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2 hours ago, uhmuzing said:

I pulled Xane on the Halloween banner, although he's not +Hp sadly. But I was curious about opinions of Xane, and especially whether his weapon makes him work best on player, enemy or mixed phases. I have so many PP units that I was thinking of trying to make Xane prioritize Enemy phase, but most builds I've seen seem to pursue things like Lull Atk/Spd or Desperation. 

Due to the way his Weapon works, DH!Xane is generally used as super tank, so he is primarily an enemy phase unit. Lull Atk/Spd is one of the better B skills for super tanks as it is effective regardless of who the enemy is and there are no stat checks involved. Lulls are generally not used on player phase units unless they are running builds that do not need a B skill (slow Brave nukes) or have Desperation on their Weapon (Bernadetta with Persecution Bow; Lewyn with Forseti).

I do not see the point of giving him Desperation for player phase when he is extremely dependent on positioning for stats. It is not practical nor feasible to have the whole team move to the front lines with him just to give him enough stats to take down one enemy on player phase.

In my opinion, he is gimmicky, but could work decently as an Aether Raids super tank. He is no BH!Ike, but he seems comparable to Brunnya. He does not have debuff nullification, but he is colorless and can get extremely high stats from his support units. I still recommend getting merges anyways to boost up his HP more. He only needs +8+1 to reach max HP, so you do not need to maximize his merges and Flowers.

Joker's Wild
Ruptured Sky — Moonbow
Close Counter — Spd/Def Unity (not yet released) — Spd/Res Unity (not yet released)
Lull Atk/Spd — Guard — Null Follow-Up
Atk Smoke — Pulse Smoke — Panic Smoke
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Spd/Def or Spd/Res) — Quick Riposte

M!Corrin Support:
Yato [special]
Fury — Life and Death — Fort. Def/Res
(Any B)
(Any Drive) — Close Guard — Distant Guard
Atk/Spd — Spd/Res — Def/Res — Close Guard — Distant Guard
If you are running only 1 M!Corrin, then you want to give him +Spd-Fury-Spd/Res. If you are running 2 of him, one should take +Spd-Life and Death-Atk/Spd and the other should take +Res-Fort. Def/Res-Def/Res to maximize their Atk/Spd and Def/Res respectively. I believe there are more optimal units to use than M!Corrin to maximize stats for DH!Xane, but M!Corrin is the cheapest to merge.

2 hours ago, uhmuzing said:

I also wondered if he's a good candidate for Sudden Panic? Would a Hp asset be considered required to use effectively? 

I do not recommend mixing combat skills and support skills on a single unit. In my opinion, it is best to keep combat skills on combat units and support skills on support units. If you are using DH!Xane as a combat unit, I do not recommend running Sudden Panic on him.

Mixing combat skills and support skills together is like giving a unit Death Blow on the A slot and Fierce Stance on the Sacred Seal slot. It just does not mesh well.

Edited by XRay
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Okay, so, I have this plan to make Halloween Robin into a dedicated healer with Moonless Breath, Eir's B skill (if I can get an extra copy of her) and Ardent Sacrifice. She's keeping her A skill, and I'm still deciding on a C skill and seal. She'll be on a team with Lif and Fallen Berkut, both of whom damage their nearest ally. This will be her role. 1. How crazy am I? 2. Any suggestions for making this crazy plan work? Note: My current Halloween Robin is +def. I wanted +atk, but am okay with this since seasonals are expensive/limited.

I guess this build/team comp could be called "Robin is always a sacrifice and Validar would be proud."

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I feel bad asking cause I know I could just check a battle sym, but honestly these days I'm not playing FEH as much (spending way too much time playing xenoblade chronicles 2) and there are too many factors that come into play even in a standard Arena match let alone Arena Assault that I just don't feel a battle sym can accurately forecast every scenario.

