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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I still recommend keeping her for stuff like Limited Hero Battles and Resonant Battles. If you are still going to fodder her, I recommend Caeda, Clair, or any ranged physical fliers.

Caeda and Clair got Flashing Blade, so they do not need to rely on Heavy Blade for Galeforce. They also got pretty low Atk, so even if you increase it, I do not think they are going to be doing much one shots unless they are facing against stuff like Elise, who they will one shot anyways with or without Spd/Def Rein. With Brazen Atk/Spd 7, Spd/Def Rein, and 6/6/6/6 bonus buffs, Resplendent Caeda +Atk +10+0 barely reaches 77 Atk. Cordelia with Slaying Lance but otherwise same set up on the other hand reaches 85 Atk. You can always downgrade Caeda's Atk by using double Darting Blow, and that would instantly cause her Atk to plummet to 61. A Caeda with normal high investment for Galeforce will probably be using Fury 4 and Swift Sparrow so they do not have to set up HP, and that will reduce her Atk to be under 70.

Ranged fliers do not have access to Galeforce, so do not face the same dilemma as most melee fliers do.

For melee fliers, they can either go the raw damage nuke route or Galeforce route. In my opinion, melee units are better off focusing on Galeforce and leave raw damage nuking to ranged fliers, but it is ultimately up to player's own preference. If you want a melee flier to focus on raw damage, they should run Spd/Def Rein. If you want them to do Galeforce, then wait for Atk/Spd Rein instead. If a particular flier is your favorite and/or if you use them a lot, you might as well give them both so you can swap out their kit as necessary.

However, there is one exception where Galeforcers do not have worry about having too much Atk, and that exception is when Galeforce is in a situation where it is practically guaranteed to trigger. In Abyssal maps, if you are running a Galeforcer with three Dancers/Singers, there is really no point in running holding back Atk nor using Heavy Blade in my opinion since the Galeforcer is bound to trigger Galeforce eventually during every turn due to the amount of enemies the Galeforcer is going to kill per turn; it does not matter whether Galeforce triggers after the first, second, or third enemy as long as it triggers. Similarly in Røkkr Sieges, the Røkkr is never going to die during combat, you can rely on using its counter attack to help charge Galeforce, and you want to reach 200,000 damage as quickly as possible, so Spd/Def Rein is highly preferable in this case too.

All right, thanks. I'll keep that in mind. Maybe I'll just save Jill and just fodder off another one if I happen to get another one of her.

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1 hour ago, GuiltyLove said:

All right, thanks. I'll keep that in mind. Maybe I'll just save Jill and just fodder off another one if I happen to get another one of her.

I'd not give her any fodder until then. There's always the chance that the next Jill will have a good Asset/Flaw (or at least Neutral), so then you have one build crummy Jill and one good Jill with no fodder, on a unit who you didn't really want to merge and also has desired fodder skills.

So... yeah, don't get attached to this Jill, the next one might be better. Hm, video games make us do cruel things sometimes...

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After the mythic banner ends I want to save for March's Green. However, I am really bad at saving, as I either summon impulsively (anniversary and the new book 5 hero will be hard to skip), or I procrastinate and skip rewards.

What are your saving tips, and how do you combat impulsive summoning?

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1 hour ago, SuperNova125 said:

After the mythic banner ends I want to save for March's Green. However, I am really bad at saving, as I either summon impulsively (anniversary and the new book 5 hero will be hard to skip), or I procrastinate and skip rewards.

What are your saving tips, and how do you combat impulsive summoning?

I decide in advance certain circumstances where I'm allowed to spend orbs, and ban myself from spending them outside of those circumstances.

One thing I've done a few times is make lists of which missing units I care most about, then ignore anything that doesn't rate above a certain threshold. The threshold can vary depending on how good of a rate is being offered and how it compares to alternatives, but I try to be very careful about that, especially if I know I need to save.

Personally, I've been going for most of the non-rerun sparks as well as all the seasonal demotes, so those take up about half the available orbs. That's made it hard to build up much of a stockpile, so I'm careful to save the rest for really high-priority stuff. There's a few units available right now that I'd very much like, but I'm passing on for now because it's not the right time:

