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2 hours ago, XRay said:

Even for Abyssal content, +Atk is generally more than sufficient, as enemies are often bulky but rarely reach beyond 45+ Spd, with fast ones hovering around 40 to 45 and often times less. With buffs, she can easily reach 50 Spd even at +0. There are rare cases where an enemy is super fast, but that is rare and far between.

Okay so assuming she's only got her weapon and attack/speed solo how would she stack up if her IVs are +Atk vs +Spd against the lunatic PvE enemies?


ETA because I derped big time-

What skills would she like to run against PvE content like CCs and SAs?

Edited by TheSilentChloey
I derped
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10 hours ago, XRay said:

If you want her to do one shot kills:
Dauntless Lance [Atk]
Death Blow
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk)

For Enemy Phase Def/Res tanking
Dauntless Lance [special]
Swap — Reposition
Moonbow — Bonfire — Ignis
Distant Counter — Steady Breath — Steady Stance — Warding Breath — Warding Stance
Quick Riposte — Wrath — Null C-Disrupt — Guard
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Def, Res, Spd/Def, Spd/Res, or Def/Res) — Quick Riposte

I was gonna go for the former, but I got a F!Berkut on the summer banner and, if he doesn't work out for me, I'm tempted to try his Warding Stance on her instead, thanks!

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6 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Okay so assuming she's only got her weapon and attack/speed solo how would she stack up if her IVs are +Atk vs +Spd against the lunatic PvE enemies?

Her neutral base Spd is 37. Atk/Spd Solo provides 6 Spd, so it takes that up to 43. Her Weapon provides variable Spd, but under normal circumstances, it should provide at least 4 Spd, so for a total of 47 Spd.

For comparison, the last Mythic Hero Battle map, Naga: Dragon Divinity, the fastest Abyssal enemy is the archer who can reach 54 Spd on Player Phase with Odd Spd Wave and double Darting Blow, but on Enemy Phase, his Spd is much more manageable at 42. There is also a super fast red manakete with Life and Death that got 48 Spd, but if you run Atk/Spd on the Sacred Seal slot and provide Hone Spd buff, you should have no trouble doubling it.

For modes below Abyssal, enemies are pretty damn slow. For Infernal, that same archer lost 2 Spd and Darting Blow Sacred Seal resulting in 40 Spd on Enemy Phase and 46 Spd on Player Phase, while the red manakete lost 4 Spd resulting in 44 Spd. For Lunatic, the archer lost more Spd and Spd Refinement, resulting in 35 Spd on Enemy Phase and 41 Spd on Player Phase, while the red manakete now sits at 41 Spd.

6 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

What skills would she like to run against PvE content like CCs and SAs?

Just switch her Special to Moonbow and B slot to Desperation. I also recommend Reposition for Assist.

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On 6/25/2019 at 12:00 AM, Ice Dragon said:

It really depends on how much you need the extra Spd compared to other stats and which Sacred Seal you're planning to run since Sturdy Impact and Fury 4 are still strong competition for the slot, especially with Darting Blow available as a Sacred Seal.

Sturdy Impact + Darting Blow, for example, is superior to Swift Sparrow 3 + Armored Blow, but Swift Sparrow 3 has better pairings with Heavy Blade and Flashing Blade (especially the latter for infantry), and Fury 4 has better pairings with Brazen skills for longer game modes.

I see, would this mean that in my situation Swift Sparrow 3 would be better with an attack boon to take better advantage of Heavy Blade, while Sturdy Impact would work better with a speed boon to make up for not getting extra speed from the A-skill? In the choice between Swift Sparrow 3 and Sturdy Impact, are there specific types of enemies that become easier or harder to deal with, for example among common threats in Aether Raids?


1 hour ago, Nimrod said:

Which of the ghb units you can get for grails are best to invest in? 

The most common ones are Aversa and Naesala from what I've seen. Aversa is very useful for several modes as she can provide debuffs and Panic status on the enemies just by being present, which is both helpful as a cheerleader in Arena and in Aether Raids. Naesala is a fast offensive flying unit that can get 3 movement if he is next to no other unit or only Beast and Dragon allies. He is getting a rerun in a few days, so you could get a copy of him for free soon. Panne can do something similar to him, but she doesn't get to move over all terrain like Naesala does. In return she gets to prevent the enemy's follow up attack if she is transformed and initiates combat, and always has her 3 movement.

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1 hour ago, Nimrod said:

Which of the ghb units you can get for grails are best to invest in? 

