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can someone explain why rally skills affect scoing in arena?

Once u finish getting a high score in arena the rest of the days do you skip it since it wont matter anyways?

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1 hour ago, Steilison said:

can someone explain why rally skills affect scoing in arena?

Rally skills cost 400 SP.

Scoring in Arena is based on:
- Merges
- SP cost of skills
- Number of Legendary Heroes of the correct season
- Number of Blessed Heroes of the correct season that matches the Legendary Heroes

1 hour ago, Steilison said:

Once u finish getting a high score in arena the rest of the days do you skip it since it wont matter anyways?

I do not skip it. There are daily quests that rewards players for doing Arena every day.

However, once you finish getting a high score, it does not matter how well you do for the rest of the week, since the quests only specify that you win, not how well you win.

Edited by XRay
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On 5/2/2020 at 6:51 PM, XRay said:

I do not see a lot of value in Atk/Spd Oath since most Dancers/Singers can already provide Hone Atk/Hone Spd buffs or stronger versions of those buffs, and Atk/Spd Oath's Atk/Spd+1 over Hone Atk/Hone Spd is not really worth it to take up the whole C slot in my opinion. I would run Savage Blow, Def Smoke, or Res Smoke to help the nuke kill things, or run Hone Def or Hone Res to help buff a Blade mage ally.

I recommend basing your decision on who can make the best use of Swift Sparrow 3 rather than who can make the best use of Atk/Spd Oath. I would treat Atk/Spd Oath as the cherry on top or as a side grade option, since it is not nowhere near as crucial as the A skill.


Trying to get another Edelgard (my base was +spd) I got yet another Celica, so I won't be less picky about it now.

In any case, I also got a Nagi and been thinking about my flame emperor (the male one, lol) does special fighter stack with guard axe? I have still my Hector and could pass it the other flame emperor (the female one) as I totally appreciate her b-skill. I remember you don't like armor units but maybe you do have some insight on potential builds. Too bad both are green axe units...

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1 minute ago, Poco Lypso said:

In any case, I also got a Nagi and been thinking about my flame emperor (the male one, lol) does special fighter stack with guard axe?

Special Fighter does not stack with Guard Axe.

5 minutes ago, Poco Lypso said:

I have still my Hector and could pass it the other flame emperor (the female one) as I totally appreciate her b-skill.

You could give Distant Counter to Edelgard: Flame Emperor and give her a dual phase skill set. However, I do not recommend Distant Counter for her if she is being used in Aether Raids since ranged nukes are extremely powerful in that mode. FE!Edelgard does not stand chance against them, so she should focus on just melee matchups and not bother with Distant Counter in my opinion.

Reposition — Swap
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
Distant Counter
Raging Storm
Armor Stride
Quick Riposte

As a dual phase unit, her Enemy Phase combat is pretty normal, although it is better than most dual phase units since she comes with Wary Fighter on her Weapon. As a dual phase unit, her Player Phase is more unique due to Raging Storm giving her Galeforce, so her "Bold Fighter" is split between two rounds of combat; this makes her less affected by foes running Wary Fighter or Null Follow-Up.

13 minutes ago, Poco Lypso said:

I remember you don't like armor units but maybe you do have some insight on potential builds. Too bad both are green axe units...

I generally dislike armor units. However, there are some exceptions. Trick of Defeat Jakob, Glorious Gifts Marth, Lovely Gifts Faye, Gifts of Winter Eirika, Darkness Within Y!Tiki, FE!Edelgard are among the exceptions.

TOD!Jakob, GG!Marth, and LG!Faye are all colorless archers, so they can run Firesweep Bow-Armored Boots to solve their mobility issue.

GOW!Eirika is the only armored staff unit, so she is really useful on armor teams to help provide additional healing. And she can also run Armored Boots and act as a regular infantry healer to alleviate her mobility issue, and she does not have to worry about counter attacks even if she needs to engage in combat.

DW!Y!Tiki does not have much mobility issues since she got Solitary Dream, and FE!Edelgard can Galeforce twice per turn which helps boost her mobility significantly.

