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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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So, another one of those +Atk or +Spd questions. Camilla, Catria, Est, Kagero, Palla, Peri, Shanna, and Sothe.

For the fliers, being on an all flier team means they can easily get a lot of speed where it might be overkill at a certain point and all of the, but Shanna have weapons that boost their speed even further when near ally fliers. Est and Palla also can deal more damage against specific units meaning attack would likely scale better than speed, right? Off flier teams or when they're alone, +Spd would let them be more self-sufficient. They can still get enough speed on non-flier teams, though.

Peri would be in a similar boat, or horse, but more so in that when she's not at full health, she gets Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4. That screams Desperation time and you want speed for that or Brash Assault if you don't have the speed for it or want to bypass it against units who can counter back. In the latter case or in the case of where she somehow ends up having too much speed, attack wins out to ensure she closes out her opponents. This would be a what mode and what you want the unit to do question, then. In a speed stacked situation, +Spd would be better, but in a not so speed competitive situation, +Atk would be better. I guess that would be the same questions for Kagero and Sothe.

Also, Nino and Tharja, but they're more of when fully merged, +Spd still beats out +Atk due to them being -blade mages, right? That and Tharja's innate +4 speed from her unique refined tome's Atk/Spd-4 in combat debuff against units 2 spaces near her.

For Beruka, Gwendolyn, and Sheena, +Atk doesn't matter as much as +Def and +Res since they're mainly going to be tanking stuff and they would be able to get a lot of damage from Bonfire/Ignis or Iceberg/Glacies? Attack still matters for regular hits, but taking less damage also matters since they're tanks.

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21 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Does Dull Ranged, Desperation, or Vantage work better for Legendary Lyn? Mine is +Atk, merged +10, and running her native Swift Mulagir and Laws of Sacae, along with Reposition, Moonbow, Def Ploy 3, and Atk Ploy 3 in the S seal slot.

Dull Ranged would be best unless you're sure you won't encounter Blade mages. I wouldn't recommend Vantage.

10 minutes ago, Kaden said:

For Beruka, Gwendolyn, and Sheena, +Atk doesn't matter as much as +Def and +Res since they're mainly going to be tanking stuff and they would be able to get a lot of damage from Bonfire/Ignis or Iceberg/Glacies? Attack still matters for regular hits, but taking less damage also matters since they're tanks.

They definitely want +Def/Res since most of their damage output will be from specials. Especially the armours who have access to Fighter skills.

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3 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Does Dull Ranged, Desperation, or Vantage work better for Legendary Lyn? Mine is +Atk, merged +10, and running her native Swift Mulagir and Laws of Sacae, along with Reposition, Moonbow, Def Ploy 3, and Atk Ploy 3 in the S seal slot.

Since you're sticking with Swift Mulagir and Laws of Sacae, she wants to be an enemy-phase ranged tank. Of those choices, I'd go with Dull Ranged (that's what I'm running), though Quick Riposte and Null C-Disrupt are also good options.

Desperation doesn't really fit her role very well unless you want her to be dual-phase (you'd also want to switch out Laws of Sacae for Fury for this role). I generally advise against Vantage unless you're running a dedicated Vantage sweep build, which Lyn isn't good at due to her lower Atk stat.


3 hours ago, Kaden said:

For the fliers, being on an all flier team means they can easily get a lot of speed where it might be overkill at a certain point and all of the, but Shanna have weapons that boost their speed even further when near ally fliers. Est and Palla also can deal more damage against specific units meaning attack would likely scale better than speed, right? Off flier teams or when they're alone, +Spd would let them be more self-sufficient. They can still get enough speed on non-flier teams, though.

It's as you say. +Spd makes them more self-sufficient, but +Atk is better when you can stack buffs on a flier team.

Since the Whitewings require being on a flier team to get their Triangle Attack refine effect to activate, I'd go for +Atk on all three of them.


