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13 minutes ago, XRay said:

If you plan to keep giving him merges, and especially since he can be 4* special summoned now, I would not bother using Trait Fruits on him and just wait for the right Asset to show up, which is really flexible since it could be anything besides +HP.

For Aether Raids, as a Save tank, any combination besides +HP is good. As a regular super tank though, then I lean towards +Spd/Res.

Outside of Aether Raids, as a Save tank or super tank, then I would go for any combination of +Atk/Def/Res, I personally lean towards +Def/Res. 

If you are using him as a dual phase unit without significant support, I lean towards +Atk/Res.

Honestly, normalized Trait is not that bad either, especially as a Save tank where having the right support matter much more than Assets in my opinion. Normalized gives HP/Atk/Def+1 if I remember correctly, which is not bad. Even +HP technically is not bad either since if you are using a lot of damage reduction, +HP generally contributes more to bulk than +Def/Res would, but if you are using tons of damage reduction already, I am not super concerned about HP anymore and I would focus more on trying to wall nukes off.

I use him the most in AR-O. In PVE I don't remember the last time he died, even in Abyssal maps.

My team comps are 4 Mythics, B!Hector with Near Save and A!Fjorm (or L!Tiki) as Far Save.
Astra Season the mythics I use are Elimine, Ashera, Reginn and the bonus Mythic of the week.
Light Season he has Mila, Ash, Eir and the bonus Mythic as supporters.
With 4 Mythics I don't think HP is an issue.

The skills I'm using on him right now are:
Ref Maltet
Sturdy Stance 3 (I'll give him Close Guard 4 when I get it)
Special Fighter
A/D Near Save
Mystic Boost (Sustain)

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3 hours ago, Rinco said:

I use him the most in AR-O. In PVE I don't remember the last time he died, even in Abyssal maps.

For Aether Raids offense, if you plan to go all in on Elimine and run 3 or 4 of her, with the massive Spd boost she will provide, I think it is highly worth it to run +Spd/Res to prevent enemy follow-ups and ensure your own follow-ups from fast foes. If you only plan to use 1 or 2 Elimines, then any combination of +Atk/Spd/Def/Res is fine in my opinion.

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Hey, I pulled a +Spd Micaiah just today, and since I've seen quite a lot of fast Micaiahs in my recent Summoner Duels, I wanted to know if you'd recommend to hold on to my current +Res version or to go for +Spd instead?

Keep in mind that I'm still F2P however, which means that even though Micaiah will be +5 with her latest merge, I won't be able to upgrade her to +10 easily or secure a lot of premium skill fodder for her.

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3 hours ago, Sias said:

Hey, I pulled a +Spd Micaiah just today, and since I've seen quite a lot of fast Micaiahs in my recent Summoner Duels, I wanted to know if you'd recommend to hold on to my current +Res version or to go for +Spd instead?

Keep in mind that I'm still F2P however, which means that even though Micaiah will be +5 with her latest merge, I won't be able to upgrade her to +10 easily or secure a lot of premium skill fodder for her.

Using Florets is also an option if you really like her. If you are using her as a dual phase unit against armors, I recommend +Atk/Spd to deal more damage and to ensure more follow-up attacks. I would not go +Res unless she is mostly doing enemy phase.

For skills, a decent dual phase A skill option would be Atk/Spd Solo. Ogma: Blade on Leave has it during Summer's Dream Focus, so there is still about half a year to save up some Orbs. For B skill in order of ascending cost, Guard, Windsweep, and Null Follow-Up are some decent options off the top of my head. C skill can be anything, but if you ever manage to get some premium options, Fatal Smoke would be really nice.

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3 hours ago, Sias said:

Hey, I pulled a +Spd Micaiah just today, and since I've seen quite a lot of fast Micaiahs in my recent Summoner Duels, I wanted to know if you'd recommend to hold on to my current +Res version or to go for +Spd instead?

Keep in mind that I'm still F2P however, which means that even though Micaiah will be +5 with her latest merge, I won't be able to upgrade her to +10 easily or secure a lot of premium skill fodder for her.