  • Duo Lyn: Very powerful and she has a sweet skill, but I can't afford her right now. Might be able to get her on her Double Special Heroes rerun or the anniversary free summon (colorless is looking like the best choice for me there, assuming it happens), and if none of that works, I'll see how much I still care about her when her normal rerun rolls around a year from now.
  • Summer Dorothea: One of the last games I'm still missing a dancer for, but on the Double Special Heroes banner she's color-sharing with Fjorm, who I already have. So her normal rerun would be a better deal, and again, might get her for the anniversary summon in the meantime.
  • Freyja: Now that I have Triandra, she's the only green unit I'm missing from her banner, so it's a bad deal compared to any reruns where she's color-sharing with someone I'm missing. In particular, she's expected to be rerun alongside Legendary Edelgard, who I don't have, so that would be way better.
  • Kris M: This is the one I had to think the most about, since it's a relatively "good deal" and he's at a better rate than Lyn. But I'm low on orbs, with winter banners and probably high-rate stuff like Double Special Heroes and Hero Fests on the way there might be some especially good deals that aren't really replaceable, and I don't want to miss out on any of them. He's one of my most-wanted regular units right now, but regular units have all sorts of chances: he could show up on any normal banner, or if his banner gets a New Heroes Revival, and even if none of them happens he'll probably get a similar-rate rerun sometime, especially if his current skill banner comes back for a daily rerun sometime. So in the long run I should be able to get him at least as easily at some point, so no need to rush when I'll probably have a better use for those same orbs soon.
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1 hour ago, SuperNova125 said:

After the mythic banner ends I want to save for March's Green. However, I am really bad at saving, as I either summon impulsively (anniversary and the new book 5 hero will be hard to skip), or I procrastinate and skip rewards.

What are your saving tips, and how do you combat impulsive summoning?

For issues with procrastination and skipping rewards, I recommend having a routine/ritual to stay on top of things and to help you manage burnout. You want to do things early so you have time to deal with problems and difficulties that may arise. Getting easy stuff out the way first helps you focus on harder content later as you will have less stuff to worry about and feeling less overwhelmed.

Set an alarm every day and log in to Heroes everyday in the morning (or whenever it is convenient for you) and do all the daily stuff. In my opinion, the daily stuff should not take too long.

The weekly stuff is mostly Coliseum content, and I highly recommend knocking out one Coliseum mode per day. Due to playing the game for so long, Arena is the easiest for me, so I knock that one out immediately on Tuesday. I sometimes also knock out Resonant Battles on Tuesday too since I have every Harmonic Hero, so the mode is pretty easy too. Arena Assault and Allegiance Battles can be frustrating at times due to randomness, but if I do not feel burnt out by Arena and Resonant Battles, I try to complete them on Tuesday as well. However, I do not force myself to finish Arena Assault Allegiance Battles early in the week as that will just create burnout, so I generally try to complete one of the modes before Friday and the last mode by Sunday.

For impulsive spending, while you have to draw line that you will not cross, at the same time, you also need to make sure that the line is reasonably far enough away to allow you to indulge within reason once in a while. For example, last year, I had a relatively strict budget on Heroes, and I only allowed myself to buy Orbs if they are not part of the regular Orb packs; since there are special Orb packs every month, I was able to indulge without overspending too much. My budget is looser this year, and with the release of guaranteed summon, I allow myself to purchase regular Orb packs to get the guaranteed summons.

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On 11/28/2020 at 4:28 PM, SuperNova125 said:

After the mythic banner ends I want to save for March's Green. However, I am really bad at saving, as I either summon impulsively (anniversary and the new book 5 hero will be hard to skip), or I procrastinate and skip rewards.

What are your saving tips, and how do you combat impulsive summoning?

good question! got up to ~1200 orbs and am currently hovering around ~950 without orb packs. my methods:

  • Grinding through the Main Story Maps / Chain Challenges (hard/lunatic) / Blessing maps nets you a crapload of orbs.  Personally made it a point to reach ~1000 in the first five months of joining the game using mostly those.
  • Like @Othin said, absolutely make a short list of who you're willing to empty out the coffers for.  Zihark, Petrine, and timeskip!Hubert were my three 'willing to go to 0 orbs to +10 for' characters.  I then reverse-calculated how many orbs I'd need for one of them (~2100 for roughly 10 5*).  Actually got real lucky in that Petrine happened to be a Grail unit, Zihark happened to be a demote, and I'm not expecting timeskip!Hubert for a bit.  Hoping to make it to ~2000 by March.
  • Those daily rewards really add up over time; not just the ones in the present box, but making a point to play the "new" features/maps.
  • Tempest Trialsssss.  If you do one event consistently ...
  • I don't summon anything beyond the free summon unless if I'm able to articulate a reason to myself ("I am willing to spend 50 orbs to potentially get a Shinon +1 because i want this character in my perma-squad"), and then personally don't go beyond that. Goes back to making a personal want-tier list.
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23 minutes ago, kradeelav said:

good question! got up to ~1200 orbs and am currently hovering around ~950 without orb packs. my methods:

  • Grinding through the Main Story Maps / Chain Challenges (hard/lunatic) / Blessing maps nets you a crapload of orbs.  Personally made it a point to reach ~1000 in the first five months of joining the game using mostly those.
  • Like @Othin said, absolutely make a short list of who you're willing to empty out the coffers for.  Zihark, Petrine, and timeskip!Hubert were my three 'willing to go to 0 orbs to +10 for' characters.  I then reverse-calculated how many orbs I'd need for one of them (~2100 for roughly 10 5*).  Actually got real lucky in that Petrine happened to be a Grail unit, Zihark happened to be a demote, and I'm not expecting timeskip!Hubert for a bit.  Hoping to make it to ~2000 by March.
  • Those daily rewards really add up over time; not just the ones in the present box, but making a point to play the "new" features/maps.
  • Tempest Trialsssss.  If you do one event consistently ...
  • I don't summon anything beyond the free summon unless if I'm able to articulate a reason to myself ("I am willing to spend 50 orbs to potentially get a Shinon +1 because i want this character in my perma-squad"), and then personally don't go beyond that. Goes back to making a personal want-tier list.

On the back of this, do the hardest difficutly once for fun on Tempest Trials, but then turn combat animations off and do the reccomended difficulty for every other playthrough. That little arrow isn:t lying, it:s the best thing to do. It:ll be less points than the maximum difficulty, but you can blaze through it much faster without any thought at all. Being just five levels ahead of the enemies means you can auto battle through five maps and finish a tempest trials run with basically no risk of failure and no mental effort at all. You get through an entire run in like two minutes by just tapping the screen, barely even have to look at the thing...this is terrible game design, but you;ll get rewards from it nonetheless.

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1 hour ago, kradeelav said:


  • I don't summon anything beyond the free summon unless if I'm able to articulate a reason to myself ("I am willing to spend 50 orbs to potentially get a Shinon +1 because i want this character in my perma-squad"), and then personally don't go beyond that. Goes back to making a personal want-tier list.

Personally, I avoid going partway. When I summon, it's when I have a pretty good idea of how many orbs it'll take to get my target, and I only go in if I'm convinced that's worth going in on until I either get what I'm looking for or run out of orbs. Sometimes I'll spend some orbs on a free session, or towards a secondary color while focusing primarily on something else, if I think that makes it enough of a better deal to cross the line into being worthwhile, but I make sure to think it through ahead of time.

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A few asset/flaw questions. All related to +Atk or +Spd. Trait Fruits can be used to deal with these whenever, but you need 100 of them in the first place.

Similar to Jill, fallen Mareeta, or other units with some sort of Desperation effect, but not with a guaranteed follow-up effect accompanying it like with CYL Lysithea, between +Atk or +Spd, Bernadetta would want +Spd more than +Atk. Yes, yes, Brave Bow is still powerful, but I have legendary Leif for a slow, colorless Brave Bow cavalry and it would be easier to merge up bride Louise or Halloween Rolf if I wanted a fairly fast, colorless Brave Bow cavalry than Bernadetta who granted at +0 or +1 would match or exceed their offenses when merged. I will merge Bernadetta since I did invest in the first one who is +Atk, -HP. The second one who is +Spd, -Def showed later on some banner.

Freyja showed up twice, one +Atk, -Spd and the other neutral, and I feel like if I were merge, I would have neutral be the base considering she wants as much speed as possible for Nightmare Horn's speed check damage reduction. Later on if I wanted, I could make her +Spd. She may have the highest base neutral speed in the game now, but the speed war rages on. Atk/Spd Solo 4 and Pulse Smoke 3 are cool and all, but Mjolnir's Strike is a thing. Problem is that Freyja is a melee cavalry and with only +1 merge, she wouldn't really change much scoring for Mjolnir's Strike. Peony has B Duel Flying 3 and +0 Sothis I think scores higher than +1 Freyja and I have a +1 Sothis. The first merge is usually the most helpful and I'd rather not use her for Atk/Spd Solo 4 or Pulse Smoke 3. Neither of them have a 3*, 4*, or grail unit to get part of them and for Pulse Smoke 3, I'd rather use a spare Ced for it alone or be able to pick up Harsh Command+ or Steady Impact and Pulse Smoke 3 through a spare pirate Brigid or Rally Up Atk+ and Pulse Smoke 3 with a spare groom Pent.