Depends what you wanna do with them. Are you talking specifically to spend more grails on for +10, or to just build at all and use?

  • Purely for Arena scoring, the highest valued units would be Black Knight, Halloween Dorcas, Rutger, and anyone who can get a Duel skill (if you've any of those to spare). Dorcas has the highest possible score potential of all these units.
  • For utility, Aversa is a good choice, especially in AR, though promoting her to +10 might not be as useful as making two of her at +1, with Light and Astra blessings. The main benefit to using her, after all, is her tome, so this approach can help get more from it without going overboard on investment. There are some people who simply want a red tome flier, of course, so that's always an option too.
  • Naesala and Panne are pretty nice choices, currently the only free beasts, and with excellent weapons. Can be hard to use to their fullest without similar units to ensure they stay transformed.
  • Winter Cecilia is a popular pick due to being a free ranged armor unit, with a lot of powerful build options that can make her destroy most foes, while being extremely hard to be killed.
  • F Robin is fairly versatile, being able to buff allies and be a Raventome user, which can always be useful. Boosting her well-rounded stats with merges can help her out quite a bit.
  • If you're willing to wait til she's available, Bridal Louise has stats similar to Brave Lyn, making her something of a free alternative (minus Lyn's unique skills).
  • Most other GHB/TT units can fulfill similar roles to summonable units, with some unique skills here and there. Nothing wrong with building whoever you like, of course. I've seen just about all of these units do incredible things when people put a lot of love and resources into them, so I wouldn't write anyone off.
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Out of curiosity, what's the best general Unit to give Close Counter to? I have a spare Takumi but my ranged Units on my main team are Ishtar, who has almost no EP presence unless you run base kit, and Sakura, who...Healer. Am I good to just go CC Razzle Dazzle for Sakura, or is there a better Unit I should be holding CC for instead? I can't seem to figure it out, CC seems harder to properly give out than DC.
...This is of course assuming I don't free-pull Summer Takumi, in which case it's going to him because then I have three different CC-Vantage Takumis.

Edited by SoulWeaver
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4 hours ago, BoaFerox said:

In the choice between Swift Sparrow 3 and Sturdy Impact, are there specific types of enemies that become easier or harder to deal with, for example among common threats in Aether Raids?

It depends on how you want to utilize SA!Tana, although I personally cannot really think of a reason why she would want any Impact over other A skills that boosts Atk/Spd if you are using her yourself. In the AI's hands it is mostly for making baiting her more difficult.

In players' hands, I do not think she really needs the Def+10 since she wants to get into Desperation range as soon as possible, and you also do not need to rely on eating counter attacks to get into Desperation range either. In Aether Raids, most Bolt Traps are horribly placed (even in Tier 21) and can be easily taken advantaged of by Player Phase teams. The vast majority of them are also leveled past 1 so you can pretty much count on getting into Desperation range once you step on it. If you want a consistent source of out of combat damage for your nukes without engaging them in combat, you can utilize DW!Berkut as a teammate and he can get your whole team into Desperation range after he fights. Follow-up prevention also is not very useful in players' hands since Player Phase nuke should kill their enemies on the second hit, rendering the effect pointless; if the nuke cannot kill a target on the second hit, then the nuke has no business engaging that fight in the first place.

1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

Out of curiosity, what's the best general Unit to give Close Counter to? I have a spare Takumi but my ranged Units on my main team are Ishtar, who has almost no EP presence unless you run base kit, and Sakura, who...Healer. Am I good to just go CC Razzle Dazzle for Sakura, or is there a better Unit I should be holding CC for instead? I can't seem to figure it out, CC seems harder to properly give out than DC.
...This is of course assuming I don't free-pull Summer Takumi, in which case it's going to him because then I have three different CC-Vantage Takumis.

Counter-Vantage is best used with units that can easily reach around 85+ Atk (assuming this is for Aether Raids), although I personally would not give it to a unit unless they can reach 90+ Atk. There is absolutely no point in running Vantage if the unit cannot kill an enemy in one hit.

The best ranged units to run Counter Vantage would be non-armor high Atk Blade mages. They are super easy to set up and use.

After that, you can try Jaffar and Pain healers, but they are more complicated to use in my opinion. They simulate high Atk with out of combat damage. Jaffar is a bit easier to use because he has access to Reposition while staff users do not.

You can try Kagero and Jeorge, but I am hesitant in recommending them. They have higher than average Atk, but it is not high enough that I would consider it reliable. I personally do not recommed Counter-Vantage for them unless they are your favorite characters or something.

