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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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20 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I'm not sure. Even if I did, how are chances that I get one defense win in 6 days and two defense wins in less than 2 hours with the same team on the same maps? 

Last minute arena procrastinators (like me) or last minute Def win gifts after we finally got the score we need (like me).

8 hours ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

Game still won't give me any extra merges for Nino and Eirika.

How do you have a +10 Nowi and not Nino??? I understand Eirika though... Mine is only +8 and I dolphined for her. Too many reds.

I need feathers to build a +10 Nowi to replace my +6 Rein. I am already commited to a +7 Fae so I can't make a +10 Nino for a while (I finally found a -ATK/+SPD one too!)...

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17 minutes ago, Clogon said:

How do you have a +10 Nowi and not Nino??? I understand Eirika though... Mine is only +8 and I dolphined for her. Too many reds.

I need feathers to build a +10 Nowi to replace my +6 Rein. I am already commited to a +7 Fae so I can't make a +10 Nino for a while (I finally found a -ATK/+SPD one too!)...

I honestly have no idea. The gacha's really, really weird with me about mages, though, so that may have something to do with it. It took a couple months for my first Nino to show up. Then I got a big burst of her about 2-3 weeks later and have had trouble getting any extras ever since (the Trashtre Curse is going strong, taking up like 40% of my green pulls the last 3+ months). Meanwhile, Nowi was just steadily showing up here and there. Probably helped that I got a couple of her on focus banners. Funny thing is I got exactly 11 and it's been months since I last pulled one of her, though, so if I'd SIed her off for any reason, I wouldn't have had that +10.

I'd like those Nino merges more than anything, really (for an example of how hard I've favoured Nino, I think I had her merged to +5 before I even started pushing Nowi beyond +1), though I absolutely won't complain if I get Eirika instead.

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Ugh, I really need to quit procrastinating to the final day to do my Arena runs. I dropped down to tier 19 and only got the 700 feather reward for AA. All because I completely forgot about doing it.

It will be easier this week with Dorcas. I should be able to go deathless on just my normal three matches per day. AA will take a bit more work though.

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19 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

Ugh, I really need to quit procrastinating to the final day to do my Arena runs. I dropped down to tier 19 and only got the 700 feather reward for AA. All because I completely forgot about doing it.

It will be easier this week with Dorcas. I should be able to go deathless on just my normal three matches per day. AA will take a bit more work though.

Doesn't help that TTs start today

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I had a lucky night.  A deathless Arena streak on my first try, and a deathless Arena Assault streak on my 2nd try.  Awesooooome~! :D:  This rarely happens to me... 

I had a 720 fight with a scary Cordelia + Spring Camilla combo who kept drawing each other back.  Camilla's attack stat was terrifying (60-something & she had Gronnblade+), and I couldn't get them off the defense tiles.  They were sticking close to a Sheena with DC and 40 Def/40 Res, who also would not leave the defense tiles.  I think I almost lost the fight, but I figured it out in the end.  Honestly, I wouldn't have been mad losing a unit (and surrendering) to that team.  They would have deserved the win.  Luckily, my Laslow saved the day.  :):  

Arena: 5002

Team: Laslow+10, Reinhardt+6, Inigo+4, and Lute+1.

Arena Assault: 5022

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I got a new high score of 4,936! This was accomplished with Tiki, Hector, Cecilia, and Mia. It went surprisingly well, even though I didn't have any blues on my team. Normally I have Reinhardt on the team instead of Hector, but Hector naturally garners a lot more points. The defensive tiles let Tiki take on the reds with pretty minimal damage. I'll probably try to fish for only 706 and higher enemies for the rest of the week--maybe I'll even score high enough to make the cutoff to stay in T20!

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I'm at 4252 points on offense, after a perfect run(7 wins advanced, 0 KOs) using 5* Lucina, and 4* Nino, Corrin!F, and Kagero, at levels 40/40/39/37. After this round, I can make Sharena 5 star, so her massive stat total should push my rank up a decent amount once she's leveled(a whopping 27 stat points at level 40 over my 4 star Corrin, who she would likely take the place of). Currently ranked 14,865, hopefully I don;t drop below 30k, but considering I was ranked below 10000 when I got this score... well hopefully the slipping slows down.

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Does Armour March give you more defense wins?

I've been getting faster defense wins after putting Amelia/Henry with BK and Hector. Which is a relief, but not sure if it depends on the map rotation.

My main even had a surprise defense win with an accidental defense team of BK, Halloween!Henry, Alfonse and Ike. So much red (I meant to swap out Ike for Alfonse but accidentally swapped out Hector)- it's been surprising to get 1 win from a red-heavy setup.

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7 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Does Armour March give you more defense wins?

I've been getting faster defense wins after putting Amelia/Henry with BK and Hector. Which is a relief, but not sure if it depends on the map rotation.

My main even had a surprise defense win with an accidental defense team of BK, Halloween!Henry, Alfonse and Ike. So much red (I meant to swap out Ike for Alfonse but accidentally swapped out Hector)- it's been surprising to get 1 win from a red-heavy setup.

