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9 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

i suppose we all look forward to the level 100 geronimo

. . .like, I'm at a total loss of what I could possibly do with him.  Maybe, in the distant future, if there's an ability that changes command card types temporarily. . .

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What the hell is that Assassin node?! I had to powerlevel Helena just to stand a chance (and still ended up using my CS because Liz has a ton of HP and her NP doesn't hit like a wet noodle unlike my own Liz). Guess I won't farm that node then.

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12 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

What the hell is that Assassin node?! I had to powerlevel Helena just to stand a chance (and still ended up using my CS because Liz has a ton of HP and her NP doesn't hit like a wet noodle unlike my own Liz). Guess I won't farm that node then.

This isn't encouraging.  I'll probably grab a Waver, so he can buy me some time.

Welp, my entire back line is going to be 'zerkers.  Might as well end things ASAP.

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It ain`t that bad.... I am running Medea + waver + support with MLB drop CE - entire team has that CE or the +fake enemy)

on avg 8~9 turns,.... not amazing but not THAT bad either imo

let Medea stabby stabby and should be gucci

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When I least expected it, I got myself a Jeanne d'Arc Alter. After spending about 120 saved Quartz and whatever tickets I had,  I was just idly summoning and spending Quartz for the sake of it. Suddenly, Jalter shows up with a contract in her hand when I wasn't paying attention to my phone. // I guess the fan depictions of Jalter are somewhat right. Give her attention and she won't care, but as soon as it wavers she'll come running.

I doubt I'll be able to raise her enough to participate in the event since I lack materials and EXP, but we'll see.

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2 minutes ago, Sire said:

When I least expected it, I got myself a Jeanne d'Arc Alter. After spending about 120 saved Quartz and whatever tickets I had,  I was just idly summoning and spending Quartz for the sake of it. Suddenly, Jalter shows up with a contract in her hand when I wasn't paying attention to my phone. // I guess the fan depictions of Jalter are somewhat right. Give her attention and she won't care, but as soon as it wavers she'll come running.

I doubt I'll be able to raise her enough to participate in the event since I lack materials and EXP, but we'll see.

Wow, congratulations!

I'll probably side-track a bit for the last couple of quartz I'm missing.  Want to attempt a single 10 pull before this is over.

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25 turn assassin node

I fucked up and it somehow came down to medea lasting long as fuck.

ruru bureka spam




I'll stick her on my support list for camelot.

Edited by Czarpy
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Thanks for the congrats!
* * * * *
Running the Assassin node is more of a pain than I thought. I've been using Medea and Tamamo Mae (81) while using a Nursery Rhyme as a support, but it feels like I'm not clearing the node as fast as I would like. While I really could use the items from the Self Portrait (Red Gems, Feathers, Claws), I feel like I would be better off farming something else.

I think my decision to not invest in Halloween Bathory is starting to screw me over. While I just started playing FGO and was getting into the fandom at the time, if I knew I was gonna need a good AoE caster I may have tried to give her more attention... (I did not raise her as I was mostly playing favorites and was based more off of artwork instead of gameplay.)

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1 minute ago, Sire said:

Thanks for the congrats!
* * * * *
Running the Assassin node is more of a pain than I thought. I've been using Medea and Tamamo Mae (81) while using a Nursery Rhyme as a support, but it feels like I'm not clearing the node as fast as I would like. While I really could use the items from the Self Portrait (Red Gems, Feathers, Claws), I feel like I would be better off farming something else.

I think my decision to not invest in Halloween Bathory is starting to screw me over. While I just started playing FGO and was getting into the fandom at the time, if I knew I was gonna need a good AoE caster I may have tried to give her more attention... (I did not raise her as I was mostly playing favorites and was based more off of artwork instead of gameplay.)

at least there's plenty of options for AoE caster damage tho

but STNP casters are just fucking medea right now in NA and that makes me sad-ish

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So I did my 10-pull.  Another Ending was literally the best thing out of it.  The servants were all 3*.  Just my luck!

. . .I'll farm what I can, with my goal being every last regular roulette item, and whatever I can grab out of the event shop.  New mats look like they may be useful, even if the only one that might take them is. . .Geronimo.  FML.

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3 minutes ago, eclipse said:

So I did my 10-pull.  Another Ending was literally the best thing out of it.  The servants were all 3*.  Just my luck!

. . .I'll farm what I can, with my goal being every last regular roulette item, and whatever I can grab out of the event shop.  New mats look like they may be useful, even if the only one that might take them is. . .Geronimo.  FML.

you don't even have billy?

