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Just now, Hasechi said:

How can u guys still farm orbs after done story, special maps. panalogue etc.v....v... ? I'm sure you guys here have done all of that (except you buy orbs)

You cannot farm Orbs. You just have to wait until the game gives you more.

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44 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

How can u guys still farm orbs after done story, special maps. panalogue etc.v....v... ? I'm sure you guys here have done all of that (except you buy orbs)

I don't buy orbs (and I recommend against doing so), so I just wait for new ones. Like I said earlier, you can get an average of about 80 per week that way.

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52 minutes ago, Othin said:

I don't buy orbs (and I recommend against doing so), so I just wait for new ones. Like I said earlier, you can get an average of about 80 per week that way.

How can u get 80 orbs per week ? 


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18 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

How can u get 80 orbs per week ? 


Doing whatever new events open up. Quests, maps, Arena, etc.

Again, that's an average, so it'll vary from week to week.

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Does brave Lysithea bring anything unique to the table outside of being a red tome nuke?

She kinda just showed up off the genealogy banner, ironically while she is on focus on another banner. And i'm pretty set in the red tome nukes with fallen Julia and my +10 fully invested Katarina. So unless she brings something really special, i'm probably going to fodder her.

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32 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Does brave Lysithea bring anything unique to the table outside of being a red tome nuke?

She kinda just showed up off the genealogy banner, ironically while she is on focus on another banner. And i'm pretty set in the red tome nukes with fallen Julia and my +10 fully invested Katarina. So unless she brings something really special, i'm probably going to fodder her.

Incredibly high Spd, guarenteed follow-ups on top of Desperation if she is even slightly injured (great to pair with Winter Bernadetta), powerful on top of it all, Cavalry effectiveness is icing on the cake. Not necessarily unique, but powerful where it counts.

Also, unless you have an abundance of Three Houses units and don't need Brave Lysithea, probably wanna keep her for when the game demands TH units.

Edited by Xenomata
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1 hour ago, Faellin said:

Does brave Lysithea bring anything unique to the table outside of being a red tome nuke?

She kinda just showed up off the genealogy banner, ironically while she is on focus on another banner. And i'm pretty set in the red tome nukes with fallen Julia and my +10 fully invested Katarina. So unless she brings something really special, i'm probably going to fodder her.

She is way better than DB!Julia. She has way better Spd and her Weapon comes with Desperation and unconditional follow up attack.

You also want to have as many different Heroes as possible to tackle Limited Hero Battles and Resonant Battles.

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Should I forma soul Spring Palla?  She has a very premium kit save for her weapon which is Ouch Pouch+ and ruptured sky.  I know however she may never see actual use save for maybe LhB's and resonate battles (even then very slim chance).  I am tempted though as she did hard carry through HoF.

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5 hours ago, Faellin said:

Does brave Lysithea bring anything unique to the table outside of being a red tome nuke?

She kinda just showed up off the genealogy banner, ironically while she is on focus on another banner. And i'm pretty set in the red tome nukes with fallen Julia and my +10 fully invested Katarina. So unless she brings something really special, i'm probably going to fodder her.

I always recommend keeping at least one of every unit, and she's a very strong one.

As @XRay said, her being from 3H alone sets her apart from the other nukes you've listed. Accounting for weapons, even a +10/+15 Katarina has weaker offensive stats than a +0/+0 Brave Lysithea.

Edited by Othin
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2 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Should I forma soul Spring Palla?  She has a very premium kit save for her weapon which is Ouch Pouch+ and ruptured sky.  I know however she may never see actual use save for maybe LhB's and resonate battles (even then very slim chance).  I am tempted though as she did hard carry through HoF.

I personally prefer to prioritize Grail units, then Special Heroes, and then regular Heroes.

As a unit, she is not anything amazing, but she got Disarm Trap and Hone Fliers by default in addition to any skills you give her. Disarm Trap is useful in Aether Raids, and Hone Fliers is nice when you need buffs on your fliers.

I personally would not use a Forma Soul on her unless you really need Disarm Trap for Aether Raids. But if you really like her, your skill kit for her right now is really good for Aether Raids, so I think it is worth it if you want to use her in that mode. If you can get Spd/Def Rein as well, then it would be perfect.

For Aether Raids:
Ouch Pouch [Atk]
Ruptured Sky
Swift Sparrow
Disarm Trap
Spd/Def Rein
Swift Sparrow
She is basically kind of like flying Reginn, but with Disarm Trap instead of Canto.

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15 minutes ago, XRay said:

I personally prefer to prioritize Grail units, then Special Heroes, and then regular Heroes.

