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I - i finally beat an abyssal map; it was the hel battle map. I used the gustav/henrietta duo with erinys (galeforce, desperation, heavyblade, fury4) and red tome plumeria. I was not having any luck trying any other combination before turning to gus and henrietta for a defense-based strategy aiming to just outlast the enemy waves, so in general, how good is a strategy based on using only "nukes" perform for this mode? As i said, i didn't succeed in my attempts doing so, my main nukes being legendary lilina, fallen julia, and legendary julia; erinys is my first attempt at really investing on a unit beyond its original kit, and while i feel she can do well, i'm not sure i'm playing her optimally. but really if it was not for royal couple i wouldn't have won no matter who i used it feels, i noticed my teams just get overwhelmed really quick.


2 - what would you say is the biggest incentive for using grails to get grail units? so far i don't see any particular outstanding skills among them, may be i just don't know a good one when i see one. I have not invested more than may be 100 grails for an itzuki one time, but i was kind of thinking of investing on the valentine's veronica for a +10 project, except, again nothing about them seems particularly outstanding.


3 - guaranteed follow up attacks seem to be eternally popular and i do see why, but if your unit can get a guaranteed follow up attack AND also qualifies for a second attack based on speed check, just to be clear, you still only get to attack just one more time? the two conditions don't stack if true, right?

4 - i have been wondering if there is a place where i can check skills available to units based on specific criteria. for example, if i wanted a list of all b skills available to flier units.

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23 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

I - i finally beat an abyssal map; it was the hel battle map. I used the gustav/henrietta duo with erinys (galeforce, desperation, heavyblade, fury4) and red tome plumeria. I was not having any luck trying any other combination before turning to gus and henrietta for a defense-based strategy aiming to just outlast the enemy waves, so in general, how good is a strategy based on using only "nukes" perform for this mode? As i said, i didn't succeed in my attempts doing so, my main nukes being legendary lilina, fallen julia, and legendary julia; erinys is my first attempt at really investing on a unit beyond its original kit, and while i feel she can do well, i'm not sure i'm playing her optimally. but really if it was not for royal couple i wouldn't have won no matter who i used it feels, i noticed my teams just get overwhelmed really quick.


2 - what would you say is the biggest incentive for using grails to get grail units? so far i don't see any particular outstanding skills among them, may be i just don't know a good one when i see one. I have not invested more than may be 100 grails for an itzuki one time, but i was kind of thinking of investing on the valentine's veronica for a +10 project, except, again nothing about them seems particularly outstanding.


3 - guaranteed follow up attacks seem to be eternally popular and i do see why, but if your unit can get a guaranteed follow up attack AND also qualifies for a second attack based on speed check, just to be clear, you still only get to attack just one more time? the two conditions don't stack if true, right?

4 - i have been wondering if there is a place where i can check skills available to units based on specific criteria. for example, if i wanted a list of all b skills available to flier units.

1. I find nukes very effective for Abyssal. I use a unit like Legendary Leif or a Blade tome user with Desperation, to be able to smash through opponents before they can counterattack, plus three dancers with Wings of Mercy to let them snipe several things per turn and get out of range if necessary.

2. Some of them have powerful personal weapons, like Aversa and Naesala. I've found both of those very useful, especially after getting them to +10. Bear in mind that having more copies of a unit beforehand makes a huge difference in the grail cost to hit +10.

3. Just one. But having multiple things providing a follow up can be relevant for bypassing effects that prevent a follow-up, like Wary Fighter, since if you have more things saying you get a follow-up than things that say you don't, you still get one. There was an old OG Hector build based on that, where he'd equip the Quick Riposte seal alongside his weapon and Wary Fighter, so he could follow up despite Wary Fighter.

4. The two spreadsheets in my signature allow for filtering for units based on certain characteristics of their skills in a specific slot, but that's based on units rather than skills themselves so you'd get a lot of duplicates. Also, they might not have the specific info you're looking for - for example, only the larger one references movement type restrictions, and I stopped updating that one about a month ago. If there are any better alternatives, I haven't seen them.

Edited by Othin
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39 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

I - i finally beat an abyssal map; it was the hel battle map. I used the gustav/henrietta duo with erinys (galeforce, desperation, heavyblade, fury4) and red tome plumeria. I was not having any luck trying any other combination before turning to gus and henrietta for a defense-based strategy aiming to just outlast the enemy waves, so in general, how good is a strategy based on using only "nukes" perform for this mode? As i said, i didn't succeed in my attempts doing so, my main nukes being legendary lilina, fallen julia, and legendary julia; erinys is my first attempt at really investing on a unit beyond its original kit, and while i feel she can do well, i'm not sure i'm playing her optimally. but really if it was not for royal couple i wouldn't have won no matter who i used it feels, i noticed my teams just get overwhelmed really quick.