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Just now, Czarpy said:

you don't even have billy?


Hell, I didn't pull an archer, and the "newest" character was Paracelsus, followed by Hektor.

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1 minute ago, eclipse said:


Hell, I didn't pull an archer, and the "newest" character was Paracelsus, followed by Hektor.

well paracelsus isn't total shit.

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6 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Eh.  I think I maxed his NP already. . .

just give us the grailed boudicca and geronimo already.


lol lottery box farming is going to drive me insane

but I'm probably going to grind the living shit out of the bronze level materials, seeds, gears, lanterns, and shit. I'll probably get the shop mostly done as well as having ascended almost all of my roster. 



To do list

  • Billy
  • Bouddicca
  • Benkei
  • Jing Ke/Jekyll
  • Kiyohime
  • Medea Lily
  • Nursery Rhyme
  • Saber Lily
  • Blackbeard
  • Nightingale
  • Roma
  • Proto Cu
  • Phantom
  • Regend
  • Paracelsus
  • Mozart
  • Shakespeare
  • Hans
  • Saber Gilles

Let's not even get into the whole "max levelling" thing I need to do for my go-to ones. That;s gonna be hell.

so many bones, feathers, pages, and embers. brr.


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1 minute ago, Czarpy said:

just give us the grailed boudicca and geronimo already.


lol lottery box farming is going to drive me insane

but I'm probably going to grind the living shit out of the bronze level materials, seeds, gears, lanterns, and shit. I'll probably get the shop mostly done as well as having ascended almost all of my roster. 


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I will grail Geronimo before Boudica, mark my words!

I'll most likely go hard for the new ascension materials, since I had a bunch of events to collect the older ones.

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I made it through Assassin node with stall meme team of Tamamo (Lvl. 99), Waver (Lvl. 50), and Support Vanilla Jeanne (Lvl. 90).

Tamamo heals and deals damage, Waver weakens the enemies, Jeanne helps everyone tank through enemy NPs.

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Assassin's node complete!

Relied on a rather odd CE - Maid in Halloween.  Brought Hans, Medea, support Waver, and Halloween Liz.  Kintoki was also back there, but not needed (thank goodness).

If Hans hadn't been focus-fired on the first two rounds, the true nonsense of this team would've shown.  Basically, it's keep Medea alive through Hans healing and Argon Coin.  Tamamo would've worked best as support, but alas, I couldn't find her.  May use this node for farming, since the strategy is so darn silly.

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8 hours ago, Sire said:

When I least expected it, I got myself a Jeanne d'Arc Alter. After spending about 120 saved Quartz and whatever tickets I had,  I was just idly summoning and spending Quartz for the sake of it. Suddenly, Jalter shows up with a contract in her hand when I wasn't paying attention to my phone. // I guess the fan depictions of Jalter are somewhat right. Give her attention and she won't care, but as soon as it wavers she'll come running.

I doubt I'll be able to raise her enough to participate in the event since I lack materials and EXP, but we'll see.

Even if you don't raise her in time, using her for the manuscript bonus alongside Mash should be worth the slot.


My average turn clear for the Assassin node is 13 turns, using Tamamo, Medea and Support Waver. End me.

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Assassin node is very easy for me if a bit slow. It’d be faster if I got -2 cooldown on Liz’s Mana Burst skill.

I use Tamamo / Liz / Hans with support Waver in the back. With 2030 and two stacks of Innocent Monster, I get a minimum of 23 crit stars per turn, which helps a lot both for dealing damage and filling NP. On Wave 3 I plugsuit into Waver and NP again before critting the boss to death with crit strength buffs.

Fun team is fun.

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Now I'm farming the assassin node, send help.

Hans/Medea/Waver are basically immortal, as long as the Soul Eater doesn't focus Hans.  Use Waver's shield on Carmilla's NP (doesn't matter which one), and it'll fail to kill, as long as my guys aren't half-dead.  It's 25ish turns, but that's okay, because I need those portraits.  Maid in Halloween guarantees Medea's survival.

If one of the original team falls, Liz cleans up.  If two fall, Kintoki insta-NPs the biggest threat.

So far, so good!

EDIT: First wave is three true enemies, FML.

Edited by eclipse
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My assassin node comp is 8 -9 turn. depending on how long im stuck on R2


Caster Liz.Waver.Herc

Press Red Button for R2, and Triple NP for the third Wave



Funny enough if Geronimo have his interlude atm, i would consider him with a raised Mana Burst. At NP5 he's actually the strongest AOE Caster bar Babagge. Thats.... not a bad place to be in

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