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Skill Inheritance is at its worst at the very beginning, but it gradually gets easier to build effective sets for more units as time goes on. You work your way up, and if you're F2P you'll just be waiting longer to achieve similar results compared to the person that buys orbs.

For acquiring the necessary fodder, you can either do full summoning sessions if you're missing fodder in several colors and want to save orbs, or summon only one particular color to get the fodder you want. The latter is of course more expensive and better done once you have a sizeable roster.

If you want one specific color to summon from, I strongly recommend blue. It offers a wealth of skills for all slots including Draw Back, Swordbreaker, Draconic Aura, Hone Atk, Moonbow, and Desperation. A close second would easily be red for its access to Triangle Adept, Reposition, Pivot, Fury, and Vantage. Green and colorless don't offer anything unique other than Bowbreaker, Death Blow, or Gronnblade if you're preparing Horse Emblem.


For grinding SP, don't rush your units to Lv. 40; instead, have them run through stratums listed as being up to 5 levels lower than the unit you're training. By constantly doing underleveled stratums, your unit can rack up to 1,000 SP or so by level 40, and perhaps even more if you repeat the process by promoting them to their next rarity. Having a Dancer and a Rehabilitate / Pain healer as well as a unit to offer buffs makes going through stratums quickly less of a hassle.

Hope this helps.

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Has anyone tried using an emulator after getting the 1.5 update? I've attempted to play with both Bluestacks and Nox and can't even get to the title screen on either one.

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

Has anyone tried using an emulator after getting the 1.5 update? I've attempted to play with both Bluestacks and Nox and can't even get to the title screen on either one.

Just finished playing FEH on Nox and it is working nicely, so.... weird.

3 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:


Skill Inheritance is at its worst at the very beginning, but it gradually gets easier to build effective sets for more units as time goes on. You work your way up, and if you're F2P you'll just be waiting longer to achieve similar results compared to the person that buys orbs.

For acquiring the necessary fodder, you can either do full summoning sessions if you're missing fodder in several colors and want to save orbs, or summon only one particular color to get the fodder you want. The latter is of course more expensive and better done once you have a sizeable roster.

If you want one specific color to summon from, I strongly recommend blue. It offers a wealth of skills for all slots including Draw Back, Swordbreaker, Draconic Aura, Hone Atk, Moonbow, and Desperation. A close second would easily be red for its access to Triangle Adept, Reposition, Pivot, Fury, and Vantage. Green and colorless don't offer anything unique other than Bowbreaker, Death Blow, or Gronnblade if you're preparing Horse Emblem.


For grinding SP, don't rush your units to Lv. 40; instead, have them run through stratums listed as being up to 5 levels lower than the unit you're training. By constantly doing underleveled stratums, your unit can rack up to 1,000 SP or so by level 40, and perhaps even more if you repeat the process by promoting them to their next rarity. Having a Dancer and a Rehabilitate / Pain healer as well as a unit to offer buffs makes going through stratums quickly less of a hassle.

Hope this helps.

I actually have a lot of units, but it is hard getting enough Hero Feathers. I'd spend 10K (or was it 20K?) to evolve them to 5*, which is where most level 3 skills are at, and it requires a lot of sacrifice to evolve one unit, let alone all the necessary units for an efficient Skill Inheritance. For some units, it is simple (for example, I want Mae to inherit Death Blow 3, I have a spare Effie to evolve then sacrifice and my Mae is just level 23, so it is possible that she'll have enough SP for that and more late on), but in most cases there are three or more ideal skills to inherit and at least two essential skills.

Didn't know about the SP trick, I'll do that from here on. I have a Ninian and an Olivia that has yet to learn Dance, but I can handle it.

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2 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

Who else do you have that you can promote? Olivia is a solid 5* candidate even if she can already put in work as a 3*.

Olivia 4*+10 is much more economical than Olivia 5*+5 though. I think it is best that Olivia stays at 4* unless the player can afford to make her 5*+5. Olivia 4*+10 is also much better than regular Olivia 5*.

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@Rapier From my experience, I have only promoted two units so far to 5* to use as skill fodder: a Gordin and Hana for Brave Bow+ and LaD 3 on Bride Cordelia.

Aside from getting + Weapon skills or LaD 3 I generally wait for 3 or 4* units with complete skill chains, of which there are many. Death Blow 3 can be inherited from a 4* Klein which would make promoting Effie unecessary. I wasn't sure if you knew that specific bit but I wanted to state it just to be on the safe side.

2k feathers for a 4* promotion is pretty cheap, though the cost does add up if you're doing full SI sets. This is where prioritizing certain skills over others matter more; a Nino with Desperation but no Fury plays very differently from a Nino with Fury but no Desperation.

If you're just looking to build an effective team for Arena every week, you can also dump all your SI onto just one or two units and pack a Dancer with Hone Atk and a bonus unit alongside them, which offers some semblance of feather income for early on. I know when I first started playing I had to lean heavily on a carry unit + their dancer for a very long time until I had the fodder to build up other units to produce more stable compositions.

