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Think it's from Pokemon terminology, yeah. Then Fire Emblem Fates used "Boon" and "Bane" for character creation so that came fairly naturally too. Then when they decided to stop hiding the mechanic in Heroes, they decided to rebrand it as Asset/Flaw for some reason (believe it or not the whole feature used to be completely opaque and you'd need to rely on third parties to even tell how the whole thing worked and what your units had). A fair few people will say "nature" too, which I picked up from IceD which I like because it flows more naturally when used in a sentence.

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14 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

Asbel Flaw Atk/ Asset Res , is bad , right ?

It is not good, but he should still be usable. Traits do not make much of a difference until you are tackling the most difficult content.

Asbel with Atk Flaw is still 33 Atk, which is the same as Nino's Normalized Atk of 33 Atk.

Edited by XRay
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@XRay thani xray, guess I should stick with eirika to be the nuke.

Also is there a limit of skills inherit to a charater ? I meant for example Eirika, can she inherited skills from unlimited units ?

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I don't understand. Def tactic said : "At start of turn, grants Def+6 to allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. Granted only if number of that ally's movement type on current team ≤ 2." I thought all fliers would get the buff except Catria (cause her move is 3 ) 

Tactics only work if two or less of a units movement type are present on the current team.
4 units being Infantry will not trigger a Tactics skill.
3 Infantry and 1 Armor will only trigger the Tactics skill on the Armor if possible.
2 Infantry and 2 Flier will allow all 4 units to benefit from the tactics skill.

As long as there are 2 or less of a movement type present, the tactics skill will activate. Otherwise, nothing happens. And in this case, the tactics skill will only work on Catria, because there is only 1 Cavalry unit on the team, but 3 Fliers.

----------------     I still don't get it..... "Granted only if number of that ally's movement type on current team ≤ 2." Aren't all fliers have 2 movement which ≤ 2 ? Isn't that fit the condition to trigger this still. And Catria Cavalry have 3 mov, which isn't fit the condition of this skill ?

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34 minutes ago, XRay said:

It is not good, but he should still be usable. Traits do not make much of a difference until you are tackling the most difficult content.

Asbel with Atk Flaw is still 33 Atk, which is the same as Nino's Normalized Atk of 33 Atk.

Yeah, it's important not to get too hung up on them. Below average for Asbel is still way better than most units.

Traits tell you how a unit compares to other possible versions of themselves, either your own or those of other players, but all that matters for actual performance is final stats. Until they made it easy to check traits, I usually just ignored them.

27 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

@XRay thani xray, guess I should stick with eirika to be the nuke.

Also is there a limit of skills inherit to a charater ? I meant for example Eirika, can she inherited skills from unlimited units ?

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I don't understand. Def tactic said : "At start of turn, grants Def+6 to allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. Granted only if number of that ally's movement type on current team ≤ 2." I thought all fliers would get the buff except Catria (cause her move is 3 ) 

Tactics only work if two or less of a units movement type are present on the current team.
4 units being Infantry will not trigger a Tactics skill.
3 Infantry and 1 Armor will only trigger the Tactics skill on the Armor if possible.
2 Infantry and 2 Flier will allow all 4 units to benefit from the tactics skill.

As long as there are 2 or less of a movement type present, the tactics skill will activate. Otherwise, nothing happens. And in this case, the tactics skill will only work on Catria, because there is only 1 Cavalry unit on the team, but 3 Fliers.

----------------     I still don't get it..... "Granted only if number of that ally's movement type on current team ≤ 2." Aren't all fliers have 2 movement which ≤ 2 ? Isn't that fit the condition to trigger this still. And Catria Cavalry have 3 mov, which isn't fit the condition of this skill ?

Fliers have a movement range of 2, but that's not the value Tactic skills check. It's about the number of units with the movement type. 1 cavalry is less than 2, 3 fliers is greater than 2.

Edited by Othin
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1 hour ago, Hasechi said:

I still don't get it..... "Granted only if number of that ally's movement type on current team ≤ 2." Aren't all fliers have 2 movement which ≤ 2 ? Isn't that fit the condition to trigger this still. And Catria Cavalry have 3 mov, which isn't fit the condition of this skill ?

Movement type does not refer to the number of spaces a unit can move. It refers to the type of movement class a unit belongs to, which is what determines how far they can move. This is also a factor in base stats/growths and types of skills they can learn, but not the point right now.

  • Infantry move 2 spaces, are slowed by Forests, and cannot pass holes, rivers, mountains, etc.
  • Armored moves 1 space, is not slowed by anything, and cannot pass holes, rivers, mountains, etc.
  • Cavalry move 3 spaces, are slowed by trenches, and cannot pass through forests in addition to holes, rivers, mountains, etc.
  • Fliers move 2 spaces and are not slowed by anything and can freely maneuver though rivers mountains etc., but are universally weak to Bows.

