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On 2/2/2022 at 12:15 AM, Xenomata said:

But even then DuoAzura is still able to grant her boost to any ally she is next to regardless of who she actually dances.

I read her weapon's effect incorrectly and thought the spectrum buffs she grants is only limited to the beginning of the turn like Hone/Fortify skills. While I do agree she has inherent merits that make her a great support unit, I'm not sure I'm convinced she's a must-have. However, I don't have her so my stance could very well change if I ever pull her.


Does anyone know if the support ranks a character builds with your summoner in Heroes Journey get reflected in the catalogue? 

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2 hours ago, Karuu30 said:

Out of curiosity, considering the tickets and the free summon, how many orbs would be needed to get the spark on the Valentines banner? 

The method for calculating spark costs is: you can hit 40 pulls with 8 rounds of full summons. A full round normally costs 20 orbs, so it would be 160, but you can subtract 5 for each free summon. With no tickets that's 155, with 4 tickets like a normal New Heroes banner that's 135, and I think this one has 5 tickets so 130.

With more than 8 free summons, it gets more complicated since using them requires more than 8 sessions. For example, on a banner with 11 free summons (10 tickets), you'll only be doing 29 non-free summons, so you can put 28 of those into 7 full sessions and get the last one from a single additional summon on one of your other 4 sessions. That's a total of 109 orbs.

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I have a couple of units I want to summon in the comming banner and want to know which one I should spark for.


Based on a couple of factors, and knowing I like Awakening here's the thing:


Do I go for Chrobin or Lucina?  Because I know I will probably not get one and I need to know who I should spark for in the absolute worst case scenario.  I know I want both, yes but I'm sticking to a very tight budget because Brave Chrom is a thing and I want to +10 him out of the gate. 

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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Do I go for Chrobin or Lucina?  Because I know I will probably not get one and I need to know who I should spark for in the absolute worst case scenario.  I know I want both, yes but I'm sticking to a very tight budget because Brave Chrom is a thing and I want to +10 him out of the gate. 

Chrom: Fate-Defying Duo is better in my opinion. While he is a combat unit, he can also be used as a pseudo Dancer/Singer; while pseudo Dancers/Singers are not as strong and flexible as real Dancers/Singers, they can get around Dancer/Singer restrictions. And unlike most Dancers/Singers, he is not frail, so he is in someways a bit more flexible than Dancers/Singers.

The best combat units get outclassed pretty fast, especially raw damage nukes. Lucina: Future Fondness already has an edge against Gustav: Majestic Love, and he was just released last year.

The best support units on the other hand very rarely get outclassed. Azura: Vallite Songstress is still one of the best Dancer/Singer out there, and Azura: Hatari Duo is more of a sidegrade than a direct upgrade. While Lucina: Brave Princess is slightly outclassed by Hilda: Deer's Two-Piece, I do not think she is completely outclassed since she is more effective at drawing debuffs towards herself and can charge Specials better, while Hilda: Deer's Two-Piece can heal and Firesweep but cannot charge Specials as effectively. Similarly, while Chrom: Fate-Defying Duo is better than Chrom: Crowned Exalt, Chrom: Crowned Exalt is not so much worse that he is unusable, and being a different color really helps in this case as a combat unit.

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5 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Do I go for Chrobin or Lucina?  Because I know I will probably not get one and I need to know who I should spark for in the absolute worst case scenario.  I know I want both, yes but I'm sticking to a very tight budget because Brave Chrom is a thing and I want to +10 him out of the gate. 

Chrom is more versatile and looks like he'll be one of the best units in Summoner Duels.

Lucina is more of a priority if you don't already have a Near Save tank.


4 hours ago, XRay said:

Lucina: Future Fondness already has an edge against Gustav: Majestic Love, and he was just released last year.

Only in your strange universe where everyone can run 4 copies of Elimine and no one has Deadeye or Lethality.