Bear in mind that this is a difference between high-spending players and low-spending ones. High-spending ones tend to prefer grail units since grails are a more limited resource for them than orbs, while low-spending ones tend to prefer seasonals.

We should find out the next Hall of Forms lineup before the current one's distribution period ends, so there'll be time to wait and see what the options there will be before making a decision. I'd recommend doing that if you're at all uncertain.

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Hey guys. I was theorycrafting my Arena teams based on blessings (to optimize and not have to keep switching everytime) and I'll be glad if you all could help me with some points.

First of all, I saw that you don't need to have teams for the full 4 season, as there's always two seasons active at the same time and having 3 seasons covered means you will always have a team to run.

Then I was going through my highest scoring units and those are the best 6 at the moment (6 because 2 units for each of the 3 seasons + legendary + bonus unit making a team):
Flame Emperor

The top 2 are great in terms of scoring, but then it starts falling a bit. Gwendolyn is performing well and in an optimal scenario, I'll eventually switch her with B!Hector if I ever get him to +10.
Aversa is okay with drive support, Guidance and her weapon while also being a fast magic user. She runs Duel 3 on A slot and has a max scoring build already.
Est is only missing a Rally+, but she's not that great without other fliers, which is the case. So I think I'll start building Seteth as he scores better and is in the 4* pool. He's probably the best candidate, followed by Valbar if I didn't miss anyone. 
W!Cecilia is usually okay and she's also fully built, but sometimes I wish she had a color to have a better team coverage.

Okay, after the wall of text, here's the thing. I have some grails left after Caellach and I think I can get Astram copies enough to +10 him. I'm leaning towards building him and using him in Cecilia's spot, as she's the one with lowest BST (if I'm not mistaken, going by memory here) and that would give me another red unit to better distribute my teams. If I manage to get enough Seteths to swap Est, that would leave Aversa as the next in line for substitution. 

Considering that my top3 scoring Legendaries right now are Tiki, Corrin and Dimitri, how would you guys distribute those 6 heroes? Seeing that 2 of my Legendaries are blue, having Astram instead of W!Cecilia seems a good move, right?
Is there any hero on the free pool that I'm missing that could be used to make my team comps better?

This is how I made the teams for now:
Flame Emperor



If anyone read all that, thanks!

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52 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

My team it's 276/300 now. Is there  a way storage units that I barely use or not want to use right now.

There's no way to temporarily remove units from your barracks and then get them back, but you do have the option to permanently convert unneeded units into Combat Manuals. Once you do, they can no longer fight, but you can still use them for skill inheritance or merging. It's a good way to clean up duplicates you plan to sacrifice eventually but don't have a use for yet.

You can also expand your barracks by spending orbs. 1 orb gives you 5 more barracks slots.

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I would like a push onto whether to choose Azelle or Erinys as my guaranteed 5* after 40 summons on their banner -- no wonder people call it a spark or whatever because that was a mouthful. Anyway, both of them overlap in unit types as a red mage infantry and lance flier, respectively. Also, I don't care about scoring much, so their tier 4 Duel skills don't interest me and I don't mind that Erinys gets less of a boost in scoring since Azelle is an infantry mage with 166 BST, so being considered as a 180 BST unit is greater for him than Erinys who has 172 BST.

Azelle has a more unique weapon since aside from him, Legion is the only other unit who can reverse field buffs in combat. Considering his stats and what Sparking Tome does specifically, Azelle is yet another red mage infantry nuke where Sparking Tome lets him swing a lot of speed in his favor through its Spd+3 and when his foe's HP is >= 50%, inflicting Spd/Res-6 and reversing their Spd/Res field buffs. He'll hit hard and fast if his foe's HP is within that rather generous HP range. Outside of that HP range, he only has a Spd+3 tome and if his foe doesn't have field buffs which isn't uncommon, then he only inflicts Spd/Res-6 which is still a substantial debuff. Except that I have Celica, brainwashed Julia, Lilina, regular and CYL Lysithea, Tharja, and arguably Knoll is more or less a prf-less version of Lilina. Also, Arvis with unique refined Valflame's Blizzard effect. Some of them have fallen off or are not as well invested as they could, but they do the whole nuke thing that Azelle does as well. What also goes against him for me is skill-wise, he has a lot of what feels like scoring and support. The support is fine, but nothing new or unique that I don't have or want.

