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Just managed to summon Lysithea. Do you think she is worth using? She is a god tier magic user in three houses. And probably my favorite character from that game after Edelgard. 

She seems to be a glass cannon here too.

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Her default kit will assume that you can blow into oblivion low-Res enemies, so by itself, she's pretty okay. The trouble there comes when she gets even the slightest bit of opposition--her defenses are wafer-thin.

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So my FEH account unlinked itself from my Nintendo one and I can't link it back because my Nintendo account is still considered linked to *a* FEH account. I've submitted an enquiry with my Nintendo email and FEH Friend Code, but has this happened to anyone else? I can still play normally, it's just the inability to back the game up that worries me.

This happened after a week's use with bad internet, so that may have done something. Hopefully this is just a weird glitch and nothing's actually happened...

Thanks in advance, all!

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28 minutes ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

Just managed to summon Lysithea. Do you think she is worth using? She is a god tier magic user in three houses. And probably my favorite character from that game after Edelgard. 

She seems to be a glass cannon here too.

She is good. Just put Reposition and Swift Sparrow Sacred Seal on her and she is good to go.

19 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

Her default kit will assume that you can blow into oblivion low-Res enemies, so by itself, she's pretty okay. The trouble there comes when she gets even the slightest bit of opposition--her defenses are wafer-thin.

Her bulk does not really matter if the enemy dies in one hit.


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1 hour ago, Karimlan said:

Her default kit will assume that you can blow into oblivion low-Res enemies, so by itself, she's pretty okay. The trouble there comes when she gets even the slightest bit of opposition--her defenses are wafer-thin.

I could always put her behind the Flame Emperor, they coyld absorb hits while Lysithea atracks from 2 squares away

Edit. By the way, my Lysithea apparently has a flaw in attack and a bonus to res, is this bad? She seems to always oneshot despite the flaw. 

Also got quick riposte and atk smoke for the Flame Emperor. Is quick riposte superior to.wary fighter?

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1 hour ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

Also got quick riposte and atk smoke for the Flame Emperor. Is quick riposte superior to.wary fighter?

Quick Riposte is generally better. However, I do not recommend giving it to the Flame Emperor since she is an armor unit, and armor units have a better version of Quick Riposte called Vengeful Fighter. You can give the Flame Emperor Quick Riposte Sacred Seal in the meantime while you wait for Vengeful Fighter, and you can give Quick Riposte to another non-armor unit.

1 hour ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

I could always put her behind the Flame Emperor, they coyld absorb hits while Lysithea atracks from 2 squares away

Should be fine in maps without a lot of ranged enemies, but in higher difficulty maps, that tactic would not work as ranged enemies will ignore the Flame Emperor and snipe at Lysithea.

For higher difficulty maps, you generally want to avoid mixing Player Phase and Enemy Phase units together as they require different support. It is generally more efficient and easier to go all Player Phase or all Enemy Phase on a team instead of mixing the two play styles together.

1 hour ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

Edit. By the way, my Lysithea apparently has a flaw in attack and a bonus to res, is this bad? She seems to always oneshot despite the flaw. 

That Flaw is bad, but Lysithea should still be usable. Once you give her a merge, the Flaw will disappear, so I would not worry too much about it.

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19 minutes ago, XRay said:

Quick Riposte is generally better. However, I do not recommend giving it to the Flame Emperor since she is an armor unit, and armor units have a better version of Quick Riposte called Vengeful Fighter. You can give the Flame Emperor Quick Riposte Sacred Seal in the meantime while you wait for Vengeful Fighter, and you can give Quick Riposte to another non-armor unit.

Should be fine in maps without a lot of ranged enemies, but in higher difficulty maps, that tactic would not work as ranged enemies will ignore the Flame Emperor and snipe at Lysithea.

For higher difficulty maps, you generally want to avoid mixing Player Phase and Enemy Phase units together as they require different support. It is generally more efficient and easier to go all Player Phase or all Enemy Phase on a team instead of mixing the two play styles together.

That Flaw is bad, but Lysithea should still be usable. Once you give her a merge, the Flaw will disappear, so I would not worry too much about it.

