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1 hour ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Oh wait it's a 5* Klein? In that case feeding him for his Brave Bow+ might be more valuable than feeding him for his Death Blow. 

Off the top of my head, Takumi and Setsuna both make better Brave archers than Klein (though both require skill inheritance in addition to the bow to shine). 

T > JK > Setsuna is the ranking for brave bow archers. Being able to quad doesn't mean jack when TKJ can 2HKO the people you can 4HKO.


28 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Honestly the main thing holding me back from building that Takumi (besides resources and the fact that I don't love Takumi quite enough to spend 40k feathers on him) is that he wouldn't do anything I'm not already doing with Reinhardt. There are a few greens that Rein can't kill, like Julia, but I have Ryoma for that. 

Still, for other people who aren't in the same boat as us, Brave Bow Takumi could be a really great offensive unit :D

Takumi can run Galeforce due to his extant speed, this let's him go 3 times in one turn with dancer support. (Galeforce is also the best special for Arena score, due to its 500 SP cost.) He has less reach than Rein, but his match-ups are very similar to Rein.

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Sorry for the repeated post (mods, please let me know if this is against the rules), but I didn't get an answer for my previous question. I have a +SPD/-DEF Linde and a few other Lindes (one of whom is +ATK/-HP.) I was going to do a Blarblade + build for the +SPD one and a Wings of Mercy/Breath of Life Aura healer for the +ATK one. But, I don't know if I really need to keep them separate. Would it be a better idea to just merge everyone into +SPD Linde after SP training, or should I keep the Blarblade + one and healer one separate? The higher merge level would be great for the Arena, but maybe having two Lindes could be annoying on a defense team, possibly? But, I guess I could just use the singular higher-merge Linde on a defense team and just swap skills around as necessary? Thanks.

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8 minutes ago, GaleforceAbuse said:

Sorry for the repeated post (mods, please let me know if this is against the rules), but I didn't get an answer for my previous question. I have a +SPD/-DEF Linde and a few other Lindes (one of whom is +ATK/-HP.) I was going to do a Blarblade + build for the +SPD one and a Wings of Mercy/Breath of Life Aura healer for the +ATK one. But, I don't know if I really need to keep them separate. Would it be a better idea to just merge everyone into +SPD Linde after SP training, or should I keep the Blarblade + one and healer one separate? The higher merge level would be great for the Arena, but maybe having two Lindes could be annoying on a defense team, possibly? But, I guess I could just use the singular higher-merge Linde on a defense team and just swap skills around as necessary? Thanks.

Both of the named Lindes are great. You can keep them separate if you want, or merge them if you want, it doesn't really matter.

If you want to run two different builds, I would keep them separate just to save time between swapping sets, but if you're fine with clicking through the menu every single time, you can go ahead and merge.

Mostly no one is answering because it doesn't really matter what you do, since, unless you merge both Lindes into a -spd version or something, you can't go wrong with whatever you choose.

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Just now, DehNutCase said:

Both of the named Lindes are great. You can keep them separate if you want, or merge them if you want, it doesn't really matter.

If you want to run two different builds, I would keep them separate just to save time between swapping sets, but if you're fine with clicking through the menu every single time, you can go ahead and merge.

Mostly no one is answering because it doesn't really matter what you do, since, unless you merge both Lindes into a -spd version or something, you can't go wrong with whatever you choose.

Ah, okay. Thanks!

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1 hour ago, Lucıůs said:

Wait... so all this time, I've been living a lie?! Dear lord... I should've known. Now I really am decided to use the +atk instead. Much obliged!!

+Res Klein deals +3 damage with Glacies relative to neutral, and -Atk Klein has -4 Atk relative to neutral, meaning [+Res, -Atk] Klein deals -1 damage with Glacies compared to neutral Klein.

