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@Ice Dragon Thanks, all seems sound logic to me.

@XRay Whoops, I shouldn't have used a hyphen as a separator there, made it look like I was choosing between flaws. This is asset selection only since all will be +1. Nevertheless it looks like mostly consensus on what to focus on, so I'm happy to have the affirmation.

Aside from that, I was thinking of what skills I could put on Oscar to keep his Galeforce build relevant. Beyond giving him Ally/Summoner support, I'm therefore looking to revamp his skills which at the moment is just 2017-vintage Fury-Desperation. Looks like there's plenty of options for the A slot, in that I have LnD4 fodder available or could use one of the many Atk/Spd Solo 4 manuals available from Codes. But it seems the only relevant C skill would be Joint Drive Atk? For the B slot He probably can't afford to drop Desperation but I guess the only alternative is Lull Atk/Spd at least until A/S Near Trace is released.

Adding Legendary Eirika to the mix would help too ...but I don't have her. Hopefully some Atk-boosting Legendary heroes are released over the coming year.

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1 minute ago, Humanoid said:

Aside from that, I was thinking of what skills I could put on Oscar to keep his Galeforce build relevant. Beyond giving him Ally/Summoner support, I'm therefore looking to revamp his skills which at the moment is just 2017-vintage Fury-Desperation. Looks like there's plenty of options for the A slot, in that I have LnD4 fodder available or could use one of the many Atk/Spd Solo 4 manuals available from Codes. But it seems the only relevant C skill would be Joint Drive Atk? For the B slot He probably can't afford to drop Desperation but I guess the only alternative is Lull Atk/Spd at least until A/S Near Trace is released.

Atk/Spd Solo 4 is the cheapest premium A skill to give him due to being available from Divine Codes, though Atk/Spd Push 4 has huge distribution and isn't bad. Life and Death 4 works offensively, but the decreased bulk could be a problem, and the higher visible Atk and Spd could make him a target for Chill effects. Atk/Spd Catch 4 is the strongest option, but it's pretty hard to get.

The B slot is basically as you expect, though there's also the option of Flow Guard to protect against Special activations and Flow Refresh for an alternative method of sustain. Lull Spd/Def and S/D Near Trace are also options for more damage output.

Def Smoke is a viable option for Galeforce on the C slot and goes well with Atk/Spd Catch if you ever get your hands on it. Joint Drive skills are a bit hard to make work on Galeforce units unless you're running Wings of Mercy. Alternatively, you can run Atk/Spd Menace as a good general-use skill that also goes well with Catch.

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Just flicking through the skills as I'm doing the merges and it only just hit me that I could just feed the spare Dieck to Yen'fay instead to get both NFU and Threaten Atk/Def 3. I've started giving Yen'fay merges based on earlier advice but haven't given him any extra skills yet. But is that the best use of his fodder? I don't know how relevant Threaten Atk/Def is these days, and whether it might be better to instead fodder Close Def 3 and NFU to a purely melee tank, and find another source of NFU (or whatever other B-skill) for Yen'fay.

A few build recommendations I've seen suggest instead giving him Atk/Spd Solo 4 and NFU, both of which can be given by Fallen M Corrin. Now while I do have one, I'm loathe to give up my only copy who has a nice Spd asset. However by dumb luck, the only two Papers 2 units I've gotten are NY Anna and Bride Fjorm (which I did purely for the merge on her), meaning that the Corrin combat manual is right there for the taking ...if I use 1200 of my Papers 3 to get it. And that actually seems it might be a good idea compared to picking up the first two units from whatever new paths are available. However I haven't figured out where I'm getting Atk/Spd Solo 3 from yet, since I'm a dummy who just merged 4 Fallen F Corrins together. I could give up one of my NY Lethe's but maybe that's dumb because she has a Lull skill. I'm probably okay sacking my only Yarne who's -Spd. I don't use beast units anyway.

Finally there's option C in that I have a -Atk Fallen Mareeta that I don't give a stuff about. I can promote my original 4-star Summer Ylgr and so give Yen'fay Flashing Blade 4 and NFU. But is that even something he wants?

