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Voting Gauntlet: War of the Clerics


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I'm sorry Lissa, I have failed you, this time for reals. Forgive me, aunt in la-.....best friend's sister.

Well guess I should support my/Corrin's other little sister now.

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28 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Just banter with @Astellius is all :P

I'm so torn!

No idea what I'll do XD

But is she REALLY scum though?

More like jealousy of my awesome Est! I'd be jealous too, if all I had was a NOboro!

But, if you come over to the righteous side, you can play with her! You don't really want to be Nohrian scum do you?

6 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

If you're really all about the stats, then there is no choice.

Truly, the stats show the way to go, there is only one choice:




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5 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Truly, the stats show the way to go, there is only one choice:

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I can say with near-absolute certainty that Elise can do that exact same thing with whatever loadout you have set there =P .

Edited by LordFrigid
Added "near" 'cause Priscilla's more bulky and I don't feel like looking at -Def/HP Elise numbers right now.
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1 minute ago, LordFrigid said:

I can say with absolute certainty that Elise can do that exact same thing with whatever loadout you have set there =P .

Both troubadours are best troubadour, but Priscilla has to be the better troubadour. Because she’s a redhead in green!

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11 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Both troubadours are best troubadour, but Priscilla has to be the better troubadour. Because she’s a redhead in green!

Redheads look good in anything to be honest.

18 minutes ago, Astellius said:

More like jealousy of my awesome Est!

I actually did not get her a single time lol. I kept getting a Marth and a Julia from my other friends who I don't know. I didn't even get@Vaximillian's Sharena once either this round.


@Arcanite Join Priscilla so Celica, Sharena and Oboro can do the Triangle Attack.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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As much as I support Priscilla in gauntlet I still have to say it!


Priscilla is fake redhead! Being redhead it's not just about appearance, it's state of mind, it's life philosophy. She might have red hair on outside but her soul is that of pink haired princess.

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15 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

I can say with near-absolute certainty that Elise can do that exact same thing with whatever loadout you have set there =P .

Meh, I tried the same thing with Elise, but this is what I got...




13 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Both troubadours are best troubadour, but Priscilla has to be the better troubadour. Because she’s a redhead in green!

Priscilla is the better best bestest troubadour! Redheads in green are awesome, and, if there's ever a gauntlet with a greenhead in red, you better believe I'd be on the hype train!


Tiki! TikiTiki! TIKItikiTIKItikitikitikitikitikitikitkkitkiti


Edited by Astellius
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Also... Let's show IS that FE7 is still popular, that the fanbase is not just all about Awakening and Fates!

Though Ike and Lyn winning the popularity polls hopefully sent the message. But with the 4 summer characters all being Awakening... maybe not.

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4 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Meh, I tried the same thing with Elise, but this is what I got...

;_; .

Interestingly enough, Xander was one of the first additions to Elise's Quilt of Sorrow (iirc he was a bonus unit at the time):


Yeah, that's the HP +3 Seal. Mine's -Def, ok?


18 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Both troubadours are best troubadour, but Priscilla has to be the better troubadour. Because she’s a redhead in green!

idk...she doesn't have Elise's adorable little sister factor, or at least as much of it.

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11 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Meh, I tried the same thing with Elise, but this is what I got...

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I hardcore know I'm going to hell. At first I was like, "Wuh?" And then I laughed until I cried. And now I feel nothing but shame. I need to go donate my life savings to orphans or something to make up for this.

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7 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

idk...she doesn't have Elise's adorable little sister factor, or at least as much of it.

We didn't really get to see Priscilla's jealousy streak in action. We need this.

By the way, in her Japanese 5* level 40 conversation, she asks you to take responsibility...for making her so strong.

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22 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I actually did not get her a single time lol. I kept getting a Marth and a Julia from my other friends who I don't know. I didn't even get@Vaximillian's Sharena once either this round.

Eventually! There's still another round for you to not get her in!

7 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I hardcore know I'm going to hell. At first I was like, "Wuh?" And then I laughed until I cried. And now I feel nothing but shame. I need to go donate my life savings to orphans or something to make up for this.

Welp, I guess I'll be seeing you there!

Edited by Astellius
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17 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Meh, I tried the same thing with Elise, but this is what I got...

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As someone who really likes Elise, I would appreciate it if don't ever go there again. I'm inclined to call that borderline tasteless, honestly.

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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

As someone who really likes Elise, I would appreciate it if don't ever go there again. I'm inclined to call that borderline tasteless, honestly.

Once was sufficient, rest assured. I already know I'm off to hell for it!

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10 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Lol getting offended by Xander Elise jokes

Except jokes are supposed to be humorous. I find absolutely no humor in that or any of the stupid Sigurd/Flora jokes either to be honest.

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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

Except jokes are supposed to be humorous. I find absolutely no humor in that or any of the stupid Sigurd/Flora jokes either to be honest.

I find it funny because they're not real

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sigh because i will probably miss multipliers again because it's like 4 am for me when they start popping up..maybe i will stop trying to fix my screwed up sleep schedule and stay up till 6 as usual

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5 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I find it funny because they're not real

I don't give a damn if the people involved are real or not. Making fun of tragic deaths is never OK with me, end of story.

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