If I've learned anything from Fjorm in the past few months, it's that if your fast Save tank gets doubled, you're probably fucked, and if the unit that doubled you has effective damage against armor, you're very fucked.

Gustav doesn't have that weakness because he has much higher defenses and can sacrifice his A slot for Svalinn Shield, whereas a fast Save tank doesn't have the option to give up a Spd boost on their A slot.

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I got a question, how many more yen'fay, we copies will get? I don't mind waiting for +10 as a long we have 100% getting more copies. I'm sure there is one more ephemoral 6 months form their release and revival one in 10 months ish

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35 minutes ago, Naoshi said:

I got a question, how many more yen'fay, we copies will get? I don't mind waiting for +10 as a long we have 100% getting more copies. I'm sure there is one more ephemoral 6 months form their release and revival one in 10 months ish

Most likely at least two - a revival and a Grand Hero Party. Some units have gotten more than that, but it tends to take longer and be harder to predict.

Ephemera codes are used for TT units, not GHB ones.

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Only in your strange universe where everyone can run 4 copies of Elimine and no one has Deadeye or Lethality.

Four copies of Elimine +0 is much cheaper to acquire than multiple +10s of various Mythics, and if the player just wants to coast and bounce in and out of Vault of Heaven, bonus Mythics are not even necessary (and you can even miss a day or two of playing too) and it is better to just use a brain dead team with low effort and low stress. Players also do not have to get all four copies at once either, and can space out their acquisition over time.

3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Only in your strange universe where everyone can run 4 copies of Elimine and no one has Deadeye or Lethality.

Deadeye is absolute crap and does not affect Lucina: Future Fondness anyways since she is a Near Save tank. Lethality is much better, but it still does not disable damage reduction Special-Hardy Fighter combo, and also does not affect Near Save tanks.

3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

If I've learned anything from Fjorm in the past few months, it's that if your fast Save tank gets doubled, you're probably fucked, and if the unit that doubled you has effective damage against armor, you're very fucked.

Fast tanks should not be doubled though, especially a unit that is not even slow to begin with. Even factoring in a bonus Mythic, offense can get at least a Spd+8 advantage on Mythic stats alone running three Spd Mythics, as I see defense running one Spd Mythic at most, if any at all. Triandra is the only good Spd Mythic, but even when I do see her, I do not see two of her. And once you factor in supports, Ally Supports, Summoner Supports, debuffs, etc., you can bump that advantage up by at least another 15 Spd.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Most likely at least two - a revival and a Grand Hero Party. Some units have gotten more than that, but it tends to take longer and be harder to predict.

Ephemera codes are used for TT units, not GHB ones.

Alright, thank you. I was confusing 4 star demote they give us on ephemeral instead.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Four copies of Elimine +0 is much cheaper to acquire than multiple +10s of various Mythics, and if the player just wants to coast and bounce in and out of Vault of Heaven, bonus Mythics are not even necessary (and you can even miss a day or two of playing too) and it is better to just use a brain dead team with low effort and low stress. Players also do not have to get all four copies at once either, and can space out their acquisition over time.

Does bouncing in and out of Vault even require special units and effort?

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27 minutes ago, Othin said:

Does bouncing in and out of Vault even require special units and effort?

Yes and no. Even out the Vault of Heaven like I am the past week, I still see a ton of asinine teams that would have bulldozed my Ike: Brave Mercenary if he did not have a bunch of Spd Mythics backing him up. You do not need perfect nor max scoring wins, but you still need to win. If you use less than ideal super tanks and supports, you can still probably make it to the Vault, but that would be cutting it too close for me since you are not getting that leeway if you do not win in the first place.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

Yes and no. Even out the Vault of Heaven like I am the past week, I still see a ton of asinine teams that would have bulldozed my Ike: Brave Mercenary if he did not have a bunch of Spd Mythics backing him up. You do not need perfect nor max scoring wins, but you still need to win.

Only like half the time, accounting for ladders. If Ike wouldn't cut it for that, it sounds like he may not compare very well to more generalist teams.