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21 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

The reason Ninian commonly uses Triangle Adept is the same reason Azura sticks with her default Sapphire Lance+. The dancers' Atk stats are rather abysmal, even with +Atk, and Triangle Adept both helps boost their offensive ability to combat-usable levels as well as turning merely "surviving" encounters against red units into tanking them outright.

Makes sense, but the issue is that I don't need her to tank reds, as I often deploy her alongside Sharena or F!Corrin (who does have Triangle Adept), both of whom are better against reds while still being decent against blues (and amusingly enough, ever since I made that first post, Ninian was attacked by a stray Nino in the arena, surviving with about 25% health, so I'll take it as a sign that TA is not the way to go :P ).

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10 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

Makes sense, but the issue is that I don't need her to tank reds, as I often deploy her alongside Sharena or F!Corrin (who does have Triangle Adept), both of whom are better against reds while still being decent against blues (and amusingly enough, ever since I made that first post, Ninian was attacked by a stray Nino in the arena, surviving with about 25% health, so I'll take it as a sign that TA is not the way to go :P ).

On the other hand, I see that as "Ninian can survive greens even with Triangle Adept as long as they cannot double attack". I had my Ninian hit by (unboosted) Spring Camilla some time ago. She survived and spent the rest of the match teleporting around the map.

So, why exactly are you intending to make an offensive build?

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So I posted this in the general thread, but I think this is probably more where I should ask this now that I think about it.

So I think I've got a good build start here with my 5*  +Def, -Res Seliph, with Brave Sword, Swordbreaker 3 and Ignis.

My 4* Neutral Chrom is much of the same: Brave Sword, Sol, Swordbreaker 3, and Threaten Atk 2

So for their open A slots, I still can't decide on who Death Blow 2 from my Effie fodder should go on between those two. I looked up stats, and I'm surprised to find that my Chrom actually has a better base attack than my Seliph (37 to Seliph's 34, even with a whole rarity tier below him!), and is only one point inferior in Spd (factoring in Brave speed nerf), and it's not like either of them are gonna be doubling naturally anytime soon. Seliph's got 4 Res over Chrom, but both die to mages instantly anyway. Seliph's Def boon gives him 4 more Def than Chrom. So he's weaker on the attack, but better on the defense, though he does lack the heal from Sol that Chrom has.

I just might keep Armored Blow 3 on Seliph and give Death Blow to Chrom, but I can't decide. Which one would be the better option?

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

+Res Klein deals +3 damage with Glacies relative to neutral, and -Atk Klein has -4 Atk relative to neutral, meaning [+Res, -Atk] Klein deals -1 damage with Glacies compared to neutral Klein.

I... just noticed that an -atk Klein has an additional 1 point taken off his total BST... why is that??? Are all -atk units like this? 


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I got up to 21,000 feathers today and I'm trying to decide on who to upgrade. These are my options atm:


4 Star Roy - +Spd/-HP (Dunno what to make him into yet)
4 Star f!Robin - Neutral (Would be the start of my extremely ambitious and expensive goal to get a +3 f!Robin)
4 Star m!Robin- +Atk/-Res (probably gonna wait until after the banner just in case I get a 5 Star)
3 Star f!Corrin - +Spd/-Res 
3 Star Setsuna - +Spd/-Def (planning on Quadsuna, already have a 5 Star Gordin to give BB+)
3 Star Sophia - Neutral (still needs Raudraven+, probably gonna wait till I pull one with a good nature)
3 Star Alfonse
3 Star Anna
4 Star Effie - +Def/-HP
4 Star Zephiel - Neutral
4 Star Michalis - Neutral


Based on stats and potential Effie and Zephiel would probably be the logical choice but Roy, f!Robin, f!Corrin, and Setsuna are my favorite candidates atm

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I won't tell you who I'm leveling because I'm not entirely sure what to go with, but I'm gunning for the 10th stratum Cavalry and Flier orb quests (Only have 1 armor unit so oh well.) and starting with the cavalry so I'm building up my cavalry units but I don't know what my composition should be for the best results. I only know some of the banes and I'll put them there, but build me a cavalry team if you can. Here's my barracks lineup.

