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@XRay I kind of agree with you on CC versus CF, but I have CF fodder and there's no guarantee I'll ever get CC fodder (not getting rid of the free Takumi as I like to keep one of everyone). As for Midori, she's 5* which means I'd have to actively pursue merging her, and I don't like her enough to be willing to try that.

@XRay & @Othin Thank you, both. I think I know what I'll do. Going to work on Norne and if no one else comes along that I like more in the meantime, I'll do her. Or maybe be stupid and do like Jamke or Tanya just because I like them a little better than Norne 😛

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For Cecilia I decided to go with 

  • Tome of order (TA) 
  • Reposition 
  • Glimmer 
  • Distant Defence/ Atk/Def Solo (when available) 
  • Lul Atk/Res (when available), GTomebreaker 3
  • Atk smoke 
  • Distant Defence/QR

She can be a solid Astra tank that can counter some non red teams. 

24 minutes ago, Othin said:

With all this Cecilia talk, I'm starting to think now about Atk/Res Solo. I have an extra Flora, who would also make it possible to get QR3 without having to upgrade a Subaki. It'd mean giving up her extra Def from DD3, but she's pretty sturdy, and the Atk could come in handy. Are there other particularly good uses for an extra Flora?

Atk/Res Solo and QR fodder seems to be the best utility right now for Flora. I have a +1 lying around and I tried giving her a chance but I found her too circumstantial to actually be threatening (she must get a refine in my opinion). 

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27 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

For Cecilia I decided to go with 

  • Tome of order (TA) 
  • Reposition 
  • Glimmer 
  • Distant Defence/ Atk/Def Solo (when available) 
  • Lul Atk/Res (when available), GTomebreaker 3
  • Atk smoke 
  • Distant Defence/QR

She can be a solid Astra tank that can counter some non red teams. 

Atk/Res Solo and QR fodder seems to be the best utility right now for Flora. I have a +1 lying around and I tried giving her a chance but I found her too circumstantial to actually be threatening (she must get a refine in my opinion). 

Yeah I definitely wouldn't merge Flora, it's just a question of how much utility Cecilia would get out of Atk/Res Solo 3 compared to other characters.

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On 8/10/2020 at 8:57 AM, Othin said:

With all this Cecilia talk, I'm starting to think now about Atk/Res Solo. I have an extra Flora, who would also make it possible to get QR3 without having to upgrade a Subaki. It'd mean giving up her extra Def from DD3, but she's pretty sturdy, and the Atk could come in handy. Are there other particularly good uses for an extra Flora?

On 8/10/2020 at 9:56 AM, SuperNova125 said:

Atk/Res Solo and QR fodder seems to be the best utility right now for Flora. I have a +1 lying around and I tried giving her a chance but I found her too circumstantial to actually be threatening (she must get a refine in my opinion). 

On 8/10/2020 at 10:26 AM, Othin said:

Yeah I definitely wouldn't merge Flora, it's just a question of how much utility Cecilia would get out of Atk/Res Solo 3 compared to other characters.


Before I help with the Flora as SI fodder question, LOOK AT THAT. She legit has 56 Defense on initiating against a melee foe, and she takes low damage overall as a result even when a dragon targets her 42 Res. Cause of her automatic follow-up attack against DC foes (and that second attack usually being Bonfire charged), she generally has always secured a kill against them. And thanks to Sturdy Impact, even if she doesn't get the kill she herself doesn't die in retaliation since (in a no-Null-Follow-up scenario) the enemy can't counterattack. So yeah, circumstantial, but REALLY good when given the chance, and in an environment where the only skills more valuable than Distant Counter are tier 4 skills, Close Foil, and Distant Ward she is only sometimes not necessary. I may have +10ed her on accident, but Bob Ross would approve of this happy little accident.

...but anyway, Cecilia. I do think she would get some good utility out of Quick Riposte, and Atk/Res Solo I think is a good match for her as well. She might appreciate Atk/Def Solo more, since the most frightening units are Bows, and even Close Foil would be a good option if you have it since she'll get to counter melee enemies and still get Atk/Def +5 against bows and daggers, but hey they are still rare SI, no pressure.