Next up is Ilyana. While summoning for Freya and Triandra, a +Atk, -HP one showed up and I made that the new base over neutral. Did not expect a +Spd, -HP to show up as well. Ilyana's stats and her default Blarfox make me think gen 5 Mae, but without the ability to run Spectrum Link through a tome and a B passive; possible in the future with a B passive and seal. In that case, stacking attack works with her default Blarfox being like an inheritable version of Book of Orchids or with Blarblade. That said, speed is important and with a -fox tome and other sources of speed, she could be decently fast. But if I wanted a speedy blue mage, I should invest in them and their speed instead.

A Halloween Mia showed up as +Spd, -Def a while back. The main one in use is a +Atk, +1 one. Halloween Mia's not that great offensively and I mainly bring her along for Rokkr Sieges where Witchy Wand/Melancholy is very useful. Rokkr are usually not that fast, so +Spd isn't that important, but at the same time since she doesn't have Wrathful Staff, +Atk doesn't do much for her attacking. It's helpful for healing, but Halloween Mia comes with Recover. I don't want to inherit Witchy Wand+ to anyone. The few healers with prf staffs have their niches and we are starting to have healers are part of weapon updates where Elise if not CYL Veronica set the idea of prf staffs are only going to have a unique refinement and I'd rather not have to deal with some healer getting a prf Melancholy/Witchy Wand and doubling up on Dazzling/Wrathful Staff. Keeping her around is keeping her around, but she takes up a barracks slot. Making her into a manual feels like if I ever want to make the +Atk one into +Spd, then that's 100 fruits.

On the subject of Rokkr Sieges, Leon's speed should be fine that +Atk would be better for dealing as much damage for scoring, right? 30 speed seems shaky. I figured it would be nice to have an archer with Guard by default. His resistance is an issue, but whatever.

Edited by Kaden
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Thanks for the answers, they helped a lot as I was struggling with this. I came up with my spending plan until March's Mythic banner. Below are my thoughts. 


I will skip everything however, I will allow myself to indulge in only one banner using below 80 orbs. That banner should have many heroes I am interested in as focus (to avoid useless pity breaking as much as I can) and should have either tickets or be a hero fest. For example this focus could be December's legend if the red pool is full of goodies and if tickets are received like last year. That's the mindset. I generally have an easy time skipping seasonals only summoned the entire year for Iduun, Rhea, Genealogy and Dragons and these months the new heroes were skipped. So I think I won't have a problem skipping. Supposing we get 300 orbs per month, from December until March I will have about 1200 orbs. Remove about 120 due to Freyja and the one banner and I should still have around 1100 orbs (due anniversary celebrations). Maybe not enough to +10 Edelgard and Freyja but enough to have them at high merge count. 


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8 hours ago, Kaden said:

A few asset/flaw questions. All related to +Atk or +Spd. Trait Fruits can be used to deal with these whenever, but you need 100 of them in the first place.

I would not use Trait Fruits though since it seems like you already got their ideal Assets or relatively good Assets.

8 hours ago, Kaden said:

Similar to Jill, fallen Mareeta, or other units with some sort of Desperation effect, but not with a guaranteed follow-up effect accompanying it like with CYL Lysithea, between +Atk or +Spd, Bernadetta would want +Spd more than +Atk. Yes, yes, Brave Bow is still powerful, but I have legendary Leif for a slow, colorless Brave Bow cavalry and it would be easier to merge up bride Louise or Halloween Rolf if I wanted a fairly fast, colorless Brave Bow cavalry than Bernadetta who granted at +0 or +1 would match or exceed their offenses when merged. I will merge Bernadetta since I did invest in the first one who is +Atk, -HP. The second one who is +Spd, -Def showed later on some banner.

Persecution Bow's power is about the same as Brave Bow, so I do not see the point in giving Bernadetta Brave Bow unless you need it to work around stuff like Hardy Bearing or Wary Fighter.

I would stick with +Spd.

8 hours ago, Kaden said:

Freyja showed up twice, one +Atk, -Spd and the other neutral, and I feel like if I were merge, I would have neutral be the base considering she wants as much speed as possible for Nightmare Horn's speed check damage reduction. Later on if I wanted, I could make her +Spd. She may have the highest base neutral speed in the game now, but the speed war rages on. Atk/Spd Solo 4 and Pulse Smoke 3 are cool and all, but Mjolnir's Strike is a thing. Problem is that Freyja is a melee cavalry and with only +1 merge, she wouldn't really change much scoring for Mjolnir's Strike. Peony has B Duel Flying 3 and +0 Sothis I think scores higher than +1 Freyja and I have a +1 Sothis. The first merge is usually the most helpful and I'd rather not use her for Atk/Spd Solo 4 or Pulse Smoke 3. Neither of them have a 3*, 4*, or grail unit to get part of them and for Pulse Smoke 3, I'd rather use a spare Ced for it alone or be able to pick up Harsh Command+ or Steady Impact and Pulse Smoke 3 through a spare pirate Brigid or Rally Up Atk+ and Pulse Smoke 3 with a spare groom Pent.