3 hours ago, Kaden said:

Peri would be in a similar boat, or horse, but more so in that when she's not at full health, she gets Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4. That screams Desperation time and you want speed for that or Brash Assault if you don't have the speed for it or want to bypass it against units who can counter back. In the latter case or in the case of where she somehow ends up having too much speed, attack wins out to ensure she closes out her opponents. This would be a what mode and what you want the unit to do question, then. In a speed stacked situation, +Spd would be better, but in a not so speed competitive situation, +Atk would be better.



3 hours ago, Kaden said:

I guess that would be the same questions for Kagero and Sothe.

This really depends on your build.

If you're running effective weapons or Windex, you want +Atk to maximize your single-hit damage. Other builds mostly depend on if you prioritize damage or debuffing.


3 hours ago, Kaden said:

Also, Nino and Tharja, but they're more of when fully merged, +Spd still beats out +Atk due to them being -blade mages, right? That and Tharja's innate +4 speed from her unique refined tome's Atk/Spd-4 in combat debuff against units 2 spaces near her.

"Litrblade prefers +Spd" is generally a myth.

For Nino and Tharja, who have decent Spd stats, it's again a matter of what opponents you're expecting to fight and how much buff stacking you're expecting to use. Litrblade is actually one of the harder comparisons to do simply because of how extremely dependent it is on how many buffs you're expecting to have.

The more buffs you have, the less Spd matters because most enemies you're expecting to compete against for Spd will simply die in one hit, but Abyssal maps throw a wrench in this by having enemies that are both fast and bulky where trying to compete for Spd might actually matter.


4 hours ago, Kaden said:

For Beruka, Gwendolyn, and Sheena, +Atk doesn't matter as much as +Def and +Res since they're mainly going to be tanking stuff and they would be able to get a lot of damage from Bonfire/Ignis or Iceberg/Glacies? Attack still matters for regular hits, but taking less damage also matters since they're tanks.

Depends on how much you're planning to stack on their defenses.

For Gwendolyn and Sheena, if you're running a team of entirely Ward Armor, you can forgo the extra defenses for Atk unless you're expecting to run into armor-effective weapons. You can also skip out on defenses a bit if you're running Aether for sustain. Atk is also better to use if you're expecting to see Special Fighter a lot.

For Beruka, she can pretty much use any of the three depending on what kind of support she's getting from her team. If she needs to tank dragons at all, you may want to consider +Res even on a Ward Fliers team.


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6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

It's as you say. +Spd makes them more self-sufficient, but +Atk is better when you can stack buffs on a flier team.

Since the Whitewings require being on a flier team to get their Triangle Attack refine effect to activate, I'd go for +Atk on all three of them.

Camilla being very flexible makes this kind of a problem. Her axe leans towards being on a flier or cavalry team where +Atk would be better, especially on a flier team where she would find it easier to stay near and receive flier buffs, particularly Goad Fliers. That said, her axe and in general, she is a good support unit and while any unit can always receive buffs, she might not be able to stack as many buffs as she can on different teams. At the moment, I don't have a choice for Shanna since I only have a +Atk, -HP Shanna and the neutral one from a while back who became a quest unit, so I'm keeping her for backup F2P strategies.

Whitewings will go all out offense.

Now, if only I could figure out what I want to do with Peri.

6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

This really depends on your build.

If you're running effective weapons or Windex, you want +Atk to maximize your single-hit damage. Other builds mostly depend on if you prioritize damage or debuffing.

Maybe I should wait for Kagero's eventual weapon update. Sothe's high attack, decent speed, access to a personal dagger, and default L&D makes me lean towards +Atk since he can always bypass speed against units who can counter back with Desperation and Brash Assault. He and Kagero can also just one-shot certain units with enough attack. Speedier dagger units I think I would rather go for Felicia, Gaius, Kaze, Legault, Matthew, and Saizo, but even then, +Atk would be good on them too depending on what I want to do with them.

6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

"Litrblade prefers +Spd" is generally a myth.

For Nino and Tharja, who have decent Spd stats, it's again a matter of what opponents you're expecting to fight and how much buff stacking you're expecting to use. Litrblade is actually one of the harder comparisons to do simply because of how extremely dependent it is on how many buffs you're expecting to have.