5*: Cain, +1 Frederick (+HP, -ATK)

4*: Abel, Eliwood (+ATK, -SPD), Gunter (+ATK, -DEF or RES), Peri (+ATK, -HP), Jagen, Ursula, Xander, Peri, Sully

3*: Cecilia, Stahl

Cain seems like a given since he's my 5*, but Eliwood has Ward Cavalry which stacks with Fortify Cavalry if I'm running Jagen. Using Jagen also means that I'm not using Abel who is most certainly a better combat unit. Frederick also seems like an obvious choice given he's also 5* but using him means forgoing Gunter who gives the entire team a much needed and massive boost in Hone Cavalry. Then there's Ursula who's the only source of magic (lol Cecilia). Xander, Peri and Sully pale in comparison to the other choices to me but if you know something I don't I'm all ears. No healer cavalry also sucks but nothing that can be done about that at this point.

Basically, I'm trying to choose between individual unit strength vs overall team compatability and enhancement. And in the 10th stratum, that matters a lot, especially when every unit has to survive every battle.

I'm all ears.

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6 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

A neutral Takumi with Brave Bow+ and Life and Death (better matchup spread than if he runs Death Blow) still has a better matchup spread than a +Atk Klein with Brave Bow+ and Death Blow (Klein's too slow to run Life and Death), especially with Luna as his special instead of Vengeance. 

Why is Klein too slow for Life and Death when Takumi can use it just fine? Like, I do realize that Takumi has better attack and is therefore the better brave user, but don't they have exactly the same base speed?

21 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I'm glad you found my advice useful! I'd offer more specific advice regarding the C-slot, but that's more team specific (and is also largely personal preference).

I've actually dabbled in Awakening postgame optimization quite a bit myself, though it's been years, so I've forgotten most of it. If you really want to thank me you should join Team Julia :P

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Honestly it's not a big deal. We as a community are here to help people :D 

I wouldn't say no to being friends or something though (just PM me with your FC)


In case it interests you, my current main arena team is Robin/Ninian/Julia/Hana with Spur Def/Hone Atk/Breath of Life/Threaten Spd. Julia is obviously going to get seomthing else eventually, but only after I've gotten more SP for her. Sometimes I switch to a more buff-centric composition though, using one of the Renais twins (with their weapon effect and Hone Spd each). And then there's still quite a bunch of people who are still in mid-inheritance-progress or haven't really been touched all that much. The next one that is going to be finished is probably Effie.

Lucky you! I'm generally not able to forget a single thing about games I played or books I read - I could probably still recount everyone's class sets and mods and stuff like that by heart. Also, I continue to be torn in between joining Julia and Robin, but I have a few hours left, so I'll just keep telling myself that I'll have an enlightenment about this decision soon. Very soon.

Besides all of this, I'm going to send you the PM now.

11 minutes ago, BurgundyBirb said:

I got up to 21,000 feathers today and I'm trying to decide on who to upgrade. These are my options atm:

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4 Star Roy - +Spd/-HP (Dunno what to make him into yet)
4 Star f!Robin - Neutral (Would be the start of my extremely ambitious and expensive goal to get a +3 f!Robin)
4 Star m!Robin- +Atk/-Res (probably gonna wait until after the banner just in case I get a 5 Star)
3 Star f!Corrin - +Spd/-Res 
3 Star Setsuna - +Spd/-Def (planning on Quadsuna, already have a 5 Star Gordin to give BB+)
3 Star Sophia - Neutral (still needs Raudraven+, probably gonna wait till I pull one with a good nature)
3 Star Alfonse
3 Star Anna
4 Star Effie - +Def/-HP
4 Star Zephiel - Neutral
4 Star Michalis - Neutral


Based on stats and potential Effie and Zephiel would probably be the logical choice but Roy, f!Robin, f!Corrin, and Setsuna are my favorite candidates atm

It would probably help if you could do a short list of the other 5 stars you have so far.

