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17 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

What all buffs are those calculations taking into account?  Is it just Fort/Hone or does it require Goad Cavalry?  What is Panic Ploy isn't taken into account?  I run double Hone/Fortify on my Horse Emblem team, so the whole team's strong, rather than one powerful nuke.

I just +6 all stats, goads don't give enough to matter. A hone is +18 Atk, +6 speed, a fort is +12 Atk, +6 both defenses.


I don't use panic ploy at all, it's just a 'tech' Reinhardt can use thanks to his superior hp in order to counter opposing -blade users, but in the simulator I don't give opponents buffs, so his advantage there is invisible.

Edit: You can think of panic ploy as a 'guarantee' that your opponent's best case is +0 to all stats if they have less hp than you. For Rein, who has 41 after hp seal, that's everyone below 40 hp, all mages except Odin, Merric, Boey, and Henry.

Anna, Narcian, and Arthur manage to survive Olwen with +4 spd, +4 res, for example, but their hp is 34, aka: not even close to enough to prevent Reinhardt's panic, in fact, +res, panic'd Anna would get OHKOd by Rein, which he couldn't manage otherwise.

Wtf am I writing, all of them have the hp to ignore Rein's Panic, it's only after the first round that they reach panic range. The only one Rein can panic out of those is Anna, and only if he's +1.

Edited by DehNutCase
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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Why the hell would you give Reinhardt any breaker anyway when he already hits twice, now that I think about it. Breakers are for units who have trouble doubling. Reinhardt doesn't need to double since his tome functions like a brave weapon.

So yeah, I prefer Vantage for him.


1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

Because of Dire Thunder, Reinhardt can attack 4 times if he has a weaponbreaker equipped, and Lancebreaker is the one that gives him the best matchup spread out of all of them, generally speaking.

Lancebreaker 1 on Rein is great. Actually allows him to one round almost every lance user.

Especially with Hone Cavalry. Only lance ones I've seen survive are a map 6 or 7 Jagen, Pieri, Clair, or Florina.

Not only does it do the job and doesn't cost a Narcien or a 4 star Harold/Arthur... it makes you do strategery because you get hit once, it gets deactivated unless you have a Breath of Life/Renewal + Reciprocal Aid attacker or staff user.



At 18k right now for my account.

10k for Belinda's.

Only 22k and 20k respectively to get 5 star Robin.

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4 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:


Lancebreaker 1 on Rein is great. Actually allows him to one round almost every lance user.

Especially with Hone Cavalry. Only lance ones I've seen survive are a map 6 or 7 Jagen, Pieri, Clair, or Florina.

Not only does it do the job and doesn't cost a Narcien or a 4 star Harold/Arthur... it makes you do strategery because you get hit once, it gets deactivated unless you have a Breath of Life/Renewal + Reciprocal Aid attacker or staff user.

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Add a Luna in there, and they don't survive either :D 

I decided to go all in and sacrifice a Narcian in the end, 'cos sometimes my Reinhardt got hit. He can still tank a decent blow and usually end up above half health... usually... My main strategy comes from making sure he doesn't get hit (as much as possible) and trying to get him around the map as quickly as possible... whilst also continuously moving him back to Xander (or Xander to him) to end my turn and keeping him away from the units he really doesn't like. 

I wouldn't have sacrificed Narcian if it hadn't been for Arthur only going up to LB2. I tried it for a while, but found most hits took Reinhardt out the comfort zone. With LB3, he's had far less problems ^.^ Plus it bumped up my score slightly in the arena... 

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16 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

I just +6 all stats, goads don't give enough to matter. A hone is +18 Atk, +6 speed, a fort is +12 Atk, +6 both defenses.


I don't use panic ploy at all, it's just a 'tech' Reinhardt can use thanks to his superior hp in order to counter opposing -blade users, but in the simulator I don't give opponents buffs, so his advantage there is invisible.

Edit: You can think of panic ploy as a 'guarantee' that your opponent's best case is +0 to all stats if they have less hp than you. For Rein, who has 41 after hp seal, that's everyone below 40 hp, all mages except Odin, Merric, Boey, and Henry.

Anna, Narcian, and Arthur manage to survive Olwen with +4 spd, +4 res, for example, but their hp is 34, aka: not even close to enough to prevent Reinhardt's panic, in fact, +res, panic'd Anna would get OHKOd by Rein, which he couldn't manage otherwise.

I see, my Reinhardt's -Spd, so I'm not sure if he'd be able to double even with buffs, but Dire Thunder seems to serve him well enough for now, since Blue Blade would require 20K feathers and another Odin to sacrifice.


My Team of Alm, Boey, Reinhardt, and Azura has now all maxed their Hero Merit.  I'm torn on whether to switch up my team now, or keep plugging along with these guys.  I did manage to pull a +Atk Faye, so maybe I'll raise her up, but every point of Stamina I spend training her if a point of Stamina not spent on Tempest, shucks, what should I do?

