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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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1. Thank you for the explaination! Nice to see that arena has not changed much. 1 question though. Since you mentioned that bonus units need to kill to get the bonus, I assume the trick of bringing one askr unit along w/o the need to fight no longer works? They now need to kill at least 1 unit, is that correct? Is it also still worth to get that bonus points? I always did it before to reach that 4k mark but now it feels less revelant.

2. I have always done the enemy phased playstyle. Any tips on those? Though i used to play horse emblem w reinhardt but ever since the installment of stairs, a full horse team just feels like a hassle to me. I also have a +def Myrrh that can help robin's mobility with guidance but I was hesitant since they are both green units.

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12 minutes ago, ScarletSylph said:


1. Thank you for the explaination! Nice to see that arena has not changed much. 1 question though. Since you mentioned that bonus units need to kill to get the bonus, I assume the trick of bringing one askr unit along w/o the need to fight no longer works? They now need to kill at least 1 unit, is that correct? Is it also still worth to get that bonus points? I always did it before to reach that 4k mark but now it feels less revelant.

2. I have always done the enemy phased playstyle. Any tips on those? Though i used to play horse emblem w reinhardt but ever since the installment of stairs, a full horse team just feels like a hassle to me. I also have a +def Myrrh that can help robin's mobility with guidance but I was hesitant since they are both green units.

The bonus points are linear, the first bonus kill is not special in any way. If your base score for the fight is 700 and you kill one enemy with your bonus unit, you get 703. If you kill two, it's 706, etc. Taking the Askr trio as bonus units is still perfectly valid, and they're worth a little more now that they have access to refinements.

Don't sweat it if the enemy team composition means you can't get any bonus kills, though some people aim to maximise bonus kills by adding teammates good at chipping, such as with Firesweep weapons.

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20 minutes ago, ScarletSylph said:

1. Thank you for the explaination! Nice to see that arena has not changed much. 1 question though. Since you mentioned that bonus units need to kill to get the bonus, I assume the trick of bringing one askr unit along w/o the need to fight no longer works? They now need to kill at least 1 unit, is that correct? Is it also still worth to get that bonus points? I always did it before to reach that 4k mark but now it feels less revelant.

Bringing the bonus unit will still double your points even if it kills nothing, which is the same as before. However, if the bonus unit does kill enemies, you will get additional bonus points.

20 minutes ago, ScarletSylph said:

2. I have always done the enemy phased playstyle. Any tips on those? Though i used to play horse emblem w reinhardt but ever since the installment of stairs, a full horse team just feels like a hassle to me. I also have a +def Myrrh that can help robin's mobility with guidance but I was hesitant since they are both green units.

If you are going Enemy Phase and want teammates who are easy to merge, I recommend A!Tiki and Nowi, or Effie and Draug. A!Tiki and Nowi already comes with Distant Counter, so I would go with those two if you cannot afford Distant Counter for Effie and Draug. The following skills for dragons are available from 4* units, except for Quick Riposte.

A!Tiki [+Atk/Def/Res, -Spd]
Lightning Breath, Reposition/Swap, Moonbow
Fury/Triangle Adept, Quick Riposte, Drive Res
Distant Def/Close Def/Drive Atk/Drive Res

Nowi [+Atk/Def/Res, -Spd]
Lightning Breath, Reposition/Swap, Moonbow
Fury/Triangle Adept, Quick Riposte/Swordbreaker, Drive Res
Distant Def/Close Def/Drive Atk/Drive Res/Quick Riposte

Nowi [+Spd, -HP]
Lightning Breath, Reposition/Swap, Moonbow
Fury, Quick Riposte, Drive Res
Speed +3

FH!M!Robin [+Atk/Def, -Spd]
Expiration, Swap, Ignis
Fury, Vengeful Fighter, Ward Dragons
Distant Def/Close Def/Drive Atk/Drive Res

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@HumanoidThanks for the breakdown of the points! Seeing that its so minimal I'll just do what I did before and just add them to team and have them hang back and support xD

@XRayTy for the detailed explanation as usual! How good is Effie with DC? I have only 1 DC fodder so I have always been so hesitant in foddering it off. I will probably give the dragon team a try as well since I have A! tiki and nowi built but no merge yet. I just felt they were lacking even when I placed them in a full dragon team. Will have to double check IV and try your above builds.


