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I was using double Naga for W!Cecilia, but I think she could work with Naga + Altina. Ares likes Naga + Altina (since I only got 1 Altina) and he is my other carry unit on Astra.
This also makes Naga a little better to enter combat if needed. 

I think I'll hold on to Eir for a while.

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7 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I don't use Gimurei for more than lunatic content

If it is for Lunatic and below, I would just run whatever skill is cheap since enemies are not that threatening to warrant something premium.

7 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

and Fjorm does Aether Raids on occasion when she's the bonus hero, though I don't use Fjorm that much, unless she's with Al for the Alfonse's quests.

If you do use her for Aether Raids, then I do not think Bonus Doubler would be the best A skill. If the enemy does not have Panic, then it is all fine and dandy, but Panic is pretty common from Tier 21 onwards, so I personally do not think utilizing bonus buffs is worth the hassle on a tank. I am not sure how common Panic is in the lower tiers, so it might be okay, but if you decide to go up to Tier 21, then you might need to replace it in the future.

7 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

What buffs would you recommend for Lissa?

For buffs, I would tailor it to the team instead of keeping it static. I would prioritize Drive Def and Drive Res since she should primarily be on Enemy Phase teams, but you can also use Spurs since you are running Rehabilitate so she would be up close to the tank. If you are using her in higher difficulties though, you may want to use Physic and Drives exclusively to keep her farther away from the front lines.

If you are using her on a Player Phase team, I would go with Savage Blow since Dancers/Singers would be the primary buffers, so Lissa's C slot is not really that useful for buffing. With a few minor exceptions, she should not heal any nukes either, so make sure she is not running Breath of Life where she could accidently take someone out of Desperation range.

2 hours ago, Rinco said:

So, I think I'm merging my 2 Eirs and go with Eir + Flower Girl on Light seasons. Ike would lose 5 Res, but the Dancer can make up for that. Someone talk me out of it lol

Losing 5 Res and 10 HP healing per turn is kind of a big deal. And bonus buffs could be a huge liability on a super tank due to Panic. And Dancers/Singers are not really necessary on a super tank team in my opinion.

Edited by XRay
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3 hours ago, XRay said:

Losing 5 Res and 10 HP healing per turn is kind of a big deal. And bonus buffs could be a huge liability on a super tank due to Panic. And Dancers/Singers are not really necessary on a super tank team in my opinion.

that's assuming that people use sparkling boost. 
I see a lot of eirs that don't. 

(also. I have a tank. a dancer is totally needed/welcome). 

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40 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

that's assuming that people use sparkling boost. 
I see a lot of eirs that don't. 

(also. I have a tank. a dancer is totally needed/welcome). 

I guess you can run Tactics and Drives, but bonus buffs are risky to use and if you are running 2 M!Corrins, it is kind of hard to fit in Eir or a third buffer into the formation sometimes.

Dancers/Singers help on Player Phase, but not so much on Enemy Phase.

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Just now, XRay said:

I guess you can run Tactics and Drives, but bonus buffs are risky to use and if you are running 2 M!Corrins, it is kind of hard to fit in Eir or a third buffer into the formation sometimes.

Dancers/Singers help on Player Phase, but not so much on Enemy Phase.

well to be fair. my tanks are fliers so... 
(but leanne, and most of them run drives, or ward fliers). so yeah. they do help n EP. but it just depends on how you structure things. 

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4 hours ago, Othin said:

According to the patterns so far, who's expected to be Aether Raids bonus units alongside the new FE5 banner units?

I'd guess Peony, the 5 new units from Thracia (including the GHB guy), Rutger, Spring Loki, Hrid, and Alfonse. 

5 hours ago, XRay said:

Losing 5 Res and 10 HP healing per turn is kind of a big deal. And bonus buffs could be a huge liability on a super tank due to Panic. And Dancers/Singers are not really necessary on a super tank team in my opinion.

