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2 hours ago, Hasechi said:

thank @kradeelav Im a new player. I want to run a team with 1 range nuke & 3 dancers follow this :'

Due to ... Tactic 3 skills, so movetype in team must equal or lower 2. I think currently my best 2 dancers are Peony & Duo Dorothea. Both are fliers so I think I need a infantry or horse dancer.I got Reyson too, I thought he should go with beast/dragon team or sth? Cause he can't transform near normal units. 

But again I think I worried too much. I afraid in some situations the nuke can't take down some specific enemies, then one of the dancers can finish those foes.


"Best" team depends on what purpose you're running the team for! :)   My answer would be very different if it was for Aether Raids vs Arena vs beating Chain Challenges. And honestly - if I were you, I'd just experiment a bit. There's nothing like real experience to help build up that instinct for different teams, and to make it quicker to realize some units fit your playstyle better (versus mine).

Reyson's transformation doesn't really matter as much, imo, as his ability to steadily self-heal himself and the team.

(I have used the '1 nuke / 3 dancers' composition to effectiveness in Chain Challenges / the main story mode back when I was a new player, and didn't have the resources for more varied teams.  So it's a good option!  Personally, I preferred 2 nukes / 2 dancers - one nuke would be magic-based, and the other nuke would be an archer, that way I could always at least target at least one of the weaker defense stats (def vs res))

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33 minutes ago, kradeelav said:

Reyson's transformation doesn't really matter as much, imo, as his ability to steadily self-heal himself and the team.

Imo it's the opposite: some units don't want that steady flow of healing, but Reyson can become a Flying dancer with the movement range of a Cav unit, which can prove useful in the long run, especially if his team doesn't really help enable WoM very well.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Imo it's the opposite: some units don't want that steady flow of healing, but Reyson can become a Flying dancer with the movement range of a Cav unit, which can prove useful in the long run, especially if his team doesn't really help enable WoM very well.

Fair point, true!  Though I really only see WoM utility mentioned in a higher-tier AR context, whereas self/(team) healing is more of a generalized thing whether it be Arena/AR/Main Story/Special Modes.

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31 minutes ago, kradeelav said:

Fair point, true!  Though I really only see WoM utility mentioned in a higher-tier AR context, whereas self/(team) healing is more of a generalized thing whether it be Arena/AR/Main Story/Special Modes.

It tends to come up with any team focused on a nuke with Fury and/or Desperation. I use WoM strats for most Abyssal maps.

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3 hours ago, kradeelav said:

(I have used the '1 nuke / 3 dancers' composition to effectiveness in Chain Challenges / the main story mode back when I was a new player, and didn't have the resources for more varied teams.  So it's a good option!  Personally, I preferred 2 nukes / 2 dancers - one nuke would be magic-based, and the other nuke would be an archer, that way I could always at least target at least one of the weaker defense stats (def vs res))

I think the one-to-three ratio is generally better as the team is much more nimble compared to the two-to-two ratio. For a nuke like Blade mages, no Abyssal enemy can survive those types of nukes beyond two rounds of combat unless they run a build that hard counters it.

There are maps where a boss just completely shuts a type of nuke down and you need to run a second nuke to cover that weakness, but even most Abyssal bosses will still easily fall to a well timed Special so a secondary nuke is largely unnecessary.

In my opinion, for most player phase teams in Abyssal maps, it is not combat performance that is holding the team back, but rather how well the Dancers/Singers can move their nuke around.

59 minutes ago, kradeelav said:

Fair point, true!  Though I really only see WoM utility mentioned in a higher-tier AR context, whereas self/(team) healing is more of a generalized thing whether it be Arena/AR/Main Story/Special Modes.

Healing is pretty bad thing for player phase teams in my opinion. The only mode where healing on a player phase nuke is desirable is in Røkkr Sieges, since Røkkrs cannot die in combat and can always counter attack, so Desperation is meaningless.

The primary thing that sets player phase teams apart from enemy phase teams is that they have a huge mobility advantage with Wings of Mercy Dancers/Singers. A player phase team can basically travel the entire map from one end to another end in a single turn.

Healing not only shuts down Wings of Mercy, it also shuts down Desperation, and Desperation is even more crucial to nukes as that one skill makes the concept of player phase nukes viable in the first place. Without Desperation, most nukes simply do not have the bulk to survive a counter attack from enemy phase tanks, and the only viable nukes for Abyssal would basically be Blazing mages since they can simulate Desperation.

Edited by XRay
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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I think the one-to-three ratio is generally better as the team is much more nimble compared to the two-to-two ratio.