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9 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Add a Luna in there, and they don't survive either :D

Jagen does.

Blazing Thunder, in general, is better for Rein in Tempest Trials because he has times when he can actually ensure Lancer user kills as well as circumvent death on weapon triangle disadvantage with Hector or low res green units.

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@shadowofchaos OMG, that signature ... it's so adorable! XD There better be a Christmas Rey picture five months from now, lol

Also, I'm at around 47k right now. I'm trying to counter boredom by doing some other stuff in between tempest runs. My Faye, Klein, and Lucius are ready for training, although I'm not sure if I'll get them up to a high enough level for them to actually help.

Oh, my Reinhardt has lancebreaker 3 and I'm just going to say ... best decision ever. He slays ALL the lance units. ALL OF THEM. ... Except maybe Jeigan.

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I actually run Dragon Fang QP on my tempest Rein. Not a lot of things live an extra 28 or so damage from him. I was actually able to blow up a Jagen (floor 5 on Lunatic 7, granted, not 7, he'll need all 4 hits for floor 7 or at least 3) in 2 hits because one of the hits did 13 and the other did 43.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Just now, Rezzy said:

I see, my Reinhardt's -Spd, so I'm not sure if he'd be able to double even with buffs, but Dire Thunder seems to serve him well enough for now, since Blue Blade would require 20K feathers and another Odin to sacrifice.


My Team of Alm, Boey, Reinhardt, and Azura has now all maxed their Hero Merit.  I'm torn on whether to switch up my team now, or keep plugging along with these guys.  I did manage to pull a +Atk Faye, so maybe I'll raise her up, but every point of Stamina I spend training her if a point of Stamina not spent on Tempest, shucks, what should I do?

Oh yeah, not being -Spd is a big part of why -blade Rein is insane, so it's probably not worth the investment. Dire Thunder is quite close to -blade in most circumstances (it's slightly inferior MT & damage gain from hone is compensated by faster special charge). And, thinking about it, Olwen and Ursula are probably better offensive -blade users anyway, so long as you can consistently get them into desperation range for people like Hector, TA3 Cecillia, etc.


I just like the -blade Reinhardt build because, even after losing 5 Atk from L&D, he still OHKOs most of the cast, opening up the laziest way to do maps ever: Just giving Reinhardt CC Vantage and walking him into everyone's range.


Also: I fucked up on panic math, I think I misread player hp as enemy hp.

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Just now, Sunwoo said:

@shadowofchaos OMG, that signature ... it's so adorable! XD There better be a Christmas Rey picture five months from now, lol

I'm thinking of commissioning them for a set with me and Belinda's MUs as a sprite edit... after they're done being swamped with being a full time student.

1 minute ago, Thor Odinson said:

I actually run Dragon Fang QP on my tempest Rein. Not a lot of things live an extra 28 or so damage from him.

I think Jeigan is the only non-green that can survive that. Simply because he usually has Aegis, doesn't he?

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Just now, shadowofchaos said:

I'm thinking of commissioning them for a set with me and Belinda's MUs as a sprite edit... after they're done being swamped with being a full time student.

Man, if you do end up doing that, I really want to see it XD

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6 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

I think Jeigan is the only non-green that can survive that. Simply because he usually has Aegis, doesn't he?

He doesn't usually have Aegis. Aegis is Abel's thing, so he doesn't usually roll that. I think floor 7 Jagen can live that if he has blue tomebreaker, though--I beat a floor 5 Jagen doing 15 in 1 hit and 43 in another, but a floor 7 is likely to have more than 58 hp. 

Floor 7 btb Jagens are a pain in the ass. I'd have to hope Rein has DFang up and teamkill with both Rein and Olwen. Wish I had the feathers for Cecilia.

edit: nvm i am wrong i just never noticed it on him dragon fang rein is pretty bork though

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5 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

I'm thinking of commissioning them for a set with me and Belinda's MUs as a sprite edit... after they're done being swamped with being a full time student.

I think Jeigan is the only non-green that can survive that. Simply because he usually has Aegis, doesn't he?

Jeigan dies even before specials from 4 hits from +Atk, DB 3, lance breaker Reinhardt. He only has 1 hp left before Aegis triggers. He survives =Rein without specials, but even Luna kills him. -Atk Reinhardt can't kill him without buffs, though.

Edit: Then again, 50 hp Jagen with 40 Res would survive at critical (less than 6 before fury burn) hp even after +Atk DF, so *shrugg.* I never bothered checking how inflated the stats get in TT etc. That said, +6/+6 from Hone would straight up obliterate him, since that's 18 extra damage first 3 hits, 3 extra damage the final hit, and 1/2 extra damage last hit if DF is the special. For about 22 more damage.

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10 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Jeigan dies even before specials from 4 hits from +Atk, DB 3, lance breaker Reinhardt. He only has 1 hp left before Aegis triggers. He survives =Rein without specials, but even Luna kills him. -Atk Reinhardt can't kill him without buffs, though.