Alternatively, run 2 Eirs and Peony! I'd have figured most people with 2 Eirs are already used to bringing a Light blessed dancer along anyway (ideally Legendary Azura), so it wouldn't require a drastic change to team comps.

This all does affirm my long-held belief that secretly, regular ass Takumi is an S-tier AR defense unit in Light/Dark season.

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17 minutes ago, Johann said:

Alternatively, run 2 Eirs and Peony! I'd have figured most people with 2 Eirs are already used to bringing a Light blessed dancer along anyway (ideally Legendary Azura), so it wouldn't require a drastic change to team comps.

This all does affirm my long-held belief that secretly, regular ass Takumi is an S-tier AR defense unit in Light/Dark season.

You will be replacing one of the M!Corrins with Peony though, and I am a bit hesitant on using bonus buffs.

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3 minutes ago, Rinco said:

That also leaves no space for the bonus unit, unless one of the core member happen to be a bonus. 

Sharena is pretty decent as a super tank, but you cannot really use her outside of her Bonus weeks though since she lacks merges.

As for having a bonus unit, I do not think it is necessary unless you are competing for a Gold Throne or climbing to Tier 21. If you just want to chill or go for Bronze and maybe Silver Thrones, I do not think you need the bonus unit.

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I always try to go for max rewards, so I'm always using a bonus unit. It also helps that my teams are usually 2 Mythics, 1 carry unit, 1 support, 1 bonus. The carry being a super tank or Counter-Vantage unit.

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I'm cleaning out my barracks, and I want to know witch IV I should keep for Nowi?  I have +Spd, +Atk, +Res, & +Def. I'm not sure where she will be used, maybe AR or Mjolnir's Strike? I just don't want 4 copies sitting around and I'd like to start building her as I don't have a strong blue dragon yet.

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1 hour ago, TEKWRX said:

I'm cleaning out my barracks, and I want to know witch IV I should keep for Nowi?  I have +Spd, +Atk, +Res, & +Def. I'm not sure where she will be used, maybe AR or Mjolnir's Strike? I just don't want 4 copies sitting around and I'd like to start building her as I don't have a strong blue dragon yet.

The most common Nowi I've seen is +Speed but it depends on what you're using her for.  I'd personally say +Speed as my Nowi that I'm building up is +Speed and that's recommended by Gamepress as one of Nowi's ideal IVs.  She does make for a good speed tank.


Now onto my question, I have a +Def/-HP Cavalry Chrom and I'm thinking of the following build:

Sealed Falchion



Brazen Atk/Def 3 or Steady Stance 3

Chill Def 3 or Vantage or other B Skill

Sword Valor 3 or Threaten Def 3

Sacred Seal: Brazen Atk/Def 3 (if it stacks) or an Atk boosting one if I had any left lol XD

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6 hours ago, TEKWRX said:

I'm cleaning out my barracks, and I want to know witch IV I should keep for Nowi?  I have +Spd, +Atk, +Res, & +Def. I'm not sure where she will be used, maybe AR or Mjolnir's Strike? I just don't want 4 copies sitting around and I'd like to start building her as I don't have a strong blue dragon yet.

Nowi can go any direction. If you go +Res, Nowi can have perfectly balanced Def/Res, so you can run either Def Refine with Warding Breath or Res Refine with Steady Breath.

For super tanking, her nature does not really matter since the 2 M!Corrins can adjust their stat buff load outs accordingly, but I also agree that +Spd would probably be best.

Her build as a super tank:
Lightning Breath
Def Refine -- Res Refine
Bonfire -- Iceberg
Steady Breath -- Warding Breath -- Darting Breath (not out yet) -- Mirror Stance -- Steady Stance -- Warding Stance
Lull Atk/Spd -- Guard
Atk Smoke -- Pulse Smoke
Distant Def -- (Any Sacred Seal that boosts Spd, Def, Res, or any combination of those stats)

4 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Now onto my question, I have a +Def/-HP Cavalry Chrom and I'm thinking of the following build:

Sealed Falchion



Brazen Atk/Def 3 or Steady Stance 3

Chill Def 3 or Vantage or other B Skill

Sword Valor 3 or Threaten Def 3

Sacred Seal: Brazen Atk/Def 3 (if it stacks) or an Atk boosting one if I had any left lol XD

Are you trying to use him on Player Phase or Enemy Phase?