Generally speaking however, Anna and Alfonse, while not all that great on their own, are pretty safe bets as they're going to keep popping up as bonus characters for the arena. Michalis and Zephiel or Effie are obvious choices for a potential flier/armor emblem team, while Quadsuna could work out pretty well for you but requires a lot of bonus skills to get her set together. Do you have some Life and Death fodder or Luna prepared as well?

Should you prefer another magic unit however, I'd recommend either M!Robin or F!Corrin. You said yourself that you'd rather wait for a Sophia with a different nature while F!Robin needs quite a bit more input for the same results as her male counterpart. Meanwhile Roy is very average in everything, so I'd personally wait for another more specialized sword user.

15 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I won't tell you who I'm leveling because I'm not entirely sure what to go with, but I'm gunning for the 10th stratum Cavalry and Flier orb quests (Only have 1 armor unit so oh well.) and starting with the cavalry so I'm building up my cavalry units but I don't know what my composition should be for the best results. I only know some of the banes and I'll put them there, but build me a cavalry team if you can. Here's my barracks lineup.

5*: Cain, +1 Frederick (+HP, -ATK)

4*: Abel, Eliwood (+ATK, -SPD), Gunter (+ATK, -DEF or RES), Peri (+ATK, -HP), Jagen, Ursula, Xander, Peri, Sully

3*: Cecilia, Stahl

Cain seems like a given since he's my 5*, but Eliwood has Ward Cavalry which stacks with Fortify Cavalry if I'm running Jagen. Using Jagen also means that I'm not using Abel who is most certainly a better combat unit. Frederick also seems like an obvious choice given he's also 5* but using him means forgoing Gunter who gives the entire team a much needed and massive boost in Hone Cavalry. Then there's Ursula who's the only source of magic (lol Cecilia). Xander, Peri and Sully pale in comparison to the other choices to me but if you know something I don't I'm all ears.

Basically, I'm trying to choose between individual unit strength vs overall team compatability and enhancement. And in the 10th stratum, that matters a lot, especially when every unit has to survive every battle.

I'm all ears.

It kind of depends on what your approach for the quest is going to be. You could either try to create a well-rounded team or do mono-colour (probably blue) with maybe one filler unit and then wait for enemy setups with mostly reds/no greeens. Definitely try to keep a mage with you regardless of your choice though (likely Ursula).

My pool of cavalry units is absolutely terrible, so I did the latter personally, and between resetting the enemies via arena/first stratum and just defeating them with my armor/flier team, things worked out pretty well.

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10 minutes ago, Sias said:

It kind of depends on what your approach for the quest is going to be. You could either try to create a well-rounded team or do mono-colour (probably blue) with maybe one filler unit and then wait for enemy setups with mostly reds/no greeens. Definitely try to keep a mage with you regardless of your choice though (likely Ursula).

My pool of cavalry units is absolutely terrible, so I did the latter personally, and between resetting the enemies via arena/first stratum and just defeating them with my armor/flier team, things worked out pretty well.

My flier options are much more limited, which makes all of this very simple. 4* Palla, Catria, Camilla (Got a second one too) and Cherche. All the latter 3 are +ATK. No Minerva, Cordelia, Caeda, Clair, Shanna (She's 3*) or Spring Camilla. What I have is what I have to work with. With Cavalry though things are more complicated due to the plethora of choices.

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30 minutes ago, Sias said:

Why is Klein too slow for Life and Death when Takumi can use it just fine? Like, I do realize that Takumi has better attack and is therefore the better brave user, but don't they have exactly the same base speed?

In case it interests you, my current main arena team is Robin/Ninian/Julia/Hana with Spur Def/Hone Atk/Breath of Life/Threaten Spd. Julia is obviously going to get seomthing else eventually, but only after I've gotten more SP for her. Sometimes I switch to a more buff-centric composition though, using one of the Renais twins (with their weapon effect and Hone Spd each). And then there's still quite a bunch of people who are still in mid-inheritance-progress or haven't really been touched all that much. The next one that is going to be finished is probably Effie.