I think that is every ranged unit off the top of my head. Anyone else not mentioned just does not make the cut.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

Counter-Vantage is best used with units that can easily reach around 85+ Atk (assuming this is for Aether Raids), although I personally would not give it to a unit unless they can reach 90+ Atk. There is absolutely no point in running Vantage if the unit cannot kill an enemy in one hit.

The best ranged units to run Counter Vantage would be non-armor high Atk Blade mages. They are super easy to set up and use.

After that, you can try Jaffar and Pain healers, but they are more complicated to use in my opinion. They simulate high Atk with out of combat damage. Jaffar is a bit easier to use because he has access to Reposition while staff users do not.

You can try Kagero and Jeorge, but I am hesitant in recommending them. They have higher than average Atk, but it is not high enough that I would consider it reliable. I personally do not recommed Counter-Vantage for them unless they are your favorite characters or something.

I think that is every ranged unit off the top of my head. Anyone else not mentioned just does not make the cut.

I'm actually just talking about CC specifically, CC-Vantage was a joke idea I first decided on doing after 5-Starring a Fallen Takumi, since I ran into a lot of memes about CC-Vantage Takumi back when SI was first added, where I'm going to one day make a team of four different versions of Takumi, all with CC-Vantage, just as a meme throwback. I do appreciate the pointers for it, though. CC by itself is what I'm actually trying to figure out, since most of the Mages I like(Ishtar, Rhajat, Delthea) are all designed with more Player Phase statspread, and the only Dagger I really like, NekoSakura, has garbage DEF and is basically useless for CC as far as I can tell. It's just for general gameplay, I'm very casual about AR and Arena, I was just wondering if there were any Units that could really make good use of CC, like Winter Tharja since she helpfully also comes with it so I can see how ridiculous it can be on certain Units. Basically, I'd like a non-Armor CC Unit for random general gameplay or Tempest Trials since that's pretty much my favorite mode, but can't tell if there are any Units that are really good with it.

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9 hours ago, Nimrod said:

Which of the ghb units you can get for grails are best to invest in? 

Aversa and Naesala both provide something unique that you can't find on other units right now. Panne has this to a lesser extent.

Azura is also a popular choice for being a ranged dancer that isn't seasonal (though she's a Tempest Trials reward and not a Grand Hero Battle unit).


5 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Out of curiosity, what's the best general Unit to give Close Counter to? I have a spare Takumi but my ranged Units on my main team are Ishtar, who has almost no EP presence unless you run base kit, and Sakura, who...Healer. Am I good to just go CC Razzle Dazzle for Sakura, or is there a better Unit I should be holding CC for instead? I can't seem to figure it out, CC seems harder to properly give out than DC.
...This is of course assuming I don't free-pull Summer Takumi, in which case it's going to him because then I have three different CC-Vantage Takumis.

The best options right now are either armors or Litrblade + Close Counter + Vantage units (or Jaffar with double Savage Blow).

The problem with Close Counter is that ranged units usually don't have the bulk necessary to give up their A slot for Close Counter considering that the melee units that will be attacking them have stat advantages over them. Ranged armors get around this by simply having way more stats than other units, and Vantage units get around this by being able to avoid being hit in the first place.

The other category of units that can use Close Counter, just not as well as the above builds, are the Litrowl (and similar weapons) builds, like Sophia, Henry, Boey, Summer Laevatein, and Saizo.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Aversa and Naesala both provide something unique that you can't find on other units right now. Panne has this to a lesser extent.

Azura is also a popular choice for being a ranged dancer that isn't seasonal (though she's a Tempest Trials reward and not a Grand Hero Battle unit).



I must admit the options nowadays are a little bit overwhelming, same goes for game modes. Btw what do you get if you happen to win 25 of those allegiance battles?

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6 minutes ago, Nimrod said:

Btw what do you get if you happen to win 25 of those allegiance battles?

Nothing. That bar is a count of how many times you or people on your friends list have killed the target unit (Legendary Eirika this week) and you get one point to your total score for the week for every kill. The number 25 is simply the cap, you're only able to get a maximum of 25 points in this way. Reaching 25 in itself does nothing special.

If you don't have enough people on your friends list to cap it out at 25, get more friends. 😉

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So I pulled a +Atk Summer Reflet.  Here's the build I'm thinking of:

Native weapon +Spd refine

Special: Moonbow/Luna/Glimmer/Astra

Assist: Not sure

A skill: Her native one/Fury 3 (as much as I hate the skill I can't deny it's usefulness)/(Distant Counter)

B Skill: (Null Follow up)/Renewal 3/(Special Spiral)

C Skill: Savage Blow 3/Attack Smoke 3/Drive Atk 2

Now will they work for PvE content Arena etc or are there some better builds?