Edited by XRay
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58 minutes ago, XRay said:

Nowi can go any direction. If you go +Res, Nowi can have perfectly balanced Def/Res, so you can run either Def Refine with Warding Breath or Res Refine with Steady Breath.

For super tanking, her nature does not really matter since the 2 M!Corrins can adjust their stat buff load outs accordingly, but I also agree that +Spd would probably be best.

Her build as a super tank:


Lightning Breath

Def Refine -- Res Refine


Bonfire -- Iceberg

Steady Breath -- Warding Breath -- Darting Breath (not out yet) -- Mirror Stance -- Steady Stance -- Warding Stance

Lull Atk/Spd -- Guard

Atk Smoke -- Pulse Smoke

Distant Def -- (Any Sacred Seal that boosts Spd, Def, Res, or any combination of those stats)

Are you trying to use him on Player Phase or Enemy Phase?

I'm not sure actually, I guess I wanted a build for both and possibly mixed phase

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2 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I'm not sure actually, I guess I wanted a build for both and possibly mixed phase

The Branded King Chrom can be deceptively fast.

Player Phase Desperation:
Sealed Falchion
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Spd or Atk/Spd)

Player Phase Brave:
Brave Sword
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
Death Blow
Lull Atk/Def — Swordbreaker — (Any B)
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk) — Heavy Blade — Quickened Pulse

For Enemy Phase, Sealed Falchion honestly is not great for that. Enemy Phase units want to have high HP to work, and not working at 100%HP is kind of a deal breaker in my opinion.

Enemy Phase Def tank:
Guard Sword — Safeguard — Slaying Edge — Wo Dao
Def Refine
Reposition — Swap
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky — Bonfire
(Any A that boosts Def or Atk/Def)
Quick Riposte — Lull Atk/Def — Dull Close — Guard
(Any C) — Atk Smoke — Pulse Smoke
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Def or Atk/Def) — Quick Riposte

For dual phasing, it would be kind of difficult. The only dual phase units I know that work well are Counter-Vantage units and armors that can guarantee follow ups on both phases. TBK!Chrom does not have access to skills that allow him to reach insane Atk, so he cannot do Counter-Vantage well; I guess he can do Vantage well against dragons, but that is a pretty narrow application, like Counter-Vantage archers. He is not an armor unit, so he cannot guarantee follow up attacks very easily. I think the best way to use him as a dual phase unit is to run skills that work on both phases. And since he does not have guaranteed follow ups like Edelgard or armors, you want to Spd stack him as much as possible.

Dragon Counter:
Sealed Falchion
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
(Any Brazen that boosts Atk)
(Any C)
(Any Brazen that boosts Atk)

Dual Phase:
Slaying Edge
Spd Refine
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky — Galeforce
Atk/Spd Solo — Bonus Doubler
Lull Spd/Def
(Any C) — Atk Smoke — Spd Smoke — Def Smoke — Savage Blow — Rouse Atk/Spd (Not Yet Released)
(Any A that boosts Spd or Atk Spd) — Heavy Blade

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

The Branded King Chrom can be deceptively fast.

Player Phase Desperation:
Sealed Falchion
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Spd or Atk/Spd)

Player Phase Brave:
Brave Sword
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
Death Blow
Lull Atk/Def — Swordbreaker — (Any B)
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk) — Heavy Blade — Quickened Pulse

For Enemy Phase, Sealed Falchion honestly is not great for that. Enemy Phase units want to have high HP to work, and not working at 100%HP is kind of a deal breaker in my opinion.