Again, 3 Fliers and 1 Cavalry will not trigger Tactics on the fliers because there are 3 fliers present on the team when the skill requires 2 or less of a Movement type, meaning the only one on the team who would benefit from Tactics skills would be the lone Cavalry.

As for your other question about Anamnesis Eirika's ability to inherit skills, Anamnesis Eirika can inherit as many skills as she wants as long as she meets the prerequisites to learn those skills. She cannot inherit Guidance for example, which is a Flier exclusive skill.
You can see the requirements to inherit a skill in its help description, as well as when you go to try and inherit a skill; It will flat out not let you pick the skill in the first place.

Edited by Xenomata
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thank @Xenomata . thank @Othin

@XRay should I replace ninian/olivia with Ballroom Lachesis ( a flier dancer ) 

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Also I think I would inherit skill from Eremiya to Brave Camilla. Cause Eremiya have 3 skill Miracle, Imblue, Physic. like u recommended skills for B!Camilla :

Miracle — Imbue
Atk/Spd Push
Wrathful Staff
Drive Def

Chill Def


i'm not sure should I upgrade Eremiya to 5stars, so she can learn Physic+ & inherit it to B Camilla. Also Eremiya Distand Guard skill sound good, I think. Cause usually I let Brave Dimitri go into enemies zone & tank everything.

Currently I want to strengen up my most in-used team Peony, B!Camilla, B!Dimitri, Reginn . Asbel/Mage Eirika and 3 dancers would be my near future team. 

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Also Dorothea Resonance Shield skill : grant to unit & allies from the same title as this unit ?

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I don't understand. Barst hasn't learned Knockback yet. How can he inherit that skill to other ?

Edited by Hasechi
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1 hour ago, Hasechi said:

thank @Xenomata . thank @Othin

@XRay should I replace ninian/olivia with Ballroom Lachesis ( a flier dancer ) 

Also I think I would inherit skill from Eremiya to Brave Camilla. Cause Eremiya have 3 skill Miracle, Imblue, Physic. like u recommended skills for B!Camilla :

Miracle — Imbue
Atk/Spd Push
Wrathful Staff
Drive Def

Chill Def

i'm not sure should I upgrade Eremiya to 5stars, so she can learn Physic+ & inherit it to B Camilla. Also Eremiya Distand Guard skill sound good, I think. Cause usually I let Brave Dimitri go into enemies zone & tank everything.

Currently I want to strengen up my most used team Peony, B!Camilla, B!Dimitri, Reginn . Asbel/Mage Eirika and 3 dancers would be my near future team. 

Also Dorothea Resonance Shield skill : grant to unit & allies from the same title as this unit ?

I would not use Eremiya as sacrificial fodder for common skills. I would sacrifice another unit for those skills. Eremiya costs Grails to summon more copies of, and Grails are a very limited resource compared to Orbs.

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2 hours ago, Hasechi said:

Also I think I would inherit skill from Eremiya to Brave Camilla. Cause Eremiya have 3 skill Miracle, Imblue, Physic. like u recommended skills for B!Camilla :

Miracle — Imbue
Atk/Spd Push
Wrathful Staff
Drive Def

Chill Def


i'm not sure should I upgrade Eremiya to 5stars, so she can learn Physic+ & inherit it to B Camilla. Also Eremiya Distand Guard skill sound good, I think. Cause usually I let Brave Dimitri go into enemies zone & tank everything.

Eremiya should not be used as skill inheritance fodder. Grail units generally do NOT want to be used as skill fodder unless their skills are literally not available from any other source. Such skills aren't really that common, and Eremiya's SI is not all that valuable in the first place. The SI you are after from her is all available from Gen 1 staff units.
Distant Guard is only useful half the time. It only triggers if the foe is using a ranged weapon, and while I don't know what kind of units you are facing right now, you could get almost the same results against all foes with Drive Def and Drive Res in your C and SS slots.

2 hours ago, Hasechi said:

Also Dorothea Resonance Shield skill : grant to unit & allies from the same title as this unit ?

I assume you are asking what this means.
This just means that the only units affected by Dorothea's Duo Harmonic skill are units from their respective original games, in this case Three Houses and Genealogy of the Holy War.
You can check for this in a units Help description whenever you tap on their name. Brave Dimitri, for instance, would be affected. You should be careful to check this if you have any prior knowledge of FE games though, as some units appear in multiple games but are only listed as being from one game. Ike, for instance, appeared in both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, but his multiple alts shift between being from Path of Radiance or from Radiant Dawn.

2 hours ago, Hasechi said:

I don't understand. Barst hasn't learned Knockback yet. How can he inherit that skill to other ?