The more buffs you have, the less Spd matters because most enemies you're expecting to compete against for Spd will simply die in one hit, but Abyssal maps throw a wrench in this by having enemies that are both fast and bulky where trying to compete for Spd might actually matter.

After reading my post again this morning, I think I had a brain lapse. I mentioned Tharja's unique refinement effect to support the +Spd thing when I meant to argue for +Atk at least for Tharja. With the effect and assuming getting some kind of Hone Spd buff, Tharja's going to be very fast and surprisingly tanky. In that case, +Atk, even more attack, would be even better since she'd likely double a lot of people. Buffing defenses on her would also be good which is why I want to do a Fortress Def/Res build on her because it would be hilarious to me. Anyway, Tharja effectively has the same speed as Nino who is fast, so there's that.

They also have high enough attack to begin with where slower -blade mages don't care about speed as much when they can just one-shot people. Just wondering which would scale better for high offenses -blade mages like Nino and Tharja. Tailtiu I figure I'd go with +Atk considering her unique refined tome has Darting Blow 3 and because she could run a Special Spiral build where speed doesn't really matter when you can spam specials, especially AoE ones.

6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Depends on how much you're planning to stack on their defenses.

For Gwendolyn and Sheena, if you're running a team of entirely Ward Armor, you can forgo the extra defenses for Atk unless you're expecting to run into armor-effective weapons. You can also skip out on defenses a bit if you're running Aether for sustain. Atk is also better to use if you're expecting to see Special Fighter a lot.

For Beruka, she can pretty much use any of the three depending on what kind of support she's getting from her team. If she needs to tank dragons at all, you may want to consider +Res even on a Ward Fliers team.

And there's also +Spd to consider for Gwendolyn and Sheena that I forgot. I guess I'll just keep their three to four copies and figure it out later.

Edited by Kaden
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On 26-4-2019 at 4:04 PM, Flying Shogi said:

Now that I've pulled Lugh, I'm going to build Raigh. Looking at his stats, I'm assuming it's better to invest in his attack not bother with his speed. I may or may not field them together so I'm leaning towards a general build for now. Here's what I'm thinking: 


Fury 3

Swordbreaker or Red TomeBreaker

Fury for the stats and breaker skills to bypass speed checks. Are there other builds I should look into?

I'm using Raigh a lot for some of the Infernal ingame content. If you wanna go high arena or want a Raigh capable of clearing every Abyssal map, then i'm probably not the best person to be giving advice, but my Raigh does well for himself otherwise.

I went with +speed myself. 32 speed is certainly very mediocre,but  I still think you can get a lot of doubles if you give him some skills or have his teammates play along. I never expirimented with 29 speed, but I think my Raigh would have lost a lot of doubles with that number.

My best advice would be to go flexible. Raigh is a unimpressively balanced unit, but he can be unimpressive in many different ways and at least do ok in them. I'm currently going with close counter, but thats not something i'd advice on doing.

So I usually have
RaurWolf +/ Owltome if there are no cavs

Darting bow 3/death blow 3/fury 3/atk/res bond 3

Vantage/desperation/a breaker

A C skill

Atk/spd bond 3 seal.

Its not a specific build, but I think its better to focus on being flexible with Raigh. Other mages can perform specific roles much better then Raigh, but the edgy dark mage can at do every job reasonably well. He can pack a decent bunch or double decently well and he might even be a avarage ranged tank with the right help. My advice would be to give him a bunch of cheap 4 star skills and see what fits best when you take him along.

Edited by Sasori
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The unique thing about Brave Celica is the Double Lion skill, which lets her turn ANY weapon into a Brave weapon. (except the Brave Sword...) With her naturally high Speed and the Royal Sword, she's typically able to get Galeforce off quite easily. However... I'm a little tempted to wander into other territory with this skill, and would like ideas/input. Great thing is, so long as she takes a +Spd refine she loses no speed as a result, just a little Attack that is honestly mitigated by Death Blow 4. My B!Celica is +Spd. I would most definitely give her the Flashing Blade SS to replicate the effects of the Royal Sword.

~Slaying Edge: Guarantees that she can get a 2 cooldown Special triggered on the second attack, or trigger Galeforce without needing to be counterattacked by the enemy.

