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I've learned some valuable lessons about this game lately.


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Yeah, I have, starting mainly with the Michalis battle thread. And fully admit to some mistakes I've made that I won't make again. Or at least, I'll try not to anyway.

- While some units do things better than others, each can get the job done anyway if you use them right. There's a "niche" they fill, so to speak.

- You should have a lot of options handy, as some units work better on some maps than others. I just didn't have what was best for the lunatic Michalis map, and it seems that I very well could have if I didn't get rid of some of what I had. And I guess I don't necessarily need a bunch of 4 and 5 stars given that someone's been tackling these maps with just 3 stars.

- Boons and banes don't matter as much as I thought they did. I began thinking they were important because of a 3 star male Robin that wasn't doing good for me at all and had +res/-spd, and then when I got a 4 star male Robin with +res/-HP that performed a lot better...yeah. It seems that even with a bad bane and boon, characters can still do well.

- Even if a unit seems shaky at lv. 20 or so, it doesn't mean they won't be better later. The stat gains aren't completely fixed or anything, so they could get a bunch of bad level ups and then a bunch of good ones to make up for it. I had already kinda noticed this before, but wasn't sure if it was really truly the case. But now I know.

I also can't ditch as many units as I have been, whether I'm sending them home or using them as skill fodder (I've been doing much more of the latter than the former though). Sometimes I'll still get rid of units for their skills, of course (as I'll surely end up with more duplicates and such later), but not as many.

See, SOC/Rey, I can learn things! Maybe we can start getting along better soon now.

Eclipse also made me promise to try using everybody I get on my next pull, so long as they're not duplicates and such. I have to keep that one or else I just look like an ass, I think.

Anything else people can teach me here, I'm all ears. I'm not that good a strategist, no matter how much I try to pay attention to stats and skills and all. This is where being an Aspie kind of hurts, really. It makes it hard to comprehend all this stuff and for my brain, it looks like a mess of confusion. xP

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Just train at least one of every units of 4* to level 40. 

By the time a new GHB comes... you will be more prepare..
Additionally. With more level 40 units => Arena bonus will be easier. Since you have the units prepared.


If you did not get 4* Michalis. Train the 3* to 4* now. and to level 40. I would normally evolve at level 20 for 3*.
Because 99.9% chance Michalis is the bonus for next Arena (In 1-2weeks)


Since you are a RD/PoR fan; Black Knight/Zelgius/Ashnard/Petrine/(that priest guy)/Linveck(maybe) ... will probably be future GHB


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Yeah, I've been training up more units to somewhere over lv. 30, but it's proving challenging. It takes a long time to get one unit to lv. 40, I feel, let alone a lot... I have only four units at lv. 40 total.

I will upgrade the 3 star Michalis to 4 star, but I don't know when, as I also really want 20000 feathers for a 5 star male Robin and 2000 more for a 4 star female Robin.

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Don't be afraid to try out new/weird stuff.  I just pulled a 4* +Spd/-Atk Roy - on paper, this combo looks strange, bordering on awful.  However, it's not as bad as it seems - this brings him pretty close to neutral Eirika, stat-wise.  Thus, I'll either make him an off-tank (someone who is very hard to ORKO), or use him as if I was using Eir, sans Sieglinde.

The best thing about Heroes is that leveling characters is the cheapest thing you can do, and there's no wrong way to gain levels.  Have fun, and good luck~!

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18 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, I've been training up more units to somewhere over lv. 30, but it's proving challenging. It takes a long time to get one unit to lv. 40, I feel, let alone a lot... I have only four units at lv. 40 total.

I will upgrade the 3 star Michalis to 4 star, but I don't know when, as I also really want 20000 feathers for a 5 star male Robin and 2000 more for a 4 star female Robin.

5* will when the time comes..  I dont know when Ike will come. But when he do... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGymX_vUA5I ... follow the following user on how to maximize your chance for a banner unit. That being said. I know these 2000 feathers are really important. My advice is ... train only 4* units. Avoid the 3* until you get more featehrs. If you need more units to train => Dont be afraid to roll for more 4stars units.


Training 4x level 30 to level 40 does take a long time. I would say 1 week using every stamina (except stamina wasted in sleep).
Here's my advice ... since I have about 20 level 40 and another 15 that is level 37 now. 

