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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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Tellius wasn't all that great. The Laguz were great, but that's where it ends. The Greil Mercenaries pale in comparison to to the Shepherds. Elincia's deal in Crimea was interesting but it wasn't expanded upon as much as it should have been, same with the Dawn Brigade. Plus I find it highly unbelievable that every single senator in Begnion was corrupt. Also...the amount of Tellius bias in the fandom is sickening.

too harsh? nah.

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2 hours ago, Lau said:

Tellius wasn't all that great. The Laguz were great, but that's where it ends. The Greil Mercenaries pale in comparison to to the Shepherds. Elincia's deal in Crimea was interesting but it wasn't expanded upon as much as it should have been, same with the Dawn Brigade. Plus I find it highly unbelievable that every single senator in Begnion was corrupt. Also...the amount of Tellius bias in the fandom is sickening.

too harsh? nah.

Dammit. Damn you. You could have just left it as "Ike's crew sucks" and I wouldn't have had a problem. But you had to throw in this bit. You had to push my "Shepherds" button. 

No crew could ever pale in comparison to a group that includes Vaike, Miriel, Tharja, Ricken, Tharja and Maribel. 

Basically every member of the Shepherds sucks compared to their GM counterparts. 

Ike and Chrom is a bit of a wash, but Ike gets the benefit of being a commoner who was thrust into a major position and eventually EARNS the title of Lord, as opposed to the meathead Chrom who was always a lord. Not big on either, but Ike's story is a lot more interesting. 

Robin is alright, but the writing really fumbles when it tries to focus on him/her. Soren, meanwhile, is an asshole struggling to not be an asshole, and his whole backstory is great. He's a prejudiced "Beorc" that hates Daein, but has to deal with it after learning he's the Branded son of Ashnard? There's more interesting internal conflict going on there than there is with Robin learning he/she' Validar's son/daughter and the vessel for Grima.

Frederick has a funny shtick going on with his total dedication to his job, down to wearing a suit under his armor, but that's about where the positives in his personality begin and end for me. Titania, by comparison, is more compelling because of things like her absolutely losing her shit when Greil dies. The cool, composed right hand of Greil. We see more human moments out of her that break her "Team Mom" thing. We see very few moments like that from Frederick. With Frederick it's "I'm guard and servant to prince Chrom and Lissa, and that's all you'll see of me 99% of the time." 

Vaike and Boyd almost isn't even worth going into. Vaike is just an awful piece of human garbage who won't stop talking about himself and how great he is for more than 2 sentences. Which wouldn't be bad if he developed out of this at any point in the game. He doesn't. Yeah, he wants to become great so he can inspire people, but this is something you'll only learn in SOME supports, and all you'll get out of him in the main story is "Haha Vaike's the greatest woo oh no Vaike forgot to bring a weapon to the battlefield oh well I'M GREAT!" Boyd's dumb and blunt, too, but you don't have to explore his supports to learn that he's not an asshole. Both games make it pretty apparent that Boyd feels the need to protect those weaker than himself, like Mist and his little brother, and he's a rare Beorc who has no troubles(Whether it being prejudices or difficulty talking to/Approaching them) welcoming Laguz into the party. Boyd also immediately knows how to empathize with Ike after Greil's death because of the situation him and Oscar had with their parents. There's such a laughably large gap between Vaike and Boyd in terms of character and writing. 

Lissa and Mist is a close one because I actually like both a lot, but Mist is saddled with a lot more responsibility than Lissa. 

Ricken and Rolf is another one that doesn't skew in favor of the Shepherds. Ricken's thing is that he's a kid, but he hates being treated like one. His backstory's pretty plain, and he doesn't really develop at all. He really just doesn't like being talked down to. Rolf admittedly gets most development in his supports(Though it's really good development), but you do learn his backstory through base conversations. He was basically abandoned and neglected by his mother, so Boyd and Oscar ran off with him when he was still young and basically raised him on their own, which led to him latching on to Shinon, his asshole of a master. Not an amazing backstory, but better than "I was picked on for being short, so don't treat me like a kid, even though I am on". That whole concept has been done waaaaaaaaay better before. 

Miriel and Ilyana... Yeah, I'll give that one to Miriel. I still don't like Miriel, but Ilyana's "I am always hungry" bit is Vaike-level. Boring is usually better than flat-out bad, and this isn't an exception. 