So yeah, TL;DR is:
1) Fodder Dieck to Yen'fay straight
2) Spend 1200 papers on a technically outdated (but not really) Divine Code path to fodder Fallen M Corrin (and a TBA unit) to Yen'fay.
3) Spend 20k feathers to fodder Summer Ylgr and Fallen Mareeta to Yen'fay



EDIT: Hahah, turns out I have three Diecks, two are +Res which had me thinking it was the same copy. So I'm definitely interested in hearing suggestions on how to optimally fodder off at least one of them, if not two, regardless of what happens with the Yen'fay situation.

Edited by Humanoid
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5 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Aside from that, I was thinking of what skills I could put on Oscar to keep his Galeforce build relevant. Beyond giving him Ally/Summoner support, I'm therefore looking to revamp his skills which at the moment is just 2017-vintage Fury-Desperation. Looks like there's plenty of options for the A slot, in that I have LnD4 fodder available or could use one of the many Atk/Spd Solo 4 manuals available from Codes. But it seems the only relevant C skill would be Joint Drive Atk? For the B slot He probably can't afford to drop Desperation but I guess the only alternative is Lull Atk/Spd at least until A/S Near Trace is released.

The main issue with Galeforce cavalry is that they only have access to Heavy Blade, so it is not super reliable in higher difficulty and PvP. If you are just using him in lower difficulty PvE modes though, then it should be fine, although at the same time, I do not think a tier 4 A skill is necessary either at lower difficulty.

43 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Just flicking through the skills as I'm doing the merges and it only just hit me that I could just feed the spare Dieck to Yen'fay instead to get both NFU and Threaten Atk/Def 3. I've started giving Yen'fay merges based on earlier advice but haven't given him any extra skills yet. But is that the best use of his fodder? I don't know how relevant Threaten Atk/Def is these days, and whether it might be better to instead fodder Close Def 3 and NFU to a purely melee tank, and find another source of NFU (or whatever other B-skill) for Yen'fay.

I would not give Yen'fay Null Follow-Up. In my opinion, stacking damage reduction is generally better. I would also go for Pulse Smoke rather than Threatens to disable Galeforcers and mitigate precharged Specials from Blazing nukes. I would go for something like the following:
Carnage Amatsu
Vital Astra
Kestrel Stance
Pulse Smoke
Darting Breath

52 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

EDIT: Hahah, turns out I have three Diecks, two are +Res which had me thinking it was the same copy. So I'm definitely interested in hearing suggestions on how to optimally fodder off at least one of them, if not two, regardless of what happens with the Yen'fay situation.

Joshua and Kyza: King of Fortune have Close Def, and they are available from the Grail Shop.

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7 minutes ago, XRay said:

The main issue with Galeforce cavalry is that they only have access to Heavy Blade, so it is not super reliable in higher difficulty and PvP. If you are just using him in lower difficulty PvE modes though, then it should be fine, although at the same time, I do not think a tier 4 A skill is necessary either at lower difficulty.

Yeah, it's not ideal and using Legendary Ephraim as my main cavalry Galeforcer is the sensible option and one I will pursue where relevant. I do like Oscar though and he's fully merged, might even use a Floret on him. I can also run him alongside my newly acquired Thorr to bypass the Heavy Blade seal requirement.

20 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would not give Yen'fay Null Follow-Up. In my opinion, stacking damage reduction is generally better. I would also go for Pulse Smoke rather than Threatens to disable Galeforcers and mitigate precharged Specials from Blazing nukes. I would go for something like the following:

Unfortunately I have no access to any of those premium skills at the moment and they don't appear to be accessible from manuals either. As I'm not someone who generally pulls for SI, I mostly have to make do with what I randomly get, in combination with what we get from grails and manuals.

12 minutes ago, XRay said:

Joshua and Kyza: King of Fortune have Close Def, and they are available from the Grail Shop.