I find two-two to be better on maps with little space to move around, as you aren't cluttering your limited space with units that can't be danced out of the way. It's also helpful to have two attacking units that can cover for enemies that can tank them. My hyper offense team for challenge content is typically Ophelia and Legendary Leaf.


1 hour ago, XRay said:

Without Desperation, most nukes simply do not have the bulk to survive a counter attack from enemy phase tanks, and the only viable nukes for Abyssal would basically be Blazing mages since they can simulate Desperation.

If you're using older units, then sure, but we've been getting tons of units recently that don't use Desperation.

Brave Celica, Ophelia, Legendary Leaf, and Legendary Lilina don't care about Desperation, as they're intended to simply kill the opponent before the first counterattack.

Units like Young Merric and Duo Byleth run Windsweep to avoid being counterattacked at all.

Units like Levn and Summer Laegjarn have the Desperation effect at 50% HP or higher instead of 75% HP or lower.

Units like Duo Alm, Freyja, Legendary Corrin, and Legendary Dimitri just flat out don't take damage.

The Immortal Hel build just flat out can't die.

Sure, you won't get Wings of Mercy to activate, but at the same time, you don't have to worry about engineering a situation to activate Wings of Mercy.

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Any idea when the next good batch of orbs comes around? I'm at 15 but I still have all the lunatic and hard difficulty legendary battles to finish, which should be about 40 orbs i think, but i really to find some to see if i can at least reach the spark on the new heroes banner (takes 200 orbs?). I cave in to temptation and spent some on the legendary banner.....i did pull a +atk claude but man i do sense some regret now.


and just to confirm, but we do get to spark on the banner that will feature the heroes on the current voting gauntlet, right?


Also, pulled two brave lucina's just recently, i do like her and I think there could be a fun team for her somewhere, just to play with her, but i have no idea on how to build her or what sort of team she could slot into. I also have a YT!Olivia and i thought it would be fun if i could pair them together.

Edited by Sil/phire
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20 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

Any idea when the next good batch of orbs comes around? I'm at 15 but I still have all the lunatic and hard difficulty legendary battles to finish, which should be about 40 orbs i think, but i really to find some to see if i can at least reach the spark on the new heroes banner (takes 200 orbs?). I cave in to temptation and spent some on the legendary banner.....i did pull a +atk claude but man i do sense some regret now.


and just to confirm, but we do get to spark on the banner that will feature the heroes on the current voting gauntlet, right?


Also, pulled two brave lucina's just recently, i do like her and I think there could be a fun team for her somewhere, just to play with her, but i have no idea on how to build her or what sort of team she could slot into. I also have a YT!Olivia and i thought it would be fun if i could pair them together.

There's a weekly post on the subreddit that forecasts the orb income each week, this link should always include the latest forecast.

In order to spark, you need 40 pulls, and on a standard New Heroes banner, 5 of them are free. So you end up with a range of:
- Best case: 8 full rounds of 5 pulls, first five rounds cost 15 orbs each, last three cost 20 orbs. So 75 + 60 = 135 orbs minimum.
- Worst case: 40 individual rounds, of which 35 you pay 5 orbs for. So 175 orbs.

You will of course naturally end up somewhere in between, since pulling red orbs on this banner would be silly.

And yes, the Hero Rises banner will be sparkable. And Lancina is a support unit whose entire schtick is "Drive Physical", so just stack all sorts of Drive effects on her and throw her in a team of physical damage dealers.

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22 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

Any idea when the next good batch of orbs comes around? I'm at 15 but I still have all the lunatic and hard difficulty legendary battles to finish, which should be about 40 orbs i think, but i really to find some to see if i can at least reach the spark on the new heroes banner (takes 200 orbs?). I cave in to temptation and spent some on the legendary banner.....i did pull a +atk claude but man i do sense some regret now.

If you are spending Orbs on him because he is your favorite character, that is fine. If you are spending Orbs on him because he is a good player phase unit though, I would advise against that. In my opinion, it is not a good idea to spend too much Orbs on player phase nukes when a lot of free and low cost nukes can already perform really well.

As a long time player phase player, if you really want to spend Orbs on player phase strategies, the only spending I recommend pursuing is to get a copy of VS!Azura, and you only need one copy. You can go two (or four if you really want to remove that annoying Flaw on both copies), but the value beyond that first copy is pretty marginal at best. If you have more Orbs that you want to spend, then Peony, Plumeria, NYSH!Peony, DDR!Dorothea, TSD!Sigurd, GA!Lucina, and CE!Chrom would be the next best Dancer/Singers to pursue. The former two are for Aether Raids, the next two can use Dance/Sing "twice" in one turn, and the latter three can be pseudo-Dancers/Singers to circumvent no Dancer/Singer rules in Limited Hero Battles and drag allies out of enemy range more effectively than regular units.

