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So I've got two NY!Camillas.



One of these gives her a solid 34 DEF and reduces her HP, the other reduces her great DEF but gives her a respectable RES stat thanks to her super boon giving her 27/28 bulk with 40 HP.

Which nature should I keep? Her mixed bulk gives potential versatility and 163 BST, but her +DEF boon gives her a high DEF stat despite the 161 BST (she'll only be in arena for another week anyway) and then I can stack that DEF and patch the -HP with a refinement for a total of 38 DEF, when boosted with a Fortify we're looking at 44 DEF for Tanking which doesn't even take Close DEF or DEF/RES +3 which can put her into the 50s.

It's obvious she'll use some form of enemy phase build, but what that build is depends on her nature and these are very different ones. Advice?

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7 minutes ago, Zeo said:

So I've got two NY!Camillas.



One of these gives her a solid 34 DEF and reduces her HP, the other reduces her great DEF but gives her a respectable RES stat thanks to her super boon giving her 27/28 bulk with 40 HP.

Which nature should I keep? Her mixed bulk gives potential versatility and 163 BST, but her +DEF boon gives her a high DEF stat despite the 161 BST (she'll only be in arena for another week anyway) and then I can stack that DEF and patch the -HP with a refinement for a total of 38 DEF, when boosted with a Fortify we're looking at 44 DEF for Tanking which doesn't even take Close DEF or DEF/RES +3 which can put her into the 50s.

It's obvious she'll use some form of enemy phase build, but what that build is depends on her nature and these are very different ones. Advice?

I would go with +Def. She is a Red unit so she cant tank Reinhardt no matter what kind of RES she runs, Nino ignores the weapon triangle anyway with any kind of buffs (unless your oponent is Clair!) and W!Tharja is a total different case. However her DEF can potentially help her take out units like Ayra and other red physical units.

But then again you could go +RES and make her a dragon check. It really depends in what kind of Team you put her and what her task is there :/ *shrug*

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20 minutes ago, Hilda said:

I would go with +Def. She is a Red unit so she cant tank Reinhardt no matter what kind of RES she runs, Nino ignores the weapon triangle anyway with any kind of buffs (unless your oponent is Clair!) and W!Tharja is a total different case. However her DEF can potentially help her take out units like Ayra and other red physical units.

But then again you could go +RES and make her a dragon check. It really depends in what kind of Team you put her and what her task is there :/ *shrug*

I have M!Marth (and potentially a Chrom if I promote him) if I want to deal with Dragons as a red unit and you're right. Red units aren't really for mage tanking unless you're Fir, Eliwood or Sigurd. I'll take the BST drop and probably go +DEF/-HP. 

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

If you do the tenth stratum Anna quest, then you'll solve also the level 40 units quest automatically. 

Otherwise choose one of the easier Warrior maps, at lunatic difficulty they should have all level 40 opponents. 

/Edit: Fredericks warrior map is all melee. 

The Frederick map worked great, thank you.

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7 hours ago, XRay said:

I would go with skill inheritance first for your regular Arena team. They can immediately start giving you returns with a higher score and they will be a bit easier to use.

My "regular" arena team consists of Christmas Armors and whoever the bonus unit needs to be, and as of now none of the skills they need are skills that 4* units give at 5*

@Ice Dragon Well it's something to think about at least, Daggers that did get the refinery treatment.

Edited by Xenomata
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So I'm thinking of giving my +Def/-HP Halloween Henry a weapon change since armour team is having trouble against Brave Lyn. At the moment he has Fury and Quick Riposte.

Gronnowl+ is out of the question since I only have 1 Boey who I'm using for TA + Bowbreaker in AA.

I was thinking of Gronnraven+, because it kind of fits thematically since he likes ravens. I'm thinking the colour advantage could help him survive Brave Lyn at least (Reinhardt is no problem thanks to 39 Res).

Unless I should refine Spectral Tome instead? I'm thinking Raven Tome might pull down arena points further so maybe Spectral Tome plus the Panic effect could still be useful for Arena? What stat should I refine? Further increase his Def (he currently has 32 Def with Fury) , or a more straightforward Atk or Spd buff?

Also I guess he can use Gronnblade as well but Gwendolyns have become non-existent for me now. So I need to pull a Sheena/Gwendolyn first. Plus I'm used to Ward/Goad Armour now, and Henry's a bit susceptible to Panic status with 33 HP.