So you think Close Def 4 is the better thing to pass along compared to the Threaten? Any suggestions on units who would best make use of the Close Def plus NFU combo?

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:


If you have three copies of Dieck, I'd just go the cheap route and fodder Dieck and just wait for Atk/Spd Solo fodder to come along.

Atk/Spd Solo isn't too uncommon now, with Atk/Spd Solo 4 being found on 4 units in the standard summoning pool (Rennac, Fallen Dimitri, Ingrid, and Shamir), 1 unit in the Legendary/Mythic Hero pool (Freyja), and 1 unit in the Legendary/Mythic Hero remix pool (Eirika). Atk/Spd Solo 3 is also only 1 point behind in both Atk and Spd and can be gotten easily from 4-star Summer Ogma without even needing feathers if you wait a few months.

If you're planning on running him more for enemy phase, Kestrel Stance 3 is better due to having Guard built in, though you can basically only get that from Say'ri.

Threaten skills are pretty much useless on a Distant Counter unit because ranged units will always be able to hit you before you are able to hit them with Threaten's effects. There's still an argument for running Threaten on a pure melee unit, but even then, Menace is just better.

Dieck's Close Def 4 is honestly pretty niche outside of armors. There aren't many units that would rather run Close Def 4 over something like Sturdy Stance 3 unless they already have Guard on a different slot since Guard is typically better than Dull Close, and fast units aren't keen on giving up their Spd to run Close Def.


26 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would not give Yen'fay Null Follow-Up. In my opinion, stacking damage reduction is generally better. I would also go for Pulse Smoke rather than Threatens to disable Galeforcers and mitigate precharged Specials from Blazing nukes. I would go for something like the following:

While Spurn is generally better, I think Null Follow-Up is still fine for dealing with certain annoying units with guaranteed follow-ups outside of Aether Raids. Especially a certain version of Chrom that's currently infesting the Arena who also commonly runs an Impact skill and Deadeye.

Either way, Null Follow-Up is cheaper, you can still grab the more expensive Spurn later, and it's not like those copies of Dieck are going to be doing much else.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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4 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Yeah, it's not ideal and using Legendary Ephraim as my main cavalry Galeforcer is the sensible option and one I will pursue where relevant. I do like Oscar though and he's fully merged, might even use a Floret on him. I can also run him alongside my newly acquired Thorr to bypass the Heavy Blade seal requirement.

Unfortunately I have no access to any of those premium skills at the moment and they don't appear to be accessible from manuals either. As I'm not someone who generally pulls for SI, I mostly have to make do with what I randomly get, in combination with what we get from grails and manuals.

So you think Close Def 4 is the better thing to pass along compared to the Threaten? Any suggestions on units who would best make use of the Close Def plus NFU combo?

Spurn, Pulse Smoke, and Kestrel Stance are all in the Divine Code 2 lineup, and there's another copy of Spurn in 3. Did you get Kris/Brigid/Say'ri from 2?

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Just now, Othin said:

Spurn, Pulse Smoke, and Kestrel Stance are all in the Divine Code 2 lineup, and there's another copy of Spurn in 3. Did you get Kris/Brigid/Say'ri from 2?

No, as I was away for essentially the whole year, I had a grand total of a little under 1300 Divine Codes 2 earned, ever. So I spent them on NY Anna and Bride Fjorm, and that's it, none left. Well, technically I can grind away Summoner Duels for 400 more, but that's just a drop in the ocean.

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50 minutes ago, Rinco said:

How high is the score to stay on T21 usually? 

Last season, 3,874 (average 762.8 per match) got me just barely to stay in Tier 21. I was less than 50 places away from the cutoff.

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19 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Last season, 3,874 (average 762.8 per match) got me just barely to stay in Tier 21. I was less than 50 places away from the cutoff.

I think I can get that this week. I'll try fishing closer to the end of the season.

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I'm 29 pulls on the AHR banner and i have pulled at least 1 copy of all the focus units. Is it a good idea to go for the spark? I don't see a lot in terms of fodder in the units either, the most interesting i can see being Time Pulse and S/R far trace. going for the spark would be at least 45 orbs but if i snipe green that at most 55, and well i do have other targets in mind and although i doubt another Thracia banner will drop this year i don't want to be caught off guard. I don't have a lot of orbs left on me atm.

