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Tempest Trials Mini: To Die on the Battlefield!


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Does anyone else feel this might be a little TOO fast?

I'm not gonna complain, I'm two 3x boosted Lunatic runs away from getting the Quickened Pulse I missed the first time round, but... the reason I missed it last time was because I didn't have the motivation to go for it in the 2 weeks we had, and now here I am ready to just claim it on day 2...

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Does anyone else feel this might be a little TOO fast?

I'm not gonna complain, I'm two 3x boosted Lunatic runs away from getting the Quickened Pulse I missed the first time round, but... the reason I missed it last time was because I didn't have the motivation to go for it in the 2 weeks we had, and now here I am ready to just claim it on day 2...

On top of the QoL updates introduced in the previous TTs, Quickened Pulse seal is available at 6K points - a far cry from 50K points required on its first run.

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And that's the Distant Def 1 seal collected, just before I call it a day. The thought that I could clean out this Tempest Trial within the next day or two is a very nice and motivating thought indeed. Though I wonder what kinds of scores the top 1,000 will have by the end of this, especially compared to people like me, who will most definitely stop at 50,000 points.

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So it turns out my super fun team of Anna, Lyn, Olivia and Ursula isn't very good at auto-battling

I did the lower lunatic and on stage 4, Anna and Lyn wasted 17 TURNS using Reciprocal Aid to each other as Olivia danced (Ursula fell in the previous map). Great AI game, great AI....

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Well I learned something new from reading this thread. Lunatic 5 is definitely faster and more mindless. A lot tougher to lose a unit due to not paying full attention while trying to grind.

My team thus far is:

Amelia +Atk/-HP

Summoner Support A - Ally Support S with Hector

Slaying Axe/Swap/Aether/Heavy Blade 3/Vantage 3/Armor March/Defense +1


Hector +Atk/-HP

Ally Support S with Amelia

Armads/Swap/Pavise/Distant Counter/Wings of Mercy/Goad Armor/Squad Ace 1


Delthea +Spd/-HP

No Supports

Dark Aura/Smite/Iceberg/Death Blow 3/Desperation 3/Drive Atk 2/Atk Ploy 1


Bridal Lyn +Spd/-HP

No Supports

Candlelight/Rehabiliate/Solid-Earth Balm/HP+4/Dazzling Staff 3/Spur Def 3/HP +3


Man. . . seeing them lined up like that. It seems many of my top 5 stars have HP Banes. Also I really feel like I need to replace Swap with Reposition on Amelia and Hector. Bridal Lyn has defense boosts because speed doesn't seem to be an issue for Amelia or Delthea on these maps. And all three are hitting their important KO's attack wise as well. However, I seem to be getting red heavy maps so Hector and Amelia can use every point of defense they can get. That said Lyn's skills are mostly 'whatever'. As one of my first five stars what skills are available to her are ALL over the place and taken from 4 stars. So I could put any of the healer specials other than Still Water Balm on her and can boost spd or defense on the C. Still she is mostly there to chip a red melee if there are more than 1 so that Amelia/Hector can finish them. Well that and heal obviously, but that isn't really needed on Lunatic 5. Maybe I could dump in Linde to be Delthea's buddy and a psuedo healer. But I only have Florina as BoL fodder. So It would be 13 adjacent heal instead of 14. Wish I would have left a Felicia unmerged. I used to have lots of her. So instead of BoL 3 fodder I have a +5 Atk Boon Defense Bane 4 star Felicia(who was from my first ever pull). Haven't user her in ages. Aaaaannndddd I am getting off topic.

16 hours ago, Thany said:


Im having some slight trouble winning the level 40 lunatic levels. the 4 bonus units i use in the begining dont get far enough, and my main team isnt good for the final map when we get there... Can i have some team suggestions to use for each slot? just general team suggestions would be helpful.

A Healer with Rehabilitate is stronger advised. A High Damage physical and magic unit are also advised. It is possible to go all magic or all physical, but why make things harder for yourself. Without knowing who you have I can't make too many suggestions. I go without a dancer, but that can make turn count into a B rank. Also you only need 1 bonus unit to get the bonus. So you could run Ninian, a healer, a physical, and a mage. Ninian won't cut it as a magic damage source on her own.

Red wise I am pretty sure Hinata can out duel Hector even if he is at Four stars. In fact I think Defense Neutral would take 0 damage even without Fury 3. That said it would take ages since you wouldn't deal much per hit. That Hector has ALOT of defense. Seth and Stahl are pretty close stat wise but don't come with Fury and will take damage. Meanwhile 4* Neutral Armor-Slayer Hana with Triangle Adept could deal 57 damage per combat, but would take 14/28 damage. So she would need healer support, a Luna Proc, or to bait him in first. So of course it is far easier to target his Res to win. Adult Tiki is a good bet and, for me, is really common. That is assuming you don't want to use/don't have a good red mage. Hinata and Tiki likely require the least investment to win. Of the Bonus reds I think Lyn would probably be your best bet, but I don't have Lyn/Masked Marth and have never leveled Lloyd. So I could be wrong there.

I suppose you could be having issues with the accompanying units rather than Hector, but that is harder to predict. Since it seems other than Hector that most of the units end up as Blue or Red, I like to have a powerful Blue mage with me. Basically I use Amelia/Hector to screen and have Delthea kill. It isn't tough to keep out of TT Hector's range while taking out his supports. Once the others are down Amelia/Hector can easily come out on top with healer support.