If I ever get a second Lysithea, not sure how likely that is. But even with that flaw she nearly always kills

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1 hour ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

If I ever get a second Lysithea, not sure how likely that is. But even with that flaw she nearly always kills

She should be fine for now, but enemies will have much higher bulk in later maps.

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So I got a +Atk/-Spd Greil and...as much as I am struggling with the fact that on one hand that's near perfect IVs for him, yet on the other...I'm not going to use him and he has some premium fodder, (armour march, fury 4) which I think would go better on a unit whom I'm more likely to use (F!Morgan, my +Spd Male Morgan who I'm building up, one of my armours who would want armour march etc). So what do I do?  I know I won't be pulling for another copy, might not end up even using him so I really don't know...

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9 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So I got a +Atk/-Spd Greil and...as much as I am struggling with the fact that on one hand that's near perfect IVs for him, yet on the other...I'm not going to use him and he has some premium fodder, (armour march, fury 4) which I think would go better on a unit whom I'm more likely to use (F!Morgan, my +Spd Male Morgan who I'm building up, one of my armours who would want armour march etc). So what do I do?  I know I won't be pulling for another copy, might not end up even using him so I really don't know...

Fury 4 is really good on a Player Phase unit, but also really unnecessary. Life and Death 3 is still better for damage output, and its Atk/Spd+1 over Fury 3 is a really minor improvement that might not make much of a noticeable difference. Player Phase units can generally make do with Fury 3 or Life and Death 3, and with Brazen Atk/Spd and Swift Sparrow available as Sacred Seals, they are even less reliant on premium A skills now than before.

If you want to fodder him, I would prioritize Armor March over Fury 4. But when you pass on Armor March, you might as well pass on Fury 4 cause it does not hurt and it might help with scoring if you ever a need an armor unit for that purpose.

I would personally keep him. I keep all my armor units despite not touching most of them. I never know when I might need to use them. If you do plan to use him though, you may want to take off Fury so he does not die a prematurely from the recoil damage.

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So super janky question, can OG Ike make use of Fierce Breath instead of Heavy Blade? I feel like HB doesn't quite help as much as a Breath Skill would given his weapon is designed for EP builds but I don't want to sack my Vanguard or Brave Ike. Please do not question the fact that I am more willing to sack Legendary Tiki than any version of Ike.

Second super janky question, can Fjorm work with builds other than her base kit? I kind of want to try other things with her but I'm not sure what direction she might be able to make work.

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47 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

So super janky question, can OG Ike make use of Fierce Breath instead of Heavy Blade? I feel like HB doesn't quite help as much as a Breath Skill would given his weapon is designed for EP builds but I don't want to sack my Vanguard or Brave Ike. Please do not question the fact that I am more willing to sack Legendary Tiki than any version of Ike.

The only unit who really wants Fierce Breath is Altina, but she cannot use it cause she flies.

Fierce Breath is not horrible, but Steady Breath, Warding Breath, and Darting Breath (whenever it gets released) are all better than Fierce Breath in my opinion. Since activating a stronger Special is essentially an Atk boost, all Breaths are basically some form of Atk/Stat Stance. Fierce Breath is basically Atk/Atk Stance, or super Fierce Stance.

Fierce Breath is in a similar position to Atk/Spd Push. It is not a horrible vanilla skill if the unit has it, but it is not a great skill to pass on when there are better premium options available. At least Atk/Spd Push has healers who want it, but the only unit who wants Fierce Breath cannot use it due to movement type restrictions.

47 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Second super janky question, can Fjorm work with builds other than her base kit? I kind of want to try other things with her but I'm not sure what direction she might be able to make work.

I am pretty sure most players who use her generally do not use her basekit that much. It is not horrible, but it is far from optimal. She is no different from other Enemy Phase units and she wants to run the same thing as everyone else.

Spd Tank/Super Tank:
Reposition — Swap
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky — Ignis (with BH!Lucina support) — Glacies (with BH!Lucina support)
Steady Stance
Lull Atk/Spd
Atk Smoke — Pulse Smoke
Quick Riposte — Swift Stance
This is the best general purpose build in my opinion. Got balanced bulk, prevents Specials, shuts down offensive buffs, and can avoid a lot of doubles. If you run BH!Lucina, she can even run Ignis/Glacies.