Edited by mcsilas
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28 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Unless I should refine Spectral Tome instead? I'm thinking Raven Tome might pull down arena points further so maybe Spectral Tome plus the Panic effect could still be useful for Arena? What stat should I refine? Further increase his Def (he currently has 32 Def with Fury) , or a more straightforward Atk or Spd buff?


The difference is only 50 SP and shouldn't affect your arena score much if at all. 

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10 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Further increase his Def (he currently has 32 Def with Fury) , or a more straightforward Atk or Spd buff?

Depends on how you're using him. If you're planning on tanking with him, I'd go with +Def and combo it with the Raven tome for being a great mixed-defence tank against colourless and blues. If you're going to be initiating a lot of fights, go for +Atk and stick with Spectral imo.

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12 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Two questions:

Does Harsh Command effectively cure the Panic status?

Does Deflect Magic work on manaketes?

I'm pretty sure Harsh Command works on Panic, yes.

I'm also pretty sure that Deflect Magic only works on Tome users and doesn't apply to Breath or Staves.

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38 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Does Harsh Command effectively cure the Panic status?

23 minutes ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

I'm pretty sure Harsh Command works on Panic, yes.

Harsh Command does not fix Panic.

Harsh Command converts penalties into bonuses, but does not change the sign of bonuses (because bonuses are always positive under the hood). Panic is a persistent effect, not a one-time flip to the bonuses' effects. Think of Panic as a lens that turns the image of what's behind it upside down, but doesn't turn the object itself upside down.

If you had a unit with +6/6/6/6 bonuses and -0/0/7/0 penalties (therefore a total modifier of -6/6/13/6 under Panic) and you use Harsh Command, the unit ends up with +6/6/7/6 bonuses (therefore a total modifier of -6/6/7/6 under Panic).

On that note, if the unit has no penalties, you can't target them with Harsh Command in the first place because Panicked bonuses are still bonuses, not penalties.


45 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Does Deflect Magic work on manaketes?

30 minutes ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

I'm also pretty sure that Deflect Magic only works on Tome users and doesn't apply to Breath or Staves.

"Magic" in English skill descriptions only ever refers to tomes.

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9 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Harsh Command does not fix Panic.

Harsh Command converts penalties into bonuses, but does not change the sign of bonuses (because bonuses are always positive under the hood). Panic is a persistent effect, not a one-time flip to the bonuses' effects. Think of Panic as a lens that turns the image of what's behind it upside down, but doesn't turn the object itself upside down.

If you had a unit with +6/6/6/6 bonuses and -0/0/7/0 penalties (therefore a total modifier of -6/6/13/6 under Panic) and you use Harsh Command, the unit ends up with +6/6/7/6 bonuses (therefore a total modifier of -6/6/7/6 under Panic).

Interesting. Something something today I learned...

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Just got my pity broken by a -HP +RES dorcas. Note that I already have +hp - def dorcas, who is my go-to green wall, and does an excellent job with infantry pulse and panic ploy. WHat should I do with my new dorcas? For reference, my current list of 5* units who are vaugeley usable and not just fodder is:


My core team (for arena and single player) is klien, reinhardt, and olivia, with siegbert as the most common fourth member. I also kave a 5* katarina and catria with bad natures.

Edited by sirmola
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In the context of a 'blessing' and its small contribution to arena point scoring...

A) Does the corresponding Legendary hero have to be in your party to receive extra arena points from the blessing?

B) Does the corresponding 'season' of the blessing have to be active to receive extra arena points from the blessing?

I've got a spare water blessing and I'm wondering if I should slap in onto one of my regular arena team members or if it's pointless without Fjorm in my party and/or it's the wrong season.

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UGH! I'm so done. I just wanted to use my gift card to purchase orbs. I redeemed it in the Google play store. Balance updated and everything on the Google play app. But it didn't update in the Heroes store. However, when it tells me to choose another payment option, it shows my correct balance yet says the funds are "insufficient." I contacted Heroes for help. I received a very prompt response that said, "Sorry. Can't help you." I posted some help in the Play Store support forums, but I doubt that'll ever get seen. I'm TRYING to request phone support because apparently Google doesn't do email support. 