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21 minutes ago, Othin said:

Only like half the time, accounting for ladders. If Ike wouldn't cut it for that, it sounds like he may not compare very well to more generalist teams.

Ike: Brave Mercenary can cut it because he is built as a Spd tank and not get doubled. I see Innes: Frelian Moonlight quite a bit and he can put a significant dent in my Ike: Brave Mercenary in Arena Assault, and he is only a joke in Aether Raids cause he cannot double my Ike: Brave Mercenary there. Líf: Undying Duo will bulldoze Ike: Brave Mercenary, although I notice him a bit less these days, and I just use my Galeforce team in that scenario.

Yen'fay is probably better at this point and cheaper for new players too, but I already got Ike: Brave Mercenary.

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3 hours ago, XRay said:

Four copies of Elimine +0 is much cheaper to acquire than multiple +10s of various Mythics, and if the player just wants to coast and bounce in and out of Vault of Heaven, bonus Mythics are not even necessary (and you can even miss a day or two of playing too) and it is better to just use a brain dead team with low effort and low stress. Players also do not have to get all four copies at once either, and can space out their acquisition over time.

It's precisely because of the spacing in time that it's easier to get one copy each of x different Mythic Heroes than it is to get x copies of a single Mythic Hero, which is amplified by the fact that you're more likely to get pity broken on Legendary/Mythic Hero banners. (For whales, this translates to it's easier to get four different +10 Mythic Heroes than it is to get four +10 copies of the same Mythic Hero.)

Furthermore, if the player is simply trying to bounce in and out of Vault of Heaven, it's absolutely unnecessary to invest that much into your offense team. One Near Save tank, one Far Save tank, one external source of damage reduction, and three Mythic Heroes is more than enough to achieve that goal.


3 hours ago, XRay said:

Fast tanks should not be doubled though, especially a unit that is not even slow to begin with. Even factoring in a bonus Mythic, offense can get at least a Spd+8 advantage on Mythic stats alone running three Spd Mythics, as I see defense running one Spd Mythic at most, if any at all. Triandra is the only good Spd Mythic, but even when I do see her, I do not see two of her. And once you factor in supports, Ally Supports, Summoner Supports, debuffs, etc., you can bump that advantage up by at least another 15 Spd.

That doesn't change the fact that fast tanks do get doubled.

Lucina is less susceptible due to the fact that she has +5 Spd on her weapon to help keep up with most offensive units having +5 or +6 Spd on their weapon, but Fjorm does not. In addition, offensive skills typically grant more Spd than defensive skills (Catch and Ideal reach 9 Spd, whereas Stance only reaches 6 Spd; Blade Session reaches 9 Spd, whereas Form only reaches 7 Spd). Furthermore, your opponents should be expected to have more resources than you, so you're going to be at another deficit due to your opponents' merges and Dragonflower investment.

And again, running multiple Spd Mythic Heroes is not the norm.

You need to invest in fast Save Tanks and a team to support them in order to make them surpass the reliability of slow Save Tanks, which need little investment to make them function adequately against opponents with more resources.


2 hours ago, Othin said:

Does bouncing in and out of Vault even require special units and effort?

If you prefer a more passive team, you should be able to get by with any two decent Save tanks, Flayn, and any three Mythic Heroes. (And if you prefer playing passively, you probably already have enough Save tanks in your barracks to use.)

Now that we have 7 Escape Ladders available, you only need to maintain a 53% win rate to get maximum Lift per week, and I'm pretty sure you can still log one loss (or missed day) and still make it into Vault of Heaven.

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Also good to note that if you reach the VoH one time and fall out, it gets easier to reach VoH back as you start some tiers higher. Bouncing on and off VoH is pretty trivial if you managed to do it one time already.

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Here is the thing.