I would go with Normalized Trait as the base.

8 hours ago, Kaden said:

Next up is Ilyana. While summoning for Freya and Triandra, a +Atk, -HP one showed up and I made that the new base over neutral. Did not expect a +Spd, -HP to show up as well. Ilyana's stats and her default Blarfox make me think gen 5 Mae, but without the ability to run Spectrum Link through a tome and a B passive; possible in the future with a B passive and seal. In that case, stacking attack works with her default Blarfox being like an inheritable version of Book of Orchids or with Blarblade. That said, speed is important and with a -fox tome and other sources of speed, she could be decently fast. But if I wanted a speedy blue mage, I should invest in them and their speed instead.

Which Asset she picks depends on build. For regular nuking with Blárblade, she wants +Spd. For Counter-Vantage and killings in one shot, +Atk is better. You can also keep both if you are not low on Barracks space.

8 hours ago, Kaden said:

A Halloween Mia showed up as +Spd, -Def a while back. The main one in use is a +Atk, +1 one. Halloween Mia's not that great offensively and I mainly bring her along for Rokkr Sieges where Witchy Wand/Melancholy is very useful. Rokkr are usually not that fast, so +Spd isn't that important, but at the same time since she doesn't have Wrathful Staff, +Atk doesn't do much for her attacking. It's helpful for healing, but Halloween Mia comes with Recover. I don't want to inherit Witchy Wand+ to anyone. The few healers with prf staffs have their niches and we are starting to have healers are part of weapon updates where Elise if not CYL Veronica set the idea of prf staffs are only going to have a unique refinement and I'd rather not have to deal with some healer getting a prf Melancholy/Witchy Wand and doubling up on Dazzling/Wrathful Staff. Keeping her around is keeping her around, but she takes up a barracks slot. Making her into a manual feels like if I ever want to make the +Atk one into +Spd, then that's 100 fruits.

If you are only sticking with Attack +3 for her A slot, then I would go with Atk Asset so she can be a more effective at dealing chip damage.

If you plan to turn her into a nuke eventually and give her Atk/Spd Push or Atk/Spd Solo in the future, then I would go with +Spd.

Edited by XRay
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I have 321 Sacred Coins, and I am not sure what to use it on. I am currently thinking about Atk Feint, but I do not use Annette very often and she already has Spd Feint.

A Slot
Armored Blow
Warding Blow
Brazen Def/Res
I am pretty sure I do not want anything that is left in this category. The defensive Blows suck. Brazen Def/Res is completely pointless on a tank who wants to have high HP. Boosts also suck since it stops working if the tank's HP gets low. I cannot really think of any creative uses for these Sacred Seals. Anyone putting any of these to good use?

B slot
Seal Atk
Atk Feint
Def Feint
Res Feint
I am pretty sure I do not want Seal Atk, unless there is some creative use for it that I am missing, and the only thing I can think of is to pair it with Atk Smoke so the unit can deal Atk-7 on everyone in the area, which is kind of pathetic in my opinion since staff unit can do the same with Fear. I can see some use for Feint, but the only one who is realistically using any sort of Feint is just Annette right now since she is only one with a Weapon that utilizes Rallies, and I already gave her Spd Feint. Annette already got Def/Res Ruse, so I might do Atk Feint, but that is about it.

C Slot
I do not like Spurs, and it is suicidal to have support units be in adjacent range. I am not a huge fan of Bonds either, but at least Bonds work with Wings of Mercy on defense to annoy people. Threatens also seem kind of stupid since ranged enemies will hit you first before getting debuffed.

Sacred Seal Exclusives
I already have their normal versions from the A slot category, and I do not think I need a second copy for any of them.

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8 minutes ago, XRay said:

I have 321 Sacred Coins, and I am not sure what to use it on. I am currently thinking about Atk Feint, but I do not use Annette very often and she already has Spd Feint.

A Slot
Armored Blow
Warding Blow
Brazen Def/Res
I am pretty sure I do not want anything that is left in this category. The defensive Blows suck. Brazen Def/Res is completely pointless on a tank who wants to have high HP. Boosts also suck since it stops working if the tank's HP gets low. I cannot really think of any creative uses for these Sacred Seals. Anyone putting any of these to good use?