How does Halloween Grima fare as an EP unit? Her base kit is mainly focused on defending against attacks and recovering most of her HP on the counter, but in practice there are a lot of dragon-effective weapons these days that can rend her unable to properly defend against everything (not even accounting for the status that Naga gifts).
Since I already have the unit I wanted to summon from the halloween banner and don't particularly feel a strong need for Xane (not completely invested in him, tome seems too gimmicky and risky for my playstyle), and considering how close we are to this months new hero banner, would trying to get Grima be worth it? There's already a fairly sizable number of defensive Greens in the game, a number of which I own already, but Grima rivals them all by having so many potent tools under her hood from the word go, only missing a form of Guard or pure damage reduction.

Edited by Xenomata
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On 10/13/2020 at 12:07 PM, Mercakete said:

Okay, so, I have this plan to make Halloween Robin into a dedicated healer with Moonless Breath, Eir's B skill (if I can get an extra copy of her) and Ardent Sacrifice. She's keeping her A skill, and I'm still deciding on a C skill and seal. She'll be on a team with Lif and Fallen Berkut, both of whom damage their nearest ally. This will be her role. 1. How crazy am I? 2. Any suggestions for making this crazy plan work? Note: My current Halloween Robin is +def. I wanted +atk, but am okay with this since seasonals are expensive/limited.

I guess this build/team comp could be called "Robin is always a sacrifice and Validar would be proud."

If you want to turn her into a healer, she needs Renewal on the Sacred Seal slot, not Mystic Boost on the B slot. Mystic Boost is not feasible once her HP gets low, and her HP will get low if you use her as a combat unit. With Mystic Boost, when her HP is low, she cannot enter combat safely if she does not have enough HP, and there is no way for her to heal allies nor survive combat if she does not have enough HP to begin with, and there is no way for her to regenerate HP.

Personally, I do not think it is viable to make an enemy phase team out of DW!Berkut or Líf, as their recoil damage is extremely detrimental to enemy phase units in the game who rely on high bulk to survive. Despite being enemy phase units themselves, they are much more suited to be on player phase teams who actually want that low HP to trigger Desperation and Wings of Mercy. They can also work on dual phase teams as long as every combat unit on the dual phase team is a Counter-Vantage unit, since they want low HP too to trigger Vantage.

2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I feel bad asking cause I know I could just check a battle sym, but honestly these days I'm not playing FEH as much (spending way too much time playing xenoblade chronicles 2) and there are too many factors that come into play even in a standard Arena match let alone Arena Assault that I just don't feel a battle sym can accurately forecast every scenario.

How does Halloween Grima fare as an EP unit? Her base kit is mainly focused on defending against attacks and recovering most of her HP on the counter, but in practice there are a lot of dragon-effective weapons these days that can rend her unable to properly defend against everything (not even accounting for the status that Naga gifts).
Since I already have the unit I wanted to summon from the halloween banner and don't particularly feel a strong need for Xane (not completely invested in him, tome seems too gimmicky and risky for my playstyle), and considering how close we are to this months new hero banner, would trying to get Grima be worth it? There's already a fairly sizable number of defensive Greens in the game, a number of which I own already, but Grima rivals them all by having so many potent tools under her hood from the word go, only missing a form of Guard or pure damage reduction.

She is good for auto battling Tempest Trials due to her theoretically extremely high HP pool from constant regeneration. The only way to counteract her high HP pool is to kill her in one shot, and that is not very likely in Tempest Trials as enemies there do not hit hard, unless it is Lysithea, Falchion users, and the like.

For Arena Assault, she should be decent against CE!Chrom and GA!Lucina as a counter pick, but I would not use her as a core for Arena since I do not think she would hold up to dedicated raw damage nukes built by players with extremely high damage output.

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3 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I feel bad asking cause I know I could just check a battle sym, but honestly these days I'm not playing FEH as much (spending way too much time playing xenoblade chronicles 2) and there are too many factors that come into play even in a standard Arena match let alone Arena Assault that I just don't feel a battle sym can accurately forecast every scenario.