Enemy Phase Def tank:
Guard Sword — Safeguard — Slaying Edge — Wo Dao
Def Refine
Reposition — Swap
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky — Bonfire
(Any A that boosts Def or Atk/Def)
Quick Riposte — Lull Atk/Def — Dull Close — Guard
(Any C) — Atk Smoke — Pulse Smoke
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Def or Atk/Def) — Quick Riposte

For dual phasing, it would be kind of difficult. The only dual phase units I know that work well are Counter-Vantage units and armors that can guarantee follow ups on both phases. TBK!Chrom does not have access to skills that allow him to reach insane Atk, so he cannot do Counter-Vantage well; I guess he can do Vantage well against dragons, but that is a pretty narrow application, like Counter-Vantage archers. He is not an armor unit, so he cannot guarantee follow up attacks very easily. I think the best way to use him as a dual phase unit is to run skills that work on both phases. And since he does not have guaranteed follow ups like Edelgard or armors, you want to Spd stack him as much as possible.

Dragon Counter:
Sealed Falchion
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
(Any Brazen that boosts Atk)
(Any C)
(Any Brazen that boosts Atk)

Dual Phase:
Slaying Edge
Spd Refine
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky — Galeforce
Atk/Spd Solo — Bonus Doubler
Lull Spd/Def
(Any C) — Atk Smoke — Spd Smoke — Def Smoke — Savage Blow — Rouse Atk/Spd (Not Yet Released)
(Any A that boosts Spd or Atk Spd) — Heavy Blade

I am well aware of Chrom's speed potential, however I had a look on Gamepress and kind of wanted to go with the more ORKO/OHKO route high attack player/enemy/mixed phase, so Chrom's speed won't be as important for him as it might be as I was thinking of him running vantage for example coupled with brazen Atk/Def so that Chrom gets in first and knocks out quickly thanks to in battle buffs/skills.  I'm likely going to field him with Fallen Berkut (who will easily drop Chrom below full HP without any combat involved - hopefully), but that could also be subject to change since I am not sure about the build.


Also does Warding Stance 3 Sacred Seal stack with Fallen Berkut's Warding Stance 4 A skill, if so would that be an alternative to his res wave sacred seal?

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2 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I am well aware of Chrom's speed potential, however I had a look on Gamepress and kind of wanted to go with the more ORKO/OHKO route high attack player/enemy/mixed phase, so Chrom's speed won't be as important for him as it might be as I was thinking of him running vantage for example coupled with brazen Atk/Def so that Chrom gets in first and knocks out quickly thanks to in battle buffs/skills.  I'm likely going to field him with Fallen Berkut (who will easily drop Chrom below full HP without any combat involved - hopefully), but that could also be subject to change since I am not sure about the build.

I do not recommend Vantage on any unit that cannot reach insanely high Atk. TBK!Chrom has high Atk, but not insanely high Atk. A Counter-Vantage unit needs to reach at least 85 Atk just to have some level or reliability in PvP. In PvE, the Counter-Vantage minimum Atk threshold is even higher due to how bulk every enemy is. In my opinion, Counter-Vantage is at best barely viable on Lunatic, and not viable at all on harder difficulties.

On Lunatic, a lot of units have 80+ bulk just based on raw BST alone, and I do not see the point in giving TBK!Chrom Vantage if he cannot reach 85+ Atk reliably.

2 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Also does Warding Stance 3 Sacred Seal stack with Fallen Berkut's Warding Stance 4 A skill, if so would that be an alternative to his res wave sacred seal?

Bonus buffs do not stack, but everything else should stack unless it says it does not.

Warding Stance Sacred Seal and Darkness Within Berkut's Warding Stance 4 stacks since they are not bonus buffs, and it does not say that it does not stack. Warding Stance Sacred Seal is good.

