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4 hours ago, Karuu30 said:

A completely random Shinon decided to appear today, his IVs are +HP and -Def and I don’t have any idea what to do with him.

His fodder could be useful for my Brunnya who is currently my merge project. I’ve heard lull atk/spd is good on her. Or perhaps I could take Deadeye for one of my archers. On the other side, Shinon seems to be a good unit who could be fun to use. 


If he's your first Shinon, keep him. I always recommend keeping a copy of every unit you get, and Shinon is a plenty strong one. Especially if you haven't even tried him out yet.

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6 hours ago, Karuu30 said:

A completely random Shinon decided to appear today, his IVs are +HP and -Def and I don’t have any idea what to do with him.

His fodder could be useful for my Brunnya who is currently my merge project. I’ve heard lull atk/spd is good on her. Or perhaps I could take Deadeye for one of my archers. On the other side, Shinon seems to be a good unit who could be fun to use. 



5 hours ago, XRay said:

I recommend turning him into a Combat Manual, but I would not fodder him for skills just yet.

Unless you already have another copy of Shinon in your barracks, I would not recommend turning him into a Combat Manual. He can be useful in limited maps and Arena Assault.

Until you decide to fodder him for one of his skills, he can be used. He is very strong.

Now, if you already have Shinon... then turning him into a manual is ok.

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For Pawns of Loki, is Max HP really as important as it's hyped to be? Like sure, having a huge amount of HP gets you more points. But it's not the max HP that matters at the end of each round, it's the remaining HP. Therefore, I believe that HP Sustain builds matter more than Max HP builds.

But therein lies the problem: where do you draw the line between power (taking out enemies), sustain (self-healing/withstanding damage), and max HP (getting as many points as possible)?

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36 minutes ago, MilodicMellodi said:

For Pawns of Loki, is Max HP really as important as it's hyped to be? Like sure, having a huge amount of HP gets you more points. But it's not the max HP that matters at the end of each round, it's the remaining HP. Therefore, I believe that HP Sustain builds matter more than Max HP builds.

But therein lies the problem: where do you draw the line between power (taking out enemies), sustain (self-healing/withstanding damage), and max HP (getting as many points as possible)?

Just slap Noontime/Sol on everyone and give everyone HP+5. Sustainability and max HP are not mutually exclusive. The only slot where they really share is the Sacred Seal slot, but even then, Renewal Sacred Seal does not really work in that mode since everyone already gets full HP at the start of every round, so everyone should still be running HP+3 or better on that slot.

Damage mitigation is not really worth bothering with in my opinion. Your units get so much extra stats from matching bonuses that it is perfectly okay to drop Bracing Stance and the like to go for HP+5. The opponent rarely gets full matching bonuses, so you generally have like at least +8 stat advantage over them by mid matches, and often around +16 to +20 by the last match.

Even slow pokes get so much Spd that they rarely get doubled, so I would not worry about Wary Fighter either. If you are a whale and can afford to, just slap Mystic Boost on everyone.

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How does the weapon bonus work in Pawns of Loki? I've been going into rounds today with 3+ tomes and still failed to get the 100 points at the end of the turn. I thought it was 30% on the brigade or 30% on the units you're deploying that turn, but it seems to be neither of those things?

14 hours ago, MilodicMellodi said:

For Pawns of Loki, is Max HP really as important as it's hyped to be? Like sure, having a huge amount of HP gets you more points. But it's not the max HP that matters at the end of each round, it's the remaining HP. Therefore, I believe that HP Sustain builds matter more than Max HP builds.

But therein lies the problem: where do you draw the line between power (taking out enemies), sustain (self-healing/withstanding damage), and max HP (getting as many points as possible)?

In the first round, it was easy to stay at max HP (especially with defensive builds), so if you could raise your max HP while still avoiding damage, that was a key way to increase score. In the current round, enemies are tough enough that that's not viable.