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3 hours ago, Xenomata said:


Before I help with the Flora as SI fodder question, LOOK AT THAT. She legit has 56 Defense on initiating against a melee foe, and she takes low damage overall as a result even when a dragon targets her 42 Res. Cause of her automatic follow-up attack against DC foes (and that second attack usually being Bonfire charged), she generally has always secured a kill against them. And thanks to Sturdy Impact, even if she doesn't get the kill she herself doesn't die in retaliation since (in a no-Null-Follow-up scenario) the enemy can't counterattack. So yeah, circumstantial, but REALLY good when given the chance, and in an environment where the only skills more valuable than Distant Counter are tier 4 skills, Close Foil, and Distant Ward she is only sometimes not necessary. I may have +10ed her on accident, but Bob Ross would approve of this happy little accident.

...but anyway, Cecilia. I do think she would get some good utility out of Quick Riposte, and Atk/Res Solo I think is a good match for her as well. She might appreciate Atk/Def Solo more, since the most frightening units are Bows, and even Close Foil would be a good option if you have it since she'll get to counter melee enemies and still get Atk/Def +5 against bows and daggers, but hey they are still rare SI, no pressure.

That's a pretty scary Flora actually. I wonder if something similar could work for Astra offense alongside Cecilia as a team to take some specialised foes (Also thank you for the Bob Ross reference). 

On another note today I got a Larum and since I collected her flowers I want to fodder her for Disarm Trap. However, I am conflicted, should I give DT to Eir so that she can break structures and Pots as well as Reposition to safety allies without fear of traps or should I give it to Leila to Warp safely (That's her main gimmick after all)? 

Also for a neutral +1 Duo Ehpraim (W 5 Flowers) will a build like this work? 

  • Guard Lance+ (Res) 
  • Reposition 
  • Sol/Noontime
  • DC
  • Lul Atk/Def 
  • Atk smoke 
  • QR

Will something like this work as an enemy phase build (insta Guard and extra stats are nice I think). 

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5 hours ago, Xenomata said:


Before I help with the Flora as SI fodder question, LOOK AT THAT. She legit has 56 Defense on initiating against a melee foe, and she takes low damage overall as a result even when a dragon targets her 42 Res. Cause of her automatic follow-up attack against DC foes (and that second attack usually being Bonfire charged), she generally has always secured a kill against them. And thanks to Sturdy Impact, even if she doesn't get the kill she herself doesn't die in retaliation since (in a no-Null-Follow-up scenario) the enemy can't counterattack. So yeah, circumstantial, but REALLY good when given the chance, and in an environment where the only skills more valuable than Distant Counter are tier 4 skills, Close Foil, and Distant Ward she is only sometimes not necessary. I may have +10ed her on accident, but Bob Ross would approve of this happy little accident.

...but anyway, Cecilia. I do think she would get some good utility out of Quick Riposte, and Atk/Res Solo I think is a good match for her as well. She might appreciate Atk/Def Solo more, since the most frightening units are Bows, and even Close Foil would be a good option if you have it since she'll get to counter melee enemies and still get Atk/Def +5 against bows and daggers, but hey they are still rare SI, no pressure.

Nice. I'm sure she can be strong with full investment, but I only have two copies of her and I don't expect to accumulate many, so it's specific to my case.

Atk/Def Solo and Close Foil would certainly make sense, as well as Close Counter. I don't have any of those on hand, though.

I think for now I'll wait for an Atk/Def Solo or Atk/Res Solo seal, then see how well that works before committing to any SI. Of course if it works well, I could just stick with DD3 A and Solo S for a while and see if I get anything better for her A slot, like a Counter skill or Distant Def 4.

Edited by Othin
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2 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

On another note today I got a Larum and since I collected her flowers I want to fodder her for Disarm Trap. However, I am conflicted, should I give DT to Eir so that she can break structures and Pots as well as Reposition to safety allies without fear of traps or should I give it to Leila to Warp safely (That's her main gimmick after all)? 

I would give it to whoever you use more often. I personally lean towards Eir since she is crucial in many team compositions, although her loadout may be different depending on the team.