B slot
Seal Atk
Atk Feint
Def Feint
Res Feint
I am pretty sure I do not want Seal Atk, unless there is some creative use for it that I am missing, and the only thing I can think of is to pair it with Atk Smoke so the unit can deal Atk-7 on everyone in the area, which is kind of pathetic in my opinion since staff unit can do the same with Fear. I can see some use for Feint, but the only one who is realistically using any sort of Feint is just Annette right now since she is only one with a Weapon that utilizes Rallies, and I already gave her Spd Feint. Annette already got Def/Res Ruse, so I might do Atk Feint, but that is about it.

C Slot
I do not like Spurs, and it is suicidal to have support units be in adjacent range. I am not a huge fan of Bonds either, but at least Bonds work with Wings of Mercy on defense to annoy people. Threatens also seem kind of stupid since ranged enemies will hit you first before getting debuffed.

Sacred Seal Exclusives
I already have their normal versions from the A slot category, and I do not think I need a second copy for any of them.

I use Brazen Def/Res sometimes for auto-battle HM grinding in Chain Challenges, I've found it useful there.

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13 minutes ago, XRay said:

I have 321 Sacred Coins, and I am not sure what to use it on. I am currently thinking about Atk Feint, but I do not use Annette very often and she already has Spd Feint.

A Slot
Armored Blow
Warding Blow
Brazen Def/Res
I am pretty sure I do not want anything that is left in this category. The defensive Blows suck. Brazen Def/Res is completely pointless on a tank who wants to have high HP. Boosts also suck since it stops working if the tank's HP gets low. I cannot really think of any creative uses for these Sacred Seals. Anyone putting any of these to good use?

B slot
Seal Atk
Atk Feint
Def Feint
Res Feint
I am pretty sure I do not want Seal Atk, unless there is some creative use for it that I am missing, and the only thing I can think of is to pair it with Atk Smoke so the unit can deal Atk-7 on everyone in the area, which is kind of pathetic in my opinion since staff unit can do the same with Fear. I can see some use for Feint, but the only one who is realistically using any sort of Feint is just Annette right now since she is only one with a Weapon that utilizes Rallies, and I already gave her Spd Feint. Annette already got Def/Res Ruse, so I might do Atk Feint, but that is about it.

C Slot
I do not like Spurs, and it is suicidal to have support units be in adjacent range. I am not a huge fan of Bonds either, but at least Bonds work with Wings of Mercy on defense to annoy people. Threatens also seem kind of stupid since ranged enemies will hit you first before getting debuffed.

Sacred Seal Exclusives
I already have their normal versions from the A slot category, and I do not think I need a second copy for any of them.

I'm in a similar position. Coins used to be the most sought after resource, but new Seals get released so slowly I find myself having an abundance of them. Especially since a lot of the new seals like Hone Dragons don't even require coins to boost. There's still plenty of skills to spend them on, but they seem underwhelming. I've resorted to starting from the top of the list and buying every seal progressively. Stat+Xs is probably your best investment if you don't want to do that, just so you can have some small boosts on your B team units to save time rearranging seals from other units. Personally I stick Warding Blow on Julius for a more powerful Iceberg, but I don't really use Julius much at all (which is a shame, I want him to be a good unit given he's a freaking final boss).

Edited by Jotari
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3 hours ago, XRay said:

A Slot
Armored Blow
Warding Blow
Brazen Def/Res
I am pretty sure I do not want anything that is left in this category. The defensive Blows suck. Brazen Def/Res is completely pointless on a tank who wants to have high HP. Boosts also suck since it stops working if the tank's HP gets low. I cannot really think of any creative uses for these Sacred Seals. Anyone putting any of these to good use?

I gave Brave Edelgard the Brazen Def/Res seal since I have Heavy Blade on Cordelia and gave Bravelgard Galeforce, meaning she lost her primary form of healing.

Works pretty alright, considering her already good defensive ability.

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5 hours ago, Othin said:

I use Brazen Def/Res sometimes for auto-battle HM grinding in Chain Challenges, I've found it useful there.

Hm... Would not Renewal be better? It is always 10 HP healing at start of turn 1, and it helps maintain Quick Riposte. If the unit already got Noontime or Sol, Brazen Def/Res is basically an empty skill.


2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I gave Brave Edelgard the Brazen Def/Res seal since I have Heavy Blade on Cordelia and gave Bravelgard Galeforce, meaning she lost her primary form of healing.

Works pretty alright, considering her already good defensive ability.