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Does anyone know how skill inheritance works for units who wield two weapons works? I'm talking like in terms of the sprites. I've just given Althena an iron sword and both her swords become iron swords, but what happens if you inherit the items the ninja units we recently got to units with only one weapon? I assume it'll just be something like only the right hand weapon is transferred or something, though it'd be cool if it were hand specific. And if you inherit from one dual wielding unit to another does the inherited one wield both weapons? It could be the case that they'd just wield two copies of which ever weapon is normally used when inheriting to most of the cast. And lastly if Ragnell Alondite could be inherited would the unit use Ragnell or Alondite?

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Only Altina and the Ninja units dual wield, the rest wields only one sword or axe. 

Don’t know which one is wielded from Ragnell Alondite when someone else wields it in the AR Resort armory. 

Go have some fun with it! 


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How good is Nagi these days? She just randomly showed up for me on my free summon for the foil banner today. She came up +res -speed which looks great for her statline.

But at the same time I am in need of that DC fodder for my next merge project, Ashnard

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8 minutes ago, Faellin said:

How good is Nagi these days? She just randomly showed up for me on my free summon for the foil banner today. She came up +res -speed which looks great for her statline.

But at the same time I am in need of that DC fodder for my next merge project, Ashnard

She sucks except for in Arena Assault.

She needs merges to function, and then she still has Dragon and Armour weaknesses. Grind her feathers, grab her flowers, then fodder.


Edited by Vicious Sal
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7 minutes ago, Faellin said:

How good is Nagi these days? She just randomly showed up for me on my free summon for the foil banner today. She came up +res -speed which looks great for her statline.

But at the same time I am in need of that DC fodder for my next merge project, Ashnard

I always recommend saving a copy of every unit.

Personally, I haven't found Nagi very effective, she has a neat gimmick but isn't particularly good at it.

Bear in mind that while DC is all she can give Ashnard, she can give an armor DC alongside the full three levels of Special Fighter. So I think it's wasteful to just use her as DC fodder when she can do a lot more. 

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Just now, Othin said:

I always recommend saving a copy of every unit.

Personally, I haven't found Nagi very effective, she has a neat gimmick but isn't particularly good at it.

Bear in mind that while DC is all she can give Ashnard, she can give an armor DC alongside the full three levels of Special Fighter. So I think it's wasteful to just use her as DC fodder when she can do a lot more. 

Well most modern armors these days already come with a fighter skill built in that suits them perfectly. And I have no real interest in merging up another armor after Sheena, I just don't like using them that much. The only armor I truly like using are B:Hector, and brave / legendary Edelgard. The movement just hurts so hard for them. But in Hector's case I can make due since he is kinda busted with his refine.

And its for this reason I was more leaning towards fodder for this Nagi.

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58 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Well most modern armors these days already come with a fighter skill built in that suits them perfectly. And I have no real interest in merging up another armor after Sheena, I just don't like using them that much. The only armor I truly like using are B:Hector, and brave / legendary Edelgard. The movement just hurts so hard for them. But in Hector's case I can make due since he is kinda busted with his refine.

And its for this reason I was more leaning towards fodder for this Nagi.

Fair enough. I do a lot of merging common armors, but if you're sure you don't need Special Fighter fodder, it's not much of a concern. 

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1 hour ago, Faellin said:

How good is Nagi these days? She just randomly showed up for me on my free summon for the foil banner today. She came up +res -speed which looks great for her statline.

But at the same time I am in need of that DC fodder for my next merge project, Ashnard

As @Othin has said, I recommend keeping a copy of every unit, since there are modes that require game specific units. While I do not see her being of much use in Resonant Battles unless you give her Armor Stride, she should be useful in Limited Hero Battles in situations where you need a bulky tank. Nagi is also decent for Arena Assault for baiting Blazing mages, and your copy got +Res to boot.

1 hour ago, Faellin said:

Well most modern armors these days already come with a fighter skill built in that suits them perfectly. And I have no real interest in merging up another armor after Sheena, I just don't like using them that much. The only armor I truly like using are B:Hector, and brave / legendary Edelgard. The movement just hurts so hard for them. But in Hector's case I can make due since he is kinda busted with his refine.