2 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

Also for a neutral +1 Duo Ehpraim (W 5 Flowers) will a build like this work? 

  • Guard Lance+ (Res) 
  • Reposition 
  • Sol/Noontime
  • DC
  • Lul Atk/Def 
  • Atk smoke 
  • QR

Will something like this work as an enemy phase build (insta Guard and extra stats are nice I think). 

I would go with Moonbow. In my opinion, healing Specials heal too little to matter, and if the unit needs healing support, I would bring an actual healer instead.

28 minutes ago, Othin said:

Atk/Def Solo and Close Foil would certainly make sense, as well as Close Counter. I don't have any of those on hand, though.

I think for now I'll wait for an Atk/Def Solo or Atk/Res Solo seal, then see how well that works before committing to any SI. Of course if it works well, I could just stick with DD3 A and Solo S for a while and see if I get anything better for her A slot, like a Counter skill or Distant Def 4.

If you got Cecilia to +10, I think it is worth it to go the full mile and aim for premium skills as well.

I discourage the use of Distant Def 4 since Stance-Lull combo is better than Defense-Guard combo. Guard has an HP requirement, and Cecilia does not have the Spd to contest fast nukes nor does she have adaptive damage to make use of denying enemy Def buffs. Stance-Lull combo has no HP requirement for Guard, and Cecilia gets more bulk and damage from the in combat debuff on top of denying Atk/Res buffs.

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26 minutes ago, XRay said:

If you got Cecilia to +10, I think it is worth it to go the full mile and aim for premium skills as well.

I discourage the use of Distant Def 4 since Stance-Lull combo is better than Defense-Guard combo. Guard has an HP requirement, and Cecilia does not have the Spd to contest fast nukes nor does she have adaptive damage to make use of denying enemy Def buffs. Stance-Lull combo has no HP requirement for Guard, and Cecilia gets more bulk and damage from the in combat debuff on top of denying Atk/Res buffs.

I don't "aim" for premium skills. I take whatever happens to show up on duplicate units. I've been getting to enjoy building +10 versions of common units, but the only reason I started doing it in the first place is that it draws on resources that no longer contribute to expanding my number of unique 5* units.

I don't have any copies of Kiria or Brammimond, so I'd need to pull two copes of one of them in order to have Lull Atk/Res fodder available. I have three Tier 4 Stance units, Mila, Osian, and Surtr, but I'd more likely keep a second Mila for double Isolation (or merge her for higher scoring), and Osian is one of my favorite characters so I'd be tempted to merge him as well. Even if I wanted to use an Osian as fodder, I'd be reluctant to pick an inheritance target that couldn't also learn his Wrath skill. And Surtr's Stance skill isn't one of the better ones. So arranging a proper Stance-Lull build for Cecilia seems likely to take a very long time, if it ever happens.

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Before my question, a brief vent - I didn't know I was supposed to be afraid of Baby Caeda, until armed with Legendary Azura she destroyed my Arena team in two turns. Ugh.

Now for my question, I finally made it to Level 18 in arena (I know most of you are probably higher), so I feel like I have to concentrate on undefeated (no death) scores. I am struggling putting my highest rated team out there (plus bonus) and not having at least one death per round of 5 matches. Should I drop one of my highest rated and add a dancer instead of going for highest points total?

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23 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

Before my question, a brief vent - I didn't know I was supposed to be afraid of Baby Caeda, until armed with Legendary Azura she destroyed my Arena team in two turns. Ugh.

Now for my question, I finally made it to Level 18 in arena (I know most of you are probably higher), so I feel like I have to concentrate on undefeated (no death) scores. I am struggling putting my highest rated team out there (plus bonus) and not having at least one death per round of 5 matches. Should I drop one of my highest rated and add a dancer instead of going for highest points total?

Depends on what exactly those two options entail. Dancers are useful, but the score hit is pretty big. I'd suggest seeing how high-scoring of a team you can reasonably get a deathless run with, and try to make it higher-scoring than a dancer team even if it isn't necessarily your highest-scoring.

