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9 minutes ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Going to be using a themed defense team of M!Grima, B!Tharja, F!Morgan, and Noire. Who should get Atk Tactic?

I would choose M!Grima as he have more than enough Atk to kill something while the rest of your team are ranged units who need every Atk point to take enemy down reliably.

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2 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

And what about for general usage (mainly PvE or Arena and fighting both physical and magical attackers)?

If you want to use her like Ryoma, she should go with [+Spd, -Res]. I personally prefer Wrath-Quick Riposte for more kills, but Quick Riposte-Speed +3 gives Fir a lot less deaths, so that might be a build you want to consider if that suits your play style more.

Fir +Spd, -Res
Nameless Blade, Luna
Distant Counter, Wrath
Quick Riposte
Enemy Phase 154:60:49

Fir +Spd, -Res
Nameless Blade, Luna
Distant Counter, Quick Riposte
Speed +3
Enemy Phase 133:30:100


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11 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Is it the same for Caeda? +Atk for lower merges, +Spd for higher merges? Or are the greens less speedy in general than the reds, and thus +Spd would be excessive?

For reference, I'm running these builds:

+10 Caeda [+Atk/Spd, -Def] (Wing Sword [unique], Iceberg, Swift Sparrow 2, Atk Ploy 3, Attack +3/Speed +3) +6/6/0/0
+10 Clair [+Atk/Spd, -Def] (Rhomphaia [unique], Iceberg, Swift Sparrow 2, Atk Ploy 3, Attack +3/Speed +3) +6/6/0/0

against Arcticsilverfox's Hard List with mass adjustment of +10 merge and +3/3/3/3 buffs.

Caeda prefers to stack Atk (+Atk, Attack +3, Def Ploy 3) as much as possible as long as she still has one stack of Spd (+Spd, Speed +3, Spd Ploy 3, Robin Blessing). That's mostly because greens are slow and bulky and reds are designed to one-hit kill on the first counterattack. Atk Ploy 3 stays there even if she has Fortify Fliers up. Note that I'm counting Hone Fliers buffs as a permanent fixture to the build; it doesn't count as a stack of Atk or Spd.

Clair is complicated. As best as I can tell, she wants one Def boost (either Fortify Fliers buffs or Atk Ploy 3, but not both), then two stacks of Spd (Spd Ploy 3 counts as two), then one stack of Atk, then another stack of Spd, then the rest into Atk. Or something like that. And that might not be 100% accurate because it's complicated and depends on the opponents' buffs and whatnot (e.g. if the opponent doesn't have a +3 Spd buff, that counts as a stack of Spd for you).


In other words, you can't really go wrong with +Atk or +Spd on either of them. Caeda has a slight edge with +Atk. Clair has a slight edge with +Spd (since that's the stat you want to stack first) unless you can get a mountain of buffs and Ploys on her to the point where additional Spd doesn't help.

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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:


Does this effect Julius in anyway at all? Or when the text says dragon it's just breath units?

Julius will take this debuff. Every unit except Breath weapon units will take this debuff.

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4 hours ago, Lushen said:

This build assumes firesweep will come in the future.

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Bonfire, Luna, Aether, or Galeforce?

For performance, I would go with the following

+Atk/Spd, -Res
Firesweep A
Life and Death
Hit and Run/Chill Def/Chill Spd/Poison Strike
Attack +3/Speed +3/Poison Strike

For scoring, I would give him something like this:

+Atk/Spd, -Res
Firesweep A
Swift Sparrow
Chill Def/Chill Spd/Poison Strike
Heavy Blade/Poison Strike

I personally prefer Moonbow/Luna on Firesweep users. Between Luna and Bonfire, I prefer Luna since it scales well against high Def enemies. If you need scoring optimization, I lean towards Aether over Galeforce for the same reason, since there may be occasions where you need him to crack a Def tank.

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11 minutes ago, XRay said:

I personally prefer Moonbow/Luna on Firesweep users.

Is there a benefit to using Moonbow at all if you aren't running Heavy Blade? Both activate on the second round of combat, and a map should ideally be over after that.

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5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Is there a benefit to using Moonbow at all if you aren't running Heavy Blade? Both activate on the second round of combat, and a map should ideally be over after that.

Depends on team setup. If the Firesweep user is the only nuke, then I prefer Moonbow for more frequent activation.

So for example, if a team consists of WOF!Hinoka, HNY!Azura, and an armor unit, I would prefer WOF!Hinoka running Moonbow over Luna so she can activate it on the third round of combat. If the team composition is WOF!Hinoka, HNY!Azura, and SA!Tana, then I would go with Luna on WOF!Hinoka since SA!Tana is going to help out a lot, so WOF!Hinoka probably is not going to see her third round of combat.

While battles should ideally be over as soon as possible, depending on the map and enemy Assists, a Player Phase team may take four or more turns waiting for the enemy to inch itself forward.