How does Halloween Grima fare as an EP unit? Her base kit is mainly focused on defending against attacks and recovering most of her HP on the counter, but in practice there are a lot of dragon-effective weapons these days that can rend her unable to properly defend against everything (not even accounting for the status that Naga gifts).
Since I already have the unit I wanted to summon from the halloween banner and don't particularly feel a strong need for Xane (not completely invested in him, tome seems too gimmicky and risky for my playstyle), and considering how close we are to this months new hero banner, would trying to get Grima be worth it? There's already a fairly sizable number of defensive Greens in the game, a number of which I own already, but Grima rivals them all by having so many potent tools under her hood from the word go, only missing a form of Guard or pure damage reduction.

If the upcoming New Heroes banner is a potential factor, may as well wait to decide until you see it, right? The Halloween banner will still be running for a while.

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4 hours ago, XRay said:

If you want to turn her into a healer, she needs Renewal on the Sacred Seal slot, not Mystic Boost on the B slot. Mystic Boost is not feasible once her HP gets low, and her HP will get low if you use her as a combat unit. With Mystic Boost, when her HP is low, she cannot enter combat safely if she does not have enough HP, and there is no way for her to heal allies nor survive combat if she does not have enough HP to begin with, and there is no way for her to regenerate HP.

Personally, I do not think it is viable to make an enemy phase team out of DW!Berkut or Líf, as their recoil damage is extremely detrimental to enemy phase units in the game who rely on high bulk to survive. Despite being enemy phase units themselves, they are much more suited to be on player phase teams who actually want that low HP to trigger Desperation and Wings of Mercy. They can also work on dual phase teams as long as every combat unit on the dual phase team is a Counter-Vantage unit, since they want low HP too to trigger Vantage.

I see. Thanks for the advice! Though, my Renewal seal is permanently glued to my original Alm (who also has it in his B slot and is both the dragon slayer and the healer for his team.) I'm not really looking to give Halloween Robin Renewal, either, since I don't want her regenerating. Basically, I like enhancing the effects of unique weapons with other skills. ^_^ I don't go for optimization as a whole, but optimization with that goal in-mind. So, I'm also considering keeping Sol on her since it heals when she does damage, but it's dependent on the amount of damage she does instead of the same sort of effect as Moonless Breath, which heals regardless of how much damage is done. That's part of why Mystic Boost is so appealing on her to me. I think it could work, too, since her job is to take the damage of Fallen Berkut and Lif, then attack and replenish her HP. I don't want to make PP teams if I can help it since it doesn't mesh well with how I play (which is heavily dependent on baiting since I can never get my units to where I want them to be for PP builds, except for once a battle or something sometimes if the map obstacles cooperate.) I considered giving her Retribution, but I don't think her HP can remain low enough consistently for that, especially since she'll constantly be healing herself via Moonless Breath.

But yeah, niche is my niche! ^_^ I like having fun and being creative more than I like beating maps as effectively as possible, but I'm also limited on knowledge of the various skills and how they work, so it can be hard to figure out what I should add to my plan (not change my plan to, because that's not happening. It would defeat the purpose if she suddenly became too good at killing stuff. I want her to be an unusual healer who heals herself by attacking others, but also gets hammered on by her allies. No vantage allowed either, because then she'd be more of a counter-killer than a healer.)

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Figured I should change up my AR-D setup and wanted some advice. I want to go for a mostly beast Galeforce team composition with Sothis because she's a dragon and my only lift loss Mythic.

1. Which map would be the best?

2. I'm thinking Tibarn, Leanne, Reyson, and Naesala for the beasts, one slot for Sothis, and the last spot for HS!Sakura due to her Grandscratcher staff. With this set up, I can give Tibarn(+Atk/-Res) the Time's Pulse seal and coupled with Sakura's staff, he should be able to activate Galeforce in 1 round of combat and the Heavy Blade seal can be given to Naesala(Neutral/+9). I also have Lethe(+Spd) and Yarne(+HP/-Res) but she's another red unit and in Yarne's case, his asset is offensively neutral but his stats don't really stand out.

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5 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Figured I should change up my AR-D setup and wanted some advice. I want to go for a mostly beast Galeforce team composition with Sothis because she's a dragon and my only lift loss Mythic.