You can plug different team compositions into the arena score calculator to see how well they'll score: http://www.arcticsilverfox.com/score_calc/

Another thing you can do is try getting a deathless run with a lower-scoring team, then look at the rankings to get an idea of if you'll need to improve your score to hit the tier you want, and if so, by how much.

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

Depends on what exactly those two options entail. Dancers are useful, but the score hit is pretty big. I'd suggest seeing how high-scoring of a team you can reasonably get a deathless run with, and try to make it higher-scoring than a dancer team even if it isn't necessarily your highest-scoring.

You can plug different team compositions into the arena score calculator to see how well they'll score: http://www.arcticsilverfox.com/score_calc/

Another thing you can do is try getting a deathless run with a lower-scoring team, then look at the rankings to get an idea of if you'll need to improve your score to hit the tier you want, and if so, by how much.

Wow...that is a beautiful resource. I have legit just being doing it based on rating, and didn't know that something like this existed. It makes me wonder if I have actually been missing points

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50 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

Wow...that is a beautiful resource. I have legit just being doing it based on rating, and didn't know that something like this existed. It makes me wonder if I have actually been missing points

Yeah, it's really useful. As far as I can tell, the main factors are that characters move up a "point tier" for every 5 stat points or every 100 SP, but they both round down so there's no difference between, say, a stat total of 170 vs 174, but 169 or 175 would matter. 

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I free pulled a -Atk Tibarn, so I'm thinking of giving Sturdy Impact to another flier. Who is a good pick?

Right now, I am thinking of

  • Bow Hinoka +1 +Atk
  • Est +10 +Atk
  • Yune +0
  • Shigure +10  +Spd, with Spring Narcian's weapon
  • Minerva +2 +Atk

None of those seems like a good option at the moment, though. I'd actually give it to Yune if I had more merges on her. Any opinions?

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7 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

Before my question, a brief vent - I didn't know I was supposed to be afraid of Baby Caeda, until armed with Legendary Azura she destroyed my Arena team in two turns. Ugh.

Now for my question, I finally made it to Level 18 in arena (I know most of you are probably higher), so I feel like I have to concentrate on undefeated (no death) scores. I am struggling putting my highest rated team out there (plus bonus) and not having at least one death per round of 5 matches. Should I drop one of my highest rated and add a dancer instead of going for highest points total?

You can bounce between Tier 19 and Tier 20 with the lowest BST units (I did it with double ranged cavalry and a Dancer/Singer) if you give them merge +10 and minimal score optimization (I had Aether for Special, but that is about it in terms of high SP skills).

3 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

I free pulled a -Atk Tibarn, so I'm thinking of giving Sturdy Impact to another flier. Who is a good pick?

Right now, I am thinking of

  • Bow Hinoka +1 +Atk
  • Est +10 +Atk
  • Yune +0
  • Shigure +10  +Spd, with Spring Narcian's weapon
  • Minerva +2 +Atk

None of those seems like a good option at the moment, though. I'd actually give it to Yune if I had more merges on her. Any opinions?

I lean towards Est or Yune.

Est is really good in Røkkr Sieges and she really appreciates the extra Def.

Impacts help Yune survive on Aether Raids defense.

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Still can't figure out which I would prefer over +Res or neutral for Sothis's base. It's up to what I want to do with her. Speed matters for Sothis, but is +1 HP, +1 Atk, and +1 Spd worth it over +3 Res? I can't seem to answer that right now. Mjolnir's Strike is happening right now with dark major and light minor, but +1 merge probably isn't that much of a deal and I can still figure it out later.

Another more pressing matter due to barracks space issues is regular Ike. A +Atk, -Def showed up earlier and now I have three of him. +Def, -HP who is the one in use, +Res, -HP who I kept around, and this one who is +Atk, -Def. Three copies of regular Ike are taking up space where back in the day I figured just have him match vanguard Ike in defense with +Def instead of matching him with vanguard Ike's resistance since he doesn't have Warding Breath. Ragnell and Swordbreaker was fine for him to be a counter pick against physical ranged units and sword units without Null Follow-Up. His 1 point lead in speed was what made me think that +Spd regular Ike would allow him to stand out from his vanguard self, but then berserk Ike showed up with regular Mareeta's stat spread.