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Since I’ve recently got Summer Tana (+Atk/-Def) and Summer Corrin (+Hp/-Atk), I want to make a flying blade tome team for PvE (althought I’ll be missing a gronnblade user). I’ll pair them with NY!Azura for obvious reasons, but who should I put as the fourth member? I’ve thought about F!Grima, since that would help colour balance and she can hit at 1-2 range. 


My other issue is then, who to give my spare copy of Hone Fliers. Since Summer Corrin comes with Fortify Fliers, she’s out of the equation. I could give it to Summer Tana, but if I remember correctly, she has Rally Atk/Spd in her base kit, so Fortify Fliers could be a better option. And I use F!Grima in mixed teams too, so I’m not sure if I should give her Hone Fliers...any ideas?

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13 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

 I’ll pair them with NY!Azura for obvious reasons, but who should I put as the fourth member? I’ve thought about F!Grima, since that would help colour balance and she can hit at 1-2 range. 

F!Grima is a good choice, she can deal with arrows at least.


17 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

My other issue is then, who to give my spare copy of Hone Fliers. Since Summer Corrin comes with Fortify Fliers, she’s out of the equation. I could give it to Summer Tana, but if I remember correctly, she has Rally Atk/Spd in her base kit, so Fortify Fliers could be a better option. And I use F!Grima in mixed teams too, so I’m not sure if I should give her Hone Fliers...any ideas?

This is depending on what formation before attacking you want them to be. If you want to pressure your enemies, you want to lead with S! Tana and S! Corrin in front line. Azura and F!Grima will be behind.

Supposed that, you give Hone Fliers to S! Tana. S!Corrin gain Hone from Tana. S! Tana gain hone from Azura at behind and gain Fortify from Corrin. See below

Tana>>> l H l l F l <<< Corrin

Azura>> l H l l F l <<< Grima

This formation would be ideal, eveyone gain all buffs and ready to destroy things.


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3 minutes ago, Ginko said:


F!Grima is a good choice, she can deal with arrows at least.


This is depending on what formation before attacking you want them to be. If you want to pressure your enemies, you want to lead with S! Tana and S! Corrin in front line. Azura and F!Grima will be behind.

Supposed that, you give Hone Fliers to S! Tana. S!Corrin gain Hone from Tana. S! Tana gain hone from Azura at behind and gain Fortify from Corrin. See below

Tana>>> l H l l F l <<< Corrin

Azura>> l H l l F l <<< Grima

This formation would be ideal, eveyone gain all buffs and ready to destroy things.


It’s more or less what I’d thought, but I wanted to ask first.


Also, what could I put in Summer Corrin’s B slot? I’m not sure if she’s fast enough to run desperation

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12 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

It’s more or less what I’d thought, but I wanted to ask first.


Also, what could I put in Summer Corrin’s B slot? I’m not sure if she’s fast enough to run desperation

Oh, she is -Spd. Let's see...

I think any breakers skill of your choice can be useful. Wing of Mercy to surprise things. Depend on what role you want her to serve. Vantage? anything possible, man.

B.tomebreaker might be good, so she always win the faster blue mage she duel.

Lancebreaker nuke Effie if she can tank her first hit, also win faster lance fliers.

Edited by Ginko
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@Javi Blizz I agree with @Ginko, give Hone Fliers to Tana. Movement assists are superior to Rallys, especially on fliers. Draw Back or Reposition would be good. 

Since Corrin is not -SPD, she is definitely fast enough for Desperation. Especially on PvE content and with Flier buffs. 

Robin seems like a good addition, but if you are low on Caedas I would wait to give her Fortify Fliers. On some maps physical damage is more helpful and perhaps they'll release a flying healer in the future. Cordelia, Tana, Shigure (offensive build), Bow!Hinoka or Elincia would be good candidates too. 

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17 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Javi Blizz I agree with @Ginko, give Hone Fliers to Tana. Movement assists are superior to Rallys, especially on fliers. Draw Back or Reposition would be good. 

Since Corrin is not -SPD, she is definitely fast enough for Desperation. Especially on PvE content and with Flier buffs. 

Robin seems like a good addition, but if you are low on Caedas I would wait to give her Fortify Fliers. On some maps physical damage is more helpful and perhaps they'll release a flying healer in the future. Cordelia, Tana, Shigure (offensive build), Bow!Hinoka or Elincia would be good candidates too. 


My Elincia has Fortify Fliers, so I could try with her, at least until I get Fortify Fliers fodder. I don't have regular Tana or Bow!Hinoka, and my Cordelia is still WIP. And I'll give her Desperation then. I've a few 3* Shannas (4* Shanna is a myth). 

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28 minutes ago, mampfoid said:


Since Corrin is not -SPD, she is definitely fast enough for Desperation. Especially on PvE content and with Flier buffs. 