Lucky you! I'm generally not able to forget a single thing about games I played or books I read - I could probably still recount everyone's class sets and mods and stuff like that by heart. Also, I continue to be torn in between joining Julia and Robin, but I have a few hours left, so I'll just keep telling myself that I'll have an enlightenment about this decision soon. Very soon.

Besides all of this, I'm going to send you the PM now.

...I'm a complete fool. Yes, you're exactly right. Takumi does still make a better Brave Bow unit under optimal conditions than Klein, but it's not because of any kind of speed difference. I'm not entirely sure how I got the impression that Klein is slower, but you're absolutely correct in that they have the same base speed. 

With that team, I would probably give Julia Spur Atk as that benefits Hana (especially if you're going Brave Sword Hana) and Robin the most, but at the end of the day it's situational. 

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Okay, so, I have a Nino that I'm training up. I gave her Defiant ATK (2, will get 3 soon tho) and Moonbow, and I want to build a team around her.

I'm thinking of running:

Nino (5-Star (4-Star at the moment, but as soon as the Arena season ends I'll have enough feathers to 5-Star her, and I will), +RES/-DEF : Gronnblade(+) / Draw Back / Moonbow / Defiant ATK / Vantage / Hone ATK)
Kinda building this team around her, so she needs to be here. I know Desperation is probably a good choice on Nino since she's quite fast, but I don't feel =SPD is fast enough for that even after buffs, so I'm gonna give her Vantage instead. I'm not sure if I should give her Reciprocal Aid or not, since she has sufficient RES to probably tank a mage and hit half HP, but if you guys think I should, then I will.

Eirika (5-Star, Neutral : Seiglinde / Rally RES / Fury / Swordbreaker / Hone SPD)
Master buffbot, and can maybe tank swordies with Swordbreaker, Fury and her high SPD (to prevent being doubled by other swordies running Swordbreaker). She can buff 3 stats (though the ATK buff will become redundant on Nino when she hits the Defiant ATK threshold, but it's good before then), so she's pretty much necessary for this team to function.

Ninian (5-Star, +ATK/-HP : Light Breath+ / Dance / Wings of Mercy / Fortify DEF)
Obligatory Dancer, plus she covers the DEF buff that Eirika's missing and can tank Red mages/Tikis if needed. Wings of Mercy lets her teleport to Nino when she's in Defiant range, thus allowing her to extend Nino's rampage or facilitate a retreat if Nino needs to get out of danger. Light Breath+ stays because Nino may occasionally benefit from the +6 DEF/RES buff if Ninian teleports to her and attacks someone (also because I don't have the SP for Lightning Breath at the moment). Not sure which A Skill or Special to give Ninian tho.

Klein (5-Star, Neutral : Brave Bow+/ Rally DEF / Glacies / Death Blow / R Tomebreaker)
Kills Red mages that Nino doesn't want anything to do with, and pretty much any non-Raven mage should die to him too. R Tomebreaker should let him kill every Red mage with the possible exception of Henry (though Ninian or buffed!Nino should be able to handle him anyway), and Rally DEF allows Klein to give the buff Eirika's missing as well if necessary.

So, how does this look? Any suggestions? Should I be asking this in another thread?

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1 hour ago, Sias said:

It would probably help if you could do a short list of the other 5 stars you have so far.

Generally speaking however, Anna and Alfonse, while not all that great on their own, are pretty safe bets as they're going to keep popping up as bonus characters for the arena. Michalis and Zephiel or Effie are obvious choices for a potential flier/armor emblem team, while Quadsuna could work out pretty well for you but requires a lot of bonus skills to get her set together. Do you have some Life and Death fodder or Luna prepared as well?