~Wo Dao: Moonbow and Glimmer will always trigger on the second attack, and will always have that extra damage.

~Armorsmasher/Zanbato: I'll list them both because let's face it, they have the same effect. Guarantees death against either move type at the expense of being a normal sword otherwise.

~Firesweep Sword: Four attacks that cannot be countered against without Null C-Disrupt. A little excessive considering she's quite strong regardless, though lack of refine options means she can't get the Spd she gains from Royal Sword and refined weapons.

~Screw other swords, Royal Sword is good regardless. Flashing Blade isn't necessary, has the power of any other sword with both an Atk and Spd refine, and only needs an ally nearby to trigger the Cooldown effect. Works well with any skill and keeps the SS slot open.

I was originally going to go with Wo Dao and Moonbow combo, but I'd like to ask if I should reconsider, or just not do it, before I waste feathers and fodder on a combo I'll never use.

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38 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

The unique thing about Brave Celica is the Double Lion skill, which lets her turn ANY weapon into a Brave weapon. (except the Brave Sword...) With her naturally high Speed and the Royal Sword, she's typically able to get Galeforce off quite easily. However... I'm a little tempted to wander into other territory with this skill, and would like ideas/input. Great thing is, so long as she takes a +Spd refine she loses no speed as a result, just a little Attack that is honestly mitigated by Death Blow 4. My B!Celica is +Spd. I would most definitely give her the Flashing Blade SS to replicate the effects of the Royal Sword.

~Slaying Edge: Guarantees that she can get a 2 cooldown Special triggered on the second attack, or trigger Galeforce without needing to be counterattacked by the enemy.

~Wo Dao: Moonbow and Glimmer will always trigger on the second attack, and will always have that extra damage.

~Armorsmasher/Zanbato: I'll list them both because let's face it, they have the same effect. Guarantees death against either move type at the expense of being a normal sword otherwise.

~Firesweep Sword: Four attacks that cannot be countered against without Null C-Disrupt. A little excessive considering she's quite strong regardless, though lack of refine options means she can't get the Spd she gains from Royal Sword and refined weapons.

~Screw other swords, Royal Sword is good regardless. Flashing Blade isn't necessary, has the power of any other sword with both an Atk and Spd refine, and only needs an ally nearby to trigger the Cooldown effect. Works well with any skill and keeps the SS slot open.

I was originally going to go with Wo Dao and Moonbow combo, but I'd like to ask if I should reconsider, or just not do it, before I waste feathers and fodder on a combo I'll never use.

Give her all the swords. :p

I think it's up to you what you want her to do. That said, Firesweep Sword is the one where I get why people would want it on Celica, but at the same time, I feel like Soleil already does Firesweep well and giving it to someone like legendary Eirika, legendary Ryoma, or Siegbert might be a better idea since their movement type would be different than Celica and Soleil. Even the Black Knight, Draug, Greil's Devoted Ike, or Zelgius with Firesweep Sword could work. Back to Celica and Soleil, Soleil's base attack will always be higher than Celica and Celica's base speed will always be higher than Soleil's. The thing is that +Spd Soleil comes close to Celica in speed and still beats +Atk Celica at 38/38 offenses to neutral Celica's 33/39 and +Atk Celica's 36/39. Soleil won't have a personal weapon or Double Lion, but she comes with Firesweep Sword by default and would be easier to merge for most people. Celica could double Brave people to death with Firesweep Sword at full health which would probably be overkill, but that's always better than kill or worse, missing the mark. Soleil on the other hand will always just hit hard and that might be all that matters. That's just how I feel about this, so it's up to you if you want Celica to run a Firesweep build.

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19 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Since you're sticking with Swift Mulagir and Laws of Sacae, she wants to be an enemy-phase ranged tank. Of those choices, I'd go with Dull Ranged (that's what I'm running), though Quick Riposte and Null C-Disrupt are also good options.

Dull Ranged and Null C-Disrupt seem like fairly similar skills. Disrupt cancels out things like Firesweep, but they both nullify status effects and/or fortify/rally/etc. bonuses. Which would get the most mileage?