Train 3 units (close up units) and 1 mage unit at the same time. (2 / 2 mage also works)
The reason is .. your 3 units will eventually meet a unit with REALLY HIGH DEFENCE. This is where you have to position your mage unit correctly.
Starting at level 37... train at 8th stratum everytime. (avoid 9 and 10).
Level 34-35 is the slowest imho.
If you have time and its 1.5x exp event; dont be afraid to use stamina potion. At least some.

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I think I mentioned this in the Michalis thread or somewhere, but what I do is this:

1.Favourite all my units, except the weaker duplicates, regardless of their rarity. I don't care if I love or hate the character, at least one copy remains a "favourite."
2. By sorting the list of units by "favourite," all of your duplicates are shifted to the bottom of the pile in one easy to reach place.

This is most useful for when you are looking for some units to become inherit skill fodder. Inheritance is probably the best thing in the game you can do with your duplicate units. The next best thing would be to merge your allies, then finally the least important thing you can do is send them home for a handful of feathers.

I've got 111 orbs saved right now, and this number will definitely grow before I plan to next blow them all on a new Focus pack. When I do, I'm going to have a bunch of new units and a bunch more duplicates, and they will be sorted and ready for me to improve my "favourite" units.


As for what I would personally do in your situation right now is to actually use 100-120 or so of your saved orbs on a single focus pack. This would literally double your current roster size, and those new units should help cover you for a while as you continue saving your orbs and wait for the real objective (which I assume is Ike). I'm not sure when the next focus pack will be released, but I think in terms of quality units, the focus group "Blattling Michalis" has the overall better units - should you be lucky enough to pull one of them. You probably realise by now that sending your Eirika home was a mistake that you won't make again. It's nice to see you making progress with your mindset towards this game regardless of whether or not you do as I suggest.

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I'm glad to see a lot of things you've learned in regards to the game. I hope you have a lot more fun discussing with others with your newfound knowledge.

As for tips...

40 minutes ago, Ryuke said:

Training 4x level 30 to level 40 does take a long time. I would say 1 week using every stamina (except stamina wasted in sleep).

I've been hoarding stamina potions and I haven't used them at all to train Sophia and Tsubaki to lvl 40. It doesn't take a whole week to train 3 units to lvl 40. They can get to level 30 in one stamina push with dancers.

You just need a dancer to make sure they secure kills and don't die in the higher levels of the training tower so they can keep their exp.

Like if any units should die, it's your level 40s.

Nothing feels worse than getting a level on floor 8 of the training tower for that unit and then having them die and waste that effort and 9 stamina.

And if the weapons aren't favorable in the upper levels... waste 1 stamina on floor 1. It should reset the opponents to something else.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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11 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Don't be afraid to try out new/weird stuff.  I just pulled a 4* +Spd/-Atk Roy - on paper, this combo looks strange, bordering on awful.  However, it's not as bad as it seems - this brings him pretty close to neutral Eirika, stat-wise.  Thus, I'll either make him an off-tank (someone who is very hard to ORKO), or use him as if I was using Eir, sans Sieglinde.

The best thing about Heroes is that leveling characters is the cheapest thing you can do, and there's no wrong way to gain levels.  Have fun, and good luck~!

True, leveling does seem to be the cheapest thing in the game, even if it can be slow at times. Trying new/weird things isn't a bad idea either. I've been making Michalis fight alongside Marth who he hates so much just because it's funny and I want Marth to get more levels as well. lol

36 minutes ago, Ryuke said:

5* will when the time comes..  I dont know when Ike will come. But when he do... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGymX_vUA5I ... follow the following user on how to maximize your chance for a banner unit. That being said. I know these 2000 feathers are really important. My advice is ... train only 4* units. Avoid the 3* until you get more featehrs. If you need more units to train => Dont be afraid to roll for more 4stars units.


Training 4x level 30 to level 40 does take a long time. I would say 1 week using every stamina (except stamina wasted in sleep).
Here's my advice ... since I have about 20 level 40 and another 15 that is level 37 now. 

Train 3 units (close up units) and 1 mage unit at the same time. (2 / 2 mage also works)
The reason is .. your 3 units will eventually meet a unit with REALLY HIGH DEFENCE. This is where you have to position your mage unit correctly.
Starting at level 37... train at 8th stratum everytime. (avoid 9 and 10).
Leve 34-35 is the closest imho.

Yeah, I avoid most 3 star units already, so that's no problem. I hope to roll another 4 star Stahl or someone else that has the +Def skills so I can make Freddy that much more of a wall. Heh heh. It's an A skill too, so it'd fill out his whole skill set for me at this point.

