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Voting Gauntlet: Battle on the Beach!


Voting Gauntlet: Battle on the Beach poll!  

202 members have voted

  1. 1. Whom are you going to support?

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9 hours ago, donkeykhang said:

@ruruo I am delighted to be able to battle alongside you once more. (シ_ _)シ

Thanks for your input. I think I'll lead with Wrys, since you like him so much-No, wait! Don't unfriend! Ephraim, he usually has some way of contributing.

WHAT?! No smexy Wrys? Ephraim's looking good! Can't wait for tomorrow XD

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4 minutes ago, ruruo said:

WHAT?! No smexy Wrys? Ephraim's looking good! Can't wait for tomorrow XD

I wish I could start right away, but these things always begin in the middle of the night for me. I wish that could change. But it probably won't.

I'm not all that confident that Frederick actually will win a round anyway. He's so underrated...

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4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Well, unless Corrin graces me with maybe 4 or 5 copies of her tomorrow night (with at least one of them being +Spd, don't care about the minus because Blarblade+ > all) before the Gauntlet begins, I'll be joining Team Tiki, who has graced me with 12 copies of herself without even being asked to.

Don't be charmed by those Red dragons. Ninian would want you to stay Blue.

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13 hours ago, Astellius said:

Are we friends already on Heroes? I can't see signatures, so can't really check. If not, we should be!

We weren't but I just sent a request.

4 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Also looking for friends for Team Tiki in my other account since I have her there. Number is 3013825616. I have a Cherche for the lead for now but I can switch to a lancebreaker Reinhardt (to delete a certain SP valour user) if people want.

Sent you a request.

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6 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

@Ice Dragon Wait, why have you left Elise's army man? Elise was really counting on her dragon friend to protect her from this dragon riding on dragon traversity (that is her sister)...

Please join us again?

This Elise isn't carrying a staff.

She can still turn my loyalties for this Voting Gauntlet by showing Corrin up when I make more pulls tonight since she managed to appear twice last night while I was focus pulling blue.


1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

But Ice and Water dragons... They got along...

Ninian tells me she has seen the shoeless person running around here or there in the castle, but had no idea she was a dragon.

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10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd prefer Naga's daughter to have a little class over the word that rhymes. The Divine Dragon Princess has degenerated for sure. No wonder she doesn't count as an actual dragon undressed so. Bantu would have a fatal stroke if he saw her (or as I call it, mercy), and Gotoh would be just as offended. Marth would be stunned, not outright critical solely by virtue of his goody goodness. Maybe Xane would accept her, but I have my doubts even he would be fine with seeing his little sister figure having sacrificed all notions of innocence. By the way, I had some of the melon she crushed earlier- there were a few seeds left *spews them out with deadly precision*


No hard feelings. I'm disappointed, but I'll let her choose to live as she sees fit. It isn't like there's dragon tribes left to be a princess to anyhow.

Just trash talk, that it is all.

Pff, Bantu is so old, that some dust and a sneeze would give him a fatal stroke, and Marth indeed would be stunned, but only by the beauty Tiki now exudes in her maturity. I see the way he furtively glances at her in my castle--when Caeda is not around!

But I see no reason why the princess of the divine dragons (and the Naga of certain bleak futures) need always present herself in accord with archaic and human notions of decent dress, particularly when she's off to relish the summer sun and sparkling waters. Indeed, who are we to impose standards of dress upon one whose station is as high as hers? Such a ludicrous idea!

And who are you supporting? Whoever it is, I'm sure Tiki is fully capable of crushing their melons...

9 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Oh we're grabbing our Dragonstones alright. Except we're drowning out your fire with Lady Corrin's gray waves.

Tiki is a divine dragon, not a fire one, so she has no fear of Corrin's gray waves of greasy dishwater.

7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Well, unless Corrin graces me with maybe 4 or 5 copies of her tomorrow night (with at least one of them being +Spd, don't care about the minus because Blarblade+ > all) before the Gauntlet begins, I'll be joining Team Tiki, who has graced me with 12 copies of herself without even being asked to.

Excellent! The divine dragon would surely like the company of a fine ice dragon such as yourself.

42 minutes ago, Frenzify said:

We weren't but I just sent a request.

5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Also looking for friends for Team Tiki in my other account since I have her there. Number is 3013825616. I have a Cherche for the lead for now but I can switch to a lancebreaker Reinhardt (to delete a certain SP valour user) if people want. Also added @Astellius, @Roflolxp54 and @Rinco (Name is Shen)


11 hours ago, SniperGYS said:

I'm not even sure who I'm going to support this time... Probably start with Leo since this poor boy need some love after being put in this hell for the 3th time, and then... Idk with who I'm going to end... I... I really don't care for the others and I'm only have Frederick from this characters (because game was bad with me and didn't give me a Leo) lol . I'm sure Gaius is going to lose 1th round too, so...

Join Team Tiki! We have melons!

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3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I wish I could start right away, but these things always begin in the middle of the night for me. I wish that could change. But it probably won't.

I'm not all that confident that Frederick actually will win a round anyway. He's so underrated...

All the reason to fight harder for him! Let's do it~~ GO TEAM FRED!!! Everyone else: Prepare to be capsized Gaius!!! (seriously though.. where are team Gaius? I feel like we're missing trash talk from them) 

My ideal round two would be Xander vs Freddy. Think of all the benefits such a match up would bring to the fan art science community!

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12 minutes ago, ruruo said:

All the reason to fight harder for him! Let's do it~~ GO TEAM FRED!!! Everyone else: Prepare to be capsized Gaius!!! (seriously though.. where are team Gaius? I feel like we're missing trash talk from them) 

My ideal round two would be Xander vs Freddy. Think of all the benefits such a match up would bring to the fan art science community!

Yeah, true that! And who cares where Team Gaius is? lol

I love Summer Freddy's special quotes lol. Especially GO SOAK YOUR HEAD! omg lol. Coming out of Frederick that is just hystericlal because he's basically telling bad guys to fuck off. LOL

I'd like Freddy vs Xander for round 2 too. Then we can show who the coolest cav knight is around here! I also feel Frederick would have a better chance of beating Xander than Leo given the Heroes poll results.

It'd be funny for me if the final round ended up being Freddy vs Robin. I'd have to deal with a husband and wife war here! lol

Edited by Anacybele
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20 minutes ago, ruruo said:

All the reason to fight harder for him! Let's do it~~ GO TEAM FRED!!! Everyone else: Prepare to be capsized Gaius!!! (seriously though.. where are team Gaius? I feel like we're missing trash talk from them) 

My ideal round two would be Xander vs Freddy. Think of all the benefits such a match up would bring to the fan art science community!

So, you want Leo to lose in Round 1, eh? That's fine since the feeling's mutual. I much prefer Gaius over that overgrown teddy bear anyways and hope that he serves your great knight up some humble pie, perhaps with a side of bear meat. My man Gaius would also give Lord Leo a more sporting challenge compared to Frederickson as well.

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25 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

You would call a maiden impure? Such disrespect.

Yeah, I gotta agree with Satsuma on that. That's also rich coming from someone on Team Tiki considering how much more scandalous Summer!Tiki's getup looks compared to Summer!Corrin's.

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6 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Yeah, I think Gaius is the favourite in the first round against Freddy. Not to the point Fredrick doesn't have a chance, but still. Leo is probably going to win as well. The other two are a bit harder to predict.



Did they already reveal the brackets? Because I keep hearing Gaius vs Fred for some reason.

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