The last month I ran a 3 red/ 1 green team and got many defense wins. Last week only three wins and this week I changed the green unit for Ursula and it doesn't work so far. 

Btw: armor March gave me some defense wins when Amelia was new and I ran her with 2 Hectors. 

Edited by mampfoid
Armor March
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6 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Holy cow, my FE7-themed meme team actually scored a defense win! 584 pts.

Now you have me curious, what team is it? I assume Dorcas is on it?

14 hours ago, mampfoid said:

The last month I ran a 3 red/ 1 green team and got many defense wins. Last week only three wins and this week I changed the green unit for Ursula and it doesn't work so far. 

Btw: armor March gave me some defense wins when Amelia was new and I ran her with 2 Hectors. 

I really wish we could see replays. 

That said, I just got 2 more wins! I guess Double Distant Counter with BK/Ike can be annoying.  Maybe Alfonse just Draws Back one of them or something and Henry walls blue mages too effectively?

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5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Now you have me curious, what team is it? I assume Dorcas is on it?

+Atk/-Spd Dorcas (Swap, Ignis, Deflect Magic 1) (Pretty certain this would be a standard set for our favorite food poisoning victim)

+Atk/-Def Hector (Pivot, Bonfire, Wings of Mercy, Spur Atk 3, Hardy Bearing 1) (Wings of Memes Hector)

5* +Atk/-HP Eliwood (Swap, Draconic Aura, Death Blow 3, Lunge, Speed +3) (Eliwood and his Piercing Durandal)

+2 Brave Lyn (Reposition, Hone Cavalry, Atk Smoke 1) (THE ENEMY! Lyn)

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The score increase of staying in tier 20 thanks to the armor mages and Dorcas has made it harder to score to go back to tier 20, I hope my score of 4862 is going to be enough for now.

I was going to complain about having no defense wins this week but it seems WoM BK was enough to give me 2 defense wins in less than an hour. Nice! 

On AA my score of 4918 is still at top 2k, hopefully it'll be enough to stay at the top 5k.

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This week will be A.Tiki, Sheena, Gwendolyn and Ursula for me. What a strange mix up. I guess I give Blárwolf to Ursula.
Now I have 4,984 Points with this setup in normal Arena. Ursula was a pretty solid addition. :D
It feels good to be in Tier 20 as a f2p one.

And how many Brave Lyns have fallen down to my Adult Tiki.

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Defense Tiles are a wonderful thing.

My Fury 3 Halloween!Henry, with S-support Ward Armour BK takes 0 damage from a Fury 3 Adult Tiki +2 when on a defense tile! To be fair she was hit with Atk Ploy 1 seal, but that 0 damage has saved my butt since I went in with the wrong team (my defense team of triple reds against a dragon team with an Escape Route Lute).

39 Res is a sweet, sweet stat.

Armor March is a lifesaver when trying to escape from units!


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I haven't done any fishing yet, but I have an Arena score of 4932 for a rank of 3782/4432 to stay in Tier 20.

I haven't gotten an deathless Arena Assault yet.  I keep running into bad luck coupled with a lack of motivation to try again after getting my three daily matches.  I don't know if there's a rotation to Assault maps, but I keep getting ad ones this week.

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I had an Arena run worth 4835 (with one death). I figured it would probably be enough to get me back into tier 20, but I didn't want to risk it, so I decided to push myself. Originally, I was using Mia, Merric, Tana, and PA!Azura. Then I switched out Azura for Leon, but I've gotten to the point where I rely too much on having a dancer in the Arena. So I switched Tana and Leon. Did not regret it. My score was only 4908, but I also realized after the fact that Leon hadn't learned Threaten SPD 3. Whoops. It's weird not running a blue, but at the same time, Merric could handle the Black Knight while Mia does pretty well dueling other reds. No defense wins yet. Feels kind of odd. I usually get one within a few days. 

New Team
Mia (+DEF -RES) - Resolute Blade, Reposition, Aether, Flashing Blade 3, Swordbreaker 3, Threaten DEF 3, Phantom SPD 3
Merric+6 (+SPD -RES) - Excalibur, Reposition, Bonfire, Fury 3, Bowbreaker 3, Threaten ATK 3, Deflect Magic 3
PA!Azura+1 (+DEF -ATK) - Urðr, Sing, Moonbow, Triangle Adept 3, Wings of Mercy 3, Drive RES 2, Squad Ace D 3
Leon+2 (+ATK  -HP) - Slaying Bow+, Draw Back, Ignis, Close Counter, Quick Riposte 3, Threaten SPD 3, Close DEF 3

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Wow. That was so much Armor Emblem in this run. And with nice maps. First deathless since time, but this team... Is awesome. 4852 points, 238th at rank 17 actually. Team bellow



B!Ike is so good to tank Green and Blue armors, and my Lute have sufficient attack to OHKO the Black Knight. Seriously, these match was easy enough, I had fun. The most difficult was when encountering three Repositions unit with Elincia with a Guidance Seal.

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