Basically, spending Orbs on Dancers/Singers will give you a lot more bang for your buck.

If you really want to spend Orbs on nukes, I recommend ITM!Lyn and... I think that is it. I would also advise against merging her as well and just spend some Trait Fruits on her to give her [+Atk, -HP]. You want that low HP to get into Wings of Mercy range fast. TSOIA!Palla, UOT!Leif, and Blazing nukes can also be considered, but they are all distant seconds compared to ITM!Lyn.

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

If you're using older units, then sure, but we've been getting tons of units recently that don't use Desperation.

Brave Celica, Ophelia, Legendary Leaf, and Legendary Lilina don't care about Desperation, as they're intended to simply kill the opponent before the first counterattack.

Units like Young Merric and Duo Byleth run Windsweep to avoid being counterattacked at all.

Units like Levn and Summer Laegjarn have the Desperation effect at 50% HP or higher instead of 75% HP or lower.

Units like Duo Alm, Freyja, Legendary Corrin, and Legendary Dimitri just flat out don't take damage.

The Immortal Hel build just flat out can't die.

Sure, you won't get Wings of Mercy to activate, but at the same time, you don't have to worry about engineering a situation to activate Wings of Mercy.

Most of them are also harder or more expensive to build.

Activating Wings of Mercy is trivial in my opinion, especially with Fury being readily available. Not using Wings of Mercy Dancers/Singers is like not using BH!Lucina when you have BH!Ike. BH!Ike can still function without BH!Lucina, but it is a noticeable downgrade in power.

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4 hours ago, XRay said:

Most of them are also harder or more expensive to build.

Of those that I listed, Brave Celica, Legendary Leaf, Legendary Lilina, Young Merric, Levn, Summer Laegjarn, Duo Alm, Freyja, Legendary Corrin, and Legendary Dimitri come with default skill sets that are good enough to go as is. Duo Byleth only needs Windsweep, which can be obtained from Joshua, if you aren't against using Grails for rare fodder. Hel only needs Mystic Boost, which is now a Sacred Seal.

And there are plenty of other units that I didn't list that fall under the categories I mentioned. Chances are you'll pull one of them eventually if you haven't already.

Desperation is no longer the one and only way to build sustainable offensive units. Hell, my Duo Lyn even runs Windsweep instead of Desperation.

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11 hours ago, kradeelav said:

"Best" team depends on what purpose you're running the team for! 🙂 My answer would be very different if it was for Aether Raids vs Arena vs beating Chain Challenges. And honestly - if I were you, I'd just experiment a bit. There's nothing like real experience to help build up that instinct for different teams, and to make it quicker to realize some units fit your playstyle better (versus mine).

Reyson's transformation doesn't really matter as much, imo, as his ability to steadily self-heal himself and the team.

(I have used the '1 nuke / 3 dancers' composition to effectiveness in Chain Challenges / the main story mode back when I was a new player, and didn't have the resources for more varied teams.  So it's a good option!  Personally, I preferred 2 nukes / 2 dancers - one nuke would be magic-based, and the other nuke would be an archer, that way I could always at least target at least one of the weaker defense stats (def vs res))

thank @kradeelav Im still at low tier in aether raid & arena . So i think I shouldn;t care for building team for them yet.

Edited by Hasechi
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Anyone know what's up with Veronica in the unit builder?

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1 minute ago, Hasechi said:

How to make a team and play with Valentine Leif, he hurt his teammate a lot . 

With Valentine Leif, or just any unit that hurts allies in general, you want to build a team around skills that need lower hp to meet requirements. Examples include: Brazen skills, Desperation, and Vantage. A staff unit could work as well.

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Prf is their preferred weapon, which is an un-inheritable weapon or skill that only they can use.

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1 hour ago, FlyingKitsune said:

With Valentine Leif, or just any unit that hurts allies in general, you want to build a team around skills that need lower hp to meet requirements. Examples include: Brazen skills, Desperation, and Vantage. A staff unit could work as well.

How to make a team and play with Valentine Leif, he hurt his teammate a lot . 

@FlyingKitsune both me & you mistook Valentine Lif with Valentine Leif lol 

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Sorry, I was thinking of Lif as well, but since you said Leif, my mind defaulted to Leif. There's no Valentine Leif yet anyway.