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40 minutes ago, XRay said:

Special Fighter does not stack with Guard Axe.

You could give Distant Counter to Edelgard: Flame Emperor and give her a dual phase skill set. However, I do not recommend Distant Counter for her if she is being used in Aether Raids since ranged nukes are extremely powerful in that mode. FE!Edelgard does not stand chance against them, so she should focus on just melee matchups and not bother with Distant Counter in my opinion.

Reposition — Swap
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
Distant Counter
Raging Storm
Armor Stride
Quick Riposte

As a dual phase unit, her Enemy Phase combat is pretty normal, although it is better than most dual phase units since she comes with Wary Fighter on her Weapon. As a dual phase unit, her Player Phase is more unique due to Raging Storm giving her Galeforce, so her "Bold Fighter" is split between two rounds of combat; this makes her less affected by foes running Wary Fighter or Null Follow-Up.

I generally dislike armor units. However, there are some exceptions. Trick of Defeat Jakob, Glorious Gifts Marth, Lovely Gifts Faye, Gifts of Winter Eirika, Darkness Within Y!Tiki, FE!Edelgard are among the exceptions.

TOD!Jakob, GG!Marth, and LG!Faye are all colorless archers, so they can run Firesweep Bow-Armored Boots to solve their mobility issue.

GOW!Eirika is the only armored staff unit, so she is really useful on armor teams to help provide additional healing. And she can also run Armored Boots and act as a regular infantry healer to alleviate her mobility issue, and she does not have to worry about counter attacks even if she needs to engage in combat.

DW!Y!Tiki does not have much mobility issues since she got Solitary Dream, and FE!Edelgard can Galeforce twice per turn which helps boost her mobility significantly.

She can galeforce twice?

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1 minute ago, Poco Lypso said:

She can galeforce twice?

Raging Storm gives her guaranteed Galeforce. Running Galeforce as the Special lets her Galeforce again.

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12 minutes ago, Poco Lypso said:

Awesome!!! Big thanks!

So what a-skill would be best on such build? Deathblow4?

Death Blow 4 is good, but I would just stick Atk/Res Solo as it gives her better bulk on both phases as the Res boost helps her take less damage from dragons.

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On 5/1/2020 at 6:12 AM, XRay said:

As a dual phase unit, either is fine in my opinion. +Atk is better for his Player Phase while +Res is better for Enemy Phase. You can also keep both if you do not want to decide.

My barracks are crying about too many people being in there.

On 5/1/2020 at 6:12 AM, XRay said:

I would give Close Call along with Distant Counter to BH!Ike. Makes Aether Raids a whole lot easier.

Going to need another CYL Ike to make it easier for him to pass Close Call's speed check. Neutral, free CYL Ike stays for F2P strategies while the one in use is +Def, -Spd where -Spd is a superflaw for CYL Ike. I only have the one, free Peony, so she just negates his -Spd which isn't as great as getting Spd+4 and whatever speed buffs from whoever like CYL Lucina. The only other speed boosting mythics are Lif and Yune. I don't have Lif while Yune is a flying poncho.

@Zeo, late response and I don't think I have anything to say really that the others haven't already. My Nah is +Atk, -Res and she does fine. I guess something that might be helpful is to ask yourself what you want her to do with regards to +Atk, +Def, or +Res for that matter. Do you want her to do as much damage as possible with each hit, to be more of a physical damage tank, or to be a mixed tank? Then I guess you could combine that with what are you willing to trade. Of the two, I would go for +Atk and that's mostly because of all the attack she can get from having a 37 base Atk and a 19 Mt dragonstone and that I feel like her neutral defense is fine that I would rather have higher attack or resistance.