Res Tank:
Reposition — Swap
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
Mirror Stance
Lull Atk/Def
Atk Smoke — Pulse Smoke
Quick Riposte

Blazing Tank:
Reposition — Swap
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
Fort Def/Res
Lull Atk/Spd
Atk Smoke — Pulse Smoke
Fortress Res

Edited by XRay
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41 minutes ago, XRay said:

The only unit who really wants Fierce Breath is Altina, but she cannot use it cause she flies.

Fierce Breath is not horrible, but Steady Breath, Warding Breath, and Darting Breath (whenever it gets released) are all better than Fierce Breath in my opinion. Since activating a stronger Special is essentially an Atk boost, all Breaths are basically some form of Atk/Stat Stance. Fierce Breath is basically Atk/Atk Stance, or super Fierce Stance.

Fierce Breath is in a similar position to Atk/Spd Push. It is not a horrible vanilla skill if the unit has it, but it is not a great skill to pass on when there are better premium options available. At least Atk/Spd Push has healers who want it, but the only unit who wants Fierce Breath cannot use it due to movement type restrictions.

I am pretty sure most players who use her generally do not use her basekit that much. It is not horrible, but it is far from optimal. She is no different from other Enemy Phase units and she wants to run the same thing as everyone else.

Spd Tank/Super Tank:
Reposition — Swap
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky — Ignis (with BH!Lucina support) — Glacies (with BH!Lucina support)
Steady Stance
Lull Atk/Spd
Atk Smoke — Pulse Smoke
Quick Riposte — Swift Stance
This is the best general purpose build in my opinion. Got balanced bulk, prevents Specials, shuts down offensive buffs, and can avoid a lot of doubles. If you run BH!Lucina, she can even run Ignis/Glacies.

Res Tank:
Reposition — Swap
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
Mirror Stance
Lull Atk/Def
Atk Smoke — Pulse Smoke
Quick Riposte

Blazing Tank:
Reposition — Swap
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
Fort Def/Res
Lull Atk/Spd
Atk Smoke — Pulse Smoke
Fortress Res

Sweet, thanks. The main reason I was asking about OG Ike is because ultimately I want all four Ikes with all four Breaths, and I was trying to figure out if OG Ike would be the Fierce or Darting one. Fjorm's good to know also, I think mine's +DEF though and I don't have any Lull Skills or Pulse Smoke but it's good to have an idea of what to look for with my pulls now, thanks!

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6 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Sweet, thanks. The main reason I was asking about OG Ike is because ultimately I want all four Ikes with all four Breaths, and I was trying to figure out if OG Ike would be the Fierce or Darting one.

If you want all four Ikes with all four different Breath skills as a meme team, I would put Fierce Stance on GD!Ike since he is an armor unit and probably will see the least amount of combat due to his poor mobility.

9 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Fjorm's good to know also, I think mine's +DEF though and I don't have any Lull Skills or Pulse Smoke but it's good to have an idea of what to look for with my pulls now, thanks!

You can start building towards any of the other Enemy Phase unit now and just switch the nature over to +Spd or +Res whenever you get the right nature.

SImilarly for skills, Steady Stance is available from Reyson, Fortress Def is available form Seth, and Mirror Stance is available form Silvia, so you can give her those skills while you wait for the Tier 4 version to appear. She will have to learn one of those skills anyways.

For the B slot, Dull Ranged is pretty cheap so you can use that until you get Lull Atk/Spd.

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9 hours ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

If I ever get a second Lysithea, not sure how likely that is. But even with that flaw she nearly always kills

Flaws are worth only 3-4 points in a stat, which is usually not enough to make or break a unit that already has a massive neutral value in a stat.


3 hours ago, XRay said:

If you want all four Ikes with all four different Breath skills as a meme team, I would put Fierce Stance on GD!Ike since he is an armor unit and probably will see the least amount of combat due to his poor mobility.

@SoulWeaver Valentine Ike would rather have Darting Breath due to his high Spd stat.

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4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

@SoulWeaver Valentine Ike would rather have Darting Breath due to his high Spd stat.