The typical setup for using nukes is to use either 1 nuke with 3 dancers or 2 nukes with 2 dancers. Using dancers comes with 2 major advantages: they allow your attackers to cover more distance in one turn, and they prevent your attackers from blocking squares that other attackers need to stand in to attack from (by virtue of a unit being unable to block themselves). Additionally, the use of dancers means that you can invest in fewer nukes (since you only need to field 2 of them instead of 4), and it also lets you run support skills on your dancers so that your attackers can run passive C skills that benefit themselves (like Time's Pulse or Odd Tempest).

I've been able to clear every Abyssal map with a team of 2 nukes and 2 dancers.


39 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

2 - what would you say is the biggest incentive for using grails to get grail units? so far i don't see any particular outstanding skills among them, may be i just don't know a good one when i see one. I have not invested more than may be 100 grails for an itzuki one time, but i was kind of thinking of investing on the valentine's veronica for a +10 project, except, again nothing about them seems particularly outstanding.

Several units are extremely strong in their role, like Minerva as an offensive axe flier, Ashnard as a bulky flier that isn't vulnerable to bows, Felix as a fast ranged armor, and Aversa as a support unit.

There is also a handful of units that have rare skills on them, like Swift Sparrow or Wrath, that are otherwise only found on units in the 5-star summoning pool.


39 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

3 - guaranteed follow up attacks seem to be eternally popular and i do see why, but if your unit can get a guaranteed follow up attack AND also qualifies for a second attack based on speed check, just to be clear, you still only get to attack just one more time? the two conditions don't stack if true, right?

Yes. Whether you get a follow-up attack is purely binary. You either get one or you don't.

If you're using a weapon with the Brave effect, your follow-up attack hits twice. For the purpose of skill effect activation, both hits will count as follow-up attacks.


39 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

4 - i have been wondering if there is a place where i can check skills available to units based on specific criteria. for example, if i wanted a list of all b skills available to flier units.

Not that I know of at the moment.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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1 hour ago, Sil/phire said:

I - i finally beat an abyssal map; it was the hel battle map. I used the gustav/henrietta duo with erinys (galeforce, desperation, heavyblade, fury4) and red tome plumeria. I was not having any luck trying any other combination before turning to gus and henrietta for a defense-based strategy aiming to just outlast the enemy waves, so in general, how good is a strategy based on using only "nukes" perform for this mode? As i said, i didn't succeed in my attempts doing so, my main nukes being legendary lilina, fallen julia, and legendary julia; erinys is my first attempt at really investing on a unit beyond its original kit, and while i feel she can do well, i'm not sure i'm playing her optimally. but really if it was not for royal couple i wouldn't have won no matter who i used it feels, i noticed my teams just get overwhelmed really quick.

As others have said, you want to use one-nuke-three-Dancers/Singers or two-nukes-two-Dancers/Singers. I prefer the former for better mobility, but I did have to use the latter on a few occasions where an enemy unit just completely shuts down a specific category of nukes.

It might also be helpful if you watch a few videos first of how player phase teams work, so you know what you need to do to practice. Player phase teams are not as intuitive as enemy phase teams at first, but once you get used to player phase teams, it is pretty easy. I got the hang of it pretty quickly, although it did take me quite a bit of practice over a few weeks burning through quite a bit of Dueling Swords back then.

On 2/25/2021 at 9:22 PM, XRay said:

— — — — — — —

1 hour ago, Sil/phire said:

2 - what would you say is the biggest incentive for using grails to get grail units? so far i don't see any particular outstanding skills among them, may be i just don't know a good one when i see one. I have not invested more than may be 100 grails for an itzuki one time, but i was kind of thinking of investing on the valentine's veronica for a +10 project, except, again nothing about them seems particularly outstanding.

As a paying player, when I am looking to spend Grails on something, what I am looking for in a unit is some kind of mechanic that cannot be easily replicated using Orbs.

For example, the only unit I have spent a lot of Grails on is Kronya, because she is a unique Counter-Vantage unit who does not rely on her own HP for Vantage (so she can usually take a hit from a Hardy Bearing enemy) and she can take out Firesweepers at the same time.

For units that I avoid spending Grails on, it would be straight up regular combat units with little to no uniqueness. For example, I would not spend Grails on someone like Joshua nor Caellach, as I can just use someone from the main summoning pool using Orbs. I generally avoid units like Nemesis and Itsuki too as their Weapon is too inconsistent/weak.