Erinys has the less unique weapon given that the Catria, Est, although a sword flier, Palla, and the Whitewing trio have a conditional Brave effect. In terms of stats, specifically attack and speed, Erinys hits harder and faster than Catria and Est and her stat boosts are tied to her foe's HP being >= 50% rather than being within 2 spaces of a 2 or more fliers. Compared to the Whitewing trio, Erinys is faster, but trades a guaranteed follow-up effect for raw attack and speed. Catria, Est, and the Whitewing trio are restricted to being on mainly flier teams for Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 for Catria and Est or for Atk/Def-4 and a guaranteed follow-up attack for the Whitewing trio and ability to Brave. Erinys can at least have another effect if her support partner isn't there, within 2 spaces of her, to let her Brave. They're just conditions that need to be met, so that is fine. What they have over her is that Catria has a Killer effect and Est has effective damage against armors. Killer effect for Catria means she could with Heavy Blade, charge Galeforce or proc 3 cooldown specials, with Whitewing Lance's effects. Otherwise, if she's fast enough and not fighting someone with follow-up prevention Desperation can let her charge Galeforce or proc up to 4 cooldown special. She still needs to pass those stat checks, but it does allow her to not need to take a hit to charge Galeforce. Unless I'm forgetting someone, Est is the only unit with a Brave effect that also has effective damage against armors. Ignoring archers who by default have effective damage against fliers, Est stands out in being able to Brave with effective damage against armors. For the Whitewing trio, a guaranteed follow-up attack allows kid Palla to bring through follow-up prevention effects and against those without Null Follow-Up effects, Desperation without needing to pass a speed check.

The condition of needing a support partner goes both ways. Support partner effects can do a lot for her with raw stats through Clive, M!Corrin, and Mathilda, special charging through groom Rafiel and regular and New Year's Velouria, and movement shenanigans with Leila and Lilith. There's also Clarisse, but like Erinys and Leila, her support partner effect benefits herself rather than as support for the partner or both. I don't have groom Rafiel or New Year's Velouria which is fine since most of the support partner units are blue for whatever reason. M!Corrin, Leila, and regular Velouria aren't, so that fine, but it would have been neat for Lilith to not have overlapped with Erinys and the others. At the same time, it's restrictive since it requires a support partner and this is a me problem, but I don't use supports often.

What really goes against for Erinys is that there are a lot of lance fliers and with similar stats. Cordelia, especially resplendent Cordelia, is arguably a simpler nuke with less attack and speed because of her prf Brave Lance and a more restrictive HP range of her HP >= 70% if you are using her lance's unique refinement. With a prf Brave Lance, though, she only needs to initiate to hit twice. Who knows, we might get another unit like Erinys who is already similar to three other lance fliers with her conditional Brave effect. Azelle on the other hand is currently one of two unit with field buff reversing to which he is the only ranged and magic-damage option to Legion's only melee and physical damage option. Skill-wise, though, Erinys wins for me. Atk/Def Rein is just useful and I don't have anyone with Harsh Command+ yet, so I guess that's helpful.

So, yeah, between Azelle and Erinys, I don't know who to choose.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

There's no way to temporarily remove units from your barracks and then get them back, but you do have the option to permanently convert unneeded units into Combat Manuals. Once you do, they can no longer fight, but you can still use them for skill inheritance or merging. It's a good way to clean up duplicates you plan to sacrifice eventually but don't have a use for yet.

You can also expand your barracks by spending orbs. 1 orb gives you 5 more barracks slots.

Can I post my current barracks here ? I'm new to this.. I really need advices which units should be sent to manual

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26 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

Can I post my current barracks here ? I'm new to this.. I really need advices which units should be sent to manual

Feel free.

My recommendation is to just manual duplicates (whichever has the worst stats) and if you still need space, use orbs to expand your barracks so you can keep one of each unit.

Edited by Othin
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5 hours ago, Rinco said:

Then I was going through my highest scoring units and those are the best 6 at the moment (6 because 2 units for each of the 3 seasons + legendary + bonus unit making a team):
Flame Emperor

After thinking about it for a while, I am not sure if it is a good idea to pick Arena cores based solely on their BST unless you are a whale and can afford the newest BST units, as BST will eventually be outdated. If you are going to spend premium fodder anyways, I think it might be better to focus on Duel Skills instead.

For example, instead of investing in Flame Emperor, you invest in Caellach. When the BST of units reach 200, instead of having to replace Flame Emperor and throw a bunch a bunch of Orbs/Feathers/Grails onto a new unit, you can simply just snipe for the latest G Duel Infantry #X and put that on Caellach.

Infantry and fliers are also much easier and less frustrating to use compared to armor units.

If you want to stay in Tier 21 though, I am not sure how feasible that is without spending a lot of money, but Tier 20.5 should be pretty feasible for free players and low spenders if they budget their resources wisely.

@Othin, I think we had a short discussion on scoring the other day and you wanted to invest in armor units for Arena, so I think I should tag you too for additional insights and opinions. Since we now know that the developers will keep updating Duel skills, do you think it is a good idea to invest in armor units? I am leaning towards no since it is cheaper to just upgrade a unit's Duel skill instead of replacing the old unit with a new unit.