Stahl's fine, but he's built as being the average Joe amongst a group of caricatures. He's not meant to be very noteworthy outside of liking to take naps, and I don't even remember if he even has any sort of backstory. Oscar, inversely, is supposed to be basically good at everything. Which would be just as boring as a character who is average or only aspires to be average, but we learn that he has to be good at every thing because of how his story ties into Rolf's and Boyd's. Oscar essentially had to learn to be a substitute dad at the age of 12 to protect and provide for his little brothers, which is what lead to him being a great knight, a great cook, and all sorts of other things. Stahl's by no means bad, really, but Awakening's style of writing never does anything with his character like PoR and RD do with Oscar. 

Gaius versus Volke is just embarrassing. Possibly even more than Boyd versus Vaike. A thief who can't stop making candy puns versus an admitted sociopathic assassin who was paid to watch over a doomsday artifact and kill anyone who got too close to it. I can't remember Gaius' backstory, but I think it had something to do with Maribel that ended with Maribel's family falling from grace? So I guess that's pretty cool, but Gaius himself is just such a nothing character. He's a vessel for bad jokes and puns and he doesn't do a goddamn thing. But Volke's whole role in PoR/RD is to be the secret keeper. He's the only one who knows what's happening, and what happened with Greil. He also exists to make sure Ike doesn't stray from his path and make the same mistake Greil did. With is so much more interesting than anything with Gaius that it's not even funny. I don't even know if it's really appropriate to call Gaius the "Volke" of the Shepherds. 

Gatrie versus Kellam. All Kellam had to do to win this was not be THE joke character in a cast of joke characters. Kellam couldn't do this. Gatrie's a ditzy playboy(Albeit a failed one), but he's played straight. He's given actual character moments with Shinon and other characters like Astrid. Kellam does have a sweet backstory of being a hometown hero, but once again, to even get a hint of that, like Vaike, you have to put effort in. It still doesn't make him a good character, since Kellam's literally treated as if he doesn't exist as a joke. If anything it's just really sad for no reason. 

I could do Rhys vs. Maribel, or Shinon vs Virion, but I think you get the point here. The point is, I disagree. 

All you had to do was not mention the Shepherds and I could have saved myself the trouble of typing all of this and realizing that there are a surprising amount of parallels between the Mercs and the Sheps. 

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3 hours ago, Motendra said:

.. gold that could be spent elsewhere, such as stocking up weapons, staves, medicine, forging or even stat boosters? You know how much a reeking box is? 4800, almost half the value of a Bullion L. Map battles only yield 2 Bullion S's for a 1000 each, which is not enough. And even then, said map enemies aren't always enough exp to train your units, assuming that they can even take them on one one one. 

They are more than enough to train them. Again, you can kinda abuse the day time to kinda grind them.

There are so many ways to train units such as boss abuse, recruitment abuse, sidequest abuse etc. I don't get how DLC is the only way that you can grind units here because atleast on hard, I was able to do just fine.

Also, what does this have anything to do with judging a unit when majority of the cast require a lot of babying to start off with?


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33 minutes ago, Slumber said:


  Yeah, I won't go so far as to accuse people who prefer the Shepherds to the Greil Mercs of "bad taste", but the amount of effort that went into the Shepherds is literally 0. Regardless of how much one may like them (I for example do kind of prefer Vaike to Boyd), the Shepherds are mostly gimmicky characters and walking tropes. They're so anime it's really hard to feel anything for them. The Greil Mercenaries aren't the most amazing piece of writing in the history of video games, sure, but not being so anime, not having such exaggerated character traits coupled with the few humane moments we see of many them makes them far more ralatable. The only exception being IMHO Volke, who is basically an edgy glorified info dump and plot device, but I digress...

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@Slumber I wasn't trying to push any buttons...hmm...

I find the Shepherds to be closer to each other than the GM, obviously this is due to the crazy amount of supports, plus Chrom x Robin. I also find them more memorable, and while many are one-note, I can't help but be more invested in them. Lissa, Maribelle, Lon'qu, Olivia, Gaius and Henry are some of my favourite FE characters of all time. But who do I actually like out of the GM? ..Rhys. That's it. Maybe I just didn't read into their characters properly, but I just can't seem to form that connection with them. Sorry.