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So kind of a tough call I need to make:

I have 3 Plumerias. One is +Atk -Res and has Sabotage Atk, one is +Res -Atk and has Sabotage Spd, and the last is +Atk -HP and just has WoM because stacking Sabotages is pointless (also cause I don't have SaboDef fodder handy). Obviously I have her to stack so much Spd onto my Bike and enable Spurn to disable so much damage.

Thing is, this was a lot easier to do while Reginn was still the Astra bonus unit, but now that she isn't the guaranteed bonus unit anymore, I don't know if I will still need 3 Plumerias going forward. The current Astra Offense team is Bike, Bravecina, two Plumerias, the bonus unit, and Reginn.

The OTHER thing to consider is that I'm now building Halloween Grima in anticipation of giving her Dragon Wall, and Plumeria's Atk/Res Rein is flat-out the best skill I could give her (lowered Atk, lowered Res to both boost damage AND further decrease damage)

Basically, would it be worth it to give up a Plumeria to make Halloween Grima better?

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13 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Of those that I listed, Brave Celica, Legendary Leaf, Legendary Lilina, Young Merric, Levn, Summer Laegjarn, Duo Alm, Freyja, Legendary Corrin, and Legendary Dimitri come with default skill sets that are good enough to go as is. Duo Byleth only needs Windsweep, which can be obtained from Joshua, if you aren't against using Grails for rare fodder. Hel only needs Mystic Boost, which is now a Sacred Seal.

And there are plenty of other units that I didn't list that fall under the categories I mentioned. Chances are you'll pull one of them eventually if you haven't already.

Desperation is no longer the one and only way to build sustainable offensive units. Hell, my Duo Lyn even runs Windsweep instead of Desperation.

It is not the only way, but it is the cheapest and one of the most effective ways to build player phase units. It is no different from slapping Quick Riposte on every enemy phase unit or Wings of Mercy on every Dancer/Singer.

COD!F!Corrin and ANF!Dimitri are more dual phase units than player phase in my opinion.

1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

So kind of a tough call I need to make:

I have 3 Plumerias. One is +Atk -Res and has Sabotage Atk, one is +Res -Atk and has Sabotage Spd, and the last is +Atk -HP and just has WoM because stacking Sabotages is pointless (also cause I don't have SaboDef fodder handy). Obviously I have her to stack so much Spd onto my Bike and enable Spurn to disable so much damage.

Thing is, this was a lot easier to do while Reginn was still the Astra bonus unit, but now that she isn't the guaranteed bonus unit anymore, I don't know if I will still need 3 Plumerias going forward. The current Astra Offense team is Bike, Bravecina, two Plumerias, the bonus unit, and Reginn.

The OTHER thing to consider is that I'm now building Halloween Grima in anticipation of giving her Dragon Wall, and Plumeria's Atk/Res Rein is flat-out the best skill I could give her (lowered Atk, lowered Res to both boost damage AND further decrease damage)

Basically, would it be worth it to give up a Plumeria to make Halloween Grima better?

Personally, I would keep three Plumerias. Plumeria and Reginn will be bonus units from time to time, and when they are, having three Plumerias is amazing. I guess not having a third Plumeria is not a big deal since I only run two Peonys or two Plumerias on most weeks anyways, and not having the third one does not seem to cause a huge problem most of the time.

DDR!Katarina is another source of Atk/Res Rein. She is cheaper to obtain compared to Plumeria, although she only reliably comes around once a year.

If you plan to use Robin: Fall Vessel in Abyssal or Aether Raids a lot, I guess it is fine sacrifice one. If you are only using her in stuff like Arena Assault or Tempest Trials though, then I would just wait until you get a fourth Plumeria or something, since those modes are not so difficult that it requires maximum investment.

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30 minutes ago, XRay said:

It is not the only way, but it is the cheapest and one of the most effective ways to build player phase units. It is no different from slapping Quick Riposte on every enemy phase unit or Wings of Mercy on every Dancer/Singer.

It doesn't matter if a lot of units do run Desperation, nor does it matter if it's effective. My examples simply don't run Desperation because they have other, and usually better, means of doing the same thing. You wouldn't give Quick Riposte to Brave Hector any more than you'd give Desperation to Ophelia. It's simply irrelevant to that unit.

Newer players in particular are going to want to invest in newer units because they have better stats, have better effects on their weapons, and cost fewer resources to build compared to older units, and newer units simply have a smaller chance of needing Desperation to function. And with strong units being featured on Legendary Hero banners and sparkable banners, it's extremely likely that newer players will be able to obtain at least a few of these units to use.