I recommend switching to an Atk Asset once you get one, but in the meantime, +Spd is generally a bit better than +Res.

Thani already gives Micaiah a guaranteed follow-up, and while Micaiah isn't very fast, she's fast enough to outspeed all of the common slow armors that have follow-up prevention even without a Spd Asset, as they typically don't run Spd-boosting skills in their A slot and Sacred Seal.

My recommended F2P build is

Thani [unique]
Moonbow / Iceberg
Death Blow 3 / Swift Sparrow 2
Desperation 3
[Passive C]
Death Blow 3 / Atk/Spd Solo 3 / Swift Sparrow 2 / Blade Session 3

Unlike @XRay's suggestion, I wouldn't bother with Summer Ogma for Atk/Spd Solo. I don't think the additional stats are worth specifically pulling for over Death Blow (Klein) or Swift Sparrow (Luthier), and it's better to just wait for the skill to be released on a more easily accessible unit.

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Is NYO!Peony still worth pulling for? Recently I've been able to do first turn clears on Abyssal maps and Peony seems like a really nice backup option given that she's able to refresh an adjacent ally regardless of their origin in addition to providing a massive +13 Atk in-combat buff. While I have two harmonics in Dorothea and Caeda, I can only use their refreshes on units from those titles and with DR becoming more common on boss characters, situations where my units missing KO's by a few points are cropping up more often. Similarly, there have been cases where I had to use refreshers to finish off the remaining enemy on the map and Peony's stats are still above average for a support unit. Since I've given only the positives, I'd like to hear cases against her and make a more informed decision before pulling. 

Edited by Flying Shogi
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22 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Is NYO!Peony still worth pulling for? Recently I've been able to do first turn clears on Abyssal maps and Peony seems like a really nice backup option given that she's able to refresh an adjacent ally regardless of their origin in addition to providing a massive +13 Atk in-combat buff. While I have two harmonics in Dorothea and Caeda, I can only use their refreshes on units from those titles and with DR becoming more common on boss characters, situations where my units missing KO's by a few points are cropping up more often. Similarly, there have been cases where I had to use refreshers to finish off the remaining enemy on the map and Peony's stats are still above average for a support unit. Since I've given only the positives, I'd like to hear cases against her and make a more informed decision before pulling. 

Well then, some negatives from my experience using her:

  • Her Duo skill can be hard to use in AR-O. Even if you manage to break through the enemies Duo/Harmonic units or destroy their Duo's Hinderance building, the one-tile range makes it slightly harder to take good advantage of. You would need to be using a ranged unit in a tile that lets them target multiple enemies or, easier to accomplish, be using a unit with Canto. This would technically also apply to... any map I guess, but AR maps are always harder to navigate within.
  • Regular Peony is very similar to NY Peony and she was free, albeit minus the Duo skill and a weaker Atk buff. Point is, if all you want is a unit who has Cross Spur Atk in their weapon, regular Peony gets Cross Spur Atk/Spd. The lack of Duo skill of course won't matter in cases where Duo skills are just disabled.
  • Her offensive stats are indeed good for a Dancer, but her defensive stats took a major blow to make up for it. 38 base HP with 18 Def and 23 Res is not fantastic at all, most units easily beat those defenses with a stick/bubble blower.
  • 13 In-combat Atk is nice, but that is if her allies are within 2 spaces of her AND in a cardinal direction from her. That can be tricky to set up if map space is strict.

Overall I think the negatives of Duo Peony can be summed up as "her unique features are limited to units who are able to remain in a cardinal direction from her", because otherwise you're just using a regular flying dancer... one who also grants spectrum +3 and Guidance status, but again regular Peony exists.

I'd still vouch for pulling for her though. Peony is just a unit whose positives are impossible to be enough to deter one from ever being able to say "no, I don't need this unit", especially if you can get Cross Spur Atk onto her for 11 Atk to anyone in a cardinal direction from her. Of the three seasonal fairies, she is easily the best.

