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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Looks great! I would give her Bonfire though for more damage.

You might want to consider [Escutcheon, Life and Death/Swift Sparrow, Attack +3/Speed +3], similar to Cordelia's set, as Death Blow does not give her enough Spd for reliable Desperation activation.

I would go with [Escutcheon, Desperation, Attack +3].

I would go with [Blárblade, Moonbow/Glimmer, Swift Sparrow/Fury/Life and Death, Desperation, Speed +3].

Thanks for the advice!

One thing though: My flyers all have goad flyer (don't have other buffs for them to inherit), so there won't be any boosts to power up BlarBlade. Are there other good sets for her?

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2 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

One thing though: My flyers all have goad flyer (don't have other buffs for them to inherit), so there won't be any boosts to power up BlarBlade. Are there other good sets for her?

Ah, totally forgot about that. In that case, you can just stick with Sealife Tome and give it Speed Refinement.

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For H!Jakob, +Res -Def or +HP -Def IVs? I'm using his default weapon (currently unrefined, but I'm open to suggestions for Def/Res refine) and Wary Fighter.

A skill is just a budget HP+5. Generally I use him on armor teams so he has Hone Armor. Iceberg is his special since his Res is always higher than his Def.

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This is my Severa, i've been trying to build a character to S support her and i would like some recomendations.

Since i am F2P, my non sword options are limited, the units i've been thinking about are :

- Virion +10

- Serra +6

- Cordelia +2

- Brave Lucina +0

But if you have any other sugestions, i would like the feedback.


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4 hours ago, Tragonight said:

For H!Jakob, +Res -Def or +HP -Def IVs? I'm using his default weapon (currently unrefined, but I'm open to suggestions for Def/Res refine) and Wary Fighter.

A skill is just a budget HP+5. Generally I use him on armor teams so he has Hone Armor. Iceberg is his special since his Res is always higher than his Def.

I am not a big fan of +HP since it does not really do anything outside specializing the unit for Panic Ploy. I would go for +Res. I would keep Bracing Blow on him since HP+5 does not really do anything unless you are using him as a Panic Ploy bot. Either Def or Res Refine is fine, although if he is not going to be facing a lot of melee units or archers, I would go with Res Refine.

Basically, unless you need a Panic Ploy bot, I would not recommend using +HP or HP +5.

3 hours ago, Lemmy said:

I've been thinking of building a dragon with Dark Breath, which unit could use the weapon best?

I could build a rough dragon team if needed/relevant.

I highly recommend pairing Distant Counter with Dark Breath and let enemies attack first. If you are trying to apply the debuffs on Player Phase, you run the risk of over extension into enemy range.

Since Dark Breath does not protect its user very much, I prefer a fast dragon to use it to so the dragon can avoid doubles.

2 hours ago, QuestionEmblem said:

This is my Severa, i've been trying to build a character to S support her and i would like some recomendations.

Since i am F2P, my non sword options are limited, the units i've been thinking about are :

- Virion +10

- Serra +6

- Cordelia +2

- Brave Lucina +0

But if you have any other sugestions, i would like the feedback.


If Selena is part of your permanent Arena team, I would pair her with another permanent Arena team teammate, so any of those units are fine if you use them in Arena.

If she is not used in Arena, Ally Support does not really matter, so you can just pair units however you want.

Also, if you are using her in Arena, I would give her Quick Riposte on either the B slot or Sacred Seal slot to guarantee that she doubles enemies and kills them on Enemy Phase. Not running Quick Riposte is asking for trouble from Vantage enemies and Wings of Mercy enemies.

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Which Cordelia should I promote? +ATK/-DEF, +ATK/-HP or +SPD/-DEF? I'm planning on giving her Firesweep + and unsure what to do regarding her B slot. Would Hit and Run be a decent option or should I give her sword breaker. 

I was considering replacing Nowi with Cordelia but not 100% sure. Micaiah can take over her task of tanking magic and dealing with red armor units. However, Nowi is more physically durable than the rest of my team which might be useful for maps with defensive tiles. 

My arena team is: Ceada +1, Micaiah, Ryoma +1 (Bonus Unit) and Cordelia/Nowi (pending). 

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22 minutes ago, Paris said:

Which Cordelia should I promote? +ATK/-DEF, +ATK/-HP or +SPD/-DEF? I'm planning on giving her Firesweep + and unsure what to do regarding her B slot. Would Hit and Run be a decent option or should I give her sword breaker. 

