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11 hours ago, XRay said:

As a unit, she is not anything special. If you are willing to fix her Trait with a merge, she can be a decent nuke. She is a little worse than Klein at max investment due to being red, but in terms of stats, they are about the same since Klein has an exclusive Weapon and extra Flowers to offset the BST deficit.

If you want to fodder her, that is fine too, but I would not use Gaps outside of very specific team compositions. Tactics are better overall in my opinion. I also would not use Sabotages unless there are already other Wings of Mercy Dancers/Singers on the team, and even then, I still would not use Sabotages since Wings of Mercy is just too good in Abyssal maps to zoom all over the place.

Personally, I would keep her. It is always nice to have more options for Resonant Battles and Limited Hero Battles. Super strong Dancers/Singers are not necessary even in Abyssal maps, and in Aether Raids, it is hard to rival Peony and Plumeria since not only are they strong, those two boost your score too.

Thank you! And hm, okay. Makes sense. 

The main reason I was thinking about building up TA!Plumeria was with AR-O in mind in particular, since I do have Peony but I've consistently been unable to grab any of the other Mythic dancers, so in Astra season I usually default to Hoshidan Micaiah as my dancer of choice. I know dancers almost always want to have WoM especially on large maps, but I was thinking maybe if I find myself using baiting strategies often that WoM might not be as useful as being able to debuff opponents just by existing. Then the Gap skill being able to avoid some of Tactic skills' risks related to Panic Manor? 

I guess it just feels like a weird situation where Anna could be good but would practically speaking be so hard to build/merge, while the merge from the free manual seems like a waste of potentially good--if niche--fodder just so she can end up with neutral Atk and a +Def asset that will serve no purpose as far as I can imagine. 

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14 minutes ago, uhmuzing said:

Thank you! And hm, okay. Makes sense. 

The main reason I was thinking about building up TA!Plumeria was with AR-O in mind in particular, since I do have Peony but I've consistently been unable to grab any of the other Mythic dancers, so in Astra season I usually default to Hoshidan Micaiah as my dancer of choice. I know dancers almost always want to have WoM especially on large maps, but I was thinking maybe if I find myself using baiting strategies often that WoM might not be as useful as being able to debuff opponents just by existing. Then the Gap skill being able to avoid some of Tactic skills' risks related to Panic Manor? 

I guess it just feels like a weird situation where Anna could be good but would practically speaking be so hard to build/merge, while the merge from the free manual seems like a waste of potentially good--if niche--fodder just so she can end up with neutral Atk and a +Def asset that will serve no purpose as far as I can imagine. 

Personally I find Rally+ fodder very helpful for building new Arena units.

If you want a ranged red attacker, merging someone like regular Lilina might be an easier way to get a strong unit.

I find Wings of Mercy a lot more helpful than debuffs in AR, even when baiting. It can be useful for reaching Aether structures, in particular.

Edited by Othin
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So, indecisiveness brought about by Silque being in the next Voting Gauntlet. I have +Atk, +Spd, and +Def options for her.

+Spd is basically out of the question because her base Spd is an abysmal 23, and boosting it isn't going to help, even though it's a superboon.

+Def is a superboon and brings her physical bulk up to 39/39, but her bad Spd just makes her inferior at tanking compared to Winter Eirika or Winter Sephiran, who can afford to pass up on Dazzling Staff to run Wary Fighter. However, Silque does have the distinction of having the highest Def in the game among staff units, and her bulk can reach 39/49/41 with double Fortress Def/Res before merges and flowers.

+Atk is kind of the generic all-rounder option I use for slow staff units that aren't named Azama. However, I'm not sure it's worth it to build Silque for damage to begin with. Her Atk stat isn't bad, but combined with her low Spd, I feel like it's just better to differentiate her from my other staff units instead with her bulk, and the Atk would be wasted if I run double Fortress. Also, I already have a +10 Genny that just does the slow attacker role way better with her hilariously busted exclusive weapon.


Currently leaning towards +Def. Any thoughts?

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27 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Currently leaning towards +Def. Any thoughts?

+Def sounds good. The super Asset helps her score better in case you ever need her in Arena or a similar mode. I personally prefer +Res for Sabotages, but if you do not have it +Def is fine too for now to avoid Mila or something.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

+Def sounds good. The super Asset helps her score better in case you ever need her in Arena or a similar mode. I personally prefer +Res for Sabotages, but if you do not have it +Def is fine too for now to avoid Mila or something.

Arena Assault is basically the only game mode I ever use most units in, so Sabotage and Mila aren't really much of a concern. All she really needs to do is stand there and conk things with Melancholy.

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I have 4 copies of Deirdre. Which asset is good for her? Is she still good to invest in?

Should we have to keep all of our units alive in AR to get higher score?

Edited by Hasechi
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1 hour ago, Hasechi said:

I have 4 copies of Deirdre. Which asset is good for her? Is she still good to invest in?

Deirdre is primarily a dragon slayer and is worth having around for Arena Assault and challenge maps containing dragons.