So, somehow, a surprise Claude showed up from the Glimmer banner and he's +Atk, -Def. +Atk gives him 36/37 offenses which is great, but this is my second Claude where the first is +Spd, -Atk. +Spd, -Atk gives him 30/40 offenses where he does his Cunning Bow and Lull Spd/Def to help out with damage. +Spd would also help for Firesweep Bow if I wanted to run that on him which I kind of don't because I only have one spare copy of Firesweep Bow if I were willing to use a +Atk, -Res Faye instead of keeping her around for if I want to switch my current Faye +1 from +Def. Brave Bow is more common and +Atk would work well for that, but I try to keep units with their prf weapons if possible. Anyway, I think my main worry is speed creep. It depends on the mode, but at the very least I think I want to give Claude an Astra blessing and have him be another unit option during Astra season. Same deal with Hilda who is also +Spd, -Atk, but when you only drop down to 34/37 offenses and can get up Atk/Spd+12 with your default kit, -Atk is not that bad.

Don't think I will merge him right now. Lull Spd/Def seems too good to pass up. Spring Alfonse, Claude, and a 4* Rath would let me inherit Giant Spoon+, Lull Spd/Def 3, and Def Smoke 3 onto an axe cavalry or axe infantry. Claude and a 4* Rath would let me get Lull Spd/Def 3 and Def Smoke 3 onto any cavalry or infantry. There's also 4* Panne for Def Smoke 3 alone, but using grail units for skill inheritance is eh...

Edited by Kaden
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13 hours ago, Kaden said:

My barracks are crying about too many people being in there.

I have a Player Phase bias, so I personally lean towards +Atk for Player Phase. If you kill the most threatening stuff on Player Phase, then Enemy Phase would be easier, so his +Res would matter less. Or at least that is how my reasoning goes.

Although I can also argue that since Player Phase is so much easier to manage for me due to Dancers/Singers and combat prediction built into the game, I do not really need +Atk since I can often use other nukes to handle the job, so I should prioritize his Enemy Phase performance more to offset my comparatively lack of experience with Enemy Phase combat.

Feels like a glass half full or glass half empty kind of thing.

13 hours ago, Kaden said:

Going to need another CYL Ike to make it easier for him to pass Close Call's speed check. Neutral, free CYL Ike stays for F2P strategies while the one in use is +Def, -Spd where -Spd is a superflaw for CYL Ike. I only have the one, free Peony, so she just negates his -Spd which isn't as great as getting Spd+4 and whatever speed buffs from whoever like CYL Lucina. The only other speed boosting mythics are Lif and Yune. I don't have Lif while Yune is a flying poncho.

I see, that would make him more difficult to use with no merges to fix that -Spd.

My BH!Ike is +Res +7+10, as well as having two Peonys and BH!Lucina for support, so it is definitely a lot easier for me to use.

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1 hour ago, Hero_Lucina said:

How do you guys grind for all these feathers? It's insane. I barely have Silas, Leon and Berkut (along w a 4* Marf) 

Most modes give feather rewards. If you score high in tempest trials for example, you'll receive a lot of hero merits from the units you are using. 

If you rank decent or high in most modes, then you'll receive enough feathers to merge a unit to +10 every 1-2 months. 

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1 hour ago, Juliojck said:

t is possible to combine 5-star units. Those invoked with this rarity?

Yes, you can merge 5* units. Just merge them as normal. Tap <Allies>, <Ally Growth>, <Merge Allies>, and then pick who you want to merge.

Keep in mind that merging a lower rarity fodder unit into a higher rarity base unit will not increase the merge level of the higher rarity base unit.

For example, 5* Nino will not have its merge level increased if I use a 3* or 4* Nino.

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What would be the best nature for Edelgard, +Def or Res? For context, I want to use her as an optional Galeforce sweeper for AR and as a mixed tank. She has her default kit, DC and HB in her seal slot (don't have HB4) . I have the option to run her alongside double Eir or double Altina.

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5 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

What would be the best nature for Edelgard, +Def or Res? For context, I want to use her as an optional Galeforce sweeper for AR and as a mixed tank. She has her default kit, DC and HB in her seal slot (don't have HB4) . I have the option to run her alongside double Eir or double Altina.

Which version of Edelgard? 

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19 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

Sorry, it's Legendary Edelgard.

+res is better because it rounds out her mixed bulk. Furthermore, a +def IV makes her susceptible to weapons with "shining effect" such as shining bow and Leif who will get free +7 damage if Edelgard has over 5 more def than res. Also, I find Sothis more annoying than any other melee threat in AR light due to her special taking out over half of Edelgard's health. 