Except for BH!Ike, all the Ikes want Darting Breath.

The issue with GD!Ike on a meme team is that he already has mobility issues so getting him in and out of combat is going to be a problem. If he is not going to face much combat, it is better to give the better Breath skill to regular Ike since he is more likely to face combat.

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4 hours ago, XRay said:

Except for BH!Ike, all the Ikes want Darting Breath.

The issue with GD!Ike on a meme team is that he already has mobility issues so getting him in and out of combat is going to be a problem. If he is not going to face much combat, it is better to give the better Breath skill to regular Ike since he is more likely to face combat.

Valentine Ike has the best case for stacking Spd with Darting Breath and a Spd-boosting Sacred Seal due to having the highest Spd, and his mobility can be made up for with Reposition on the other 3 units and Pivot or Swap on himself.

Alternatively, Valentine Ike has more than enough stats to sacrifice his Sacred Seal to run Armored Boots.

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1 hour ago, FoxyGrandpa said:

Does Resplendent Ike have a niche or is he still outclassed? How much do the stat buffs to his speed, def, and res improve his magic tanking potential?

He's basically only slightly better than Legendary Ike in terms of raw stats, having +3/+1/+3/-1/-1 compared to Legendary Ike. If you have experience using Legendary Ike, Resplendent Ike has pretty much the exact same bulk, both physical and magical.

For Aether builds, Legendary Ike is still better due to having the superior Radiant Aether, but for builds using any other Special skill, Resplendent Ike is slightly better, assuming they have the same nature and merges.

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1 hour ago, FoxyGrandpa said:

Does Resplendent Ike have a niche or is he still outclassed?

Outclassed, but usable, just like most sword units or any unit. He can be a super tank just fine in Aether Raids, just be realistic with your expectations and do not expect him to tank the best nukes. If my Sharena can be a super tank, there is no reason why Ike cannot be one. Blue nukes are pretty common though, so watch out.

1 hour ago, FoxyGrandpa said:

How much do the stat buffs to his speed, def, and res improve his magic tanking potential?

If you want a cheap magic tank, look elsewhere.

As a super tank with proper stat stacking, it is not super noticeable in one round of combat, but it is definitely noticeable over multiple rounds of combat. He should handle QOV!Celica and SK!Alm just fine.

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I need help building my +Speed Ferdinand.  So far I have two kinds of builds in mind for him, sort of budget but might have to change if I get the fodder.



Vangard Lance+ (Spd/Def/Res refine)



Steady Stance/Steady Posture

Quick Reposte/(Insert decent B Skill here when I get the fodder for it)

Native C Skill


Brave Lance +



Life and Death/Fury


Native C skill/Savage Blow 3


And with both builds I'm thinking an S Seal that will boost Atk/Def/Res.


Viable or not worthwhile?

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6 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:


Vangard Lance+ (Spd/Def/Res refine)



Steady Stance/Steady Posture

Quick Reposte/(Insert decent B Skill here when I get the fodder for it)

Native C Skill

Looks good. I would go with Spd Refine and run Steady Posture on A slot and Sacred Seal slot, and upgrade to Steady Posture 3 whenever you get it.

For be the B slot, Lull Atk/Spd would be best once you get it, and then you will want to move Quick Riposte to the Sacred Seal slot.

As an alternative option to Vanguard Lance, you can also run Slaying Lance. It will drop his Def, but it will improve his damage output with Bonfire. Dropping 7 Def is not great, but since he is a Spd tank and can avoid a lot of doubles, dropping 7 Def is not as detrimental on a Spd/Def tank compared to a slow Def tank.

7 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:


Brave Lance +



Life and Death/Fury


Native C skill/Savage Blow 3

You want to switch the Special to Luna for higher damage output. Since fast Brave units can quad, activating Luna should not too difficult.

I recommend Brazen Atk/Spd, Swift Sparrow, or Atk/Spd 2 on the Sacred Seal slot. Brazen Atk/Spd is best in my opinion since it gives the most Atk/Spd, although you do have to set it up your HP range first.