Units do not need to have learned a skill to be able to pass it on via inheritance. They only need to have it available at their current rarity to be able to pass it on.
Barst at 3* would not be able to pass on Brave Axe+ or Spur Atk 3, but he can still pass on Brave Axe, Reposition, Knock Back, and Spur Atk 2 even if he does not have those skills learned yet.

Edited by Xenomata
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1 hour ago, Rinco said:

Will we still have a Caellach GHB rerun as usual or does this GHBs rerunning for the anniversary takes that usual rerun spot? I don't remember if we had those on the last years and how that turned out

We'll still get regular reruns of all of these. These are Grand Hero Parties, which are in addition to the normal Grand Hero Revivals. In the past, the parties have tended to come after regular revivals, but we did get a previous instance of parties coming first with the Frontline Phalanx ones back in September, and reruns since then have given third runs to those maps.

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When summoning earlier, I had a silhouetted 4* show up with ??? as the name while a 5th star dropped down and made them into a 5* as it revealed the character.  I'll admit I've been rather out of the loop on a lot of game updates in general lately, but can anyone tell me what caused this?  It was quite odd.

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25 minutes ago, Nyaoista said:

When summoning earlier, I had a silhouetted 4* show up with ??? as the name while a 5th star dropped down and made them into a 5* as it revealed the character.  I'll admit I've been rather out of the loop on a lot of game updates in general lately, but can anyone tell me what caused this?  It was quite odd.

A very recent summoning pool change in which all the Book 1 and 2 5* units up until CYL2 have been put in a 4* special summon rate. This rate does not impact the current banners pity rate, so any 4* special summons will not reset it.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

We'll still get regular reruns of all of these. These are Grand Hero Parties, which are in addition to the normal Grand Hero Revivals. In the past, the parties have tended to come after regular revivals, but we did get a previous instance of parties coming first with the Frontline Phalanx ones back in September, and reruns since then have given third runs to those maps.

That leaves me leaning towards building up Caellach for Arena instead of Ninja Hana. The Grails I'd save building him are a huge headstart for a next grail project.

Problem is, his rerun should take a while yet. But only needing 7 copies instead of 9 is already okay and I could just go at it right now saving 950 grails.

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17 minutes ago, Rinco said:

That leaves me leaning towards building up Caellach for Arena instead of Ninja Hana. The Grails I'd save building him are a huge headstart for a next grail project.

Problem is, his rerun should take a while yet. But only needing 7 copies instead of 9 is already okay and I could just go at it right now saving 950 grails.

Yeah, that's the classic GHB vs TT advantage and corresponding dilemma. You can get the grail price as low as half (1350 vs 2700) with two reruns, but it takes a while, and some GHBs haven't even gotten a second rerun.

1 hour ago, Nyaoista said:

When summoning earlier, I had a silhouetted 4* show up with ??? as the name while a 5th star dropped down and made them into a 5* as it revealed the character.  I'll admit I've been rather out of the loop on a lot of game updates in general lately, but can anyone tell me what caused this?  It was quite odd.

To elaborate a bit - on all current and upcoming banners, there's now a 3% chance of summoning a 5* unit from CYL2 or earlier, which initially appears as a 4* and therefore does not reset the 5* pity rate. Those units now no longer appear otherwise in the 5* general pool, so summoning an off-focus unit from that timeframe will always mean they'll slow up initially as a "???" 4* and then turn into a 5*.

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3 minutes ago, Othin said:

Yeah, that's the classic GHB vs TT advantage and corresponding dilemma. You can get the grail price as low as half (1350 vs 2700) with two reruns, but it takes a while, and some GHBs haven't even gotten a second rerun.

I've been postponing my next grail project for so long that I'll wait a couple days to see who the next GHB is going to be. Maybe it's another 180 BST unit on red or blue, which would be better for me... But if not, I'll probably pull the trigger on Caellach this week.

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2 minutes ago, Rinco said:

I've been postponing my next grail project for so long that I'll wait a couple days to see who the next GHB is going to be. Maybe it's another 180 BST unit on red or blue, which would be better for me... But if not, I'll probably pull the trigger on Caellach this week.

Well, we should at least find out some info about the unit in two hours, and then about a day later they'll get datamined.

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11 hours ago, Othin said:

Yeah, it's important not to get too hung up on them. Below average for Asbel is still way better than most units.

Traits tell you how a unit compares to other possible versions of themselves, either your own or those of other players, but all that matters for actual performance is final stats. Until they made it easy to check traits, I usually just ignored them.

Fliers have a movement range of 2, but that's not the value Tactic skills check. It's about the number of units with the movement type. 1 cavalry is less than 2, 3 fliers is greater than 2.