I was considering replacing Nowi with Cordelia but not 100% sure. Micaiah can take over her task of tanking magic and dealing with red armor units. However, Nowi is more physically durable than the rest of my team which might be useful for maps with defensive tiles. 

My arena team is: Ceada +1, Micaiah, Ryoma +1 (Bonus Unit) and Cordelia/Nowi (pending).

For Firesweep L, +Spd is generally better, although you may want to opt for +Atk if you have Hone Fliers. I recommend Hit and Run on the B slot if you are not running Dances/Singers, so it makes it easier for Cordelia's teammates to get her out of enemy range.

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35 minutes ago, Paris said:

Which Cordelia should I promote? +ATK/-DEF, +ATK/-HP or +SPD/-DEF? I'm planning on giving her Firesweep + and unsure what to do regarding her B slot. Would Hit and Run be a decent option or should I give her sword breaker. 

I was considering replacing Nowi with Cordelia but not 100% sure. Micaiah can take over her task of tanking magic and dealing with red armor units. However, Nowi is more physically durable than the rest of my team which might be useful for maps with defensive tiles. 

My arena team is: Ceada +1, Micaiah, Ryoma +1 (Bonus Unit) and Cordelia/Nowi (pending). 

Firesweep wants +spd, so that's an easy pick. Either B-skill works, I think it depends on whether you want to keep Galeforce or not. Galeforce wants Heavy Blade and Quickened Pulse for turn one activation, in which case you lose out on a good chunk of doubling potential from your A skill (Life and Death) and your seal. In that case, Swordbreaker might be more desirable than Hit and Run. Otherwise I'm thinking Life and Death, Hit and Run, Spd+3 with a regular special.

Alternatively, something like Chill Def or Chill Spd may be an option too, albeit an expensive one.

Nowi vs Cordelia is more of a subjective question since they play completely differently. Might depend on what offensive buffs you can offer Cordelia as she really wants Hone and/or Goads for full effectiveness, especially if you go with Galeforce.

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7 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Firesweep wants +spd, so that's an easy pick. Either B-skill works, I think it depends on whether you want to keep Galeforce or not. Galeforce wants Heavy Blade and Quickened Pulse for turn one activation, in which case you lose out on a good chunk of doubling potential from your A skill (Life and Death) and your seal. In that case, Swordbreaker might be more desirable than Hit and Run. Otherwise I'm thinking Life and Death, Hit and Run, Spd+3 with a regular special.

Alternatively, something like Chill Def or Chill Spd may be an option too, albeit an expensive one.

Nowi vs Cordelia is more of a subjective question since they play completely differently. Might depend on what offensive buffs you can offer Cordelia as she really wants Hone and/or Goads for full effectiveness, especially if you go with Galeforce.

Didn't think about Galeforce and its' cool down activation. Thanks for bringing that up though.  

9 minutes ago, XRay said:

For Firesweep L, +Spd is generally better, although you may want to opt for +Atk if you have Hone Fliers. I recommend Hit and Run on the B slot if you are not running Dances/Singers, so it makes it easier for Cordelia's teammates to get her out of enemy range.

That could work since I have Caeda who can reposition her without being limited by map structures. Thanks for the advice. 

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Question, I pulled an Olwen who was +atk -HP on the tempest banner before it disappeared and I'm using her over my old +spd -atk Olwen. I want to keep Dire Thunder on her, so my question is whether it would be better to give her life and death or death blow. 34 speed isn't going to double as much as 37 speed did, but is still respectable. On the other hand, with an attack+3 seal my Olwen would hit the same attack benchmark as my neutral attack Reinhardt, who still clears things out very well. Which one would be better for her?

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

Question, I pulled an Olwen who was +atk -HP on the tempest banner before it disappeared and I'm using her over my old +spd -atk Olwen. I want to keep Dire Thunder on her, so my question is whether it would be better to give her life and death or death blow. 34 speed isn't going to double as much as 37 speed did, but is still respectable. On the other hand, with an attack+3 seal my Olwen would hit the same attack benchmark as my neutral attack Reinhardt, who still clears things out very well. Which one would be better for her?