In terms of raws stats, regular Ike's advantages to me at this point are HP and attack. With or without the resplendent boost, he has the highest HP of the three, sword infantry variants of Ike. Without resplendent, it's a small advantage of 1 points over his vanguard self and 2 or 3 points with Dragonflowers over his berserk self. 42 base neutral isn't the greatest, but with the resplendent boost, it becomes 44 and that's a slightly stronger advantage; 3 points over his vanguard self and 4 or 5 points with Dragonflowers over his berserk self. His advantage in attack is only with the resplendent boost as he matches his berserk self in base neutral attack, but has 11 less speed and his vanguard self trades 1 speed for 1 more attack. With the resplendent boost, he has 37 base neutral attack giving him 2 or 3 with Dragonflowers more attack than his berserk self and 1 more than his vanguard self.

I do not have his resplendent self and probably never well, but I am noting this down regardless. So, for me his only accessible advantage is HP over vanguard and berserk Ike.

Otherwise, regular Ike is +1 HP, -1 Atk, +1 Spd, -3 Def, and -3 Res compared to vanguard Ike. His raw defenses are worse than vanguard Ike in return for 1 more HP, 1 more speed, and the ability to run whatever blessing he wants. To which berserk Ike is essentially regular Ike with 3 generations worth of BST stat increases dumped into speed; +2 HP, -11 Spd, and -5 Res. The end result is regular Ike's raw defenses are also worse than berserk Ike's where not only does berserk Ike fare better as a Distant Counter unit due to a better, but not terribly amazing resistance stat, he's much faster allowing him to avoid doubles if not double foes on his own. And then there's the issue of not having Radiant/Mayhem Aether.

At this point, I figure +Atk might be better for pure counter-picking if all I want him to do is do as much damage against sword units without Null Follow-Up on Arena Assault or whatever. I could even replace his default Heavy Blade with T-Adept and maybe Swordbreaker with Axebreaker or G Tomebreaker for an even more specialized counter-pick role. +Def and +Res don't seem worth it to try and compete with his other selves who match if not exceed him in those stats even with a resplendent boost where he would only have a 1 point difference, lead or disadvantage, compared to vanguard Ike in either stat while against berserk Ike, +Def would result in him being the Shannan to berserk Ike's M!Kris with his 33 Spd and 37/20 defenses to berserk Ike's 40 Spd and 32/23 defenses and +Res would result in him matching berserk Ike's base neutral resistance.

Edited by Kaden
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1 hour ago, Kaden said:

Still can't figure out which I would prefer over +Res or neutral for Sothis's base. It's up to what I want to do with her. Speed matters for Sothis, but is +1 HP, +1 Atk, and +1 Spd worth it over +3 Res? I can't seem to answer that right now. Mjolnir's Strike is happening right now with dark major and light minor, but +1 merge probably isn't that much of a deal and I can still figure it out later.

For other Spd focused units I'd say that Neutral is better than any defensive asset since 3 Res wouldn't impact direct combat, but in Sothis' case it could actually help her take some hits better... if you don't want to use Sothis for much of anything other than specific battles, then perhaps leaving her with +Res would be smart, but that depends on what her flaw is.

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13 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

I free pulled a -Atk Tibarn, so I'm thinking of giving Sturdy Impact to another flier. Who is a good pick?

Right now, I am thinking of

  • Bow Hinoka +1 +Atk
  • Est +10 +Atk
  • Yune +0
  • Shigure +10  +Spd, with Spring Narcian's weapon
  • Minerva +2 +Atk

None of those seems like a good option at the moment, though. I'd actually give it to Yune if I had more merges on her. Any opinions?

My personal pick of the bunch is Hinoka. Her low bulk is an issue if you miss a one-hit kill, and a large percentage of armors run Distant Counter and Vengeful Fighter.

Yune would be my second pick. I'm personally more partial to Fortress Def/Res for a more supportive build, but Sturdy Impact is one of the best options for a more offensive build.