@Javi Blizz My bad, she is not -Spd. Like above said, go with Desperation. With buffs, she have enough Spd to kill things.

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4 hours ago, XRay said:

While battles should ideally be over as soon as possible, depending on the map and enemy Assists, a Player Phase team may take four or more turns waiting for the enemy to inch itself forward.

Sitting around and waiting doesn't charge your Special, though. (No Wrath.) Two rounds of combat is still two rounds of combat whether you stood there waiting for one turn or ten.

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50 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Sitting around and waiting doesn't charge your Special, though. (No Wrath.) Two rounds of combat is still two rounds of combat whether you stood there waiting for one turn or ten.

You generally want to get into combat in a formation that is as ideal as possible, and sometimes waiting for the enemy to come to you is just the easier and safer.

Draw Back slows down the enemy a lot, but I think waiting for them to inch towards you (assuming you are comfortable in your position) is generally better than trying to rush the battle.

If the enemy is stuck in a Reposition loop, then things might get a little more complicated, but you can usually break the loop by retreating or advancing your units a bit.

So, waiting around might not charge your Special, but waiting for a better striking position makes things easier for subsequent rounds of combat.

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20 minutes ago, XRay said:

So, waiting around might not charge your Special, but waiting for a better striking position makes things easier for subsequent rounds of combat.

Which, again, is irrelevant for deciding which of Moonbow or Luna to use. A single player-phase unit is generally expected to fight at most two rounds of combat in a single Arena match, so Moonbow and Luna have functionally the same activation timing.

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While pulling for Tana (finally got her), I got pity broken by a +Spd -Def Lene and a +Atk -Spd Elincia, I already had a fully built +Def -Res Lene and +HP -Def Elincia (waiting for that LnD fodder), which of each one should I keep and which should I merge?


Also, which character is a good user for Distant Defense on the A-Skill? Got a +Spd -Def Rhajat

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16 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Which, again, is irrelevant for deciding which of Moonbow or Luna to use. A single player-phase unit is generally expected to fight at most two rounds of combat in a single Arena match, so Moonbow and Luna have functionally the same activation timing.

Sometimes they need to do more than two rounds though. Third unit and bonus unit are not always optimized for combat, have the right color, or move into position in time.

8 minutes ago, Simpsons138 said:

While pulling for Tana (finally got her), I got pity broken by a +Spd -Def Lene and a +Atk -Spd Elincia, I already had a fully built +Def -Res Lene and +HP -Def Elincia (waiting for that LnD fodder), which of each one should I keep and which should I merge?


Also, which character is a good user for Distant Defense on the A-Skill? Got a +Spd -Def Rhajat

For Lene, +Spd is generally better in my opinion to avoid doubles.

For Elincia, I would go with +Atk and run Death Blow-Heavy Blade instead. Depending on your score range, getting into quad attack range might be difficult.

That Rhajat has a really good nature, so I would keep her. If you really do not want her, Niles, Felicia, and maybe Faye would really appreciate Distant Def to tank mages. Gordin and Leon running Guard Bow and Bowbreaker to counter archers in Arena Assialt would also like it.

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8 minutes ago, Simpsons138 said:

While pulling for Tana (finally got her), I got pity broken by a +Spd -Def Lene and a +Atk -Spd Elincia, I already had a fully built +Def -Res Lene and +HP -Def Elincia (waiting for that LnD fodder), which of each one should I keep and which should I merge?

+Spd Lene is the better overall. Merge the old one to +Spd and spam some crystal to level up.

+Atk -Spd Elincia is also good, it would be great that she can secure more kill within 2 hit as she don't need to quad everyone anyway. Merge the old one to this and done, no need for LnD because she will focus on 2 hit kill.

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3 minutes ago, XRay said:

For Lene, +Spd is generally better in my opinion to avoid doubles.

I had a feeling myself, will merge then

3 minutes ago, XRay said:

For Elincia, I would go with +Atk and run Death Blow-Heavy Blade instead. Depending on your score range, getting into quad attack range might be difficult.

I see, guess better begin building Elincia then

4 minutes ago, XRay said:

That Rhajat has a really good nature, so I would keep her. If you really do not want her, Niles, Felicia, and maybe Faye would really appreciate Distant Def to tank mages. Gordin and Leon running Guard Bow and Bowbreaker to counter archers in Arena Assialt would also like it.

True, but since I already had a built +Atk -Def Rhajat, it was kinda hard to decide which one to keep

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1 minute ago, Simpsons138 said:

True, but since I already had a built +Atk -Def Rhajat, it was kinda hard to decide which one to keep

For Desperation mages, I prefer +Spd for more reliable doubling. It might not matter depending on your score range, but when I was in 700-720, things were pretty fast. In the 730 score range that I am in now, enemy units are much more score optimized than combat optimized.

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