Edited by Xenomata
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14 hours ago, Flying Shogi said:

Is NYO!Peony still worth pulling for? Recently I've been able to do first turn clears on Abyssal maps and Peony seems like a really nice backup option given that she's able to refresh an adjacent ally regardless of their origin in addition to providing a massive +13 Atk in-combat buff. While I have two harmonics in Dorothea and Caeda, I can only use their refreshes on units from those titles and with DR becoming more common on boss characters, situations where my units missing KO's by a few points are cropping up more often. Similarly, there have been cases where I had to use refreshers to finish off the remaining enemy on the map and Peony's stats are still above average for a support unit. Since I've given only the positives, I'd like to hear cases against her and make a more informed decision before pulling. 

I hate to play devil's advocate aganst Dancers/Singers, especially against one of the top ones, but if you already have Dorothea: Twilit Harmony, and especially even more so if you have multiple copies of her, Peony: Álfar Dream Duo honestly is not going to offer you much outside of Limited Hero Battles and Resonant Battles.

In my opinion, as @Xenomata has said, her biggest issue is her Duo skill's limited range. Even without game restrictions, due to the limited range, I do not think that is enough of a benefit to offset the range issue.

Or to put it in another way, despite game restrictions, due to Dorothea: Twilit Harmony having higher range, if you are running multiple copies of her, she has a much easier time to use her Harmonized skill on her other copies instead if it cannot reach the nuke. In contrast, Peony: Álfar Dream Duo has a much more difficult time using her own Duo skill, not only on the nuke, but also on any other Dancer/Singer on the team.

Additionally, due to Dorothea: Twilit Harmony coming from Geneology of the Holy War and Three Houses, she maintains access to all the key tactical units for Aether Raids player phase teams: Leif: Destined Scions is the best Galeforcer; Yuri is probably the best hit-and-run nuke; Marianne: Serene Adherent is the only pseudo Dancer/Singer that ignores Isolation. Unlike raw damage nukes and Firesweepers that are easily replaceable, these three units are either not replaceable or their substitutes have major flaws. Yuri is irreplaceable. For Leif: Destined Scions, Lyn: Ninja-Friend Duo and Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act are neutered by Duo's Hinderance, can only Galeforce once, and defionitely stomach counter attacks anywhere close to his level. For Marianne: Serene Adherent, her closest competition would be Galeforcing Dancers/Singers, but they cannot stomach counter attacks as well; Duo/Harmonized Dancers/Singers can only use their Duo/Harmonzed skill once, and they also get shut down by Duo's Hinderance; and Lucina: Glorious Archer and Chrom: Crowned Exalt can move allies, but cannot grant an extra action

Peony: Álfar Dream Duo is a nice-to-have unit if you have better Dancers/Singers. In my opinion, the "must have" Dancers/Singers are:
- Azura: Vallite Songstress (best general purpose Dancer/Singer; fliers have very few placement restrictions)
- Azura: Hatari Duet (second best general purpose Dancer/Singer; with Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act, makes for a decent Aether Raids Galeforce team)
- Dorothea: Twilit Harmony (combines debuffer and Dancer/Singer into one unit; with Leif: Destined Scions, makes the best Aether Raids Galeforce team)

If your wallet is free to spend, I recommend getting one or two copies of Peony: Álfar Dream Duo for Arena Assault, Resonant Battles, and Limited Hero Battles just to make your life easier. If your wallet is tight and you have only one or no copy of Dorothea: Twilit Harmony, I would save Orbs and priotize getting two copies of Dorothea: Twilit Harmony first; I personally have four, two for each season, but you can save some Orbs and just lock your Aether Raids offense teams so you only need two.

Edited by XRay
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@Xenomata @XRay 

Thank you for your inputs. I've decided to not pull for her. While she's on the higher end of the nice-to-have pile, my orb budget is a little bit tight given the schedule for units I want more.