I typically level up with a healer and sometimes Olivia (since she's my only dancer) handy to minimize my units' deaths. Doesn't help THAT much, but it does a little. But I see, thanks. Maybe I'll throw male Robin or female Robin in there more too.

30 minutes ago, Raven said:

I think I mentioned this in the Michalis thread or somewhere, but what I do is this:

1.Favourite all my units, except the weaker duplicates, regardless of their rarity. I don't care if I love or hate the character, at least one copy remains a "favourite."
2. By sorting the list of units by "favourite," all of your duplicates are shifted to the bottom of the pile in one easy to reach place.

This is most useful for when you are looking for some units to become inherit skill fodder. Inheritance is probably the best thing in the game you can do with your duplicate units. The next best thing would be to merge your allies, then finally the least important thing you can do is send them home for a handful of feathers.

I've got 111 orbs saved right now, and this number will definitely grow before I plan to next blow them all on a new Focus pack. When I do, I'm going to have a bunch of new units and a bunch more duplicates, and they will be sorted and ready for me to improve my "favourite" units.


As for what I would personally do in your situation right now is to actually use 100-120 or so of your saved orbs on a single focus pack. This would literally double your current roster size, and those new units should help cover you for a while as you continue saving your orbs and wait for the real objective (which I assume is Ike). I'm not sure when the next focus pack will be released, but I think in terms of quality units, the focus group "Blattling Michalis" has the overall better units - should you be lucky enough to pull one of them. You probably realise by now that sending your Eirika home was a mistake that you won't make again. It's nice to see you making progress with your mindset towards this game regardless of whether or not you do as I suggest.

My favorited and unfavorited units haven't been an issue, though I did accidentally send both my Subakis home when I only meant to ditch one. But I haven't made a mistake like that since, so...

Yeah, I want to blow my orbs on a good focus pack, but only if it's one I'm willing to do it on. If not, I'd much rather save the orbs for a potential Tellius focus that could include Ike and Elincia.

I didn't send Eirika home, I used her as skill fodder, but yeah, you're right.

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I generally prefer to train 1 combat unit at a time if I already have overpowered units (ie. lv. 40 5* Sharena, lv. 40 4* Olivia, lv. 40 4* Lissa). This can allow the unit being trained to have a much easier time hogging kills as long as the enemy units don't suicide on the OP units and the training unit stays alive (Stahl, Virion, and Alfonse were frustrating to train up to lv. 40 3* while 4* Michalis was largely a cakewalk to lv. 40; it took him less than 24 hrs. after recruitment before he got to lv. 40 4* without using any stamina potions. Michalis also didn't need a lot of Training Tower "rerolls" while the 3* sword units required a lot of them).

Sharena's great for this since she has Fortify Def and Rally Atk and can hit like a truck against anything that isn't a physically bulky green unit. Olivia provides Dance support (for either the healer or the unit in training) and Hone Atk. Lissa keeps the unit in training healthy though I sometimes replace her with Wrys since Wrys is in training.

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I use my 4 star Sakura over Lissa now though, because she'll stay alive easier, and I gave her Pain to help knock some HP down without killing the enemies so the units I'm trying to train can kill them. It's especially handy for armors.

But yeah, I tend to focus on only one or two units at a time when training. Like how most of my focus has been on Michalis and kinda sorta Marth. I love making them fight together, because they apparently hate each other. XD

Another issue is getting favorable maps though. It seems like every time I try to train one color unit, I end up with a lot of maps that have a lot of units that the unit I'm trying to train is weak to. I was trying to level up Stahl and Abel and I ended up with too many blue and green units. And I ended up with a lot of maps that have a bunch of red units when trying to level up Michalis...

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14 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I use my 4 star Sakura over Lissa now though, because she'll stay alive easier, and I gave her Pain to help knock some HP down without killing the enemies so the units I'm trying to train can kill them. It's especially handy for armors.

But yeah, I tend to focus on only one or two units at a time when training. Like how most of my focus has been on Michalis and kinda sorta Marth. I love making them fight together, because they apparently hate each other. XD

Another issue is getting favorable maps though. It seems like every time I try to train one color unit, I end up with a lot of maps that have a lot of units that the unit I'm trying to train is weak to. I was trying to level up Stahl and Abel and I ended up with too many blue and green units. And I ended up with a lot of maps that have a bunch of red units when trying to level up Michalis...