1. Which map would be the best?

2. I'm thinking Tibarn, Leanne, Reyson, and Naesala for the beasts, one slot for Sothis, and the last spot for HS!Sakura due to her Grandscratcher staff. With this set up, I can give Tibarn(+Atk/-Res) the Time's Pulse seal and coupled with Sakura's staff, he should be able to activate Galeforce in 1 round of combat and the Heavy Blade seal can be given to Naesala(Neutral/+9). I also have Lethe(+Spd) and Yarne(+HP/-Res) but she's another red unit and in Yarne's case, his asset is offensively neutral but his stats don't really stand out.

Iirc, the best map for Best teams is the desert map, where you can force a hard to engage best core. However, this map I have not seen in ages, probably because the bolt tower is so much stronger nowadays and you can't run the catapult (D) in lane 4 or 5 with that setup. It works better with tune's to cover more tiles:


This might work a bit better nowadays:



With grand scratcher, I'd try to het Naesala and Tibarn on equal attack, if possible. Other than that. I still think it's a rather weak kind of defense team, but if that's what you want to build, this is the setup I'd recommend. Maybe try and incorporate a restore trap with Sakura. And I'd switch the healing tower with Sothis on this one. 

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45 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Figured I should change up my AR-D setup and wanted some advice. I want to go for a mostly beast Galeforce team composition with Sothis because she's a dragon and my only lift loss Mythic.

1. Which map would be the best?

2. I'm thinking Tibarn, Leanne, Reyson, and Naesala for the beasts, one slot for Sothis, and the last spot for HS!Sakura due to her Grandscratcher staff. With this set up, I can give Tibarn(+Atk/-Res) the Time's Pulse seal and coupled with Sakura's staff, he should be able to activate Galeforce in 1 round of combat and the Heavy Blade seal can be given to Naesala(Neutral/+9). I also have Lethe(+Spd) and Yarne(+HP/-Res) but she's another red unit and in Yarne's case, his asset is offensively neutral but his stats don't really stand out.

I would go with Springwater or Lava Floes, and maybe Desert.

For any map you use, you want to trim the map down by lining one or both sides with a bunch of Structures (D) and Ornaments, so there is very little space to hide and no choke points for super tanks to take advantage of. However, you do not want your map to be too narrow either or else the super tank can create a choke point. I recommend having 4 to 5 columns that are open to your Galeforcers, so Desert and Lava Floes is fine if you are running flying Galeforcers, but if you are running stuff like Lethe and Yarne, you might want to use Springwater instead.

Some of the biggest challenges for Galeforce defense teams are offensive players with empty backrows as they have enough space to work out a decent formation and Pulse Smoke that greatly blunts the momentum of Galeforcers. Some additional stuff to overcome those challenges would be Lunge to mess up formations, keeping the map relatively open so you have enough space to flank the super tank to reach even the offensive player's empty back row, and Fury to more easily allow Wings of Mercy Dancers/Singers to restart that momentum. Offense teams that uses multiple Galeforcers can also counter your defense team by striking first, but I do not think there is an easy way to counter this unless you have a bunch of Pulse Smoke to blunt their momentum.

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37 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

With grand scratcher, I'd try to het Naesala and Tibarn on equal attack, if possible. 

It might take a little work to get them on equal Attack but I'm not sure it's that beneficial(other than having more Attack is generally good) as Nasaela will still need to account for one more charge assuming he doubles the enemy on initiation, which is why I want to give him the Heavy Blade seal to compensate.

37 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

Other than that. I still think it's a rather weak kind of defense team, but if that's what you want to build, this is the setup I'd recommend.

I just think this team will be more fun than what I'm currently running so it doesn't have to be really good. Despite not being a serious AR player, I remember losing more units to a team composition like this one so I wanted to try it out myself.

37 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

Maybe try and incorporate a restore trap with Sakura.

I've heard about Restore traps but I don't actually know what it is. Can you explain?

Edited by Flying Shogi
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I ran 4x birds as my Dark team for a while, never had much success with it.

Speaking of which, I've been working on my new Infantry Pulse Dark team. Seems to be doing pretty well so far, but the formation feels a bit haphazard - what could I do to improve it?

(More merges on Seliph and Gordin are a given of course, that's a work in progress. Skill sets aren't final, but I'm out of relevant premium fodder. And yes, I know that's a full back line. Cav lines don't scare me.)