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2 minutes ago, ScarletSylph said:

Ty for the detailed explanation as usual! How good is Effie with DC? I have only 1 DC fodder so I have always been so hesitant in foddering it off. I will probably give the dragon team a try as well since I have A! tiki and nowi built but no merge yet. I just felt they were lacking even when I placed them in a full dragon team. Will have to double check IV and try your above builds.

I run a Distant Counter-Ward Armor team for Arena Assault Team 1 with Zephiel, Effie, Sheena, and either NS!Corrin or BB!Lyn as the fourth unit. Effie does pretty well. In my opinion, it honestly does not matter which armor unit you use as long as you have a color balanced team since an Ignis trigger will pretty much kill almost any enemy. With that said, I still recommend Effie over Gwendolyn since Effie got higher Atk and lower Spd, and having less Def/Res is not an issue when you got 2 stacks of Ward Armor from allies.

All three dragons got pretty good Def already and can take on pretty much anyone besides enemies with dragon effective Weapons. The dragons here are a bit lacking in Res, so I recommend running Drive Res to help compensate for it, and it gives A!Tiki a better chance at withstanding Naga.


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2 hours ago, XRay said:

I run a Distant Counter-Ward Armor team for Arena Assault Team 1 with Zephiel, Effie, Sheena, and either NS!Corrin or BB!Lyn as the fourth unit. Effie does pretty well. In my opinion, it honestly does not matter which armor unit you use as long as you have a color balanced team since an Ignis trigger will pretty much kill almost any enemy. With that said, I still recommend Effie over Gwendolyn since Effie got higher Atk and lower Spd, and having less Def/Res is not an issue when you got 2 stacks of Ward Armor from allies.

All three dragons got pretty good Def already and can take on pretty much anyone besides enemies with dragon effective Weapons. The dragons here are a bit lacking in Res, so I recommend running Drive Res to help compensate for it, and it gives A!Tiki a better chance at withstanding Naga.


I had an armor team as well with BK, H! henry, W! robin and FH robin but they don't get me enough wins for def so I stopped using them. Is Zephiel better than BK? 

I have A!Tiki +atk/-spd and Nowi +spd/-hp with similar builds except for drive res. Does that drive res make such a big difference? I remember my nowi and tiki kept dying when I tried dragon emblem team with Ninian and Myrrh

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5 hours ago, ScarletSylph said:

I had an armor team as well with BK, H! henry, W! robin and FH robin but they don't get me enough wins for def so I stopped using them. Is Zephiel better than BK? 

I have A!Tiki +atk/-spd and Nowi +spd/-hp with similar builds except for drive res. Does that drive res make such a big difference? I remember my nowi and tiki kept dying when I tried dragon emblem team with Ninian and Myrrh

You generally want to use a separate teams for Arena offense and Arena defense. Enemy Phase units are terrible at getting defense wins. TOD!Henry will need Close Counter to deal with lance units. Zephiel and Black Knight are about the same, I run Zephiel since he got more merges available. In my opinion, armor units are all interchangeable in a Ward Armor team.

Do you know what they are dying to? A!Tiki and Nowi should have no problem going against colors they are strong against and can generally take a beating from their own color. It is not recommended to have A!Tiki go against blue units nor have Nowi go against green units.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

You generally want to use a separate teams for Arena offense and Arena defense. Enemy Phase units are terrible at getting defense wins. TOD!Henry will need Close Counter to deal with lance units. Zephiel and Black Knight are about the same, I run Zephiel since he got more merges available. In my opinion, armor units are all interchangeable in a Ward Armor team.

Do you know what they are dying to? A!Tiki and Nowi should have no problem going against colors they are strong against and can generally take a beating from their own color. It is not recommended to have A!Tiki go against blue units nor have Nowi go against green units.

That could be why my Arena defense is terrible xD

From what I remember, they died from either colorless and disadvantage. Though I understand why they die to disadvantage but they also seemed to die from colorless. Reason why I loved my armor team before cause they could all take so many hits and still stay alive. Now I feel that is less so since there seems to be so many armor slaying weapons.

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Another kinda sorta dumb question from me but maybe not really: how does one go about distributing Cs to Armoured Emblem? It’s two Ward Armour + two Armoured March, isn’t it? Does it matter who carries what?
My theoretical team is DC VF Gwendy, DC VF Sheena, BF Effie, and a theoretical BF Meg.

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5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Another kinda sorta dumb question from me but maybe not really: how does one go about distributing Cs to Armoured Emblem? It’s two Ward Armour + two Armoured March, isn’t it? Does it matter who carries what?
My theoretical team is DC VF Gwendy, DC VF Sheena, BF Effie, and a theoretical BF Meg.