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19 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

I'm 29 pulls on the AHR banner and i have pulled at least 1 copy of all the focus units. Is it a good idea to go for the spark? I don't see a lot in terms of fodder in the units either, the most interesting i can see being Time Pulse and S/R far trace. going for the spark would be at least 45 orbs but if i snipe green that at most 55, and well i do have other targets in mind and although i doubt another Thracia banner will drop this year i don't want to be caught off guard. I don't have a lot of orbs left on me atm.

I would go for the guaranteed summon. Each one has at least one valuable fodder. If nothing else, extra Mythic and Legendary merges are also really good.

Azura: Hatari Duet got Fury and SR Far Trace.

Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act also got SR Far Trace.

Thórr got Flow Guard, which is really good for wall breakers, and she is the only one who has it.

Byleth: The Fódlan Star got Time's Pulse.

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30 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

I'm 29 pulls on the AHR banner and i have pulled at least 1 copy of all the focus units. Is it a good idea to go for the spark? I don't see a lot in terms of fodder in the units either, the most interesting i can see being Time Pulse and S/R far trace. going for the spark would be at least 45 orbs but if i snipe green that at most 55, and well i do have other targets in mind and although i doubt another Thracia banner will drop this year i don't want to be caught off guard. I don't have a lot of orbs left on me atm.

A guaranteed 5-star of your choice for 11 pulls is definitely worth it. If you snipe green, you also have about a 65% chance of pulling at least one Focus character in those 11 pulls, which is significantly better than a normal banner.

For comparison, it normally averages about 30-40 pulls to get the same probability of pulling a Focus character.

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Due to poor impulse control, I ended up "accidentally" pulling for an extra Harmonic Azura at the low cost of 18 orbs just now. No regrets there, but it's yet another +HP copy and I've just merged away my first +HP copy into my +Def one. Simply adding a merge onto that copy for an extra point in Atk and Def doesn't seem all that appealing, especially as she's a dancer. So I'm looking for candidates to fodder her off to.

Filtering my barracks by cavalry and flier mages though one candidate for receiving S/R Far Trace and Fury 4 (or Cross Spur Res I guess, dunno how desirable that even is) might just be my old +10 Cecilia who has been sort of collecting dust for a while. Maybe my laziness of not switching her from the old Spd base (back when she was a standard Bladetome unit) could pay off here with the effective Speed gain from the Trace skill, though she still doesn't get all that fast. She is a candidate for a Floret if I manage to get 1-2 more of them though (I only have the freebie one at the moment).

Other high-merge candidates would be Aversa (but that runs counter to her support role requiring high HP), Reinhardt (who can't really use the Speed aspect of it much), Bladetome Valentine's Titania (probably can't afford to drop Desperation), CYL Veronica (can't see why I'd drop Wrathful staff, also can only pass the Cross Spur instead of Fury). If I extend the search to low-merge candidates, it would probably only add Spring Catria and Peony to the table. I don't imagine there's any benefit in promoting and building up a L'Arachel or Ursula to get it, as a quick look at their kits don't suggest any particular synergies. There might be a recent grail unit or two that I missed.


P.S. In the course of looking up who else has the skill, I only just found out that Pirate Hinoka who I pulled on her debut has adaptive damage. And also that she has conditional Brave. Yeah, I've been really slack in reading up on skills. /facepalm

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4 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

I'm 29 pulls on the AHR banner and i have pulled at least 1 copy of all the focus units. Is it a good idea to go for the spark? I don't see a lot in terms of fodder in the units either, the most interesting i can see being Time Pulse and S/R far trace. going for the spark would be at least 45 orbs but if i snipe green that at most 55, and well i do have other targets in mind and although i doubt another Thracia banner will drop this year i don't want to be caught off guard. I don't have a lot of orbs left on me atm.