@XRay I was asking for clarification rather than making a straight recommendation for a 5* Olivia.

Edited by MrSmokestack
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38 minutes ago, Othin said:

Has anyone tried using an emulator after getting the 1.5 update? I've attempted to play with both Bluestacks and Nox and can't even get to the title screen on either one.

I use Nox exclusively, and it's not working for me either. I've heard of others having the same problem... sounds like they might have added some sort of security to the new update, and it's keeping people on non-vanilla devices from playing. I think there's a program that helps with that on modified phones, but it's not compatible with emulators and I don't know of anything that is.

Seems like we'll have to just wait and hope someone comes up with a workaround. Though...

34 minutes ago, Rapier said:

Just finished playing FEH on Nox and it is working nicely, so.... weird.

If you're able to play on Nox, that's a good sign. Can you think of why it might be working for you? Are you using a different version of the emulator or anything?

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7 minutes ago, Silent shifter said:

I have a question, is lancebreaker2 and death blow2 worth it on Reinhardt or wait till I have the 3rd level skills? Thank you.

Death Blow is better than no Death Blow. It's a matter of how often you get Death Blow fodder and if you're willing to spend the feathers for another level.

Lancebreaker 2, on the other hand, it perfectly usable (as is Lancebreaker 1). Standard Reinhardt doesn't want to be taking damage anyways, so it's not like Lancebreaker will ever deactivate unless you screw up. Getting Lancebreaker 3 is more for arena score than anything else (or if you're OCD about having all max-level skills).

Edited by Ice Dragon
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7 hours ago, Lushen said:

No.  From what I hear, Olivia is just as good as a 4* as she is a 5*.  In addition, you can +10 her as a 4* pretty easily, which would technically be better.  Additionally, she is not the best dancer in the world, so you can just use her as a 4* until you pull Azura or a better dancer that comes in the near future.


7 hours ago, XRay said:

Unless you are a whale, do not promote her. She is pretty easy to get to 4*+10, and 4*+10 is the about the same as 5*+5. She is also the only Dancer who can take down Hector, but you do not need to give her 5* for that.

Wow, that saves a lot of feathers , thx for the answer guys. :D

I really got to respond faster

6 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

Who else do you have that you can promote? Olivia is a solid 5* candidate even if she can already put in work as a 3*.

Sorry should have clarify on this. I already have Water Dancing Waifu Azura already, I was planning to save my feathers for Cordelia or Effie.

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I've been pulling from the TT banner to get a unit for the bonus. I was hoping for a Boey (fits better into the team i run.) I got Faye ( no green orbs and first pull) she is +Def/- Res is there a decent build I can put on her to make her useful. Don't want to go all out as probably the only time I'll use her but I have tons of fodder. Truthfully she's terrible imo and I have a Quadelia I normally run. 

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4 minutes ago, Sleypnyr said:

I've been pulling from the TT banner to get a unit for the bonus. I was hoping for a Boey (fits better into the team i run.) I got Faye ( no green orbs and first pull) she is +Def/- Res is there a decent build I can put on her to make her useful. Don't want to go all out as probably the only time I'll use her but I have tons of fodder. Truthfully she's terrible imo and I have a Quadelia I normally run. 

Since she has fire sweep some people like to give her Poison Strike for chip damage, especially since she won't be killing/doubling too much with that speed. The most typical A slot is death blow, since she will only deal damage on player phase anyway from Firesweep. You can try Def +3 to give her extra mage tankiness on top of that +Def nature in case you need her to take an emergency hit. Some people also like seal skills, as well as threaten defense/speed too. Draw back is a good assist, but everyone knows that reposition is broken on anyone ;)

For the special you can just keep sol, but The best way to go is either Bonfire or Luna. 


You can probably just skate by with her default set and death blow 2 from a Hawkeye or something!

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9 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Since she has fire sweep some people like to give her Poison Strike for chip damage, especially since she won't be killing/doubling too much with that speed. The most typical A slot is death blow, since she will only deal damage on player phase anyway from Firesweep. You can try Def +3 to give her extra mage tankiness on top of that +Def nature in case you need her to take an emergency hit. Some people also like seal skills, as well as threaten defense/speed too. Draw back is a good assist, but everyone knows that reposition is broken on anyone ;)

For the special you can just keep sol, but The best way to go is either Bonfire or Luna. 


You can probably just skate by with her default set and death blow 2 from a Hawkeye or something!

Alright maybe I'll give her blue tomebreaker as well just to smooth out any issue. My last team was Reinhardt/Xander/Olwen and they did all the work. My Tharja only existed to really kill Veronica but Xander can do that also. 

Edited by Sleypnyr
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1 hour ago, Rinco said:

Skillwise, what should I go with for a +Atk/-Def Summer Gaius?

A slot wants Fury or Life and Death

B slot wants Desperation, or Renewal to keep him at full HP for his bow

C slot is whatever hone or spur skill you need, though you can keep Defense ploy!

Special can be Iceberg if you go fury, or Luna if you go Life and Death

Assist is flexible!

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Since I already have B!Cordelia with L&D/Desperation, I think I'll go with Fury+Renewal. 