1 hour ago, Thane said:

What would be Marianne's ideal A slot skill? I'm thinking of Sturdy Impact, but maybe she can be defensive with self-healing if I give her Fortress Def/Res.

I would not use Fort. Def/Res. Fort. Def/Res is not good on a combat unit, as combat units do not want to be hit by Chills, and support units want that visible stat increase to inflict Sabotages and absorb Chills for combat units.

If you want to maintain bulk, use something like Mirror Stace or Atk/Res Solo. Marianne's Def is kind of crap, so I would not bother with increasing her Def unless you are capable of giving her a lot of merges and Flowers to fix her physical bulk.

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18 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

Do you guys use  outdated unit & make it strong like other ? Like Ishtar +10, Virion+10, Lissa+10

I still use Lyn: Brave Lady and Olivia a lot. Lyn: Brave Lady is not the best cavalry archer anymore, but she is still good. Olivia is not the best Dancer/Singer either, but she is cheap and I need an infantry Dancer/Singer to make Tactics buffs work.

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20 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

Do you guys use  outdated unit & make it strong like other ? Like Ishtar +10, Virion+10, Lissa+10

Common ones? Occasionally, mostly because I don't really have anything else to do with my feathers. I think merging rare units like Ishtar is far more trouble than it's worth - you could use those orbs to get a whole bunch of new, high-power units.

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11 minutes ago, Othin said:

Common ones? Occasionally, mostly because I don't really have anything else to do with my feathers. I think merging rare units like Ishtar is far more trouble than it's worth - you could use those orbs to get a whole bunch of new, high-power units.

I'm just asking ^^. I hear you.Cause I wonder what everyone would do when they have more than 10 copies of a outdated units.

13 minutes ago, XRay said:

I still use Lyn: Brave Lady and Olivia a lot. Lyn: Brave Lady is not the best cavalry archer anymore, but she is still good. Olivia is not the best Dancer/Singer either, but she is cheap and I need an infantry Dancer/Singer to make Tactics buffs work.

I see

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Two questions: would a speedy Itsuki work? I know his speed is not that high, but with the right skills and a spd boon could he perhaps work?

Second question: which A skill is better for a galeforce OG!Eliwood? 

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3 hours ago, Hasechi said:

Do you guys use  outdated unit & make it strong like other ? Like Ishtar +10, Virion+10, Lissa+10

Refer to my sig. A lot of my +10 units are older units, and very few of my highest merged units are even later than Book 3.

A number of old units are still relevant to some degree. Cordelia is one of the best Lance Fliers in terms of weapon, stats, and ability to be +10ed easily (Resplendent stats help as well), while Fae has a stellar support buff on her Prf weapon that is arguably better than Tactics skills. Laslow can be just as strong as, stronger even, than Altina, and Gordin has some seriously good oomph behind his Prf weapon. Virion even wants at least 8 merges to get the highest chances of triggering his Prf bows effects. And those are just 4* units.

That's my take at least.

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1 hour ago, Karuu30 said:

Two questions: would a speedy Itsuki work? I know his speed is not that high, but with the right skills and a spd boon could he perhaps work?

Depends on what mode and how much support you can provide him.

If you want to use him as a super tank in Aether Raids, Spd stacking him should not be an issue. If you are just using him as a regular tank though, then I do not think he is viable as a Spd tank as his Spd just is not enough without heavy support.

For Abyssal, he should be fast enough to avoid doubles from most enemies if you can give him high merges, Flowers, and Spd increasing skills. However, he might not be fast enough to double those enemies, so he may still need Quick Riposte. At +Spd 10+10, with Spd Refine, Lull Atk/Spd, Joint Drive Spd, and Spd/Res Solo, he should reach 55 Spd. Swapping Solo out for Quick Riposte, he will have 49 Spd, but he will have guaranteed doubles.

1 hour ago, Karuu30 said:

Second question: which A skill is better for a galeforce OG!Eliwood? 

Any A that boosts Atk/Spd.

If you want a more specific recommendation, then it depends on how you want to use him.

If you are using him yourself, I personally recommend Brazen Atk/Spd; the tier 3 version is in the 3*/4* pool and is just as strong as other tier 4 A skills, and the tier 4 version is even better, although limited in availability.

If you want an easy way to get into Desperation and Wings of Mercy range, Fury and Life and Death are your two best options.

If the AI is using him on your defense team, then I recommend Fury or Life and Death as well so Wings of Mercy Dancers/Singers can reach him more easily.

