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5 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Is this combo really her best, since HF doesn't give guaranteed follow-up or any sort of penalty/ bonus manipulation like other Fighter skills do? Ditto for DS only giving +5 Res and not any Guard effects.

The sheer bulk that Hardy Fighter + Aegis gives Idunn in combination with the follow-up prevention on her weapon is enough that I don't think Bonus nullification or Guard are entirely necessary. With Aegis, if you can offload the Breath effect to a support effect, I think it's still better to run Deflect Magic before getting Bonus nullification or Guard.

Idunn takes twice as much damage with Sacred Cowl compared to Aegis when paired with Hardy Fighter, so I do think it's worth running some kind of Bonus nullification or Guard on that build, especially since you don't need the Breath effect anymore. In this case, I'd probably prioritize one of the two effects, then Deflect Magic, then the other of the two effects. (Note that this is based more on gut feeling from my experience with Ascended Fjorm rather than actual numbers, so take it with a healthy grain of salt.)

If you're looking for a more offensive build, it might be possible to run Sacred Cowl with the Quick Riposte Sacred Seal, though I'm not entirely sure how effective that actually will be. Regardless, it doesn't actually change the skill choices for the "permanent" skill slots. You might also be able to get away with running Distant Ferocity over Distant Stance, though that's more expensive.

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9 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

The sheer bulk that Hardy Fighter + Aegis gives Idunn in combination with the follow-up prevention on her weapon is enough that I don't think Bonus nullification or Guard are entirely necessary. With Aegis, if you can offload the Breath effect to a support effect, I think it's still better to run Deflect Magic before getting Bonus nullification or Guard.

Okay, thank you very much! I'll see what I can come up with!

Edit: New question 8 hours later!

Is Joint Dist Guard worth inheriting? If I get a spare Ganglot I was thinking of foddering all three of her skills to B!Ike and wondered if it was a viable option for increasing his bulk. Thanks in advance!

Edited by DefyingFates
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On 11/18/2022 at 11:15 AM, DefyingFates said:

I got three Ganglots from the current banner, two neutral and one that's -Spd/+Res. Which one is worth keeping? Thanks in advance, all!

+Res would allow for slightly better magic tanking, whereas with merges Neutral provides +1 HP/Atk/Res. Ganglot doesn't necessarily have any effects that she needs Res for, though it does help her try and break down Dragon Wall effect.

Just remember that as a Rearmed Hero, Ganglot can be used for SI and be kept, meaning one hero can get her skills and you can still get a merge, so don't immediately merge or manual her unless you have no reason to inherit any of Arcane Downfall, Distant Stance, Quick Riposte 4, or Joint Distant Guard... which I highly doubt you don't have a reason for any of them.

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10 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

+Res would allow for slightly better magic tanking, whereas with merges Neutral provides +1 HP/Atk/Res. Ganglot doesn't necessarily have any effects that she needs Res for, though it does help her try and break down Dragon Wall effect.

I kept the +Res one, thank you very much! I inherited Downfall, DC, Joint Dist. Guard and QR4 to N!Shamir after posting this comment "just in case", though now I'm kicking myself for not giving her Distant Stance instead of QR4... Well, after talking about it with Ice Dragon in another thread I've started considering a PP-only build with Atk/ Spd Ideal so maybe the lack of DS is a moot point. My plan right now is that + Atk/ Spd Oath 4 (+ Spd/Def Bulwark) + Galeforce for now, with the rest TBC depending on what fodder I can get in the future. Does that sound good to you or anyone else reading this?

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2 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

@Ice Dragon, how many merges should A!Idunn be on to function as an adequate Far Saver? And what should her Assets be, +Atk/+Res or +Atk/+Def?

Thanks in advance!

Probably a non-answer, but "as many as you can get". As always, you only need to win 8 out of 15 matches in Aether Raids offense each week before the game penalizes you on a loss, so as long as you can pull that off, you're good.

For Far Save, I prefer either [+Atk, +Res] or [+Def, +Res].

A Res Asset is a must for Far Save. There are too many tome units that hit stupidly hard.