5 hours ago, Rinco said:

This is how I made the teams for now:
Flame Emperor



Wind and Water seems fine.

Earth seems like a pain in the ass to use though. That is three armor units. If you like to use armor units, then investing in those three is fine. However, if you are like me and most players and dislike using armor units, I am not sure if it makes sense to invest in them.

3 hours ago, Kaden said:

I would like a push onto whether to choose Azelle or Erinys as my guaranteed 5* after 40 summons on their banner -- no wonder people call it a spark or whatever because that was a mouthful. Anyway, both of them overlap in unit types as a red mage infantry and lance flier, respectively. Also, I don't care about scoring much, so their tier 4 Duel skills don't interest me and I don't mind that Erinys gets less of a boost in scoring since Azelle is an infantry mage with 166 BST, so being considered as a 180 BST unit is greater for him than Erinys who has 172 BST.

I went with Erinys for my guaranteed summon.

Sparking Tome's power is too dependent on enemies and the meta, and I just do not see bonus buffs being dominant enough for it to be useful in the game in general. It will be great in Arena since Rally skills are common, but I do not think it is that great outside of that mode. For a similar historical example, Aversa is really good when bonus buffs were all the rage back then, but she has fallen quite a bit in usefulness over the years as bonus buffs has pretty much faded into oblivion for most teams. The only meta teams that still uses them would be player phase teams that are under player control, since players can more easily deal with stuff that negates or reverses bonus buffs.

Erinys is not great either in my opinion, since she can easily get screwed over by Wary Fighter, unlike TSOIA!Palla who can cancel out Wary Fighter with her Whitedown Spear and then rely on her innate Spd to perform the follow up attack.

However, Erinys' primary advantage is that she is not locked to flier teams. Her positioning requirements are more lenient in some ways (requiring only one ally), but more strict in other ways (requiring one specific ally). I have not used her yet, so I cannot really say whether her requirements is an overall net positive or net negative in terms of ease of use, but it seems like it is a bit easier. And compared to Azelle, it is easier to control your own set up than it is to anticipate and prepare for enemies' set ups.

Edited by XRay
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3 hours ago, Othin said:

Feel free.

My recommendation is to just manual duplicates (whichever has the worst stats) and if you still need space, use orbs to expand your barracks so you can keep one of each unit.

example : I have 2 Rody 4*, 1 3*, 1 2*, 1 *1. So I should send all to manual , only keep one lv 4 rody ( highest rarity & best stat asset ). The thing I wonder is we sent 1*,2*,3* to manual, then if I have a Rody 5*, can we upgrade those 1*,2*,3*( in manual) to merge to 5* Rody ?

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8 minutes ago, XRay said:

@Othin, I think we had a short discussion on scoring the other day and you wanted to invest in armor units for Arena, so I think I should tag you too for additional insights and opinions. Since we now know that the developers will keep updating Duel skills, do you think it is a good idea to invest in armor units? I am leaning towards no since it is cheaper to just upgrade a unit's Duel skill instead of replacing the old unit with a new unit.

I don't summon for skills, so I can't guarantee access to Duel skills of any level in a reasonable timeframe. So I personally plan to keep building new armor units, I can do that with just feathers and grails and whatever extra sources of regular 300 SP skills happen to fall into my lap. I have plenty more of all of those resources than I need for anything more important, and I like building up new +10 units anyway. Although I'm currently sitting at 430k feathers, 5.6k grails, and 9.3k Divine Codes because I haven't yet bothered to use them to build up Felix, or anyone else for that matter. Haven't been feeling like making more attempts at T21, and my current roster seems fine for other modes.

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Just now, Hasechi said:

example : I have 2 Rody 4*, 1 3*, 1 2*, 1 *1. So I should send all to manual , only keep one lv 4 rody ( highest rarity & best stat asset ). The thing I wonder is we sent 1*,2*,3* to manual, then if I have a Rody 5*, can we upgrade those 1*,2*,3*( in manual) to merge to 5* Rody ?

Who is Rody? My first thought was Roderick, but he's not available below 3*.

But yes, even once you turn a unit into a manual, you can still upgrade that manual to 5* later. So feel free to convert however many copies with worse assets and/or rarities as you need to make room.

 If you can spare the space, it could be beneficial to keep multiple assets if a unit might benefit from different options, but it's up to you when you have space that's worth using that on. I also want to point out that while 1* and 2* units aren't particularly valuable unless upgraded, they're also something they haven't been releasing more of for a long time, so if you do have any interest in them for whatever reason, the copies you have are the only ones you'll get. It's up to you if you care about that for collection purposes or anything.

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