Should you prefer another magic unit however, I'd recommend either M!Robin or F!Corrin. You said yourself that you'd rather wait for a Sophia with a different nature while F!Robin needs quite a bit more input for the same results as her male counterpart. Meanwhile Roy is very average in everything, so I'd personally wait for another more specialized sword user.

Ah right, sorry about that

My current 5 Stars:



Marth+1 - +HP/-Def

y!Tiki - +Spd/-Atk

Hector - +Def/-HP

m!Corrin - +Spd/-Res

Nowi - +Res/-Def

Bunny Chrom - +HP/-Res

Bunny Camilla - +Res/-HP

Gordin - +Def/-HP (destined to be sacrificed to Setsuna oop)

Lukas - +Res/-HP

Sanaki - +Res/-HP

Maria (don't know her nature)

Roy I only wanna promote and improve because I like his character, but I'm fully aware that I already have plenty of Swords so it's best to hold off for now

I have some Frederick's and a Catria for Luna, but they're only 3 stars so I'd have to spend 2,000 on them first. Life and Death is a no, unless I boost one of my Zephiel's to use as fodder

My motivation to use f!Robin is to have some sort of good green mage. I have Spring Camilla but her nature isn't great and I'd need to make a flier team to use her well, and I'm not particularly interested in that. I know she'll be costly to build but I already expect that, especially since I want to make her +3, lol.

m!Robin I don't want to promote now, despite it being a good idea, because I might end up pulling a 5 Star from the mage banner and it'll end up being a waste.

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Nobody answered my previous question so i decided to repost my question

So decided to run a horse team of gunter, cecilia, ursula, xander. Will switch out gunter for Camus in the future. But my problem now is what C ability i should be giving to my units with considerations of when Camus is released. I was originally thinking of giving both frontliners hone and the mages fortify but then I've read that some suggest one mage fortify and the other w hone. Same goes with the frontliners. This way everyone gets hone/fortify buffs. Right now I have fortify on Ursula. Should I give Xander fortify and cecilia hone? Then once Camus is released switch out gunter and pass him the hone or is my first idea the better option? Also is it better to have at least one ward in there or is it not necessary?

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@ILikeKirbys, it looks like a good team save for the lack of a bonus unit, if you're planning to do arena runs.

If there isn't anyone else you can use in the next rotation besides Xander, you will have to feather him if you want a good score, lest you run around with a 4* unit. Xander by himself is pretty great though, and would still be worth the investment even if he wasn't a bonus.

However, fitting him into your composition will be a bit trickier, though I'm inclined to replace either Nino or Eirika with him--most likely the former. Blade Emblem might have to wait another season.

As for individual units...



Nino has a hard time making use of Defiant Atk because of her frailty, though +14 Atk is pretty explosive. However, Vantage doesn't mesh well with it because she can't counter at two ranges, nor can she be expected to OHKO with just the defiant buff alone. Since you're running a Dancer, it would make more sense to make Nino more player-phase oriented with Desperation, instead.

Overall, I'd recommend Fury or LaD 3 and Desperation, optimally speaking, but if you're set on using Defiant then take Desperation, at a minimum.



Eirika's Sieglinde buff overlaps with Nino's Defiant Atk, so she will still have +14 Atk rather than +20. Otherwise, she's great as is.



Ninian also fits well here, though do look into maxing out her Fortify Def since she only has up to 2 by default. One minor tweak would be replacing Light Breath with Dark Breath (doesn't have to be +) and adding Triangle Adept as her A skill. It gives her an easier time blunting Falchion hits and can function as an emergency check to reds in general.



Since you already have a way of buffing Nino's Def for -Blade, I'd recommend giving him another assist instead, like Draw Back. Replacing Glacies with Iceberg also gives him a proc every other round of combat rather than every third round, which is relevant with a Dancer. What red mages do you have trouble with that you need to carry R Tomebreaker? He checks them well enough without it already. Since Eirika has Swordbreaker already, I'm more inclined to give him either the same one or a utility B skill like Wings of Mercy.