Has anyone had a similar issue? Has anyone had any success getting help from Google after payment stuff goes awry? 

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3 hours ago, Stylish said:

In the context of a 'blessing' and its small contribution to arena point scoring...

A) Does the corresponding Legendary hero have to be in your party to receive extra arena points from the blessing?

B) Does the corresponding 'season' of the blessing have to be active to receive extra arena points from the blessing?

I've got a spare water blessing and I'm wondering if I should slap in onto one of my regular arena team members or if it's pointless without Fjorm in my party and/or it's the wrong season.

I'm about 90% sure the answer to both questions is "yes".

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So I am sitting here wondering if I should spend the Dew and time to finally build up my Jeorge now that Parthia seems decent. I have a 4*+6 +ATK/-HP Jeorge with Parthia access(If I recall I pulled a single 5* of him with a -ATK nature quite some time ago and just merged down since I didn't think he had any useful skills to inherit away). Not sure what would be the best way to build him. Though I kinda wish it evolved into a kind of hit and run effect. It is called Parthia after all and a hit and run archer would be interesting to play with, though something that you probably wouldn't want to make common. This is probably more useful over all though. +6 attack is nothing to sneeze at. With Deathblow that he can hit some pretty impressive attack values against his fellow ranged units. Sadly I got exactly 1 deathblow fodder at the moment and don't think I want to burn it on Jeorge.

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21 minutes ago, Usana said:

So I am sitting here wondering if I should spend the Dew and time to finally build up my Jeorge now that Parthia seems decent. I have a 4*+6 +ATK/-HP Jeorge with Parthia access(If I recall I pulled a single 5* of him with a -ATK nature quite some time ago and just merged down since I didn't think he had any useful skills to inherit away). Not sure what would be the best way to build him. Though I kinda wish it evolved into a kind of hit and run effect. It is called Parthia after all and a hit and run archer would be interesting to play with, though something that you probably wouldn't want to make common. This is probably more useful over all though. +6 attack is nothing to sneeze at. With Deathblow that he can hit some pretty impressive attack values against his fellow ranged units. Sadly I got exactly 1 deathblow fodder at the moment and don't think I want to burn it on Jeorge.

After the short discourse in the general thread, I'm seriously leaning towards

Jeorge [+Atk] (Parthia [unique], Life and Death 3 / Death Blow 3 / Fierce Stance 3, Vantage 3 / Cancel Affinity 3, Attack +3 / Distant Def 3 / Deflect Magic 3)

with support from Brave Lucina and Sanaki. Drive Atk 2 to stack with Geirskogul and Cymbeline is expensive as all get out, though, since it's only available from 5-star pulls Delthea, Fjorm, and the upcoming Micaiah.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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54 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

After the short discourse in the general thread, I'm seriously leaning towards

Jeorge [+Atk] (Parthia [unique], Life and Death 3 / Death Blow 3 / Fierce Stance 3, Vantage 3 / Cancel Affinity 3, Attack +3 / Distant Def 3 / Deflect Magic 3)

with support from Brave Lucina and Sanaki. Drive Atk 2 to stack with Geirskogul and Cymbeline is expensive as all get out, though, since it's only available from 5-star pulls Delthea, Fjorm, and the upcoming Micaiah.

Don’t forget the Drive Atk for whatever Flier you’are running for Cymbeline.

Or Spur Atk + Guidance shenanigans. Those are always fun. Huh...and your team is green-less, so Azura with the Lilith Floatie?

Well...Minerva’s Hauteclere was next on my upgrade list, but I did also want to see what they’d do to Parthia & Brynhildr. I’m kind of leaning toward Parthia now.

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I completely forgot that Brave Lucina buffs bows. Also didn't think to check the general thread. Reading that makes it so tempting. It would be my first dew use. I keep waffling. Minerva would be fun sure, but she functions just fine normally. So I kept holding off incase someone could jump up a tier with the investment. Jeorge certainly seems like that guy right now. And I have always liked his art and have a lack of solid archers. Yeah, he'll probably be my weekend project. Now I just have to decide what A skill. I only have a single 3rd tier of LnD and Death Blow. I think I'll go with a vantage build, so LnD is probably the better bet. Though I suppose I could just feed him a Cherche for now and see how much I like him before taking the dip on one of my rare skill fodder.