I have a +3 +res L!Edelgard now after rolling again on her banner replacing the previous +def copy. 

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20 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

+res is better because it rounds out her mixed bulk. Furthermore, a +def IV makes her susceptible to weapons with "shining effect" such as shining bow and Leif who will get free +7 damage if Edelgard has over 5 more def than res. Also, I find Sothis more annoying than any other melee threat in AR light due to her special taking out over half of Edelgard's health. 

I have a +3 +res L!Edelgard now after rolling again on her banner replacing the previous +def copy. 

Hm. I don't think I have to worry about OG!Leif and Shining Bows, but mixed bulk is pretty nice. After the merge she'd have 40 res which could be brought up to 50 via Eir blessings.

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24 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

What would be the best nature for Edelgard, +Def or Res? For context, I want to use her as an optional Galeforce sweeper for AR and as a mixed tank. She has her default kit, DC and HB in her seal slot (don't have HB4) . I have the option to run her alongside double Eir or double Altina.

For PvE, mixing Galeforce and Distant Counter dual phase is probably fine, since enemies are generally not particularly hard hitting, so it is probably okay to have her deal with all types of enemies. The two primary exceptions are bosses since they have their Specials fully charged, and Rauðrblade mages (and maybe Gronnblade mages) who can hit extremely hard.

On Aether Raids though, I do not think it is good idea to have her do Galeforce and Distant Counter mixed tanking on the same build. You are making her do way too much, making too many compromises. Nukes already hit extremely hard in that mode, and I do not think it is viable to use her as a tank against ranged foes. SK!Alm and QOV!Celica are pretty common, and Lunar Arc and Saintly Seraphim will deal extremely heavy damage if not outright kill her, as well as bypass Aymr's Wary Fighter. Bramimond is no joke either. For Aether Raids, I recommend going either for Galeforce OR have her be a super tank, but not both at the same time.

PvE Dual Phase:
Reposition — Swap
Galeforce — Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
Distant Counter
Raging Storm
Armor Stride
Quick Riposte
+Atk is better if you want her to focus more on Player Phase, while +Def/Res is better if you want her to focus more on Enemy Phase. I lean towards +Atk, since she should take out the most threatening foes first. With the most threatening foes gone, +Def/Res becomes less necessary.

Aymr — Brave Axe
Atk/Res Solo — Death Blow
Raging Storm
Armor Stride
Heavy Blade
If being used in PvE, I highly recommend giving her BK!Eliwood or GOW!Eirika as allies on the team, since they can buff her from afar.

Spd Super Tank:
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
Distant Counter
Vengeful Fighter
Panic Smoke
Swift Stance
If you want her to handle SK!Alm and QOV!Celica, you will need to Spd stack her like crazy with +10+5, Summoner Support, double Peonys, and Ally Support with BH!Lucina.

Slow Def/Res Super Tank:
Ignis — Glacies — Aether (with BH!Lucina)
Distant Counter
Vengeful Fighter — Special Fighter (with Quick Riposte)
Pulse Smoke — Panic Smoke
Distant Def — Mirror Stance — Sturdy Stance — Fortress Res (against Ophelia) — Quick Riposte
Either nature is fine, since you can just adjust the buffs on your buffers as necessary to balance them out. I lean towards +Res, as making her visible Res as high as possible will help her survive Ophelia better.

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4 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

Hm. I don't think I have to worry about OG!Leif and Shining Bows, but mixed bulk is pretty nice. After the merge she'd have 40 res which could be brought up to 50 via Eir blessings.

What support unit do you have in mind? On light season, I use her with Velouria. On astra season, I use her with Brave Micaiah or a galeforce cav to get rid of another unit while the cav retreats. 

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

For PvE, mixing Galeforce and Distant Counter dual phase is probably fine, since enemies are generally not particularly hard hitting, so it is probably okay to have her deal with all types of enemies. The two primary exceptions are bosses since they have their Specials fully charged, and Rauðrblade mages (and maybe Gronnblade mages) who can hit extremely hard.

