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20 minutes ago, eclipse said:

You'd be surprised how few +10 3* units I'd have.  Many of them are sent off to SI, some are units I have issues pulling (especially Nino, who I pulled exactly two of since launch), and the rest are staffbots.  Might be better to take this one on a case-by-case basis.


I wish I can trade away all my Ninos for other people's Barsts and Selenas. I need more Reposition fodder.

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49 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

When will Narcian's GHB rerun happen?

I don't think it's been announced, but my guess is once Valter's ends.  We might get an announcement tonight.

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1 minute ago, Poimagic said:

How do Blade Tome's work? I've read over how they worked in the description but I still can't understand how they work.

They boost attack by the number = to the amount of green buffs you have. (Buffs you can see on the character screen saying something like Atk = 51 + 6 or the like. The +6 is a green buff, which will turn into another +6 atk for a -blade user.)

It works for +Atk, +Spd, +Def, +Res, so Reinhardt with Hone and Fort cav on him gets: 6 attack from +6 Atk, and then 24 attack from the -blade tome bonus. (+6 all stats = 6 * 4 = 24.)

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2 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

How do Blade Tome's work? I've read over how they worked in the description but I still can't understand how they work.

For every buff (such as a Hone Speed or Defiant Attack), you get an equivalent boost in Attack.

An Eirika that gives a Nino +3 Atk (Sieglinde), +4 Spd (native Hone Speed), +4 Def (Rally Def) and +2 Res (Fort Res seal) grants +16 Atk (+13 buffs, and the +3 Atk sticks around).

A Hone Cavalry gives +18 Atk.

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Just now, Poimagic said:

How do Blade Tome's work? I've read over how they worked in the description but I still can't understand how they work.

Any buffs that produce a blue number in the stat sheet get added to the Atk before the triangle nd any other modifications.

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Finally pulled hector(+atk/-spd) with the second green orbs , yay me. 


Now my my question is , do you guys think CYL Ike will need distant counter for an optimal build ? So I can try to pull one more for him. 

Also need more for the rest of my armor team ? Lol but Ike gets priority if he does need it 

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On 8/26/2017 at 7:25 PM, eclipse said:

So, Corrin in a Swimsuit.  She's +HP/-Res.  Her 31/34 offenses amuse me, but the only way I can get them higher is via Palla (because Hinoka is still a question mark).  My eventual build will involve Swift Sparrow and maybe Desperation.  How bad of an idea is this?

Funny enough, my SF!Corrin has the opposite nature to yours(+res/-def). As for my actual question, how are staff's calculated during combat?

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59 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

As for my actual question, how are staff's calculated during combat?

(attacker’s Atk – defender’s Res) / 2 unless attacker has Wrathful Staff, in which case there is no halving.

Edited by Vaximillian
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So, I decided to play this, do I need to reroll until I get something decent or I'm daijobu? Keep in mind that I don't spend a penny on mobile trash, but I heard this game is F2P friendly and since I'm sorta addicted to FE I'd like to try this one.

Edited by Arn
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3 hours ago, CorruptedChrome said:

Finally pulled hector(+atk/-spd) with the second green orbs , yay me.

Now my my question is , do you guys think CYL Ike will need distant counter for an optimal build ? So I can try to pull one more for him. 

Also need more for the rest of my armor team ? Lol but Ike gets priority if he does need it 

I want that Hector. If I remember correctly, I think that is his best +10 nature for a certain build.

Anyways, giving Ike Distant Counter is a good idea if his bulk is decent. I think Urvan should compensate for the lack Triangle Adept, although I will need to check that to confirm it for sure. You might want to give him Guard as well if you want to specifically counter Reinhardt with Moonbow and Quickened Pulse.

I would prioritize Ike too since he is generally more useful. The only time I use an armor team is for monthly quests or Arena Assault.

1 hour ago, Arn said:

So, I decided to play this, do I need to reroll until I get something decent or I'm daijobu? Keep in mind that I don't spend a penny on mobile trash, but I heard this game is F2P friendly and since I'm sorta addicted to FE I'd like to try this one.

I would definitely do a few rerolls since it is free. I would not spend too much time rerolling though since it is not necessary. I would stop once you get one or two decent 5* units. Any 5* mages and Dancer/Singer are keepers.

Edited by XRay
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47 minutes ago, XRay said:

You might want to give him Guard as well if you want to specifically counter Reinhardt with Moonbow and Quickened Pulse.

Assuming Urvan does exactly what it says it does, Moonbow's damage will be cut by 80% as well when it activates since it'll activate on Reinhardt's second consecutive hit. (For reference, defensive special skills apply their effect to the full damage including special skill damage, so I'm assuming Urvan does the same thing.)

Guard will not be necessary for countering Reinhardt.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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So, does CYL Lyn have any counters or is the foreseeable Arena going to just be Lyn Emblem?  I can't think of any archers with enough bulk and attack to kill Lyn on enemy phase, DC units can't counter, and horse mages are neutered against her.  Her weapon or B skill alone would make her top tier, but both together border on broken, unless I'm missing something.  Even Reinhardt hard some hard counters, with Julia, Sonya, or any Green unit with decent Res and/or TA.  I could see Raven units coming back into vogue, but Cancel Affinity will likely be a popular choice on Lyn as well.

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23 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Assuming Urvan does exactly what it says it does, Moonbow's damage will be cut by 80% as well when it activates since it'll activate on Reinhardt's second consecutive hit. (For reference, defensive special skills apply their effect to the full damage including special skill damage, so I'm assuming Urvan does the same thing.)