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33 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

Don’t forget the Drive Atk for whatever Flier you’are running for Cymbeline.

Or Spur Atk + Guidance shenanigans. Those are always fun. Huh...and your team is green-less, so Azura with the Lilith Floatie?

Well...Minerva’s Hauteclere was next on my upgrade list, but I did also want to see what they’d do to Parthia & Brynhildr. I’m kind of leaning toward Parthia now.

Well, my spare green flier for Arena Assault is Cherche (I suppose Narcian also, but I haven't built him yet and his stats are so average in everything), and I could totally give her either Spur Atk 3 and Guidance and also drop the Spur Atk Sacred Seal on someone (probably Lucina).

That'd give (before merges) with maximum Drive/Spur/Bond buffs:

  • Sanaki [+Atk] (Cymbeline, Death Blow 3) with 65 + 14 (Drive Atk 2, Spur Atk 3, Drive Atk 2, Spur Atk 3) = 79 Atk on initiation
  • Jeorge [+Atk] (Parthia, Life and Death 3) with 60 + 20 (Cymbeline, Drive Atk 2, Spur Atk 3, Geirskogel, Drive Atk 2, Spur Atk 3) = 80 Atk against ranged opponents
  • Cherche [+Atk] (Brave Axe+, Death Blow 3) with 55 + 19 (Cymbeline, Drive Atk 2, Drive Atk 2, Geirskogel, Drive Atk 2, Spur Atk 3) = 74 Atk on initiation
  • Lucina [+Spd] (Geirskogel, Life and Death 3) with 57 + 13 (Cymbeline, Drive Atk 2, Drive Atk 2, Spur Atk 3) = 70 Atk

What is this I don't even...

EDIT: Triangle Adept 3 on Sanaki gives her 102 effective Atk against green.

EDIT2: Slaying Hammer+ on Cherche gives her 120 effective Atk against armors on initiation.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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So I am in the process of building my 2. well meshed Team after completing my Gunnthra Clair B!Ike and Saizo Team

This Team is focused on owl effects: Currently the Team members are a +6 Innes and a +10 Boey with Refined owl +Def

Boey is pretty much finished with Close Counter, Quick Riposte and Spur Def/Res and Rally DEF RES and Atk Smoke. His role is to deal with melees and bow/dagger users and blue/green armors.

Innes is kinda iffy, he has high Res but since he is a ranged unit he kinda sucks against Dragonstone users and his RES can nowhere be built up like Clairs Berkut Lance RES built. I cant give him Distant def Seal because Clair is running that one. I am not sure if i should swap him out for a Berkuts Lance built Fjorm.

Also there is no decent Blue Tome user that can run an owl Tome potently. Odin comes to mind, but his Attack stat is... i dont know like totally underground lol

mmm... actually scrap the blue tome owl user, Sophia makes a perfect candidate for a Red owl tome user if used correctly she could actually take out green and red dragonstone users and green/maybe red mages and also check melees

maybe bolster Boey Sophia with Lukas together that runs an upgraded First Bite+ and round it up with Bride Lyn as a healer that uses Candlelight so they can attack more safely.

Thoughts? Its a very defense oriented Team

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How many Arena points would a refined inheritable weapon give? And how would it compare to the points a personal, non-refined weapon would give? I’m considering replacing my +0 Dorcas with +1 5-star Fae and/or +1 Young Tiki, but I’m not certain how it would affect my score immediately.

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11 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

How many Arena points would a refined inheritable weapon give? And how would it compare to the points a personal, non-refined weapon would give? I’m considering replacing my +0 Dorcas with +1 5-star Fae and/or +1 Young Tiki, but I’m not certain how it would affect my score immediately.

Unrefined inheritable weapons are 300 SP. Refined inheritable weapons are 350 SP. Unique weapons are 400 SP regardless of refine state.

100 SP is equivalent to 0.5 points per round on a team of 4 units with a bonus unit.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Unrefined inheritable weapons are 300 SP. Refined inheritable weapons are 350 SP. Unique weapons are 400 SP regardless of refine state.

100 SP is equivalent to 0.5 points per round on a team of 4 units with a bonus unit.

Ah, alright, perfect! I wasn’t sure how the SP cost was counted for refines. So I suppose the dragon kids would be roughly equal to Dorcas, since they’re +1 and he isn’t. Thanks!

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