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What's a good Special for Peony? Even with her Prf, her Res is 27, which seems quite low for Iceberg or Glacies, though I suppose I could give her the Brazen Atk/ Res Seal...are there any better options for Seals too, please?

Also, what are some good units/ archetypes for an AR offence team? For example, I've heard of super tanks and Vantage sweepers, are there any others and what are some good examples of each?

Thanks in advance! (Especially for the second, I understand that it asks for a longer answer than most :/)

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9 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

What's a good Special for Peony? Even with her Prf, her Res is 27, which seems quite low for Iceberg or Glacies, though I suppose I could give her the Brazen Atk/ Res Seal...are there any better options for Seals too, please?

Unless there is a good reason to do otherwise, it is generally always better choose a Special that can activate during every round of combat, or at least as often as possible. Peony is too fast to use 3 cooldown Specials in my opinion. I would run a Moonbow since it is pretty common and cheap.

15 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Also, what are some good units/ archetypes for an AR offence team? For example, I've heard of super tanks and Vantage sweepers, are there any others and what are some good examples of each?

A go to team that you are comfortable using and can almost guarantee you a win (any type of win, does not have to be perfect), but does not necessarily score well. This is more of a strategic concept than a specific tactic or team composition. You can build all 5 offense teams to be scoring teams, but there may be situations where none of your 5 scoring teams are a good answer to. Scoring teams have more limited tactical options since they generally include at least 2 Mythics and 1 bonus unit who are not going to contribute very much in combat. Having a go to team that can at least guarantee you a win most of the time means you are at least going home with a little Lift even if only one unit survives.

Regular Player Phase teams: 3 different types of nukes and 2 Dancers/Singers. This is my go to team. You want to use different types of nukes so you will have different tactical options available. I use Firesweep (Brave Heroes Lyn), Galeforce (Cordelia), and raw damage (Laevatein) nukes. Laevatein also doubles as a Counter-Vantage unit.

Armor Galeforcer team: This team is usually built as a counter to cav line. It might be useful against other defense teams too, but I am not too familiar with this team type to say for sure. It utilizes a really bulky armor unit, generally Caineghis, and you Smite him over the walls so he can wreck havoc against ranged cavalry enemies who are not going to do much damage against him.

Galeforce-Wings of Mercy team: Same idea as 1 Turn clear teams in PvE. This is the best answer to Infantry Pulse teams in my opinion. A well built Infantry Pulse team will generally have no issue shutting down supertanks, due to the variety of ways they can deal a shit load of damage. There is no way a supertank can be built and be supported with enough stats to answer to Blazing mages, Glacies mages, Alm: Saint King, and Effective Weapon users; even if you can make a super tank that can answer to each of them individually, the damage output is insane when combined and there is no way any type of tank has enough bulk to tank them all at once.

Pain-Savage Blow-Savage Blow unit: This is used to quickly deal a ton of damage to Ward Armor teams.

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36 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

What's a good Special for Peony? Even with her Prf, her Res is 27, which seems quite low for Iceberg or Glacies, though I suppose I could give her the Brazen Atk/ Res Seal...are there any better options for Seals too, please?

You literally cannot go wrong with Moonbow if you're ever in doubt.

For Sacred Seals, fliers have mobility options like Guidance and Flier Guidance to help your team get around or Flier Formation to move your unit around more freely. If you need something for combat, there is Darting Blow and Sturdy Blow for offensive builds. Dancers are also decent units to run Chill skills, and if you're running a mixed team, Tactic skills can also be useful.


39 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Also, what are some good units/ archetypes for an AR offence team? For example, I've heard of super tanks and Vantage sweepers, are there any others and what are some good examples of each?

The three big archetypes are super tanking, Vantage sweeping, and Galeforce sweeping. In general, it's best to use a play style that you're comfortable with, though it doesn't hurt to practice with the others for cases where one team composition simply won't cut it.