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7 hours ago, XRay said:

For Arena Assault, she should be decent against CE!Chrom and GA!Lucina as a counter pick, but I would not use her as a core for Arena since I do not think she would hold up to dedicated raw damage nukes built by players with extremely high damage output.

I just realized I said Arena Assault not Aether Raids.

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23 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

It might take a little work to get them on equal Attack but I'm not sure it's that beneficial(other than having more Attack is generally good) as Nasaela will still need to account for one more charge assuming he doubles the enemy on initiation, which is why I want to give him the Heavy Blade seal to compensate.

I just think this team will be more fun than what I'm currently running so it doesn't have to be really good. Despite not being a serious AR player, I remember losing more units to a team composition like this one so I wanted to try it out myself.

I've heard about Restore traps but I don't actually know what it is. Can you explain?

It should be possible to be able to get Tibarn and Naesala both on a 1 tap GF, that creates the most pressure for the enemy. Even though the setup is not the most reliable, It’ll probably still work out more than your current map so inprovement is definitely possible with Beast GF.

A restore trap is quite simply a trap that extends the threat range of your defense team. The healer is in the back and when one of your carries in front gets debuffed, they warp in through Flier Formation and restore your Tibarn/Naesala. That means the healer is now in front and the threat range is extended. If an enemy is now in range, your defense will start to attack, even though originally the attacker was not in range at the start. It means you can catch people off guard forcing early surrenders.

16 minutes ago, Othin said:

I ran 4x birds as my Dark team for a while, never had much success with it.

Speaking of which, I've been working on my new Infantry Pulse Dark team. Seems to be doing pretty well so far, but the formation feels a bit haphazard - what could I do to improve it?

(More merges on Seliph and Gordin are a given of course, that's a work in progress. Skill sets aren't final, but I'm out of relevant premium fodder. And yes, I know that's a full back line. Cav lines don't scare me.)


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I’ll get back to this when I am not on my phone. =] 

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6 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I just realized I said Arena Assault not Aether Raids.

For Aether Raids, she is not horrible, but she is not super amazing due to her low Spd. In my opinion, I do not think she is as anywhere as busted as BH!Ike. As for the dragon effectiveness weakness, that can be an issue, although I have not really noticed dragon effectiveness on a frequent basis outside of Thrasir, although since I do not use dragons, I have not paid much attention to them either.

6 hours ago, Othin said:

Speaking of which, I've been working on my new Infantry Pulse Dark team. Seems to be doing pretty well so far, but the formation feels a bit haphazard - what could I do to improve it?

Bottom right side of the map is too far and too safe for the offense player to leave extra bonus units and Mythics there. The bottom left is also too safe too since you do not have a ranged flier that can fly over water to attack that spot. A super tank team can set up the super tank northeast of Fort (D) with BH!Lucina or M!Corrin southeast of Fort (D), and Mila can occupy the far left while Peony can occupy the space where your Tactics Room (O) is.

As for improvements, I am not really sure. You can move the team more towards the center to cover the bottom right side, but that would also leave your team more exposed.

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15 hours ago, XRay said:

For Aether Raids, she is not horrible, but she is not super amazing due to her low Spd. In my opinion, I do not think she is as anywhere as busted as BH!Ike. As for the dragon effectiveness weakness, that can be an issue, although I have not really noticed dragon effectiveness on a frequent basis outside of Thrasir, although since I do not use dragons, I have not paid much attention to them either.

Bottom right side of the map is too far and too safe for the offense player to leave extra bonus units and Mythics there. The bottom left is also too safe too since you do not have a ranged flier that can fly over water to attack that spot. A super tank team can set up the super tank northeast of Fort (D) with BH!Lucina or M!Corrin southeast of Fort (D), and Mila can occupy the far left while Peony can occupy the space where your Tactics Room (O) is.

As for improvements, I am not really sure. You can move the team more towards the center to cover the bottom right side, but that would also leave your team more exposed.

Is there any good way for this style of team to have that kind of reach?

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Is there any good way for this style of team to have that kind of reach?