Est doesn't really benefit from Sturdy Impact outside of Rokkr Seiges since her weapon has effective damage and a conditional Brave effect, which is typically enough to get through combat unscathed.

Shigure and Minerva would prefer to have Spd instead of Def.


2 hours ago, Kaden said:

Still can't figure out which I would prefer over +Res or neutral for Sothis's base.

I'd go with neutral.


2 hours ago, Kaden said:

Another more pressing matter due to barracks space issues is regular Ike.

The more merges you have, the less useful defensive Assets usually are due to the fact that you gain bulk twice as fast as you gain Atk and Spd.

If you have a decent number of merges for Ike, I'd go for +Atk. If you don't, then it depends on whether or not you're expecting to get more copies.

As another thing to consider, Ragnell doesn't have a refine yet, and could potentially get one in the near future as they exhaust the number of Book 1 units without refines. I'm predicting a defensive refine for Ragnell, so I'd still lean towards an Atk Asset. However, my predictions are all in all pretty terrible, so take that with several gigantic grains of salt.

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2 hours ago, Kaden said:

Still can't figure out which I would prefer over +Res or neutral for Sothis's base. It's up to what I want to do with her. Speed matters for Sothis, but is +1 HP, +1 Atk, and +1 Spd worth it over +3 Res? I can't seem to answer that right now. Mjolnir's Strike is happening right now with dark major and light minor, but +1 merge probably isn't that much of a deal and I can still figure it out later.

I lean towards neutral. You get 1 extra point in physical bulk and is slightly harder to double in exchange for 2 less magical bulk. Having high Spd and Hardy Bearing helps her counter offensive players with Spurn BH!Ikes.

If you are using her manually, then having more Atk/Spd is better in my opinion, especially if you plan to run Desperation. For player phase units, bulk does not really matter in most cases. Even if you plan to stick with Wrath instead of Desperation, Sothis will most likely always have her Special ready at the start of the turn anyways, so she becomes more of a one shot nuke, and one shot nukes appreciates more Atk. Sirius also scales off of her Spd and more damage is always good for one shot nukes.

2 hours ago, Kaden said:

Another more pressing matter due to barracks space issues is regular Ike. A +Atk, -Def showed up earlier and now I have three of him. +Def, -HP who is the one in use, +Res, -HP who I kept around, and this one who is +Atk, -Def. Three copies of regular Ike are taking up space where back in the day I figured just have him match vanguard Ike in defense with +Def instead of matching him with vanguard Ike's resistance since he doesn't have Warding Breath. Ragnell and Swordbreaker was fine for him to be a counter pick against physical ranged units and sword units without Null Follow-Up. His 1 point lead in speed was what made me think that +Spd regular Ike would allow him to stand out from his vanguard self, but then berserk Ike showed up with regular Mareeta's stat spread.

I lean towards +Spd for maximum flexibility in case you ever want to use him as a player phase unit. Since you do not have a +Spd one, any of your natures is fine in my opinion. I lean towards +Def/Res if you plan to use him mostly as a general purpose Enemy Phase unit so he can survive better if an enemy doubles him, but if you plan to use him as a counter with a Breaker, I would go with +Atk.

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Got a random duplicate fallen Lyon just now and need some advice in terms of fodder, since I have use for both his bonus doubler and null c disrupt. Got one from his debut banner and have no use for that +1 merge due to his IV being +res -speed. Nothing worth patching up.

Null C Disrupt would go towards my +10 Garon, who runs a DC / panic smoke build.

Bonus doubler I hear is insanely strong on Laevetain, who I have at +4 thanks to several pitybreakers. So might as well give her the skill since I have one to spare now.

So what would you say is more beneficial to fodder towards?

Edited by Faellin
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35 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Got a random duplicate fallen Lyon just now and need some advice in terms of fodder, since I have use for both his bonus doubler and null c disrupt. Got one from his debut banner and have no use for that +1 merge due to his IV being +res -speed. Nothing worth patching up.

Null C Disrupt would go towards my +10 Garon, who runs a DC / panic smoke build.