On 1/30/2022 at 10:55 PM, Xenomata said:

Her Duo skill can be hard to use in AR-O. Even if you manage to break through the enemies Duo/Harmonic units or destroy their Duo's Hinderance building, the one-tile range makes it slightly harder to take good advantage of. You would need to be using a ranged unit in a tile that lets them target multiple enemies or, easier to accomplish, be using a unit with Canto. This would technically also apply to... any map I guess, but AR maps are always harder to navigate within.


On 1/31/2022 at 1:20 PM, XRay said:

In my opinion, as @Xenomata has said, her biggest issue is her Duo skill's limited range. Even without game restrictions, due to the limited range, I do not think that is enough of a benefit to offset the range issue.

I think this was my biggest concern. I forgot about the 1 range restriction and that's the biggest strike against her given the desired ally needs to be adjacent to her when 2 range is hard to give up. While I don't intend on using her in AR-O and it's not that difficult to have her teleport with WoM such that the refresh via her Duo skill targets the desired ally given her movement type, it's a harsher restriction I have to play around. 

On 1/31/2022 at 1:20 PM, XRay said:

- Azura: Hatari Duet (second best general purpose Dancer/Singer; with Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act, makes for a decent Aether Raids Galeforce team)

Maybe it's her alts have all been more impactful during their time of release but I see this Azura more of a side grade to her legendary version. Yes, native 3 movement is nice but she feels like a nice-to-have if you don't have LH!Azura. I think my biggest qualm is her weapon restricting the visible buffs to +6 and while that's not bad, Prayer Wheel is just a tad better given the flexibility.  

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1 minute ago, Flying Shogi said:

Maybe it's her alts have all been more impactful during their time of release but I see this Azura more of a side grade to her legendary version. Yes, native 3 movement is nice but she feels like a nice-to-have if you don't have LH!Azura. I think my biggest qualm is her weapon restricting the visible buffs to +6 and while that's not bad, Prayer Wheel is just a tad better given the flexibility.  

I actually don't mind it. +7 is currently the highest that Field buffs can be, and it is hard to get onto most units. The only methods that come to mind are-

  • Hone/Fortify stat 4 skills (very strict placement required, as such it cannot be guaranteed that the unit who wants all stat +7 will even have the boost)
  • Defiant skills (I mean... come on)
  • Legendary Female Byleth's Prf C passive (already boosts her two most important stats)

And of the above, the only one that Azura herself can grant is Hone/Fortify stat 4. The closest you can get to having LegAzura grant the same boost as DuoAzura is giving her one of the defensive Dance skills (which will become +5 all stats to whoever she dances) or just using the many existing ways of granting a unit a +6 boost (which kind of ruins the point of comparing the two.) But even then DuoAzura is still able to grant her boost to any ally she is next to regardless of who she actually dances. I know that doesn't SOUND like it'd be that important, but I actually have already been helped greatly by the effect in the Abyssal Hero Battle for Elimine. Plus it frees up the B/C/SS slots for whatever you want to put in them.
Also worth noting is that native 3 movement is great for offensive Cav teams, since now the dancer can keep up with them outside of WoM/ER play.

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1 hour ago, Rinco said:

What is the best build for a Near Save B!Edelgard?
Got pity broken by a Dedue and I'm thinking of foddering him to B!Edel...

Honestly, just dual inheriting his steady stance 3 is probably her best A for near save.

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2 hours ago, Rinco said:

What is the best build for a Near Save B!Edelgard?
Got pity broken by a Dedue and I'm thinking of foddering him to B!Edel...

I lean towards maximixing Def/Res over Atk/Def, but any combination of boosting Atk/Def/Res is fine.

Flower Hauteclere
(Any Assist) — Swap
Aether — Bonfire — Ruptured Sky
(Any Stance that boosts Atk/Def, Atk/Res, or Def/Res)
Black Eagle Rule
(Any Near Save that boosts Atk/Def, Atk/Res, or Def/Res)
Steady Breath — Warding Breath — Mystic Boost

If you are using her manually and are running two or more Flayns/Elimines, her Def would be more than adequate in my opinion, so I would lean towards boosting Atk/Res. If you are using her on Aether Raids defense, then Def/Res would be best to stall the offense team.