Edit: Then again, 50 hp Jagen with 40 Res would survive at critical (less than 6 before fury burn) hp even after +Atk DF, so *shrugg.* I never bothered checking how inflated the stats get in TT etc. That said, +6/+6 from Hone would straight up obliterate him, since that's 18 extra damage first 3 hits, 3 extra damage the final hit, and 1/2 extra damage last hit if DF is the special. For about 22 more damage.

No, I assure you TT's inflated stats survive. I have to check this again the next time, but I've seen a Jeigan with 60 HP.

I assume you're basing this off regular Arena nature Jeigans.

Well yes, +ATK Rein with a special and Hone would pretty much obliterate any blue with a quad no matter how high their res.

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My usual TT setup these days is Olivia/Mae/Nino/Celica, get as far as they can with the goal of getting Celica HM and SP (Mae is a 4* and here for the bonus, Olivia and Nino are long maxed), then when they die I switch to cav emblem feat. Xander (fort), Rein (goad), Olwen (hone), and Prissy (hone). Olwen makes Celica very much a non-issue. Btb Jagen is most definitely the scariest thing.

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27 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

I actually run Dragon Fang QP on my tempest Rein. Not a lot of things live an extra 28 or so damage from him.

I'll be stealing this for my next run, thank you very much. I run Moonbow currently but it's a bit wasted with Quick Pulse.

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2 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

I'll be stealing this for my next run, thank you very much. I run Moonbow currently but it's a bit wasted with Quick Pulse.

I got the idea for dragon fang while thinking up ways for Rein to kill the entire metagame (Hone + 2 goad dragon fang blows through TA3 neutral res fae, though +res fae fucks him over in all situations) and then i had a spare sophia and way too many SP on him so I just put it on him for shits and giggles

turns out it was a pretty great idea as far as TT is concerned. Definitely would still switch back to Moonbow for arena though. 

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Just now, MrSmokestack said:

Did Nino have enough Spd to double either? Her attacking Alm would make more sense if she couldn't KO Sharena in one hit.

Possibly (Nino has 36 speed at neutral, right?). But if Nino hit Sharena, the latter would probably have died and I'd probably have lost that team.

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20 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

I got the idea for dragon fang while thinking up ways for Rein to kill the entire metagame (Hone + 2 goad dragon fang blows through TA3 neutral res fae, though +res fae fucks him over in all situations) and then i had a spare sophia and way too many SP on him so I just put it on him for shits and giggles

turns out it was a pretty great idea as far as TT is concerned. Definitely would still switch back to Moonbow for arena though. 

I kind of don't want to invest time for Belinda's phone if it just ends up getting gimped by TT Hector. I rely a lot on Blazing Thunder.

How has it been with your experience regarding that matchup with inflated stats Hector?

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46 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

No, I assure you TT's inflated stats survive. I have to check this again the next time, but I've seen a Jeigan with 60 HP.

I assume you're basing this off regular Arena nature Jeigans.

Well yes, +ATK Rein with a special and Hone would pretty much obliterate any blue with a quad no matter how high their res.

I was pretty sure I'd killed several Jagens on the last map using my Reinhardt. He's not +Atk and he has Luna, but I don't recall the Jagens I've been against having Aegis on the final map. I could be wrong, since I've not been against a Jagen in a while and it might be possible I whittled him down. I'll double check for certain next time, since I could easily be confusing things. The only Jagen I'm 100% on how I killed was the one I was forced to take down with Alm and Xander after Azura and Reinhardt had been killed off xD 

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3 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Day 5 and I'm currently at score 73,290!

Reinhardt has learned Reposition and Spur Atk 3. Now using Spur Atk 3 though I still use Draw Back - may consider using Reposition sometime.

Donnel reached his first 500 HM. Legion, Ryoma, and Mae have more than 400 HM each now.

This is what I'm talking about, you people are crazy. I'm at 60k and my rank went from 492 to 824 overnight. I'm not sure 100k will even be enough for top 5k at this rate.

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Just now, Zeo said:

This is what I'm talking about, you people are crazy. I'm at 60k and my rank went from 492 to 824 overnight. I'm not sure 100k will even be enough for top 5k at this rate.

Not exactly crazy when stamina potions are basically being given away like candy.~ And I have over 110 stamina potions before this Tempest Trials started and I still haven't dropped below 110. I also had to buy 2 stamina potions with Nintendo Platinum Points since some of those points were about to expire by the end of this month.

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1 minute ago, Zeo said:

This is what I'm talking about, you people are crazy. I'm at 60k and my rank went from 492 to 824 overnight. I'm not sure 100k will even be enough for top 5k at this rate.

I'm hopeful people will tail off when they hit 100k, like they did last time... but with it being easier, I'm not so confident. Oh well. Not so many feathers for me this time. I'm still only at just under 40k, so nowhere near levels of competing just yet. 

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