I run a full Distant Counter armor team, so I went with Ward Armor on everyone.

Since you are running Player Phase Effie, I would give her Ward Armor since she does not need it herself, and one of the other armors can run Armor March.

I am not sure who Meg is, but if you are running a fourth armor, the fourth armor can run Ward Armor, and the other Distant Counter armor can either stick with Ward Armor or run another copy of Armor March so you can split your team up.

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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

I am not sure who Meg is, but if you are running a fourth armor, the fourth armor can run Ward Armor, and the other Distant Counter armor can either stick with Ward Armor or run another copy of Armor March so you can split your team up.

Meg is the sword knight girl from FE10, memetically infamous for being a joke unit. Then again, general Amelia isn’t good in her own game, and yet here we are.

I’ve got two spare Amelias so I figured giving two wards and two marches was the way to go so that all four can actually march.

There are going to be two DC and two player phase knights on my team, so they might want to split sometimes. So the user of DC gets March, and the user of BF gets Ward?

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16 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

There are going to be two DC and two player phase knights on my team, so they might want to split sometimes. So the user of DC gets March, and the user of BF gets Ward?

Yeah, pretty much. You want to give a C skill to a unit that does not that C skill's buff, or needs it less compared to their teammates.

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On 25/08/2018 at 2:13 AM, Ice Dragon said:

Based on my testing conditions, Brave Celica is so absurdly strong on her first round of combat that anything that she loses the double to still dies to the two hits of Double Lion when she's stacking Atk, regardless of if she's running Royal Sword or Firesweep Sword+.

I'm running the build

+10 Brave Celica [+Atk / Spd, -Def] (Royal Sword / Firesweep Sword+, Moonbow, Death Blow 4, Double Lion, Attack +3) +4/4/0/0

against ArcticSilverFox's Hard List with overrides of +10 merge and +3/3/3/3 in buffs.

Thanks for that. Also, thanks @XRay

I decided to give the calcs a go myself (For once). +Atk > +Spd for Brave Celicas build's, agreed.

Despite this, I'll likely ask the odd question on here still. Always good to bounce around build thoughts with others.


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5 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Merging my new F Grima into my existing +1. Do I keep +Atk -Def or switch out to +Spd -HP?

+Spd would be best in my opinion. It helps her double and avoid being doubled. I think -Def/Res is better so you can keep at least one of your bulk intact, but -HP is not a big deal if you got the right boon.

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1 hour ago, Tree said:

Lance Hector iv question:

+def (super), -res (super)

+def (super), -hp

+res, -spd

I think he gets 4 extra defense from his special distance counter skill. I can also get a neutral iv.

It does not matter too much in my opinion. I would go with +Res if he is in a Ward Armor team to preserve his bulk and drop his Spd. However, if he is running Wary Fighter-Quick Riposte, then I would go with [+Def, -HP/Spd/Res].

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I was leaning toward +res, -spd, but +def (super), -hp seemed rather good too. I'm not sure what you meant by wary fighter/quick reposte - I think quick reposte is built into the lance so he should always have that?

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WHich nephnee is better, neuteral or +atk/-def? Note that I have not yet decided on a build yet, but was thinking of using dauntless lance, possibly with the effect refine, because I have enough lance users that I want each one to be unique. Note that I already blessed the neutral one, so if they are near identical, I will use her. Also, is atk/spd +2 worth using on a +spd/-res maribelle?(as supposed to saving her to use wrath  on someone) note that i use her more often than any obvious wrath users.

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1 hour ago, Tree said:

I was leaning toward +res, -spd, but +def (super), -hp seemed rather good too. I'm not sure what you meant by wary fighter/quick reposte - I think quick reposte is built into the lance so he should always have that?

You must be a new player. Wary Fighter-Quick Riposte refers to his "Omnibreaker" build.

In a Distant Counter-Ward Armor team, and assuming a "normal" build, [+Res, -Spd] is better.

Enemy Phase [+Res, -Spd] 207:56:19
Enemy Phase [+Def, -HP] 204:58:20
Enemy Phase [+Res, -Spd] 221:34:37
Enemy Phase [+Def, -HP] 214:42:26
Enemy Phase [+Res, -Spd] 228:27:27
Enemy Phase [+Def, -HP] 225:30:27

Wary Fighter-Quick Riposte gives him insane performance, but you can only have one "Omnibreaker" build per team since there is only one copy of Quick Riposte Sacred Seal.