I only have 1 Fae, tho. Don't know if I should use her as fodder (never trained or used her). I'll have to check if I have Fury2 fodder (no Hinata for Fury3).


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Query: I want to promote a male Robin to 5*. 

The one I currently have is +Spd -Res. 

I think these are the best boons and banes for him, but can anyone confirm? Would he be better off with +Atk or is +Spd truly the best? I plan to make him a check for colourless, particularly bows, and he already has bowbreaker. 

Edit: He just slaughtered some more colourless for me in one of the new modes, so I went ahead and promoted him ^.^

Edited by Cute Chao
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So 1.5 just came out and I cant seem to update my game, i've tried reinstalling it, restarting my phone, restarting the app, etc, but nothing seems to work. (I've tried basically everything but clear cache, and trying to manually update it from the app store but it just says 'Open', not 'Update') Is anyone else having this problem, or have a solution?


(Problem solved, nevermind)

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1 hour ago, Cute Chao said:

Query: I want to promote a male Robin to 5*. 

The one I currently have is +Spd -Res. 

I think these are the best boons and banes for him, but can anyone confirm? Would he be better off with +Atk or is +Spd truly the best? I plan to make him a check for colourless, particularly bows, and he already has bowbreaker. 

Edit: He just slaughtered some more colourless for me in one of the new modes, so I went ahead and promoted him ^.^

+Atk is better because even after his speed is increased from +Spd, he still doesn't double much.


Welcome to Male Robin club! He was my second 5 star actually heh Glad to know he puts in work for other people too!


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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

+Atk is better because even after his speed is increased from +Spd, he still doesn't double much.


Welcome to Male Robin club! He was my second 5 star actually heh Glad to know he puts in work for other people too!


To be fair, the only +Atk I have is -Spd, and I wasn't entirely happy with that xD But I am a bit sentimental, too, and this Robin has done a lot for me, so I'd've struggled to get rid of him ^.^

Woooo :D I've wanted to promote him for a long time. It was a toss up between him and Alfonse, but then Tobin was revealed to be a sword unit, so I thought I'd do Robin first and get Alfonse up to speed next :) 

Funnily, Gwendolyn was my first 5* 'cos at the time, I didn't have any armours other than her and three Draugs. A random Sheena came along to help me complete the original armours quest, and then Hector came along before it became a monthly thing. Not sure I'd've bothered for one orb if he hadn't xD 

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5 hours ago, Rinco said:

Skillwise, what should I go with for a +Atk/-Def Summer Gaius?

Brave Bow, Luna, Life and Death, Swordbreaker/Desperation

Edit: Woops your question got answered already.

Edited by XRay
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For someone who doesn't care too much about making one super optimal team; Would it be alright to avoid using 5-stars for skill fodder?

I know it's not the most optimal way, but i prefer to have a large pool of characters that are all functional, which won't be happening any time soon if i keep trying to down all my feathers promoting fodder to 5-star just for one skill. But i want to make sure i can still deal with lunatic difficulty missions and all the new modes introduced.

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For someone who doesn't care too much about making one super optimal team; Would it be alright to avoid using 5-stars for skill fodder?

I know it's not the most optimal way, but i prefer to have a large pool of characters that are all functional, which won't be happening any time soon if i keep trying to down all my feathers promoting fodder to 5-star just for one skill. But i want to make sure i can still deal with lunatic difficulty missions and all the new modes introduced.

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For someone who doesn't care too much about making one super optimal team; Would it be alright to avoid using 5-stars for skill fodder?

I know it's not the most optimal way, but i prefer to have a large pool of characters that are all functional, which won't be happening any time soon if i keep trying to down all my feathers promoting fodder to 5-star just for one skill... I want to make sure i can still deal with lunatic difficulty missions and all the new modes introduced, though.


Oops, triple posted...

Edited by Allergic_to_Farming
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3 minutes ago, Allergic_to_Farming said:

For someone who doesn't care too much about making one super optimal team; Would it be alright to avoid using 5-stars for skill fodder?

I know it's not the most optimal way, but i prefer to have a large pool of characters that are all functional, which won't be happening any time soon if i keep trying to down all my feathers promoting fodder to 5-star just for one skill... I want to make sure i can still deal with lunatic difficulty missions and all the new modes introduced, though.


Oops, triple posted...

So far, I haven't used any 5* for skill fodder. I will upgrade to 4* but not 5* yet. My plan is to use any useful duplicate 5*'s, if I get them, since I'd rather gain a pool of characters rather than focus on one or two amazing ones... 

I wouldn't say I have the easiest time with things, but it's perfectly doable, imo. So far, I've completed all but the chain maps (this is more a stamina thing and wanting to train characters up for TT than anything else, though), and I got over 100k on the TT (mostly thanks to Reinhardt and Xander). 

I have completed Infernal modes for both GHBs, although that was by watching other people and adjusting my strategy accordingly. I don't mind this, since I know I'm not very good at tactics. I just like to play tactical games anyway xD 

Hope this helps a bit :) 

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