I would go for a quad attack build with Life and Death. Hone Cavalry is usually enough to give her the Spd she needs to quad, if not, you can give her Speed +3 Sacred Seal.

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22 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Elincia (+Spd, -Def):


Great, my Elincia is of the same nature! You could try Swift Sparrow (expensive) or LnD3 (available from 4* Sothe) like @XRay mentioned. But also Fury is good, because you are using her for general purposes and it might help her low DEF in some situations. Her native flier formation is also nice, but Desperation may be more useful in Tempest Trials and Chain challenges where she would stay on low health for a longer while. 

I run her with Galeforce, which is cool in TTs and Chain challenges, but it's perhaps a bit gimmicky (and expensive) compared to Luna. 

22 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Cordelia (+Atk, -Res):

Brave Lance

My Cordelia is +ATK/-HP and most of the time I run her with Slaying Lance+ (SPD refinement), Fury, Desperation/Wings of Mercy and Heavy Blade seal. This set lets her proc Galeforce on each turn when she doubles the opponent. Brave Lance is good, but it's -8 SPD compared to refined Slaying Lance and Elincia/Cherche already do the Brave-killing in your team. 

Firesweep Lance/LnD3/Hit'n'Run is another alternative, since you have two blue units on your team. This set, while effective, never appealed much to me though. 

22 hours ago, Bartozio said:

S!Corrin (+Spd, -Res)

Great nature (surpress envy)!

Blarblade+ is still the best tome for her, even if you don't have Hone Fliers on your team. Just give one of the other girls a Fortify Fliers (from 4* Caeda) and Hone ATK seal for +20 damage, or Fortify Fliers and Hone SPD seal for +16 damage and +4 SPD. Fury (budget), Swift Sparrow (expensive) or LnD3 on A, Desperation on B and Moonbow/Glimmer as her special. She might also appreciate Draw Back instead of Reposition, since you already have 3 times Reposition on your team. 


All in all a great team. I have two of them in my arena core (Cherche and Cordelia) and all three melees in my Galeforce roster for One-Turn clears of GHB/BHB/LHB maps. You'll have much fun with them!

Edited by mampfoid
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So now I get to pick between two Legendary Grimas. One is my original +HP/-DEF and the other is a +DEF/-RES. Losing 3 HP and 3 RES in comparison would really drop her magical dueling ability I would think. Not sure if the extra physical bulk is really superior, though since most archers seem to run Brave Bow the 7 addition defense would be applied twice. So physical bulk against them is a fair bit higher. In addition most of the flying units she would get pared up with have pretty solid res and so mage dueling may not be as needed. On the other hand any time she is on a mixed team she seems to end up as the mage counter. And she is rather shaky at that even without her res getting nuked by a bane. I am leaning towards the +DEF, but figured I would solicit other opinions.


Also what do folks think of H!Jakob's Guard Bow build? Mine is +ATK/-SPD, and I really want to go for a Bold + QR build. That just sounds like fun. Catch is I would need to wait until I get a chance to get a spare Hardin or Lissa. My current Hardin is a +DEF/-SPD and I REALLY don't want to sack him. Lissa is less optimal at +RES/-DEF, but I went and dumped a pretty feather on her and she has both Brave Axe+ and Deathblow 3.  Anyways point is he will sit on a bench for a while if I am waiting on Bold Fighter. Meanwhile I have a spare M!Grima just sitting around offering his Vengeful self up to anyone who is willing and I can't think of anyone who particularly wants it that sees anything resembling major use. Obviously with the rarity of these skills I don't want to put vengeful on him if I just supplant it with bold later. But I have never used a Guard Bow build before so I am not sure how useful they actually are.

13 hours ago, Tragonight said:

For H!Jakob, +Res -Def or +HP -Def IVs? I'm using his default weapon (currently unrefined, but I'm open to suggestions for Def/Res refine) and Wary Fighter.

A skill is just a budget HP+5. Generally I use him on armor teams so he has Hone Armor. Iceberg is his special since his Res is always higher than his Def.

I'll second XRay's +RES suggestion on both the boon and refine. As slow as he is HP is less useful than the defensive stats in my opinion.

@Bartozio As Mamphoid has stated fortify alone is more than enough to make her a menace and Caeda is a fair bit easier to get nowadays. However, even without that a hone atk and spd from seals would be enough to give her better performance than her default tome. That said XRay is right on the refine for her base tome. It is rare, but in the GHB's and such I have had at least one occasion where my +SPD Corrin is just not quite fast enough. I have actually Summoner supported her for that reason. So yeah, she has a need for speed!

