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Jokes and Memes about Heroes

The Geek

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Those "rules for the order of heroes" posts sound fun!

1) Felicia, please stop calling Sigurd "big sis", it's creepy.

2) All Reinhardts must be sacrificed for vantage. Dire Thunder is too OP to allow.

3) Nino, give Cecilia her horse back!

4) On second thoughts, don't. Blade tome horse emblem is the best!

5) Nowi, please stop asking others to play with you. We are soldiers, not children.

6) The above rule is revoked thanks to opposition from Elise, Zephiel, Fae, Nies, Joshua, Odin, Frederick, Nino, and all the seasonal heroes.

7) Masked Lucina, stop using the tempest to cause time paradoxes.

8) Florina, please don't hug others too tightly. Replacing Hector's armour every other minute is expensive!

9) Put the class change seals away! It was a disaster for Lucius, Lachesis and Faye.

10) Dagger users are not to use their knives as knives. Apparently darts deal more damage.

11) Ephraim, stop hogging the weapon refinery. Your sister needs a turn.

12) Faye, just because Celica and Clair are sleeping in a tent does NOT automatically make it a women's tent.

13) Also: Celica, Clair, stop sleeping in Alm's tent. You're giving Faye bad ideas...

14) Ayra, stop hiding behind Eldigan.

15) Kiran's phone is to stop breaking during Hero Fests. We've saved orbs, it would help to be able to spend them.

16) Shanna, please stop taunting the Hoshidans about the voting gauntlets. We've had enough of those shenanigans with Leo.

17) Est, stop flirting with the GHB Heroes.

18) Blue haired pegasus knights, stop flirting with Marth. We can't tell you apart like that!

19) Kiran, please target-summon green. Diredre is tired of doing all the work herself.

20) Alfonse, don't worry about the 2 orbs. You can stay on your bench.

21) Roy, refrain from recruiting child soldiers. It's unethical and also Robin and Corrin's job!

22) Camilla, Corrin cannot use axes and already has an Atk based special. Please stop trying to go to their "skill inheritance".

23) Anyone caught using a defensive special will be immediately benched!

24) Ice mirror doesn't count under rule 23.

25) Anna, please actually go into skill inheritance. We need Vantage.

26) Sakura, stop slacking off during voting gauntlets. We know the sweets are tasty but...

27) Chrom, stop cloning your daughter. 4 versions is quite enough.

28) Heroes with -Atk IVs must wait for a new version of themselves to merge with before going to the arena.

29) The Black Knight is to stop slacking off. We need the SP on you to build Armour Emblem.

30) Ike, stop shouting "begone thot!" at the top of your lungs. We don't even know what a 'Thot' is.

31) If you don't know what a 'thot' is, ask Niles.

32) The above rule is revoked. Don't ask Niles about dirty things.

33) Also, Niles is not allowed to make the next rule.

34) Ohhhh, yes!

35) Niles is banned from making rules.

36) Delthea is invited to join the Armour Emblem team, despite not wearing armour.

37) All skirts must not make it below knee height.


39) Rule 37 is reinstated after objections from the "pervy fanboys" in the Tokyo Mirage Sessions outrealm.

40) If you see an enemy Reinhardt, let Dierdre handle it. DO NOT APPROACH WITHIN 5 SPACES on fear of death.

41) Rule 40 also applies to Brave Lyn, except you have to stab her yourself.

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This is what happened to my Azama after this update, at least it feels that way with Pain+ and 2x Savage blow lol




Also this older meme was never more true lol
Just imagine it with Pain+ and 2x Savage blow


Edited by Hilda
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9 hours ago, Hilda said:

Just imagine it with Pain+ and 2x Savage blow

....I now need to pull another Camilla just for this, that sounds beautiful.

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2 hours ago, Jonnas said:

So, I took a look at the comments for that Tweet of Soeda Ippei. Someone joked it looks like "Vote for Orcas" and he responded with...

-Orcas pic-

...an awesome sense of humour.

The pic to use to describe a player with many Arena-score-heavy units (5*+10, Aether/Galeforce, dual Rallies, unique weapons, 240-300 SP cost passives)

Edited by Roflolxp54
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On 14.12.2017 at 7:12 AM, Vaximillian said:

In an alternate universe, we have a Múspell trio battling the mean Askrans:


this looks better then their original color palette, (with ecxeption of the hair) the gold really meshes well with the darker themed colors then with boring white

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