FE!Edelgard is pretty much carried by Armor Stride. Raging Storm is nice, but the skill falls apart if you take Armor Stride off of her.

I do not recommend sacrificing FE!Edelgard for Armor Stride, but if you are willing to put up with slow moving armor units for now, Armor Stride should eventually make it into the normal summoning pool. Once that happens, most armor units would be far more palatable to use.

1 hour ago, Faellin said:

And its for this reason I was more leaning towards fodder for this Nagi.

If you need Distant Counter fodder, I recommend saving for Orbs and use Hector as fodder since he does not really have much else that is great for inheritance (Goad Armor is a bit niche in my opinion). Nagi got Special Fighter and Dragon Valor, and it feels like a waste to just throw those skills away.

If you do not mind foddering Special Heroes, LA!Hector would be coming around February, and he literally has nothing but Distant Counter as fodder

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47 minutes ago, XRay said:

If you do not mind foddering Special Heroes, LA!Hector would be coming around February, and he literally has nothing but Distant Counter as fodder

Pulling specifically for LA!Hector just to fodder him seems inefficient to me. Regular Hector has about 1.78x the appearance rate on his weekly revival banners, and his next one will be January 10, well before Valentine Hector's rerun in February.

In fairness about Special Fighter - I've pulled a total of three Nagis and fed the two extras to my merged Gwendolyn and Sheena, and while they've both used Distant Counter a ton, I don't remember ever having either one of them equip Special Fighter even once in the months they've had it.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Pulling specifically for LA!Hector just to fodder him seems inefficient to me. Regular Hector has about 1.78x the appearance rate on his weekly revival banners, and his next one will be January 10, well before Valentine Hector's rerun in February.

That is true. Revival Foci do have better rates.

1 hour ago, Othin said:

In fairness about Special Fighter - I've pulled a total of three Nagis and fed the two extras to my merged Gwendolyn and Sheena, and while they've both used Distant Counter a ton, I don't remember ever having either one of them equip Special Fighter even once in the months they've had it.

Now that I have been thinking about it more, I have been holding onto several Nagis, but I have not actually foddered her to any armor unit. The one Nagi I did fodder was primarily for giving Dragon Valor to Nils and he got Distant Counter as a bonus.

Thinking about it further, I am not sure if a lot of armors want it either. Player phase armors rather stick with Bold Fighter. Enemy phase armors got Crafty Fighter and Slick Fighter to play with. Slow dual phase armors want Bold Fighter-Quick Riposte.

That just leaves the fast dual phase armor units, but GD!Ike and ASFP!Felicia already got Special Fighter. Black Knight and Zelgius can use Special Fighter, but they do not need Distant Counter. Draug got an enemy phase Weapon, so he is not too suitable unless you want to swap out his Weapon. WE!Lissa is toeing the line into slow territory and she comes with Bold Fighter.

That just leaves Amelia, WE!Robin, LA!Eliwood. Out of those three, I think Amelia is the best candidate since she has a Weapon that gives her more Spd and she is eligible to have Resplendent stats.

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3 minutes ago, XRay said:

That is true. Revival Foci do have better rates.

Now that I have been thinking about it more, I have been holding onto several Nagis, but I have not actually foddered her to any armor unit. The one Nagi I did fodder was primarily for giving Dragon Valor to Nils and he got Distant Counter as a bonus.

Thinking about it further, I am not sure if a lot of armors want it either. Player phase armors rather stick with Bold Fighter. Enemy phase armors got Crafty Fighter and Slick Fighter to play with. Slow dual phase armors want Bold Fighter-Quick Riposte.

That just leaves the fast dual phase armor units, but GD!Ike and ASFP!Felicia already got Special Fighter. Black Knight and Zelgius can use Special Fighter, but they do not need Distant Counter. Draug got an enemy phase Weapon, so he is not too suitable unless you want to swap out his Weapon. WE!Lissa is toeing the line into slow territory and she comes with Bold Fighter.