Guard will not be necessary for countering Reinhardt.

I think it may depend on Ike's magical bulk. If his HP and Resistance are not high enough, Reinhardt may still be able to take out Ike's remaining HP if it is low enough.

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13 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

So, does CYL Lyn have any counters or is the foreseeable Arena going to just be Lyn Emblem?  I can't think of any archers with enough bulk and attack to kill Lyn on enemy phase, DC units can't counter, and horse mages are neutered against her.  Her weapon or B skill alone would make her top tier, but both together border on broken, unless I'm missing something.  Even Reinhardt hard some hard counters, with Julia, Sonya, or any Green unit with decent Res and/or TA.  I could see Raven units coming back into vogue, but Cancel Affinity will likely be a popular choice on Lyn as well.

Any magic user with Litrraven and Quick Riposte. Cancel Affinity doesn't affect you if you're not running Triangle Adept.

Any dragon with Lightning Breath+ and Quick Riposte (and a functional Atk stat). Breath weapons are not affected by Mulagir's effect (neither are staves, not like that matters much, though), meaning Fortify Dragons is still in full effect.

Fully buffed armors can simply shrug off the attack and attempt to kill on player phase. Xander can do the same since Mulagir's effect only applies to tome weapons, thus not affecting defensive buffs on him.

Let CYL Ike tank the attacks since he'll only take appreciable damage from the first hit and ignores any buffs Lyn has.

Kill her on player phase.

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

So, does CYL Lyn have any counters or is the foreseeable Arena going to just be Lyn Emblem?  I can't think of any archers with enough bulk and attack to kill Lyn on enemy phase, DC units can't counter, and horse mages are neutered against her.  Her weapon or B skill alone would make her top tier, but both together border on broken, unless I'm missing something.  Even Reinhardt hard some hard counters, with Julia, Sonya, or any Green unit with decent Res and/or TA.  I could see Raven units coming back into vogue, but Cancel Affinity will likely be a popular choice on Lyn as well.

CYL Ike? 

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Any magic user with Litrraven and Quick Riposte. Cancel Affinity doesn't affect you if you're not running Triangle Adept.

Any dragon with Lightning Breath+ and Quick Riposte (and a functional Atk stat). Breath weapons are not affected by Mulagir's effect (neither are staves, not like that matters much, though), meaning Fortify Dragons is still in full effect.

Fully buffed armors can simply shrug off the attack and attempt to kill on player phase. Xander can do the same since Mulagir's effect only applies to tome weapons, thus not affecting defensive buffs on him.

Let CYL Ike tank the attacks since he'll only take appreciable damage from the first hit and ignores any buffs Lyn has.

Kill her on player phase.

It looks like CYL Lyn's got some pretty god resistance, if the sneak peak at the stats are to be believed, 28.  Nowi's got 35 base attack, so functionally 46 with Lightning Breath.  It looks like with Neutral vs Neutral, that's just barely enough to 2HKO Lyn, but a single HP Seal or beneficial nature could prevent that, so it's a pretty tenuous counter.  Xander has 37 defense unbuffed, so he could tank a hit, but he won't be able to double, I think Hone Cavalry would give him just enough to OHKO Lyn with Neutral IVs, but again, a single HP seal would prevent that.  I guess we'll figure out to counter her as time goes on, but it seems she has no Hard counters, as in, if someone runs an Arena Team of 4 CYL Lyns, there's not any real way to counter that, unlike Reinhardt, who can at least be hard Countered by several units.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Nowi's got 35 base attack, so functionally 46 with Lightning Breath.  It looks like with Neutral vs Neutral, that's just barely enough to 2HKO Lyn, but a single HP Seal or beneficial nature could prevent that, so it's a pretty tenuous counter.

Quick Riposte Nowi runs +Atk whenever possible and preferably has the Attack +1 seal. If you're running a 2-2 team of 2 non-dragon infantry and 2 dragons, you can even cross-pollinate Hone Attack or use Delthea's Dark Aura buff.


5 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Xander has 37 defense unbuffed, so he could tank a hit, but he won't be able to double, I think Hone Cavalry would give him just enough to OHKO Lyn with Neutral IVs, but again, a single HP seal would prevent that.

Xander only needs to bait to force her to move into attacking range. You can use someone else to kill her on player phase after she takes the bait.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

Quick Riposte Nowi runs +Atk whenever possible and preferably has the Attack +1 seal. If you're running a 2-2 team of 2 non-dragon infantry and 2 dragons, you can even cross-pollinate Hone Attack or use Delthea's Dark Aura buff.


Xander only needs to bait to force her to move into attacking range. You can use someone else to kill her on player phase after she takes the bait.

I'm not sure if I have +Atk Nowi.  I've got several 4* Nowi's but I've tried to avoid using her due to personal bias against her, but I suppose I could use her if I had to.  I've got a 5* Fae, but I don't think she's strong enough to be a real check.


Xander might be my best bet.  Titania isn't strong enough to kill her, and Ursula depends on Blarblade.


It seems that CYL Lyn is Bridelia with access to a comparably better weapon, Horse Buffs, and one more movement,

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Yeah, I still find it weird that Sacae's Blessing doesn't work on Dragons...

This question has most likely come up before but I haven't seen it in the past few pages and am too paranoid to let it go unanswered: what do you lose and keep when you move to another device? I know that since I'm staying on Android any paid Orbs I have will be safe, but will I lose anything else?

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