Bonus doubler I hear is insanely strong on Laevetain, who I have at +4 thanks to several pitybreakers. So might as well give her the skill since I have one to spare now.

So what would you say is more beneficial to fodder towards?

If it helps, NCD is a rarer skill than Bonus Doubler. Nah and Legendary Roy have Bonus Doubler as their primary SI offer, while the only other NCD unit is Nailah, who can contribute it alongside DC.

That said, it does depend on how much mileage you'd get out of either skill. I gave my +10 Fae DC+NCD, and I've found it ending up a bit underwhelming since she gets hit a lot harder by staffs harder than my Raven units. But if you use Garon more than Laevatein in general, he could be worth prioritizing.

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4 hours ago, Faellin said:

Got a random duplicate fallen Lyon just now and need some advice in terms of fodder, since I have use for both his bonus doubler and null c disrupt. Got one from his debut banner and have no use for that +1 merge due to his IV being +res -speed. Nothing worth patching up.

Null C Disrupt would go towards my +10 Garon, who runs a DC / panic smoke build.

Bonus doubler I hear is insanely strong on Laevetain, who I have at +4 thanks to several pitybreakers. So might as well give her the skill since I have one to spare now.

So what would you say is more beneficial to fodder towards?

Bonus Doubler is for Spd tanks, and I would not recommend it on Laevatein since she works best either as a Counter-Vantage unit or as a player phase unit.

As a Counter-Vantage unit, she needs Distant Counter on the A slot.

As a player phase unit, I recommend using Swift Sparrow, Life and Death, etc. as those A skills are not dependent on buffs to work, as there will be a lot of situations where Leavatein might not be able to access buffs immediately. While you can expect nukes to be buffed most of the time, there will be a lot of occasions where it is not possible or inconvenient due to positioning requirements. As a nuke, she also do not care about the buffs to Def/Res since she will be relying on Desperation.

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9 hours ago, Faellin said:

Got a random duplicate fallen Lyon just now and need some advice in terms of fodder, since I have use for both his bonus doubler and null c disrupt. Got one from his debut banner and have no use for that +1 merge due to his IV being +res -speed. Nothing worth patching up.

Null C Disrupt would go towards my +10 Garon, who runs a DC / panic smoke build.

Bonus doubler I hear is insanely strong on Laevetain, who I have at +4 thanks to several pitybreakers. So might as well give her the skill since I have one to spare now.

So what would you say is more beneficial to fodder towards?

Bonus Doubler has the issue of being unreliable, and its only advantage over other A skills is that it can grant points to all stats on both phases. The problem is that most units don't need all of their stats and also don't need them on both phases, so much of Bonus Doubler's advantages are simply unnecessary.

The best units to run Bonus Doubler are dual phase units who can actually use all of their stats and on both phases, like Fallen Ike or Sothis.


Null C-Disrupt is similarly a niche skill. Most of its use is for Aether Raids, specifically for counter-killing staves, Firesweep-Lunge traps, and Firesweep-Galeforce traps. If you're going to use Null C-Disrupt, pick a bulky unit that you intend to actually use in Aether Raids, preferably one that can counterattack against ranged units and reliably counter-kill the most common ones (Brave Veronica, Brave Camilla, Brave Lyn, etc.).

Edited by Ice Dragon
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21 hours ago, Xenomata said:

For other Spd focused units I'd say that Neutral is better than any defensive asset since 3 Res wouldn't impact direct combat, but in Sothis' case it could actually help her take some hits better... if you don't want to use Sothis for much of anything other than specific battles, then perhaps leaving her with +Res would be smart, but that depends on what her flaw is.

20 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'd go with neutral.

19 hours ago, XRay said:

I lean towards neutral. You get 1 extra point in physical bulk and is slightly harder to double in exchange for 2 less magical bulk. Having high Spd and Hardy Bearing helps her counter offensive players with Spurn BH!Ikes.

If you are using her manually, then having more Atk/Spd is better in my opinion, especially if you plan to run Desperation. For player phase units, bulk does not really matter in most cases. Even if you plan to stick with Wrath instead of Desperation, Sothis will most likely always have her Special ready at the start of the turn anyways, so she becomes more of a one shot nuke, and one shot nukes appreciates more Atk. Sirius also scales off of her Spd and more damage is always good for one shot nukes.