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48 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Now will they work for PvE content Arena etc or are there some better builds?

Do you want her to do Player Phase, Enemy Phase, or mixed phase? I recommend switching out her lance unless you do not mind the high maintenance it takes to keep its effect, but on harder difficulties you will have to switch it out as that lance is not really viable. I also do not recommend Astra as it takes too long to charge. Player Phase builds are generally the cheapest to build, as Fury, Life and Death, and Desperation are can all be obtained from 4* units.

Player Phase:
Slaying Lance [Spd]
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
(Any A that boosts Atk, Spd, or Atk/Spd) — Heavy Blade — Flashing Blade

Mixed Phase:
Slaying Lance [Spd]
Fury — Atk/Spd Solo
Desperation — Guard — Null Follow-Up — Dull Close
(Any C)

Mixed Phase Push (not viable for maps with lots of reinforcements):
Deft Harpoon [Spd]
Atk/Spd Push
(Any C)
(Any A that boosts Atk, Spd, or Atk/Spd)

Enemy Phase:
Harmonic Lance [Spd] — Vanguard Lance [Spd]
Moonbow — Ignis (with Steady Breath)
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd or Spd/Def) — Steady Breath
Quick Riposte — Null Follow-Up — Dull Close — Guard
(Any C)
(Any A that boosts Spd, Atk/Spd, or Spd/Def) — Quick Riposte

Enemy Phase Distant Counter
Harmonic Lance [Spd] — Vanguard Lance [Spd] — Barrier Lance [Spd]
Distant Counter
Quick Riposte
(Any C)
(Any A that boosts Spd, Atk/Spd, Spd/Def, or Spd/Res)

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Do you want her to do Player Phase, Enemy Phase, or mixed phase? I recommend switching out her lance unless you do not mind the high maintenance it takes to keep its effect, but on harder difficulties you will have to switch it out as that lance is not really viable. I also do not recommend Astra as it takes too long to charge. Player Phase builds are generally the cheapest to build, as Fury, Life and Death, and Desperation are can all be obtained from 4* units.

Player Phase:
Slaying Lance [Spd]
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
(Any A that boosts Atk, Spd, or Atk/Spd) — Heavy Blade — Flashing Blade

Mixed Phase:
Slaying Lance [Spd]
Fury — Atk/Spd Solo
Desperation — Guard — Null Follow-Up — Dull Close
(Any C)

Mixed Phase Push (not viable for maps with lots of reinforcements):
Deft Harpoon [Spd]
Atk/Spd Push
(Any C)
(Any A that boosts Atk, Spd, or Atk/Spd)

Enemy Phase:
Harmonic Lance [Spd] — Vanguard Lance [Spd]
Moonbow — Ignis (with Steady Breath)
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd or Spd/Def) — Steady Breath
Quick Riposte — Null Follow-Up — Dull Close — Guard
(Any C)
(Any A that boosts Spd, Atk/Spd, or Spd/Def) — Quick Riposte

Enemy Phase Distant Counter
Harmonic Lance [Spd] — Vanguard Lance [Spd] — Barrier Lance [Spd]
Distant Counter
Quick Riposte
(Any C)
(Any A that boosts Spd, Atk/Spd, Spd/Def, or Spd/Res)

I was thinking more player phase for her, though that A skill of hers is kind of weird.

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4 hours ago, Nimrod said:

Which are the best units to go for if you just started out recently?

Ryoma seems cool to me

Colourless (For Veronica/Sakura) because Flying Healer and one of the best healers in the game is great.
If you care about AR. Green is good because you can get Yune (Dark Mythic). Gunnthra is good.... i guess 
Red is good because Ryoma is good (I feel) having a DC Flying Sword is great because you can totally change his A skill up.  and he's good a good stat spread. Hrid is good (fodder)
Blue is decent. Lucina is really fun, Ephiriam (well it depends who you ask. some ppl like him, some people don't) and if you like Beasts, Selkie is good. (and she has a unique B skill). 


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1. Do seals and skills stack?

- like 2x darting blow?

2. Is Freddie a viable option to invest in? Got a +atk-res and feel tempted

- if so, any recommended builds?

3. Are dancers worth 5starring? Or better wait for a 5* dancer?

I plan to merge some units to +10 long term for arena scoring - does a dancer make even sense? 