Without moving your team, you can maybe try giving Merric and/or Gordin Wings of Mercy, and see if they teleport to the right of Sothis (south of the Lightning Trap) when Sothis finishes engaging the super tank (assuming she survives). If they do teleport there and they fight and survive, Nils might Play to them so they can move further and threaten every front row space except the very right front row (south of Panic Manor (D)). I would try Wings of Mercy on Merric first since he got Sturdy Impact and is more likely to survive if he engages something.

To have Merric/Gordin threaten offense's very right front row space, you can give Sothis Lunge. Assuming Merric/Gordin also survive the teleportation and battle and then Nils Play them, they should be able reach the space right below Panic Manor (D).

If you have Annette, she can also give your units greater mobility, although you will have to test her out and see who she Rallies.

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6 minutes ago, XRay said:

Without moving your team, you can maybe try giving Merric and/or Gordin Wings of Mercy, and see if they teleport to the right of Sothis (south of the Lightning Trap) when Sothis finishes engaging the super tank (assuming she survives). If they do teleport there and they fight and survive, Nils might Play to them so they can move further and threaten every front row space except the very right front row (south of Panic Manor (D)). I would try Wings of Mercy on Merric first since he got Sturdy Impact and is more likely to survive if he engages something.

To have Merric/Gordin threaten offense's very right front row space, you can give Sothis Lunge. Assuming Merric/Gordin also survive the teleportation and battle and then Nils Play them, they should be able reach the space right below Panic Manor (D).

If you have Annette, she can also give your units greater mobility, although you will have to test her out and see who she Rallies.

I do not have Annette, but I can try Wings of Mercy.

Lunge on Sothis is an option, but I feel like it wouldn't be super helpful since she tends to get killed right away. Wonder if there's a good way to do something about that. It means she's not getting much use out of her A/C/S slots, so I could try swapping those out.

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7 minutes ago, Othin said:

I do not have Annette, but I can try Wings of Mercy.

Lunge on Sothis is an option, but I feel like it wouldn't be super helpful since she tends to get killed right away. Wonder if there's a good way to do something about that. It means she's not getting much use out of her A/C/S slots, so I could try swapping those out.

What about swapping Seliph and Sothis? Seliph is a lot more bulky, although I am not sure I would swap Lunge for Vantage, since Vantage can screw a lot of players up if they do not bring Firesweep or a super bulky unit like DM!Ephraim.

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Just now, XRay said:

What about swapping Seliph and Sothis? Seliph is a lot more bulky, although I am not sure I would swap Lunge for Vantage, since Vantage can screw a lot of players up if they do not bring Firesweep or a super bulky unit like DM!Ephraim.

Yeah, Vantage is pretty important for his build. But him being harder to kill could make it trickier for them to initiate.

The reason I wanted Seliph off to the side was to keep him from getting hit by Bolt Towers.

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28 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I got two 4 star Seteths.


Does he was Res or HP as an asset more?

Do you want him to be a Panic Ploy or Sudden Panic bot or have trouble dealing with whatever HP check effects? Or would you want to attempt to make him into a mixed tank because the developers decided to dump the points from him being a gen 5 melee flier into his HP instead of making him more like Heath?

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I got a second Brave Claude from the banner, so now I have a +Def/-HP one in addition to my original neutral one. Which one is generally better, particularly with his base kit?

Whichever one I don't keep, I'm planning on feeding to Aversa for Fury 4 and Atk/Spd Rein. Naesala is also an option, but Aversa seems better to me.

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41 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Do you want him to be a Panic Ploy or Sudden Panic bot or have trouble dealing with whatever HP check effects? Or would you want to attempt to make him into a mixed tank because the developers decided to dump the points from him being a gen 5 melee flier into his HP instead of making him more like Heath?

The HP one is -Atk, which is unfortunate and not something I want.  The Res one is -HP.  I'd rather leave his Atk alone if I can.  Or leave it intact.

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Is Lewyn still worth building these days? Pulled a +res -hp one in the new heroes banner. I already have a couple of green mages, so could it be better to fodder him off for Special Spiral perhaps? 

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