...No hard feelings?

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I thought this was an unpopular opinion thread, not post your unpopular opinion and have people rip into you for not having the popular opinion thread?

Edited by Tolvir
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21 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

I thought this was an unpopular opinion thread, not post your unpopular opinion and have people rip into you for not having the popular opinion thread?

Well at least in my case, when somebody says something decidedly out-of-the-ordinary and then doesn't elaborate why they think that way, I tend to want an explanation.

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But isn't this entire thread about having 'out-of-the-ordinary' opinions? Sheesh.


Heroes' story is...actually really good. It's suspenseful, and due to it continuously being updated like...once a month, it's not shoved in your face because you can't play it all in one go. It's also showing Zacharias' and Alfonse's bond really well, but I'd like to see more Zacharias-Sharena.

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7 minutes ago, Lau said:

But isn't this entire thread about having 'out-of-the-ordinary' opinions? Sheesh.

Ok, i don't like when people pull the "it's my opinion" card. It's good to have opinions, just be prepared to defend them when necessary. That said, you did defend your opinion of why you find the Shepards to be better than the Greil Mercenaries.

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What's the point of a forum if people don't converse? I would find it incredibly boring if everyone would just climb their soapboxes and preach their opinions. Anyway...

3 hours ago, Slumber said:

Robin is alright, but the writing really fumbles when it tries to focus on him/her. Soren, meanwhile, is an asshole struggling to not be an asshole, and his whole backstory is great. He's a prejudiced "Beorc" that hates Daein, but has to deal with it after learning he's the Branded son of Ashnard? There's more interesting internal conflict going on there than there is with Robin learning he/she' Validar's son/daughter and the vessel for Grima.

I mostly have the same opinions about the GM as you, but I think that Soren already knows that he's branded (in his FE9 support with Stefan, he denies it, but Stefan says that Soren has "grown quite good at hiding it") and I'm fairly certain that he never learns that he's Ashnard's son, unless there's some additional lore outside of PoR and RD. Almedha does finally recognize him in the epilogue (just Ctrl-F Soren) but doesn't tell him, and the way I read it, it's implied that she isn't going to either. And even if she did, it's definitely not brought up in the game, given that for some reason the epilogue was put at the very end of the game. ;)

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2 minutes ago, ping said:

What's the point of a forum if people don't converse? I would find it incredibly boring if everyone would just climb their soapboxes and preach their opinions. Anyway...


There is a difference between a conversation, and saying someone is entirely wrong. Im all for a good discussion, I myself have done so on this thread. But what I saw was less conversation over why the person might think that and where someone else thinks differently, and more this is why you are wrong and I am right. Which isnt the point of this thread.


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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ok, i don't like when people pull the "it's my opinion" card. It's good to have opinions, just be prepared to defend them when necessary. That said, you did defend your opinion of why you find the Shepards to be better than the Greil Mercenaries.

Woah, I didn't pull the "it's my opinion card" I'm just stating that opinions are the entire point of this thread. Nothing wrong, just wanted to clarify, alright?

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2 hours ago, Lau said:

@Slumber I wasn't trying to push any buttons...hmm...

I find the Shepherds to be closer to each other than the GM, obviously this is due to the crazy amount of supports, plus Chrom x Robin. I also find them more memorable, and while many are one-note, I can't help but be more invested in them. Lissa, Maribelle, Lon'qu, Olivia, Gaius and Henry are some of my favourite FE characters of all time. But who do I actually like out of the GM? ..Rhys. That's it. Maybe I just didn't read into their characters properly, but I just can't seem to form that connection with them. Sorry.

...No hard feelings?

Oh, definitely no hard feelings. I was just more up and arms because of the super casual way you put the opinion out there that caught me a bit off guard in the post. If you like the Shepherds more, you're absolutely free to do so, and I won't think any less of you for it. I didn't mean for it to come off so "You're WRONG!", it's just how it ended up when I typed out that full post.