Super tank

This team archetype typically consists of 1 tank, 2 support units, and 2 Mythic Heroes for scoring and stat boosts.

The tank needs to have extremely high defensive stats and be able to take multiple rounds of combat on a single enemy phase as well as kill most of the things that touch it on the counterattack. Brave Ike is rather popular due to Urvan's refine effect, but this can also be done with many armors. I personally use Winter Fae and Caineghis since both have access to Distant Counter on their weapon and can therefore run Distant Def 4 in their A slot as well as Nagi, who resists Ophelia and Alm and can kill them in one hit on the counterattack with a guaranteed Bonfire/Iceberg.

The support units depend on who you're using as a tank. Double male Corrin is one of the best options, but can be somewhat expensive to build since you need to refine both of their Yatos and build an Ally Support with them and your tank. Clive or Mathilda (two of one or two of the other, but not one of each since your tank cannot support both of them at once) can also do this role if your tank is cavalry, but cavalry tanks require more resources to build. Alternatively, Legendary Azura (mobility and simple buffs), Legendary Eliwood (strong buffs), and Kaden (strong buffs) can also be used for support, and a staff unit can be helpful if you need to heal in between enemy phases.

Alternatively, if your tank is comfortable with only one dedicated support unit, you can use one of the support slots for a player-phase clean-up unit.

Typically, you want your Mythic Heroes to give Res in order to lower the damage you receive from Ophelia, but since we don't have an Astra-Res Mythic Hero yet, I'd favor Naga over Altina on Astra season for this team archetype.

The play style is simply buff up your tank and walk them into enemy range. You normally want to make sure your support units are 2 spaces behind your tank so that they don't accidentally get sniped by a danced or teleporting ranged unit.

Vantage sweep

This team archetype typically consists of 1 unit with Distant/Close Counter and Vantage as well as extremely high effective Atk, 2 support units, and 2 Mythic Heroes.

The simplest Vantage unit to use is Ares, who has Special Spiral on his weapon and can run Vantage in his B slot, allowing him to land Bonfire on enemies before they can attack. Kronya has Vantage on her weapon and can run Special Spiral in her B slot to do pretty much the same, but has much lower Atk to pull this off. You can also run Litrblade units, like Hubert or Laevatein, who don't have to rely on a Special to land the kill. Jaffar can be used if the opponent does not have a Healing Tower since his ability to sweep is tied to dealing as much splash damage as possible to weaken enemies to one-hit kill range, and bow units can be used against teams consisting mostly of fliers.

Support units typically should either be units that buff your sweeper, can snipe troublesome enemies, or can clean up after the sweeper has cleared most of the map.

For Mythic Hero choices, you typically want to favor boosting Atk for this team composition. If you're using Eir, remove Sparkling Boost so that you don't heal your sweeper out of Vantage range.

The play style involves using whatever method you can to activate Vantage (for non-Kronya units, that usually involves engaging in combat or stepping on a Bolt Trap), then planting your sweeper somewhere where they will clear out as many enemies as possible without dying.

If you see the enemy has Hardy Bearing (or one of the several weapons that have Hardy Bearing built in), you want those units eliminated first before moving your sweeper in (this is where snipers come in). If you cannot do so, it's best to just use a different team instead.

Also, if you see that the enemy is using extremely bulky units, you might not be able to kill them in a single hit from your Vantage sweeper and probably shouldn't use the team in that case, either.

Galeforce sweep

This team composition is pretty self-explanatory. You want 2-3 Galeforce units, a dancer if you only have 2 Galeforcers, and 2 Mythic Heroes. Even better if your Mythic Heroes can also Galeforce, but it's difficult to set up that many units on a single team that can guarantee activating Galeforce on their first round of combat.

Your Galeforce units should have some means of guaranteeing that they will activate Galeforce in one round of combat as well as some means of reaching the enemy.