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24 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Dull Ranged and Null C-Disrupt seem like fairly similar skills. Disrupt cancels out things like Firesweep, but they both nullify status effects and/or fortify/rally/etc. bonuses. Which would get the most mileage?

They're not really similar. Null C-Disrupt prevents the Candlelight/Flash/Imhullu effect, and disables Firesweep/Dazzling. It does nothing to enemy stat buffs, which is the only thing Dull Ranged neutralises.

Take Null C-Disrupt if your goal is to bait enemy healers and Firesweep Bow users. Take Dull Ranged if you need to counter hard-hitting nukes. (Dull Ranged is of course a significantly cheaper skill)


EDIT: Another thing to consider is that because Null C-Disrupt also works on melee attackers, it's most "efficient" when given to a DC unit, so they can always counter any unit, whereas Lyn obviously still can't counter Firesweep Sword/Lance.

Edited by Humanoid
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2 hours ago, Faellin said:

Pulled both Legendary Alm and Roy off this banner, and I was wondering what the best use of the one pair up system those 2 have?

The only mode that actually matters and features Pair-Up is just Allegiance Battles.

However, Allegiance Battles are stupid easy to the point where you can ignore the mechanic and still easily win. The only thing separating low tier and high tier players in Allegiance Battles is how much they spend.

Since Pair Up is so limited and inconsequential, you can just do whatever you like with it.

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3 hours ago, Faellin said:

Pulled both Legendary Alm and Roy off this banner, and I was wondering what the best use of the one pair up system those 2 have?

The only real use is maximising Allegiance Battle scores, yes. You will want just the one of them to field in each battle, which one you use depends on a few factors, but I would say the main one is what high-scoring other units you have. If you have a good, highly-merged, high-scoring red unit, then maybe Alm is the better choice and vice versa. You might also want to switch between them depending on what season it is.

Beyond that, you just want colour coverage. In the battle, you will field your best unit in slot 4, who will be paired up with your best friends list unit that's of a different colour. The legendary you field and their partner should be the other two colours - you can change the pair-up partner every battle if you like. Note also that the partner doesn't affect base score so you can "hide" a low-scoring but good-at-killing unit behind the legendary.

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3 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

The only real use is maximising Allegiance Battle scores, yes. You will want just the one of them to field in each battle, which one you use depends on a few factors, but I would say the main one is what high-scoring other units you have. If you have a good, highly-merged, high-scoring red unit, then maybe Alm is the better choice and vice versa. You might also want to switch between them depending on what season it is.

Beyond that, you just want colour coverage. In the battle, you will field your best unit in slot 4, who will be paired up with your best friends list unit that's of a different colour. The legendary you field and their partner should be the other two colours - you can change the pair-up partner every battle if you like. Note also that the partner doesn't affect base score so you can "hide" a low-scoring but good-at-killing unit behind the legendary.

So just use color coverage with it, so L:Hector should be a suitable pair up for Roy in this case.

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Two short questions:

  1. Is there any reason to choose +ATK over +SPD for BH!Roy?

    I'm pretty content with my +SPD Roy so far, with the newest merge (a +ATK copy) he'll be +7 and he already got full flower treatment. +SPD is useful in AR, but on some Abyssal maps he could use more punch. 
  2. +SPD/-DEF or +ATK/-HP for Leanne?

    I'm leaning towards +SPD, the other copy will be Hone Beasts fodder. 


3 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

So the year 1 CYL banner gave me an extra +def/-hp B!Ike and I was wondering if I should fodder off the neutral or the +def one.

I assume +def is better but I just wanna make sure before going through with it.

I would go with +DEF, if you are not planning to tank Reinhardt with him. 


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14 hours ago, Sasori said:

Its not a specific build, but I think its better to focus on being flexible with Raigh. Other mages can perform specific roles much better then Raigh, but the edgy dark mage can at do every job reasonably well. He can pack a decent bunch or double decently well and he might even be a avarage ranged tank with the right help. My advice would be to give him a bunch of cheap 4 star skills and see what fits best when you take him along.