You can spend 1 stamina on the lowest level stratum, autobattle through with your strong units, and it'll reroll the configurations. I did this a lot when I was doing flierquest, because the fliers I had were best setup to take on reds--swords especially.

Alternatively you can train a few people at a time using the multiple team slots--ex. Im trying to get my armors, sheena, draug, and wendy to 40. I set them up each in a team with reinhardt (for reposition, since i put it on him), priscilla, and olivia. They're all roughly around lv 30ish, give or take. If stratum 7 has mostly greens, I level draug. If it has mostly blues, I level Sheena. If it has mostly reds, I level wendy. If I get even mixes I reroll or I take Jaffar and Reinhardt through 8-10 to get them SP.

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26 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

My favorited and unfavorited units haven't been an issue, though I did accidentally send both my Subakis home when I only meant to ditch one. But I haven't made a mistake like that since, so...

Yeah, I want to blow my orbs on a good focus pack, but only if it's one I'm willing to do it on. If not, I'd much rather save the orbs for a potential Tellius focus that could include Ike and Elincia.

I didn't send Eirika home, I used her as skill fodder, but yeah, you're right.

Having at least one copy of each character favourited will prevent me from ever making that mistake. It's why I've done it now, because I know I'll do it in the future if I'm not careful.

As for orbs, you don't have to blow all you have now. I'm sure you have a lot more than 120 orbs saved up if you've been saving them for at least a month. Just using some of them now would help broaden your current unit pool, and also your enjoyment of this game, for the time being. The rest of your orbs can be kept and saved, and you can continue to save future orbs all the while having a double-sized roster to play with as you wait for that Tellius pack. It sounds like a good idea to me, anyway.

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40 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

I'm glad to see a lot of things you've learned in regards to the game. I hope you have a lot more fun discussing with others with your newfound knowledge.

As for tips...

I've been hoarding stamina potions and I haven't used them at all to train Sophia and Tsubaki to lvl 40. It doesn't take a whole week to train 3 units to lvl 40. They can get to level 30 in one stamina push with dancers.

You just need a dancer to make sure they secure kills and don't die in the higher levels of the training tower so they can keep their exp.

Like if any units should die, it's your level 40s.

Nothing feels worse than getting a level on floor 8 of the training tower for that unit and then having them die and waste that effort and 9 stamina.

And if the weapons aren't favorable in the upper levels... waste 1 stamina on floor 1. It should reset the opponents to something else.

Yeah... The way I have been training is getting my 4x level 30 to 40. With a 90% success rate so far. (Assuming I have 1 mage for Knight pretty much). Yeah, this is why I train all units (4) like level 36 to level 40. So if one dies. The other one can gain exp. Problem with level 40 is ... sometimes the enemy decide to yolo on your level 40. You gain SP which is still I guess fine.


Training to level 30 isnt hard. level 30 to 40... is where the real grind to start. In one stamina push I can get 4x units to level 20. But anyway. It probably doesnt take one week. I am exaggerating. (This is because I am training 3 teams of level 30 to level 40 => 12 units from level 1) ... and they are all level 37 now (from Monday). Catching up for these training 10th stratum quest.




Ana ... get Olivia to level 40. As much as you hate her (if you do or not) ... She may take time... but her dance skill is really useful. and her at level 40... can potentially save a team from death.


Yeah... aiming to build a strong Freddy too. Just want a +Atk. So he doesnt look bad if I pair him with Cherche (We have our preference)...
I love to see your +DEF Fred.. It suits him right though.

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Raising up a bunch of various units is also pretty good for when we get the missions, like "Use 4 Flyers" or the like.  I've got 22 level 40s, now, and I'm able to handle pretty much any team, if I know the composition beforehand.

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@Raven Yeah..having a bunch of orbs saved up is good. And then occasionally roll a bit is IDEAL. However... once you roll. You cant stop rolling. True Story. I am at 55 orbs saved up -- every day I contemplate on saving.. and then holding myself back.

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11 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Raising up a bunch of various units is also pretty good for when we get the missions, like "Use 4 Flyers" or the like.  I've got 22 level 40s, now, and I'm able to handle pretty much any team, if I know the composition beforehand.

As f2p, I am also lucky enough to have units for nearly every type of team composition. Just don't give me "use 4 dragon-shifters" because all I've got is that free Corrin-F from the other week.