It depends on how highly you value fodder. It's a particularly good chance to pick up fodder, but personally I save all my orbs for units I'm missing.

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25 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

(or Cross Spur Res I guess, dunno how desirable that even is)

Basically not at all. Unlike the existing Cross Spur Atk, Res stacking does... basically nothing in most combat situations.
So... yeah, you're looking at passing on Fury 4 and SRfar trace.

As for the units you mentioned, here are my thoughts:

  • Cecilia generally doesn't have a lot of need for Spd. ARfar trace would be more desirable on her as the Atk debuff has more value on a unit such as herself. While it would theoretically be possible to Spd-stack her, I'm not sure it'd be worth it when her Atk is already pretty low.
    This is assuming you were to switch her over to her refined Tome of Order (flier effectiveness, Colorless advantage, and TA3).
  • Aversa might be a candidate, however it would be best to wait and see what her refine gives her in the coming months.
  • I know it'd be possible to Spd-stack Reinhardt, but in the current game environment I just don't think there's much reason to. Slow units tend to be slower than Rein, and fast units tend to outspeed him regardless of how much spd stacking is done. If you find yourself using Rein a lot though, it may be worth taking a second look, as it's not like he'd be any better or worse if he were to take an Atk/Res alternative.
  • Valentine Titania would technically be a good user yes, though that comes with the understanding that Valentine Titania is not considered a fantastic unit in the current environment... if even remembered that she has a Valentine alt.
  • Staff units generally would prefer to keep Wrathful/Dazzling Staff. Very few exceptions exist, and one of them already comes with SRfar trace.
  • Peony, as a ranged Dancer with low combat stats, has very little reason to ever enter combat, and due to her only having two Movement means she will rarely get any actual use out of the Canto [Rem.] effect. If she isn't able to get good use out of either effect, I don't think it would be worth it to give her the skills.
  • Spring Catria, in all fairness, has an alright weapon refine that would pair with SRfar trace pretty well, as she would not be suffering as much as other units from taking a counterattack. If you see yourself using Spring Catria, maybe it'd be worth consideration.
  • All of the above only considers giving the unit S/R Far Trace. As Fury 4 is just a slightly better Fury 3, and isn't even often the best possible skill for the unit to be using, it is not considered a strong contributing factor.

Of course it should probably be mentioned... many of the units you listed are just not that relevant right now. Reinhardt is the sole exception because of course he is (with Peony, as mentioned, having little benefit from SRfar trace), and honestly the number of Grail units who would get use out of SRfar trace specifically is limited to pretty much just Valentine Veronica.

Honestly your best move right now would be to keep the spare Harmonic Azura manual around in case a unit does ever appear who would get good use out of it, or to give you time to decide if giving it to one of the above units would be worth it. You lose nothing by not using it right now.

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44 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Due to poor impulse control, I ended up "accidentally" pulling for an extra Harmonic Azura at the low cost of 18 orbs just now. No regrets there, but it's yet another +HP copy and I've just merged away my first +HP copy into my +Def one. Simply adding a merge onto that copy for an extra point in Atk and Def doesn't seem all that appealing, especially as she's a dancer. So I'm looking for candidates to fodder her off to.

Running two or three copies of her is always an option. Her Harmonized skill basically allows her to Dance/Sing units within the same game as her within two spaces, including other Dancers/Singers, which also includes other copies of herself. With Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act and three Azura: Hatari Duet, Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act can kill a total of eight enemies in one turn.

37 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Reinhardt (who can't really use the Speed aspect of it much)

Slow nukes can still use Spd to quad super slow slowpokes. AR Far Trace is only worth it if you are running Heavy Blade to try to trigger Moonwbow/Ruptured Sky, but even then it is not that reliable since his Atk is not really that high and he is using a low Mt Brave Weapon. Slow nukes might not need Spd, but if given the chance to have Spd, they should still go for it and get Spd.