If I am auto battling at a sufficiently high difficulty, I usually give FE!Edelgard or whoever I am using Renewal Sacred Seal.

The stat boost and HP requirement is so disjointed from each other.

7 hours ago, Jotari said:

I'm in a similar position. Coins used to be the most sought after resource, but new Seals get released so slowly I find myself having an abundance of them. Especially since a lot of the new seals like Hone Dragons don't even require coins to boost. There's still plenty of skills to spend them on, but they seem underwhelming. I've resorted to starting from the top of the list and buying every seal progressively. Stat+Xs is probably your best investment if you don't want to do that, just so you can have some small boosts on your B team units to save time rearranging seals from other units. Personally I stick Warding Blow on Julius for a more powerful Iceberg, but I don't really use Julius much at all (which is a shame, I want him to be a good unit given he's a freaking final boss).

I do not mind switching Sacred Seals around, so it feels like a waste to spend on it regular stat boosters.

The only Sacred Seal that I can somewhat justify upgrading is maybe Atk Feint, but I do not really want to do that either until they release another unit like Annette that specializes in Rallies.

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6 minutes ago, XRay said:

Hm... Would not Renewal be better? It is always 10 HP healing at start of turn 1, and it helps maintain Quick Riposte. If the unit already got Noontime or Sol, Brazen Def/Res is basically an empty skill.


If I am auto battling at a sufficiently high difficulty, I usually give FE!Edelgard or whoever I am using Renewal Sacred Seal.

The stat boost and HP requirement is so disjointed from each other.

I do not mind switching Sacred Seals around, so it feels like a waste to spend on it regular stat boosters.

The only Sacred Seal that I can somewhat justify upgrading is maybe Atk Feint, but I do not really want to do that either until they release another unit like Annette that specializes in Rallies.

Renewal is better, but there's only one Renewal skill and four units to fill out. So if there's multiple squishy ones, it's really helpful to have both.

Skills like Sol and Noontime make it easier to survive a CC, but I like not needing to bother inheriting them onto units I just want to toss into the grinder as-is.

One place where stat-booster skills can be relevant is if you need them on multiple units at once, probably most helpful on the HP ones.

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Brazen Def Res is useful to me as I can just slap that one, steady stance and steady stance or something similar onto my dancer ninian team that can level a unit through the special maps to lvl 40/ grind some SP. I don't need to worry about the dancers dying that way. Besides, what else would I use the coins on. 

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Renewal is better, but there's only one Renewal skill and four units to fill out. So if there's multiple squishy ones, it's really helpful to have both.

Skills like Sol and Noontime make it easier to survive a CC, but I like not needing to bother inheriting them onto units I just want to toss into the grinder as-is.

One place where stat-booster skills can be relevant is if you need them on multiple units at once, probably most helpful on the HP ones.

I've long wished there was a second renewal skill that procced on even turns instead of odds. Obviously every turn would be the best, but we won't get that unless we want to completely invalidate Alvis's personal skil.

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6 hours ago, Othin said:

Renewal is better, but there's only one Renewal skill and four units to fill out. So if there's multiple squishy ones, it's really helpful to have both.

Skills like Sol and Noontime make it easier to survive a CC, but I like not needing to bother inheriting them onto units I just want to toss into the grinder as-is.

One place where stat-booster skills can be relevant is if you need them on multiple units at once, probably most helpful on the HP ones.

I got Steady Stance, Warding Stance, Fortress Def, and Fortress Res, and those work regardless of HP. Brazens would not kick in until the unit has lost quite a bit of HP, and I am not sure that is a good idea.

I got a lot of Combat Manuals, so I like to give my units a variety of skills before hand so I do not have to do so later.

I am just not sure I need that many stat boosters. I got HP+5, HP/Atk, HP/Spd, HP/Def, and HP/Res form the A slot category all upgraded. My Aversa has HP+5 on her, but I have not leveled Iago and Virion to 5* yet, and they can all just use HP+5 since I doubt I would use them all in the same team. Even for Aether Raids, the other two can make do with HP/Stat since it is only 1 point lower.

I guess I might as well upgrade Brazen Def/Res since I have nothing else to spend it on. I still want to keep 150 Sacred Coins as reserve to upgrade whatever Sacred Seals are released next, so I guess I might do Atk Feint after the next Tempest Trials.

5 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

Brazen Def Res is useful to me as I can just slap that one, steady stance and steady stance or something similar onto my dancer ninian team that can level a unit through the special maps to lvl 40/ grind some SP. I don't need to worry about the dancers dying that way. Besides, what else would I use the coins on. 