Cavalry and beast fliers typically shouldn't have many issues reaching the enemy, but other unit types may want to run Wings of Mercy and rely on a teammate with low defenses to take damage, letting them teleport into enemy lines. If you're running a dancer, they should typically have Wings of Mercy for the same reason. There are a lot of ways to approach this, and it mostly just takes practice getting used to the play style.

The goal is to eliminate most of the enemy team in a single turn with the remaining enemy units either stuck unable to attack or only able to attack units that will survive combat.

Mythic Hero choices here are kind of complicated. Boosting Atk is nice if you're using units like Caeda and Clair who have low Atk stats, but can be detrimental if you end up killing the enemy in a single hit, causing you to fail to activate Galeforce.

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@XRay @Ice Dragon Thank you both so much!

Peony's Acrobatics already push her towards mixed teams, so I'll try and give her a Seal to match 🙂

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Brave Ike is rather popular due to Urvan's refine effect

I assume this is with the DC/ Null C-Disrupt/ Brave Lucina build? (And that all super tanks need DC/ CC to work..?) My Ike is -Res (so has 17), is that enough to tank Ophelia?

I'm pretty happy with my Astra core, even if it isn't super efficient (Naga, Altina, Nagi + 2 units for colour coverage/ support) so it's the Light team I'm most worried about. So far I'm thinking of having a supertank team and a Galeforce team:

Supertank: Eir, Peony, B!Ike, B!Lucina, Support/ Bonus Unit.

Galeforce: Eir, Peony, Duo Ephraim, OG!Eliwood (with Blazing Durandal), Support/ Bonus Unit.

Does that sound good, or should I do something else? Same goes for the Astra team, if I'm honest.

Thanks again!

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@DefyingFates As an addon to what Ice Dragon said.

In the support role for Super Tanks and Vantage Sweepers Brave Lucina can work pretty well if the unit that is doing the tanking/vantaging is a sword/lance/axe/dagger/bow/beast unit. +3 to all stats and Special Cooldown charge + 1 is pretty handy.

For Vantage sweepers there are also any of the dual-phase brave wielders. Altina being the big recent example who happens to fill the mythic slot so it can let you use more support units than is usual for a vantage sweeper.

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1 minute ago, Usana said:

@DefyingFates As an addon to what Ice Dragon said.

In the support role for Super Tanks and Vantage Sweepers Brave Lucina can work pretty well if the unit that is doing the tanking/vantaging is a sword/lance/axe/dagger/bow/beast unit. +3 to all stats and Special Cooldown charge + 1 is pretty handy.

For Vantage sweepers there are also any of the dual-phase brave wielders. Altina being the big recent example who happens to fill the mythic slot so it can let you use more support units than is usual for a vantage sweeper.

Thanks! I assume it's best for all Super Tanks to have DC or CC? I was thinking of using W!Cecilia, but I don't have any CC fodder...

And yes, Altina was a godsend (fittingly enough) for people like me who never invested much into AR until recently 😛

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@DefyingFates I have heard of people managing without DC/CC, but failing to kill something that attacks you often leads to dancing and that can lead to enemies running around and hitting squishier teammates. Doable, but you need to be good at map control. Some maps make this easy, others make it hard. Personally I would always have DC on my tanks, unless they can't KO anyways(then it is better to not counter so as not to activate Wings of Mercy). Close counter is a bit less needed since most of the big threats are ranged. In addition not having Close Counter can mess with defense teams that have a galeforce unit that relies on you countering to activate galeforce either through special charging or wings of mercy dancing.

So W!Cecilia is probably best with CC, but compared to say Donnel she works much better without all range countering than he would. This is simply due to what type of threats you face in AR.

Regarding your -RES Ike. He will have -8 res compared to mine due to the bane and the fact that you are looking to run one Eir instead of the two I run. I am not sure, I think it is still enough for most Ophelias, but I do lose mine to mages from time to time. Though I am curious. Did you fodder off the free neutral one from the Heroes Path Quests? Neutral is one of his better options.

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