Because she's naturally pretty slow, it's usually best to run +Atk to maximize the amount of damage she can deal in a single hit. However, if you have the resources to give her Swift Sparrow 3 (or possibly Fury 4) and refine her weapon, you can potentially justify running +Spd, as she gets +3 Spd from her weapon's effect when it activates and nullifies enemy bonuses. However, I still think +Atk is generally more valuable.

If you don't have +Atk, you can run either +Spd or +Res.


1 hour ago, Hasechi said:

Should we have to keep all of our units alive in AR to get higher score?

If you are using the bonus slot unlocked by Reginn, then you get one free death without affecting your score. Otherwise, every death will count against you.

If you're asking "should" from a game design standpoint, I think it's reasonable. We have Escape Ladders, after all.

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5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Deirdre is primarily a dragon slayer and is worth having around for Arena Assault and challenge maps containing dragons.

Because she's naturally pretty slow, it's usually best to run +Atk to maximize the amount of damage she can deal in a single hit. However, if you have the resources to give her Swift Sparrow 3 (or possibly Fury 4) and refine her weapon, you can potentially justify running +Spd, as she gets +3 Spd from her weapon's effect when it activates and nullifies enemy bonuses. However, I still think +Atk is generally more valuable.

If you don't have +Atk, you can run either +Spd or +Res.


If you are using the bonus slot unlocked by Reginn, then you get one free death without affecting your score. Otherwise, every death will count against you.

If you're asking "should" from a game design standpoint, I think it's reasonable. We have Escape Ladders, after all.

Thaml @Ice Dragon that is very useful answer. 

Yes I have Atk+,Spd+too.

I see, If you lose a unit, would you use escape ladderS?

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1 hour ago, Hasechi said:

I see, If you lose a unit, would you use escape ladderS?

Yes. I typically forfeit as soon as I lose the first unit that counts against me. Sometimes, I forfeit on the map preview screen if I really don't feel like dealing with the map.

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2 hours ago, Hasechi said:

I see, If you lose a unit, would you use escape ladderS?

It depends on how confident you are in your ability to win all your remaining matches in the season. Losing an entire match is much worse than losing units, so there are times (such as last night) where I've accepted losing some points on a match to be sure I'll have enough ladders for later. It's all a matter of guesswork though, and having an idea of your own win rate, so it's something everyone has to figure out their own standards for.

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Do you know which unit says :"Now I remember why I wanted to cry" (female voice) ? I'm 100% sure that line/voice from Fire Emblem Heroes but I can't remember which unit said it.

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3 hours ago, Hasechi said:

what I should buy from using Midgard gems? current have 950/

You should have one of each building. From there the good ones to upgrade are Nifl Ice, Askr Symbol, and Heroic Banner. Generally the ones that don't have an HP condition, because the foes start to have a lot of health, and now the maps are big enough that those other buildings pretty much lost their niche. Some of the new summoner buildings are probably good too.

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2 hours ago, Hasechi said:

Do you know which unit says :"Now I remember why I wanted to cry" (female voice) ? I'm 100% sure that line/voice from Fire Emblem Heroes but I can't remember which unit said it.

Doesn't ring any bells for me.

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9 minutes ago, Naoshi said:

What rank on AR, Do I need to end to jump into VoH?

You need to be in at least Tier 27.

The easiest way to bounce in and out of it is to just use Ike: Brave Mercenary and Lucina: Brave Princess. If you want to stay in Vault of Heaven, you will probably need multiple Peonys and Plumerias, and some combination of high merges, high Flowers, and/or Resplendent stats on BH!Ike. He will also need Summoner Support too.

Edited by XRay
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Thanks both you!

Well.. I'm currently at tier 27 but I don't want to jump into VoH, I'm scared of that place.... specially since next week my only bonus units I have are Ana and Solon.

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1 minute ago, Naoshi said:

Well.. I'm currently at tier 27 but I don't want to jump into VoH, I'm scared of that place.... specially since next week my only bonus units I have are Ana and Solon.

You can just take the next week easy, then, since you're basically guaranteed top 20,000 if you start in Vault of Heaven.

It's like Tier 20.5 in Arena where you only have to care about score every other week.

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20 minutes ago, XRay said:

You need to be in at least Tier 27.

The easiest way to bounce in and out of it is to just use Ike: Brave Mercenary and Lucina: Brave Princess. If you want to stay in Vault of Heaven, you will probably need multiple Peonys and Plumerias, and some combination of high merges, high Flowers, and/or Resplendent stats on BH!Ike. He will also need Summoner Support too.

That's certainly an option, but it's far from necessary. I've continuously maintained Vault of Heaven with relatively regular units and teams.

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5 hours ago, Othin said:

That's certainly an option, but it's far from necessary. I've continuously maintained Vault of Heaven with relatively regular units and teams.

Having a easy team to use makes Aether Raids a lot more pleasant though. There is a huge difference in difficulty between using BH!Ike and a regular super tank or any other team composition.

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