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2 minutes ago, Raven said:

As f2p, I am also lucky enough to have units for nearly every type of team composition. Just don't give me "use 4 dragon-shifters" because all I've got is that free Corrin-F from the other week.

I'm not sure if that's supposed to be a jab at me or not.

I've got more 4* and promoted units than straight 5* at level 40.

If you're F2P, you can still get a decent assortment.  "4 Armors" can be luck, but you should still have enough units to be able to put together a team for GHBs.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I'm not sure if that's supposed to be a jab at me or not.

I've got more 4* and promoted units than straight 5* at level 40.

If you're F2P, you can still get a decent assortment.  "4 Armors" can be luck, but you should still have enough units to be able to put together a team for GHBs.

103 pulls here, only one armor total out of them (Draug).  That plus the free Draug means that the tower quest is nigh-impossible for me right now, and I won't pull again until the banner changes.  So yeah.

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I think a lot of success in this game is in the mindset you approach it with.

It's more helpful to think of this as a puzzle game, because, really, that's what it is.

Unlike actual fire emblem, there are no random factors. The AI will always be have the same, attacks will always do the same amount of damage, and skills will always activate at the same time.

Thus, when you're playing a set level, like a GHB, you should focus on learning as much as you can about how the AI acts each time, and how you can exploit that.

As that one Japanese guy keeps proving with his videos, every GHB is possible using only the free 3-star units that you can collect throughout the week.

If you haven't bothered to collect them, then you are, in a sense, setting yourself up for failure. Even if you don't have those exact units, if you don't bother to try to find alternative solutions, you've defeated yourself before you've started.

You really just need to tell yourself "I can do this, I can find a way" and then make it happen.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I'm not sure if that's supposed to be a jab at me or not.

I've got more 4* and promoted units than straight 5* at level 40.

If you're F2P, you can still get a decent assortment.  "4 Armors" can be luck, but you should still have enough units to be able to put together a team for GHBs.

Not really, I don't jab at people. To put my post into context, I have been simply lucky to pull the units I needed to create these less common teams, like the armour team. But those dragons, though, I've been shit out of luck with those girls. I think they're even more common than armours.

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8 minutes ago, Raven said:

Not really, I don't jab at people. To put my post into context, I have been simply lucky to pull the units I needed to create these less common teams, like the armour team. But those dragons, though, I've been shit out of luck with those girls. I think they're even more common than armours.

I'm... so sorry for you. If I couldn't pull dragons, then I'm not sure what I'd do anymore. My life would lose any meaning it had, and I'd probably be reduced to a shrivelling wreck. So I can really feel for you, man. I hope you manage to pull a few; you're missing out a whole lot on what life has to offer without them :(:.

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It's all good. 

I think overall, you were having a bad day. Everyone has those times when we need to vent, including myself, and it just doesn't go very well because we all acted on our emotions at that given time. 


I actually made the same mistake, but way worse. Almost two years ago, I was on another forum, and I was in a very, very bad mood. I acted in a similar manner, and as a result, I was nearly banned (my behaviour was WAY worse than anyone's that I've seen on here). I haven't gone back to this day because of the altercation. In fact, I was hesitant to join here (or anywhere, for that matter) because of it. 

I've definitely grown up since then, mentally, and I thank you, @Anacybele and @shadowofchaos, for helping me realize that, even if it was a less than savory experience. And the altercation I played witness to in the Michalis thread (vaguely) reminded me of my past, though not nearly as intense. Actually, my past prompted me to act the way I did here. I do believe Shadowofchaos had your best interests in mind, but I also believe he had no right to complain about it the way he did. I just don't want anyone to make the same mistakes I did. 

Apologies for rambling on.

(oh well, now I'mma ship you two in private now XD) 

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3 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:


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(oh well, now I'mma ship you two in private now XD) 

I think SoC has a girlfriend already, and Ike would get jealous if Ana was with SoC.

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4 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

(oh well, now I'mma ship you two in private now XD) 

... Yeeeeah, as someone who knows Rey I'm going to have to ask that you not do that, even privately.

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3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I think SoC has a girlfriend already, and Ike would get jealous if Ana was with SoC.

2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

... Yeeeeah, as someone who knows Rey I'm going to have to ask that you not do that, even privately.

All good. It was all in jest. Though light sarcasm is rather difficult to pull off in a forum environment.

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