I have a +Atk and a +Spd copy of him so I'll try out the +Atk version first and see how well he fares even though I usually go +Spd. 

2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Two short questions:

  1. Is there any reason to choose +ATK over +SPD for BH!Roy?

    I'm pretty content with my +SPD Roy so far, with the newest merge (a +ATK copy) he'll be +7 and he already got full flower treatment. +SPD is useful in AR, but on some Abyssal maps he could use more punch. 

+Atk helps him activate Blazing Durandal easier. 

My BH!Roy is +Atk and he has served me well(at least on Infernal maps). I remember a few times the +Atk asset came in handy but yours is at a much higher merge so it more than makes up for the difference. I generally prefer speed but clearing the recent Abyssal maps, Savage Blow comes in handy for chipping enemies if you need more firepower.

On 4/27/2019 at 7:59 PM, Flying Shogi said:

Pulled 2 AtoB!Hectors. One's +Res/-Def and the other is +Atk/-Res. Can't decide if I should go +Res for the dual phase or just focus on +Atk for securing KO's. I do have a +Res Hardin but I usually have to give him the QR seal whenever I field him so it's inconvenient enough that I'm willing to consider a +Res Hector though the seal isn't glued to anyone in particular while Hector can handle both phases by himself. Thoughts?


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10 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

+Atk helps him activate Blazing Durandal easier. 

My BH!Roy is +Atk and he has served me well(at least on Infernal maps). I remember a few times the +Atk asset came in handy but yours is at a much higher merge so it more than makes up for the difference. I generally prefer speed but clearing the recent Abyssal maps, Savage Blow comes in handy for chipping enemies if you need more firepower.

Getting heavy blade to work is usually easier than eating through all those monstrous DEF and HP stats in Abyssal maps. 

With his merge level (+7), Life and Death 3 and full flower treatment, +SPD Roy would reach 60 ATK before support, seals and buffs. 63 ATK with +ATK boon would be better, but I'm nearly sure now that the missing 3 SPD would hurt more (46 compared to 43). 

17 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:
On 28.4.2019 at 1:59 AM, Flying Shogi said:

Pulled 2 AtoB!Hectors. One's +Res/-Def and the other is +Atk/-Res. Can't decide if I should go +Res for the dual phase or just focus on +Atk for securing KO's. I do have a +Res Hardin but I usually have to give him the QR seal whenever I field him so it's a little inconvenient enough though it's not glued to anyone in particular while Hector can handle both phases by himself. Thoughts?


Congrats to your pulls!

I'm far from being an armor expert, missing both Hardin and Lance Hector, but I'll give you my 2 cents: 

Will you merge them to get rid of the bane? 

  • If yes: I'd go with +ATK, because that will help you in both phases and 28 RES is still a solid stat. 
  • If no: I'd still go with +ATK, because -DEF is an unfortunate bane for him and your Hardin will be remain a better RES tank anyway. (higher RES stat and free A-slot to boost it further).



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38 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Getting heavy blade to work is usually easier than eating through all those monstrous DEF and HP stats in Abyssal maps. 

With his merge level (+7), Life and Death 3 and full flower treatment, +SPD Roy would reach 60 ATK before support, seals and buffs. 63 ATK with +ATK boon would be better, but I'm nearly sure now that the missing 3 SPD would hurt more (46 compared to 43). 

I'm inclined to agree that +Spd is better, especially in the case of 46 vs 43 when it comes to Abyssal map clears since you tend to need the buff attack to cut through the bulk so having the natural speed to double is good.

50 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Congrats to your pulls!

I'm far from being an armor expert, missing both Hardin and Lance Hector, but I'll give you my 2 cents: 

Will you merge them to get rid of the bane? 

  • If yes: I'd go with +ATK, because that will help you in both phases and 28 RES is still a solid stat. 
  • If no: I'd still go with +ATK, because -DEF is an unfortunate bane for him and your Hardin will be remain a better RES tank anyway. (higher RES stat and free A-slot to boost it further).

I'm merging them. Having a +RES Hardin does make +Atk Hector attractive.