Desperation is slowly becoming less of the norm.


41 minutes ago, XRay said:

COD!F!Corrin and ANF!Dimitri are more dual phase units than player phase in my opinion.

That doesn't change the fact that you'd still be building them to function on player phase and that they perform their function on player phase without the need for Desperation.

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5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

It doesn't matter if a lot of units do run Desperation, nor does it matter if it's effective. My examples simply don't run Desperation because they have other, and usually better, means of doing the same thing.

They have other means of achieving the same thing, but it is not always for the better. For those requiring high HP to work, it is a pretty big deal breaker when there are no high HP alternatives to Wings of Mercy. Even for units like Lewyn who can now work with Wings of Mercy, they still do not work with Fury and their version of Desperation is still inferior in most cases in my opinion.

5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

You wouldn't give Quick Riposte to Brave Hector any more than you'd give Desperation to Ophelia. It's simply irrelevant to that unit.

No shit. ANF!Lysithea does not need Desperation because she already has it on her Weapon. Reinhardt should not be running it either unless you want to give him Brash Assault or Spd stack the crap out him. I am not advocating running redundant or inappropriate skills on units who obviously have no business running it.

For AOTB!Hector though, Quick Riposte on the Sacred Seal slot is still useful to counter Impact skills.

5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Newer players in particular are going to want to invest in newer units because they have better stats, have better effects on their weapons, and cost fewer resources to build compared to older units, and newer units simply have a smaller chance of needing Desperation to function. And with strong units being featured on Legendary Hero banners and sparkable banners, it's extremely likely that newer players will be able to obtain at least a few of these units to use.

Newer units do not always have better stats, effects, nor cost less to build. Raven is the perfect example of having less stats distributed more appropriately being better than having more stats distributed poorly (i.e.: most modern axe infantry with an unnecessarily massive Def stat). I have yet to see a new unit combine the raw power of Blade tomes and Blazing nukes into one build. Many of the new units can be used straight out the box, but they would hardly be running an ideal skill set, and you still want to give them additional skills anyways.

Even with all the fun Blazing nukes now in existence, Igrene is still the only Blazing nuke that is complete straight out the box. For units like Ophelia and Lysithea, they still need Special Spiral, and that is not exactly easy to get a hold of. And getting 10 FL!Lilinas to maximize her Atk is still at least three times more expensive than getting Heavy Blade 4, Special Spiral, and VS!Azura for Tharja, and FL!Lilina still needs a pretty major skill overhaul on top for optimization.

For someone like AOTB!Celica, you still want to give her Spd Refinement as an additional option, and slap Desperation on her, because Double Lion is quite frankly shit if she cannot get to the right place at the right time without Wings of Mercy Dancer/Singer support. For modes like Arena and most Story Maps, not working with Wings of Mercy is not a big deal since those maps are really short with little to no reinforcements, but for more demanding or longer modes, you want to stick with Desperation, or at least avoid using nukes that relies on high HP to function.


5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Desperation is slowly becoming less of the norm.

Desperation is still the norm, and even more so as an effect that is part of other Weapons and skills. ITM!Lyn is arguably one of the best nukes in the game, and she should be running Desperation in most modes. SK!Alm still wants it and QOV!Celica comes with it by default. ANF!Lysithea, Bernadetta, Jill, etc. also all come with it.

Blazing mages and slow Brave nukes might not be using the literal skill or effect of Desperation, but they are still using the concept of hitting twice before the enemy can counter attack. That is what I mean by Desperation being critical to the performance of most player phase units. Healing and high HP are not going to affect these units' combat performance, but it is still going to cripple their mobility until Wings of Mercy 8 comes along.

5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

That doesn't change the fact that you'd still be building them to function on player phase and that they perform their function on player phase without the need for Desperation.

Building a unit for dual phase is very different from building a unit for player phase. Bulk is critical for enemy phase but is largely irrelevant for player phase.

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6 hours ago, XRay said:

If you plan to use Robin: Fall Vessel in Abyssal or Aether Raids a lot, I guess it is fine sacrifice one. If you are only using her in stuff like Arena Assault or Tempest Trials though, then I would just wait until you get a fourth Plumeria or something, since those modes are not so difficult that it requires maximum investment.

For what it's worth I was kinda thinking about using her as part of a new Light team with Flayn, Mila, Eir, and whatever bonus unit (fail that, probably a debuffer like Fortune Bow Anna or Wrys), but now I wanna hold a moment and see how people go about building Ayra now that she has her new refine... but failing that, Light team.

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