That makes sense. I forgot to talk about how that bit of extra speed could help with Sirius do a bit more damage and she does get sustain from Sirius, so if she survives a magic damage hit, she might be okay even without a few more resistance.

Sothis right now is more used by me than as an AI. She's been used for Chain Challenges at least the hard difficulty ones until she got too much SP and I wanted to get SP for other units and since she is a mythic, she's used for Mjolnir's Strike even if she's just there for scoring. My Dark defense team isn't that great compared to Anima, so it's mainly her and Yune providing lift loss reduction. Probably would want to inherit Wings of Mercy onto her, but Resonant Battles being what they are has made skills like Wings of Mercy, Smite, and Escape Route essential -- did not want to inherit Wings of Mercy on Peony even though she's a dancer because she's the free Peony and I'd rather not invest in free units like her unless absolutely necessary. Welp, time to figure out what else to dump on her to make use of her 4985 SP.

20 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

The more merges you have, the less useful defensive Assets usually are due to the fact that you gain bulk twice as fast as you gain Atk and Spd.

If you have a decent number of merges for Ike, I'd go for +Atk. If you don't, then it depends on whether or not you're expecting to get more copies.

As another thing to consider, Ragnell doesn't have a refine yet, and could potentially get one in the near future as they exhaust the number of Book 1 units without refines. I'm predicting a defensive refine for Ragnell, so I'd still lean towards an Atk Asset. However, my predictions are all in all pretty terrible, so take that with several gigantic grains of salt.

I forgot to say how many copies I have exactly and it's only the three that I mentioned. So, not a lot of merges and while Heavy Blade is not the greatest of skills, it would be nice to have a copy of him around so I could grab Heavy Blade 4 and something else from either Ephraim & Lyon and pirate Tibarn. That said, the only unit I would really want Heavy Blade 4 on is legendary Edelgard for a Galeforce build and perhaps in the near future we could get a 3* to 4* unit in the summoning pool with Heavy Blade 3 as a 4* and at that point, I'd rather just merge Ike.

Ragnell, the other DC weapons, and healers have yet to be part of a weapon update and it would make sense for Ragnell to have a defensive effect given its effects in PoR and RD, but not all weapons follow how they work in their home games, so who knows what Ragnell will end up with if it even ends up with anything.

19 hours ago, XRay said:

I lean towards +Spd for maximum flexibility in case you ever want to use him as a player phase unit. Since you do not have a +Spd one, any of your natures is fine in my opinion. I lean towards +Def/Res if you plan to use him mostly as a general purpose Enemy Phase unit so he can survive better if an enemy doubles him, but if you plan to use him as a counter with a Breaker, I would go with +Atk.

I feel like Ike's defense is fine for what it is, so +Res moving him up from low 18 resistance to slightly better, but still low 21 resistance would be better because of Ragnell. If I really wanted to invest in him, then something like Bracing Stance 3, Mirror Stance 3, Swift Stance 3 eventually, or their tier 3 versions that will hopefully be in the 3* to 4* soon would help him out for being a better enemy phase unit. Otherwise, +Atk would be fine for counter-picking with a -breaker and even T-Adept. Now to figure out how to spend his 8753 SP or just manual him because all he has is Threaten Atk 3 and an Earth Blessing.

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So, this question is based on knowledge of the new FEH channel announcement. I am looking at what my barracks need -vs- what I really want and wondering what advise you might have. So, short list version based on the four units that are dropping:

Infantry lance - Fjorm (+1), Sharena, Duo Ephraim

Red Tome - Lorenz, Eirika, Summer Byleth, Ewan

Notable Green Axe (I know, it is specifically armor, but here's who I have) - Brave Ike, Surtr, Legendary Edelgard, Hel

Flying Bow - None (but I have Brave Lyn and Bernadetta)

So, It seems like I need Claude the most, but as a first run Blue Lion, I want Dimitri. Anyway, I think I need Edelgard the least. Thoughts?

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