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6 hours ago, Hasechi said:

Do you guys use  outdated unit & make it strong like other ? Like Ishtar +10, Virion+10, Lissa+10

im personally working on taking Lonqu +10, he's one of my favorite male units and i'm really hoping he gets an awesome resplendent like eldigan did, but thats a far off dream as it seems old 5* units are the priority. but lilina did get a legendary alt, so i can dream lol. I'm also working on normal Lilina and Reyson. I actually have 3 copies of normal ishtar on my barracks, but none of them are +atk or +spd so i have not bothered doing anything with them.


and thank you all for all the resources you have shared, they do provide a lot of info, especially those vids. i have slowly realized grasping the subtleties in this game is a lot harder than i first thought coming into the game.


1 - i think i just had one of my best pulls, i just got a +Res -Spd Duessel on the fodlan banner. i hear he's really good, what skills would you guys recommend using with him? im mostly thinking arena and eather raids, but mostly the former.

2- there's some one on my friends list with no rank on their name. instead they have a crown with the number 71 next to it. what does it mean? are they ranked really high?


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6 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

im personally working on taking Lonqu +10, he's one of my favorite male units and i'm really hoping he gets an awesome resplendent like eldigan did, but thats a far off dream as it seems old 5* units are the priority. but lilina did get a legendary alt, so i can dream lol. I'm also working on normal Lilina and Reyson. I actually have 3 copies of normal ishtar on my barracks, but none of them are +atk or +spd so i have not bothered doing anything with them.


and thank you all for all the resources you have shared, they do provide a lot of info, especially those vids. i have slowly realized grasping the subtleties in this game is a lot harder than i first thought coming into the game.


1 - i think i just had one of my best pulls, i just got a +Res -Spd Duessel on the fodlan banner. i hear he's really good, what skills would you guys recommend using with him? im mostly thinking arena and eather raids, but mostly the former.

2- there's some one on my friends list with no rank on their name. instead they have a crown with the number 71 next to it. what does it mean? are they ranked really high?


1. His base skills are fine, I'd say just give him a movement assist. Reposition is the best one, but if you don't have enough sources, Draw Back and Swap are also good.

2. Crowns mean the player is in Tier 21, the highest rank. The number next to the crown is the number of weeks they've reached that tier.

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23 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

1 - i think i just had one of my best pulls, i just got a +Res -Spd Duessel on the fodlan banner. i hear he's really good, what skills would you guys recommend using with him? im mostly thinking arena and eather raids, but mostly the former.

In terms of performance, his base kit is mostly fine. If you want to balance his bulk better, you can run Atk/Res Solo on his Sacred Seal slot whenever that comes out.

If you want to use him Arena though, it is going to be expensive to give him merges, so depending on which Tier you want to end up in and how willing you are to spending, you may need to drop him eventually.

For Aether Raids, I recommend turning him into a Galeforcer:
Obsidian Lance
Atk/Res Solo — Atk/Def Solo — Heavy Blade
Lull Atk/Def
(Any C)
Heavy Blade — Atk/Res Solo — Atk/Def Solo

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So a mate of mine pulled Duo Veronica from the double special heroes banner and is relatively new to heroes and he wants to know what's the most efficient inheritance use of her skills (he's got one copy he's keeping, this one is a spare)

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6 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Refer to my sig. A lot of my +10 units are older units, and very few of my highest merged units are even later than Book 3.

A number of old units are still relevant to some degree. Cordelia is one of the best Lance Fliers in terms of weapon, stats, and ability to be +10ed easily (Resplendent stats help as well), while Fae has a stellar support buff on her Prf weapon that is arguably better than Tactics skills. Laslow can be just as strong as, stronger even, than Altina, and Gordin has some seriously good oomph behind his Prf weapon. Virion even wants at least 8 merges to get the highest chances of triggering his Prf bows effects. And those are just 4* units.

That's my take at least.

2 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

im personally working on taking Lonqu +10, he's one of my favorite male units and i'm really hoping he gets an awesome resplendent like eldigan did, but thats a far off dream as it seems old 5* units are the priority. but lilina did get a legendary alt, so i can dream lol. I'm also working on normal Lilina and Reyson. I actually have 3 copies of normal ishtar on my barracks, but none of them are +atk or +spd so i have not bothered doing anything with them.


and thank you all for all the resources you have shared, they do provide a lot of info, especially those vids. i have slowly realized grasping the subtleties in this game is a lot harder than i first thought coming into the game.


1 - i think i just had one of my best pulls, i just got a +Res -Spd Duessel on the fodlan banner. i hear he's really good, what skills would you guys recommend using with him? im mostly thinking arena and eather raids, but mostly the former.