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15 hours ago, Humanoid said:

They're not really similar. Null C-Disrupt prevents the Candlelight/Flash/Imhullu effect, and disables Firesweep/Dazzling. It does nothing to enemy stat buffs, which is the only thing Dull Ranged neutralises.

Take Null C-Disrupt if your goal is to bait enemy healers and Firesweep Bow users. Take Dull Ranged if you need to counter hard-hitting nukes. (Dull Ranged is of course a significantly cheaper skill)


EDIT: Another thing to consider is that because Null C-Disrupt also works on melee attackers, it's most "efficient" when given to a DC unit, so they can always counter any unit, whereas Lyn obviously still can't counter Firesweep Sword/Lance.

Hmm, good points. I think I'll go with Dull Ranged for now. Thanks for the advice, everyone!

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10 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Two short questions:

  1. Is there any reason to choose +ATK over +SPD for BH!Roy?

    I'm pretty content with my +SPD Roy so far, with the newest merge (a +ATK copy) he'll be +7 and he already got full flower treatment. +SPD is useful in AR, but on some Abyssal maps he could use more punch. 
  2. +SPD/-DEF or +ATK/-HP for Leanne?

    I'm leaning towards +SPD, the other copy will be Hone Beasts fodder. 

Brave Roy's Attack fortunately doesn't need that much help to become high enough to trigger Heavy Blade. Also, who do you need to overpower with 63 Atk? The units with that much Atk generally are Armors who sport monsterous Defense, so Roy generally isn't doing much damage anyway no matter how much Atk he has (and taking LnD3 into account, he'll probably die on counterattack).

My own Brave Roy is +Atk... kinda wish I had your +Spd.

As for Leanne, +Spd. Despite hurting her Defense, it makes her harder to double overall (I'm even kinda thinking my own Leanne could use some form of Spd boosting over Mirror Stance...).


Small question of my own, should I give a Bladetome the Bonus Doubler skill? I know that the skill won't add even more to the damage of the tome, but since Bladetomes are expected to be running Field Buffs anyways, doesn't it make a little more sense to give them that over Fury (+3 or +4 that can be Chilled) or Life and Death (which I'm not saying is bad, but it does impact them defensively, and again Chills)?

Semi-related follow-up, how does Nino with Iris's Tome special refine, Even Spd Wave C slot, and Even Def or Even Res Wave SS sound? It's not Odd and Even Atk wave together, but it does make her completely self-sufficient on even numbered turns, which Turn 2 is usually about when my units are engaging with the enemy.

Lastly, @Kaden I think I'll wait and see about the Sword business for now... see if I really think she needs a new sword or not. Firesweep does seem... fun though.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Small question of my own, should I give a Bladetome the Bonus Doubler skill? I know that the skill won't add even more to the damage of the tome, but since Bladetomes are expected to be running Field Buffs anyways, doesn't it make a little more sense to give them that over Fury (+3 or +4 that can be Chilled) or Life and Death (which I'm not saying is bad, but it does impact them defensively, and again Chills)?

Bonus Doubler is the best pure stat skill for any unit that is expected to be always buffed with only a few exceptions:

  • Death Blow 4 and Darting Blow 4 give more points of a single stat if that single stat matters more than the others.
  • Sturdy Impact isn't a pure stat skill, but gives more points of Def than Bonus Doubler while matching it in Atk.
  • Steady Stance 4 isn't a pure stat skill, but gives more points of Def than Bonus Doubler.
  • Ophelia wants Life and Death because in-combat bonuses don't count for AoE Special damage.
  • You somehow get hit with Panic a lot.

The current optimal A skill for player-phase Litrblade infantry is one of Bonus Doubler, Death Blow 4, or Sturdy Impact.

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14 hours ago, mampfoid said:
  1. +SPD/-DEF or +ATK/-HP for Leanne?

    I'm leaning towards +SPD, the other copy will be Hone Beasts fodder. 


Depends on what you are trying to accomplish. +Spd is better overall, but if you want to use Leanne to fight dragons, +Atk is better for more damage output.