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18 minutes ago, XRay said:

Slow nukes can still use Spd to quad super slow slowpokes. AR Far Trace is only worth it if you are running Heavy Blade to try to trigger Moonwbow/Ruptured Sky, but even then it is not that reliable since his Atk is not really that high and he is using a low Mt Brave Weapon. Slow nukes might not need Spd, but if given the chance to have Spd, they should still go for it and get Spd.

Yeah, one thing about him is that to this date I still haven't been able to pick up DB4 for him. With it being in the 4*SR pool now I should get it eventually, plus I can grab a relevant Lull from Kiria who I think I have a couple spares of. Based on that reasoning I don't think he'd be a particularly efficient use of Azura's SI.

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12 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Due to poor impulse control, I ended up "accidentally" pulling for an extra Harmonic Azura at the low cost of 18 orbs just now. No regrets there, but it's yet another +HP copy and I've just merged away my first +HP copy into my +Def one. Simply adding a merge onto that copy for an extra point in Atk and Def doesn't seem all that appealing, especially as she's a dancer. So I'm looking for candidates to fodder her off to.

S/R Far Trace is by far the most valuable skill that Azura has. For rare skills like this, prioritize units that you actually use, and if there's no one suitable, just save it for later.

The biggest drawback of S/R Far Trace is, of course, the fact that you can't run Desperation with it, so it's best used either on a unit that already has a means of staying alive on their weapon (Brave effect, Desperation effect, Sweep effect, etc.) or a unit that you intend to use in game modes where Distant Counter is not prevalent.

As far as free-to-play units go, the only particularly relevant unit we've gotten recently is Valentine Veronica from last year, who is actually a fairly decent unit, but, similarly to pretty much all other options, probably wants to run Desperation instead.


As for her other skills, neither Fury 4 nor Cross Spur Res are particularly notable.

Fury is not often used because very few units actually have need for all four of their stats, and those that do typically don't want the recoil damage. It's typically just better to focus on boosting two stats by larger amounts than boosting four stats by a smaller amount. For boosting visible stats for the purpose of stat comparisons, Life and Death and Fortress Def/Res are simply better, and there really aren't any units that want a different combination of visible stats. Units that actually want recoil damage are typically better off running Push skills, even if the recoil is slightly less.

Cross Spur Res is interesting, but it's a pure support skill and should really go on a support unit. The infinite range is actually useful since it lets you support from quite a distance way, but being limited to cardinal directions can make it difficult to use. Personally, I would only recommend giving Cross Spur skills to Peony and Duo Peony right now since they already have Cross Spur effects on their weapons.


Spring Catria, Reinhardt, and Peony are probably your best options (in that order), but none of them are especially compelling options, though they do each have their arguments.

Spring Catria has 30% damage reduction on the opponent's first attack with her refine, which can justify passing up on Desperation. Her weapon also has Chill Atk on it after its refine, which can also help.

Reinhardt really only cares about the Res half of the skill, so it doesn't matter as much which other stat he gets from a Trace skill. Because of this, even though he'll be okay with S/R Far Trace, it's better use of resources to wait for A/R Far Trace instead, which (1) is in lower demand than S/R Far Trace and (2) is available from the standard summoning pool (on Hapi), whereas S/R Far Trace is still exclusive to Special Heroes.

Peony, unlike her Duo version, is not a combat unit and probably won't get much benefit out of the stats given by S/R Far Trace, though Canto can occasionally be useful since it also activates after dancing if you haven't use all of your movement. The main drawbacks are the fact that she only has 2 movement, so it's harder for Canto to actually activate, and that she loses out on a teleportation skill in her B slot.


5 minutes ago, XRay said:

Slow nukes can still use Spd to quad super slow slowpokes. AR Far Trace is only worth it if you are running Heavy Blade to try to trigger Moonwbow/Ruptured Sky, but even then it is not that reliable since his Atk is not really that high and he is using a low Mt Brave Weapon. Slow nukes might not need Spd, but if given the chance to have Spd, they should still go for it and get Spd.