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3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Great, my Elincia is of the same nature! You could try Swift Sparrow (expensive) or LnD3 (available from 4* Sothe) like @XRay mentioned. But also Fury is good, because you are using her for general purposes and it might help her low DEF in some situations. Her native flier formation is also nice, but Desperation may be more useful in Tempest Trials and Chain challenges where she would stay on low health for a longer while. 

I run her with Galeforce, which is cool in TTs and Chain challenges, but it's perhaps a bit gimmicky (and expensive) compared to Luna. 

My Cordelia is +ATK/-HP and most of the time I run her with Slaying Lance+ (SPD refinement), Fury, Desperation/Wings of Mercy and Heavy Blade seal. This set lets her proc Galeforce on each turn when she doubles the opponent. Brave Lance is good, but it's -8 SPD compared to refined Slaying Lance and Elincia/Cherche already do the Brave-killing in your team. 

Firesweep Lance/LnD3/Hit'n'Run is another alternative, since you have two blue units on your team. This set, while effective, never appealed much to me though. 

Great nature (surpress envy)!

Blarblade+ is still the best tome for her, even if you don't have Hone Fliers on your team. Just give one of the other girls a Fortify Fliers (from 4* Caeda) and Hone ATK seal for +20 damage, or Fortify Fliers and Hone SPD seal for +16 damage and +4 SPD. Fury (budget), Swift Sparrow (expensive) or LnD3 on A, Desperation on B and Moonbow/Glimmer as her special. She might also appreciate Draw Back instead of Reposition, since you already have 3 times Reposition on your team. 


All in all a great team. I have two of them in my arena core (Cherche and Cordelia) and all three melees in my Galeforce roster for One-Turn clears of GHB/BHB/LHB maps. You'll have much fun with them!

You make it sound like too much Brave killing is a bad thing.

The problem with running other boosts is that it'd be there solely for the Blade tome, since my other units would all prefer the goad boost. But yeah, thanks for the advice. I think I'll play around with Cordelia's weapon a bit then. You have given me much to think about!

@Usana thanks for the advice as well. I'll probably go with her default tome for now and see if I want to change it to a blade tome later.


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2 hours ago, Usana said:

So now I get to pick between two Legendary Grimas. One is my original +HP/-DEF and the other is a +DEF/-RES. Losing 3 HP and 3 RES in comparison would really drop her magical dueling ability I would think. Not sure if the extra physical bulk is really superior, though since most archers seem to run Brave Bow the 7 addition defense would be applied twice. So physical bulk against them is a fair bit higher. In addition most of the flying units she would get pared up with have pretty solid res and so mage dueling may not be as needed. On the other hand any time she is on a mixed team she seems to end up as the mage counter. And she is rather shaky at that even without her res getting nuked by a bane. I am leaning towards the +DEF, but figured I would solicit other opinions.

I would go with +Def unless she is part permanent mixed team, since you can always run a better mage counter on those teams.

2 hours ago, Usana said:

Also what do folks think of H!Jakob's Guard Bow build? Mine is +ATK/-SPD, and I really want to go for a Bold + QR build. That just sounds like fun. Catch is I would need to wait until I get a chance to get a spare Hardin or Lissa. My current Hardin is a +DEF/-SPD and I REALLY don't want to sack him. Lissa is less optimal at +RES/-DEF, but I went and dumped a pretty feather on her and she has both Brave Axe+ and Deathblow 3.  Anyways point is he will sit on a bench for a while if I am waiting on Bold Fighter. Meanwhile I have a spare M!Grima just sitting around offering his Vengeful self up to anyone who is willing and I can't think of anyone who particularly wants it that sees anything resembling major use. Obviously with the rarity of these skills I don't want to put vengeful on him if I just supplant it with bold later. But I have never used a Guard Bow build before so I am not sure how useful they actually are.

Sounds gimmicky, but it seems decent.

