's Julia's job. However, there are fringe scenarios where Dragon Fang is better, such as when you face a Reinhardt (since Iceberg's charge would be wasted on the counterattack). Additionally, if you manage to have Dragon Fang primed, you get far more OHKOs on red units (nearly triple the amount compared to Iceberg) than you would with Iceberg. However, in the end, I would still say that Iceberg is the superior special in most cases; it's just not as much of a priority as getting Fury and a Breaker on her first. 

Also, her assist skill is, like with most characters, mostly dependent on player preference. However, I personally think either Reposition or Draw Back are the best options for a ranged unit like Julia, so I would consider those if you can get them. They're both solid choices, so it's mostly a matter of personal preference and fodder availability. 

I hope this helped!

Don't worry about it, fam. I'm perfectly happy with answering walls of text if you ask nicely; it'll just take me more time to respond to everything. 

I might have derped for a second and completely forgot about the existence of Tiki while suggesting TA on Julia. Whoops. Anyways, I'm going to opt for Fury in that case - and considering that I have a merge bonus of +1, it's even enough to OHKO Reinhardt, which is pretty nice as well. I've also decided to use Lancebreaker for now, as Nino/Cecilia aren't much of an issue for me while I've literally only met Bunnymilla twice ever. Watch as that changes as soon as I've equipped the other breaker though.

Now I've only to decide on a C slot skill to take. I'm tempted to throw Atk/Spd buffs on everyone, but there's always this nagging feeling that Spur Def on Robin might have saved me once or twice so far, so I'm still not all that sure about it.

And yes, your advice definitely was useful. I'm finding my way back into theorycrafting again after having very little time for that during the exam period, so it's nice to have someone to bounce ideas off for cases like the one with Tiki above.

And ofc I'm asking nicely, it's because I'm a very lovely person in general. For real though, I guess I could offer you advice for Awakening's postgame optimizing or something like that in return?

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3 minutes ago, Sias said:

I might have derped for a second and completely forgot about the existence of Tiki while suggesting TA on Julia. Whoops. Anyways, I'm going to opt for Fury in that case - and considering that I have a merge bonus of +1, it's even enough to OHKO Reinhardt, which is pretty nice as well. I've also decided to use Lancebreaker for now, as Nino/Cecilia aren't much of an issue for me while I've literally only met Bunnymilla twice ever. Watch as that changes as soon as I've equipped the other breaker though.

Now I've only to decide on a C slot skill to take. I'm tempted to throw Atk/Spd buffs on everyone, but there's always this nagging feeling that Spur Def on Robin might have saved me once or twice so far, so I'm still not all that sure about it.

And yes, your advice definitely was useful. I'm finding my way back into theorycrafting again after having very little time for that during the exam period, so it's nice to have someone to bounce ideas off for cases like the one with Tiki above.

And ofc I'm asking nicely, it's because I'm a very lovely person in general. For real though, I guess I could offer you advice for Awakening's postgame optimizing or something like that in return?

I'm glad you found my advice useful! I'd offer more specific advice regarding the C-slot, but that's more team specific (and is also largely personal preference).

I've actually dabbled in Awakening postgame optimization quite a bit myself, though it's been years, so I've forgotten most of it. If you really want to thank me you should join Team Julia :P


Honestly it's not a big deal. We as a community are here to help people :D 

I wouldn't say no to being friends or something though (just PM me with your FC)


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@Arcanite @Chromatone @Hawk King Thanks guys, will SI my Lukas and Cecilia then and fodder the rest.

 Since I've been using horse emblem, I might use the cecilia now though I'm thinking is it a good idea to change her to a blade tome or keep her current one? If i needed to deal with archers I could always bait w xander and have him kill them on the counter and I use ursula just to slay everything w her blade tome.

Edit: Decided to switch out Clarine since I realize she hasn't really been doing much in the team because Xander almost always takes 0 damage with fortify. But now I'm having trouble on who to give what C ability with considerations of when Camus is released. I was originally thinking of giving both frontliners hone and the mages fortify but then I've read that some give one mage fortify and the other w hone. Same goes with the frontliners. This way everyone gets hone/fortify buffs. Right now I have fortify on Ursula. Should I give Xander fortify and cecilia hone? Then once Camus is released switch out gunter and pass him the hone or is my first idea the better option? Also is it better to have at least one ward in there or is it not necessary?

Edited by ScarletSylph
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4 hours ago, Sleypnyr said:

You think there is any reason to run both Olwen and Reinhardt? Instead of Eliwood?

In terms of what?

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So, I was lucky enough to get multiple Lindes on this banner. One is +SPD/-DEF, and another is +ATK/-HP. I'm going to eventually inherit a Blarblade+ onto the +SPD one for sure, and I was thinking about also doing a fun Aura + Wings of Mercy + Ardent Sacrifice + Breath of Life build for healing shenanigans. But, should I fuse the Lindes together or keep them separate. Since you can swap out skills freely, I thought there wasn't really a need to keep separate ones, and merging them together would save space. If I do fuse them, I should fuse into the +SPD, right?