Enemy Phase [+Res, -Spd] 235:7:40
Enemy Phase [+Def, -HP] 237:7:38
Enemy Phase [+Res, -Spd] 238:3:41
Enemy Phase [+Def, -HP] 239:3:40
Enemy Phase [+Res, -Spd] 240:1:41
Enemy Phase [+Def, -HP] 244:1:37

Here is the calculator, challenger list, and enemy list if you want to double check yourself:


Hector (Brave) (5* +res -spd)  
Weapon: Maltet  
Special: Bonfire  
A: Ostian Counter  
B: Vengeful Fighter 3  
S: Close Def 3  
Hector (Brave) (5* +def -hp)  
Weapon: Maltet  
Special: Bonfire  
A: Ostian Counter  
B: Vengeful Fighter 3  
S: Close Def 3  
Hector (Brave) (5* +res -spd)  
Weapon: Maltet  
Special: Bonfire  
A: Ostian Counter  
B: Wary Fighter 3  
S: Quick Riposte 3  
Hector (Brave) (5* +def -hp)  
Weapon: Maltet  
Special: Bonfire  
A: Ostian Counter  
B: Wary Fighter 3  
S: Quick Riposte 3 

— — — — — — —

Include: melee, ranged, red, blue, green, gray, physical, magical, infantry, cavalry, flying, armored, staff, nonstaff  
Rarity: 5*  
Merge: +5  
Boon: +spd  
Special: Moonbow  
Replace Special: true  
A: Fury 3  
Replace A: true 


48 minutes ago, sirmola said:

WHich nephnee is better, neuteral or +atk/-def? Note that I have not yet decided on a build yet, but was thinking of using dauntless lance, possibly with the effect refine, because I have enough lance users that I want each one to be unique. Note that I already blessed the neutral one, so if they are near identical, I will use her. Also, is atk/spd +2 worth using on a +spd/-res maribelle?(as supposed to saving her to use wrath  on someone) note that i use her more often than any obvious wrath users.

+Atk is better for more kills. Nephenee is a Spd tank, so a drop in Def should not matter too much. I am assuming Enemy Phase performance.


Nephenee (5* +atk -def)  
Weapon: Dauntless Lance  
Special: Bonfire  
A: Fury 3  
B: Quick Riposte 3  
S: Close Def 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Nephenee (5*)  
Weapon: Dauntless Lance  
Special: Bonfire  
A: Fury 3  
B: Quick Riposte 3  
S: Close Def 3  
Upgrade Path: 5 


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2 minutes ago, Tree said:

@XRay What does 0/0/4/4 and 0/0/8/8 represent?

0/0/4/4 represents one stack of Ward Armor. 0/0/8/8 represents two stacks of Ward Armor.

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14 minutes ago, XRay said:

0/0/4/4 represents one stack of Ward Armor. 0/0/8/8 represents two stacks of Ward Armor.

OK, so the first two slots were atk and spd. That makes sense now.

I thought the omni breaker thing only worked with the original Hector. I hadn't heard of the wary fighter / quick riposte combination. (Spelled quick riposte correctly that time.)

I'm a semi casual player (tier 18.5). Seems a shame to not use bold fighter when he's the only unit I have that has that skill, but those results are impressive. I do have some spare units with wary fighter, so I could try it out. That does remove player phase potential though, doesn't it?

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2 minutes ago, Tree said:

OK, so the first two slots were atk and spd. That makes sense now.

I thought the omni breaker thing only worked with the original Hector. I hadn't heard of the wary fighter / quick riposte combination. (Spelled quick riposte correctly that time.)

I'm a semi casual player (tier 18.5). Seems a shame to not use bold fighter when he's the only unit I have that has that skill, but those results are impressive. I do have some spare units with wary fighter, so I could try it out. That does remove player phase potential though, doesn't it?

His Player Phase performance becomes shit, but his Enemy Phase is godly.

Omnibreaker works for any armor unit that has Quick Riposte or a similar effect on their Weapon.

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4 minutes ago, XRay said:

His Player Phase performance becomes shit, but his Enemy Phase is godly.

Omnibreaker works for any armor unit that has Quick Riposte or a similar effect on their Weapon.

Hmm, going to have to think about what I want for the unit long-term. (I really just need to get +def, -spd and the decision becomes easy!)

Thanks for the advice. :):

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