26 minutes ago, ping said:

I mostly have the same opinions about the GM as you, but I think that Soren already knows that he's branded (in his FE9 support with Stefan, he denies it, but Stefan says that Soren has "grown quite good at hiding it") and I'm fairly certain that he never learns that he's Ashnard's son, unless there's some additional lore outside of PoR and RD. Almedha does finally recognize him in the epilogue (just Ctrl-F Soren) but doesn't tell him, and the way I read it, it's implied that she isn't going to either. And even if she did, it's definitely not brought up in the game, given that for some reason the epilogue was put at the very end of the game. ;)

You may be right. Either way, Soren's definitely got a lot of conflicting feelings, and it weaves into his personality/story. So even if it isn't known to him that he's Ashnard's son, it's still something interesting to consider about him.

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@Lau's actually one of the more pleasant people here and in general. Les not make an example out of this

3 hours ago, Harvey said:

They are more than enough to train them. Again, you can kinda abuse the day time to kinda grind them.

There are so many ways to train units such as boss abuse, recruitment abuse, sidequest abuse etc. I don't get how DLC is the only way that you can grind units here because atleast on hard, I was able to do just fine.

Also, what does this have anything to do with judging a unit when majority of the cast require a lot of babying to start off with?


I repeat, inconvenience. Why would I want to put in THAT much time and dedication, to actually halt progress by waiting for the time of day to play again? Frankly, I do not have the patience for that, nor willing to alter the time on my 3DS for something so trivial.

And could you explain those things?  How exactly does one "abuse" the game, as people claim to do so easily

You still seem to miss my point. Yes, every unit requires babying to a degree, but when x unit requires extra babying to even be used at all, they become a problem. If a unit can do no more than chip damage, they're getting benched. Granted, Sumia has this issue as well, but with her spd allowing her to double, it can be easily remedied via (much to the chagrin to how I like to play) pair up w/ Frederick or a simple weapon forge. Sully and Virion have consistently only been able to do chip damage in the first arc for every play through I've done, which, without the necessary spd made them not worth using in my eyes. 

Clearly we have a difference in playstyles. I, for one, prefer to keep things straightforward and simple, where most of the time, the only choice to think about is whom I should give this kill to, if safe to do so when someone needs more exp. When after doing so and they don't grow enough, if at all, I become less likely to deploy said unit.

Edited by Motendra
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7 minutes ago, Slumber said:

Oh, definitely no hard feelings. I was just more up and arms because of the super casual way you put the opinion out there that caught me a bit off guard in the post. If you like the Shepherds more, you're absolutely free to do so, and I won't think any less of you for it. I didn't mean for it to come off so "You're WRONG!", it's just how it ended up when I typed out that full post.

Oh thank god :) Hahah, I just think that if I word stuff casual, even if it's a controversial opinion, it'll kinda stave off arguments. Maybe I should change that? But yeah, each to their own. And no worries, I wasn't offended. It's my fault really, I should've given my reasons in the first place.

5 minutes ago, Motendra said:

@Lau's actually one of the more pleasant people here and in general. Les not make an example out of this

Hahah, I try to be :)


I loved the EXPonential Growth DLC in Awakening. It helped me out massively on Lunatic, and because of that, I couldn't even be mad about it being locked behind a pay-wall. Fates' version on the other hand...

Rowan and Lianna are growing on me. Seeing them in motion makes their designs...quite nice, and Rowan's English voice isn't too grating as I thougt it would be.

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22 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

There is a difference between a conversation, and saying someone is entirely wrong. Im all for a good discussion, I myself have done so on this thread. But what I saw was less conversation over why the person might think that and where someone else thinks differently, and more this is why you are wrong and I am right. Which isnt the point of this thread.

I don't want to go full meta discussion, but @Lau's phrasing (" The Greil Mercenaries pale in comparison to to the Shepherds. ") kinda invites a response of "I think you're wrong because 1), 2), 3)", since it's presented as more than just a personal preference. Which I want to stress is perfectly fine, as long as she doesn't mind that kind of response (as long as it's civil). IMO,@Slumber's response does not overstep any marks, at least if I'm correct in my assumption that his damnations at the start were meant (at least mostly ;) ) jokingly.