I like to do those manually to get as much SP per Stamina Potion as possible.

If I need to do a lot of SP grind for a level 40 unit, I give Steady Stance or Close Def to my Valor Dancer/Singer, and I run one or two other bulky units with no Weapons to slow down the trainee from killing enemies too quickly.

I guess if have an extra 500 or 600 Sacred Coins then I would not mind doing Boosts and Spurs and all that just to complete them all. It just does not feel like I am at that point yet, and I still want to make sure whatever Sacred Seal that I spend on is actually getting used.

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14 minutes ago, XRay said:

I got Steady Stance, Warding Stance, Fortress Def, and Fortress Res, and those work regardless of HP. Brazens would not kick in until the unit has lost quite a bit of HP, and I am not sure that is a good idea.

I got a lot of Combat Manuals, so I like to give my units a variety of skills before hand so I do not have to do so later.

I am just not sure I need that many stat boosters. I got HP+5, HP/Atk, HP/Spd, HP/Def, and HP/Res form the A slot category all upgraded. My Aversa has HP+5 on her, but I have not leveled Iago and Virion to 5* yet, and they can all just use HP+5 since I doubt I would use them all in the same team. Even for Aether Raids, the other two can make do with HP/Stat since it is only 1 point lower.

I guess I might as well upgrade Brazen Def/Res since I have nothing else to spend it on. I still want to keep 150 Sacred Coins as reserve to upgrade whatever Sacred Seals are released next, so I guess I might do Atk Feint after the next Tempest Trials.

I like to do those manually to get as much SP per Stamina Potion as possible.

If I need to do a lot of SP grind for a level 40 unit, I give Steady Stance or Close Def to my Valor Dancer/Singer, and I run one or two other bulky units with no Weapons to slow down the trainee from killing enemies too quickly.

I guess if have an extra 500 or 600 Sacred Coins then I would not mind doing Boosts and Spurs and all that just to complete them all. It just does not feel like I am at that point yet, and I still want to make sure whatever Sacred Seal that I spend on is actually getting used.

One thing to consider is that we should get four more seals within the next month, which could cost up to 600 coins to upgrade all of them. So if you don't have uses planned for anything, saving up might not be a bad idea. 

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19 minutes ago, Othin said:

One thing to consider is that we should get four more seals within the next month, which could cost up to 600 coins to upgrade all of them. So if you don't have uses planned for anything, saving up might not be a bad idea. 

I already upgraded Brazen Def/Res, but I still have 171 left over. Each Tempest Trials also give 80 for a total of 160. I get 29 Sacred Coins every week from Colisseum, so that would be 174 Sacred Coins within the next six weeks. The last round of Voting Gauntlet should also give me another 45 Sacred Coins. That is a total of 500 something Sacred Coins, so I think I should still be able to upgrade everything I want as some Sacred Seals come at max level or semi-leveled, and some Sacred Seals would just be duds.

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Just free summoned M:Grima from the weekly revival banner. And i'm wondering is he even any good these days? I imagine time hasn't been kind to him.

Hopefuly he gets a shared refine with F:Grima if they ever do give outdated legendaries one.

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3 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Just free summoned M:Grima from the weekly revival banner. And i'm wondering is he even any good these days? I imagine time hasn't been kind to him.

Hopefuly he gets a shared refine with F:Grima if they ever do give outdated legendaries one.

If you do not mind the slowpoke armor movement, his combat performance is not great, but it is passable. I do not recommend using him as a super tank in Aether Raids due to his low movement and Spd.

If you got the dough to spend to overhaul his kit, and especially give him Armor March or Armor Stride, he can have decent dual phase performance with decent mobility.

As for making minor adjustments to his basekit, you will want either Sturdy Stance (Def tank) or Mirror Stance (Def/Restank), and I would replace Ward Dragon with Atk Smoke or Ward Armor depending on team composition.

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7 hours ago, Faellin said:

Just free summoned M:Grima from the weekly revival banner. And i'm wondering is he even any good these days? I imagine time hasn't been kind to him.

Hopefuly he gets a shared refine with F:Grima if they ever do give outdated legendaries one.

There's a lot of better green armors around by now, particularly Brave Edelgard. He's okay, but I'd suggest keeping him on the bench for now. Really building him up seems like more trouble than it's worth with his current weapon, and if he ever gets a refine, who knows how that'll change what kinds of skills he'll want.

To my understanding, both Grimas have the same weapon, so it would definitely be a shared refine if they ever get one. It's not like the Falchions, where there were three weapons with the same name and effect but different appearances and were classified separately ingame.

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