Hope this helped.

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3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Is it just me, or is the icon for the Skill Escape Route a tad...suggestive?

Very much so.

Maybe the guy leaning out is rushing to an appointment? The world may never know.


I mean when you go in you need a plan to get out, don't you? On the battlefield, I mean


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4 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Very much so.

Maybe the guy leaning out is rushing to an appointment? The world may never know.

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I mean when you go in you need a plan to get out, don't you? On the battlefield, I mean


Who is escaping, then one bending over, or the one standing erect?

3 minutes ago, SaMaster14 said:

I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but what are the best skill inheritances for Ryoma (either as a B skill, or to replace his A or C skill)?


Vantage works pretty well on him, it seems 90% of the Ryomas I see in Arena have it.  Fury is nice for A, since it also helps trigger Vantage, but Vanilla +Attack or Speed.  C skills, as always, depend on your team.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:


Vantage works pretty well on him, it seems 90% of the Ryomas I see in Arena have it.  Fury is nice for A, since it also helps trigger Vantage, but Vanilla +Attack or Speed.  C skills, as always, depend on your team.

Thanks! I'll try to get him vantage!

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5 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Who is escaping, then one bending over, or the one standing erect?

Well, if you're standing still and stiff as a straitjacket you wouldn't strike me as wanting to be heading someplace else.

I'd say the one bending over, poised to run like some slow-motion effect in an early 2000's film.


What even was this question anyway? Lol


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@MrSmokestack That'll help quite a bit, yeah.

I'm not too worried about the Arena for this team, I want to run it for story chapters, and because I generally just want to make a Nino team because I meant to do that back in March and never got around to it.

On Nino:
I've already got Defiant ATK on her, and no Life and Death 3 units, so I'm gonna stick with that for now. Vantage was there so Nino could finish off foes she couldn't quite beat on her turn, but I'll run Desperation instead since yeah Vantage isn't gonna be that good for her.
As for how Nino's gonna get into Defiant range, I'll just have her tank against a mage, which should get her there. I'd give her Reciprocal Aid or Ardent Sacrifice, but there's about one person on this team who should be getting hit, so that wouldn't work.

On Eirika:
Yeah, I'm aware of the Seiglinde ATK buff overlapping, but it's still good before Nino hits Defiant range.

On Ninian: 
Alright, I'll start by getting Fortify DEF 3 on her (she already inherited it, she just needs to get the SP), and then she'll get Triangle Adept 2 (not 3, I don't have a Roy I can burn). Dark Breath might not happen for a while, but I'll keep it in mind.

On Klein:
Alright, I can burn one of my spare Ninos to give Klein Draw Back, and I'll toss Wings on him too. Glad this was a good choice, I wasn't 100% on this one.

On Vantage:
Is there anyone who wants to run Vantage with a -blade tome? Off the top of my head I'd guess maybe Cecilia or Ursula?

Finally, on Xander:
As I said above, I'm kind of on the fence about promoting him. On the one hand, Distant Counter sword is pretty cool, and I have a Horse Emblem team that I can run him on (Reinhardt/Stahl-with-Hone-Cavs/Frederick-with-Fortify-Cavs), but on the other hand, I can't figure out what to give him beyond Quick Riposte and maybe Hone Cavalry (which Stahl already has, so maybe that wouldn't be the best call). I think giving him DEF +3 would be good so he can tank better (40 DEF is good for tanking, yeah? And Fury wouldn't benefit Xander all that much, since his SPD and especially RES aren't gonna be salvaged by a 3-point boost, so it wouldn't be worth the 6 self-damage IMO, so DEF +3 is the best thing I think), and Bonfire (20 extra damage every few attacks), and maybe the HP +3 Seal (to make QR2 last a bit longer), but I'm not sure this would work all that well on regular Xander.

Thanks, mate!

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