(And as I'm drinking coffee and typing this, it seems as if this is indeed a case of "it's difficult to convey subtext without mimic and body language". Again, I do not think anyone has made any bad or offensive post in this conversation)

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6 minutes ago, ping said:

I don't want to go full meta discussion, but @Lau's phrasing (" The Greil Mercenaries pale in comparison to to the Shepherds. ") kinda invites a response of "I think you're wrong because 1), 2), 3)", since it's presented as more than just a personal preference. Which I want to stress is perfectly fine, as long as she doesn't mind that kind of response (as long as it's civil). IMO,@Slumber's response does not overstep any marks, at least if I'm correct in my assumption that his damnations at the start were meant (at least mostly ;) ) jokingly.

(And as I'm drinking coffee and typing this, it seems as if this is indeed a case of "it's difficult to convey subtext without mimic and body language". Again, I do not think anyone has made any bad or offensive post in this conversation)

You are right, I am probably over reacting a bit here. Jumping between Reddit and here can cause some misunderstandings with the way people argue.

I just want to make sure that this stays true to the topic, because I personally find it interesting to see what upopular opinions people have even if I disagree.

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16 minutes ago, Lau said:

Oh thank god :) Hahah, I just think that if I word stuff casual, even if it's a controversial opinion, it'll kinda stave off arguments. Maybe I should change that? But yeah, each to their own. And no worries, I wasn't offended. It's my fault really, I should've given my reasons in the first place.

Nah, it's fine. I'm sure I've done similar things before.

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1 hour ago, Lau said:

Woah, I didn't pull the "it's my opinion card" I'm just stating that opinions are the entire point of this thread. Nothing wrong, just wanted to clarify, alright?

Oh yeah, i understand. It's just that it sounded like the"it's my opinion card". But it's fine, don't worry.

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8 hours ago, Motendra said:

... gold that could be spent elsewhere, such as stocking up weapons, staves, medicine, forging or even stat boosters? You know how much a reeking box is? 4800, almost half the value of a Bullion L. Map battles only yield 2 Bullion S's for a 1000 each, which is not enough. And even then, said map enemies aren't always enough exp to train your units, assuming that they can even take them on one one one. 

Not trying to force a dead argument, but I'm pretty sure a Reeking Box is actually only 480 Gold, not 4800 - you win back twice the Gold most of the time.

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Another unpopular opinion of mine would be that I dislike Ryoma and Xander. A lot. They come off to me as hypocritical and sort of dishonorable. At first, I thought Ryoma was going to be sort of like Sigurd, crazy powerful, noble, kind, and headstrong, but it didn't end up feeling that way. It started that way, but then I started to really dislike him when I played Conquest and Ryoma took medicine for Elise's illness and asked for Corrin and Azura to return to Hoshido or he'd let her die. And he planned on keeping Corrin alive, but intended to execute Azura, according to the vs. Ryoma lines. I get why his decision makes sense from a strategic point, but it felt like the game wanted him to look like the good guy, and that wasn't how to do it. I don't like his design either. That red headpiece he has on I find incredibly unappealing, and the game doesn't help his design when long hair is super ugly in Fates because it passes through everything (just reclass Azura, you'll see what I mean). His outfit is cool, and Shiro looks good in it, but the rest of Ryoma's design to me... meh. He also reminds me too much of Xander, which is extremely annoying because it means if they acted like rational human beings, they could sort everything out (that is, if Xander wasn't so unwilling to betray his cray-cray dad)

Xander has an awesome design, but I cannot take him or Ryoma seriously after this dialogue in Chapter 6:


Avatar: *pant...pant...* It wasn't easy, but... I think we got them to stop fighting...

Xander: ...Tch. Why, Avatar? Why would you turn on us this way? Even if we aren't blood related, don't you feel any loyalty at all?

Avatar: Xander! I just want you to listen to what I'm saying!

Ryoma: Avatar... Why would you betray Hoshido? Have you lost all sense of justice?

Avatar: You don't understand, Ryoma! I haven't betrayed you!

Xander: I...always thought of you as a brother/sister... ...Damn it all. Spread word among the troops. Avatar has turned traitor! From this moment forth, he/she is our enemy and should be captured on sight!

Avatar: Why won't you listen to me?!

Ryoma: Avatar... Even now, I still remember the agony I felt the day you were kidnapped. I know we can't get back the time we lost... But... I still hoped that someday we would be reunited as a family... I see now that I was living a fantasy. ...Tell everyone. Avatar is truly lost to us! If he/she insists on becoming our enemy, then all we can do is fight her!

Avatar: Ryoma! I...