The Def Asset is there mostly to deal with Ascended Eir right now, as unlike many other Far Save units, Idunn has no trouble with Duo Chrom and Volke. It's technically a safer pick and is more future-proof, but I'm not sure how much mileage you'll actually get with it in practice compared to an Atk Asset.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

Probably a non-answer, but "as many as you can get". As always, you only need to win 8 out of 15 matches in Aether Raids offense each week before the game penalizes you on a loss, so as long as you can pull that off, you're good.

Okay, thanks! I unfortunately have a bunch of A!Idunns at the moment. Not sure why I decided to get so many, but I have a +1 Idunn built for Far Saving with Distant Stance as I mentioned before that I'll sit on for now. I'll see how she performs in AR as is before merging or foddering the rest. Who knows, maybe I'll make one just a default Near Saver? (I have three left, if you think a +4 +Atk A!Idunn is worth the investment.) I still remember what you said about D/R Near Save and Wily Fighter being the worst Save and Fighter skills respectively.

4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

For Far Save, I prefer either [+Atk, +Res] or [+Def, +Res].

And as I mentioned above, my Idunn is +Atk so +Res it is! That makes sense to me too, I was just hesitant because GamePress recommended +Def. Thanks again!

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Very general question, but I just blindly sparked the Ascended banner with no real plan, and now am at the spark. I'm looking for someone to sell me on one of Volke, Ascended Ishtar, or Ascended Joshua. Strictly non-competitive play, more interested in a unit that's fun and interesting to use, so who best fits the bill? (Already have two Mareetas and Yuris and one Fjorm, not interested in Ninian and Astrid)

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8 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Very general question, but I just blindly sparked the Ascended banner with no real plan, and now am at the spark. I'm looking for someone to sell me on one of Volke, Ascended Ishtar, or Ascended Joshua. Strictly non-competitive play, more interested in a unit that's fun and interesting to use, so who best fits the bill? (Already have two Mareetas and Yuris and one Fjorm, not interested in Ninian and Astrid)

If you just want to mow things down, then Ishtar: Echoing Thunder would be your best bet.

Joshua: Tempest King is kind of gimmicky in my opinion with his positioning Firesweep, but if you want something different, then you might want to go with him.

Volke is a tank buster. He is not bad, but Ishtar: Echoing Thunder can bust tanks too, and do it better in my opinion. The only reason I would go with him over Ishtar: Echoing Thunder is if you are having trouble with green tanks and you really need a red nuke to better help you out.

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16 hours ago, XRay said:

If you just want to mow things down, then Ishtar: Echoing Thunder would be your best bet.

Joshua: Tempest King is kind of gimmicky in my opinion with his positioning Firesweep, but if you want something different, then you might want to go with him.

Volke is a tank buster. He is not bad, but Ishtar: Echoing Thunder can bust tanks too, and do it better in my opinion. The only reason I would go with him over Ishtar: Echoing Thunder is if you are having trouble with green tanks and you really need a red nuke to better help you out.

Yeah, makes sense. The two Ascendants have a leg up on Volke since they come with a Florete too.

Will probably take Joshua, he might be a bit gimmicky but I'm not sure how well a lone unmerged Ishtar will do in the long term with the speed check. Plus I suspect I'm more likely to get her in the future, what with her being blue instead of grey.


(Fortunately no hard decision with my Mareetae, one's neutral and the other is +Res -Atk)

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20 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Which of these IVs is better for A!Mareeta, or are they both the same in performance: neutral vs -Hp/+Def?

Thanks in advance! I'm going to feed the spare to my N!Shamir for Spurn and Vital Astra.

I would go with neutral so you get some stats allocated to Atk/Spd on the first merge.

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Are there any improvements to make to this Forma Dheginsea? +Def Lantern Breath seems preferable but I can fix that easily later anyway.

The biggest thing I've been unsure of is his B slot - he doesn't need Crafty Fighter, and I get the impression he wouldn't get much out of Hardy Fighter or Dragon Wall. Early on, he was running Dragon's Wrath 4, but it seemed pretty bad.

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31 minutes ago, Othin said:

The biggest thing I've been unsure of is his B slot - he doesn't need Crafty Fighter, and I get the impression he wouldn't get much out of Hardy Fighter or Dragon Wall. Early on, he was running Dragon's Wrath 4, but it seemed pretty bad.

I think Hardy Fighter is fine, but he will need Arcane Grima for Slaying and guaranteed follow-up. And because he is so slow, Hardy Fighter's Null Follow-Up is made kind of useless. I think you can make it work with Lantern Breath, but you will want Steady Breath on A and Quick Riposte on Sacred Seal.