The main argument against giving it to Reinhardt is the fact that while Reinhardt could make some use of the extra Spd, the extra Spd is less impactful than when given to a different unit. The difference between S/R Far Trace Reinhardt and A/R Far Trace Reinhardt is smaller than the difference between the two skills on a faster unit.

Unless you're swimming in copies of S/R Far Trace or you have absolutely no other unit worth giving it to (and don't expect to get a unit worth giving it to in the near future), it's better to just hold onto it and wait for A/R Far Trace to give to Reinhardt.


As far as slow units go, the only one I'd actually recommend giving S/R Far Trace to is Legendary Lilina, and that's really only because she optimally runs double Life and Death due to having an AoE Special and therefore actually has some semblance of a Spd stat, even if it isn't amazing.

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@Ice Dragon Thanks, I will be pulling on red on this month's legendary banner so I'll see if I can get a Lilina. I'll revisit the other scenarios if I fail.

@Xenomata I have switched her to her Prf, it's just that I haven't made any other accommodations to her kit that supports that build and as a result she's kind of compromised by not being one thing or the other. She's still got her leftover Blade-oriented build, Speed asset and all. I wouldn't mind fixing that up and making her a powerful all-round unit with a coherent kit once more - she's one of my earliest mainstays so there's some sentimental value there too. That's why she's on the table for things like a Floret, more Dragonflowers, and I'm also tossing up Summoner Support which I'm resolved to finally remove from Bowlyn but still haven't decided who to (Cecilia and Oscar are among the frontrunners). Hopefully a relevant Atk or Spd boosting legendary cavalry pops up eventually too. I know Eirika is one but I don't have her.

At any rate, she, Reinhardt and Valentine's Titania are all +10, which is why I named them first.

Edited by Humanoid
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27 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Thanks, I will be pulling on red on this month's legendary banner so I'll see if I can get a Lilina. I'll revisit the other scenarios if I fail.

Even though I do recommend S/R Far Trace for Legendary Lilina, she is still really slow even with a Life and Death build, so it might still be worth holding onto it for a better candidate.

For reference, my +5+10 Legendary Lilina [+Atk] with Life and Death 4 + Life and Death 3 has only 37 Spd (would go up to 40 Spd if I gave her S/R Far Trace), meaning a +0+0 Legendary Lilina would only have 33 Spd with the same build (36 Spd with S/R Far Trace).

Either way, it's up to you in the end.

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6 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

it might still be worth holding onto it for a better candidate.

So who would be the top few candidates? Looking through the list of all cavalry mages I do see Spring Severa as perhaps the most obvious one who doesn't already come with some version of Canto, but no one else leaps out from what I've seen.

I do already have it on my Forma Summer Laegjarn.

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Just now, Humanoid said:

So who would be the top few candidates? Looking through the list of all cavalry mages I do see Spring Severa as perhaps the most obvious one who doesn't already come with some version of Canto, but no one else leaps out from what I've seen.

I do already have it on my Forma Summer Laegjarn.

Spring Severa, Summer Laegjarn, Winter Bernadetta, and Dancer Ishtar are the top contenders.

Desert Katarina is also a potential option due to having Penalty Doubler for Atk on her weapon, which can help keep her alive. Desert Tharja also has Penalty Doubler for Atk, but on an inheritable weapon. Summer Camilla has Desperation 3 on an inheritable weapon if you choose to keep her original weapon.

Duo Peony's bulk is complete garbage, making Desperation somewhat pointless since she isn't surviving most counterattack in the first place, but she still does have passable offensive stats and does have use for activating Canto after a dance to better position herself to use her Duo Skill (which has a very restrictive target area).

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@Ice Dragon Thanks, of those named I only have Duo Peony so I'll hold off for now. I'm not likely to be able to get any of those units since it's hard to target seasonals without the Feh Pass spark, but will see what's around the corner. I'm not opposed to sticking around until around Golden Week and its associated Hero Fest, or at least gathering the low-hanging orbs until then.

EDIT: Looks like all of their Double Special focus events have already happened too. But plenty of chances remaining for new, better 2022 seasonal units I suppose.

Edited by Humanoid
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