As a Final note. . . I wish there was a 'are you sure you want to use your bonus round' notice. I was grinding up Ninian's dragon team using the tempest when the clock rolled over. So I burned a bonus on a lvl 20 map. :(.

Edited by Usana
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17 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Does anyone else feel this might be a little TOO fast?

I'm not gonna complain, I'm two 3x boosted Lunatic runs away from getting the Quickened Pulse I missed the first time round, but... the reason I missed it last time was because I didn't have the motivation to go for it in the 2 weeks we had, and now here I am ready to just claim it on day 2...

I think that might be part of the continuation of the starter support deal so it makes sense for awards to be semi easy to obtain. I'm just glad they released QP again so I'm no missing out on it. I can also start investing in a Falchion healer in 5★ masked Marth once I get her.

In other news, just got Defense + 1 sacred seal. I think I've only used 1 stamina potion so far on TT and I like how relaxed it is to not feel pressured to constantly grind for TT. Also switched out Mae for Soren so I can have a faster mage. I'm starting to like AoE specials. Giving Soren Hone Speed 3 was the right call. Now my other units can contribute so it's not just CYL!Lyn carrying the whole team.   

Edited by tobuShogi
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Part of me wishes that this was a full blown TT, that this was two weeks because one week feels kinda short 

Yet the other part of me knows that I'm crazy because I've never been able to keep up with TT for two entire weeks, i always get burnt out in the middle of the second week.

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39 minutes ago, Callisto said:

Part of me wishes that this was a full blown TT, that this was two weeks because one week feels kinda short 

Yet the other part of me knows that I'm crazy because I've never been able to keep up with TT for two entire weeks, i always get burnt out in the middle of the second week.

Also we literally have a full TT coming in 2 weeks

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24 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

Sound bit unfair Hector got only Mini Tempest Trial where echoes get two. It would be nice if Eliwood and Lyn got their own to balance it, but I guess it's fine as it is. 

Awakening also only has 1, and most games currently have 0. FE2 just got an unusual amount of focus because of being new.

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

Awakening also only has 1, and most games currently have 0. FE2 just got an unusual amount of focus because of being new.

Yeah no matter who got the mini you could consider it "unfair." If it was Echoes it'd be unfair because it just got 2 full ones. If it was Awakening it'd be unfair because it got a full one and now a mini, but Echoes still got 2 full ones. If it was Tellius it'd get 2 but one wouldn't be full meanwhile there's a bunch of games that haven't had one.

These things will probably even out eventually (ok well mostly...I doubt FE 4 or 5 will get THAT many tempests in the game's life time compared with the titles that made it west or Mystery), but we have 4 normals and 1 mini and echoes was always going to get preferential treatment for being new.

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19 minutes ago, Othin said:

Awakening also only has 1, and most games currently have 0. FE2 just got an unusual amount of focus because of being new.

Just to make it clear, I didn't try make any kind of statement here (still 1/2 is still less than awakening 1), much less objective one. Think about it as just voiced random thought of mine.

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....After the first TT, the rewards feel like an apology.

Also, switched in Eliwood and Brave!Lyn, and the team is doing far better. Julia Cleric is working out, especially with Eliwood using Ardent Sacrifice (even at 4* he carries his weight), though Brave Lyn is still ridiculous and Ninian is a great sponge who can refresh.

Not as easy as the last one (Sonya and Gray decimated it), but still.

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So, I 5*'d my +Atk/-HP Eliwood and gave him Death Blow, Swap, and Draconic Aura. Even with TT boosts, he's, to me, no Gray (Reunited at Last) or Tharja (Dark Clouds Over Awakening; Fangs of Resonance) when it comes to being a red combat unit in TT. Eliwood is pretty fragile especially since he fights in melee range (35 HP, 34 Spd, 27 Def after TT boosts); Gray, who's +Def/-Atk, has a lot of physical bulk and has the Zanbato+, which allows him to duel certain blue cavaliers well (he can ORKO Lunatic map 7 Jagen). Tharja, being a speedy Raudrblade+ nuke, blew up a lot of enemy units at range... and this was before several of the QoL changes like the TT boosts for bonus units.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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38 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

So, I 5*'d my +Atk/-HP Eliwood and gave him Death Blow, Swap, and Draconic Aura. Even with TT boosts, he's, to me, no Gray (Reunited at Last) or Tharja (Dark Clouds Over Awakening; Fangs of Resonance) when it comes to being a red combat unit in TT. Eliwood is pretty fragile especially since he fights in melee range (35 HP, 34 Spd, 27 Def after TT boosts);

If he's not performing well with that setup, I'd strongly recommend Darting Blow and Desperation, those combined with buffing via Hone Cavalry send him to 64 atk/46 spd on initiation with no seal, letting him one round most blues (and other colors) that don't have incredible defense/sapphire lance/swordbreaker/42+ spd.

Mine is +atk -res, so a very similar IV to yours, and with Galeforce he sometimes helps complete the maps on turn 1 or 2 even more easily.

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I am to the point I love TT because I can level up units for less stamina the the training tower, I already have Lloyd at 5* level 35 from a low level 3* and I am training up other units as well.  Of course my score is not as high as it could be but since I don't have any of the 40% bonus units anyway I just use this as an easy way to train everyone I need to.  I am close to getting 5* masked Marth which is good because I can trade her out with Lloyd for more training of units and being able to still get a small boost to my score.

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1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:

Just got 5* Masked Marth. I guess my options are to merge it immediately with the one I use or level it up and learn some skills before merging. 

I just merged it right away. The one I had already had all of the skills I want for TT runs and S/he gets plenty of SP from doing the TT runs anyways. 

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