I got a V!Lucina today. But unless I get pretty lucky when she comes back in a future Double Special Heroes rerun, I won't be able to give her merges.
With that in mind, is she a better Near Save tank than Brave Edelgard, who I am able to get merges more easily? I want to give my L!Tiki Savy Fighter (and tbh I think that's the best I could do in this situation, as I use Tiki a lot) but I wanted to check the performance of Lucina x Edelgard first.


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6 minutes ago, Rinco said:

Here is the thing.

I got a V!Lucina today. But unless I get pretty lucky when she comes back in a future Double Special Heroes rerun, I won't be able to give her merges.
With that in mind, is she a better Near Save tank than Brave Edelgard, who I am able to get merges more easily? I want to give my L!Tiki Savy Fighter (and tbh I think that's the best I could do in this situation, as I use Tiki a lot) but I wanted to check the performance of Lucina x Edelgard first.


Lucina's niche is that she doesn't get hard countered by units like Alm or Ingrid, so if you're having issues with those unit's she can help deal with them. Also there isn't any relevant melee means of ignoring/reducing damage reduction, so it's pretty strong for now. Lucina can add deflect melee to tank brave attacks, while Edelgard currently doesn't reduce the damage on the first hit without external support. Edelgard will get a refine, but that's ~8 months from now.

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30 minutes ago, LoneStar said:

Lucina's niche is that she doesn't get hard countered by units like Alm or Ingrid, so if you're having issues with those unit's she can help deal with them. Also there isn't any relevant melee means of ignoring/reducing damage reduction, so it's pretty strong for now. Lucina can add deflect melee to tank brave attacks, while Edelgard currently doesn't reduce the damage on the first hit without external support. Edelgard will get a refine, but that's ~8 months from now.

TBH, I don't see B!Alm or Ingrid that much. And Lucina at +0 has a good matchup vs B!Alm? That would be insane at color disadvantage.

My dilemma right now is between:
-Keeping Lucina, at +0, even tho I'm building B!Edelgard.
-Giving L!Tiki, one of my core units in Arena (and AR Earth Season), a skill she'll make great use of.

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7 hours ago, Rinco said:

TBH, I don't see B!Alm or Ingrid that much. And Lucina at +0 has a good matchup vs B!Alm? That would be insane at color disadvantage.

My dilemma right now is between:
-Keeping Lucina, at +0, even tho I'm building B!Edelgard.
-Giving L!Tiki, one of my core units in Arena (and AR Earth Season), a skill she'll make great use of.

She should be decent against Alm due to damage reduction, and you can stack Close Guard, and Rein type of debuffs, and procing Moonbow with Darting Breath seal. Weapon triangle is a meme at times with this game due to all of the effects and min-maxing of newer units.

I'd say buff up your Tiki, if you don't have a real need for Lucina or a near-save tank. B!Edelgard is by definition an investment, since we don't know what sort or refine she'll get in a couple months. Edelgard can be a good Arena core unit as well, since Lucina is more expensive to build.

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3 minutes ago, LoneStar said:

She should be decent against Alm due to damage reduction, and you can stack Close Guard, and Rein type of debuffs, and procing Moonbow with Darting Breath seal. Weapon triangle is a meme at times with this game due to all of the effects and min-maxing of newer units.

I'd say buff up your Tiki, if you don't have a real need for Lucina or a near-save tank. B!Edelgard is by definition an investment, since we don't know what sort or refine she'll get in a couple months. Edelgard can be a good Arena core unit as well, since Lucina is more expensive to build.

Yeah, her refine is a big question mark, but technically anything more that she gets would be welcome. Only way I could end up frustrated by investing in her is if she gets Near Save on her weapon and I hightly doubt that will happen. Stance 3 is a bonus inheritance from Dedue, so if she gets Guard I can just swap that skill for another one and no worries. 

The point about her being good as an Arena unit is something to consider. I plan to +10 her eventually, so... 

I decided that I'll just wait to farm feathers on Lucina before she feeds the smol blue dragon. I'll also try to get another copy of Lucina with tomorrow's orbs, but after that I'll leave the banner as I need to stock up for next month.