Azura: Wait, Avatar. Nothing you can say will reach either of them. We need to retreat for now. We can't afford to be caught. Avatar: Xander...Ryoma... I promise you'll understand one day.

They just ignore any possibility that there's an option outside of warfare. They also ignore the fact that just maybe, Corrin has no interest in killing his family. Woah. Crazy, right? The world building in this game is so poor we hardly even know why the countries hate each other so much or even why they're going to war besides ,"Rawr, King Garon hates happiness and wants land." And Xander for some reason is totally okay with that.

I find him detestable because he is a coward to me. He gives in to his father's wishes because "he's the prince and he has to" even though Garon is clearly messed up in the head. Him and Leo (who I also dislike, but is admittedly much better written) are the last royals to join you because it took Xander so long to even notice his father was totally insane and clearly possessed. Xander has been going to war over and over again according to Azura, who says that war has changed him because of all the stress and exhaustion. If you're going to war that often, and you don't even know why, why would you keep doing it? It clearly doesn't benefit the country, which, by the by, is starving and getting nothing from these conquered land. So not only is Garon waging wars for funsies, he isn't serving his people in any way. The king is shirking his duties outside of warfare, the guards are not supervised (so we get Azura and Corrin being abused), the murderous prisoners are released for 'good behavior' and hired for imperial affairs (since when did Hans act 'good'?), and the list goes on. And Xander does not oppose that at all, even though, of all the siblings, Xander would have the best chance of taking the throne from Garon. His siblings, who are intelligently questioning why their father wants this, especially Elise and Camilla, would even help Xander, because they trust him and follow him faithfully. He has all of this respect and control, and yet he has zero interest in preserving his kingdom over keeping his father in power. Whyyyyyyyy...

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2 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Not trying to force a dead argument, but I'm pretty sure a Reeking Box is actually only 480 Gold, not 4800 - you win back twice the Gold most of the time.

Depends on the difficulty being played. Normal is 480, 4800 is Hard and Lunatic. And on Lunatic, the enemies have capped stats more or less.

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3 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Not trying to force a dead argument, but I'm pretty sure a Reeking Box is actually only 480 Gold, not 4800 - you win back twice the Gold most of the time.

Nope. It's 500 on normal, on all higher difficulties, it costs a whopping 4,800 gold.

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57 minutes ago, Motendra said:

And could you explain those things?  How exactly does one "abuse" the game, as people claim to do so easily


1. There is reinforcement abuse in many of its chapters. And this will go on for few turns after which, spawns will stop.

2. There is the boss abuse where a lot of bosses aren't that strong. So you can just abuse units with the bosses.

3. There's also sidequest abuse where you wed two units to unlock constant sidequests until there's nothing to wed with. After all, that's exactly one of the reasons why people bash at Awakening right?

4. There's also day abuse where you can just abuse the 3DS day time and get enemy spawns from the world map.

5. Lastly, there's the money abuse where you can buy plenty of reeking boxes and end up grinding to your hearts content. Might not be easy on harder difficulties but it is doable.

1 hour ago, Motendra said:

I repeat, inconvenience. Why would I want to put in THAT much time and dedication, to actually halt progress by waiting for the time of day to play again?

Because by your logic, you're saying that the only way to beat the game on harder difficulties is through the use of DLC which isn't at all true. DLC makes it easier but the game is made in such a way that you don't need DLC to beat it.

1 hour ago, Motendra said:

You still seem to miss my point. Yes, every unit requires babying to a degree, but when x unit requires extra babying to even be used at all, they become a problem. If a unit can do no more than chip damage, they're getting benched. Granted, Sumia has this issue as well, but with her spd allowing her to double, it can be easily remedied via (much to the chagrin to how I like to play) pair up w/ Frederick or a simple weapon forge. Sully and Virion have consistently only been able to do chip damage in the first arc for every play through I've done, which, without the necessary spd made them not worth using in my eyes. 

Except this is a game where grinding becomes an option making everyone usable. Also no. Virion and Sully have good speed growths so how can they not end up capping them?

Now if this is a game where grinding isn't an option, then I can agree that units can be judged for their reliability. But the problem is again, in games that let you grind to your heart's content, why judge them? If you're going to play on lower difficulties, there is no point in judging them because it is so easy to play the game with practically anyone.


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