11 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Movement type does not refer to the number of spaces a unit can move. It refers to the type of movement class a unit belongs to, which is what determines how far they can move. This is also a factor in base stats/growths and types of skills they can learn, but not the point right now.

  • Infantry move 2 spaces, are slowed by Forests, and cannot pass holes, rivers, mountains, etc.
  • Armored moves 1 space, is not slowed by anything, and cannot pass holes, rivers, mountains, etc.
  • Cavalry move 3 spaces, are slowed by trenches, and cannot pass through forests in addition to holes, rivers, mountains, etc.
  • Fliers move 2 spaces and are not slowed by anything and can freely maneuver though rivers mountains etc., but are universally weak to Bows.

Again, 3 Fliers and 1 Cavalry will not trigger Tactics on the fliers because there are 3 fliers present on the team when the skill requires 2 or less of a Movement type, meaning the only one on the team who would benefit from Tactics skills would be the lone Cavalry.

As for your other question about Anamnesis Eirika's ability to inherit skills, Anamnesis Eirika can inherit as many skills as she wants as long as she meets the prerequisites to learn those skills. She cannot inherit Guidance for example, which is a Flier exclusive skill.
You can see the requirements to inherit a skill in its help description, as well as when you go to try and inherit a skill; It will flat out not let you pick the skill in the first place.


Units do not need to have learned a skill to be able to pass it on via inheritance. They only need to have it available at their current rarity to be able to pass it on.
Barst at 3* would not be able to pass on Brave Axe+ or Spur Atk 3, but he can still pass on Brave Axe, Reposition, Knock Back, and Spur Atk 2 even if he does not have those skills learned yet.

Thanks ! I see it now. OMG I wasted my time trained barst to lv20 to gained sp & learned skills lol


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39 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

Thanks ! I see it now. OMG I wasted my time trained barst to lv20 to gained sp & learned skills lol


Ironically we used to have to do that for different reasons. It wasn't *too* long ago that to promote someone, you had to level them up to at least level 20 in their current rarity. So if someone wanted to pass Reposition and Spur Atk 3 from a 3-star Barst, they'd have to level him to 20 then promote him to 4-star before sacking him. Of course, back then you could only pass three skills at a time as well, so you'd need to fire some other poor schmuck (most likely Ogma) to pass Spur Atk 1 first.

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17 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Think it's from Pokemon terminology, yeah. Then Fire Emblem Fates used "Boon" and "Bane" for character creation so that came fairly naturally too. Then when they decided to stop hiding the mechanic in Heroes, they decided to rebrand it as Asset/Flaw for some reason (believe it or not the whole feature used to be completely opaque and you'd need to rely on third parties to even tell how the whole thing worked and what your units had). A fair few people will say "nature" too, which I picked up from IceD which I like because it flows more naturally when used in a sentence.

"Asset" and "Flaw" come from Awakening's character creation.

I use "Nature" because it's the more accurate analogy from Pokémon. "IV" was used first when we didn't know that units were limited to either only 1 Asset and 1 Flaw or fully neutral. IVs in Pokémon are determined independently for each stat, but Natures in Pokémon are limited to either 1 stat being higher than normal and 1 stat being lower than normal or fully neutral, so "Nature" is more accurate.


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a mage with 3 dancers. mage Should I pick eirika or asbel and why. About dancers, I think i would pick :

peony : her gentle dream is amazing, & she can be offence unit in some cases too

Dorothea(flier) : I think she good too.

& Lachesis(I'm not sure): 3rd flier dancer.

Cause I heard that inheriting from units that have already inherited a skill tends to be pretty inefficient..So I would choose unit carefully

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18 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

a mage with 3 dancers. mage Should I pick eirika or asbel and why. About dancers, I think i would pick :

peony : her gentle dream is amazing, & she can be offence unit in some cases too

Dorothea(flier) : I think she good too.

& Lachesis(I'm not sure): 3rd flier dancer.

I do not recommend thinking team compositions in static terms using specific Heroes (Asbel, Peony, DDR!Dorothea, and TSD!Lachesis). Instead, think of team compositions filled by various roles (nuke, Dancer/Singer #1, Dancer/Singer #2, Dancer/Singer #3).

You want your teams to be flexible, so it does not matter who the nuke is. You will eventually need to switch between SM!Eirika and Asbel depending on the map. Between SM!Eirika and Asbel, I recommend using SM!Eirika as your primary nuke for convenience, but do not be afraid to switch her out.

I do not recommend using a team filled with only ranged units. You want at least one of your Dancers/Singers to be melee in case you encounters enemies like Lyon: Demon King who can completely shut down most ranged nukes. I also do not recommend running three flying Dancers/Singers, since you will want your Dancers/Singers to have Tactics buffs too in case they need to enter into combat.

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