For Dragon Wall, I guess you just need to run Quick Riposte.

I think Hardy Fighter is a bit better since there are no stat checks involved and you can achieve higher damage reduction at the cost of lower damage output. Dragon Wall is not bad either since melee units generally have crappy Res, but you do not get as high of a damage reduction.

Dragon's Ire is fine, but I think it is a bit better on a unit who is a bit more mobile, as they are not as dependent on damage reduction to function. You can still use it on a Save tank, but you would want to make sure you got enough support units giving damage reduction.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

I think Hardy Fighter is fine, but he will need Arcane Grima for Slaying and guaranteed follow-up. And because he is so slow, Hardy Fighter's Null Follow-Up is made kind of useless. I think you can make it work with Lantern Breath, but you will want Steady Breath on A and Quick Riposte on Sacred Seal.

For Dragon Wall, I guess you just need to run Quick Riposte.

I think Hardy Fighter is a bit better since there are no stat checks involved and you can achieve higher damage reduction at the cost of lower damage output. Dragon Wall is not bad either since melee units generally have crappy Res, but you do not get as high of a damage reduction.

Dragon's Ire is fine, but I think it is a bit better on a unit who is a bit more mobile, as they are not as dependent on damage reduction to function. You can still use it on a Save tank, but you would want to make sure you got enough support units giving damage reduction.

Hmm, I forgot about the Quick Riposte seal. And Arcane Grima for that matter - I do have an unused Robin on hand, as well as a spare original Tiki for Flametongue inheritance, but if I do that I can get Hardy Fighter as well anyway. Still, I'll keep an eye out.

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1 hour ago, Flying Shogi said:

Pulled a LH!Nanna. Since she ignores DR, would she want Glimmer or Moonbow/Luna more? If it's the latter, would the lower cooldown of Moonbow be better?

I would go Moonbow to cut through units with high Def. For units with low Def, while Glimmer is technically better against them, she does not need a Special trigger to kill them.

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2 hours ago, Flying Shogi said:

Pulled a LH!Nanna. Since she ignores DR, would she want Glimmer or Moonbow/Luna more? If it's the latter, would the lower cooldown of Moonbow be better?

Moonbow is better against opponents whose bulk is based on Def, whereas Glimmer is better against opponents whose bulk is based on HP.

Since percentage damage reduction is functionally an increase in effective HP, ignoring damage reduction actually favors Moonbow. However, if you're planning on using her in game modes with inflated HP, like Abyssal maps or Resonant Battles, it might be a good ideal to have both.

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So, with Rearmed Ophelia's skills being all locked out from cavalry and fliers, I'm looking for ideas of what to give her to set up decent quad-SI chains of tier 4 skills to these unit types. Generally speaking that means giving her three out of a rare Special, and tier 4 A/B/C skills with readily available prerequisites (like Life and Death, or the various Smoke skills).

The first copy will of course be dedicated to Valentine's Titania, the second probably Bride Cecilia. The third probably OG Lilina, not mounted of course but she could benefit from the setup too given the impossibility of passing Atk/Res Finish 1-3 and the redundancy of Time's Pulse on her (i.e. weapon + Special Spiral 4 + ? + ?).

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I got Momo on the recent banner (Fallen F!Morgan) and now i have a spare.

so, A/D Menace for ninja Cherche or Dive Bomb for H!Naga running arcane grima? I was working on a galeforce build for Cherche but when i realized arcane grima grants and an auto follow up i hesitated. suggestions?

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5 hours ago, Humanoid said:

So, with Rearmed Ophelia's skills being all locked out from cavalry and fliers, I'm looking for ideas of what to give her to set up decent quad-SI chains of tier 4 skills to these unit types. Generally speaking that means giving her three out of a rare Special, and tier 4 A/B/C skills with readily available prerequisites (like Life and Death, or the various Smoke skills).

The first copy will of course be dedicated to Valentine's Titania, the second probably Bride Cecilia. The third probably OG Lilina, not mounted of course but she could benefit from the setup too given the impossibility of passing Atk/Res Finish 1-3 and the redundancy of Time's Pulse on her (i.e. weapon + Special Spiral 4 + ? + ?).