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5 hours ago, Rinco said:

What is the best build for a Near Save B!Edelgard?
Got pity broken by a Dedue and I'm thinking of foddering him to B!Edel...

Brave Edelgard [+Atk / +Def / +Res]
Flower Hauteclere
Bonfire / Aether
Sturdy Stance 3 / Bracing Stance 3 / Mirror Stance 3 / Close Def 4 / Svalinn Shield
Black Eagle Rule
A/D Near Save 3 / D/R Near Save 3 / A/R Near Save 3
Close Def 3 / Steady Breath / Mystic Boost 3

For Aether Raids, you should always have a second setup with Svalinn Shield. Edelgard should be a bit harder for Brave Eirika to break through compared to Gustav due to having her damage reduction on the second hit instead of the first, but I don't think it's worth risking taking the effective damage.

I prefer the Atk/Def combinations for Aether Raids because the only common dragons that appear in Aether Raids are Seiros and Duma. Muspell is uncommon, but is really the only dragon that gives green Save tanks any trouble. Sothis also occasionally appears, but she lacks the damage output to be a major threat. If you do want more Res, though, I'd lean towards the Def/Res combos over the Atk/Res combos.

Mystic Boost is stronger than Close Def in the Sacred Seal slot if you have at least one Flayn or Elimine, but only if you survive combat.

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I'll inherit the A and Save skill from Dedue. I need to decide her Special and Seal. Either Bonfire+Steady Breath or Ruptured Sky+Close Def.

I'm planing on using her in Light Season with Eir, Mila and Ash (and the bonus Mythic of the week), so she'll have +10 Res from Eir and a little bit of healing, also some bonus stats from Mila. 

The hardest thing for now will be to get her merges. Mine is only +2, but I think that should work out.

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42 minutes ago, Rinco said:

I'll inherit the A and Save skill from Dedue. I need to decide her Special and Seal. Either Bonfire+Steady Breath or Ruptured Sky+Close Def.

Steady Breath is kind of a waste with Bonfire unless you're consistently going up against enemies with Guard that don't die to normal attacks. Her weapon has the Slaying effect, so she'll normally have it charged by the second attack even if the opponent cannot double. Oh, and I forgot that if you're expecting most enemies to double, you should run Ignis instead of Bonfire.

Ruptured Sky is weaker than Ignis, and I'm not sure it's really worth the cost running over Bonfire, either.

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Just now, Ice Dragon said:

Steady Breath is kind of a waste with Bonfire unless you're consistently going up against enemies with Guard that don't die to normal attacks. Her weapon has the Slaying effect, so she'll normally have it charged by the second attack even if the opponent cannot double. Oh, and I forgot that if you're expecting most enemies to double, you should run Ignis instead of Bonfire.

Ruptured Sky is weaker than Ignis, and I'm not sure it's really worth the cost running over Bonfire, either.

Oh yeah, I forgot she's slow as hell and don't have follow-up negation. Ignis it is.

Another unrelated question:
For a L!Dimitri build focused on Arena using Galeforce, between Atk/Spd Solo and Flashing Blade, which should I use in the A slot and Seal Slot? I have the Tier 4 version of both avaliable for inheritance, so it is between +5 Dmg or +1Atk/Spd. I'm leaning towards A Slot Flashing Blade.

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19 minutes ago, Rinco said:

Another unrelated question:
For a L!Dimitri build focused on Arena using Galeforce, between Atk/Spd Solo and Flashing Blade, which should I use in the A slot and Seal Slot? I have the Tier 4 version of both avaliable for inheritance, so it is between +5 Dmg or +1Atk/Spd. I'm leaning towards A Slot Flashing Blade.

My personal preference is Atk/Spd Solo in the A slot to creep Spd, but it can really go either way. More damage also comes at the risk of killing an opponent in one hit instead of two and preventing your Galeforce from going off, but I don't really have much experience with how much that actually matters in practice because I don't regularly use Galeforce units.