On Aether Raids though, I do not think it is good idea to have her do Galeforce and Distant Counter mixed tanking on the same build. You are making her do way too much, making too many compromises. Nukes already hit extremely hard in that mode, and I do not think it is viable to use her as a tank against ranged foes. SK!Alm and QOV!Celica are pretty common, and Lunar Arc and Saintly Seraphim will deal extremely heavy damage if not outright kill her, as well as bypass Aymr's Wary Fighter. Bramimond is no joke either. For Aether Raids, I recommend going either for Galeforce OR have her be a super tank, but not both at the same time.


Interesting build considerations. Sounds like Def and Res boons are pretty interchangeable but I can agree that trying to make her a jack of all trades unit lowers her optimum performance in particular roles.

1 hour ago, Icelerate said:

What support unit do you have in mind? On light season, I use her with Velouria. On astra season, I use her with Brave Micaiah or a galeforce cav to get rid of another unit while the cav retreats. 

I saw a strategy that uses L!Hector for the CD reduction and so Edelgard more reliably gets her third attack in (if for example she gets two soft targets and doesn't take a counter attack. They're both Fire legendaries so they can be used in the same season as well.

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on aether resort is there any value building the inn, hotspring, concert hall and dining hall? 

My field can only have 2 soil pot that means I can only plant 2 dragonflowers is planting 2 different dragonflowers the max?

Edited by Steilison
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2 hours ago, Steilison said:


on aether resort is there any value building the inn, hotspring, concert hall and dining hall? 

My field can only have 2 soil pot that means I can only plant 2 dragonflowers is planting 2 different dragonflowers the max?


The dining hall can give you some feathers if your prepare some dishes for your units, the other structures are pretty fun to use but kinda useless outside the resort. Though you can use them in AR as the yellow structures (forgot their name).

Yes, the max are 2 soil for now, which means you can have 5 dracoflowers of 2 different types if you decide to plant them.

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Okay, huge question time.


I'm having trouble between an IVd Unit forma and a Grail Unit forma.  The IVd Unit got some really good premium skills- and I mean premium skills plus his base refine, all wrapped into a powerful carrying package while the Grail Unit...got some good skills but is disgusting (and not in the good way) at keeping up.  Do I go the IVd unit or the Grail unit?

forma_roy__by_thesilentchloey_ddwmnf4-fu or celicia_forma_by_thesilentchloey_ddwmnjp

I'm leaning to Roy...and that's not a good thing, but if I do go with Roy he's built up and actually decent...


Ugh why is picking forma so damn hard!


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33 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Okay, huge question time.


I'm having trouble between an IVd Unit forma and a Grail Unit forma.  The IVd Unit got some really good premium skills- and I mean premium skills plus his base refine, all wrapped into a powerful carrying package while the Grail Unit...got some good skills but is disgusting (and not in the good way) at keeping up.  Do I go the IVd unit or the Grail unit?

forma_roy__by_thesilentchloey_ddwmnf4-fu or celicia_forma_by_thesilentchloey_ddwmnjp

I'm leaning to Roy...and that's not a good thing, but if I do go with Roy he's built up and actually decent...


Ugh why is picking forma so damn hard!


There are still a few days left, so you can try giving Gifts of Winter Cecilia more skills and decide later.

Fort. Def/Res is pretty nice, although I agree that the rest of her kit does need a lot of work. If you have already gone through all 25 levels, you can just hit the easy levels for the rest of the event to see if you have any luck getting anything better for her. My Cecilia is mostly done, and I am just trying to get Close Counter for her; she is running Mirror Stance 3, which I guess is not bad, but I prefer Close Counter.

If the event suddenly ends and you need to make a decision now though, I guess it depends on what you prioritize for resource.

As a paying player, I would go GOW!Cecilia since I can just outfit her with better skills later, and I value Grail units more than regular units.

If a player does not have the resources to build a unit from scratch or just want something easy and fun to use, I guess I would go with Brave Heroes Roy.

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