Got Reyson. Guess he might be a nice addition to a beast team. 



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Late reply.

On 6/24/2019 at 7:00 PM, DefyingFates said:

That...is a lot more information than I was expecting, thank you! The only problem is that I don't have most of the units you describe; just regular Hector with regular Armads and a 4* Mordecai I haven't had the chance to train yet (I also have an Ayra, but she's -Spd). I get that Wrath is still a useful Skill though, so I'll hold off on merging for now.

Assuming I keep the new Neph, what are some good builds? The two on Gamepress use Fury and SB, but I'm wondering if everyone here has some other suggestions. If I refine Dauntless Lance I'm thinking of going for the Spd or possibly the Eff refine. Is there a consensus on the latter?

Regular Hector with Berserk Armads works, but regular Hector's regular Armads does give him a niche if you give him Wary Fighter 3 as his B passive and Quick Riposte 3 as his seal. What happens if you get an omnibreaker where Wary Fighter's follow-up prevention cancel's out Armads's Quick Riposte 2 meaning the Quick Riposte 3 seal allows Hector to do a follow-up attack, but not his opponent so long as his opponent isn't running Null Follow-up. It's not as good as legendary Hector's omnibreaker relying on him having more allies near him, Myrrh needing higher defense than her opponent, Nah only needing a field buff on her, etc., but it does let him do something unique even if the health threshold is pretty strict.

So, I'm not trying to discourage you from running Berserk Armads and Wrath on regular Hector, but if you do want to then go ahead. Personally, I'd rather wait and have LA Hector and give Wrath to him instead.

Mordecai's more of a support unit and enemy phase unit. Anyone can run Wrath well, but with his high defense and the debuff effect of his personal fang, he could end up not taking damage from physical damage units in the first place. That's a problem Nephenee can run into. Against magic damage, he might die with his low resistance and low speed, especially if his enemies aren't debuffed.

Even with -Spd, Ayra is still fast and you can still patch it up with her personal sword or a speed refined sword as they all give her Spd+3 which brings her back up to her neutral base speed of 37 from -Spd's 34.

One thing I forgot to mention is think of Wrath as a skill letting you challenge things you shouldn't. The reason being its guaranteed +10 damage as noted before. Your unit could be doing 0 damage even with a special as big as Glacies or Ignis being boosted by their high defense or resistance, but no matter what, when they're in Wrath range, they will deal 10 damage when triggering a special that can only be reduced by skills like Pavise or Aegis if the attacker is Tailtiu since her tome has Wrath. With weapons that also have a Wo Dao or Wrath effect, that becomes +20 guaranteed damage which is half of most units' health. That why you can see things like Nephenee taking out green armors before getting her Dauntless Lance giving her effective damage against armors.

And as others have said, it depends on what you want to do with Nephenee. The unique refinement is enemy phase since it's Steady Posture 2. The stat refinements would be either player or mixed phase and the rest if up to your desired skills on her. You could do a weird charge Galeforce on enemy phase build. You'd need Steady or Warding Breath to charge it reliably, though. I think there was a video of a Nephenee solo clear of possessed Takumi and she was running this build, but I can't find it.

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1 hour ago, Nimrod said:

1. Do seals and skills stack?

- like 2x darting blow?

Depends on the skill. Double Darting blow would stack for example, as would every bond, drive or spur. 

Hones and fortifys (visible buffs) of the same type don't stack. Other negative examples are guidance or panic. 

Quick riposte is one of the special cases, it doesn't stack as it doesn't give you two follow-up hits on enemy phase. But every layer of QR cancels out one enemy skill that prevents your follow-up on enemy phase (i.e. wary fighter or cav beast weapons). 

1 hour ago, Nimrod said:

2. Is Freddie a viable option to invest in? Got a +atk-res and feel tempted

- if so, any recommended builds?

In general yes, since his availability, ATK, DEF, range and color are good. It depends what other green units you have at 5*. Cherche for example can fulfill a similar role. 

You could build him offensively (Brave axe+, Death Blow 3/4, Axebreaker 3, Luna, Reposition, Flexible C/S slot) or defensively (Slaying axe+ [DEF refine], Steady stance 3/4, quick riposte, Luna, Reposition, Flexible C/S slot). 

There are other, more detailed builds in the analysis section, I think. 

Cavalry buffs are cheap, Hone Cavalry is on Gunter at 4*, fortify Cavalry on Jagen at 4*. Therefore it makes sense for new players to build at least one Cavalry emblem team. 