That just leaves Amelia, WE!Robin, LA!Eliwood. Out of those three, I think Amelia is the best candidate since she has a Weapon that gives her more Spd and she is eligible to have Resplendent stats.

Huh, yeah. In my situation, my other two merged armors are BK and Winter Jaffar, so I didn't really have anyone who could make use of both, but I guess there aren't many units who would.

I guess one other option is slow armors who get guaranteed follow-ups from their weapons, like Brave Hector and Brave Ephraim. Of course, Ephraim already has Special Fighter, while Hector already has a better DC. I can't think of any who don't have one of those issues.

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Yeah, Nagi is the number one culprit for decision paralysis in terms of skill inheritance. I have three and ended up doing absolutely nothing with them, and now it's too late. If I go back to playing next year hopefully there'll be a better F2P-friendly candidate than Flamie Empie to fodder her off to. The other candidate would be Slaying Sword BK I guess, but he comes with the extra disadvantage of low BST and losing the benefit of any potential Alondite refine.

Maybe it's time for a new BK alt. First we got a fully armoured version, then an armoured one without the helmet, so naturally what should follow is a version where he wears the helmet *and absolutely nothing else*. 😉

Also in the decision paralysis pool (level 1 five-star units I've had for what feels like forever) are two OG Ikes, two Hardins, Amelia and two Bride Lyns. Two new units have recently joined them in Indigestion Corrin and Leila. They'll probably still be there this time next year...

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28 minutes ago, Humanoid said:


Maybe it's time for a new BK alt. First we got a fully armoured version, then an armoured one without the helmet, so naturally what should follow is a version where he wears the helmet *and absolutely nothing else*. 😉


You kid, but red armour Zelguis would be an excellent candidate for the Laguz Slayer (considering he puts down Skimr like a boss, ignore the fact that the Laguzslayer is only in Path of Radiance and not Radiant Dawn).

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20 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

What's a decent budget B skill for SM!Byleth? I wanted to play with Windsweep/Watersweep but one is costs a Grail unit and the other costs 20K feathers. 

Can never go wrong with Desperation. With her default skillset Byleth would outspeed most all units while still having a way to reach under 75% hp, and as long as she gets kills she won't be wanting for a sweep.

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1 minute ago, Xenomata said:

Can never go wrong with Desperation. With her default skillset Byleth would outspeed most all units anyway, and as long as she gets kills she won't be wanting for a sweep.

I was hoping to depend on her Duo skill but having it her B slot does remove the inconsistency issue. Now I just need to pull a Shanna.

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49 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

What's a decent budget B skill for SM!Byleth? I wanted to play with Windsweep/Watersweep but one costs a Grail unit and the other costs 20K feathers. 

Windsweep is also available from the Alm manual from April, if you have that. 

Personally I'm considering just leaving mine with her default Chill skill, I think that's fine. I feel like Sweep skills aren't too necessary outside of AR defense where she can't use her duo skill. Aerobatics or Flier Formation are also options if you have them, but aren't necessarily readily accessible. Could also go with a cheap movement skill like Wings of Mercy or Escape Route.

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57 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

This is what I'm going to do for the time being as I lack Desperation fodder. 

Watersweep 2 should still work in most cases. As long as OM!F!Byleth doubles, any level of Watersweep and Windsweep will still provide protection, since doubling means that she is is winning the Spd check by at least 5, and the tier 1 Sweep requirement is that you win the Spd check by that amount.

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3 hours ago, XRay said:

Watersweep 2 should still work in most cases. As long as OM!F!Byleth doubles, any level of Watersweep and Windsweep will still provide protection, since doubling means that she is is winning the Spd check by at least 5, and the tier 1 Sweep requirement is that you win the Spd check by that amount.

Thanks for the reminder. I forget the activation thresholds since they're not skills you see often. 

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