5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Semi-related follow-up, how does Nino with Iris's Tome special refine, Even Spd Wave C slot, and Even Def or Even Res Wave SS sound? It's not Odd and Even Atk wave together, but it does make her completely self-sufficient on even numbered turns, which Turn 2 is usually about when my units are engaging with the enemy.

I think it is fine for easier modes like Arena and Arena Assault, but definitely not for modes with difficult content.

I do not recommend single parity Waves for maps with turn limits, especially Aether Raids, since the turn you should start engaging is not always going to match the turn you are ready, and you cannot afford to wait nor only engage on certain parity turns.

I also do not recommend it for high pressure maps, where the enemies either field lots of reinforcements or utilize high mobility ranged units or both. Maps with large amounts of reinforcements require you to take down lots of units every turn, while maps with high mobility ranged units have a large Enemy Range that covers much of the map to strike you during your off turns.


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38 minutes ago, XRay said:

I do not recommend single parity Waves for maps with turn limits, especially Aether Raids, since the turn you should start engaging is not always going to match the turn you are ready, and you cannot afford to wait nor only engage on certain parity turns.

I also do not recommend it for high pressure maps, where the enemies either field lots of reinforcements or utilize high mobility ranged units or both. Maps with large amounts of reinforcements require you to take down lots of units every turn, while maps with high mobility ranged units have a large Enemy Range that covers much of the map to strike you during your off turns.

My Bladetomes have more or less been relegated to Arena Assault duty and similar. Nino is probably the only one I'd be interested in +10ing later on, but they've all generally fallen in use and are no longer seen in those harder maps.

It's be a more "fun" skillset than anything anyways. I've generally been of the opinion that Iris's Tomes special refine is not necessary and that Nino would benefit more from additional Speed and letting other units buff her up. Probably not a popular opinion, but then I did go all out on boosting Stahl's Resistance so probably not winning any credibility points here...

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Thanks for the answers! 

9 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Brave Roy's Attack fortunately doesn't need that much help to become high enough to trigger Heavy Blade. Also, who do you need to overpower with 63 Atk? The units with that much Atk generally are Armors who sport monsterous Defense, so Roy generally isn't doing much damage anyway no matter how much Atk he has (and taking LnD3 into account, he'll probably die on counterattack).

True, triggering heavy blade isn't the problem, just like you wrote: More ATK would be more than welcome to beat units with Abyssal stats. 

I will choose the general utility of +SPD over +ATK. 

Good luck getting a +SPD copy yourself! 

9 hours ago, Xenomata said:

As for Leanne, +Spd. Despite hurting her Defense, it makes her harder to double overall (I'm even kinda thinking my own Leanne could use some form of Spd boosting over Mirror Stance...).

Ok, +SPD it is. 

3 hours ago, XRay said:

Depends on what you are trying to accomplish. +Spd is better overall, but if you want to use Leanne to fight dragons, +Atk is better for more damage output.

I'll choose the "better overall" option, since I have no idea yet what to do with her. 

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Does Divine Naga and Dull Ranged stack or something? I assume they should not stack, but when I was testing out Deirdre in the calculator and gave her Dull Ranged, double Dull Ranged causes Ophelia to do 0 damage in combat. I assume it is a bug in the calculator, but I just wanted to make sure.

I also tested her against Nino, and double Dull Ranged messes with her too.

Deirdre: She got no Dragonflowers and no buffs.


Deirdre (5*+10 +atk)  
Weapon: Divine Naga  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Fury 3  
B: Guard 3  
S: Fortress Res 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Deirdre (5*+10 +atk)  
Weapon: Divine Naga  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Fury 3  
B: Dull Ranged 3  
S: Fortress Res 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  

Enemies: Fully Dragonflowered, got 6/6/6/6 bonus buffs. Ophelia also has Special charged.


Ophelia (5*+10 +atk -def)  
Weapon: Missiletainn  
Special: Blazing Wind  
A: Life and Death 3  
B: Special Spiral 3  
S: Hardy Bearing 3  
Nino (5*+10 +atk)  
Weapon: Iris's Tome  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Fury 3  
B: Desperation 3  
C: Odd Atk Wave 3  
S: Attack 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  


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