TOD!Jakob +Atk -Spd
Guard Bow [Atk], Moonbow
Attack +3, Bold Fighter
Quick Riposte
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase 180:15:50
Enemy Phase [Ranged Enemies] 85:10:10

TOD!Jakob +Atk -Spd
Guard Bow [Def], Moonbow
Close Counter, Bold Fighter
Quick Riposte
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase 144:17:84
Enemy Phase 112:88:45
Player Phase [Guard Bow [Atk]] 155:18:72
Enemy Phase [Guard Bow [Atk]] 111:100:34

I prefer [Firesweep Bow-Moonbow-Death Blow-Bold Fighter-Armor Boots] since he will never eat a counter, unlike other bows, so Armor Boots will always be up and running; he becomes sort of a Frankenstein of BB!Cordelia and Takumi.

TOD!Jakob +Atk -Spd
Firesweep Bow, Moonbow
Death Blow, Bold Fighter
Armor Boots
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase 205:0:40
Player Phase [Enemies +10] 172:0:73

For comparison:

TOD!Jakob +Atk -Spd
Brave Bow, Moonbow
Death Blow, Bold Fighter
Armor Boots
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase 236:1:8
Player Phase [Enemies +10] 231:3:11

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@XRay oops. I made it sound like I was thinking of putting guard and Bold together. Heh. Whoops. What I meant was the build I really wanted was basically the Brave or Fire one. But with no Bold Fighter currently available I am tempted to try the Vengeful fighter Guard bow variant. But I would hate to waste those rare skills and double them up on the same unit. So if I go Vengeful Jakob, Bold Jakob will never ever see the light of day. No matter how much I drool over him. As such I was wonder what folks think of standard Vengeful Guard bow Jakob to see if it is tempting enough to use him now rather than benching for who only knows how long until I get spare Bold Fighter. I probably should have just left it at that rather than embellishing upon it a long wall of text.

And thanks for confirming my leaning towards Defense for Legendary Grima. Even when I am leaning the right way I can be very indecisive without further input.


@Bartozio Oh yeah. I kinda forgot that the way your team was set wouldn't appreciate forts much. I was just thinking of the number of times the fort saved my bacon in Infernals and such. But my team tends to be quite a bit different(plus I am not the best player) and the fort would let them survive stuff they shouldn't have which made things easier for me. But the biggest reason I find it useful is probably because my Red is Nowi who also runs a blade so I get double use out an fort(or at least easier positioning since Corrin has fort as an option by default). Anyways too bad you don't have hone fodder. Your team probably wouldn't mind trading 1 goad for a hone.

I did miss mampfoid's mention of draw back. I want to second that. The number of times I have been messed up by having only repo is uggh. I like to have both Repo and draw back on units I use regularly. Just in case. Sometimes you need one. Sometimes you need the other. Repo is generally better if you aren't sure, but I personally run draw back on my Summer Corrin.

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15 minutes ago, Usana said:

oops. I made it sound like I was thinking of putting guard and Bold together. Heh. Whoops. What I meant was the build I really wanted was basically the Brave or Fire one. But with no Bold Fighter currently available I am tempted to try the Vengeful fighter Guard bow variant. But I would hate to waste those rare skills and double them up on the same unit. So if I go Vengeful Jakob, Bold Jakob will never ever see the light of day. No matter how much I drool over him. As such I was wonder what folks think of standard Vengeful Guard bow Jakob to see if it is tempting enough to use him now rather than benching for who only knows how long until I get spare Bold Fighter. I probably should have just left it at that rather than embellishing upon it a long wall of text.0123movies.sc: Watch movies online

You do not need Bold Fighter to make Brave Bow or Firesweep Bow work. Bold Fighter enhances those Weapons, but those Weapons are still pretty decent by itself.

TOD!Jakob +Atk -Spd
Firesweep Bow, Moonbow
Death Blow, Poison Strike
Armor Boots
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase 28:0:217
Player Phase [Dancer/Singer support] 216:0:29

TOD!Jakob +Atk -Spd
Brave Bow, Moonbow
Death Blow, Wary Fighter
Quickened Pulse
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase 159:3:83

For comparison:

Faye +Atk -Spd
Firesweep Bow, Moonbow
Death Blow, Poison Strike
Poison Strike
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase 18:0:227
Player Phase [Dancer/Singer support] 217:0:28

Klein +Atk -Def
Brave Bow, Moonbow
Death Bow, Swordbreaker
Quickened Pulse
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase 160:27:58

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1 hour ago, Usana said:


@Bartozio Oh yeah. I kinda forgot that the way your team was set wouldn't appreciate forts much. I was just thinking of the number of times the fort saved my bacon in Infernals and such. But my team tends to be quite a bit different(plus I am not the best player) and the fort would let them survive stuff they shouldn't have which made things easier for me. But the biggest reason I find it useful is probably because my Red is Nowi who also runs a blade so I get double use out an fort(or at least easier positioning since Corrin has fort as an option by default). Anyways too bad you don't have hone fodder. Your team probably wouldn't mind trading 1 goad for a hone.