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Need some advice to point me in a direction on who to gold next. The four in the team slot are her main ones I'd rather gold, but free units are an option too. I mainly just want units to cover my missing roles of red mage, physical lance,Mand physical green. Raigh is +spd -hp but I have a +atk-hp raigh as well (which is better?. Shanna is +atk-hp. 


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20 minutes ago, GaleforceAbuse said:

I'd probably go Moonbow. 4 charge on bonfire is just so slow. 

I figured. Without the +1 cd from Lightning Breath, bonfire seemed it'd be the strongest but with the delay, Moonfire makes sense. 

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2 hours ago, TearingShadows said:

Need some advice to point me in a direction on who to gold next. The four in the team slot are her main ones I'd rather gold, but free units are an option too. I mainly just want units to cover my missing roles of red mage, physical lance,Mand physical green. Raigh is +spd -hp but I have a +atk-hp raigh as well (which is better?. Shanna is +atk-hp. 

I'm gonna do this in reverse:

Green - Anna, since she'll most likely come back as a free unit.  Michalis amuses me, but not so much that I'd promote him (yet).
Blue - Do you have better options?  Probably.  I'd sooner promote Abel/Oboro (though she'll need to inherit a weapon).  However, Shanna's amusing enough, and +Atk/-HP is pretty good.
Red - I'm a huge sucker for Raigh.  The downside is that he WILL need another weapon, because -wolf tomes are horribly weak against non-horses.  +Atk puts him smack between Lilina/Sanaki and Sophia, while +Spd gives him 32 Spd.  I feel like Life and Death -blade would work for the +Spd build, since it bumps him to a respectable 37 Speed.  +Atk can attempt the Triangle Adept -raven build - if my Spring Camilla can one-shot most archers in the game, +Atk Raigh can, too.  It's your call~!

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3 hours ago, TearingShadows said:

I mainly just want units to cover my missing roles of red mage, physical lance,Mand physical green. Raigh is +spd -hp but I have a +atk-hp raigh as well (which is better?. Shanna is +atk-hp. 


Shanna is good in a team of fliers. Without support from Palla and Hinoka, she is confined to a niche role of non-green mage bait. I would rather choose another unit for the role of stand-alone physical lance. Have you considered Subaki ?

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3 hours ago, TearingShadows said:

Need some advice to point me in a direction on who to gold next. The four in the team slot are her main ones I'd rather gold, but free units are an option too. I mainly just want units to cover my missing roles of red mage, physical lance,Mand physical green. Raigh is +spd -hp but I have a +atk-hp raigh as well (which is better?. Shanna is +atk-hp. 


Well, you already have a lance user in S!Xander right? Sharena would work quite well along side Nino, but since Reinhard can kill anything red and Xander can tank, I don't think you really need another blue unit to fill some gap. Shanna isn't that great as a unit, so the only reasons to promote her are favouritism our for SI.

In terms of green axes: Michealis is pretty tanky, so he could help take some hits from blue units that your sword units will have trouble with. Anna has better offence then he does, but Nino can kill blue units, so there's no real need for her. You don't need a green tank, since S!Xander and Chrom/Alm should be able to tank just fine and Fae can take a hit if needed, but it's the biggest "hole" I see that can be filled.

+spd Raigh is probably the safe choice, as he's in the speed tier where 3 extra points matter. At 29 speed he will only double armours or very slow units, but at 32 he can double some slower cavelry units, which helps him quite a lot. It also means enemies with 34 or 35 speed (quite a common number I believe) won't double him, which adds to his survivebility. Apart from dealing with cavelry enemies on GHB maps, I don't think he'll be a great addition to your team though, since Nino can deal enough damage to most green units that you don't need a red mage, and there's no reason to run Raigh over reinhard or Nino in most cases.

Erika could make a great buff bot for Nino, instantly removing the need for a red mage, but if you don't want to go that route, she won't add anything that your other sword units don't.

So yeah, in short: I don't think you really need to fill some hole in your current roster. A physical green unit who can take a hit adds the most varity right now, which means Michealis seems like a good choice. If you want a good arena team, promoting Erika and using something like Nino, Erika, Ninian and filler (Reinhard is always nice to have) would work wonders though.

Of course, all of this is just my opinion. Other people may have better advice and you should know best what you seem to be lacking. Still hope this helps.

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I just pulled a +Res/-Def Laslow.  He amuses me.  I'm pretty sure that he'd rather be +Atk or +Spd, but I'll take what I can get.  The question is: What would be a somewhat effective build on a unit with max stats of 44/35/26/27/25?

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