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3rd Quan pitybreaker.The game really wants me to use him it seems, I have one with +attack, +speed, and +def. So i'm tempted to actually build him. (Plus he was my mvp last hall of forms, so my interest in building him has increased quite a bit)

So, best base for him out of those 3? Also some premium skills I have lying around include threaten atk/spd 3,  brazen atk/spd 4. So I could give those both to him.

Got a summer wolt off that seasonal banner not to long ago, and have a brave Alm from the aniversarry banners who i'm most likely never going to use (Already have tons of other good inf swordies)

Edited by Faellin
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1 hour ago, Faellin said:

3rd Quan pitybreaker.The game really wants me to use him it seems, I have one with +attack, +speed, and +def. So i'm tempted to actually build him. (Plus he was my mvp last hall of forms, so my interest in building him has increased quite a bit)

I would turn him into a Enemy Phase Def tank or Player Phase Brave nuke.

Def Tank:
Slaying Lance — Vanguard
Def Refinement
Reposition — Swap
Bonfire (Slaying Lance) — Moonbow (Vanguard) — Ruptured Sky (Vanguard)
Sturdy Stance (Tier 4 not out yet)
Lull Atk/Def — Quick Riposte
(Any C) — Atk Smoke
Quick Riposte — Steady Stance — Close Def — Sturdy Stance (not yet released)
Make sure Quick Riposte is on either on the B slot or Sacred Seal slot.

Brave Nuke:
Brave Lance
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
Death Blow
Lull Atk/Def
(Any C)
Sturdy Blow — Heavy Blade — Death Blow (not yet released)

2 hours ago, Faellin said:

So, best base for him out of those 3? Also some premium skills I have lying around include threaten atk/spd 3,  brazen atk/spd 4. So I could give those both to him.

Got a summer wolt off that seasonal banner not to long ago, and have a brave Alm from the aniversarry banners who i'm most likely never going to use (Already have tons of other good inf swordies)

Threaten is too slow in my opinion. Threaten does not work until AFTER the enemy has entered the tanks range and attacked the tank, and if the tank was built properly, the enemy should be dead after combat, so Threaten has basically done nothing. You can use it against melee enemies and bait them into being 2 spaces away, but that is not always possible since you may need to hold a specific chokepoint and you might not just be able to retreat one space whenever you want to. Threaten Atk/Spd is also for Spd tanks; Quan wants Threaten Atk/Def, which is not released yet.

Atk Smoke is slow too, but it is faster in that any enemies that attacks after the first enemy in the same turn will be debuffed.

Brazen Atk/Spd 4 would be best on a fast Desperation nuke. Celica would definitely appreciate it, as she can run Brazen Atk/Spd 10 (special Refinement, Brazen Atk/Spd 4 on A slot, Brazen Atk/Spd 3 on Sacred Seal slot). Quan is not that fast, and while he can sort of run a fast Brave build, Brazen Atk/Spd is better on someone else who has a decent Spd stat and can take better advantage of the Spd boost.

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20 hours ago, XRay said:

Looks good. I would go with Spd Refine and run Steady Posture on A slot and Sacred Seal slot, and upgrade to Steady Posture 3 whenever you get it.

For be the B slot, Lull Atk/Spd would be best once you get it, and then you will want to move Quick Riposte to the Sacred Seal slot.

As an alternative option to Vanguard Lance, you can also run Slaying Lance. It will drop his Def, but it will improve his damage output with Bonfire. Dropping 7 Def is not great, but since he is a Spd tank and can avoid a lot of doubles, dropping 7 Def is not as detrimental on a Spd/Def tank compared to a slow Def tank.

You want to switch the Special to Luna for higher damage output. Since fast Brave units can quad, activating Luna should not too difficult.

I recommend Brazen Atk/Spd, Swift Sparrow, or Atk/Spd 2 on the Sacred Seal slot. Brazen Atk/Spd is best in my opinion since it gives the most Atk/Spd, although you do have to set it up your HP range first.

Morgan has the Brazen Atk/Speed seal for his Grima's Truth nuke build.  Swift Sparrow 2 is on Empty Vessel Takumi for his desperation/fury build, and Lucy has Atk/Spd 2 for her build which has her at 45 base speed (without dragonflowers).  Are there any compromises I can utilise instead?

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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