I did miss mampfoid's mention of draw back. I want to second that. The number of times I have been messed up by having only repo is uggh. I like to have both Repo and draw back on units I use regularly. Just in case. Sometimes you need one. Sometimes you need the other. Repo is generally better if you aren't sure, but I personally run draw back on my Summer Corrin.

Believe me, I'd kill for some Hone Flyer fodder. Some thing are just not meant to be it seems...

And yeah, I'll probably give Corrin draw back. Thanks for the input.

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1 hour ago, Usana said:

I did miss mampfoid's mention of draw back. I want to second that. The number of times I have been messed up by having only repo is uggh. I like to have both Repo and draw back on units I use regularly. Just in case. Sometimes you need one. Sometimes you need the other. Repo is generally better if you aren't sure, but I personally run draw back on my Summer Corrin.

I try to give Reposition to all melee Cavs and Fliers. Ranged Cavs and Fliers get Draw Back. If I have more than two ranged units in one team, the third gets another skill (Reposition). 

(Infantry and Armors are another thing.)

2 hours ago, Bartozio said:

You make it sound like too much Brave killing is a bad thing.

Not at all, but having only Player Phase units on a mixed purpose team could be problematic in some cases. 

2 hours ago, Bartozio said:

The problem with running other boosts is that it'd be there solely for the Blade tome, since my other units would all prefer the goad boost.

You could give Fortify to Elincia, she is the weakest Defense-wise. Cordelia with Slaying Lance and Fury profits also from Fortify, she can have 1-2 good Enemy Phases. 

Cherche can run different skills in her B-Slot. She has good physical bulk and her ATK is high enough to deal good damage also with Brave Axe on Enemy Phase, which means QR2 can be handy from time to time. With 2-3 Desperation units in her team also WoM would proc often enough though. 

The problem with Corrins native sealife tome+ is that it has only 12 mt and also the refinement adds only 1 mt or 2 SPD. The tome effect seems to have good synergy with the other Goads, but in the end its buff adds nearly nothing to your team performance.

Blárblade+ has 13 Mt and would already profit much from Hone SPD and Hone ATK given by seals, if you decide to run 4 Goads. 

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@Bartozio You've got a good flier team base there. I'd suggest Hone Atk 3/Hone Spd 3 from seals to stand in for Hone Fliers support so Corrin can still run Blarblade. I did that for quite a while and it worked just fine. I'd also say it's worth dropping a goad for Fortify Fliers on somebody to further buff her as well. It won't be useless to the rest of your team either, since most of them are pretty squishy and would appreciate help taking a hit in some cases. Either way, the trade off for supporting Corrin's nuke power should be well worth it.

Even if you don't have Fortify Fliers available to fodder, I'd still recommend the Hone Spd/Atk to pair with her, as it'll still probably be better than just rolling with her rather weak fishy book. She'll have much less damage potential and the +1/1 extra goad is negligible.

If Cordelia will be your only flier with Galeforce I'd give her the Heavy Blade seal. Galeforce memes can be godlike in GHB content. With +atk I personally keep her with Brave Lance since she safely punches a hole in most things that way with occasional quads, but you can still pull off Slaying Lance/Firesweep builds well if you'd like. There's benefits to consider from the other weapons, but since this sounds like just a side team PvE stuff, I don't think you need to bother changing weapons unless you'd really prefer those options.

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Anyone have any advice on which Summer Tiki to keep?

I managed to get 2 a while back on a legendary banner, which I was really happy about since i've wanted to do a Camilla build with Melon Crusher for a while.


One is +Spd -Res, the other is +Res -HP.

I assumed the Spd one was the better of the 2 at first, but now that i'm looking closer im almost thinking the +Res -HP one is the way to go.


Any advice on who to keep and who to fodder?

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