2- there's some one on my friends list with no rank on their name. instead they have a crown with the number 71 next to it. what does it mean? are they ranked really high?


I see  My barrack is getting bigger with more copies of those units. Thank for your informations. It might be helpful for me later on

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49 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So a mate of mine pulled Duo Veronica from the double special heroes banner and is relatively new to heroes and he wants to know what's the most efficient inheritance use of her skills (he's got one copy he's keeping, this one is a spare)

The most efficient use of Duo Veronica for skill inheritance is to give Atk/Def Solo 4 and Lull Atk/Def 3 to a unit that already has Atk/Def Solo 3, like vanilla Edelgard.

Otherwise, Atk/Def Solo 3, Atk/Def Solo 4, and Lull Atk/Def 3 are all currently only available from 5-star-exclusive characters, so it's their call whether they want to use her for Atk/Def Solo 4 or Lull Atk/Def 3. Both skills are best used by units with guaranteed follow-up attacks, with Lull Atk/Def 3 having the additional qualification of being a physical attacker.

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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So a mate of mine pulled Duo Veronica from the double special heroes banner and is relatively new to heroes and he wants to know what's the most efficient inheritance use of her skills (he's got one copy he's keeping, this one is a spare)

If you mean Veronica: Harmonic Pirates, then you want to pass on Atk/Def Solo 4 and Lull Atk/Def. I think Edelgard and Perceval are the only ones with Atk/Def Solo 3 in the main 5* pool that you can piggyback off of, so your friend may want to turn the spare one into a Combat Manual first if they want to inherit both skills.

The best users of Atk/Def Solo and Atk/Res Solo in my opinion would be units with dual phase guaranteed follow-up attacks.

The following lists units with dual phase guaranteed follow-up attacks on their Weapon or skill. Units in red have Def lower than Res, if you want to better balance their bulk. Units underlined can inherit Lulls AND hit physical (you can give Lull Atk/Def to Yune, but she cannot make much use out of the Def portion since she hits magical).


Dimitri (already has Lull Atk/Def)
Duessel (already has Lull Atk/Def)
Edelgard: Adrestian Emperor
Ephraim: Legendary Lord (already has an exclusive B)
Ephraim: Sacred Twin Lord
Ephraim: Dynastic Duo (already has Lull Atk/Def)
Hríd (already has an exclusive B)
Julia: Heart Usurped
Líf (already has an exclusive B)
Líf: Undying Ties Duo
Sigurd (already has an exclusive B)
Tibarn: Shipless Pirate

Units with player phase guaranteed follow-up attacks (so you can just run Quick Riposte to get dual phase guaranteed follow-up attacks) that do not have an HP maximum threshold:


(All armor units via Bold Fighter)
Myrrh: Spooky Monster
Palla: Sisterly Trio


Edited by XRay
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how good is the AI? is it able to make use of combinations, like say, keeping erinys near her support partner to take advantage of the weapons brave effect, or keeping allies that get or provide buffs when adjacent to other allies near each other? obviously from what i have seen its behavior seems limited to the simplest form, but i just kind of wish it were more challenging.


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1 minute ago, Sil/phire said:

how good is the AI?

The AI is pretty dumb, as it only knows how to zerg rush you. However, a war of attrition favors the AI, since players are discouraged from losing units, as losing a unit will either reduce score or result in outright failure. The AI also generally has the numbers advantage by either having more pieces on the board than you, and/or have additional reinforcements.

5 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

is it able to make use of combinations, like say, keeping erinys near her support partner to take advantage of the weapons brave effect

Supports only apply when a player is controlling (directly manually or indirectly via autobattle) the team. This means that Supports are not in effect on defense.

7 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

or keeping allies that get or provide buffs when adjacent to other allies near each other?

The AI is not smart enough to do that.

7 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

obviously from what i have seen its behavior seems limited to the simplest form, but i just kind of wish it were more challenging.

The AI can be very predictable, and you can read about how to read it here. Dancers/Singers and teleportation skills can make reading the AI more difficult though.

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@XRay how depressing. but thanks.


i think developing a more competent AI would have been a more entertaining component of the game, rather than all the different game modes they keep adding to the game, like pawns of loki.

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2 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

@XRay how depressing. but thanks.


i think developing a more competent AI would have been a more entertaining component of the game, rather than all the different game modes they keep adding to the game, like pawns of loki.

Changing the AI would mostly serve to frustrate a lot of players who've been using its current behaviors as the basis for their strategies, particularly in AR.

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