2 hours ago, Nimrod said:

. Are dancers worth 5starring? Or better wait for a 5* dancer?

I plan to merge some units to +10 long term for arena scoring - does a dancer make even sense? 

Olivia works also well at 4*+x and you'll get other 5* dancers in the future. In general merged dancers make sense for arena, since the core team is all about babysitting the bonus unit to get all kills. 

Units with low BST will score low if you don't have a rare duel skill for them. Summer Helbindi (currently available on the summer banner) gives Red infantry duel, so you could merge an Olivia or a Silvia for arena. 

Currently there are only red infantry, red flying, green infantry, blue flying and colorless infantry duel skills in the game. 




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26 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Depends on the skill. Double Darting blow would stack for example, as would every bond, drive or spur. 

Hones and fortifys (visible buffs) of the same type don't stack. Other negative examples are guidance or panic. 

Quick riposte is one of the special cases, it doesn't stack as it doesn't give you two follow-up hits on enemy phase. But every layer of QR cancels out one enemy skill that prevents your follow-up on enemy phase (i.e. wary fighter or cav beast weapons). 

In general yes, since his availability, ATK, DEF, range and color are good. It depends what other green units you have at 5*. Cherche for example can fulfill a similar role. 

You could build him offensively (Brave axe+, Death Blow 3/4, Axebreaker 3, Luna, Reposition, Flexible C/S slot) or defensively (Slaying axe+ [DEF refine], Steady stance 3/4, quick riposte, Luna, Reposition, Flexible C/S slot). 

There are other, more detailed builds in the analysis section, I think. 

Cavalry buffs are cheap, Hone Cavalry is on Gunter at 4*, fortify Cavalry on Jagen at 4*. Therefore it makes sense for new players to build at least one Cavalry emblem team. 

Olivia works also well at 4*+x and you'll get other 5* dancers in the future. In general merged dancers make sense for arena, since the core team is all about babysitting the bonus unit to get all kills. 

Units with low BST will score low if you don't have a rare duel skill for them. Summer Helbindi (currently available on the summer banner) gives Red infantry duel, so you could merge an Olivia or a Silvia for arena. 

Currently there are only red infantry, red flying, green infantry, blue flying and colorless infantry duel skills in the game. 




Thanks for taking the time!

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This is my Julia, I got her recently and I want to seriously invest into her and make her a good unit as I now finished genealogy as she was a monster even before the book of Naga. 



This is all the stuff she currently has, normal Naga will be refined along with the voting gauntlet. 

What are the recommended Seals and A slots for this build, also what else do you suggest I give her and how can I properly use her normal Naga? 


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2 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

This is my Julia, I got her recently and I want to seriously invest into her and make her a good unit as I now finished genealogy as she was a monster even before the book of Naga. 

  Reveal hidden contents


This is all the stuff she currently has, normal Naga will be refined along with the voting gauntlet. 

What are the recommended Seals and A slots for this build, also what else do you suggest I give her and how can I properly use her normal Naga? 

Depends on what you want her to do. I assume you want to use her for combat. Get rid of Sabotage Atk since that is a support skill; most combat units cannot afford to run a non combat skill on their B slot, and Julia definitely needs her B slot for a combat skill.

Her Naga is an Enemy Phase tome, which you can specialize it through Weapon Refinement for either Res tanking or countering dragons.

If you use her primarily against dragons, I recommend the following:
Naga [special]
Fierce Stance
(Any C)
Fierce Stance

As a Res tank, I would use a different setup:
Naga [Res] -- Divine Naga [special] -- Divine Naga [Res]
(Any A that boosts Atk/Res) -- Warding Stance 4 (with Fierce Stance)
Quick Riposte -- Guard -- Null C-Disrupt
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Res or Atk/Res) -- Quick Riposte -- Fierce Stance

She is kind of slow, but you can still use her for Player Phase nuking:
Gronnblade — Divine Naga [special] — Divine Naga [Spd]
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Spd or Atk/Spd)

Edited by XRay
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So, since I got Summer Laevatin and got a few orbs left, I decided to go for a Summer Robin (I missed her year 1 and year 2 I wanted Tana and Cordelia so I couldn't pull for her) and got a +HP/-Res copy. I don't know how to build her, any idea? I don't have many premium fodder so I have been thinking about maybe a stance, guard/renewall (she seems speedy, so no QR, although maybe she isn't fast enough idk) and maybe an smoke, but I'd like to see your opinions (also, I'd like to know which lance give to her)

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