There really aren't that many good options for cavalry. I think the best ones are (depending on what you have available to you):

  • Ruptured Sky
  • Atk/Spd Menace (Threaten Atk/Spd is available from Grail shop from Gonzalez)
  • Atk/Res Menace (Threaten Atk/Res is available from Grail shop from Sonia)
  • Def/Res Smoke 3

Less "best" options include:

  • Harsh Command+
  • Rally Atk/Spd+ (Rally Atk/Spd is available from the Grail shop from Winter Ignatz or the 4-star SR pool from tome Eirika)
  • Life and Death 4
  • Swift Sparrow 3
  • Brazen Atk/Spd 4

The Assist skills are options if you're going for score. None of the Atk/Spd skills are optimal and are in this list because they are just there to fill the skill slot while you wait for a copy of Catch. Annoyingly, the Atk/Res versions of the Blow and Brazen lines don't have tier 4 skills at all, and Still Water 4 is pointless when all of the sources of Still Water 3 are also sources of Still Water 4.


For infantry, you probably want:

  • Ruptured Sky
  • Special Spiral 4
  • One of:
    • Atk/Spd Ideal 4 (Atk/Spd Ideal 3 is available from Miriel)
    • Atk/Res Ideal 4 (Atk/Res Ideal 3 is available from Elice)
    • Wait forever for tier-3 Finish skills to be added to the 4-star pool


4 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

I got Momo on the recent banner (Fallen F!Morgan) and now i have a spare.

so, A/D Menace for ninja Cherche or Dive Bomb for H!Naga running arcane grima? I was working on a galeforce build for Cherche but when i realized arcane grima grants and an auto follow up i hesitated. suggestions?

Whichever one you use more or intend to use more, though if usage is about the same, I lean slightly towards Atk/Def Menace since it's barely slightly rarer.

Excluding Fallen Female Morgan, Atk/Def Menace is available from 1 non-Remixed Legendary/Mythic Hero (Otr), 1 Remixed Legendary/Mythic Hero (Hrid), and 1 Rearmed Hero (Lif), while Dive-Bomb is available from 1 Special Hero (Pirate Tibarn), 1 Remixed Legendary/Mythic Hero (Naga), and 1 standard-pool unit (Fallen Lilith).

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@Ice Dragon Thanks, just had a scan of my resources and it looks like I'll have to wait for a useful B/C skill to become available. No rush, fortunately, I could probably even afford to wait for Divine Codes 4. Actually I haven't even spent any Divine Codes 3 yet and am sitting on a little over 12k and I should look into what's available sometime.

Analysis of my meagre available fodder:

- Assists - I'm not interested in points scoring, but I do see if I grab LnD4 from Leila, I may as well grab Rally Atk/Spd+

- Special - Ruptured Sky is available from a spare F Byleth. This works out well, in that I don't have to feel bad about wasting M Byleth's DC passing Ruptured Sky to a ranged unit.

- A - I only have the fairly mundane ones available for now. LnD4 from Leila as mentioned. Swift Sparrow 3 from Catherine, but no other synergy. Atk/Spd Push from Jill, but no other synergy.

- B - Tier 4 B-skills are so new it's probably pointless to look so hard. And also probably because the right skill here is probably Trace, Windsweep or Desperation.

- C - As it happens I've just merged away a Legendary Nanna, who otherwise would have been able to pass on both Atk/Spd Menace plus Atk/Spd Push. Perhaps unfortunate, but no real regret as I always like to +1 any unit that I actively use. However it does mean I really do have nothing to give here, not even a simply Joint Drive.


So yeah, in the absence of a proper C-skill it seems my best course of action is probably to sit on my hands for a while. It shouldn't be *too* hard to stumble onto something useful eventually.

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Which units is SS4 best on, just ones that don't have access to DR negation already?

Also, I was thinking of rebuilding my og!Nino and I was wondering if this would be a good way to do so (on a budget, so I don't have Ruptured Sky unfortunately):

Nino +Spd:

Iris Tome +Spd
Aether/ Blue Flame (until I get something better)
G Duel Infantry 4
Lull Atk/Res 3 OR Special Spiral 4
Time's Pulse OR Atk/Res Menace

Thank you all in advance! I really hope this "Chaos Season" style of Arena maps is the mainstay going forward, since it gives us an excuse to bring back older units like this!

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