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21 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

That doesn't change the fact that fast tanks do get doubled.


And again, running multiple Spd Mythic Heroes is not the norm.

You need to invest in fast Save Tanks and a team to support them in order to make them surpass the reliability of slow Save Tanks, which need little investment to make them function adequately against opponents with more resources.

If a player's fast tank is getting doubled, I think that is an issue with the player choosing not to prioritize Spd for whatever else they are prioritizing. I think running multiple Spd Mythics should be the norm if it is not already, because the whole point of using a Spd tank is to take advantage of all the mechanics related to high Spd.

While I do agree fast Save Tanks need more investment since they need to win that extremely competitive Spd check, I do not think they need to be maxed out on merges to be effective. For stat boosts besides merges, there are Flowers, Summoner Support, and Mythic stats which are all lower cost ways to boost Spd and stats in general. A mid-merge Spd tank at +5 is only going to be missing out on 2 Spd compared to a +10 one, and if all other sources of stat boosts is utilized, I do not think missing 2 Spd is a big deal.

8 hours ago, Rinco said:

Here is the thing.

I got a V!Lucina today. But unless I get pretty lucky when she comes back in a future Double Special Heroes rerun, I won't be able to give her merges.
With that in mind, is she a better Near Save tank than Brave Edelgard, who I am able to get merges more easily? I want to give my L!Tiki Savy Fighter (and tbh I think that's the best I could do in this situation, as I use Tiki a lot) but I wanted to check the performance of Lucina x Edelgard first.

I lean towards Dragon Wall for dragons since it is a dual phase skill, whereas Savvy Figher only works on enemy phase, although I am not sure if I am reading it correctly. If Savvy Fighter's damage reduction works on both phases though, then yeah, I think Savvy Fighter would be better to take advantage of her higher Spd stat. On the other hand, not many player phase nukes try to win a Res check though, so Dragon Wall may still be better since it would be an easier stat check to beat, even if her own Res is not that high.

@Ice Dragon, in the Japanese text, is the damage reduction tied to enemy phase? In the English text, the damage reduction portion is after the "and also" separation text, so I am not sure if the damage reduction requires enemy phase as a condition, or if it is a wholly seperate effect.

Personally though, I think it is better to keep a variety of units, even if they are only at +0 or low merges. Having multiple Save tanks helps a lot in basically trivializing Limited Hero Battles; for me Gustav: Majestic Love, Henriette: Overflowing Love, and two Nifls basically means all Heroes restriction Limited Hero Battles are no brainers.

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27 minutes ago, XRay said:

I lean towards Dragon Wall for dragons since it is a dual phase skill, whereas Savvy Figher only works on enemy phase, although I am not sure if I am reading it correctly. If Savvy Fighter's damage reduction works on both phases though, then yeah, I think Savvy Fighter would be better to take advantage of her higher Spd stat. On the other hand, not many player phase nukes try to win a Res check though, so Dragon Wall may still be better since it would be an easier stat check to beat, even if her own Res is not that high.

I forgot about Dragon Wall, the Res check will better in most cases. The Spd check from Savvy Fighter might allow her to live Julia in the Earth season I guess, but I'd assume Claude is a more frequent threat.

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4 minutes ago, LoneStar said:

I forgot about Dragon Wall, the Res check will better in most cases. The Spd check from Savvy Fighter might allow her to live Julia in the Earth season I guess, but I'd assume Claude is a more frequent threat.

I think Tiki can win the Savvy check against Claude, as it is Foe Spd -4. Considering equal merges and Tiki running Spd boon, Kestrel Stance 3 and Darting Breath seal, it's close but doable. If you factor in external support (as you can bait on your terms in Arena, usually) and Rally bonus, it gets easier.

But I can see Dragon wall working as well. The only downside would be losing the EP Null Follow-Up, which could help in some cases, specially in AR-O.

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