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13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

My personal preference is Atk/Spd Solo in the A slot to creep Spd, but it can really go either way. More damage also comes at the risk of killing an opponent in one hit instead of two and preventing your Galeforce from going off, but I don't really have much experience with how much that actually matters in practice because I don't regularly use Galeforce units.

That's fair. L!Dimitri already has a dmg boosting skill in his B slot, so that could end up complicating things.

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12 hours ago, Rinco said:

I'll inherit the A and Save skill from Dedue. I need to decide her Special and Seal. Either Bonfire+Steady Breath or Ruptured Sky+Close Def.

11 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Steady Breath is kind of a waste with Bonfire unless you're consistently going up against enemies with Guard that don't die to normal attacks. Her weapon has the Slaying effect, so she'll normally have it charged by the second attack even if the opponent cannot double. Oh, and I forgot that if you're expecting most enemies to double, you should run Ignis instead of Bonfire.

Would not double Bonfire be better than a single Ignis though?

You can retaliate immediately with Bonfire in most cases. If they do not die to the first Bonfire, they would probably die to the second. If the enemy runs Guard, you can still trigger one Bonfire.

11 hours ago, Rinco said:

For a L!Dimitri build focused on Arena using Galeforce, between Atk/Spd Solo and Flashing Blade, which should I use in the A slot and Seal Slot? I have the Tier 4 version of both avaliable for inheritance, so it is between +5 Dmg or +1Atk/Spd. I'm leaning towards A Slot Flashing Blade.

I cannot say for certain for Arena, but at least in Aether Raids, due to the extra bulk that everyone has including normally frail units, it is very difficult to kill things in one hit, so I would not worry about doing too much damage in one hit. The only time when killing things in one hit could potentially be an issue is against fliers since I run Leif: Destined Scions, but generally there are other targets I can go after, so it generally is not a big deal.

For Arena, I have not paid attention to how often defense teams uses Legendary Heroes, but if they use them a lot like in Aether Raids, then I would not worry about accidentally killing foes in one hit either. The only Legendary Heroes I notice a lot of are Azura: Vallite Songstress, Lucina: Glorious Archer, and Chrom: Crowned Exalt, although that might be more due to me being more aware and super cautious whenever I see them, whereas if it were any other Legendary Hero, I would not really care nor notice since they do not really pose much of a threat.

For Aether Raids at least, I would go with Flashing Blade on A and maximize Atk in general for extra damage against increased bulk, and since you will have a huge Spd advantage if you bring multiple Peonys/Plumerias, so I would not worry about Spd. For Arena though, I would say maximizing Spd is more important since it is harder to stack Spd with Legendary Heroes. By the same token back to Aether Raids, if you are having trouble stacking Spd and/or not willing to run multiple Peonys/Plumerias, then you might want to focus on Spd more rather than Atk.

Edited by XRay
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6 hours ago, XRay said:

Would not double Bonfire be better than a single Ignis though?

You can retaliate immediately with Bonfire in most cases. If they do not die to the first Bonfire, they would probably die to the second. If the enemy runs Guard, you can still trigger one Bonfire.

My Gustav already one-shots pretty much everything with Ignis (his Ignis cleanly one-shots Legendary Sigurd even if his normal attack does no damage), so I'd rather take the extra +2 Def and +6 Res from Close Def over double Bonfire.

Guard isn't really enough of an issue to matter for me, as I don't run multiple damage reduction supports and have enough damage output elsewhere to take out anything that Gustav doesn't immediately kill. Not relevant here since @Rinco is intending to use Edelgard for Light season, but during Astra season, Thorr already provides the same effect, making Steady Breath redundant.

The one notable advantage of double Bonfire that I can see is that you can potentially kill the opponent before their follow-up attack and avoid a bit of damage that way, but since Edelgard already has 80% damage reduction on follow-up attacks, it doesn't really matter much for her and is more of a consideration for Gustav.

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54 minutes ago, Othin said:

If you mean a third normal type, I don't believe there's any word of it.

yeah, thats what I meant. Thanks.  Hopefully we get announce of them 😞

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